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Everything posted by JAYJAY
Great episode! I love Bloss!
This is great! I am kinda new, but I love "The Guiding Light". I really can't wait to see this thing with Shayne.
It is a busy afternoon in Springfield and many conversations have been planned Bauer House: Rick gets in from work. Beth is sitting at the table, "Welcome home." Rick hangs up his coat, "Thanks. I missed you two." He rubs Beth's belly, "Gosh just in a week we will be parents." "Rick we need to talk." "Sweetie if you're stressed about something it's not good for the baby so just let it out." "Rick I ...... um sorry I feel weird today." "You okay?" "Rick we need to discuss the baby. It's about Cassie and ......." Beth's water breaks, "Oh my God!" "Beth your water broke! Our baby is coming!" The word "our" rings in Beth's head. Towers: Ava is awaiting a meeting for Spaulding. Marah walks in and sits across from her, "Hey Ash! What's up?" Ava nearly spills her drink, "Oh hey. I'm sorry I forget your name." "Marah." "Oh right Marah. Hi. Um I am waiting for a meeting." "Well I'll stay until they arrive." "So what can I do for you?" "Oh. Maybe you can explain to me what the hell is wrong with you!" Ava smirks as she realizes Marah is onto her. Cedars: Lizzie is sitting in the hall, trying not to be noticed. She the nurse approaches her, "Ms. Spaulding! I didn't think you were coming. I had to bend over backwards to get this specific time and date for you so your Grandmother and Stepfather wouldn't be here." "I know. I just......" "Well lets go in here." The two enter a room. "Thanks I just want to know what I need to do about this." "Well I got some of the best doctors and I didn't give them your name, just your history. And one was in town visiting friends and decided to take a look at you. I'll send him in." "Great thanks." Lizzie paces back and forth for a while. She keeps remembering her childhood in hospitals. She runs to the door and right into her doctor. "Oh! Sorry.... I" She then recognizes Dr. Colin McCabe! "Oh. Lizzie?" Lizzie drops her bag. Spaulding Mansion: Gus is walking down the hall and sees Natalia carrying bags, "Hey Nat. What are you doing?" She sits down a bag for a moment, "Well Rafe left for boarding school yesterday, so there is no need for me to stay here." "Well I know you really didn't want him to go but this was a great opportunity for him." "I am not bitter Gus. Besides we are going to visit him every weekend and call like ten times a day." "Then what is all of this about?" "Well I just think....." Alan walks in. Natalia gets nervous. Bauer House: Beth is sitting at the table. There is a knock at the door. Rick comes running down with the suitcase, "I got it!" He opens the door for Ashlee, "Where's the baby?!" "It's not here yet. Thank you so much!" "No problem. Just remember little "Ashlee Bauer". Beth giggles "We'll consider it." Rick walks Beth out and instructs Ashlee, "Okay I left a message for Mel. But she might take a while so if she doesn't show up in time then just bring them to the hospital." "Sure." Beth and Rick hurry to the car. PART TWO: Cedars: Lizzie and Colin are face to face, "Oh Dr. McCabe." "Lizzie, you are my patient?" "Who me? NO!" "But then what's going on?" "Nothing, I just.... I'm sick again." "Well okay. I can handle this you know. And don't worry I'm sure your Grandfather could keep it out of the press." "No! No one knows." "Oh no! No! I am not getting dragged into this again!" "No it's not like that. I'm not like Reva. I just don't want to worry my family until I know for sure." "I don't know Lizzie." "I promise I will tell them. Okay?" "Yeah. Well we will start in a few minutes so I'll be back." Colin goes to get things set up. Spaulding Mansion: Alan walks over, "So what's going on?" Gus rolls his eyes, "Alan could you give us like one minute!" Natalia stands up for him, "Gus would stop!" She walks off. Gus's phone goes off, he walks in the other direction. Alan follows Natalia. "Natalia?" "What Alan?" "Listen I am sorry if I made you uncomfortable but I don't want you to leave." "Alan it is not your fault. I did what I wanted to do for my own enjoyment." "So you enjoyed the kiss." "Alan. We can't let that happen again." Natalia walks but Alan steps in front of her. "Natalia. I haven't felt