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Everything posted by JAYJAY


    Episode 106

    Springfield is recovering from the storm........ Downtown: The place is a mess. David Grant walks around. He can barley recognize the place. Suddenly a car pulls up. Buzz and Lucy come running out. Lucy comes running over to him, "Where is she?" Buzz is worried, "David! They said Harley and Gus were downtown looking for Susan. Where are they?" David sighs, "Over there." He points to the collapsed building across the street. Buzz falls to the ground, "NO!" Lucy holds him, "Daddy. Don't worry! Okay? Harley and Gus are cops they know how to handle these things!" Buzz looks up at David, "Who else? Was there anyone else inside there with them?" David sighs, "We got a phone message from Gus. We couldn't make it all out. But he said..... Alan and Natalia were in the building with them." Lucy is in shock, "Oh my God! Do the Spauldings know yet?" Just then a limo comes pulling in. Cedars: Charles walks over to Ed, "We need all the help we can get. The storms caused so much damamge and a lot of people were hurt." Ed nods, "I was worried sick. Rick was safe and Michelle wasn't in town. Luckily she didn't get to much damage where she was." Rick walks over, "Hey they reported a bunch of car accidents that are being checked out. Odds are we're gonna have a lot going on today. So we need to have everyone here." They all turn their heads to see Michelle walking in. Ed runs over and hugs his daughter, "Oh thank God!" She sighs, "I called you this morning Daddy." He nods, "I know but all last night I was worried sick. Where did you go last night anyways?" Michelle shakes her head, "I can't talk about it right now. All I can say is that a lot changed last night." Michelle walks off to go start work. Rick shakes his head, "I'm worried about her." Ed sighs, "I have a bad feeling. The last time I felt this way was..... I just hope things are different this time." Rick turns to him, "What do you mean?" Ed goes to say something but more patients come in. The doctors go to work. Road: Mallet is walking down the road looking around. There was a huge accident last night. Marina runs over, "What's going on?" Mallet sighs, "Last night the roads were pretty slick and snowy. I guess a few cars stopped to try and wait it out. That's when a semi came driving down and crashed it totaled all of the cars. Sadly odds are that there were no survivors but we are still checking." Marina sighs, "Wow. I can't believe that. Those poor people just waiting in their cars had no chance at all." Mallet nods, "I know. It's really difficult when you know that these people had families and loved ones who have to deal with this now. It really puts things into perspective." Marina looks around, "Where's David?" Mallet turns around, "He went to check the damage out downtown. I don't know what's up but he seemed worried. Where's your partner?" She sighs, "I have no idea. I called Remy but he isn't answering. I'm starting to worry. Sam and Stephanie said he didn't come home last night. And I can't get a hold of his parents." Mallet sighs, "Oh God!" Marina turns to him, "What's wrong?" He looks down, "I didn't want to tell you this. But.... the reason I'm down here is because they found a car. One of the cars that was in the crash. It belonged to Blake Marler." She gasp, "What? Is Blake okay?" Mallet sighs, "Well her car was empty so we thought she must have gotten out and walked but... if Remy's missing too." Marina begins to worry more. Carriage House: Kevin walks in. He shouts, "I'm not staying! My car broke down. I just came to get some money I left here." He walks into the livingroom. Maureen is sitting with Jason. Dinah is on the couch looking down at the ground. Clarissa is sleeping on the couch. Kevin looks around, "What's going on?" Dinah has tears in her eyes, "Hey sweetie. Uh... we need to talk about something." Kevin is confused, "Why are you here?" Dinah wipes her tears, "Maureen was babysitting Clarissa last night. And it was getting late so Jason and I came over to check on everything." Kevin shakes his head, "Where was my Mom?" Dinah sighs, "Your mother didn't come home last night." Kevin backs up, "So what? She just got caught up at work and she didn't feel the need to call?" Dinah shakes her head, "No Baby. Listen your Mom's car.... it was involved in an accident. She wasn't in the car... but we don't know where she is right now. And the storm was very dangerous last night. Mallet is looking for her but we haven't heard anything yet." Kevin stares in shock. Reva Bend: Reva is cleaning up. Shayne just left. She hears a knock at the door. She answers it. Dr. Chandler Tyler is standing there, "Hello Ms. Shayne. I don't know if you remember me." She nods, "Yes. You are Annie's old doctor. I'm sorry but she's not here anymore. She esaped Ravenwood and now she's long gone. I'm not involved with that." Chandler shakes his head, "That's not why I came here. I need to talk to you about something. May I come in?" Reva lets him inside. She shuts the door, "So you came through the storm huh? It must have been pretty important." He nods, "Yes it is. Now where is Josh Lewis at. I need to speak with both of you about this." She shakes her head, "Well good luck. Because Joshua won't stand in the same room with me." He nods, "Oh I'm sorry to hear that. But what I have to tell you is urgent. It's about Annie Dutton." She shakes her head, "Listen. I am done with Annie Dutton! She has ruined my life over and over again and I'm done. I just want her away from me and by that I need to be away from her." He looks at her, "Reva. I need to explain this to you. If I don't it could cost you your life!" She is starting to worry. Downtown: The limo pulls up. The Spauldings run out. Alex goes running, "Alan!!! Alan?" Buzz grabs her, "Stay back. It's dangerous." Phillip and Beth get out. Phillip sighs, "Gus and Alan are here?" Beth is worried, "Where is Alan? He has a heart condition! You know that right?" Alan Michael walks over to Lucy, "What are you doing here?" Lucy sighs, "Harley is in there with them." Rafe runs over, "Where is my mother?" Everyone is shouting. David, Lucy, and Buzz all turn to the building. Beth gasp, "No!" Alex shakes her head, "Alan! No!" Rafe stares in shock. Alan Michael stares, "There is absolutley no way anyone could survive something like that." Phillip's first thought is Zach. How is he going to tell his son that his mother is dead? A rescue team is searching the area. The Spauldings and the Coopers watch and pray that this isn't how they are going to say goodbye to their loved ones. PART TWO: Road: Marina looks around, "I can't believe this! I mean Blake and Remy could be.... I don't understand how this could happen." Mallet hugs her, "Don't worry yet. Okay? We haven't given up hope. So you can't either." She cries, "I can't have another friend die Mallet. I just can't go through losing someone again." He looks at her, "Okay. You go a head to the hospital and let them know about the situation. They found a blue car down the hill. They'll check it out and send whatever bodies the find there. Okay? Now you go on and wait alright? Don't worry." She walks away. Mallet walks down the hill to see the car that they are searching. It's compeltey destroyed. He starts to realize he's seen the car before but can't remember where. Suddenly someone calls him over. He runs up. A cop comes over, "Detective Mallet! We found an officer's vehical over on the other side! It's pretty messed up." Mallet goes running over. Mallet recognizes it, "That's Boudreau's car! Remy!" Carriage House: Kevin is in shock, "What? Mom could be.... why didn't anyone tell me this until now?" Jasno sighs, "We tried but we couldn't get through. No one even knew where you were." Maureen hugs Kevin, "I'm so sorry." Kevin looks at Clarissa who is still sleeping. He can now tell she had been crying. Dinah sighs, "She tried to stay all night. She wouldn't sleep without her mother. We finally convinced her that she should go to sleep and see her mother in the morning. Now I don't know what to tell her when she wakes up. I don't know." Kevin sits and looks at his little sister. He remembers how he always promised his dad that he'd always look after her. He wishes his Dad were still here. Kevin starts to cry. Dinah walks over and hugs him. Downtown: Alex is sitting with Buzz, "Oh my... I don't know what to do. Alan is my brother. I don't know..." Buzz holds her, "My little girl is in that building somewhere. I already had to go through this with Rocky. Now it's happening all over again." Beth is crying in Phillips arms, "I haven't even seen Alan in weeks! I never got to say...." Phillip rubs her back, "Don't worry. We don't know anything yet." Alan Michael walks over to Rafe, "You okay?" Rafe scoffs, "My mother, father, and grandfather are all buried over there. They are probably dead!" Alan Michael sighs, "I know this is difficult but we are Spauldings. We will get through this." David walks over. A rescue member calls him over, "Hey! Detective Grant! We hear something over here!" David walks over and listens... it's the faint sound of a baby crying. They do more digging. David looks down, "Wait!" David looks down. And he sees her. Harley is a few feet deep below. She's holding a crying baby. Reva Bend: Reva stares at Chandler, "What are you talking about? Annie Dutton is not in Springfield anymore! Or is she?" He hands a book to her, "You need to read this." She takes it, "It's a diary." He nods, "Not just any diary. The diary of Annie Dutton." Reva sighs, "Okay so she hates me. I know that!" He shakes his head, "Look at the last entry. It talks about her plan to kill you in the airplane." Reva nods, "Okay. But she didn't and then she came back to Springfield a few months later." He sighs, "Do you know that?" She scoffs, "What are you talking about?" He shows her, "Okay listen. Annie wrote everything about herself in here. And then the book has been owned ever since by the woman that I've been treating at the hospital." Reva nods, "The woman you are treating is Annie!" He shakes his head, "Reva! Annie jumped out of the airplane and then she was never seen again!" Reva sighs, "Then she had plastic surgery and came back to town!" He shouts, "No! Someone else came to Springfield! That same person pretened to be Terri DeMarco. That person then took on the persona of Annie Dutton. But that woman was only using Annie Diary to convince everyone and herself that she was Annie Dutton!" Reva backs up, "Wait are you saying that the Annie who came back to Springfield as Annie DeMarco...." He nods, "Wasn't really Annie!" Reva stares in shock! Cedars: Michelle walks around. Rick follows her, "Michelle where were you last night?" She shakes her head, "Leave me alone Rick!" He sighs, "Listen. Were you with Danny?" She turns to him, "What?" He sighs, "I knew it! I knew it was him? Are you back together?" She shakes her head, "No! Okay? Danny was with me. But then he went out for a drive. He must have changed his mind and now he is probably back with Marina for good." Rick sighs, "I'm sorry Michelle." She shakes her head, "Just leave me alone! I have a car accident patient coming in and I have to talk with the cops about what happened." Michelle walks out into the hall and comes face to face with Marina. Marina sighs, "So your the doctor that I'm talking with." Michelle nods, "I guess so. Let's just be professional. Okay? I need to know about the accident." Marina nods, "Well I don't know too much. But the car was slammed into and the car flipped several times. The victim has some serious bleeding and seveare damamge on his head. Odds are against him. I haven't seen the guy but he sounds pretty banged up." Michelle scoffs, "Really professional term. But it's okay I'm sure you and Danny were busy last night." Marina shakes her head, "Oh please! Danny wasn't even with me last night. But I'm sure you called and told him you needed him. Just to get him with you right Michelle?" Michelle shakes her head, "Danny wasn't with me last night." Marina sighs, "He wasn't with me either." Michelle worries, "Then where is he?" The EMT's shout, "Docotor Santos you patient is here!" Michelle and Marina turn to see the victim. They stare in shock! The car accident victim..... is Danny!!!! PREVIEWS: More shocks from the storm! The downtown is searched for bodies Michelle and Marina are shocked about Danny Reva starts to plan The cop car is searched

    Episode 105

    Yes this one wasn't quite as intense. But I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'm glad you enjoyed the Blake and Remy scenes. I admit that they came out of no where. But I felt you deserved some Blake and Remy scenes. The more technicalities of the birth were cut out to keep the moment more special. But yes Alan did it. With guidance of Harley. I'm so glad you could picture it. I've been working on that a lot more. I think you'll notice more sight and sound in my scenes. Rocky's kiss was almost uncontrolable. But yes he shouldn't have. Rocky isn't trying to cheat on him. But he still wants to help Kevin. Whch ito Kevin is teasing. Rocky has a strong need to help him and he doesn't know why. Danny's choice. Oh I want so badly to tell ya. I can't say to much because I won't give it away. But the next episode is a big one! Very very big. I mean big. Nothing will be the same for these 3 after that. Okay I've said to much! Thanks! I appreciate all of your comments. I hope you enjoy this month of stories.

    Episode 104

    Thank you ML!!!! Okay I agree about Michelle. But she has been through this a lot with Danny. They pushed each other away. She knows he loves Marina. The thing is she doesn't want him to be with her unless he really does. But no matter what they will always be the love of each other's life. Yep. Kevin has been denying this for a while. Rocky is so caught up. That night changed a lot. Rocky and Kevin don't even understand what is happening between them. Oh yes. I still need to put Remy and Blake in a spot where they can grow seperatley. Now that they know they love each other they need to grow up a little more in different ways. But they both know it's not over with them. I'm glad you liked the Alan/Natalia/Gus/Harley scenes. This is really the finale for this quad. I'm wrapping it up. But it'll make sense soon. I've been planning these scenes for a year. I'm so glad we are finally here. Marina and Shayne went out when they were teens. They went through a lot together. She's the only woman he's ever been with. And he's the only man who never really hurt her. It took her a while to get over the fact that he is with her uncle Rocky. I love intertwining! It's so fun. And I love giving clues. So watch because these are filled with them. I'm so glad you enjoyed it!!!! It means a lot.

