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Episode #186 Bonus #1 Duncan and Hope get along amazingly. Duncan cannot believe she buys the fact that he is Bo. Bo struggles to break free of his chains. Peter dreams while in bed at the Dimera Mansion. He remembers all of his time in Salem in the 90’s. Tony reveals to Kristen. She breaks down. She screams and lashes around. Tony grabs her. She cannot stop screaming or crying. She says she cannot live through another baby’s death! Stefano is informed his daughter, Nicole, is on the docks, alone. Stefano decides to pay her a visit. Georgia and Jeremy continue to bond. Austin has a nightmare about Miguel. Kayla, Marlena, John, Eugene, Addie, Andy, Shane, and Kim decide to take Steve back to Salem. Kayla mentions she needs to sublet her apartment until the lease is up because she is moving back to Salem - for good! Jack and Jennifer wonder if they should take the apartment. Stefano plays on Nicole’s emotions when she reveals she has no one in her life. Jeremy urges Georgia to stop being a victim and lash out at Hope on her own. Peter learns Sami has gone away for a few weeks in the wake of Lucas’ death. Victor reaches out to Kate, but she wants to be left alone. Jennifer reveals to Jack she doesn’t want to go back to Salem with Jack there. Austin and Carrie call John and Marlena and ask them if they’d like to have baby Gabriel’s baptism with little Roman’s. John and Marlena think that is a wonderful idea. In a shocking but sweet act, Stefano reaches out to Nicole and embraces her. Nicole feels safe and secure and finally feels the arms of a father…something she has never had before. Austin tells Carrie he does not like Jeremy and gets a bad vibe from him. And Jeremy overhears! Jeremy tells Georgia what Austin said about him. Georgia is shocked her uncle Austin would say something like that. Jack and Jennifer reveal to all that they are not returning to Salem! John, Marlena, Kayla, Steve, Eugene, Calliope, Andy, Addie, Shane, and Kim head for Salem. Austin and Carrie wonder who the godparents’ of little Roman Roberts Reed should be. John and Marlena wonder the same about their baby, Gabriel. Stefano sees potential in Nicole to be one of his pawns. He invites her to join him at the mansion. Peter opens up to Stefano. Stefano comforts him and reveals his sister, Nicole, is moving into the mansion! Kristen tells Tony she cannot do this. She cannot grieve another baby…not after John Jr. John and Marlena arrive at their loft and come face to face with…the mysterious AIDAN!
IF STEFANO'S GOING TO WAR...HE'S GOING TO NEED AN ARMY! This past week, Stefano has moved into place two of his biggest pawns in order to make his ultimate strike against the Brady's and the Horton's. But there is something more lurking below the surface of Stefano's plot. King previews..."There will be five bonus episodes this weekend as there was last weekend. And then a full week next week. Stefano's revenge kicks off ten episodes from now on Friday, June 15th. By then, Stefano's army of pawns will have almost tripled!"...exclaims the writer. "Stefano either HAS many other pawns in place or he'll have them by June 15th. As Stefano's army is revealed, their names will be etched out in blue on the cast list, so keep your eyes peeled!" Who is on Stefano's Army of Pawns? 1. Duncan/"Bo" 2. Steve 3. ??? 4. ??? 5. ??? 6. ??? 7. ??? 8. ???
JACK AND JEN SAY GOODBYE! Effective immediately, Matt Ashford and Melissa Reeves will no longer be "seen" on King's DAYS as Jack Devereaux and Jennifer Horton. "They both took off to San Diego to help Steve."...King recaps. "This week, it seems everything is OK with Steve. Kayla mentions she is looking into selling her apartment and moving to Salem permanently. It all falls into place, and Jack and Jen know with Abby gone...there is not much left for them in Salem - especially with Peter Blake in town!" King reveals..."The cast is just jam-packed. And there isn't much story for J&J right now as it is. There is a potential story with Peter back on the canvas, but...been there, done that! It is also important to me to keep the blog as close to the real show, cast-wise, as possible. There are already a bunch of characters on the blog that are not on the show. It's just a matter of picking and choosing the characters I feel I can write the best stories for."...admits King. Matt and Missy will definitely be back. There is even speculation that that both characters will return further down the line for a very special occasion...their wedding!
Episode #185 - Friday, June 8th, 2007: Stefano relishes in the fact that his blackmail scheme worked and that Steve still has his chip and still able to be controlled. Georgia and Jeremy continue to bond at the Habitat site. Jeremy opens up to her about his deadbeat dad and crazy mother. Georgia doesn’t understand how Mike is a deadbeat father. Jeremy explains that Mike was only ever a father to him when he had Carrie in his life. Kristen awakens to see Tony at her side. Eric continues to push Greta away. He says they can never be together. He feels too guilty over the death of his baby. Peter takes solace in the Dimera Mansion. Although alone, he takes much comfort in the walls, pictures, art, and antiques. He breathes it all in. Mike Horton learns the Chief of Staff is retiring…and he could possibly be in the running once again. Shawn begins to realize Chloe has a big secret. Stefano’s goons follow Bo. Peter flashes back on the all of the memories these Dimera walls have seen. Shawn tells Chloe he is through with dishonesty in relationships and that he has seen firsthand what it can do to a relationship so she better fess up! Stefano is delighted all of his plans for Salem are falling into place! He reassures Duncan that Duncan can successfully take the place of Bo. Duncan studies stolen home videos of Bo to nail down his mannerisms. Peter drinks himself into a stupor. He recalls his love for Sami and how she is pushing him away. Chloe makes up a lie about resolving some unfinished business about her divorce from Brady. Kayla, Marlena, John, and the others welcome Steve out of surgery! Little do they know he is still the same Steve he was when he went into surgery… Georgia opens up to Jeremy about Hope and how she refuses to forgive Georgia for the accident. Georgia says she is unsure how much more she can take. Austin is tormented by memories of Miguel. Sarah tells Miguel he shot Kristen and killed her baby! Miguel shows no remorse and says next time he will be sure to kill Frankie. Frankie and Melissa bond, and it seems their relationship might be headed back on track, Stefano’s goons knock Bo unconscious…and take him away! Jeremy urges Georgia to get revenge on Hope and not sit there and take her crap. Jeremy and Georgia run into Carrie. Jeremy opens up to Carrie about his parents and Jan. Jeremy says he misses Carrie and always thought of her as a