these feelings in a long time. I know I have hurt a lot of people, but I could never imagine hurting you." "Alan please. I can't......" "What? Admit that instead of finding Nick, you found Gus. That instead of getting together with your ex you fell for the big bad Alan Spaulding?" "No! I didn't say that." "Do you think I wanted to fall for you? Do you think I would rather have Gus with Harley so I could have you all to myself. I know that we will hurt each other and that by being together we will hurt the people we love the most. But I don't care." Natalia leans in. Alan grabs her and the two begin to kiss. Cedars: Beth is in delivery. Rick is by her side, "Rick what's going on?" "Honey the baby is coming." "But we just got here?" "I know but we can do this okay just get ready. Come on Baby Bauer." The name sends a chill down Beth's spine. Towers: Marah and Ava are sitting at the table, "I found out you weren't Ashlee." "Gee I wonder what gave me away." "So how did you get my number?" "I don't know what your talking about." "Come on, your mother is dating my father, didn't you think we would eventually meet?" "And lets not forget your mother is dating my father. Crazy world huh?" "Of course that's why you sent me to catch them." "Believe it or not Marah I wasn't trying to hurt you. I was doing you a favor." "Oh really. You know I see a lot of Olivia in you but no Jeffrey." "Come on Marah do you really want your mother with Jeffrey?" "No but I don't want your mother with Jeffrey either." "Well we'll see how it goes. Remember I have my ways." Ava's phone rings. "Hello.......... What? No I didn't........... I didn't change the meeting to Company. Why would I do that!?.... So we lost the deal?... If I didn't call them then who did?" Ava looks up Marah who is leaving, "Oh I have my ways too. See you around Ava." Marah leaves Ava at the table. Cedars: Hours later, Lizzie walks out of the hall and right into Ashlee, "Oh hey Lizzie! Is she here yet?" "What?" "The baby?" James, Jude, and Leah come over to Lizzie, "Hey guys. Are you excited?" Ashlee looks confused, "So if you didn't know about the baby then why are you here?" Just then Lillian comes in, "Hey guys." "Nana I thought you had the day off." "I did. But I am here for the baby. Oh and to watch the kids. Lizzie did they call you?" Lizzie tries to change the subject. Then Rick comes in, "It's a beautiful baby girl!" PREVIEWS FOR NEXT: Thanksgiving in Springfield Susan celebrates with the Coopers Beth and Rick choose a name Vanessa and Billy throw the Lewis dinner Marah can't take much more Alex catches on the Alan and Natalia TWO big returns rock Springfield
JAYJAY commented on Josh's blog entry in The Guiding Light
Great choice! I could really picture her as Cassie! -
It's a bright morning in Springfield. Just days after Halloween The Beacon: Blake is in her bedroom sleeping, she wakes up to the sound of a TV. She grabs her robe and heads to the livingroom where she sees Remy watching some action flick, " What do you think you're doing?" Remy turns around, "Hey Blake! Wanna watch?" "No I don't wanna watch I was trying to sleep in!" "Well I got up early and decided to watch a movie." "Well it's time to stop the movie. Give me the remote." Remy holds it away from her, "No." Blake walks over to grab it, he pulls it away. He stands up. The two start wrestling over the remote when they fall onto the couch. Remy is on top of Blake who is staring into Remy's eyes. Bauer House: Beth is cooking she is making breakfast. She begins to talk to herself, "Okay this is it. Today you tell Rick about the father. But he's going to think you're crazy and might not believe it at first but...." Jude walks in. "Good morning Jude. Is Leah still napping?" "Yes." She gives him a glass of Juice, "What about your Dad?" "He left." "What? I didn't even see him." "He left really early." Beth moans then sits at the table. The Police Station: Josh and Olivia are sitting at a table, "So how are you feeling?" "Horrible. My daughter is missing and all anyone wants to do is list the reasons that she is better off without me." "Olivia they are just concerned about Emma." Frank walks in, "Olivia we need to talk." "What?" Olivia is alarmed, Josh holds her hand. Frank sits down, "We found her." Olivia is sobbing, "Where is she?!" She jumps up. Frank pulls