    Episode 105

    The storm continues on in Springfield.... Old Building: Harley, Gus, and Alan stand around Natalia. She screams, "The baby is coming now!" Harley looks around, "There is no way out of this place. The door is blocked. We won't be able to leave!" Gus shakes his head, "We can't stay here. This place isn't sturdy. It is all falling a part." Alan is in shock, "There is a storm outside! Even if we leave we'll have to try and battle the snow!" Natalia cries, "I can't get up! It hurts so much!" Alan looks at them, "You two have had training in this situation. You need to deliver the baby." Gus sighs, "My hands are cut up pretty bad. And we're both covered in dirt from the fall. We can't risk infecting the baby. Alan your going to have to do this yourself." Alan shakes his head, "No! I can't deliver a child! I can't do this you need to do it." Harley sighs, "Alan we'll talk you through it but we can't risk causing harm to Natalia and the baby!" Gus grabs Alan, "Listen Dad! You ruined Phillip's life. You neglected Alan Michael. And you didn't meet me until I was a grown man. This is your chance. You wanted it you got it! Do right by your child by helping bring it into the world!" Alan turns around to Natalia he sits down by her. Gus and Harley walk over to help. Company: Rocky looks at Kevin, "You can't run away from your problems! Let me help you with this!" Kevin grabs him, "I don't need yoru help! I am leaving this town. There is nothing here for me!" Rocky pulls him into a kiss. The two begin kissing in the candle-light. Kevin pushes him away, "Stop it! No! I'm not.... I don't want you to do this to me okay?" Rocky backs up, "I'm sorry... I.... I don't know why I did that. I just... I wanted to..." Kevin shakes his head, "I don't want to know! I don't want anything to do with you. I just want out of here." Rocky looks at him, "I meant what I said! You can't hide from yourself. This is a part of you Kevin. You need to accept it. It's not the worst thing in the world." Kevin scoffs, "I am the screw up of my family. And something like... would just make things even more obvious that I am not the great football player, all american boy." Rocky sighs, "You don't have to be some title or some idea. That's not important. Just be yourself." Rocky holds Kevin's hand. Old Building: Gus sits behind Natalia, "Your gonna be okay Nattie. I promise. We're gonna take care of you." Harley holds her hand, "Just squeeze as much as you want to okay? Don't worry about me." Alan sits in front of Natalia, "Okay, okay. I don't know what to do I think we need to call someone." Harley turns to him, "There is no time Alan." Natalia screams in pain. Gus holds her, "Your fine okay! Your doing great!" Harley looks at them, "Okay I think it's time for you to push. We can't wait we need to do this now!" Gus looks at Alan, "You can do this!" Alan nods, "Okay push Natalia!" Natalia pushes but nothing is happening. She is in great pain. Harley looks at her, "You need to keep pushing!" Natalia cries, "I can't!" Harley nods, "You can!" Natalia whispers in her ear, "Promise me you will do whatever you have to. You need to keep the baby safe." Harley is confused, "What?" Natalia cries, "Promise me!" Harley nods, "Okay!" Gus looks at her, "Okay push!" Natalia screams as she pushes. Alan nods, "The baby! I see the baby!" Gus smiles, "Keep pushing!" Natalia pushes with all of her might. The baby is in Alan's arms. He sits back with it. They all hear it crying. Everyone bursts out in tears. Side of Road: Blake and Remy sit in the car. Blake cries, "It's so cold!" He holds her, "It's okay. We'll keep each other warm." She looks at him, "Thank you for saving me Remy." The two look into each other's eyes and kiss. This goes on for a minute. Remy looks at Blake, "We need to stay warm Blake. Okay? Just trust me alright. Trust me." Blake puts her arms around him and they kiss again. Remy takes off his shirt. She unbottens hers. The two start to tear off each others clothes. Blake wraps the clothes around them like a blanket. They kiss and begin to make love through the cold night. Bauer Cabin: Michelle lays on the bed. She holds a picture of her and Danny. She knows he is the true love of her life but is that enough to keep them together? She's seen it fail with others. She looks up at the ceiling. She knows Danny didn't just go for a drive. He went to make his decision. He is picking the woman he wants right now. Miles away Danny stops his car. He is right between his house and the cabin. Right in the middle of Marina and Michelle. The two loves in his life right now. He sits and thinks, "How do I choose. Michelle. You were my first love. Your the mother of my children. And we promised to spend the rest of our lives together. That's not even counting the vows we said. But Marina you are just a light that makes me whole. You make me happier than I ever thought I could be. And with you I can be myself." Danny looks out the window as the storm picks up. PART TWO: Old Building: Alan holds the baby in his arms, "It's a boy. I have a Son. Natalia we have a Son! Can you believe it?" Natalia cries, "He's beautiful!" Alan smiles at the baby. Gus gets up. Harley takes his place with Natalia. Gus looks around, "Okay Dad. We need to go looking around. We got to find a way out of this place. We can't keep Natalia and the baby here for to long. We got to get to Cedars." Alan shakes his head, "No. I don't want to leave Natalia and our baby right now. Not this soon." Harley looks at him, "It's fine. I'll stay with them." Alan hands the baby to Natalia. He reluctanly walks off to find a way out of the building. Natalia kisses the baby's head. Harley smiles, "He's beautiful Natalia." Natalia looks at her, "Yes he is. It's time to live up to your promise that you made Harley." Harley is confused, "Sweetie I don't understand what your talking about? What promise." Natalia sighs, "You said you'd do whatever you had to in order to save my baby. You have to right now by taking him." Harley stares in shock. Side of Road: Blake and Remy are laying in the car together. She is resting her head on his chest, "That was amazing. It was even better than before." He kisses her head, "I told you. It was fate that brought us here today. Together Blake." She sighs, "Why? Why do you have to keep saying that? Can't you just accept everything as it is?" He shakes his head, "No! I can't. I love you Blake. And you love me too. I don't understand why we can't be together. We are miserable without each other aren't we?" She sighs, "I know we are! But I have 3 children to think about. I can't bring you into our family when I'm not sure if we even trust each other or if we don't." He shakes his head, "You have a teenage daughter and two full grown sons. You can't use that excuse." She cries, "Remy.... just don't. Let's not talk about it. Let's just enjoy this night while we still have it." The two remain quiet and treasure each second they are spending together in each other's arms. Company: Kevin pulls away from Rocky, "I need to go!" Rocky sighs, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to freak you out like that. I just want you to know that you aren't alone in this. And you aren't the first person to deal with this." Kevin shakes his head, "I know what you are saying. But we are two different people Rocky!" Rocky nods, "Yes we are. But we could have more in common than you may think we do." Kevin sighs, "You know what? None of it matters. Because at the end of the day, your still madly in love with Shayne. And he is the guy that you are spending the rest of your life with. And me. I'm the guy who almost ruined your life. You don't need to let me do more to it." Rocky shakes his head, "You may have changed my life but you didn't ruin it Kevin." Kevin stares at Rocky for a moment and then leaves. Rocky sits at the counter and reflects on everything that has happened this night. Down Old Road: Danny looks around the road. Michelle always gets emotional here because this is the road that her mother died on. He remembers how he met Michelle. It was love at first sight even if he didn't realize it. They were meant for each other. And they had to battle their families to prove their love. And now she has given him two beautiful children to love. But Danny is tired of fighting. Then with Marina it's simple. It's happy, fun, and relaxing. They can be happy without all of the drama in their lives or some long background story full of drama. But then he remembers how he met Marina. She was a child. He didn't truely know here until she was fully grown up and became Robbie's nanny. Can he truely be in love with these completley different women? Can he love two women? Danny spends a lot of time thinking. He then suddenly realizes exactly who he loves. The woman that he loves with all of his heart. He has finally understood exactly what he has to do now and he is ready. He gets in his car and speeds on the road. He is going to see the woman that he loves. Old Building: Harley looks down at Natalia, "What? You want me to take your baby? I don't know what your talking about." Natalia sighs, "This building is going to collaspe look at the ceiling Harley. Look at it." Harley looks up and sees how it's very fragile and could fall at any momemnt on them. Harley nods, "Okay we need to get you two out of here. We'll go find Alan and Gus right now." Natalia shakes her head, "I can't. I'm in so much pain. I lost a lot of blood. I can't go fast enough. You need to save the baby!" Harley cries, "I can't just leave you here!" Natalia grabs her arm, "You promised me! Go!" Harley holds the baby< "I'll come back for you!" Harley runs off. Natalia sobs. Alan and Gus are upstairs. Gus sees a window, "We can try and get them out here." Alan looks around, "Gus!" The two men can see the building is falling apart. They hear the storm outside getting stronger. Gus looks at him, "We have to go now!" They go running down to find the women. Harley is running around with the baby in her arms. The building shakes. Gus and Alan shout, "Natalia! Harley! Get the baby our of here!" Alan falls to the ground clutching his chest, "Keep going Gus! Save Natalia and the baby!" Alan has a huge pain in his chest and fears it's his heart. Natalia goes crawling trying to find everyone but she is too weak. Harley is alone with the baby. She sees a door and runs towards it. She gets to it. It's locked. She fights to get it open, "Please! Please!" The baby is crying. Gus looks at Alan, "Come on!!" Alan cries, "The building is going to fall!!!" Natalia shouts, "Save my baby!!!!" Suddenly there is nothing but silence. Harley ducks down and holds the baby to her chest. The buidling collases in on everyone! PREVIEWS: Tragedy falls on Springfield! The Coopers and Spauldings worry Michelle and Marian run into each other Kevin returns home to recieve devestating news Reva gets a surprise visitor

    Episode 103

    When Harley divorced Gus she told him that there was no going back. But in a couple of weeks you'll see that she has moved on in more ways. Yep Susan has karma coming. Guillespie and his brother Cyrus are from Austrailia. Guillespie is still wanted for many crimes including the murder of Tammy Winslow. He is the hitman that Alan hired. Kevin attacked Rocky a while ago. It was weeks before they realized it was him. But now Kevin revealed that he was only insecure because he (the all american football hero) had grown feelings for Rocky. Rocky and Kevin shared a kiss but Rocky hasn't told Shayne. Rafe is Natalia and Gus's son. We haven't seen him in a while. He has an interest in Maureen but seems to have an ulterior motive. Annie Dutton has A LOT coming up. In a few weeks it'll make more sense. I'm trying to fix a certain story that I feel GL messed up. Kevin doesn't want to admit that he has feelings for Rocky because last time Rocky shut him down. He doesn't want to admit he might be gay. Yep. Jeffrey holds a HUGE secret that could affect SO many people. Yep. Michelle has made a lot of mistakes latley and she doesn't want to mess up with Danny. She knows they are meant to be. But she doesnt' want to force him. But just a hint... if Danny doesn't decide in time the consequences could be extreme. Thanks for the comments! I hope you got my email. Let me know if you didn't.