second mother to him. Carrie tells Jeremy she’ll always be there for him if he needs her. Stefano receives a phone call telling him it is done. He then calls Duncan, who is standing outside the Brady house…staring at Hope, J.T., and Zach! Duncan walks into the house as “Bo.” He is nervous and shaky. Hope greets “Bo” with a kiss and asks him how he is day was. She asks if there is anything new with Maggie’s case. Duncan is pleased the plan seems to have worked and that he has successfully taken the place of Bo Brady! Stefano arrives at the Dimera Mansion and locks eyes with Peter. Peter has tears in his eyes. Stefano walks briskly to Peter and takes him in his arms. Peter breaks down. Stefano gives Peter something to help him sleep. Peter takes refuge upstairs. Stefano is pleased that he has Duncan/Bo and Steve in place as his pawns. He says he is just waiting for his other pawns to be in place before he can strike on the Brady’s and the Horton’s! Bo wakes up in a dirty prison...where he is chained to the walls like an animal! And in one week......... <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Episode #184 - Thursday, June 7th, 2007: Kristen fights for her life. Tony stands by her side. Greta and Frankie try to comfort Eric over the death of his unborn baby. Chloe vows no one can ever learn her secret. Belle asks Shawn if he still has feelings for her…and he admits he always will, but they have to move on. Sami pushes Peter away. Stefano relishes in the fact that Duncan’s surgeries went magnificently, and he is ready to take Bo’s place. Eric tells Greta he should have been there for Kristen and the baby more. Greta says this is not his fault. He was not the one who put that pullet through the window. Melissa breaks free from the closet she was locked and rushes to find Frankie. She is horrified to learn there was a shooting in Eric and Greta’s room! Sarah wakes up and recalls Miguel knocking her unconscious. She rushes to Eric’s room and realizes there has been a shooting. Miguel is outraged when he learns he shot the wrong person! Kayla, Eugene, Calliope, Shane, Kim, Addie, Andy, Jack, Jen, Marlena, and John wait in the hospital lobby as Steve undergoes surgery to have the control chip removed from his brain…much like John did. As the surgeon cuts into Steve’s head…someone arrives in the operating room - STEFANO! A mysterious figure bandies about a hotel in Spain. He walks into his room and throws open his closet. He takes out a bag and packs it full of the only clothes he has. He zips it up and walks out the door. Stefano puts the fear of God into the surgeon and shows him pictures of the good doctor in very compromising positions. Stefano blackmails the doctor into leaving the surgery undone…and telling Kayla and the others the chip was removed! The doctor has no choice but to comply. Eric pushes Greta away due to his baby’s death. Meanwhile, his twin sister, Sami, does the same to Peter. The mysterious figure arrives at the airport and books a flight for Salem, Illinois. He holds a picture of John and Marlena in his hands! His face (Milo Ventimiglia) is revealed! Peter wanders…lost and alone. He cries out saying he’ll never be happy, and no woman he loves will ever return his feelings. He continues to wander the streets of Salem. He is shocked when he realizes, in his hazy state, he inadvertently wandered right to the front steps…of the Dimera Mansion!
IT'S COMING......... <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value=" src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350"></embed></object> Be here from the beginning.
Episode #183 - Wednesday, June 6th, 2007: Kristen's life begins flashing before her eyes. She remembers when she first fell in love with John, but how she felt connected to Tony. Kristen recalls not always being a bad person and how she used her goodness to help John free Marlena's soul of Satan. Kristen remembers her ultimate act of kindness. Stefano and Duncan plot as to when Duncan will take the place of Bo. Stefano informs Duncan he still needs to undergo some minor surgeries so he will look more like Bo. Eugene and Calliope decide to head to San Diego to bring Addie back themselves. Jennifer warns Peter to stay way from Sami. She says he’s ruined enough people’s lives. Peter laughs. He asks Jen if what he did to her ruined her life, then what does she call what she did to his? Peter reminds Jennifer she was able to spend ten years with Jack and Abby while he was in jail. A comatose Kristen recalls how the beginning of the end of her and John's love was when she began to doubt John...when he was accused of killing "Tony." Kristen remembers how her vendetta against Marlena began...when Kristen manipulated Marlena into keeping her love for John a secret until Kristen's delicate pregnancy was over. Marlena tells Kayla there must be some device in Steve that is making him susceptible to Stefano’s control, and they need to get it out of him immediately. Tony arrives in the Dominican and takes vigil at Kristen’s side. Kristen flashes back to Marlena discovering the truth about her.......and how it spelled the end for her life in Salem! Frankie and Greta don’t know how to comfort Eric…when he is told his baby has died. Eugene runs into Jack on the way to the airport and informs Jack about what is going on with Steve. Jack says he wants to be there for Steve and sets out to find Jen so they can head to San Diego. Jack is disturbed to see Peter and Jen together. Jack warns Peter to stay away from his family or he’ll kill him. Eric breaks down in the hospital lobby as Greta tries to comfort him. Kristen fights for her life as she remembers getting locked in the secret room with Marlena......and all of the bitter fighting that happened as a result. Kristen remembers Marlena exposing her......and confessing to her crimes. Kristen recalls pulling a gun on Marlena. John, Jack, Jen, Eugene, and Calliope arrive in San Diego to help Kayla, Shane, and Kim help Steve fight his demons. When Duncan’s new face is revealed, Stefano is very pleased with how much Duncan looks like Bo. Kristen remembers Marlena's revenge on her that sent her on her downward spiral that led to her leaving Salem. Kayla signs papers to send Steve into surgery so they can free him from Stefano's control once and for all. John, Jack, Jen, Eugene, and Calliope touch down in San Diego. They team up with Marlena, Kayla, Shane, and Kim to formulate a plan to bring down Stefano once and for all. Kayla says this is the last Dimera showdown there will ever be because Stefano will die this time...for real. The others agree with her that Stefano must die in order for this to end. Stefano learns the Brady's and the Horton's will be boarding a luxurious yacht for the 4th of July BBQ. Stefano realizes he will finally have the opportunity to kill all of his enemies in one fell swoop. Next on DAYS: Secrets and Lies take their toll on Salem!