her back down. "Olivia she is at Cedars, but we need to discuss somethings first." "I need to see her!" Olivia runs out of the room and Frank and Josh chase after her. Towers: Dinah runs into Mallet, "Hey honey. I was hoping you would be here!" Mallet helps Dinah carry her bags, "What's up?" "Well Mom and I have been scheduling the date and you are the tie breaker. Now I was thinking a Christmas wedding because it's fun. And the anniversary of the first time we..... you know. But I can't tell her that! Now she is saying Valentines day which would be fun and give me more time to plan. What do you think?" Mallet laughs, "Actually I was thinking after Thanksgiving." Dinah looks puzzled, "But they're all after Thanksgiving." "I mean right after Thanksgiving." Dinah is confused, "Like early December?" "No. Like late November." Dinah is speechless. Cross Creek: Reva is taking down Halloween decorations. There is a knock at the door, "I'm coming!" She answers the door, Jeffrey is standing with flowers, "Hello beautiful!" Reva takes the flowers. "Oh you are so sweet." She gives him a big kiss. Mainstreet: Marah is getting some coffee. Ava walks up to her, "Hi! Do I know you from somewhere?" Marah is startled, "Uh I'm not sure." "What's you name?" "Marah. Marah Lewis?" "Oh. Are you related to Josh Lewis?" "He's my father." "Oh! So you're mother's name is?" "Reva..." Ava is trying to hold back her excitement, "So you're Jonathan's sister?" "Yes, I'm sorry who are you?" "I'm.... Ashlee. Ashlee Wolfe." "Oh. That name rings a bell. Are you related to Doris Wolfe?" "Sort of." Marah sits down, Ava sits with her, "I still think I know you from somewhere else. Did you use to date that guy?" "Tony?" "No." "Um, Jeffrey?" "Yes. I think I remember you. I was his secretary. You two were so cute. Who is he with now?" "I don't know." "You really don't huh? Well I best be going. See you around Marah." Marah is a little spooked. She gets a text from Jeffrey saying to meet her at Cross Creek. PART TWO: Towers: Dinah is sitting with Mallet, "What are you talking about?" "Lets be spontaneous." "Can't we wait till December?" "Honey, neither of our weddings had a lot of planning." "Well what if everything isn't ready?" "All that matters is that we're ready." Mallet leans in and kisses Dinah. The Beacon: Remy is on top of Blake, "Get off of me!" She shoves him off. Then realizes she has the remote, "Ha ha!" "You're crazy!" "Tell me something I don't know." She turns off the TV. "I'll be in bed." She walks off. Remy goes to his room, "She better pay me extra for this." Cedars: Rick is talking with nurses. Beth walks up, "Rick?" "Beth what are you doing here?" "I need to talk with you. Now." "Beth, can it wait?" "No, I need to tell you something." Olivia runs into the hospital and runs to Rick, "Rick where is Emma?! I need to see her!" Rick tries to calm her down, "She was examined. She is okay. Now she is in that room but....." Olivia pushes him out of the way and runs into the room. Josh and Frank run in, "Where is Olivia?" They see her in the room holding Emma. Cross Creek: Jeffrey and Reva are standing in the livingroom. Jeffrey pulls out his phone, "I got your message." "What message?" "Didn't you send a message saying to meet you here?" He show her. "That's not my number." "Well I thought you used a different phone or something. Oh I don't care. I'm just glad I'm here." The two make out. Marah walks up to the opened door, she walks in. The two don't see her. She is in shock. She runs off. PREVIEWS FOR NEXT: Beth goes into labor Alan and Natalia can't fight their feelings Marah pays a visit to Ava Lizzie gets a surprise visit
It's Halloween Night and all of Springfield is running around in costumes: Company: Buzz is serving food to all of the dressed up people, Ashlee walks over in a beautiful dress, "So Buzz what do you think?" "You look great. Who are you supposed to be?" "Why Cinderella of course." "Well where is you Prince Charming?" Coop stumbles in trying to put his boots on for the prince costume that Ashlee got him. Buzz starts laughing, "Oh, I see." Coop walks over to Ashlee, "Well, I really thought you were kidding when you said we were dressing up this year." "Coop I take Halloween very seriously. It's not a holiday where you sit at home and give each other gifts. You get dressed