    Episode 104

    It's a stormy night in Springfield......... Harley's House: Harley is in her kitchen. It's feels like it's been ages since she cooked. The kids are all at Gus's. There is a knock at the door. Harley answers. She is surprised when Gus walks in, "Hey we got to talk." She turns to him, "Where are the children?" He looks around, "I got your father to come over and watch them. We need to go now." She is confused, "There is a huge snow storm coming. Why would you want to go out?" He sighs, "I got a tip. A really good one. It's about Susan. I think I know where she is." Harley is shocked, "Wait what? Susan was in New York but she got away. She could be anywhere." He shakes his head, "Uh-uh. She came back. Apparently her and G have something here they had to pick up. Now I have a good idea where to find them. I came to invite you but I'm going whether you are or not." She sighs, "Gus I don't know about this." He walks to the door, "Well if we don't find her some rookie cop will. And he'll be aiming to kill." Harley grabs her stuff, "I'm going with you." The two run out to the car. Downtown: Natalia is visiting some old friends. She is trying to call Olivia to get picked up but she can't get a signal. The snow is starting to fall. She hears her name in the distance, "Natalia!" Natalia turns to see Alan off across the street. She is holding a bag to cover her stomach. He runs towards her. She runs down the block and sees an old building. She runs in and hides. Alan sees her and follows. Bauer Cabin: Danny and Michelle are having a nice dinner together. She smiles at him, "I'm so glad that you came here. I wasn't sure you would want to with everything..." He sighs, "I love you Michelle. But I love Marina too. I just... I need to try and understand what I need to do. It's not as simple as I thought it was. I want to make the right choice." She nods, "I understand. I just.... I want everything to be okay. I have a feeling things are just going to take a turn for the worse or that something bad is about to happen." He holds her hand, "Whatever decision I make I'm going to stick with it. I'm tired of this back and forth thing. Who ever I choose is the woman that I'm going to be with." Michelle sighs, "It's a choice. And no matter what you choose there will be consquences." He stands up, "I don't know what I'm going to do! I am tired of hurting the women that I love." She walks over, "I'll support whatever decision you make." He holds her face and kisses her. Company: Rocky is cleaning up. He is supposed to meet Shayne over at Reva's house. They are going to keep her company during the storm. But Buzz had to go so he is closing up. Rocky still feels guilty about what happened with Rocky. He keeps having flashbacks to it. Kevin's lips on his. The way they were kissing. It all seems like it was a dream. Yet somehow it still feels like a nightmare. No one is here. The boarding house is empty tonight. Rocky turns off the lights. Outside he hears a car but he can't see it. Suddenly he hears a sound. He hasn't locked the door yet. Rocky grabs the bat from under the counter and walks to the door. It swings open. Rocky screams. He is shocked to see Kevin. Road: Blake is trying to get her car to start. She broke down on her way home. There is no one around. In the distance she sees a police car slow down next to her. The officer walks over to the car. She rolls down the window, "My car broke down." Officer Boudreau smiles, "You need me?" Blake is shocked to see him, "Remy? Oh my God. What are the odds that you would be here?" He laughs, "It's crazy! Or maybe it's fate. You never know. Maybe this was meant to happen?" She shakes her head, "Or maybe the mechanic I saw last week got mad because I told him he had something in his teeth." Remy looks at her outfit, "You look nice. What are you all dressed up for? Some date?" She sighs, "No. I was wearing this to work. You would know that if you had been watching my show. Not that we need the ratings." Remy nods, "Yeah. I watch it sometimes. But it can be diffiult to watch it a lot." Blake looks down. Remy walks to the front of the car to check it out. Abandoned Building: Natalia walks into the building. She is trying to get away from Alan. She has to slow down. The baby starts kicking. Alan walks over. Natalia is still holding a bag in front of her stomach, "Alan! Go away! Please!" He sighs, "Natalia! I love you! Please don't leave me again! I can't go on without you." She shakes her head, "I need to leave. Just let me go. I can't handle this right now." He cries, "Our child died! We need to get through this together. Please don't leave me!" She goes to walk away. He grabs the bag, "Wait!" The bag falls to the ground. Alan stares in shock. There is a sound, "Freeze Springfield PD!" Harley and Gus run in aiming their guns. They both stare in shock. All eyes are on Natalia and her baby bump. PART TWO: The wind is picking up and the snow is falling fast Company: Kevin walks past Rocky, "I ddin't know you would be here. I need to use your phone. Where is it?" Rocky is confused, "Why?" Kevin looks around, "My car is stuck in the snow. I need to get someone to help me." Rocky sighs, "Uh.... don't you have a cell phone?" Kevin scoffs, "I can't get a signal!" Rocky looks out at the car, "Why are there so many boxes?" Kevin sighs, "Because I'm leaving! ALl of my stuff is in the boxes. I am leaving this town and never looking back." Rocky looks at him, "Is it because of me Because of us?" Kevin scoffs, "There is no us okay? Don't you get it? I was just messing with you. I'm not into guys!" Rocky shakes his head, "You kissed me." Kevin laughs, "I just wanted to freak you out! I don't have feelings for you. I like Vi." Rocky nods, "Oh yeah I saw the show. Funny how you didn't kiss her until you saw me looking out the window." Kevin shakes his head, "It ain't the first time. I slept with her on Springbreak." Rocky sighs, "How drunk were you? Do you even remember it?" Kevin shouts, "Shut your mouth! Or else I'm going to shut it for you! Do you understand me?" Kevin walks towards Rocky. The lights go out. Darina House: Marina sits in her livingroom. There is a knock at her door. She jumps up, "Danny?" She answers the door and sees Shayne, "Hey!" She sighs, "Hi. I didn't expect you. Come in." He takes off his coat, "It's so cold. I just came by to check on you and Danny. I don't know why I just had a feeling." She nods, "Well Danny isn't here he had a business thing to do. He didn't know about the weather." Shayne is surprised, "Wow. Well you should call him. I mean I were still with you I'd want to know that." She shakes her head, "It's not like I want him racing home to see me. That is to dangerous." Shayne sighs, "Okay. Well then why don't you come with me? I'm going to my Mom's house. I want to keep her company." Marina nods, "Well.... I'm not sure. I wouldn't want to intrude." Shayne shakes his head, "You wouldn't be. She has had a rough time and we wanted to make sure she isn't alone tonight." Marina sighs, "We?:" Shayne nods, "Yeah Rocky and I." She sits down, "You know I'm gonna just wait. Danny might come home early. I want to be here if he does." He sighs, "Is it always going to be awkward when we see each other?" She looks at him, "I don't know. I hope not." He grabs his coat, "Well I got to go. Call me if you change your mind." She nods, "I will. Thank you Shayne." Shayne leaves. Marina sits and hopes Danny will come home soon. The lighs go out. Marina shrieks. Bauer Cabin: Danny and Michelle lay in bed together after making love. She kisses him, "This has just been.... the best night ever. I mean we are complelty safe and happy. It's like this place just makes us free to be who wa are with each other." He kisses her, "I know exactly what you mean. I love you Michelle. And tonight has been amazing." She gets up, "But I know you have a decision to make. Because the fact of the matter is that we can't stay here for the rest of our lives. We have to go back to Springfield in the morning. And you have to decide if you want to spend the rest of your life with me or with Marina." He gets up, "I don't konw. I just.... I feel like I'm trapped. No matter what I'm breaking someones heart and someone is going to hate me." She shakes her head, "No. Because all I want is for you to be happy whether it is with me or not. And I have a feeling that Marina wants the same thing for you Danny." Danny gets dressed, "I'm going out for a drive." She walks over to him, "Just wait! I know that you are about to decide but I just need to tell you. Danny Santos, you are the one true love of my life. No matter what. I love you. I do love you. And in the future I may say that to other men but it will always be you." He kisses her, "I love you Michelle." She cries, "I love you Danny>" Danny grabs his coat and walks out. Michelle goes and sits on the bed. Road: Blake is in Remy's car under a blanket. Remy jumps in, "Oh my God! It's freezing out! I can't even pick up the tools or anything." She sighs, "You couldn't fix my car? What the hell am I supposed to do? I need to get home." Remy turns to her, "Where is Clarissa?" Blake sighs, "She's at Cross Creek. Maureen is watching her. I need to call Vanessa and ask if she can watch her." Remy sighs, "You won't be able to get through. We'll have to wait until the storm dies down. My car is stuck in the snow now." Blake cries, "This can't be happening! I mean why is this happening right now to us?" He turns to her, "It has to be fate Blake." She scoffs, "Oh please! Stop it." He shakes his head, "Listen. We broke up after the fire. We almost burned to death. Now we are about to freeze to death. Maybe this was meant to bring us back together?" Blake looks down, "It's so cold! I can't stand this. There is no way we are going to make it through the night." Remy holds her hand, "I guess we'll have to keep each other warm." Blake turns to Remy. They stare into each other's eyes. The two lean in and kiss. Company: Rocky back up, "I can't see." Kevin sighs, "Of course this would happen right now." Rocky lights some candles. Kevin can see Rocky is scared, "You know what? Your fine. I'm leaving you can take care of yourself. I hitch a ride out of town." Rocky shakes his head, "No! You're going to freeze to death out there. Just wait until it calms down." Kevins grabs his jacked, "I'll be fine. You need to forget everything. And so will I okay?" Rocky sighs, "I can't. I want to but I can't. I can help you. I was where you are. I was afraid to admit this about myself. If you do I promise you won't regret it." Kevin turns to him, "Leave me alone!" Rocky sighs, "Kevin please! You can't just leave it all in Springfield. It doesn't go away!" Kevin shouts, 'Cut it out!" Rocky walks over to him, "You have to stay! Okay just stay here I'll help you with this!" Kevin grabs him, "Stop it! I don't need you! I'm not going to accept this I don't need to! I'm going to leave this town. There is nothing for me here. No reason I should stay!" Rocky grabs him and pulls him into a kiss! Abandonded Building: Everyone is staring at Natalia. Alan is in shock, "Oh my God! Your still pregnant? You didn't lose our baby Natalia?" She shakes her head, "No. Alan I'm so sorry. I just wanted to get away from Springfield." Gus stares, "How could you not tell us that the baby was still alive? We've all been devestated?" Natalia cries, "I'm so sorry. But we need to get out of this building before...." Part of the roof starts to fall. It's coming right to Harley. Gus shoves her out of the way. Gus and Harley fall. Alan helps them up, "Are you guys okay?" Harley nods, "Yeah. But I hurt my arm." Gus gets up, "I'm fine." Natalia shakes her head, "Look at your hands Gus!" Gus's hands have huge cuts on them. Harley looks, "We have to get you to the hospital." Alan goes to the door but it is blocked now. Harley tries to move it, "We're trapped in here." Gus sighs, "Okay everyone just stay calm." Natalia gets down on her knees and prays. Harley looks around, "We need to get out now because this place looks dangerous it could collapse in on us." Gus sighs, "Okay let's look around and find a way out. Alan walks over to Natalia, "Come on let's go." She is hysterical, "No!!!! No I can't!" Harley walks over, "We have to okay? We need to keep you and your baby safe. This place is dangerous!" Natalia sits back, "I can't! My water just broke! I'm having the baby right now!!!!" Everyoen stares at each other in complete shock. PREVIEWS: The storm carries on! Natalia gives birth Blake and Remy do what they have to Kevin is tempted by Rocky Danny makes his decision

    Episode 103

    Halloween continues in Springfield....... Harley's House: Blake looks at Harley, "Gus and Natalia are over. That means now you and Gus can get back together." Harley shakes her head, "No. I don't thinks so. I mean so much has changed. I've changed." Blake looks at her, "What aren't you telling me? Gus is the love of your life! You belong together." Harley stands up, "It's not that simple. I mean things went so wrong last time. To try and make it work again would be insane and frankly it would be pointless." Blake stares, "I don't get it. I mean you were so devestated when you two broke up last year. I thought this would be exciting for you to have the opportunity to get back with him." Harley sighs, "I thought so too but things are different now. I'm not saying that we'll never get back together. Maybe someday we'll find our way back to each other. But right now I want.... I just want different things in my life right now." Blake jumps up, "Oh my God! I can't belive it!" Harley turns to her, "What?" Blake smiles, "Who is he?" Harley is speechless. Abandoned Building: This old building has been abandoned. It's falling apart and not very sturdy. It has been labeled dangerous and is ordered that everyone stay out of it for now. Which is why it is the perfect place for two criminals on the run to make a home for a short time. Susan and Guillespie are laying on the floor. She holds a huge bag in her arms, "Oh my God. I still can't believe how much cash we have! We are going to be set for life!" He nods, "Oh yes. Didn't I promise you that I would keep you safe? Now I can give you the life you deserve." She smiles, "How long were you hiding the money in this building? It must have been..." He shakes his head, "Oh it's been a while. But you don't need to worry about that." The two kiss. She sits back, "So how long until we leave town?" He sighs, "Well I think we should leave next week. I mean I wanted to see my brother but I don't think he's gonna be to thrilled to see me. Are you okay without having your family?" She nods, "Yes. I know it'll be difficult but I've gone most of my life without them and.... I'll be fine as long as I have you." The two hold hands. Company: A woman in a mask comes up and kisses Danny. He smiles, "Michelle?" She pulls off the mask, "What did you say?" It's Marina. He is surprised, "Uh... I called you..." She is suspicous, "You called me Michelle. Why would Michelle be kissing you Danny." He is nervous, "Uh... I didn't mean Michelle. It was a slip of the tongue. It doesn't mean anything." She shakes her head, "You know I'm sorry. I have no reason to be jealous. I know that you are over her and that you are my man now. I'm sorry I doubted you for even a second." She kisses him. He looks at her, "I didn't expect you back today. You arrived very early didn't you?" She nods, "I know! The case was wrapped up really quick and I was called back. I was gonna let you know but I wanted to surprise you." He sighs, "Well I'm surprised." She holds his hand, "Is everything okay? You seem like your upset about something." He takes a deep breathe, "Marina we need to talk." Danny prepares. He has to break her heart again. Old Museum: Kevin is walking away from the party. He is down the sidewalk. Someone grabs him from behind. He is pulled into a kiss. He pulls back to see who is kissing him. Vi smiles at him, "You leaving the party so soon?" He scoffs, "What the hell are you doing?" She smiles, "Let's go to your car and we can have some fun. Jason had to make a phone call." He shakes his head, "No. I have way to much crap going on in my life to get mixed up with you." She sighs, "I'm not like the rest of those phoneys. You beat up that little fag Rocky. It's not like you did something really bad. Besides I kind of find it hot." Kevin looks up to see Rocky staring at him through the window. Kevin pulls Vi close and kisses her. Inside Maureen is with Rafe, "So I never saw you at Springfield High. Did you go somewhere else?" He nods, "Yeah. I went there for a while but later on my Granddad sent me to some stuck up boarding school. It was kind of a drag. A bunch of annoying little preps." She nods, "So now your out of school huh? What are you doing now? Are you working? Going to college?" He shakes his head, "Nah. I don't have time. I'm busy with other things I have going on." He smiles at Maureen. Mainstreet: Jeffrey and Gus walk to mainstreet. Jeffrey looks at Gus, "I just want to find somewhere to talk to you about this. You know what maybe we should go to your house this is really an important discussion." Gus shakes his head, "No. It's not that big of a deal O'Niell but thank you. I appreciate it." Jeffrey is shocked, "Gus this is your daughter Belinda we are talking about! That little girl you love." Gus nods, "I know that I know that. But the thing is that Alan helped. My Dad used his contacts and they pulled some strings and now we don't have to worry about this whole problem." Jeffrey doesn't understand, "So wait you got the case dropped? Why wasn't I informed of this?" Gus sighs, "Well it just happened. I actually tried to call you but Mel said you were out of town." Jeffrey nods, "Yeah I had to do some investigating. And there's a lot of stuff going on with Marah." Gus sighs, "Sorry. I hope it all works out. And hey maybe someday you'll have a big family like I do."" Gus walks away leaving Jeffrey speechless. Abandoned Building: Susan is walking around. Guillespie looks at her, "What are you thinking about?" She sighs, "My mother. I mean why was she chasing us all over New York? I mean everywhere I looked I saw her." He sits up, "But she didn't catch us and she eventually gave up. Now it's time for us to move on." Susan sits with him, "Oh I've waited so long to finally be free of my Mom and everyone else in this stupid town." He sighs, "Are you having second thoughts about leaving? Because if you are you need to tell me now. Other wise it's gonna come back to bite us on the ass." She shakes her head, "No. It's just that I have memories of my adoptive father here too. Before he died." Guillespie kisses her, "Hey. You know what I just realized? Today. It's Halloween. It's our holiday! Come on lets go out and celebrate this special day!" She laughs, "Oh come one lets just take a nap. I'm tired. Besides someone could see us." He shakes his head, "We have masks. Just like everyone else will. Come on. Don't act like you don't want to." She smiles, "What did you have in mind?" He looks into her eyes, "Whatever you want Sue. A trick or a treat?" She gets up and gets ready. PART TWO: Company: Danny is about to talk to Marina when Buzz walks up, "Hey! Marina! When did you get back?" She smiles, "Hey Grandpa! I missed you! I just got back. I didn't want to miss Halloween!" Buzz hugs her, "Well welcome back sweetheart. Hey Danny this has to be a real treat for you huh?" Danny nods, "Yeah." Buzz walks over to the counter. Marina smiles, "Oh you wanted to tell me something?" He nods, "Yes. I.... It's just a lot happened while you were gone. I just started to..." She jumps, "Oh! Did you paint the walls? Please tell me you didn't because I wanted to make sure it was the color I wanted. It's okay if you did but did you?" He shakes his head, "Uh... no I didn't do anything on the walls. I haven't gotten to that." She grins, "I'm sorry. It's just this is our house and I want it all to be perfect. I just want to be happy with you Danny and no matter where we are I know that we will be." Danny sighs, "Uh... Marina I have to go check on Robbie and Hope they are staying at the Bauer home." She nods, "Okay. I'll hang out here and meet you at home later okay?" He nods, "Yeah okay." Danny heads over to see Michelle. Harley's House: Harley is with Blake, "Blake! Why? Why do you always have to jump to these conclusions?" Blake smiles, "Because I'm Blake! Anyways back to you. Who is he? What's he like? Is he hot? Have you had sex yet?" Harley laughs, "Oh my God! You are officially insane! You know that right? I mean it's official now. I'm gonna make a phone call to Ravenwood in the morning." Blake gasp, "Oh! You don't know do you? Someone else was check into Ravenwood recently." Harley sighs, "What? I go out of town for a few weeks and everything goes crazy." Blake shakes her head, "Not everything. Annie. Annie Dutton is back in Springfield." Harley is in shock, "Annie Dutton? Are you serious? Annie Dutton is back in town?" Blake nods, "But like I said she is in Ravenwood. She can't get to any of us okay?" Harley sits down, "Ugh! Why? I was so looking forward to coming home and now I have to deal with all of this drama." Blake sits next to her, "Well maybe your new guy can help you through it. So when do I get to meet him." Harley throws a pillow at Blake. Park: Guillespie runs through the park. Susan catches up with him. They are dressed as Bonnie and Clyde. She smiles, "Oh my! That was just crazy! We spray painted almost every car on that last block!" He grins, "I know we haven't had this much childish fun in ages. I guess it is a holiday for kids. But then again I guess that most of your Amercian holidays are." Susan smiles, "I told you that trick was so much better than treat. I was so right." He sighs, "Yeah but I am hungry right now. Some candy would have been nice you know?" She sees some kids, "You know they have a lot of candy. I mean they wouldn't miss it." He laughs, "Okay! We have done some messed up things and may have killed some people but taking candy from a baby is just an expressin Sue. That's a little messed up." She laughs, "I'm sorry! I just have such a rush right now. I need to do something exciting." He grins, "Some might say I'm exciting." The two kiss and head back to their place. Old Museum: Rafe is with Maureen, "So what are you doing after the party? You going to another one?" She shakes her head, "No. I think I might be going home. I promised my sister that I would be home soon." He sighs, "Wow you think someone who didn't live with her parents would be a little more fun." She smiles, "Well I don't want to worry Dinah." Jason walks over, "Hey you ready to go?" She nods, "Oh yeah." He looks around, "Let's go find Vi and then we can go." The two get up and walk away. Rafe grins at Maureen and then watches her leave. Rocky walks to the window and looks out again. Kevin is kissing Vi. She smiles, "Wow! You seem excited tonight. I guess it has been a while for you huh?" He looks at her, "What do you mean?" She sighs, "Well we haven't had sex since that drunken night on Springbreak that we don't really remember. And you and Maureen weren't having sex so I figure...." He shakes his head, "Well what makes you think Maureen and I weren't having sex together?" She looks at him, "Well Jason told me the story about how you couldn't.... you know. So I guess Maureen just isn't the person you really want. But I got a good idea as to who you really want." She goes to kiss him again but he pushes her away, "Leave me the hell alone you crazy bitch!" He walks away. Vi stands furious. O'Neill Boudreau Law Office: Jeffrey walks into his office. He sits at his desk and looks at the file. He still didn't tell Gus that the child he adopted was Dinah's. He thinks about Gus and Harley. They aren't even together, finding this out about their adoptive daughter would make things way more complicated and cause problems. Then there is Mallet and Dinah. Dinah didn't want this daughter. That's why she gave her away. To bring this to their attention would only ruin the happiness that they are going to have with this new baby. After some long thought Jeffrey finally makes a decision. He decides to keep this information to himself. He goes to burn the file but he can't do it. There is just too much importance in it. He puts the file in his bottom drawer and locks it. Jeffrey gets up and turns off the lights. He leaves locking the door behind him. He knows that inside his desk is a secret that could change the lives of his friends forever. Bauer Home: Hope is upstairs sleeping. Robbie is still out trick or treating with his friends. Michelle sits in the livingroom. The doorbell rings. She gets up and goes to the door with the bowl of candy. She opens the door to see Danny standing there, "Michelle we really need to talk." She is surprised to see him, "Is everything okay?" He shakes his head, "No! Marina came home today." She sighs, "Oh. Did you tell her what you were going to?" He sits down, "No! I tried but I just couldn't do it. I don't understand what is going on!" Michelle sits with him, "Danny! All I want is for you to be happy. So whoever you choose at this point.... I'll support you. Okay? I promise you that I will." He sighs, "The problem is I don't know. I think I might be in love with both of you." She takes a deep breathe, "Well you can't have us both. So you need to make your choice." He stands, "How? How?!?" She walks over to him, "Okay next week we'll go up and spend a night at the Bauer Cabin together. We'll see what happens. One night with no contact to Marina. And then you'll make your decision. You'll decide which one of us it is you truely love." He nods, "Okay. Okay I'll do that. Thank you Michelle." He kisses her and then leaves. Michelle walks over to her table and sits down. She begins to cry. PREVIEWS: A huge storm hits Springfield! Natalia is found Rocky has another confrontation with Kevin Marina gets a visitor Danny and Michelle spend the night together Remy comes to Blake's rescue

