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Posts posted by alphanguy74

  1. 14 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Those days are gone, of course, because Trump's ascendancy has emboldened them.  I saw it all the time as a kid when my bullies' sycophantic friends would bully me as well.  To them, seeing the main bully antagonize me meant that it was "okay" and "acceptable" to do the same; and also, they were doing it, because they wanted to impress the main bully and remain in his good graces, too.  They probably didn't want him to do to them what he always did to me.

    I can almost bet the rotten children's parents were just as deplorable. This crap is passed down. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Khan said:

    Wow.  I knew the vote totals on Nelson/Scott and DeSantis/Gillum were close, but I didn't know they were THAT close.


    I understand why so many want Stacey Abrams to stay in there and fight, but I am worried that what they're doing in GA is just delaying the inevitable.

    I didn't know that Rick Scott was CEO of a company that committed the largest Medicare fraud in US history. Why do these crooks get any traction?


  3. 2 hours ago, marceline said:

    The whole "but her emails" thing was the culmination of 30 years of Clinton hate being mainstreamed into our culture. We now have an entire generation of people  including journalists who have never known a world without the Clintons being accused of and blamed for everything from murder to mass incarceration. A whole industry was built around hating the Clintons. People like Mark Halperin and Maureen Dowd owe their careers to Clinton hate.


    Look at the abuse Chelsea Clinton gets. She's never done anything to deserve it. She's been attacked from time she was a little girl. Grown men like John McCain and Rush Limbaugh attacked her looks when she was little more than a tween.

    They did it with Amy Carter, too.. I don't know how that became acceptable in mainstream society.  

  4. On 11/8/2018 at 10:19 AM, marceline said:

    Bernie is just trash. He campaigned with Gillum and then he pulls this treacherous [!@#$%^&*]. I hope that the black millennials who fell for his con see what he's really about.

    What Bernie said is being misrepresented... in this video, you can hear his full comments, and honest analysis on the interview. 



  5. So... Trump outright calls April Ryan  a "loser", then Abby Miller asks him "do you want him to reign in Robert Muller"? And he just tells her it's a stupid question, and talks to her like a 6 year old that has pooped her pants. What a racist and misogynist scum. 


  6. I still find it uproariously funny that this guys name is David PECKER. It just never gets old laughing at that. 

    Still hearing Kemp's bigoted butt in Georgia telling people he's won and it's time to move on. Hell no! Count those provisional ballots and then have a run off. Several lawsuits about voter suppression are taking place, this is gonna be bloody knuckles to the end. 

  7. 19 minutes ago, Juliajms said:

    It's so strange to think this happened only 80 years ago.  Also strange to think that AM won't be leading Germany much longer.


    I would argue that 18 year olds are intellectually capable of understanding the issues involved in voting. That's so different from seeing the consequences of drinking. Even many older adults can't or won't do that. I've known more than one person far over the age of 18 who claim to be better drivers after they've had a few.  So damn stupid. Also, voting is a constitutional right. Drinking is not.


    To me the closer one is driving itself.  In some states a 15 year old can drive.  When you think of all the judgments drivers make every day, I find it terrifying that people under the age of 18 (and over the age of 80) are out there doing it everyday.  The self driving car revolution cannot come soon enough for me.

    I'd support prohibition if I thought it would work. We just need drunk driving penalties like they have in Germany.  First time is fine of  500-1500 Euros. guns can be treated the same way. It's easy to stop the everyday gun violence (As opposed to mass shootings, which are different motivation) just have a criminal offense committed with a gun carry life in prison with no parole. 

  8. 13 minutes ago, Khan said:


    Well, my transformation, as you call it, might not have happened had the soaps not gone completely down the drain.

    Glad you saw the light. Republicans only prosper when Democrats sit on their asses. I've voted in every single election since the 1986 midterms. Get your friends to vote, too. If they are Republicans, then let the air out of their tires on election day. 