Episode #182 - Tuesday, June 5th, 2007: Shane, Kim, Kayla, and Marlena try to get to the root of Steve's missing years. Kayla tells Marlena Steve shot her...and her kidnapped Stephanie, and she needs to know why! Marlena suggests Steve is under the control of Stefano like John and Hope were at one time. Shawn apologizes to the man who resembles his father. Unbeknownst to Shawn, the man's name is Duncan, and he has a shocking connection to Salem. Mike reveals to all that Billie will be OK in due time. Her body needs some time to let Jenna's T cells and Nicole's bone marrow adapt to her body. Stefano admits to Maggie he is was just as shocked as everyone else when he learned she was the Fury. Maggie says she cannot believe a word he says...recalling how he kidnapped Mickey way back when Stefano first came to Salem! Stefano reveals a thirty plus year long secret...he says the only reason he ever truly did that was because he fell madly in love with her and had to have her. Maggie is shocked...and disgusted. Marlena puts Steve under hypnosis. Kim and Shane are so glad Andy is far away and safe from danger. Meanwhile, Andy's plane lands in San Diego...and Addie is following him! Billie begins to look at Mike in a whole new light. Kate sees the look in Billie's eye. Kate warns Billie that she has a tendency of falling for men who play hero to her. First Bo, then Roman, then Jack. Kate warns Billie...she tells her not to get hurt - again! Maggie tells Stefano she is two seconds away from screaming for the police to come so he can be thrown in jail along with her. He says he would not mind because then, they will be together. But he reveals they will be together...outside of this place! Maggie tells Stefano she wants nothing to do with him. Stefano says it's already too late for that. Stefano confesses to Maggie that he's already made plans to get revenge on the good people of Salem for what they have done to her. Stefano vows to break her out of here and get specialists to help her figure out why she has done this. Maggie demands to know what plans he is talking about. Stefano laughs. Andy arrives at Kayla's apartment. Shane and Kim are outraged and tell Andy to get back to Salem immediately. Andy refuses, saying this is the first time Shane and Kim have been in the same room together in years, and he knows there is a big reason behind it. He demands to know why. Meanhile, Addie bursts through the door in an eccentric fashion just like her parents. Marlena breaks deep into Steve's mind and has Steve tell her about being on the run from the ISA during his missing years...but also how he was kidnapped one night where he was held prisoner for months. Billie thanks her mother for her advice. Kate opens up to Billie that life without Lucas is too terrible to bear. Billie asks Kate if Jenna is helping her through this rought time. Kate explains to Billie that she and her Aunt Jenna have a tumultuous relationship. Jenna and Mike Horton flirt. Mike realizes Jenna is nothing but trouble. Steve explains to Marlena that he remembers Stefano there...and how Stefano programmed him to be his latest pawn. Jenna looks at Mike Horton from a corner of the hospital while she takes a picture out of her purse...a picture of Mike Horton! Marlena tells Kayla, Shane, and Kim that it is like they feared...Steve has been programmed to be Stefano's pawn. Kayla cannot believe Stefano has been planning this for so long. Marlena says that is how Stefano operates...like a chess game...always thinking one, three, five, six moves ahead. Maggie faints. Stefano is worried. When she awakens, she has a strange look in her eye. She then proceeds to tell Stefano to get her out of here! Stefano asks what has happened to change her mind. Maggie lies saying she cannot take it anymore. She turns her back and has an evil smirk. Andy tells Addie she should not have followed him. Addie tells Andy she has strong feelings for him and that she could not let him just run off and do something dangerous without him knowing how she feels! She blabs on and on until Andy pulls her into a kiss. Shane and Kim call Eugene and Calliope and tell them Addie is with them. E & C agree to be in San Diego as soon as they can to bring her home. Marlena and Kayla agree the time has come to fight Stefano with everything they have. Kayla says she will not stop until Stefano is off this earth. Kayla and Marlena decide to recruit John, Shane, and Kim to find Stephanie. Marlena opens up to Kayla saying before she heard of Lucas' death, she was trying to find out the secret to her missing years. Kayla and Marlena refuse to be victims any longer. They both declare war on Stefano Dimera. Stefano arrives in an alleyway where he meets with someone mysterious. Stefano says it's taken long enough for the mystery man to arrive in Salem. Stefano reveals they've already wasted too much time and they need to move fast. He hands the man individual pictures of Hope, Shawn, Georgia, Billie, Zach, JT...and Bo. Stefano tells the man to familiarize himself with the people in this pictures and the documents. Stefano faces the man - Duncan - and calls him the "New Bo Brady" as he laughs maniacally. Next on DAYS: Is this the end for Kristen?
LOL! I appreciate your comments, Rudolpho!