    Episode 102

    I sent you the emails! BTW I've always wanted to do some sort of cross over with STEAM. I'm not sure exactly how that would go or who it would involve but it's something I've always thought about.

    Episode 102

    Ooh you've been busy! I am very excited for season 3 of STEAM!!!! I'm just glad to see you back. I really want to thank you. You really helped me with my blog. You came on during the Spring when I started the new direction and helped me build with your advise. FTL has grown so much and I will always appreciate it. Blake and Remy are indeed broke up. I hope you got to check out Remy's heroic episode saving Blake's life. But this break up like many things in soaps is not permanent. I want to see how readers react to the Sam/Stephanie/Remy SL and I want to give Blake some tme as a Mom to her kids. Especially Kevin. Blake and Remy are something I am very proud of. One of the first couples I created and every poster who commented has had something nice to say about Blake and Remy. I mark them as one of my favorite accomplishments. Natalia lied and said she miscarried and is hiding from Alan with help of her friend Olivia. Now it's hard to expalin the Alan situation since that took place on GL. But to sum it up he is a billionaire. He can get away with almost anything. He actually married the DA in exchange for her covering up the crime. Gus found out when our bad girl Susan stormed his wedding and broke the news. If you like I can email you a recap of what you missed. I know it is difficult trying to catch up. Glad to have you back!
  10. JAYJAY

    Episode 102

    It's Halloween in Springfield......... Company: Natalia is leaving Cedars. She had to have a quick appointment and is meeting Olivia across the street. Natalia sits on the bench and waits. She is worried people might see her still. She turns and sees Gus and Alan inside. Alan isn't in a costume, "I hate Halloween. I'll never understand why so many people enjoy this holiday." Gus is dressed as a vampire, "Listen Dad. Some people actually enjoy having fun. Believe it or not." Alan shakes his head, "So many horrible things have happened latley. How can people just pretend like everything is fine?" Gus sighs, "Listen Zach took the kids out trick or treating. But I don't feel safe so lets follow them for a little while? Okay?" Alan and Gus are walking towards the door. Natalia panics. She sees a mask lying on the ground. She picks it up and puts it on. The two men walk by without noticing. Old Museum: Most of the younger crowd is at the old museum apartment. Stephanie allowed Vi to invite her friends over. Jason and Vi are sitting together. Maureen walks over, "Hi you guys." Vi sighs, "Hello Maureen." Jason turns to her, "Hey are you okay?" She nods, "Oh yeah. It's just weird being here without a date you know. No one to talk to or dance with." Vi nods, "Oh yeah you and Kevin broke up. That's got to suck huh? Well if your not up to partying you don't have to stick around. You can go home if you like?" Jason stands up, "I'll dance with you Maureen." Vi pulls him back down, "Well then I would be lonley. And Maureen doesn't want to dance with you. She's very emotional about this whole thing with your brother." Maureen turns to leave and bumps into Rafe. He smiles, 'Well look at you. You look scared tonight." She nods, "Hi. Rafe. I didn't know you were going to be here." He grins, "Well I can never turn down a good party. How about you? Are you sticking around?" She steps back, "Um... I don't know. There's just a lot going on right now you know." He holds her hand, "Well maybe we can forget about that for a moment and just focus on what's happening right now." Maureen is somewhat hyponized by him. Cross Creek: Josh is passing out candy for the night. Bill took out Emma and the baby. The doorbell rings. Josh grabs the bowl and walks to the door. He opens it to see Reva standing there, "Trick or Treat Bud?" He goes to shut the door but she stops him. He shakes his head, "I have nothing to say to you right now Reva. You need to go." She walks in, "We need to talk about this. It's not as simple as you seem to think." He scoffs, "It's seems pretty damn simple to me. You lied and made everyone think that Jonathan and Sarah were dead! But oh no you didn't keep it from everyone. You let your sweet boyfriend Jeffrey know. I guess you trust him more than your own family." She shakes her head, "No! Jeffrey found out on his own. And then he helped me keep my secret. I didn't want him to be involved. I didn't want anyone involved. But more and more people kept finding out." Josh stares at her, "I asked you if there were any other secrets! Because I knew something like this could happen and you looked in my face and lied to me." She cries, "I know how hard this is but you need to understand that I was trying to protect my Son and my Granddaugther. Alan Spaulding is a sick man who tried to kill Jonathan once and I know he would do it again. That's why Jonathan ran!" Josh paces, "And Lizzie? Lizzie Spaulding? She is Sarah's mother! She didn't know her daughter was alive?" Reva is crying, "No! I hated it. I love Lizzie! But we both know what she is capable of!" Josh nods, "Yes Reva. But until now I had absolutly no idea what you wree capapble of." Josh turns his back to her. Beacon: Liz walks is in her room. She is trying to quickly pack up her stuff. She can't find some of her stuff. The door opens. Colin walks in, "Liz! You came back!" She shakes her head, "No! I'm not back! I just came to get my stuff but I can't find it all." He walks over to her, "We sent some of it over to the house remember? We were about to move in." She nods, "That's right! I forgot all about the farm house and all of the plans." He sits next to her, "Liz, we can still have our plans. We don't have to end things." She cries, "My little girl is alive. And you were helping them keep her from me." He sighs, "It was before we really met. I was helping Reva. But I told her that she had to tell you." Liz scoffs, "And that just makes it all okay?" He shakes his head, "No. I know what I did was unforgivable. But I don't want to end things with you. I love you." She gets up, "Well I love my little girl and I won't stop until I get her back in my arms." She starts to grab all of her things again. Harley's House: The house is dark. No one has been inside in weeks. Suddenly the door opens up and the lights go on. Harley walks into her house. She sits her bags down. She walks over to her couch and plops down. She has a tear running down her face. The door opens again. A voice cals over, "Your home." Harley looks up, "Blake?" Blake walks over, "Sweetie! I've missed you so much! I started to think you were never coming home." Harley sits up, "How did you know I was here?" Blake sighs, "I saw your car driving here and I followed you. Where is Susan at?" Harley shakes her head, "I couldn't catch her. Ran all over New York. I got close but she is too clever. I mean I just kept going and going and searching. But in the end I failed." Blake hugs her, "Oh Harley. You didn't fail. Believe me if anyone is the bad parent it's me. With you know everything going on." Harley shakes her head, "No. What's going on?" Blake sighs, "Oh God. You haven't heard yet? About Rocky?" Harley shakes her head, "I heard he was attacked but they said he was doing a lot better. But what does that have to do with you." Blake looks down, "The person who attacked Rocky.... was Kevin." Harley is completly shocked. Old Museum: Shayne and Rocky are both at the party. Shayne is looking around, "Wow this place hasn't changed much since I last lived here." Rocky nods, "It's nice." Shayne turns to him, "Are you okay?" Rocky sighs, "I know this has to be a difficult time for you. With what's going on with your parents and Jonathan and Sarah turning out to be alive. It just feels weird." Shayne nods, "Well I know things are complicated right now but I have a feeling that soon we're gonna be back to normal. You believe that too right Rocky?" Rocky hesitates. Across the room Maureen is standing with Rafe, "You are really convincing aren't you?" Rafe nods, "Oh yes. But then again I don't think I have to convince you much. I think you got a little crush on me huh?" She shakes her head, "No. I mean your a really nice guy but I just got out of a relationship. And I don't think we are quite each other's type. You know what I mean?" Rafe shakes his head, "No why don't you try and explain." He runs his fingers through her hair. Kevin Marler walks into the room. This catches everyone's attention. PART TWO: Company: Alan is walking back up the sidewalk. Olivia's car pulls up across the street. Natalia gets in. Alan turns his head and sees Natalia in the window. He shouts out, "Natalia? Natalia! Natalia!" He chases it down the street. He keeps calling out her name. She sees him but tries to ignore him. The car goes faster and eventually loses him. Gus sees Alan and walks over, "Dad? What's going on?" Alan is out of breathe, "Gus! I saw her! Did you see her she was in the car! We have to get to her!" Gus shakes his head, "Who? Dad? Who are you talking about? I didn't see anyone." Alan sighs, "Um.... no one. I guess my eyes their playing tricks on me again. I'm seeing things." Gus shakes his head, "Come on let's go back inside." The two men walk back in. Alan keeps looking over his shoulder hoping he'll see Natalia again. Harley's House: Harley can't believe what Blake is telling her, "Wait why would Kevin hurt Rocky? He doesn't even know him?" Blake shakes her head, "I don't know it's just... there's been so much going on with my new job. And I don't think he's been honest about how he felt about Remy and...." Harley nods, "Oh. Does Kevin have a problem with the fact that Rocky is gay? Is that it?" Blake looks at her, "I don't know. We didn't raise him that way. I just.... I don't understand this! My life is just a whole mess right now and I don't even have someone to lean on." Harley is confused, "What about Remy? What's going on there? Last I heard you two were strong." Blake sighs, "Remy was just... there wasn't trust in our relationship. I mean I hate saying this but the age difference had problems for us. And now he's... he's been hanging out with Stephanie Grant! I mean she isn't much older than my boys. But then again Remy isn't really either!" Harley hugs Blake, "Well I know how hard everything must be but I'm here for you sweetie." Blake nods, "Well at least you have something to look forward too. I mean Gus and Natalia are done. Now there is nothing stoping you and Gus from getting back together." Harley sighs, "Uh... I don't know. Things have.... changed." Blake is confused. Old Museum: Shayne gets ready to approach Kevin but Rocky holds him back. The two walk into the other room. But not before Rocky and Kevin exchange a look. Jason walks over to his brother, "What the hell are you doing here man? Why did you come here?" Kevin scoffs, "It's Halloween. Everyone we know is here. What am I not welcome anywhere?" Jason shakes his head, "I don't know what the hell has happened to you man. I mean really? This is who you are now?" Kevin walks closer to Jason, "Do you have a problem with that?" Maureen walks between them, "Stop! Just... Kevin you need to leave okay? Before something else happens!" Rafe grins, "Yeah buddy. You best be leaving." Kevin turns around and walks away. Kevin goes outside and is walking down the sidewalk. Suddenly he feels someone turn him around and start kissing him. He backs up and is shocked by who he sees. Cross Creek: Josh stares at Reva, "You know I've known you my entire life Reva. But right now I have no idea who I am looking at. I mean how could you do something so cruel?" Reva shakes her head, "I am not cruel! I am a mother. And as a mother it is my job to do whatever I have to do to protect my children and my children's children." He scoffs, "It's nice how you can justify it Reva. I mean really you are good at that but that doesn't change the fact that everyone has been mourning Jonathan and Sarah while they were alive this entire time! And you new all of it!" She walks towards him, "I was trying to do the right thing! When I saw that car go over the cliff I thought I lost Jonathan and Sarah forever. And Alan was so vengful. Not even that would stop him. If he found out they were alive then Jonathan really would have died!" Josh shakes his head, "Reva! But they didn't die! They survived!" She cries, "Do you remember where we were that day? Tammy's funeral! Alan killed Tammy! She never hurt anyone. And he was trying to kill Jonathan. Now you look me in the eye and tell me that if Jonathan hadn't run he would still be alive." Josh has nothing to say. Beacon: Liz is throwing all of her stuff into her bags. Colin tries to stop her, "Liz! Please! Can we just talk about this? I don't want this to ruin everything we share." She shakes her head, "We never shared anything! Because the entire time you were lying to me! You were keeping this secret that my little girl is alive!!!!" She throws a glass across the room. He walks towards her, "If I could go back and change it I would! But I just.... I wanted to tell you but I didn't know how. And I didn't know where they were. Me telling you would only have made you suffer more knowing your child is out there and you can't find her." She shakes her head, "No! Stop it! It's to late to make up for it but don't you dare look at me and try to justify what you've done! Don't you dare do that!" She falls to the bed crying. He sits with her, "I want to help you! I want to help you find Jonathan and Sarah. I will do whatever I have to. But I want to help you get your baby back into your arms." Liz shakes her head, "She's not even a baby anymore! She's a little kids now! She is growning up without me. She's got to be.... Oh my.... Oh my God! Oh my God!" Colin is confused, "What? What is it?" She sits up, "I knew it! I saw her at that daycare center out of town! I knew it! It was her! It was my little girl!" He looks at her, "How can you know that?" She shouts, "She's my child! She's my daughter! She is Sarah I know it! I know it!" Liz gets up and starts digging through her purse. Company: Alan sits at the counter. He keeps thinking about what he saw. Could it really have been Natalia? The waitress walks over, "Mr. Spaulding. There was a note left for you. Some detective left it.." Alan takes the note and reads it. He stares in shock, "Oh my God. It's from the private investiagor." The note has information on Natalia. He gets up and walks out. Gus walks down the stairs. Jeffrey walks over to him, "Gus I've been looking everywhere for you. I need to talk to you." Gus listens, "Oh yeah? What about?" Jeffrey sighs, "It's about your daughter. I was looking into her past and trying to find out about her birth and.... I need to tell you what I found Gus. I need to tell you now." Gus is very confused. Danny walks inside after having taking Robbie and Hope trick or treating. A woman with a mask on walks over and gives him a big kiss. He pulls back, "Michelle?" She pulls off the mask, "What did you call me?" Danny is shocked to see Marina. PREVIEWS: Danny has conflicting feelings Jeffrey makes a shocking decision Blake questions Harley Susan and Guillespie are back in town! Kevin is shocked at who kisses him Rafe hits on Maureen
  11. JAYJAY

