Administrator Toups Posted January 17, 2007 Administrator Share Posted January 17, 2007 JANUARY: 22 January 2- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Bruce S. Cooperman January 3- SW: Fran Myers; D: Larry Carpenter January 4- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Richard Manfredi January 5- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Richard Manfredi January 8- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo January 9- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Danielle Faraldo January 10- SW: Fran Myers; D: Gary Donatelli January 11- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman January 12- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter January 15- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter January 16- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman January 17- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Larry Carpenter January 18- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Richard Manfredi January 19- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo January 22- SW: Fran Myers; D: Gary Donatelli January 23- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli January 24- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Richard Manfredi January 25- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Larry Carpenter January 26- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Larry Carpenter January 29- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter January 30- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Larry Carpenter January 31- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi Mark Christopher: 2 Carolyn Culliton: 5 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 3 Fran Myers: 6 Leslie Nipkow: 1 Lisa Seidman: 5 Larry Carpenter: 8 Bruce S. Cooperman: 3 Gary Donatelli: 3 Danielle Faraldo: 3 Richard Manfredi: 5 FEBRUARY: 20 February 1- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell February 2- SW: Fran Myers; D: Gary Donatelli February 5- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Larry Carpenter February 6- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Gary Donatelli February 7- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Bruce S. Cooperman February 8- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Danielle Faraldo February 9- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell February 12- SW: Fran Myers; D: Larry Carpenter February 13- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo February 14- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Jill Mitwell February 15- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Bruce S. Cooperman February 16- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo February 19- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Richard Manfredi February 20- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Gary Donatelli February 21- SW: Fran Myers; D: Danielle Faraldo February 22- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Jill Ackles February 23- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Jill Mitwell February 26- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Danielle Faraldo February 27- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Gary Donatelli February 28- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Gary Donatelli Mark Christopher: 1 Carolyn Culliton: 3 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 5 Fran Myers: 5 Leslie Nipkow: 1 Lisa Seidman: 5 Jill Ackles: 1 Larry Carpenter: 2 Bruce S. Cooperman: 2 Gary Donatelli: 5 Danielle Faraldo: 5 Richard Manfredi: 1 Jill Mitwell: 4 MARCH: 22 March 1- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Jill Ackles March 2- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Richard Manfredi March 5- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Richard Manfredi March 6- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell March 7- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo March 8- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Gary Donatelli March 9- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli March 12- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Danielle Faraldo March 13- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Tracy Casper Lang March 14- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman March 15- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli March 16- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter March 19- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Jill Mitwell March 20- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman March 21- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman March 22- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Larry Carpenter March 23- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Larry Carpenter March 26- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli March 27- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi March 28- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Jill Mitwell March 29- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Danielle Faraldo March 30- SW: Aida Croal; D: Bruce S. Cooperman Mark Christopher: 3 Aida Croal: 1 Carolyn Culliton: 6 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 4 Fran Myers: 5 Lisa Seidman: 3 Jill Ackles: 1 Larry Carpenter: 3 Bruce S. Cooperman: 4 Gary Donatelli: 4 Danielle