Episode #180 - Monday, June 4th, 2007: Georgia arrives to complete her community service. She arrives at the site of a Habitat for Humanity building site. The site adviser is rough on her and puts her to work immediately, carrying some very heavy lumber. A gunshot flies through the window as Frankie, Greta, Eric, and Kristen all duck for cover. Glass flies through and nails Frankie in the face. He cries out in pain. When the smoke clears, all four lay on the ground...there is blood trickling out...as they all lie in a red puddle. Caroline arrives to see Victor...telling him she has something important to tell him. Stefano masquerades in police officer garb to try and sneak in and see Maggie in the prison. Shawn is shocked when he calls out for Bo...and Bo ignores him. Georgia is fuming mad when she sees Hope talking to the site adviser. Georgia confronts them both asking how they know each other. Hope reveals he is her good friend. Georgia is outraged. She cannot believe Hope would do this. The adviser tells her to get back to work or he'll have her removed from the site, which will violate the terms of her punishment...and she'll be sent to jail! Eric comes to. He rushes to Greta's side. He realizes Kristen is in bad shape. Frankie awakens. Eric asks Frankie to take Greta and care for her. Frankie does. Eric rolls Kristen over...to see she was shot in the stomach. Eric cries out hold Kristen close, rocking her gently. He prays for the life of their baby boy. Caroline tells Victor she's come to say goodbye. Billie awakens from her surgery. Shawn follows his father...who is lurking around a strange part of Salem. Greta comes to. She grows frightened for Kristen. Victor tells Caroline she can't go, saying her whole life has been here. Caroline informs him Roman and Anna are going back to Europe, and she feels as though she needs to go with them. She says the last 18 months of her life have been the most trying yet. She misses Shawn Sr. She's been through so much with the explosion at the Pub, the fire at the fashion show, and then being attacked by Maggie. Billie is pleased to see Austin, Nicole, Kate, Jenna, and Philip with her. Stefano arrives to see Maggie...Maggie demands to know what he is doing there! Shawn follows Bo into an alleyway. He loses him. He finds him minutes later...and catches his father having sex with a strange woman in the alleyway! Georgia is very pleased to see Jeremy on the site. She asks him what he is doing there. Jeremy reveals he is being forced to do service work for helping Jan go on the run. He admits he thinks his family pulled some strings and got him a light sentence. Georgia reveals Hope has also pulled some strings...to make sure her life is a living hell! Jeremy says that doesn't sound too much like Hope, but Georgia fires back that Jeremy doesn't know the Hope she does! Kristen and her unborn baby are rushed to the hospital. Stefano tells Maggie if she wants to get out of prison, he will listen to her! Maggie says if she committed these crimes, then she does not deserve to get out of prison. She asks Stefano if he has anything to do with her committing these crimes. Stefano swears he did not and admits he would never have his daughter or grandchildren murdered. He is insulted at her insinuation. Hope and Alice decide they should do something a little different this year for the Brady/Horton BBQ. Shawn grabs Bo and flings him around, demanding to know what the hell is going on! Shawn is shocked to see...it's not Bo...but a man (played by Dylan Walsh) who looks just like Bo! Victor and Caroline say goodbye. Jeremy opens up to Georgia about Jan being sent away to prison. Georgia offers Jeremy a shoulder to lean on. Mike reveals Billie's test results are very encouraging. Hope and Alice find information on renting a private ship to have the Brady/Horton BBQ on Lake Michigan just off the coast of Illinois! Hope and Alice agree this is perfect. Roman, Anna, and Caroline say goodbye to Sami, Carrie, Bo, and Salem. Eric, Greta, and Frankie stay in the lobby of the Hospital and say a prayer for Kristen and her baby. Eric cannot believe he is saying this, but he thinks someone should call Tony...saying Kristen is going to need someone when she wakes up...if she wakes up. While unconscious, Kristen's life begins flashing before her eyes as she remembers strange things about her time in Salem...starting with the first moment that started it all...the moment that was the beginning of the end for the life as she knew it. Next on DAYS: Bo's lookalike has a shocking connection to Salem!
BONUS EPISODE #5! Shane, Kim, and Kayla tell Steve they won’t give up on him, despite his begging them to do so. Jennifer runs into Peter in downtown Salem and begs him to leave Sami alone. She says Peter has already hurt enough people. Peter says he loved Jennifer and never wanted to hurt her…Jennifer reminds Peter despite his intentions, he did hurt her and that is all that matters. Peter says that shouldn’t be all that matters. His love should matter. He vows to always stand by Sami. Mike discovers Jenna is a match for Billie, as well. Mike sends Nicole and Jenna into blood donation and bone marrow donation surgery. Bo asks Hope to give Georgia another chance and forgive her for what happened to JT, but Hope refuses. Mother and daughter, Kate and Nicole, bond while Nicole is poked and prodded for the bone marrow donation that is taken from her back in a very painful procedure. Greta and Frankie go to the government building to meet with a judge and usher along their divorce. Chloe catches up to Belle and confronts her about what just happened with Shawn. Belle reminds Chloe what Chloe had just told her moments earlier…all is fair in love and war. Nicole apologizes to Kate for Lucas’ death. Nicole says she really is sorry for what happened to him. Nicole says she wanted to be there for her during the funeral, but she felt it was an inappropriate time to say the things that need to be said…the things she is saying now. Kate understands. Greta asks Frankie if he will ever forgive her. Frankie says he does not know. Austin and Carrie are sleeping when he awakens with a horrible nightmare about Miguel. Carrie wonders what could be happening with Austin. Andy learns his father and mother are both in San Diego. He sets off to find them both. Shane and Kim are just happy Andy is in Salem and far away from the danger. Andy books a flight for San Diego. Jan is sentenced to two months in prison. Jeremy is devastated. He and Jan vow to be with each other soon. Eric and Greta decide to have a romantic evening in their hotel in the Dominican. There is a knock at the door... Sarah and Miguel work together to try and keep Frankie and Melissa away from each other. They lock Melissa in a room in the hotel. She is baffled as to why she is stuck. Miguel reveals to Sarah he is going to kill Frankie Brady while they are down here. Sarah panics. Eric and Greta are interrupted by...KRISTEN! Kristen explains to Eric that if he thinks he and Greta are going to run off and leave her alone to raise their baby, they have another thing coming! Eric explains that is not what it is like. Kate tells Nicole she knew she and Megan had no chance at a good life if Stefano found out he was their father, and she knew he would. Nicole says she understands. Things get emotional. Nicole jokes that Kate shouldn’t get used to them being so nice to each other. Jan and Jeremy share a tearful goodbye as she is sent to the state penitentiary. Georgia and Hope have a horrible encounter. Hope tells Georgia to stay away from her children or she’ll pay the price! Billie undergoes surgery to have Jenna and Nicole’s T cells and bone marrow implanted in her. Jennifer begs Peter, if he is a good person at all, and she says she knows he is, to leave Sami alone and keep her free from the Dimera curse. Peter contemplates leaving Salem. Philip tells Chloe she should allow Belle and Shawn time to see if they are really finished. Chloe gets a phone call that makes Philip wonder if she has a secret. Chloe flashes a devilish look towards Philip. Marlena arrives in San Diego ready to use hypnosis to figure out exactly what happened during Steve’s missing years! Frankie arrives at Eric and Greta's room to see if Melissa is there. Miguel takes aim ready to kill Frankie. Sarah tries to stop Miguel from shooting Frankie. Miguel knocks Sarah unconscious. Miguel takes aim from a building away. He aims his gun. He holds the target steady on Frankie's head. Miguel fires.