    Episode 100!!!

    I am a fan of Manny and Darina. Ever since hey came back to the canvas I hae been fighting on who should be the end result. I just kept fighting until the idea finally hit me and I realized. So November is when everything will happen for this story. November is going to be exciting. I just finished writing an episode that brought tears to my eyes. It's gonna be very emotional. I'm getting ready to write Thanksgiving. I'm very excited.
  12. JAYJAY

    Episode 99

    I really hope that you enjoy what comes up for Annie. Soon we'll start seeing more of Montel's character Dr. Chancler Tyler.
  13. JAYJAY

    Casting & Series News

    I absolutly love David Canary! He is one of the greatest!!!!
  14. I am so excited for all of this!!! Wait Season 3 could be the last? I hope not. There is so much more!
  15. JAYJAY

    Episode 101

    All the drama is in Springfield......... Gardens: Liz stares at the picture, "Oh my God! Jonathan and Sarah are alive Reva! Where is my baby?" Reva shakes her head, "I'm so sorry Lizzie. I really am sorry. I wanted to tell you." Josh walks Reva away, "What is going on? Why are they asking you these questions?" Reva cries, "I'm so sorry Joshua. I promised Jonathan I wouldn't tell anyone. I'm so sorry. Jonathan and Sarah are a alive. They didn't die in that car crash." Josh is in shock, "What? What do you mean when was the last time you saw him Reva?" She sighs, "A few days ago." Marah walks to her mother, "It's was him. This was Jonathan he was leaving us the roses!" Reva shakes her head, "No! It wasn't Jonathan! Just listen to me please! Just please." Beth yells, "Reva! Where is Jonathan? Where is my Granddaughter? Where are they?" Reva cries, "I don't know! I gave Jonathan some money and he left town again! I'm sorry. We want to protect Sarah." Phillip shakes his head, "This wasn't the way to do it Reva! You didn't have to make Lizzie believe her child was dead." Beth shouts, "Tell Lizzie where her baby is!" Everyone turns around to see Liz and Colin are gone. Jeffrey pulls in. He gets out of his car and over to Marah, "I need to talk to you." She shakes her head, "No, I have to tell you something first. But you won't believe it." Beth is furious, "You know what Reva you are going down! And so is everyone else who was in on your secret!" Reva turns her head to Jeffrey. Spaulding Mansion: Edmund is watching Cassandra. But she can only see her daughter Tammy who she believes is sitting right with her, "Oh sweetheart. All I want to do is make you proud you know that don't you?" The vision of Tammy nods, "Oh yes Mom. This is exactly as we planned. Soon all of Springfield will be sorry. They've all forgotten about me. You are the only person who really loves me and really misses me. You are the one who can make them pay. Make them all pay." Cassandra nods, "And I will Baby. I promise you I will make them pay. I will make the entire town of Springfield sorry that they ever messed with us. And the Spauldings will pay for taking you away from me." Cassandra hugs her imaginary daughter. Edmund shuts the door. He steps away, "Oh my God. Cassie? Could you really be this insane and dislusional. Are you talking to Tammy?" Edmund walks down the hall. Company: Kevin stares at Rocky, "Why do you think followed you at that club?" Rocky starts to realize what has been going on with Kevin. Kevin walks closer, "I don't want to lose control Rocky. But I might. What about you?" Rocky walks closer to Kevin. Kevin puts his hands on Rocky's face and they share a passionate kiss!!!! They back up onto the bed. They pull away for a moment. Rocky stares at him, "Kevin is this what I...." Kevin nods, "I wanted you that night Rocky! I want you!" The two kiss again! They are making out on the bed. A picture of Shayne is knocked over. Rocky sees it ans pushes Kevin off of him, "Stop it! Stop!" Kevin gets up, "I'm sorry I wasn't trying to...." Rocky shoves him, "Get out of here! You are a bastard! You attacked me and left me for dead! Why did i do that? You are trying to hurt me again and I'm not going to let you!" Kevin cries, "I'm sorry. I am so sorry!" Kevin screams, "Leave! Before I call the cops!" Kevin runs out. Rocky falls to the floor crying. Cedars: Mindy walks out to the parking lot after talking with Rick. She stops at her car which has a broken window, "Oh my God! Who would do this?" Mindy remembers the roses. She starts to look around. All of the sudden she sees lights shining around her. She slowly turns around and sees headlights. A car is speeding across the parking lot. It's not stopping! Mindy quickly realizes it's coming right at her! She tries to run but for some reason she is frozen still. She is staring into the lights of the car that is getting closer each and every millisecond. All of the sudden she feels arms wrapping around her. Mindy goes flying to the side. She falls to the ground and rolls a few feet away. She looks up to see the car speed away. It just missed her. She looks up to see the man who saved her life. She stares in shock, "Oh my God." He smiles, "Well. Hello Melinda Sue. My you've grown up nice." Mindy is shocked to see Rusty Shayne. Bauer Cabin: Danny and Michelle lie in each other's arms after having just made love together. She stares at him, "Please Danny. Tell me.... tell me that this is not some dream?" He kisses her head, "It's not a dream Michelle. Though it does really seem like one." She stares into his eyes, "I knew that someday we would be together again.... but I still am surprised." He nods, "I know what you mean. I tried to so hard to... I don't know fall out of love? But I don't think I can." She sighs, "I know. We've tried so many times. Maybe that's why we haven't signed the divorce papers yet?" He looks at her, "Michelle.... I'm so sorry. I know it was so hard for me to get over everything that has happened but now I don't know... I just realize that this is who we are." Michelle smiles, "You are all I think about latley Danny. Everytime I close my eyes I see you." He holds her, "It's crazy but no matter how much we get hurt or how much crying we do, we still love each other." She kisses him, "And no matter what danger we've been through, the only place I feel safe in this world is in your arms." The two continue to kiss. Beacon: Natalia sits down. Olivia rubs her stomach, "Oh my God! Look how big you've got. I mean I forgot how far along you would be." Natalia nods, "I know! I didn't gain that much weight with Rafe but I guess I was younger than." Olivia sighs, "I know this is a tough question and I'm no pressuring you. I'm just curious. Do you plan to tell Alan and Gus that you never lost the baby Natalia?" She nods, "Of course. I mean I don't want to keep this baby away from their family but I know that so much drama has happened. I mean I almost lost this baby because of all of the stress. I need to think of a way to handle this Olivia." Olivia sighs, "I don't want to scare you but Alan isn't always calm. When he finds out that this baby is alive.... he's gonna come after you. I've been there. That's why I want to help you." Natalia shakes her head, "I know how you all see Alan. He's big Alan Spaulding who is angry and vengful. But I see something different in him. And no matter how hard I try to fight it.... I... I just don't see him like you all do Olivia." Olivia sighs, "Take from someone who was married to Alan. You cannot trust him. And just when you think you can, you can't." Olivia goes to get Natalia some water. PART TWO: Spaulding Mansion: Cassandra walks into the livingroom. Edmund is sitting on the couch, "Hello Darling. How are you today? Everything okay?" She nods, "Yes. Why are you acting so weird?" He gets up, "Sorry. I guess I didn't realize I was acting any different than usual." She stares at him, "Why are you looking at me like that? It's starting to bother me." He smiles, "I'm sorry. It's just.... well I got some good news today that I am very interested in." She nods, "Well okay. You have fun with your little games. I have a town to take over." He walks over to her, "Can I ask something of you. I mean it's nothing big at all." She laughs, "Well let's see, I saved you from prison, put a roof over your head, and gave you everything you could ever want, so I guess I owe you a favor right?" He grins, "Just remind me why you are keeping me here with you as an ally of sorts." She sighs, "You are pretty clever Edmund. I need someone like you to get revenge on this town. You aren't as idiotic as you look. Just don't let that give you a big head because I'm still the one in charge around here do you understand?" She walks off. He smiles, "Oh yes. I am beginning to understand everything." Bauer Cabin: Danny and Michelle are getting dressed. Michelle looks at him, "You know once we leave here things are going to change Danny?" He turns to her, "What do you mean? I thought you wanted all of this didn't you?" She nods, "Yes. But when we get back to the real world we're gonna have to deal with everything again. And that involves Marina. You are moving with her Danny." He sighs, "Oh God! I can't believe this! I promised her that I was over you! I promised her that I would never hurt her again and look at what I'm doing! Oh God!" She walks over to him, "Listen. I know this will be difficult. And I want to be there with you through this. But what you have with Marina is real and you need to do this on your own. And I think it's best if you do it as soon as possible." He sits, "Marina is out of town. She and Remy had to go work on a case for a while." Michelle sits with him, "Then when she comes home you can just sit her down and explain it to her." Danny shakes his head, "I told Marina I would die before I hurt her again Michelle. I can't even imagine the look on her face when I do this to her again." Danny and Michelle hold each other. Company: Rocky is on the ground crying. Why would he even stand to be in the same room with Kevin let alone kiss him. Why? Rocky gets up and looks in the mirror. He doesn't even recognize the person he is looking at. Shayne walks in, "Hey! Are you okay? What's wrong?" Rocky sighs, "Uh nothing. I just... I hate fight with you. It's never a fun thing to do." Shayne sees the picture of himself on the floor, "Well I guess we just have to get past this." Rocky looks at Shayne, "Is something wrong? Why are you not at thw wedding with your parents?" Shayne sighs, "There was a lot of drama. As it turns out my brother Jonathan is not dead. He is alive. And so is his daughter." Rocky is in shock, "Oh my God! Are you serious?" Shayne nods, "And my mother knew. But she just didn't feel the need to tell her other children." Rocky hugs Shayne. But Rocky can't stop thinking about his moment with Kevin. Cedars: Rusty is sitting over Mindy, "Wow. I can't belive you are the same girl. All grown up. You look beautiful." She shoves him, "You are squishing me! Ow." He laughs, "Oh yeah. You are the same Melinda Sue Lewis that I remember. You haven't changed a bit." Mindy scoffs, "Wow. Um... I'm gonna pretend like that was meant to be a compliment." Rusty stands, "You sure are an ungrateful little woman aren't you? Not even a 'thank you'." She shakes her head, "For what getting my new outfit all dirty and ripped by the ground?" He laughs, "Well there's that and I saved your life. You were about to be run down by that car." She reaches out her hand, "Well can you save me from having to stay on this ground much longer?" He helps her up, "Your welcome." She shakes her head, "Oh Rusty Shayne. If you were so smart you would have gone off to find the bastard who tried to run me down!" He nods, "I was going to but one f my men went after him." Mindy shakes her head, "What men?" He smiles, "You didn't hear? I'm back in Springfield for a while. I'm the new Chief of Police." Mindy is surprised. Not to far away, a cop is investigating the car that tried to hit Mindy. It has been abadoned. A few feet away the mysterious woman looks on. She is holding the keys in her hand. Beacon: Natalia looks at pictures of Emma, "She is so beautiful>" Olivia walks over, "Oh yes. She is growing up so fast too. My little girl. So..." Natalia turns to her, "Olivia. I heard about Ava. I am so sorry. I can't believe it. But I heard that the baby was okay?" Olivia nods, "Yes. The little guy is healthy." Natalia smiles, "Does Dinah love being an Aunt? And with her baby on the way to she must be so excited." Olivia sighs, "Dinah and I haven't talked in a while. You see... I'm not getting along with Bill right now. I'm trying to get custody of the baby and he is fighting me." Natalia is confused, "But the baby is Bill's." Olivia nods, "I know. But I just.... I don't want to talk about this right now." Natalia nods, "I'm sorry. Um... would it be okay if I got a room here at the Beacon?" Olivia shakes her head, "No. The only room you'll be getting is in my suite. I want to keep an eye on you." Natalis smiles, "Thank you." The two friends hug. Gardens: Phillip turns to Jeffrey, "I need you to look into this Jeffrey do whatever digging you have to. Find Jonathan and Sarah!" Jeffrey and Reva stare at each other. Beth shakes her head, "No! First things first Reva needs to be arrested for her hand in all of this." Marah shakes her head, "No! Leave Jeffrey alone. He doesn't need to be involved in this." Jeffrey turns to her, "I'm sorry Marah. But I already am. Listen everyone. Jonathan Randall and Sarah Randall have been placed into the witness protection program. I helped them into it. I knew that Jonathan and Sarah were alive. I knew from Reva." Marah stares at him in shock. Josh turns to Reva, "What? What did he say?" Beth is confused, "No! What the... you can't do that! Not if the mother didn't know!" Jeffrey sighs, "I pulled some strings Beth." Beth shouts, "Well I'm gonna pull some strings to make sure that you and Reva pay for what you've done to my little girl!" Josh looks at Reva, "You kept this from me but Jeffrey knew?" Reva cries, "It happened while you were with Cassie.... I .... I was trying to tell you Joshua." Josh walks away. Marah cries, "How could you keep this from me Jeffrey?" She runs off before he could say anything. Down the road Colin is driving down the road. Liz is sitting in shock next to him. She keeps talking about it, "How could they do this? They can't do this. Keeping my baby from me? Making me belive she was dead." Colin sighs, "Let's just get home. Then we'll talk. I need to tell..." She shakes her head, "I remember I found the little shoe and I knew she was alive but Reva kept telling me she wasn't." He looks at her, "Liz please let's..... just wait a minute." She is still going, "And then I followed her and Jeffrey. They went to this place. I knew Jonathan and Sarah were in there. I ran in and I looked but they wreen't there it was Reva, Jeffrey, and you and," she turns to him, "You were there! With Reva and Jeffrey!" Colin tries to pull over, "Liz just.... lets wait. I need to try and explain this." She starts to put everything together. She grabs him, "You helped them take my baby from me! You! You son of a bitch! You sick bastard!" He starts to lose control of the car and stops it, "Liz stop! Please!" She has her hands around his neck, "No!!! My Baby!" PREVIEWS: Halloween in Springfield! Alan sees Natalia Kevin crashes a party Josh argues with Reva Liz has an idea on how to find Sarah Harley returns to Springfield
  16. JAYJAY

