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Posts posted by alphanguy74

  1. The mayor of Paris says that she plans to to sue Fox News. This is going to be hysterical. I want to see how Fox handles this after. Who will they hate more: the French or Muslims or Obama the French loving Muslim who didn't go to Paris?

    Glad to see it! Fox News is just getting worse and worse shoveling the manure. When it comes to hardcore conservatives, the best way to fight them is to kick them in the pocketbook.

  2. Cosby got another positive response at a California show with one protester out front.
    I'll be honest, I don't see the point in protesting his concerts. His fans are going to go anyway and are certainly within their rights to do so. Other people may go just for the curiosity and trainwreck factor so they can say they saw him live after his career had fallen apart. After all, there's a certain bit of pop culture history being made. (My mom still tells me the story of when she went to see Ray Charles the night before he got arrested for possession in Indianapolis. Her perspective is very different from the way it was portrayed in the movie "Ray.")

    I agree with this assessment. Most of the time, it makes no difference unless we're talking about a THRONG of people. But I guess it gives people something to do to break up the monotony.

  3. *raises hand*

    I hate being grouped with ANG, but as what I've been told by many people a moderate conservative with liberal tendencies, I have been EXTREMELY hesitant to express some of my opinions and have (in most cases) been very careful when I did choose to express an unpopular opinion.

    And I've still not been quite careful enough to avoid the "you sound like a bigot" nonsense. Which honestly hurt.

    ETA: This Cosby situation is NOT one in which I deviate from most of you on. I want to make that clear. But there are other times that I am truly afraid that I won't explain myself well enough that you don't understand what I'm really saying or asking and will be labelled as such. I honestly try my best, because I know you're all intelligent, educated people, but I can honestly admit to some fear in posting even streams of conscienceness that bring me to better conclusions than I may have started out with.

    And you know what this says? That your'e always having to walk on eggshells around here so as not to have the wrath of the "groupthink" coming down upon you. And tha't's just not right, nor fair. Your opinion is important, and matters just as much as anyone elses, don't forget that. The people that your'e so worried about offending don't give a crap about offending you, I can tell you that much. It's just words on a page, after all... it's not the fight to end world hunger, or the struggle to cure cancer, so don't let it bring you down in any way. Anyone can tell from your postings you're a kind person. Also take note how many times these same people have told me to "have a seat" or "Shut up", meaning I may have a right to my opinion, I just don't have a right to voice it. Everything's fine as long as I stay in the closet. I'll argue a topic till the cows come home, I'm judgemental as all hell... but I almost never tell someone to have a seat, or shut up, because they have a right to voice their opinions, too. (I may have done it a couple of times) But it says a lot about them that can't extend me the same courtesy. To me, that says their arguments aren't as strong as they'd like them to be.

  4. thats not implying that strippers lack credibility when it comes to cases of sexual assault? You've pretty much said as much in subsequent posts following this as the discussion carried on

    It's not implying, I straight out said it! YES, strippers lack credibility and I was proved right, but Vixen stated that I said strippers "Deserved to be raped" which I never said.

    I don't get why the trolls are allowed to run rampant on this board.

    Just wait till you have an opinion that the majority doesn't agree with. Then you'll be called a troll if you voice it. What am I saying? You want to stay popular.... you wouldn't have the guts.

  5. Im pretty sure you've said plenty since the Trayvon thread to offend people. People arent holding the past against you, but rather your present which is worst. Its ironic you talk about people goading you, yet thats exactly what you do. You imply alot without directly stating things and its done so for a reaction because you want to be as offensive as possible bc you want to hurt and rile others up or maybe you get some type of sick pleasure out of it. I wont even call it ignorant bc that would imply you are unaware but you know what you are doing when you post crazy nonsense. Just keep it real for what it is and dont come on here playing the victim with this bullying crap bc we're all out to get you. Its hard to feel any empathy for you as the target of the "bullies" when you seek it out and use that as justification to get down and dirty

    And therein lies the entire problem. you think I imply stuff, and I DON'T! I don't imply. think of me as Thelma Harper trapped in a gay man's body. Just because YOU "imply" things and aren't direct, doesn't mean that everybody is like that. Some of us are straightforward, and if you can't accept that at face value, that's your problem, not mine. I speak in a very plain, straightforward manner, but apparently that isn't enough. Maybe you've grown up surrounded by lie, innuendo, and deceit and you think that's the way the entire world works, I don't know. But mine doesn't. PERIOD.

  6. These comments defending Bill Cosby always seem to amount to:

    - these women are liars/out for a buck/idiots who got what they deserved

    - Bill Cosby is still popular (which we see via half-attended shows and social media comments full of bilge)

    The comments also tend to have some strange nah-nah-nah-nah-nah-nah tone that treats the whole thing as a joke.

    This is the most disgusting thread I can ever remember on this board, and yes, I do agree with qfan that sometimes there's a groupthink mentality on this board, but that shouldn't be used as justification for some of the bile strewn here over and over again.

    I just wish it could be locked, but I guess it's too late at this point anyway.

    Much of the bile, besides being due to the groupthink bullying, comes from others attributing things to me that I did NOT say. A few posts ago, I told Mr. Vixen to SHOW ME where I said strippers deserved to be raped, and guess what? SILENCE. Although he clearly stated I said it. People still holding things against me that I said in the Trayvon Martin thread well over a year ago that I DIDN'T SAY once again. I've seen this time and time again when a group of bullies want someone gone, they fabricate and exaggerate and goad in order to try and get what they want. Well, this group will NOT get what it wants, so everyone is just gonna have to suck it up and deal.

