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Everything posted by Roman

  1. DrewHamilton, sit back, relax, and watch how everything unfolds. We are not going to let our cats out of the bag, and anyone who thinks they know the direction these stories are taking is wrong. Dead wrong.
  2. Great NS!!! Can't wait for whatever John's secret is. This should be exciting.
  3. Thank you. Like I said, It was an idea that Phoenix came up with, and I think it is working wonders. I'm just glad that so many seem to be enjoying the blog. We are doing our very best to make this blog as close to classic DOOL as possible. So, I hope everyone keeps coming back for more.
  4. Thanks. Phoenix really has made The Insider a wonderful weekend event. I'm just glad you and many others like our work. It is so much fun. Stay tuned......the best is yet to come.
  5. Thank you so much for the kind words. I hope you and mnay others continue to read our blog. Phoenix has put alot of work into it, so I'm just glad we can give you what you want, and you still allow us to take chances. Hypnotize? This is NOT JER's Days!
  6. Roman


    There is only one Victoria Lord. Is it a crossover? Also, who is Nikki Smith? Good, good job. Am really enjoying it.
  7. And, it's great that you are reading!
  8. Roman


    Another fine episode. Keep up the great work! Loving the Victor story, and Carrie's story. Now, will you turn Victor evil?
  9. Roman


    I am loving how you are bringing Samantha along. It's about time all of the Days blogs grew this woman up. Great work. BTW........I'm also loving this Mysterious Woman storyline as well. Who is she? You can tell me!
  10. Frank Evans - Larry Hagman Martha Evans - Barbara Eden Andrew Donavan - Tom Welling Jeannie Donavan - Michelle Williams Spenser Olsen - Justin Hartley Jeremy Horton - Shawn Ashmore
  11. Roman

    July 28, 2006

    Wonderful. Very powerful.
  12. Roman

    July 11, 2006

    Not only did Samantha do a completely selfless act, she could have died saving this man's life. Wonderful work.
  13. Roman

    July 10, 2006

    Very, very nice. LOVED the ending. Things are moving at a good clip now. Big stuff is happening in every episode. Fine work. Can't wait for Tuesday's show.
  14. Well done, I must say. So, Vivian is behind Titan's troubles. You know......maybe some of Days new writers should look at these blogs. Good job, KR.
  15. *Gets on his knees and thanks the Heavens Above* Bye, Bye, Meems! Don't either of you let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. I wonder do they need any help packing?
  16. Good interview. Very well done. Can't wait.
  17. Roman

    July 5, 2006

    Another pretty good episode with a solid ending. So. It's finally made right. John just could be the real Roman Brady. It's about damn time! Thank you for fixing one of the biggest mistakes in Days history. I'll wait to see where you are going with the AH reveal,before I comment further. And, it wouldn't hurt me if all the teens and young people took the same boat back and it sunk. I know you are just setting things up for the fall. And, it can't be easy to try and fix that sewer mess known as the SSK storyline. Maybe we will find JER on the island as well. But, all the captives will torcher him. Another good job.
  18. Roman

    July 4, 2006

    A pretty good episode with a very good ending. I'm starting to like what you're doing here. Catacolms, secret rooms, mazes, computer disc, files, and Stefano DiMera. Good story telling.
  19. Roman

    July 3, 2006

    My apologies. I have done what I have accused others of doing - not giving you time to do your thing. Again, my apologies.
  20. Roman

    July 3, 2006

    A good episode. Even though it still seemed to me that Sami still doesn't get it. Alot of people have bad childhoods. But, they don't go around speaking vile things to people and ruining people's lives. I know you were putting across that no one listens ti Sami, but why don't they? If she would start taking alot more on herself and finally stop blaimg everyone for what she's done, I would be alot more forgiving. But, well done. I can't wait for tomorrow.
  21. I am enjoying it. And will most definetly give it a chance before going one way or the other. Great writing so far.
  22. Write that stuff, Phoenix. I'll patiently wait and see what's up.
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