BONUS EPISODE #4! Belle tells Shawn she wants him back. Shawn says he’ll never be able to forgive her for letting J.T. run out in front of Georgia’s car. Frankie tells Greta he wants a divorce as soon as possible so he suggests going to the Dominican Republic for a quickie divorce. Greta agrees. Melissa and Sarah visit Maggie in prison. Maggie is remorseful and begs her daughters for their forgiveness. They ask why she has done this. Maggie says she does not know. Shane and Kim arrive to be with Kayla and Steve, who has been tired to the bed by Kayla. Belle apologizes but says J.T. is fine, and there is no reason for them not to be together now. Shawn says he wants to test the waters with Chloe. Belle begs Shawn not to do this. Shawn apologizes. Frankie asks Melissa if she would be willing to accompany him to the Dominican Republic to see if they still have feelings for each other. Melissa agrees. Miguel warns Sarah to drive wedge between Melissa and Frankie immediately. Laura and Marlena diagnose Maggie as being temporarily insane. Maggie is transferred to the mental ward of the hospital. The Hortons agree this is a better alternative than prison. Kayla informs Shane and Kim that Steve must have been programmed by Stefano or something because he kidnapped Stephanie! Kayla also says Steve shot her. Kim is concerned, but Kayla says it was a flesh wound and that she has already been treated and released from the hospital. Belle breaks down in front of Chloe. She begs Chloe, as a friend, to leave Shawn alone just for a little while to see if they have a shot, for Claire’s sake. Chloe apologizes and refuses. Sarah tells Melissa she cannot get back together with Frankie. Melissa is confused. She says she thought this was what Sarah wanted. She asks Sarah why she mailed Frankie the pictures if she didn’t want Melissa and Frankie back together. Sarah says Melissa cannot just be the runner up prize. Sarah encourages Melissa to find out if Frankie loves her truly…and not just loves her because Greta was unfaithful. Greta invites Eric to go the Dominican. He agrees. The two seal the vacation plans with a kiss. Steve awakens. He says he remembers kidnapping Stephanie and shooting Kayla, but he doesn’t remember why he did this. Steve breaks down. He says he is a danger and cannot be trusted. Steve tells Kayla to kill him. It’s the only way she will be safe. Kayla says she would rather die herself than live a life without Steve! Belle confronts Chloe about Shawn. Chloe fires back saying Belle and Philip were together, and she did not care! Belle says that is different because Chloe had moved on with Brady, and Chloe and Philip were DONE. Chloe says Belle and Shawn are done too…Belle just refuses to accept it. Belle is fuming over Chloe’s words. Miguel discovers Melissa, Frankie, Eric, and Greta will be in the Dominican Republic. Miguel and Sarah make plans to go to the Dominican in secret. Kayla tells Steve they will figure out where Stephanie is and will rescue her. Kayla then says their next mission will be to kill Stefano! Belle opens up to Carrie about how she is sick of being little Miss Nice Nice and getting trampled all over. She is sick of playing by the rules when no one else seems to! Carrie tells Belle she knows how she feels and explains how she was a victim for years. Shane calls in a favor at the ISA to have an intense search for Stephanie launched. Shane suggests flying in Marlena to hypnotize Steve and figure out where he put Stephanie! Greta, Frankie, Eric, and Melissa touch down in the Dominican. Miguel and Sarah are not far behind! Carrie encourages Belle to grow a backbone and fight for Shawn. Steve says he refuses to live a life as Stefano’s pawn. Belle sees Shawn and Chloe, who are sharing a dance at the summer festival. Belle approaches Shawn and Chloe. She taps Shawn on the shoulder. He turns. Belle grabs Shawn and pulls him into a scorching hot kiss that leaves Shawn paralyzed with passion. Belle flashes Chloe a look of satisfaction. Belle tells Chloe to put on her battle armor because she is going to war for Shawn’s heart.
That is a great video! Congrats on all of your nominations. Excited to see the big name for the new leading male.
BONUS EPISODE #3! Chloe meets with someone mysterious while in Shawn's loft. Chloe hides her mysterious friend when Shawn, Belle, and Philip return home suddenly from Lucas' funeral. Kayla stands over an unconscious Steve. Kayla flashes back to Steve remembering he was the one who kidnapped Stephanie and shot Kayla. Kayla remembers knocking Steve out in order to protect them...both. Jan is sentenced to jail until she can get a hearing. Bo vows to do whatever it takes to get her out since she protected Claire and Trey against Willow's kidnapping. Miguel grabs Sarah and puts a gun to her head. He tells her he will get revenge on her for her betrayal. Carrie tells Anna, her mother, how good it is to have no third party torturing them for the first time ever. Carrie says Mike is out of her life, romantically anyway, and Sami is no longer out to get Austin. Anna is so happy to see Carrie finally happy. Austin takes a nap after Lucas' funeral because he is emotionally drained. While sleeping, Austin has horrible nightmares about Miguel and their past together. Sarah apologizes profusely to Miguel. She begs him to forgive and says she will do anything to help him get Melissa back. Kayla calls her sister, Kimberly, and asks her to join her in San Diego. Kayla says something very stange is going on with Steve, and she needs Kimber's help! Jeremy begs his cousins, Melissa and Sarah, to drop the charges against Jan. They say they will do so only if Jan drops her vendetta against Maggie. Jeremy asks them to understand Maggie killed Jan's mother and that she wants to see justice done. Austin comes face to face with Miguel. Sami thanks Roman for being here for her during the last few days. Sami tells Roman he needs to get back to his life with Anna in Europe. Roman says he does not want to leave Sami, but Sami insists she will be fine. Kimberly Brady (Patsey Pease) calls her ex-husband, Shane Donovan (Charles Shaughnessy), and informs him that Kayla and Steve need their help! Kate asks Jenna to leave town now that the funeral is over. Kate says she appreciates her sister's support, but she'd feel more comfortable if Jenna was not here. Billie collapses. Mike rushes her to the hospital. Once Billie is stabilized, Mike calls Nicole to inform her she is a match for Billie's T cells. Austin's encounter with Miguel is cut short when Mike calls him about Billie's condition. Kate and Jenna both rush to the hospital after Kate gets a call from Mike about Billie. Jenna is shocked when she sees Mike...she asks Kate about him. Kate asks Jenna how she knows Mike...Jenna says she doesn't. Kate gets a strange vibe from Jenna. Chloe's mysterious friend sneaks down the fire escape of the loft. Mike explains to Nicole, Austin, and Kate that he did not know Nicole or Jan were related to Billie when he ran the tests and determined there was no match. He says he tested Jan and Nicole's files and has learned Nicole would be a good match for Billie to receive T cells to help her fight her lymphoma. Jen is a little shaken when Jack runs off to join Billie's family at the hospital. Jack insists he loves Jennifer with all of his heart, but he says he cannot just abandon Billie. Jennifer understands and wants to be there for her, as well. Roman and Anna prepare to leave town. They ask Sami and Carrie if they are sure they'll be OK. Roman asks Carrie to put her hate for Sami aside and help her get through this. Carrie says it's already been done and that she'll do anything she can for Sami. Carrie says she doesn't know what she'd do if she lost Austin the way Sami lost Lucas. Meanwhile, Miguel burns a picture of a very young-looking Austin. He smiles, wickedly. Belle tells Chloe she wants Shawn back. Chloe apologizes to Belle and tells her that Shawn can make his own decisions. Belle realizes this is war. Mike decides to also test Billie's Aunt Jenna, saying the more blood donations Billie gets, the better off she will be. Nicole and Kate bond as Nicole prepares for her blood donation and bone marrow donation. Kimberly and Shane arrive at the San Diego airport from their individual locations. They hug when they see each other. It is awkward. They realize they need to get to Kayla and Steve immediately. Kayla ties Steve to the bed. She vows to do anything to help get Steve back. She damns Stefano Dimera to the pits of hell. Stefano, meanwhile, plays chess. He says all of his pawns are in place...and right where he wants them! He laughs maniacally.