Faraldo: 3 Tracy Casper Lang: 1 Richard Manfredi: 3 Jill Mitwell: 3 APRIL: 20 April 2- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman April 3- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Larry Carpenter April 4- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Richard Manfredi April 5- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Danielle Faraldo April 6- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman April 9- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Jill Mitwell April 10- SW: Aida Croal; D: Jill Mitwell April 11- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter April 12- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Gary Donatelli April 13- SW: Fran Myers; D: Danielle Faraldo April 16- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi April 18- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Bruce S. Cooperman April 19- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter April 20- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli April 23- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Gary Donatelli April 24- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo April 25- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Bruce S. Cooperman April 26- SW: Fran Myers; D: Larry Carpenter April 27- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Howard Zeidman April 30- SW: Aida Croal; D: Gary Donatelli Mark Christopher: 1 Aida Croal: 2 Carolyn Culliton: 5 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 4 Fran Myers: 5 Lisa Seidman: 3 Larry Carpenter: 4 Bruce S. Cooperman: 4 Gary Donatelli: 4 Danielle Faraldo: 3 Richard Manfredi: 2 Jill Mitwell: 2 Howard Zeidman: 1 MAY: 23 May 1- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Danielle Faraldo May 2- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Gary Donatelli May 3- SW: Fran Myers; D: Gary Donatelli. May 4- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Richard Manfredi May 7- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Larry Carpenter May 8- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Danielle Faraldo May 9- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Frank Valentini May 10- SW: Aida Croal; D: Bruce S. Cooperman May 11- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Bruce S. Cooperman May 14- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi May 15- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter May 16- SW: Aida Croal; D: Danielle Faraldo May 17- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell May 18- SW: Lisa Seidman; D: Danielle Faraldo May 21- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Richard Manfredi May 22- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli May 23- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell May 24- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter May 25- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter May 28- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Richard Manfredi May 29- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Richard Manfredi May 30- SW: Aida Croal & Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Bruce S. Cooperman May 31- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell Mark Christopher: 1 Aida Croal: 3 Carolyn Culliton: 6 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 4 Fran Myers: 5 Leslie Nipkow: 1 Lisa Seidman: 4 Larry Carpenter: 4 Bruce S. Cooperman: 3 Gary Donatelli: 3 Danielle Faraldo: 4 Richard Manfredi: 5 Jill Mitwell: 3 Frank Valentini: 1 JUNE: June 1- SW: Aida Croal; D: Danielle Faraldo June 4- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Larry Carpenter June 5- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Larry Carpenter June 6- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter June 7- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell June 8- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi June 11- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi June 12- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Gary Donatelli June 13- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Jill Mitwell June 14- SW: Aida Croal; D: Jill Mitwell June 15- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Jill Mitwell; Musical Sequences: Jill Mitwell & Larry Carpenter June 18- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Jill Mitwell June 19- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Gary Donatelli; Musical Sequences: Gary Donatelli & Larry Carpenter June 20- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Bruce S. Cooperman; Musical Sequences: Danielle Faraldo & Larry Carpenter June 21- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Bruce S. Cooperman June 22- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Mary Ryan June 25- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Gary Donatelli June 26- SW: Fran Myers; D: Larry Carpenter June 27- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo June 28- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi June 29- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi Mark Christopher: 2 Aida Croal: 2 Carolyn Culliton: 3 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 5 Fran Myers: 6 Leslie Nipkow: 3 Larry Carpenter: 7 Bruce S. Cooperman: 2 Gary Donatelli: 3 Danielle Faraldo: 3 Richard Manfredi: 4 Jill Mitwell: 5 Mary Ryan: 1 JULY: 22 July 2- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Bruce