up and then go to see your neighbors who give you treats." "Wait. Are you saying that we are going to trick-or-treat." "Well maybe. It wouldn't be so bad would it?" "Isn't there like a law against it at certain age?" "Well don't worry about it. I'll be happy just passing out the candy." Coop and Ashlee grab the candy and start to put it in bowls. The Beacon: Marina is in her room waiting. Cyrus comes in with bags of candy, "Are you sure we need this much?" Marina grabs the bags from him, "Yes we need to be ready when the kids come by. The Beacon loves to try and force this on us." "I didn't realize that it was such a big deal. I've never really celebrated Halloween." "Well this year should be good for you. I love seeing little kids running around in their costumes. I used to love dressing up Zach and Jude." Marina begins to fill up the bowl with candy. "So is it the holiday or the children that you love?" "What do you mean?" "Well I mean.... it just seems like........." Marina walks over to him with the bowl, "What's wrong?" "Marina, do you want to have children?" Marina drops the bowl of candy all over the floor. Mainstreet: Reva and Marah are putting up decorations, "Mom this so much fun. I love decorating." Reva is setting out pumpkins, "Well I am glad that you were here to help me. I was honored when Buzz asked me to help run the town's Halloween celebration but I didn't think it would be so much work." "Well I think this place is going to look great." Reva begins to walk off. Marah follows her, "Mom where are you going?" "Oh I was just going to make a call. I'll be right back." Reva calls Jeffrey, "Hey, I'm at Mainstreet with her. Maybe you could stop by and meet me behind the buildings where no one can see us?....... Okay great see you then." She hangs up and goes over to Marah. Company: Susan sneeks in, she doesn't want anyone to notice her. She is looking around and runs into Buzz. He grabs her and hugs her, "Oh sweetie welcome back!. How's school?" "It's great Buzz. How are you?" "I'm better now that you're here! Oh did your Mom send you?" "Uhh....." Buzz rushes and grab Halloween bags, "The boys are in the back." "What?" "They will be so exvcited that you are taking them out. I was worried when Harley said she couldn't get off work, but here you are. I'll go get them." Susan looks at the bags in disappoinment and sits down. Coop and Ashlee are finishing up the decorations when they here footsteps coming. They are ready for the children to come, Ashlee grabs the candy and runs outside to see Ava, who is wearing a witch costume that she cut to be shorter and show a little sex appeal. Ashlee is disappointed, "Well if it isn't the Wicked Witch of the Midwest." Ava smirks at her enemy. Cedars: Lizzie is dressed in a nurse costume, she is helping put together candy to give to the children in the hospital. Lillian walks over to her, "Well look at you. You might have a knack for this." "What? Giving candy?" Lillian laughs, "No. Being a nurse. Ever thought about it?" "Nana this is just a costume. I'll leave the medical jobs to you and Uncle Rick." Lillian giggles, "Okay sweetie. Have fun at your party." Lillian goes down the hall. Another nurse comes over to get the candy from Lizzie. Then she recognizes her, "Oh Miss Spaulding. Why haven't you come back to talk about treatment?" "Oh. I just don't have time right now." "Miss Spaulding this is very serious." "I'll handle it okay. Now I have to go to a party." Lizzie quickly walks out. PART TWO: Company: Ava is staring at Ashlee, "Nice costume. Are you a princess?" "Maybe. Are you a prostitute?" Ava steps over in Ashlee's face when Coop walks out, "What's going on?" Ava runs over to him, "Hey Coop. You look cute." "Thanks Ava. Uh wow that is a unique costume." "Thanks, I thought it looked a little over the top so I trimmed the skirt and lowered the neckline." Ashlee walks over, "Well this is a family restaurant, so maybe you should leave." "Fine. I need to head over to Mainstreet to look for Jeffrey anyways." Ashlee grabs some fliers, "Oh would you hang more of these for Emma?" "I don't have much time." "But she's your little sister." "I'm sure she will turn up. Have a fun night you two. " The two walk back inside. Ava kicks in a pumpkin before she leaves. The Beacon: Marina is picking up the candy, "What do you