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And my gripe with that story obviously is about Margaret. Todd's and his family's problem is obviously that the baby reminds them of Margaret (or at least he probably will). So, where is she?! Oh, right, she died in a car crash to prop Spencer. This story could've really explored sane Margaret. She would be even more concerned about her son than Todd is. UGH STUPID DENA HIGLEY!!!! Give me my Margaret!

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I know you really liked Margaret. I don't think she is coming back though. Unfortunately Tari Sanger was a wonderful actress and the character had great potential, but she was made too evil. She didn't have a long history with the show so her fan base is pretty limited. It's too bad because if they hadn't made her so rotten she probably would have made a fine villian.

I think as far as popular villians, we'd probably see a return of Allyson or Mitch or Carlo before Margaret. JMO.

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Oh man it would be great to see Allison Perkins or Carlo Hesser again. As for Mitch Laurence--who knows, especially since his brother Miles is now in town.

What they should have done with Margaret was give her more Llanview ties. If see had been related to, married to, best friends with someone in Llanview or had an older child too.....that may have bought her some more time on OLTL.

But as Jess pointed out, she didn't have a long history with the show, and therefore didn't build up much of a fan base.

Allthough she was a good psycho though.

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Margaret's death was a mistake on many different levels. First, after years of her mayhem, those few left hoping for a payoff were yet again denied. The one scene where Blair confronted insane Mags before her death was hardly enough payoff - and rumor has it Kassie had to fight for that much. The story about a missing infant is classic soap, but a mother's love is usually easier to sell than an unwilling father. And with the question of her sanity, she added a wild card factor to the high-stakes, well-built battle between Todd and Spencer. I suspect a well written Margaret could have been an equally interesting and historical foil for Blair as the only moderately successful Marty has proven - and someone liked Tari Signor enough to prenominate her work. Ironically, Margaret's death didn't even seem to have extended Spencer's stay.

The Spencer story COULD have been done differently. Once Margaret was clinically insane again, her testimony at best was questionable. In the hands of a decent defense attorney, Spencer could have easily walked. After all, he'd help SAVE the guy. I'd argue the canvas is in DESPERATE need of a COMPETENT, amoral Defense Attorney. (Funny, that USED to be Evangeline when she was first brought on) Certainly Evangeline isn't that now, and she is totally misplaced as ADA. Indeed, if her experience with Todd has taught her anything, she should be rethinking her legal profession entirely - especially the DA office. But that would require thought and consistency. No character's job on OLTL gets that kind of attention.

Blair and Todd would once again be screwed by the system, and forced, either alone or together, to plot together to bring down Spencer. Todd could have had to forge a real relationship of sorts with Margaret to find the missing baby - think that would have been interesting follow up to the execution? Todd and Margaret could team up against Spencer to find the child, with Blair and Margaret trading swipes.

The problem TPTB have with this is that it left no room for Todd/Evangeline nor any real story for John McBain (not that what he has isn't trumped up leftovers). And for whatever reason, TPTB choose to ignore Todd's history, trying to make him a hero instead of the compelling anti-hero he was, and the canvas is literally dying for.

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I agree entirely Scotty. I think writing a great villian is a real skill. Villans like Mitch was in early re-incarnations, or Carlo prior to being used to pimp Mcain and Allison Perkins were so well-written. Margaret initially was a pretty good character. As time went on, and that dreadful dreadful Todd hostage story lingered, she became a cartoon character. She could have been a very good bad character on the show and initially was. I also thought Ginger was great. I would have liked to have seen her stay and hook up with Duke. The actress who played Ginger was really good.

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IA....Ginger was a good character, and she was played by a good actress. They should have kept her and gotten rid of those airhogs who we can never seem to get rid of.

I like Ginger. She was one of the few good new characters we have seen in the last few years. So naturally they had to get rid of her. Which sucks.

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Wasn't it just some random person? She was upset and left the Palace I believe and got hit while walking out into the street.

Ginger and Margaret both had potential. I wish they had been kept. This is wacky, but I always thought she should be Asa's daughter.

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It may have been daysfan.....that would explain why I couldn't remember who it was.

Didn't Kevin and Kelly see her getting hit by the car?

That would have been interesting--Ginger Buchanan....and if not Asa's daughter, then perhaps his granddaughter. Either way, it would have certainly made things interesting.

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Yup, Kevin and Kelly saw her because they were asking her what's wrong but she kind of just walked right passed and they watched as the car hit her. I think.....

Actually, I was referring to Margaret as a Buchanon. Sorry, I should have made things more clear.

Just because of Duke I wouldn't want Ginger a Buchanan. But mabye she could be a Wolek.....to at least bring a little new blood to the family.

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