  9. 53 minutes ago, JaneAusten said:

    Who exactly is a populist in Europe and they have parliamentary systems which are a heck of a lot different than what we have. Populist? I'd call Sherrod Brown a real populist versus Sanders and Brown has actually gotten legislation passed.


    I'll vote for Andrew Gillum, Beto O'Rourke, Stacy Abrams, Amy Klobacher,  Sherrod Brown. I'd list a hundred people before Sanders.



    They need a new GOP savior now that Nikki Haley the fraud is gone.

    I didn't mean it that way... I meant the comment as two separate statements.. I didn't mean there were populists in Europe, just that I like their form of governments better. 

    4 hours ago, Roman said:


    That was 1992. this is 2018.

     Abortion and guns is the biggest deal here. I can tell you that for sure. Ike Skelton, who had been my congressman for most of my life,  is a pro life centrist democrat... and he held his seat for 37 years, all the way up until 2009. It also helped he lived his entire life in the district he represented, and was a VERY friendly person. I ended up doing a fair amount of the flowers for his funeral, and he was well loved by all. So Democrats can win... if they just are pro life and/or pro guns.  And also, people just HATED Hillary here, why I don't know.... since they loved her husband. That makes no sense to me. In my county, Hillary only got 26% of the vote... while Obama had gotten FORTY FIVE. That's a huge freakin difference. 

  10. 18 hours ago, Roman said:

    ask all the rubes that go right down the middle of this state. what some don't understand.....the ONLY dem strongholds here are STL and KC. that's it. the rest of Mo. is FILLED with stupid, ignorant people who would just as soon set themselves on fire than vote for a democrat.


    Not always... they will vote for a Democrat if he's a "Good ol boy". Bill Clinton won 84 counties in Missouri. Reynolds county in the Ozarks is another big Democratic area.  In 1992, Clinton got over 70% of the vote there. The area around Springfield is what is really bad. They never voted for Bill Clinton, or even Jimmy Carter. 

    2 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I never understood the Bernie phenomenon of 2016. How so many people voted for this idiot is beyond me. His true colors finally came out. I can't believe CNN had him on yesterday...he's yesterday's news. 

    He's a populist. I voted for him, I would love the USA to have a more European model of government. 

  11. 22 hours ago, Roman said:

    McCaskill is getting her tail kicked here right now. shame, but she's gone so far to the right she honestly deserves to lose.

    I've heard many say that. This election was good as far as ballot initiatives, especially great that Sharice Davids won in Kansas (She's an amazing person)... but to get stuck with Josh Hawley and Vicky Hartzler (Ma Barker) is depressing. How are Missouri voters so damn dumb to vote in candidates that are openly against the very ballot initiatives that they just approved?

    2 hours ago, Vee said:

    He can try to shut down Mueller, but the House will bring him in and put any subsequent hearings on TV. Say hello to 2006.

    If he does, it will be exactly like the firing of Archibald Cox. The sh!t will hit the fan. 

  12. 40 minutes ago, marceline said:

    A great thread about how Trump supporters don't care that he's lying. It's a cult.



    To be honest with you, a big chunk of these people are just too stupid to know the difference.  They voted for Trump because they are angry that theyv'e been "forgotten" (Michael Moore is spot on) , but the reason they have been forgotten, and don't have jobs, is that they just don't have the intelligence to ascend in society. 

  13. 35 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Geez... they get more nerve every day.  Using someone's song without permission at their stinkin rally,  and all the while demonizing every OTHER person from that part of the world. It just gets worse every day. 

    8 hours ago, Juliajms said:

    @Max It will be interesting to see how the pollsters do this year.  Nate Silver has the chances of the Republicans keeping The House at 20%.  That's really not a terrible chance.  If someone said I had a 20% chance of dying tomorrow, I'd be checking to be sure my affairs are in order.  To me the number of races they get right will be more indicative of their effectiveness than if they call individual outcomes correctly. 



    It's all up to turnout.  If every one on our side turned up to vote, the Republican party would disappear. 


  14. On 10/26/2018 at 6:49 PM, Vee said:

    I do think Emilio is probably Becky's new love interest.



