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Contessa Donatella

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Posts posted by Contessa Donatella

  1. Just now, ranger1rg said:

    Errol, I do understand that "allegedly" is a CYA word. My problem is when it's used appropriately to CYA and when it's used in the most ridiculous way.

    An example: "Word is that some actors are unhappy with the show's direction...or should I say ALLEGEDLY unhappy."

    Is there any logical reason to use allegedly there? No one's facing legal action for a generic statement like that. On that podcast, It's used all over the place.

    They also say "We know things." quite a bit, it seems to me. And, I observed that some things they 'knew' were not true. 

  2. 17 minutes ago, Errol said:

    The word "allegedly" is used as a cover-your-ass statement for legal purposes. No other reason.

    As for your comment on how the word was used, I don't have an opinion. I'm only commenting to explain the use of the word "allegedly."

    The network wanted DAYS on their lineup. They offered to buy the rights to broadcast the show back in the late 90s/early 2000s when the show's contract was up for renegotiation with NBC. Was that not clear with what I said?

    Sorry. I knew that Shapiro tried to get AW but didn't know they tried to get DAYS as well. So I was just temporarily dense as a rock. 

  3. 24 minutes ago, Errol said:

    The only reason ABC fought so hard for DAYS back when the show got four-year deals at NBC was because that show was up for renewal while it was banging down the door at Y&R for dominance in the key sales demos

    Okay, I know I'm having a bad week but I don't understand: what fighting did ABC do having to do with DAYS

  4. 8 minutes ago, Errol said:

    Maurice's lines today, specifically the "cliffhanger" where Kristina overheard him and dropped something on the ground, were ridiculous. Intentional or not, it was as if I was watching a newcomer perform the scene. It's so unlike him. IMO, he didn't like saying those words.

    In my opinion Maurice has been regularly blowing lines like nobody's business for at least 4-6 months. It's been discussed quite a lot in some quarters. 

  5. 58 minutes ago, Taoboi said:
    11 hours ago, titan1978 said:


    I am just so irrationally disappointed.

    I feel that. 

    Look, I supported Frank loudly for a very long time. That time is now over. It is unmistakable at this point that he is not the solution so that means he is the problem.

  6. 12 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    That was a horrible cliffhanger today. Are we still supposed to believe that Sonny can beat up a man half his age? Maurice’s acting was so bad. 

    Dex was not fighting back. I think the line was meant to be "I'll put bullets in your heads." Mo said "a gun".

  7. 5/20/2024 Sonny is horrified. Blaze consoles Kristina. Jason summons Carly. Gregory apologizes to Finn. Anna confronts Brennan.

    5/21/2024 Alexis and Diane prepare to present their case. Kristina pleads with Michael. Dex has a big decision to make. Finn faces a difficult task. Sonny seeks Dante's help.

    5/22/2024 Liz is alarmed. Alexis is thrown for a loop. Dante issues a warning to Sonny. Ava gets key intel. Kristina makes an offer.

    5/23/2024 Carly stonewalls Anna. Alexis has her day in court. Gio makes a move. Kristina shares her fears.

    5/24/2024 Molly and TJ go on a date. Liz can't shake her concern. Portia is conflicted. Cody and Stella support Tracy.

    (This comes from a poster on Twi/X who says they are the official previews. She gets them right after the air show on Fridays. Ref: https://x.com/brookelynn74/status/1791553254276431900 ) 


  8. 30 minutes ago, Sapounopera said:

    Can I say that GH's hugest problem is Sonny? MB is no longer charming, sexy or charismatic and he can't be treated as the show's lead. I can't see him in a new romance and he is not soap patriarch material. Whenever a writer shows that Sonny is problematic in his writing, he is shown the door. 
    PM and EK's GH was nothing to write home about. But we got some well written scenes. Someone seemed to care enough to try and make characters human. When was the last time Y&R, B&B and DAYS had that?
    Can well written scenes work with mediocre actors and random characters? That's another thing.
    Another weird thing I noticed watching GH promos. 80% of the characters featured are over 50/60. The show needs some new blood.

    And Liz Webber at the Nurses Station. 

    And Casey Hutchison of THE CHAT podcast is predicting some female about to be fired. Of course, in their last podcast they claimed to know many things & some of the things they said were totally untrue. So, many grains of salt are needed. 

    My Bolded: That too is Frank & it used to be one of his assets. He respected the vets, would keep them on, would write for them, would not change them, etc. 

    Now I think that NuTracy began before PM came on so maybe Korte is some of Tracy with a heart, the new matriarch & if so, well, that is one good thing. 

  9. 2 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    GH has failed with 5-6 Head Writer changes since Frank Valentini has been Executive Producer. Tell me how that makes sense that he’s still there and bullet proof for this show’s bad ratings?

    I need more than he keeps the show on budget. GH will never evolve as long as he’s there and not held accountable for the failures that have happened during his 12+ years as Executive Producer. 

    Oh, gee, we are not excited that the trains run on time?! SARCASM ALERT

    Yesterday I said that I have long been a staunch defender of Frank. But, now I find I must totally abandon that position. 

    As a Carly & a Jason fan (not to mention at least 1 dozen others) I am trying to be hopeful but it is such a huge problem to see anything at the end of the tunnel besides more tunnel. 

  10. 40 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Everyone knows PM is/was a superb dialogue writer. But, his HW experiences at both GL and GH were never set up for success as far as I can tell with both shows being a messy situation behind the scenes during his HW-ing stints. I don’t think he ever really got a fair shot as both instances were messy and he didn’t have producers that supported him or whose vision gelled with his.