S. Cooperman July 3- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Gary Donatelli July 4- SW: Aida Croal; D: Larry Carpenter July 5- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Danielle Faraldo July 6- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Richard Manfredi July 9- SW: Aida Croal; D: Larry Carpenter July 10- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi July 11- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Bruce S. Cooperman July 12- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Bruce S. Cooperman July 13- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Jill Ackles July 16- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman July 17- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman July 18- SW: Aida Croal; D: Richard Manfredi July 19- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Gary Donatelli July 20- SW: Fran Myers; D: Gary Donatelli July 23- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Larry Carpenter July 24- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo July 25- SW: Aida Croal; D: Danielle Faraldo July 26- SW: Aida Croal; D: Frank Valentini July 27- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Jill Mitwell July 30- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Richard Manfredi July 31- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Danielle Faraldo Mark Christopher: 6 Aida Croal: 5 Carolyn Culliton: 2 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 4 Fran Myers: 4 Leslie Nipkow: 1 Jill Ackles: 1 Larry Carpenter: 3 Bruce S. Cooperman: 5 Gary Donatelli: 3 Danielle Faraldo: 4 Richard Manfredi: 4 Jill Mitwell: 1 Frank Valentini: 1 AUGUST: 23 August 1- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Richard Manfredi August 2- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Richard Manfredi August 3- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli August 6- SW: Aida Croal; D: Richard Manfredi August 7- SW: Fran Myers; D: Gary Donatelli August 8- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo August 9- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman August 10- SW: Aida Croal; D: Larry Carpenter August 13- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Danielle Faraldo August 14- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Danielle Faraldo August 15- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Bruce S. Cooperman August 16- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Jill Mitwell August 17- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Larry Carpenter August 20- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Frank Valentini August 21- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi August 22- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Mary Ryan August 23- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Gary Donatelli August 24- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo August 27- SW: Fran Myers; D: Larry Carpenter August 28- SW: Aida Croal; D: Richard Manfredi August 29- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli August 30- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Larry Carpenter August 31- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Larry Carpenter Mark Christopher: 3 Aida Croal: 3 Carolyn Culliton: 5 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 4 Fran Myers: 4 Leslie Nipkow: 3 Elizabeth Page: 1 Larry Carpenter: 5 Bruce S. Cooperman: 2 Gary Donatelli: 4 Danielle Faraldo: 4 Richard Manfredi: 5 Jill Mitwell: 1 Mary Ryan: 1 Frank Valentini: 1 SEPTEMBER: 19 September 4- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Richard Manfredi September 5- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Bruce S. Cooperman September 6- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Richard Manfredi September 7- SW: Fran Myers; D: Gary Donatelli September 10- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Jill Mitwell September 11- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell September 12- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Larry Carpenter September 13- SW: Aida Croal; D: Richard Manfredi September 14- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Bruce S. Cooperman September 17- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Bruce S. Cooperman September 18- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Howard Zeidman September 19- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Mary Ryan September 20- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli September 21- SW: Fran Myers; D: Larry Carpenter September 24- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Larry Carpenter September 25- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Bruce S. Cooperman September 26- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Jill Mitwell September 27- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Larry Carpenter September 28- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Larry Carpenter Mark Christopher: 4 Aida Croal: 1 Carolyn Culliton: 4 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 4 Fran Myers: 3 Elizabeth Page: 3 Larry Carpenter: 5 Bruce S. Cooperman: 4 Gary Donatelli: 2 Richard Manfredi: 3 Jill Mitwell: 3 Mary Ryan: 1 Howard Zeidman: 1 OCTOBER: 23 October 1- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli October 2- SW: Aida Croal; D: Gary Donatelli