    Some sitcoms, maybe. Dramas? Nope. The Star Trek syndicated shows in particular were a brutal grind and the creative teams hated that length.

    Perhaps their creative teams just weren't that good. Roddenberry had no issue cranking out 29, then 26, then 24... which ended up being the standard for a season all through the 70's. I think the Conners is a good, watchable show. Will it last? Who knows, They went on for a while with Valerie Harper in the Hogan Family.  Roseanne has always been a loose cannon, and yes, I understand she may have been under the influence of medication,  and I seriously would not think Valerie Jarrett is black by looking at her (She's just partly).... but why would her outbursts surprise anyone? After all, she was in a mental institution for a while in the 60's!  Tom Arnold has said himself that she was NOT like that when they were married, and it obviously points to some serious mental illness issues as far as he's concerned. 

  15. 19 minutes ago, Khan said:


    I am not here for washed-up child actors wanting to become relevant again.

    Certainly nobody is beating down Scott Baio's door! LOL I don't think that 3 name whoever the hell he is is gonna have anyone check for him.

  16. 47 minutes ago, DramatistDreamer said:

    None of the people who run the major Hollywood studios can be called liberal by any stretch of the imagination. 

    Having some vocal actors and a few directors and some writers, who also happen to be liberal doesn't constitute an entire industry being that way. The people with actual power to greenlight a movie or a series are almost always conservative and it has been this way going back to the days of MGM and Louis B. Mayer.


    Many people look at actors and think that they run the industry.  They don't.


    We've actually discussed this topic in the Movies and Music Thread and lately, also in the Hollywood Sexual Assault/Sexual Harassment thread in the Off-Topic Section.




    Despite, the ruling in Georgia, I see the voter suppression handbook is still at work in some states.


    That Dodge City thing is a HUGE mess. The bimbo that decided to move the polling location said she did so because of construction, except we find out there IS NO CONSTRUCTION. It's just a complete blatant attempt to keep Mexicans from voting. She's essentially another Kim Davis

  17. Michael Cohen has dropped a November bomb. Thrilled to see it, although none of these revelations surprise anyone about Trump. 

    4 hours ago, DAMfan said:

    I already voted and like early voting and will never go back voting the old way.


    I'm tempted to do it myself. 

    On 11/1/2018 at 4:49 PM, Juliajms said:

    Partially I think it's that unstable, isolated people are being radicalized online.  There was a time when guys like this would have just lived out there lives as drugged out losers. The internet has made it easier for them to find a cause online and to carry out some mission to support the cause (in their minds at least)  One way you can tell they are kind of delusional is that their mission never makes the slightest difference in reality. If anything it drives more people to support whatever or whomever they were against.


    Just to be clear, I don't absolve any of these people of personal responsibility and they can all hang as far as I'm concerned. If we are going to have a death penalty might is well use it on these mass shooters.

    That is a very good observation. They basically are finding things to feed their crazy. I know social media has totally changed my opinion of the American public. About half are complete imbeciles. 

  18. On 2/14/2018 at 11:35 AM, I Am A Swede said:

    I realize that they don't care all that much about this contest in the UK anymore, but still I'm disappointed every year that they can't send something better.   <_<

    Anything would be better than the Children's marching songs that dominated decades ago. I hated so many of those songs.

    On 3/12/2018 at 1:52 PM, I Am A Swede said:


    Yes probably, but that doesn't make it untrue.   :P


    I do think that many of the songs would improve if they chose to sing in their own native language. When they sing in English you realize how cringeworthy many of the lyrics are and how uncomfortable many of the artists are with singing in English. I think it was a mistake to allow everyone to sing in the language of their choice. I know many, if not most, would disagree with that, but it's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

    I agree with this to an extent. I feel that the song is best sung in the language it was composed in, and yes, many times singers do NOT feel comfortable singing in English just to appease the larger concept of "English is always better". This is one of the better examples of that. Hebrew does NOT translate in any meaningful way, and the speech and singing patterns of Hebrew speakers sounds incredibly awkward trying to force it into English.


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