    Casting News

    A lot is happening this fall! Paul Anthony Stewart amd Bethany Joy Galeotti exit. No news on whether either role will be recast. Paul Fitzgerald exits as Dr. Colin McCabe. A storyine dictated decision that will make sense in a few months. Tom Pelphrey and Stephanie Gastchet return. Along with Peyton List joining the cast. TP and PL come on as Aubrey and Jonathan. SG is playing Tammy's Ghost but rumors that eventually she could be playing a very much alive Tammy. Marnie Schulenburg and Kane Manera exit as Susan and Guillespie. Another Storyline dictated decision. However rumors are that a recast of Susan will be brought back months later. Jerry Ver Dorn my return as Ross Marler. It all depends on how our readers would feel. Many have grown favorable to the Blake and Remy pairing and Ross's return would conflict with that. LET FTL KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!!!!!! Ross: Should he come back? If so should Blake choose him over Remy? Tammy: Keep her dead or have her rise from the grave? Danny&Michelle: Will Manny ride off into the sunset? Should they? If you wish to get straight to the writer feel free to email at [email protected]
  17. JAYJAY

    Episode 100!!!

    Oh yes. Lizzie has a lot to deal with now. And I really thought the wedding was a soapy setting for it all to go down. Now Reva has to face her family. Kevin and Rocky have a lot coming up. So much drama. Shayne is going to have some competition. Remeber to look at fine details because they are everywhere. Little clues as to what is coming up in the futures of characters. Remember how we wrote in that Kevin was having a hard time making love to Maureen...... There are so many other hints. I'm sure you've caught some. I'm glad you enjoyed it. It was the episode I've been waiting to write for a year! Woo! However I must admit that episode 104 which is the first episode of November. That will be a big episode as well. But you'll have to wait for that.... BTW what do you think about Danny and Michelle vs. Danny and Marina?
  18. JAYJAY

    Episode 99

    OK. Now first off with Annie Dutton. I will not deny Cynthia Watros is Annie Dutton. However when she left Signy Coleman was in the role. This is basically to finish up the story. But I promise you..... the real Annie isn't gone. It'll make sense in a few weeks. You are somewhat close with Kevin and Rocky. You'll see in Episode 100. Thanks Greg!
  19. Everything happens in Springfield............ Gardens: Reva and Josh are dressed up. They decided to have a quick wedding with only the closest friends. Reva is sitting with Marah, "Today is a big day for your father and I you know?" Marah nods, "I can't believe how fast everything is moving. A few weeks ago you weren't even together." Reva grins, "Well in a way we were always together. I mean we never stopped loving each other." Marah looks around, "Well I'm sure it's no surprise that Jeffrey couldn't be here." Reva nods, "I didn't expect him to come. I knew it would be awkward." Marah sighs, "Well he has some busy cases too." Josh and Shayne walk over, "Are we ready?" Reva looks at Shayne, "Where is Rocky?" Shayne sighs, "We had a fight. I mean I'll never understand why he is trying to protect Kevin. He is at Company. He didn't say whether he was coming or not." Marah and Shayne walk away. Josh takes Reva by the hand, "Are you ready to get married today?" She smiles, "I'm more ready than I have ever been in my entire life." Colin and Liz walk over. Liz goes to Marah and Shayne, "Hey guys! We came for Reva. She looks so beautiful." Marah nods, "I'm sorry that Jonathan and Sarah couldn't be here." Liz sighs, "Maybe she could have been the flower girl. But we'll never know now." Colin's guilt has never gone away. Road: Beth and Phillip are in their car driving. Beth is holding her phone, "Oh Lizzie pick up sweetheart! Please pick up! Oh God!" Phillip sighs, "Where is she? She was supposed to be coming back to town today?" Beth shakes her head, "I have no idea. I can't imagine where she and Colin would go." He keeps driving, "We need to find her before she finds out from somebody else." Beth cries, "How do we tell our little girl this? I don't even understand this. Jonathan and Sarah are alive? They survived the car crash and Lizzie has been mourning her daughter this whole time!" Phillip can see Reva Bend in the distance. There is a sign that reads: 'Reva and Josh wed! At the Gardens!' Beth's mouth drops, "Reva! She knew! She had to know! She helped Jonathan fake this! She was pretending to be Lizzie's friend." He turns to her, "Lizzie's friend? So Lizzie would be at Reva's wedding?" Beth nods, "We have to go now!" The car speeds down the road. Company: Rocky is sitting on his bed. He sits up and decides that he wants to go to the wedding. He does still care about Reva. He starts to go through his closet. He pulls out a nice suit. Rocky closes the door and is shocked to see Kevin standing out in the hallway at him. Rocky stares in shock, "What are you doing here Kevin?" Kevin walks in, "Why? Why did you do it Rocky?" Rocky shakes his head, "What are you talking about?" Kevin stares, "You let me off the hook. You lied to the police. And I want to know why." Rocky backs up, "Can't you just be grateful and leave me alone?" Kevin walks towards him, "See! You are still afraid of me! Why? Why did you save me?" Rocky stares at his cell phone on the bed. Kevin picks it up, "What? You changed your mind? Huh? Go ahead! Do the right thing and turn me in!" Rocky cries, "Why are you doing this? Why can't you stay away from me? Is because you are insecure about yourself?" A furious Kevin grabs Rocky by the shoulders. Spaulding Mansion: Edmund is spying on Cassandra from the corner of the hall. She has been having secret conversations that he is trying to find out about. Everyday she will lock herself in her office. He will always press his ear up against the door. She is talking with someone. But who could it be? Who is her secret partner. Edmund knows whoever it is must be who is helping her with her planning. Cassandra walks into the room and locks the door. Edmund once again stands outside listening. Only he notices that the lock didn't latch all of the way. He hears her talking. He peaks the door open. He can see her from behind but she can't see him. Edmund tries to push open the door a little more. He can tell she is not on the phone. Someone must be in the room with her. O'Neill Boudreau Law Office: Jeffrey is going through the case about Gus and Harley's adopted daughters. Yet he continues to search for Belinda's background. He can't find it through any of the documents he has been sent. He stares at the phone. He knows that sooner or later he will have to call Gus and tell him that the courts are gonna take one of his daughters away from him. Jeffrey gets a call on the office phone, "Hello? Yes... Great so you have the number of someone who can help me? Okay email me the information." Jeffrey hangs up and sits at his computer. Eventually the email appears on his computer. Jeffrey opens it and reads it: 'Dear Mr. O'Neill, I remembered you were asking about the child that the Driscolls adopted. I wasn't sure but a friend of mine said that another gentleman that he has recently met might have some answers. Here is the number of the gentleman.' Jeffrey goes to write the number but then realizes that the number is his cell phone number. Jeffrey is confused. Bauer Cabin: Michelle is at the Bauer Cabin because she wanted to take some time to herself away from all of the drama in her life. She is holding a photo album. She has pictures of her and Danny with the children. There is a knock at the door. Michelle goes over to open it. Danny is standing there, "I need to talk to you." She is surprised, "How did you know where to find me at?" He walks past her, "I asked your family where you were and they said you had to go out of town for a while. Somehow I knew that the one place I would find you would be here." She nods, "Well you know me very well then." He shakes his head, "Don't do that. I came here because I need to set some things straight." She shuts the door, "What things Danny? Is this about what happened at the hospital?" He walks over to her, "This is exactly about what happened at the hospital and you know it!" She sighs, "If you want to be here then you are going to have to calm down and tell me what's going on." Danny paces, "I can't do this. I don't want to hurt Marina." Michelle walks over, "Do what?" He stares into Michelle's eyes. Beacon: Olivia is sitting in her suite. Emma is at Leah's house. She is holding a picture of Ava, "Oh baby. I know this is a tough time right now. But soon you'll wake up and then you, me, Emma, and the baby will all be together. We'll be a family again. Just you wait and see. Oh Ava. I just need you to give me a sign. A sign that maybe There is something I should look for in my life. Something I have getting ready to come my way." There is a knock on the door. Olivia assumes it's housekeeping, "Come on in. I was just getting ready to leave." Olivia goes to grab her purse. The door opens. Olivia turns around and drops her purse. It's not housekeeping. Olivia's mouth drops, "Oh my God! Your back home?" PART TWO: Cedars: Mindy is with Rick at Cedars. Mindy sighs, "You have no idea how awkward it is for me to visit here after what happened with those pictures of us that were all over the walls of this place." He shakes his head, "Oh yeah? I work here Mindy? And all of these people have seen parts of me that I never expected them too. So I think I know how it feels." She nods, "Well I need to get going. I'm late for Josh and Reva's wedding. My Daddy and Vanessa can't go so I'm going to support the family. I'm really happy for them." Rick kisses her, "Tell them I said congratulations." Mindy nods, "I will." Mindy walks out to the parking lot. She goes to her car. She stops and stares. Someone has broken the window, "Oh my God! Who would do this? I don't understand." Mindy remembers the roses. She starts to look around. All of the sudden she sees lights shining around her. She turns around and sees headlights. A car is driving straight at her! It's not stopping! Spaulding Mansion: Edmund tries to get a good look at who Cassandra is talking too. He keeps staring. Eventually he pushes the door open enough to get a perfect view. Edmund is shocked by what he sees. Cassie is sitting on the couch talking.... to nothing. There is no one in the room with her. Edmund listens to what she is saying. Cassandra grins at the other side of the couch, "Oh Tammy. I think this is going to work out great just like you said. Soon we'll take the Spauldings down for good." Edmund can't believe what he sees. Cassie still believes she is talking to her dead daughter! Bauer Cabin: Michelle stares at Danny, "Why did you come here Danny? Did you come here to yell at me?" Danny sighs, "I need you to let me go! I need you to let me have a happy life with Marina!" She shakes her head, "I'm not what is standing between you and Marina. We are standing between you and Marina!" He scoffs, "I love her! I want to spend the rest of my life with her! I need that!" She shouts, "Then why are you here? Huh? Why? Why the hell are you at this cabin Danny? If you want to be with Marina so badly then why are you here with me?" He starts to cry, "You know why! You know why I am here Michelle isn't it obvious?" She walks over to Danny. He starts to kiss her. The two begin to tear off each other's clothes. O'Neill Boudreau Law Office: Jeffrey stares at the email. Why would he get his own number. He gave his office number to the friend of the Driscolls. Who did he give his cell too? Jeffrey stands up, "Oh my God!" He walks over and grabs another file. He pulls it out next to the information on the Aitoro case. Jeffrey remembers that he gave his cell phone number to the man that helped Dinah's baby. Jeffrey stares at the files, "Oh my God. This whole time I've been looking for Gus's daughter's past, and Dinah's baby's future. And I never realized that the two girs I was looking for are one in the same. Belinda Aitoro is C. Marler. Gus and Harley adopted Dinah's daughter!" Beacon: Olivia stares at the door, "Oh my God! I didn't expect this. When did you get back into town?" Natalia walks in, "I just got here. I didn't know where else to go. I hope this is okay?" Olivia smiles, "Of course it is! I missed you! We all did. Me, Dinah, Mel. We were so worried." Natalia walks over to her, "You haven't told Gus or Alan about.... you know? Have you?" Olivia shakes her head, "No. Of course not. I mean Mel had second thoughts but Dinah and I convinced her that what you were doing was the best for everyone involved." Natalia sighs, "Thank you." Olivia takes her hand, "Come sit. You shouldn't be standing around in your condition." Natalia sits, "Thanks." Olivia puts her hand on Natalia's huge tummy, "Gus and Alan don't need to know about the baby." Natalia nods, "Right. At least not yet." Natalia holds her very pregnant belly! Company: Kevin shakes Rocky, "Shut your mouth! You don't know anything about me and who I am at all!" Rocky sighs, "You don't have to be violent. I don't know what is going on with you but I can see that there is something you are upset about. I don't know what I have to do with it but I want to help you." Kevin lets go, "No! It's not your fault. I hurt you for no reason other than I'm a hot head. Just forget about this. I'll leave. I'll leave town now. I won't hurt you again." Rocky is confused, "You don't need to leave." Kevin nods, "Oh yes I do. I can't trust myself around you I don't know what I'll do." Rocky cries, "I don't understand this Kevin! What is about me that bothers you so much?" Kevin starts to cry, "Look at it! I hurt you so bad! That wasn't my intention that night!" Rocky stares at Kevin. Kevin walks over, "Why do you think I was at that club in the first place Rocky? Why do you think I followed you around?" Rocky gasp as he realizes what is going on with Kevin. Kevin walks closer, "I don't want to lose control Rocky. And I know you don't either." Rocky walks closer to Kevin. Kevin puts his hands on Rocky's face and they share a passionate kiss!!!! Rocky stares at him, "Kevin is this what I...." Kevin nods, "I wanted you that night Rocky! I want you!" The two kiss again! Ravenwood: Annie Dutton is locked up in her room. She goes through her stuff, "Where is my diary? I need my diary!" She is digging through everything. She can't find it anywhere. She shouts, "No! No! No! They can't find it! They can't! I need it! If someone finds it they're gonna know! They'll know everything! Oh no! Oh no!!! Oh my God!" She tears the room a part. Gardens: Reva and Josh are standing together. The minister speaks, "Now Josh and Reva would like to say the vows they have written." Josh start, "Reva. I have loved you for longer than I ever imagined I could even love anyone. You have made my life worth living. You gave me two beautiful kids. And I know that we haven't always stayed together. But I know that now we are at a point where we can be completely honest with each other. And we can finally have the life we always wanted. Always Reva. Always." Reva cries, "That was beautiful.... I," Reva goes to speak but she keep hearing the word honest. She stops, "Uh... Joshua. I need to tell you something. I just... I don't want to stop the wedding but there is something you should know." Reva turns around and sees Lizzie. She feels trapped. Phillip and Beth run over. Beth grabs Reva, "You sick, twisted, bitch!" Josh pulls Beth off, "What the hell is wrong with you?" Lizzie runs over, "What is going on Mom?" Phillip walks over, "Lizzie sweeheart there is something that we need to tell you." Beth turns to her, "Honey you need to sit down." Liz starts to worry, "What's wrong? Mom you are scaring me! Just tell me what's going on!" Beth sighs, "Lizzie..... Jonathan and Sarah.... they are alive baby! You baby is alive." Liz backs up, "Why would you say that to me? What is wrong with you?" Phillip looks at Reva, "Tell her!" Reva shakes her head, "I don't know what you two are talking about. My Son and Granddaughter died in a car accident!" Josh shakes his head, "You two need to leave." Beth pulls out the camera, "We have a picture." Liz holds it. Reva shakes her head, "It was taken a long time ago!" Beth scoffs, "I don't think so Reva! I don't remember Jonathan having short hair and you didn't have red hair back then." Josh, Marah and Shayne turn to Reva. Liz is shaking, "After they died I found a little bootie. I knew it was the one she was wearing that day but Reva said it wasn't. But I knew it was!" Reva walks over, "Lizzie..." Liz shouts, "Oh my God! It's true! Jonathan and Sarah are alive! Where is she? Where is my baby? I want my baby girl!!! Sarah!" Everyone stares in shock. PREVIEWS: Mindy is shocked by who she sees The news about Jonathan creates much more drama! Rocky has a shocking reaction to Kevin Olivia has questions for Natalia Danny and Michelle talk about what happens next Edmund is thrilled by his discovery
  20. We've heard the secrets..... We've read the romance..... We've speculated...... But on October 20 2008...... The 100th episode of FTL will change everything!!!!!! And these people will have life changing moments! This town is just not going to be the same after this!!!!! Episode 100 You think you know Springfield...... just wait.
  21. JAYJAY