SUMMER PREVIEWS: "The theme of the summer is secrets and lies! Everyone storyline will be affected by one or the other!"...previews King. "It will all wreak of old school 'DAYS! At least, I hope! And I don't mean 80's DAYS...I mean 90's DAYS. There will be a lot of intrigue, manipulation, and betrayal. There have been a lot of pay offs lately because that is what the plan was for the blog to end, but this summer will be a mix of more pay-offs and building some great, new storylines." The Wrath of the Phoenix: Stefano is back. He has been back for a while now, but he has not had a reason to pounce on Salem. With his kids turning their backs on him and with everything going on with Maggie, he now will. Stefano is planning a huge surprise for Salem. It will hit on the fourth of July party. Alice and Hope, who is now the head of the Brady family with Caroline gone, make plans to have the Horton/Brady Bar-B-Q over the course of a weekend…on a cruise ship. All of the Brady’s and Horton’s will be in attendance, and Stefano will strike. It’s going to be a huge story. Friday, June 15th will be the kick off of this storyline. Bo/Hope/Georgia/Duncan: Duncan (played by Dylan Walsh) is a sexy stranger who will bear a striking resemblance to Bo. This will of course mean big trouble for Bo and Hope. Georgia vs. Hope will reach proportions no one ever could have imagined. John/Marlena and Aidan: Aidan is going to come to Salem and reunite John and Marlena in a great way. John and Marlena will finally get some happiness! They’ve been apart for too long. Aidan has a huge secret! Tony/Kristen/Eric/Greta: These four will be going to the Dominican Republic for Greta and Frankie’s quickie divorce. There will be big danger there. Eric and Kristen will bond closer and closer to their baby…but not each other. Tony will try to win Kristen back, but it won’t be easy. Tony will be making love to someone who will shock everyone! Frankie/Melissa/Miguel/Sarah: These four will also be in the Dominican Republic to help move along Frankie and Greta’s quickie divorce. Miguel is going to be the center of a huge dangerous plot. He will be using that gun, and someone on the canvas will die. Georgia/Jeremy/Jan: A great Brady/Horton/Dimera triangle emerging for the second time ever, I believe. The first being Megan/Bo/Hope. It’s a great little dynamic going on here. Jeremy is a complex character. He’s a bad boy, but he’s a Horton, and both parts of his personality will be represented by these two ladies. Jeremy and Georgia will team up for a common goal. They’ll make an unholy alliance. Georgia will hopefully be seen as a young heroine throughout this all. Jan will spend her time in prison, and Jeremy and Georgia will be thrown together in a circumstance they can’t get out of. Maggie: Laura and Marlena will get to the bottom of why Maggie is acting the way she has been. It will be a story into Maggie’s past. Maggie needs saving, and Stefano wants to be the one to do it. Austin/Carrie: Miguel has a huge key to Austin’s past. Austin has a big secret that he learned to live with and hasn’t thought about in years. Carrie and Austin will be torn apart by a third party, but it is not anyone who wants to do it for romantic reasoning… Jennifer/Jack/Peter/Sami: Seter have hit a huge road block with Lucas’ death. Sami discovers Stefano is alive and well, and she is going to have a huge proposition for him. Peter has to deal with the fact that he is, once again, runner-up in the heart of a beautiful blonde. Peter and Stefano’s connection will be revisited. Peter was the one child who never turned his back on Stefano. Jennifer and Jack will be doing their damnedest to make sure Peter Blake is run out of Salem for good. Belle/Shawn/Chloe/Philip: This great little dynamic will continue, but Chloe has a big secret. Belle will find herself being torn between the way she is and wants to be…and the way she has to be in order to get Shawn back. Addie/Andy/Steve/Kayla/Shane/Kim/Eugene/Calliope: Eugene/Calliope and Shane/Kim will be working with their children, Addie and Andy, to find Steve and Kayla and help Steve. Addie will hope and pray Andy will never find out she posed as E.C….but he will, eventually. Jack and Jen will also have a hand in this storyline. Jenna/Mike/Billie:Jenna (Melrose Place star, Laura Leighton) is Kate’s sister so she will be nothing but trouble. She is going to be very attracted to Mike Horton (Matthew Fox), who will bond very much with Billie Reed. Billie is finally, finally, FINALLY going to find love in Salem. She is going to clash with her Aunt Jenna big time. Victor/Kate: Victor will receive some shocking medical news that will spell trouble for these love birds. Kate and Laura's vendetta against each other is back because of everything that happened with Billie/Jack/Jen. Will/Oscar: Will be getting a love interest in Oscar, who is still in the process of being cast. He will arrive in mid to late summer. The boy will have a connection to Salem that I guarantee no reader would ever guess. Exits: There will be exits, as usual. There are a lot of people on recurring right now. A lot of the big May returns are on recurring, and they will all be heading out of town soon enough. These were returns in place as treats for fans when the blog was ending. Now the blog is staying, they will be written out, but the stories must run their course.
King commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Yikes!!!!! Bo and Kay won't be happy about this. Hahaha. -
Well, I have tortured them sooo much. I had to give them a happy ending!
Roman, John, Marlena, and Eric arrive at Sami's to help her and Will get ready for the funeral. Jennifer tells Abby she needs to get to Lucas' funeral. Abby tells Jennifer she's gathered her here to say goodbye. Carrie arrives at Sami's. Abby and Max say goodbye to Jen, Jack, Frankie, and Caroline. It is a very sad, tearful goodbye, but Jennifer knows Abby will find happiness outside of Salem that she cannot find her. Carrie sits down with Sami. Carrie tells Sami how horrible she feels. She says she wishes they were on better terms so she can comfort Sami the way she needs to be comforted right now. Before Carrie can say another word, Sami throws herself into Carrie's arms. At the funeral procession, Marlena and Carrie walk Sami down the aisle on each side. Georgia walks her cousin, Will, down the aisle. Billie is touched to see her daughter and Lucas' son so close. Sami, Will, Kate, Roman, Caroline, Eric, John, Marlena, Belle, Shawn, Philip, Peter, Bo, Hope, Frankie, Georgia, Greta, Hope, Jenna, Jack, Alice, Jeremy, Jennifer, Laura, Melissa, Sarah, Victor, Mike, Billie, Austin, Carrie, and Nicole are all in attendance for Luca's funeral. Sami is outraged when she sees Maggie's daughters, Melissa and Sarah, arrive at the funeral. She wants to lash out at them, but she recalls Lucas' last words to her telling her to let go of the hatred. The funeral is touching and emotional. Lucas' memory is discussed by Sami, Will, Kate, Billie, Austin, and Philip. There is not a dry eye in the house. Sami tells Lucas he is the love of her life, and she'll never love someone the way she loved him. Peter is expressionless. Everyone recalls their favorite memories of Lucas in flashbacks. Abby stops by the foyer of the church while the rest of the funeral is going on. She lights a candle. She says a prayer to her Uncle Lucas. She asks God to remember Aunt Maggie...and help us all understand why this happened and find the strength to forgive her. Max comforts her. They kiss. She lights a candle. Chloe takes advantage of being alone in the loft for the day...to have a secret meeting with someone. Chloe Lane has a secret...but what? Once the funeral moves outside, all of Salem mourns as they lay Lucas in the ground. Sami, Will, and Kate cannot believe this is goodbye. Sarah and Austin both get chills when they turn to see Miguel sneaking around the cemetery. Abby and Max touch down in Miami. Max says he is going to help make them a life here. He says he is very connected in Miami with their racing scene, and they'll be very happy here. Sami, Will, and Kate remain behind after everyone has left. They lay a flower on the coffin and say goodbye, forever. At sundown on the beautiful beaches of Miami, Max and Abby stand on a beach with a priest. She is dressed in a stunning wedding gown. The train of the gown blows in the wind. Max: I, Maxwell Brady, take you, Abigail Devereaux, to be my wife......to have and to hold... from this day forward...in good times and bad... in sickness and in health...til death do us part. I promise to love you and honor you... all the days of our lives. Abby: I, Abigail Devereaux, take you, Maxwell Brady, to be my husband...to have and to hold... from this day forward...in good times and bad... in sickness and in health...til death do us part. I promise to love you and honor you... all the days of our lives. Abby and Max seal their marriage with a kiss as the Miami sun sets in the background. The young lovers kiss. Next on DAYS: The end is near for Billie Reed.
I know. I loved Mabby! They've been together a long time on the blog...but when it's right, you just know! LOL.
BONUS EPISODE! Kate is shocked to see her sister, Jenna (Laura Leighton) standing before her. Jenna explains she knows Kate asked her and their parents to stay far away from Salem, but Jenna says she heard about Lucas, and she had to come and be there for her sister. Kate is appreciative of Jenna being there...but Kate says if she wanted the support of her or her parents, she would have called them herself. Andy wonders where his roommate, E.C., could have transfered to. Andy flashes back to having that hot, drunken kiss with E.C. and questioning his sexuality. Addie recalls how Andy can never know she was posing as E.C. to get clues about the Fury. Addie is looking forward to starting fresh with Andy. Jan is thrown in jail...and Jeremy can do nothing but watch. Georgia lends Jeremy a comforting shoulder. Jenna tells Kate she'll be out of Salem as soon as she can, but for now, Kate should let her be there for her and comfort her. Kate reluctantly agrees. Abby begs Max to take her far from Salem. She says she has had it with the pain and devastation. Abby and Max flash back on all of their times in Salem including Chelsea, Erika, Avalon, Cassie, and Connor. Once downtown, Jan is informed she is also under arrest for the murder of Willow Espinoza. Jan says that is not fair because Willow was about to kidnap Claire and Trey! Bo and Roman inform Jan they will do everything they can to try and get her freed from these charges since they were trying to help Shawn and Belle. Max agrees with Abby...saying they will never be happy as long as they are in Salem. Max agrees to leave town with Abby. Melissa asks Frankie if his marriage to Greta is over. Frankie confirms it is. Melissa wonders what the future is like for her and Frankie, but before he can answer, he gets a call from Jeremy Horton. Mike learns Nicole is a match for Billie's T cells. Jenna flashes back to when she was a little girl and seeing her older sister, Kate, being thrown out of the house after their parents found out Kate turned to prostitution. Jenna remembers crying as her sister was thrown out of the house. Jeremy calls Frankie to help get Jan freed from her charges. After analyzing the case, Frankie tells them it is not going to be easy. Frankie says Jan might have to do some jail time. Sami mourns Lucas by recalling all of their favorite times. Frankie then informs Jeremy that he is in big trouble with the law for helping Jan go on the run! Kate and Sami finalize plans for Lucas' funeral. Marlena and Laura wonder what could be going on with Maggie. Frankie later meets with his neice, Georgia, and tells her the judge has ruled on her charges of hitting J.T. with the car...Frankie informs Georgia she needs to complete 500 hours of community service by 2008 or she will serve jail time! Hope learns of the judge's verdict and is pleased. Everyone is more confused when Maggie faints...and when she wakes up, she is good, old Maggie, wondering what the hell just happened. Georgia is shocked about her sentence, but she is just relieved the judge did not sentence her to a dentention center or prison. She is happy J.T. is OK, and she just wants to move on with her life. Maggie asks Marlena and Laura if it's true...if she killed Lucas. She said she remembers holding bloody Lucas in her arms. Marlen and Laura say it's true. Maggie cries out, moaning and crying. Abby and Max gather Frankie, Caroline, Jennifer, and Jack to Max's loft. Max and Abby tell them they have gathered them to say goodbye! Next on DAYS: A wedding for Salemites!