    Did anyone think Chris and Dan moved the needle at all on this show? Does anyone except Korte to turn this show around? I don’t. PM being fired doesn’t mean GH is in for some type of renaissance, especially with people like both Valentini and Korte who’ve already been there for years and likely to just keep the status quo going. A lot of GH’s issues started before his stint and will continue after. 

    I agree that the show lacks energy and momentum, but is that all down to PM? When there are internal conflicts, little gets done. If Korte wants to be a yes woman to Valentini and Varni, I don’t see how that would be beneficial for the show either. 

    BOLD and the rest, agree. 

    Also @titan1978 agree.

  11. 11 minutes ago, Sapounopera said:

    This I don't understand at all Contessa. Do you mean that they are the modern day Meg and Vanessa Dale?

    I haven't found Sonny interesting in the last ten years. 

    The Pikeman saga doesn't interest me at all. 

    Heather was gone with Robin Mattson. 

    Well, this may be moot. I think Patrick was setting up Sonny/Bad v. Jason/Good & Joss v. Kristina was just an extension of that. Krissy stuck on the wrong side but someone has to be on Sonny's side. I believe Patrick was gonna allow Sonny & the mob to exist but only if they became labeled as bad guys, not masquerading as upright citizens. Does this help any at all? And, there are other Carly/Jason fans who subscribe to this theory, too. However, with Patrick gone, I have NO IDEA if they will continue with "rebranding" Sonny. ??? 

  12. 6 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    We still don’t know if he quit or was fired. He could have very well quit on his own accord and we don’t know it - which would help explain the unusual timing. 

    Okay, I will just say that Navell, who originally broke the story, told me that his source said fired & this was in reply to my specific question: fired or walked? His only other comment was THIS IS A HUGE MESS. (caps his)


  13. 13 minutes ago, Maxim said:




    It is true as far as I can recall, in terms of being unprecedented to take this action of firing on the day that their Episode 45 airs, when they have not even completed one whole Sweeps period. 

  14. 21 minutes ago, Sapounopera said:

    Six weeks of random scenes. Some were good, others were just boring.

    But no real story. It is not as though we were watching early Ryan's Hope, which felt like a play. RH had structure and interesting dynamics.  

    I have to say though, that any writer who doesn't "get" Sonny, will be out of the door, sooner or later. And that's insane. 

    Now here, in my dissenting voice, I would say that we have seen both structure and interesting dynamics. 

    Every day I am engaged. I care about people I never did before. I see constant positioning of people. Whether it is Pikeman which now covers everything from the FBI & Cates & Jason to Valentin & Brennan plus the unknown executors of several mob bosses to knowing that Jason & Cates have taped action scenes, we know who is set up against whom. And, of course, the meds tampering falls under Pikeman, too. 

    Other positioning, Sonny can be a mobster but not a philanthropic fine upstanding citizen, wandering around town dispensing sage advice. Now Jason has been moved from being a black hat to a white one. 

    Joss v. Kristina is just an extension, or a metaphor, for Good v. Evil. 

    And, so on. 

    Heather & possible redemption is a thorny issue. Laura is now set v. several. 

  15. It was said that we would see 3 days of the wedding. I suggest we have one more day coming to us. Today. 

    And, about all good or all bad, @Toups I do not agree that everyone put things in those terms. Maybe some did. But, lots of people put different things in different categories because of specific things & also things that were known. The example of longer versus shorter scenes, well, that would put Patrick & Elizabeth on one side & Frank & Varni on the other. This is known. In 2021 Elizabeth let it be known that she rewrote all of Scott Sickle's work, effectively claiming and having the writers credits to back her up, all of the wedding of Jason & Carly & all of the scenes attending to the wedding events & all of that was an example of longer scenes. 

  16. 8 hours ago, John said:

    i could think a few

    Hope it aint Genie Francis. The last time Frank tried that, it didnt go well

    But I could see it being: Nina, Ava, Liz or Sam too

    Obvious to me. When you remove Patrick from the equation then there is no one left who does not HATE Becky, so it was clear that things were going to get worse for her. What's worse than her current often MIA status? FIRING. That's all that is worse. Why is this not obvious to everyone? 


  17. 9 minutes ago, Sapounopera said:

    What was so dramatic about the wedding?

    I watched the episodes after all the hype and expected to watch... something?

    Maybe it is something today. 

    1 hour ago, titan1978 said:

    I know to take what the cast says with a grain of salt. But I also think their praise of the scripts was true- what they were doing before had to feel like a factory more than ever. At least they briefly had a factory that gave them some better day to day material to work with.

    I am just so irrationally disappointed.

    I don't think it's irrational, not at all. And, I believe the actors. They would have no reason to volunteer about how they felt daily when they got their scripts. There are times & situations when I am certaiinly DUBIOUS of actors claims. This just doesn't happen to be one of them. 

    I am trying to verify IF Sally Sussman has gone Fi-Core status. She is not on WGA West list. I cannot find East. Does anyone have a link? Thank you. 

  18. 45 minutes ago, StevieM said:

    Here are some other examples of decisions that feel like they came from the HW: declaring that Marshall was misdiagnosed; and Laura and Kevin actually adopting Ace, not just raising him.

    Calling into question Marshall being schizophrenic was well underway before Dan & Chris were fired. What changed about that story was the idea that Marshall's poor healthcare was a product of racism & of stereotyping young black men as dangerous, IOW, bringing closure to the story that had seemingly dragged on forever & putting a political bent to the conclusion. 

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