October 3- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell October 4- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Richard Manfredi October 5- SW: Aida Croal; D: Richard Manfredi October 8- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Gary Donatelli October 9- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Larry Carpenter; Musical Sequences: Danielle Faraldo October 10- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell October 11- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Bruce S. Cooperman October 12- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Bruce S. Cooperman October 15- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Larry Carpenter October 16- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Richard Manfredi October 17- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Richard Manfredi October 18- SW: Fran Myers; D: Gary Donatelli October 19- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Bruce S. Cooperman October 22- SW: Aida Croal; D: Gary Donatelli October 23- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Richard Manfredi October 24- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell October 25- SW: Leslie Nipkow; D: Jill Mitwell October 26- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli October 29- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Gary Donatelli October 30- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Larry Carpenter October 31- SW: Fran Myers; D: Larry Carpenter Mark Christopher: 3 Aida Croal: 3 Carolyn Culliton: 5 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 2 Fran Myers: 5 Leslie Nipkow: 1 Elizabeth Page: 4 Larry Carpenter: 4 Bruce S. Cooperman: 3 Gary Donatelli: 7 Danielle Faraldo: 1 Richard Manfredi: 5 Jill Mitwell: 4 NOVEMBER: 20 November 1- SW: Mark Christopher; D: Richard Manfredi November 2- SW: Aida Croal; D: Larry Carpenter November 5- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Bruce S. Cooperman November 6- SW: Veronica Sandbridge; D: Bruce S. Cooperman November 7- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Jill Mitwell November 8- SW: Mark Christopher; D Richard Manfredi November 9- SW: Fran Myers; D: Larry Carpenter November 12- SW: Fran Myers; D: Larry Carpenter November 13- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Frank Valentini November 14- SW: Fran Myers; D: Jill Mitwell November 15- SW: Carolyn Culliton; D: Gary Donatelli November 16- SW: Aida Croal; D: Larry Carpenter November 19- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D Richard Manfredi November 20- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Larry Carpenter November 21- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Larry Carpenter November 26- SW: Jeanne Marie Ford; D: Gary Donatelli November 27- SW: Fran Myers; D: Larry Carpenter November 28- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Jill Mitwell November 29- SW: Aida Croal; D: Larry Carpenter November 30- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Larry Carpenter Mark Christopher: 2 Aida Croal: 3 Carolyn Culliton: 1 Jeanne Marie Ford: 1 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 3 Fran Myers: 4 Elizabeth Page: 5 Veronica Sandbridge: 1 Larry Carpenter: 9 Bruce S. Cooperman: 2 Gary Donatelli: 2 Richard Manfredi: 3 Jill Mitwell: 3 Frank Valentini: 1 DECEMBER: 20 December 3- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Jill Mitwell December 4- SW: Aida Croal; D: Jill Mitwell December 5- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Gary Donatelli December 6- SW: Jeanne Marie Ford; D: Bruce S. Cooperman December 7- SW: Fran Myers; D: Danielle Faraldo December 10- SW: Gary Tomlin; D: Danielle Faraldo December 11- SW: Gary Tomlin; D: Danielle Faraldo December 12- SW: Fran Myers; D: Richard Manfredi December 13- SW: Jeanne Marie Ford; D: Bruce S. Cooperman December 14- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Howard Zeidman December 17- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Danielle Faraldo December 18- SW: Aida Croal; D: Danielle Faraldo December 19- SW: Aida Croal; D: Larry Carpenter December 20- SW: Gary Tomlin; D: Mary Ryan December 21- SW: Michelle Poteeet Lisanti; D: Richard Manfredi December 24- SW: Elizabeth Page; D: Jill Mitwell December 26- SW: Jeanne Marie Ford; D: Larry Carpenter December 27- SW: Fran Myers; D: Bruce S. Cooperman December 28- SW: Aida Croal; D: Gary Donatelli December 31- SW: Jeanne Marie Ford; D: Bruce S. Cooperman Aida Croal: 4 Jeanne Marie Ford: 4 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 3 Fran Myers: 3 Elizabeth Page: 3 Gary Tomlin: 3 Larry Carpenter: 2 Bruce S. Cooperman: 4 Gary Donatelli: 2 Danielle Faraldo: 5 Richard Manfredi: 2 Jill Mitwell: 3 Mary Ryan: 1 Howard Zeidman: 1 YEAR TOTAL: 255 Mark Christopher: 28 (+1) Aida Croal: 27 (+22) Carolyn Culliton: 45 (-2) Jeanne Marie Ford: 5 Michelle Poteeet Lisanti: 45 (-2) Fran Myers: 55 (+9) Leslie Nipkow: 11 (-9) Elizabeth Page: 16 Veronica Sandbridge: 1 Lisa Seidman: 20 (+11) Gary Tomlin: 3 Jill Ackles: 3 (-16) Larry Carpenter: 56 (+7) Bruce S. Cooperman: 38 (+3) Gary Donatelli: 42 (-3) Danielle Faraldo: 35 (-14) Tracy Casper Lang: 1 (-1) Richard Manfredi: 42 (+23) Jill Mitwell: 32 (+2) Mary Ryan: 4 Frank Valentini: 4 (+1) Howard Zeidman: 3 (same) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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