  7. Otherwise the posts here are really nothing more than

    A) You're wrong sit down


    B )You're right but we don't like you so sit down anyway

    and then isn't that just echo chamber hivemind bullshit?

    Sorry, this SON forum has a strong hivemind cliquish strain and that is always one of the things that annoys me about forums.

    You are absolutely correct. And that's part of the reason this board is dying, just like the soaps. I'm only still here out of sheer stubbornness. It's like a group of bullies on a school playground who picks on the kid that doesn't fit in. Now that Brian and Max are essentially gone, they've turned their attention to me now. I KNOW I'm a judgemental person. And so what? People not being judgemental ENOUGH is what causes a ton of trouble in their life, it gets them into abusive relationships, etc. I do think you're correct about there being some type of fire, and I have vascillated back and forth at times... but it's entirely possible that these women screwed Cosby to get ahead in the business, and that didn't happen for them, then they now hurl accusations, people keep saying these women have nothing to gain...... but oh yes, they do. ATTENTION, RECOGNITION, and REVENGE. I simply refuse to believe that a total of almost 30 women, and not one of them knew how to dial 911.

  8. So because one stripper lied, now all strippers are lying whores who deserve to be raped? You literally make it too easy.

    Show me where I said strippers deserved to be raped? SHOW ME. You don't need to lower your IQ, because apparently you can't read.


  9. BItch, that's one person. Sit your crusty ass down.

    Of course it's one person... but every one of you were all foaming a the mouth to believe her, and when I said she had no credibility, you called me a slut shamer, etc... and acted like I thought strippers were worthy of rape. I just said that strippers in general have no credibility, and guess what? I was right. You all were just waiting with drool running down for Cosby to get arrested, and now it's not gonna happen. And like it or not, her being a fake will cast a pall over the rest of them.

  10. And what did you think she was referring to when she wrote sex worker? The sex worker comment was a direct quote to you mentioning strippers. You are the one that then made the leap to hookers

    That's because I didn't assume that a stripper was a "sex worker". I figured to be a sex worker, you had to actually have sex... like a hooker or a porn star.

    Who cares if they are hookers, strippers, models, nurses, teachers, Doctors whatever the occupation NO ONE deserves to be raped. End of story!!!!

    Who said they did? SHOW ME. . I said they wouldn't be believed and had no credibility. Decent society doesn't trust trash.

  11. Thank you. It's amazing how many people hold this opinion. No wonder sex workers make such easy targets for every freak out there.

    This is a riot!! Hookers are now "Sex workers", and they are now VICTIMS to boot! LOL

  12. Now rape victims who are too scared, broken, and humiliated to speak up are just "whiners". Wow, I honestly don't know how you make it through a day being so incredibly, dangerously ignorant.

    I get along fine, because everyone around me has the same opinion. Just because this board is some microcosm of people whose no lye relaxer has eaten away their last brain cell, does not mean the rest of the country is like that. And YES... they are whiners. Either take some action or stop bitching. It would be one thing if these were children, the are grown ass women. And since every one of them has by their own admission taken illegal drugs.. they are obviously drug whores as well, and sorry, but those types cannot be trusted.

  13. Hahaha!!! Teflon, I tell ya! Standing ovations, still rakin in the bucks, and only about a dozen picketers showed up. Probably all in the same van! LOL


    If these things really DID happen, then I guess you can say that some good comes of it. Women now know that either you summon the courage to open your mouth when it happens, or live with the consequences. All through this century, men were FORCED to go to war against their will, got their legs shot off, and God knows what else... compared to that, these women look like whiners.

  14. You know, seeing as you are a gay man from the Deep South, one would think you might know something about prejudice or oppression, and that you might have some compassion. But yet you are continuously victim bashing and slut shaming victims of rape. Maybe your hateful, vitriol soaked comments stem from something deeper. Did your parents not hug you? Is it because you don't have a man? Or is it because you just hate yourself? For a period of time I was convinced you must simply be trolling these boards with your dangerously ignorant comments, but now you have made it very obvious that you are just an ignorant, hateful human being. You often like to go on long diatribes about stereotypes, yet you personify the worst stereotype of ignorant southern bigotry. Please get some help, or just shut the hell up.

    I do know about prejudice and oppression, but unlike some, who spend the rest of their lives feeling entitled to WHATEVER by it, I take action and DO SOMETHING about it. I guess you can say I feel like if your'e too much of a wimp to fight back (reporting an incident to police when it happens) then you don't deserve justice. I predict we will see at least a few of them women be discredited, and the rest will fall like dominoes. Phylicia is totally right, it is a a concerted effort to discredit him, the fact that it started with a comic that wanted to bring him down because he denounces thug culture tells me everything I need to know.

  15. Rita Moreno is AMAZING! And BTW, we don't even know what kind and IF Phylicia gets residuals. Many contracts in the 80's didn't give actors residuals, none of the cast of Knots Landing gets residuals, except for minimums set forth by the Actor's union, which is pennies... but as Michele Lee once said "However... we got good money up front". So I LUV how Rita basically said she didn't believe the allegations, but dind't come right out and SAY it, because she knew that professional victims the world over would make her out to be the devil.

  16. I'm just laughing my butt off at you all now gathering your torches and coming for Phylicia Rashad. I think maybe the real anger is that you all know he's untouchable at this point, and he has more money than all of you put together will ever see in your lifetimes. Never seen so many butthurt crybabies in my life.

  17. I figured Phylicia's comments would have all your panties caught in your cracks. Pull them out, wash out the skid marks, and move on. Not everyone agrees with your witch hunt. And Marceline says that conspiracies among large groups of people don't happen. Ever hear of Nazi Germany? Salem, Massachusetts? The Hollywood blacklist?

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