    Episode 99

    Everyone has shocking news in Springfield....... Police Station: Shayne and Rocky are sitting out in the hall. Rocky is about to go to Mallet to begin pressing charges against Kevin for the attack. Shayne holds him, "I know this is going to be difficult. But I know you can do this okay?" Rocky nods, "Yeah. I know it's just.... I keep wondering how much longer this has to go on. I mean this is gonna go to court. It's gonna get dragged out forever. I mean maybe I should..." Kevin Marler is brought in and walked into the room. Mel is his lawyer, "Come on Kevin this way." He glances at the two as he walks away. Shayne takes a deep breathe, "Don't worry that bastard is going to be locked away after this." Rocky sighs, "All I want is my old life back. I just want all of this to be over and in the past." Shayne takes a hold of his hand, "That is all I want. And we will get that I promise and then we'll have our ceremony. And then we spend the rest of our lives together." Rocky gets ready to say something. His lawyer walks over, "Rocky we're ready for you." Rocky gets up and walks in. Shayne is told to stay outside the room. Reva Bend: Reva is sitting in her livingroom. She is holding a picture of Jonathan and Sarah. Jonathan promised he'd try to bring her by later. The doorbell rings. Reva goes running, "Jo..." She opens the door to Josh, "Hello. Did you miss me?" She sighs, "Uh yeah. I just... yes I missed you. I'm glad you stopped by. Come in." Josh walks inside, "I was hoping we could talk about what has been going on between us." Reva shuts the door, "Um. I think there is something we need to talk about first Joshua." He shakes his head, "Not just yet. There is something I need to say first. I need this moment." She walks over to him, "Okay." He takes her hand, "Reva. You have been my destiny since I was a little boy in Oklahoma. And now here we are back together for the millionth time. And I don't want anything to break us up again. And I think we can do something to assure that won't happen." Reva is confused, "What are you trying to say Bud?" He smiles, "Reva Shayne.... will you be my wife again?" Reva is speechless. Spaulding Mansion: Cassandra is sitting out in the back of her house. She stares out of the property. It is all hers and no one can stop her now. She hears a noise. She goes searching for it, "Hello? Who is there?" She stands against a wall. Above on the balcony the mysterious woman is looking down on her. She shoves a statue that goes flying off the edge. Cassandra looks up and sees it coming straight at her. Just a couple of moments away from crashing down on her in slow motion. All of the sudden she feels a pressure on her back. She goes falling away from the spot. She falls down and is just missed by the statue that leaves a dent in the ground. She looks up to see Jeffrey laying on top of her. She shoves him, "What the hell are you doing?" He scoffs, "Well right now I'm just relaxing. But a few seconds ago I was saving your life." She shakes her head, "I'm fine!" The two get up. He looks up, "I don't think that fell on it's own." Cassandra stares, "What do you mean?" He sighs, "I came to warn you. Annie Dutton... she escaped from Ravenwood." Beacon: Lucy gets up and starts getting dressed. A naked David is laying on the bed, "Wow. We finish and you jump right up and start getting dressed?" She falls back down on the bed, "I have things to do. I need to get back to my work." He laughs, "Don't you still work at Company? Or did they hire you at Lewis again?" She scoffs, "I have a shift at the diner. Okay? I admit it's not the most important job but it's the only one I have at the moment. And I've saved up some money and now I can have a room here. Better than living at the boarding house." David sits up, "You don't like living with you family? Is that the kind of person you are?" She laughs, "Well not all of us like to live with our parents when we're at this age." He starts to get dressed, "Wow. You really are trying to hit below the belt huh?" She puts on her shoes, "Remember. We don't need to be nice. We are just two people who like to have sex. Good sex." He walks over, "Uh-uh. You mean great sex!" He grabs her and kisses her. Cedars: Michelle and Danny stumble into an empty room. They are still kissing. He has his hands on her face. She wraps her arms around him. He pulls away, "No! Stop! Stop! Stop it. Michelle just stop it. Okay? I don't... I love Marina." She scoffs, "You act like I forced you to do something. I didn't hold a gun to your head." He shakes his head, "Oh God! Why did I just do that? I shouldn't have come over here!" She sighs, "But you did! And you know why! I know why! We are never going to give up on each other. We made a promise years ago that we would never stop loving each other and I am not going back on that and neither are you. Whether we want to or not!" He sighs, "I love Marina. I am trying to have a happy normal life with Marina. Okay?" She walks over to him, "You don't think I get that? All I ever did was try and find a normal life with a normal guy but all I can ever think about is you. You are the love of my life Danny!" He sits down, "Why is this happening?" She sits with him, "You don't get to choose who your true love is Danny. I realize that now." He looks at her again. He tries to fight it but ends up kissing her again. Lillian's House: Beth and Phillip are sitting in the kitchen. Phillip stare out the window, "What time is James getting home today? I thought he'd be here by now." She walks over, "He is going to stay the night at Rick's. Jude and Robbie asked him to come over. So we won't see him until Mindy drops him off in the morning?" Phillip walks around the room, "So your Mom took Penelope for the day? I mean it's her day off." Beth nods, "That's what I thought but she likes going for walks at the park and so does the baby so it all works out." Phillip sighs, "Lizzie! Maybe we should invite her over. I mean it's been a while since she was here." Beth shakes her head, "She and Colin went out on a vacation. They won't be back until next week." Phillip sighs, "I guess it's gonna be a while before I can spend time with my kids huh?" Beth sits with him, "It won't be that long. I promise. I have a feeling. It's the same feeling I had right before we found out you were alive. Something is about to happen Phillip. Something is going to... I don't know but something is gonna change things for us." There is a knock at the door. Phillip goes to answer it. Beth and Phillip stare in shock. Annie Dutton stands at the door. PART TWO: Beacon: David and Lucy are kissing. She pulls away, "You are not going to try and convince me to stay. Because this isn't anything more than what I told you it was. It is a no strings attatched deal!" He shakes his head, "You know that it could be something real. I could make you happy Lucy." She laughs, "Oh don't you worry about that Baby. You just made me happy enough. Okay?" He sighs, "You know what I mean. I can give you something. I can save you from yourself." She scoffs, "And what the hell makes you think that I need you to save me from anything?" He walks over to her, "You need to understand that I need you too. I can give you a good life with me." She shakes her head, "No. I already tried the relationship built on love with Alan Michael. And I got screwed. And I tried the relationship built on power and money. And I got screwed again. This relationship is about sex so now if I get screwed.... Just don't get your hopes up." She walks out the door. David sits on the bed. Frustrated with Lucy. Cedars: Danny and Michelle are kissing. He holds her back, "No. I need to leave. Michelle. This isn't some game this is my life." She stands up, "I'm not making you do anything so don't talk to me like I am Danny!" He walks over to her and holds her in his arms, "Okay. I know that we have something. I am willing to admit that. But you need to let me go. Let me be happy with Marina." Michelle shakes her head, "I don't know how you could even ask me that. How can you ask me to give up on you? Give up on the man who I love with all of my heart!" Danny walks to the door, "I'm sorry Michelle but you are going to have to. I am going to be with Marina. And I know this will be diffcult. But that is what is happeing whether.... no matter what." Danny leaves. Michelle shuts the door. She kicks over a trash can. Michelle falls to the floor crying. Police Station: Shayne is still sitting outside waiting. He is fighting every gut feeling to go into that room and throw Kevin against the wall. He is getting impatient. The door opens. Mel and Kevin walks out past Shayne. Kevin has a strange look of disbelief. Rocky walks out. Kevin gets ready to say something. Rocky stops him, "No! Just.... just leave. I don't want to see or hear you ever again. Stay away from me and Shayne. Or else I might change my mind about all of this." Rocky looks down at the ground the entire time. Kevin leaves. Shayne walks over to Rocky, "Why the hell wasn't he in handcuffs? Where is he going? Rocky?" Rocky shakes his head, "He is leaving. I did what I needed to do and I don't regret it." Shayne is furious, "What the hell are you talking about? He attacked you! Do you remember that?" Rocky sighs, "Okay. I know. But if I can get over it and I can try and move on then why can't you Shayne?" Shayne shakes his head, "What the hell is the matter with you? I mean why would you do that?" Rocky stares at Shayne, "I know you don't understand now. But I don't have anger. I just don't. I want to be happy and let all of this go! I don't want to spend my life crying and worrying. Just... try and accept it Shayne! Please?" Shayne storms out of the station. Reva Bend: Reva stares at Josh, "I'm sorry. I spaced out for a moment. But I thought you said..." He smiles, "I want to be your husband again Reva. I mean a part of me feels like I never stopped." She is surprised, "Oh my God! Are you really serious about his Joshua? I mean you want to get married again?" He nods, "Yes. I want to have a big wedding. I don't know where or when but I know I want this. I want it with you Reva. I am ready to continue my life with you." She sighs, "Wow this is a lot to take in... I mean we would have to plan and take a lot of time. I'm busy at WSPR, and this Annie thing. It just seems like..." He shakes his head, "We don't have to wait. We can get married next week. You have vaction time right? Just take some. We can have our honeymoon. Reva this is our destiny!" She tears up, "Destiny. That is a word we have used a lot these past years. It almost seems like a fantasy." He holds her hand, "It doesn't have to be. Reva lets continue our story. It's not the end for us. It's a new beginning.' Reva smiles, "A new beginning is just what I need." Josh grins. Reva jumps into his arms and he swings her around. Spaulding Mansion: Cassandra stares at Jeffrey, "What? Annie is free? Are you kidding me? She is out of Ravenwood?" He nods, "I'm afraid so. I wanted to come over here and warn you but I guess I got here just in time." She looks up, "I think you did." He looks around, "Okay well I'll call some people over and we'll look around and I'll take care of it. Can you stay somewhere?" She turns to him, "What? No. You don't need to stay. I have security and they can take care of it. It's their job. No. I'm not going anywhere. I'm not letting you all swarm my house. I can take care of myself." He shakes his head, "How can you be so stubborn about something like this Cassie?" She pushes him, "You need to leave now!" Jeffrery gives up and leaves. As he walks out the woman approaches him, "Excuse me? Aren't you Jeffrey O'Neil?" He nods, "Yes. You look familiar." She smiles, "Oh I just have one of those faces. I just wanted to say I've heard a lot about you and your love life. You really get around don't you Mr. O'Neill?" He is confused, "Do I know you?" She shakes her head, "Just be careful who you hurt Mr. O'Neill. You could be getting yourself in danger." She walks away leaving him in complete lack of understanding. Lillian's House: Annie walks in, "Where is Lillian?" Beth walks over, "Oh my God! Annie Dutton? What are you doing here? Where did you come from?" She paces, "Lillian? Nurse Lillian Raines is my friend from when I worked in the hospital!" Phillip walks over, "Why are you talking like that?" She smiles, "Phillip! You were a friend to me once! Right? Oh I can talk to you!" Beth shakes her head, "Annie you shouldn't be here. I think you should be leaving." Annie shouts, "NO! I need to tell you something." She pulls out a little digital camera. Phillip is confused, "What is that?" Annie holds it, "I stole it from a security guard! You need to see what I got a picture of." Beth walks over and takes the camera, "Okay. But first let's get you back where you need to be." Two men from Ravenwood come in, "Ms. Dutton. You need to come back with us now." They grab her. She shouts, "NO! NO! Look at the picture! The picture! You need to see it! It's important!" Phillip watches as they take her to the car. He walks over to Beth, "I don't know what she is talking about." Beth is holding the camera. Her face is in complete shock, "I know exactly what she was talking about and I can't believe my eyes." Phillip is confused, "What does Annie have a picture of?" Beth turns it around, "Jonathan! He's alive!!!" Phillip and Beth stare at the picture of Jonathan hugging Reva! PREVIEWS: Reva and Josh's wedding! Beth and Phillip find Liz! Mindy's life is in danger! Olivia gets a shocking visit! Jeffrey discovers something huge! Danny and Michelle can't fight their feelings! Kevin goes to see Rocky!
  22. JAYJAY