Very very good!!!
CASTING NEWS! Thank you to everyone who voted in the casting poll! You, the readers, the fans, have spoken! Milo Ventimiglia of "Heroes" and "Gilmore Girls" fame will be joining the blog this week in the mysterious role of Aidan, who will be revealed to be the long-lost son of supercouple, John and Marlena. "Deidre Hall left the show in 1987 for about five years. They have been referred to on the show as her missing years during which Marlena gave birth to Cassie and Rex...but she also gave birth to another son, a son with whom she was pregnant when she was kidnapped from Salem."...previews King. Ventimiglia will first air the week of June 4th. In other casting news, Wayne Northrop (Roman Brady) and Leann Hunley (Anna Brady), who returned for a handful of episodes in May, will last air this week. The characters will be leaving Salem. Setside sources are reporting Caroline Brady, played by Peggy McCay, will be exiting with them. All three are expected to be make sporadic appearances in the future. On the Friday, June 1st episode of the blog, it was revealed Laura Leighton's (Sydney, Melrose Place) character is named Jenna Brown, younger sister of Kate Roberts. See Below for More Milo! <object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NIph4ZyXDg"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NIph4ZyXDg"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NIph4ZyXDg" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>
Maybe that is why the real DAYS stinks. Haha.
Episode #175 - Friday, June 1st, 2007: Victor attempts to console Kae over Lucas' death, but she pushes him away. Greta confronts Maggie and demands an answer as to why Maggie would do this to her or Alice or anyone! Maggie has a fire in her eyes, and she lashes out at Greta calling her a whore! Bo and Roman realize whoever is standing in front of them is NOT Maggie! Georgia helps Will grieve. Bo leaves the station to comfort Hope over her cousin's loss. Mike and Billie share a special moment on the hospital terrace when they recall their favorite moments of Lucas, their brother. Eugene and Callope asks Addie what has been going on. Addie says she was right...Maggie is the Fury! Calliope says if Maggie is the Fury, then a lot of things have changed since the last time she was in Salem! Austin and Carrie leave Will to be in Georgia's hands. When alone, Austin opens up to Carrie about how much he is going to miss his brother, Lucas. Marlena and John continue to help Sami. Marlena and John's babysitter brings baby Gabe to the hospital to be with them. Sami and Kate must put their feelings aside to make plans for Lucas' funeral. Calliope and Eugene arrive at the hospital and immediately reunite with good friends, Marlena and John, who confirm for Eugene and Calliope that Maggie is the Fury. Chloe arrives and tells Philip she is there for him if he needs her. Philip asks Chloe to stay with him. Shawn realizes they need this time together so he concedes to Philip. Bo comforts Hope. Bo, Hope, Jack, and Jennifer decide to join Roman at the station and question Maggie. Nicole is left alone to grieve for her brother...and ex-husband...until Peter arrives. Peter offers his sister, Nicole, solace over the death of Lucas. Roman, Bo, & co. call Laura and Marlena to come and meet with Maggie. Jan gets into a huge fight with Melissa and Sarah and warns them she is going to kill Maggie! Sarah and Melissa decide to have Jan arrested on charges of harrassment and Maggie's attempted murder. Austin takes a moment out of grieving to recall running into Miguel Marco in downtown Salem the other day. Austin vows to keep Miguel away from Carrie...he just cannot believe his past has come back to haunt him. Eric is on his way to bring Sami some food when he runs into Kristen. Kristen and Eric recall their lovemaking and how she is pregnant with his baby. Eric calls her sick and says she only used him for revenge on Marlena. Kristen says it is true, but it doesn't make her any less pregnant. Kristen asks Eric if he is going to there for her and this baby. Addie realizes there is no need to pose as E.C. anymore. Addie decides to come up with a story that will have "E.C." transfer schools...and away from Andy. Addie realizes she must hurry to move herself out of Andy's room before he returns! Jan is arrested for the attempted murder of Maggie. Mike recalls not knowing Jan and Nicole were related to Billie when he told her none of her family matched her blood cells...and sentenced her to death. Marlena, John, Eugene, and Callope catch up on old times. Calliope and Eugene bond with John and Marlena's baby, Gabe. Eric informs Kristen he is getting back together with Greta, but he will be there for his baby. Kristen collapses. Peter lets Sami know he is here for her, but he asks her if he should stick around...Sami asks Peter to leave. Andy arrives at his dorm room to discover his roommate, E.C., is gone. Addie snuck out just in time! Kristen is rushed in to see Dr. Bader. Eric accompanies her. Dr. Bader informs Kristen she is suffering from major cramps, but she will be OK. Dr. Bader asks her if while she is here, she wants to see the baby. Kristen agrees. Kristen and Eric watch as Dr. Bader performs an ultrasound to see the baby. Kristen is moved. Eric bonds with the baby. Dr. Bader informs them Kristen is pregnant with a baby boy. Mike runs Jan and Nicole's T-Cell Records on file with the hospital to cross reference them with Billie's. Laura and Marlena ask Maggie why she did all of this. Maggie's eyes widen. Marlena asks Maggie what is wrong with her. She says this is not the Maggie she knows and loves. Laura agrees. Marlena and Laura tell Maggie they are going to help her. Maggie screams in a voice unlike her own that she does not need nor does she want their help! Marlena and Laura look at each other in confusion. Kate arrives to her hotel room. She is grief-stricken and in denial. She looks traumatized. She walks into her room like a zombie. Someone is in the room with her. Kate is terrified. She grabs a fire poker. She turns the corner and flips on the light. She raises the fire poker in anger ready to hit her assailant..."YOU!?!?!"...Kate screams as she stands looking at her younger sister, Jenna Brown (played by Laura Leighton), who pulls her into a comforting hug that Kate struggles to avoid. Next on DAYS: Abby and Max say goodbye to Salem, but you won't believe how it ends for the lovebirds!