    Episode 98

    Hi Greg! Thanks for the comments. First I want to give you a hint to certain things. The little details are the ones to look for I always give hints to what is coming up in stories. Jonathan is back in Springfield. And remember that since I started my blog a year ago the return that Jonathan had on GL has not happened so Liz has no idea about him and Sarah..... yet. The 100th episode is being posted on Monday!!! It's going to be my biggest episode yet and it will change everything in Springfield!!!!!
  23. JAYJAY

    Episode 97

    Hey Greg!! BTW which couples aren't quite your favorite? I'm curious. Some of these couples aren't going to stay together for long. Oh yes Dinah's SL is heating up. There is a big shock coming up on the 100th episode!
  24. JAYJAY

    Episode 96

    It's great to see you back Greg!!!
  25. JAYJAY

    Episode 98

    Everyone has secrets in Springfield...... Spaulding Enterprises: Beth and Phillip are walking through the halls. Beth looks at the pictures of all of the CEO's of Spaulding Enterprises. She stares at Cassie's, "Never will I ever understand how she could have managed to take everything from this family." Phillip sighs, "Well I guess sometimes it feels like maybe we deserve it after all of the harm we've caused." Beth turns to him, "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear you say that Phillip. Because you know that's not true." He sighs, "Beth, I just don't want to hurt Cassie. She has been hurt by this family enough." She scoffs, "Excuse me have you forgotten what she has done to us this year? She took the company, she took our home, she is going after everyone in this town and everyone is fair game for her." He nods, "Remind you of anyone?" She sighs, "This is not the same as you. You were sick and confused. And Cassie is...." He turns to her, "Cassie is sick. She has been like this since Tammy died and now she is taking it out on everyone else." Beth shakes her head, "If we can forgive you then why can't you forgive yourself?" He sighs, "Not everyone has forgiven me and they have no reason to at this point." Phillip walks away. Spaulding Mansion: Cassandra is going over some remodling plans for the house. Edmund walks over, "Wow you certantly are making quite a few changes aren't you?" She nods, "Well this house still reminds me of the Spauldings. But soon this will be the Winslow Mansion. And the Spauldings will be nothing but a distant memory." He sighs, "Cassie, you really need to think about this. I know you are dead set on getting your revenge on the Spauldings but hasn't this gone on long enough?" She turns to him, "What the hell are you talking about? Why would you even ask me that?" He tries to calm her down, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that the way it sounded. I just mean that I want you to be free of all of your anger and your pain. I want you to be happy again." She smiles, "I am happy. I have everything. Alan has nothing. This whole mansion is all mine. This whole town is going to be groveling at my feet soon enough. What isn't there to be happy about?" He nods, "I guess your plan is working out perfectly? I mean everything you wanted is coming true." She grins, "And this is only the beginning. Next I am going to go after the Lewises." She walks into the next room. Reva Bend: Reva is sitting on her couch. She can't stop thinking about making love with Josh and what this could mean for them. There is a noise at her door. She gets worried. She picks up a bat and walks slowly too it. She pulls open the door. Reva immidently drops the bat. Jonathan is standing there, "Hi Mom. You gonna hit me?" She cries, "Oh my God! Jonathan? Your really here? Oh my God! This isn't just a dream." He hugs her, "I've missed you like crazy Mom. It's been over a year since we last saw each other." She nods, "How's my special little Granddaughter? How is little Sarah doing Jonathan?" He grins, "She's great she's gotten so much older. She's walking, talking, she's just like her Grandma Reva!" Reva is all smiles, "Oh and Aubrey. How is she? Have you two ever officially..." He shows his ring finger, "Yeah we got married last spring. I didn't think I'd ever get married again after Tammy but Aubrey and I are great parents to Sarah. You know?" Reva sighs, "What about Lizzie? Have you thought about her?" Jonathan nods, "Yeah. That's one of the reasons why I am here to see you. We are in some trouble." Reva is worried. Cedars: Michelle is walking down the hallway. She's getting ready to go on her break. Danny walks over, "Hey I was wondering if we could talk really quick? If you have time?" She nods, "Is this about Robbie or Hope?" He shakes his head, "No. It's about Marina and I. I have some news for you Michelle." She scoffs, "I really don't want to hear all of this Danny okay? It's just to soon for me." Danny sighs, "Listen. I'm not trying to be rude or upset you at work but this is the only way to get ahold of you latley and I have to tell you this Michelle." She walks away, "I don't have a whole lot of time Danny so you might want to try again later." He follows, "Listen could you just give me a minute please? Okay Marina and I are moving in together." She sighs, "Okay well I hope she has fun with you at the Beacon but I got to say it's gonna get crowded." He shakes his head, "No. We actually.... we bought a house. We got a home together." Michelle is taken back by this news. Old Museum: The apartment hasn't been the same now that Marina and Marah have moved out. Sam sits with Stephanie, "Hey. I was wondering if you wanted to go out later and get some coffee?" She nods, "Oh sure. I'd love to go. But when were you planning on going out Sam?" He smiles, "Uh well how about now? I mean I have some free time and you don't seem busy." She sighs, "I'm sorry but I promised that I'd watch a movie soon and it's about to start." Sam is confused, "Who did you make a promise too?" Remy walks in, "Hey has the movie started yet? I just made the popcorn and everything?" She smiles, "It's about too. So you promise that I'm going to like this one Remy?" He nods, "Oh yeah I think this one is right up your ally, it's got action but it can be sweet at times." Sam is surprised, "Oh hey Remy." Remy smiles, "What's up Sam? Are you planning on watching the movie with us today?" Sam gets up, "Uh maybe later." Sam walks to the other side of the room but can't keep his eyes off of how cozy Remy and Stephanie are getting. Beacon: David walks into one of the rooms. He looks around, "Did someone call about a disturbance in here? Hello? Anyone here?" Lucy walks over wearing a sexy lingerie, "Well I don't know about you but I'm feeling pretty disturbed." He sighs, "I should have known that calling a detective to check out a disturbance was suspicious." She walks over to him, "I've had a very very stressful day today. And I was kind of hoping that you had one too." He sighs, "My day has had a lot of stress but something tells me that you didn't invite me over to talk about it?" She shake her head, "No. I need someone to help me relieve my stress. And think about something else. You were good at that before and i think it could work again." He sighs, "I don't know Lucy. It was great before but doing it again could complicate things." She start to unbotton his shirt, "Oh don't you think you are the man for the job? Or not?" He stares into her eyes, "You bet your ass I'm the man for this job Lucy Cooper!" He picks her up and the two kiss. PART TWO: Spaulding Enterprises: Beth walks over to Phillip, "I know that you feel guilty for everything that has happened to this family. But you can do so much to make up for it all now right?" Phillip turns to her, "Okay Beth your gonna have to explain because I don't understand." She smiles, "You can save this family. You can take back the company and make the Spaulding name something to be proud of for us. That has always been your goal." He sighs, "I don't know if that is even possible now Beth." She holds his hand, "You can make this up to your family. Lizzie and James have already forgiven you. And now you can have a new start with Penelope." He shakes his head, "What about Zach? He doesn't want anything to do with me. He's fine with Gus as his dad. And Emma? She doens't even know me. Olivia has probably told her horror stories and now she only knows Bill as her father. I don't know if I can fix any of that." Beth hugs him, "I'm so sorry that you have to go through this with your children but you can still do something for them whether they apreciate it now or not." Phillip walks away to think about this. Old Museum: Sam can't stop staring at Stephanie and Remy. The two are chatting on the couch. Sam makes his move, "Hey you know what guys? I think I might want to watch the movie after all." Stephanie smiles, "Oh great." Sam drops himself right in between them. Remy stares at him, "Are you comfortable there Sam? I mean the chair might have a little more room." Sam shakes his head, "Nah. I'm pretty comfortable. But if you aren't then you can have the chair." Remy sits back, "Me? Oh no. I'm fine. I'm more than comfortable. I'm gonna stay here with you." Stephanie looks at them, "Is there something that I'm not getting that's going on?" Sam shakes his head, "No. Why do you ask?" Stephanie sighs, "Um... I don't know it just feels uncomfortable here now. Is everything okay?" Remy sighs, "Nope everything is fine. Right Sam?" Sam nods, "Right." The three watch the movie. Beacon: David and Lucy fall onto the floor. She start tearing off his clothes. He is removing her outfit. She kisses his neck, "God! This is just what I needed after today. I knew there had to be something to look forward to." He smiles, "Well I'm happy that I make you happy. At least in some way you know?" She climbs over him, "Let's just keep this simple. There are no feelings involved. No emotions, or problems. Just a quick one night stand and then we're done." He starts to unhook her bra, "What if I want this to be more than a one night stand?" She unbuckles his jeans, "Well then I guess that you my friend are setting yourself up for a great disappointment. Because there is only one thing that I need from you." He grins, "Well I guess that will have to do me for now. Until you come to your senses. No pun intended.' She puts her hand on his mouth, "No more talking. From now on the only sounds I want to hear from you is moans and my name!" The two begin to make love. Spaulding Mansion: Cassandra is sitting out in the back yard. She's staring out to the property. It's all so beautiful and it is all her's too. She takes a deep breathe, "This is all for you Tammy. I know that you can't be here with me. But I know that you are the only person who would understnad this." She hears a sound. She turns around to see, "Hello? Is someone there? Hello? I heard a noise what the hell was it?" She starts looking around. No one appears to be there. She keeps walking. She calls out, "Mark Guillespie? If that's you, you son of a bitch you better be afraid!" She keeps looking. Above on the balcony the mysterious woman is staring down at her. Cassandra is unaware of her. The woman sees a statue that is standing on the edge and gives it a great big shove. Cassandra looks up to see the statue flying down right towards her. Cedars: Michelle walks away from Danny, "You know what I just... I'm really busy right now so if we could talk about this another time that would just be great for me." Danny sighs, "Michelle. I'm sorry but I just want you to know so we can tell the kids." She turns to him, "Is that really why Danny? I mean honestly is that the reason?" He nods, "Well what else is there?" She scoffs, "Come on! You just want to make sure I know that you and Marina are taking the next step in you relationship. Okay well I get it Danny. All right?" He shakes his head, "That is not what this is about Michelle. I'm not trying to hurt you." She walks over to him, "Really? Then why are you denying this Danny huh/ Anser that!" He is confused, "Denying what?" She sighs, "What we have. You know that you still love me just as much as I love you yet you still play with Marina's emotions. And that is messed up Danny!" He looks down, "That is not ture Michelle. I am over you. I really am this time." She puts his chin up, "Say that to my face." Danny tries but he can't. The two lean closer and kiss. Reva Bend: Reva is worried, "Jonathan? What is it? Is something wrong with Sarah? What is going on?" Jonathan shakes his head, "She's fine Mom. But it's not about that. It's about Lizzie." Reva is confused, "Lizzie? What do you mean? What is going on with Lizzie, Jonathan?" He sighs, "She met Aubrey Reva." Reva gasp, "Oh my God! Does she know now? Does she know that you and Sarah are alive?" He shakes his head, "No. She has no idea. Aubrey has been using our new lsat name. And Lizzie had no idaa. And Lizzie was going by McCabe or something? Is she with Colin?" Reva nods, "Yeah. They are dating. I don't know exactly how serious it is but I swore him to secrecy." Jonathan paces, "We can't trust him Reva. To many people know about this now. I'm worried." Reva hugs him, "We are going to settle this. Okay? Trust me." As they are hugging they see a flash from the window. Jonathan looks out, "What was that?" Reva is confused, "I have no idea." Little do they know someone is watching from the bushes! PREVIEWS: Beth and Phillip recieve a HUGE shock!!! Josh surprises Reva Cassandra faces a possible death Michelle and Danny try to fight their feelings David wants more from Lucy Rocky makes a shocking decision
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