mean children?" "Well you have been going on and on about them." "But we are just moving in together and we haven't even found an official place yet." "Marina I wasn't proposing we have children. I was asking if you were planning on having them in the future." "Oh. Well why?" "I just didn't know how you felt about it." They sit on the bed, "Well, I really wanted to be a mother when I was little but after my parents split I didn't believe in families anymore. Then when I was dating Danny, I just fell in love with Robbie, and I didn't want to go my whole life without experiencing parenthood." "Oh." "What's wrong?" "It's just that I don't want kids." "Oh. Well lets not worry now. I mean that is far into the future." "No Marina for me it's never. I don't think I can ever change my mind about this." "Why not?" "I just think that people shouldn't have kids because they want them. They should have them because they would make good parents." "And you don't think we could make good parents?" "I think you would be a great Mom. But I have always known that I shouldn't be someones father." There are trick-or-treaters at the door. Marina gets up, "We can discuss this tommorow." She gets up leaving Cyrus sitting on the bed. Mainstreet: Susan is sitting on bench with Zach and Jude, "Lets just take a break." Zach and Jude get up, "NO!" "Come on guys I really don't want to keep going. And you guys have so much candy." Zach sees Lizzie. She is crying. He runs over to her, "Lizzie! Hey what's wrong?" She cleans herself up, "Oh I just get a little scared on Halloween. But I'm fine." Susan and Jude come over, "Hey Lizzie." "Susan! I heard you were in town!" Lizzie hugs Susan, "So, how is school?" "It's going alright." "You know I kind of thought about going to college. Where are you going again?" Jude drops his bag. Susan is obviously frustrated, "Jude! Please hold your stuff." Lizzie helps, "Hey I could give you a hand tonight." Susan looks excited, "Oh really? Thinks Lizzie. Just take them back home when they're done!" Susan runs off. "Wait Susan.... I meant." Lizzie grabs their hands and walks off to the houses. Behind the buildings Reva is waiting for Jeffrey. Someone walks over. Reva walks to them, "I was hoping you would be here." Marah steps foward "Really?" "Oh Marah, I thought you were someone else." "Who did you think I was?" "Uh....... Oh I need to go call Buzz. Excuse me." Reva runs off. Marah is confused. She looks around. Jeffrey walks up behind her thinking she is Reva, "Hey beautiful." Marah turns around, "Hi." Jeffrey is in shock, "Oh... hey Marah." "Jeffrey, I need to tell you something." "What?" "I never stopped thinking about you. I always hoped that some day we would be together again." "Marah... I need to tell you..." Marah leans in and kisses Jeffrey. He surprised at first but then grabs her face and kisses her back. Ava walks over and secretly catches the couple making out. PREVIEWS FOR NEXT: Dinah and Mallet set a date Ava gets closer to Marah Beth gets ready to tell Rick Olivia gets news about Emma
Harley's House: There is loud sound outside the door, "What was that?" "I don't know." Harley grabs her gun. She walks over to the door with Dylan. She opens the door, then jumps out and aims the gun at the intruder. Harley smiles when she sees who it is, "Oh my God! Daisy?" Her daughter is sitting on the floor, having fallen over a bucket, "Hey Harley. Dylan. Can someone give me a hand?" Dylan and Harley help their daughter up, "What are you doing here?" "Well I had some time off of school and I just felt like passing through." Harley leads her daughter in, "Well I would like to know when my daughter is in town." Dylan sees a purse outside and grabs it, he then looks confused when he reads the name written on the side, "Susan?" "Yeah I decided to go by that again. Just a little more mature." Harley starts laughing, "Well, I don't care what your name is, I am just glad to have you back!" The mother and daughter hug. Mainstreet: Reva and Marah are doing some shopping, "Oh Mom, I picked this dress out for you!" Marah hands it to her mother. "Honey, you shouldn't have." "Well I wanted to." There is a man reading a newspaper on the bench. Marah notices him and taps her mothers shoulder, "Hey Mom. Look." "What?" "Well, isn't he cute?" "He's not really my type." "Oh come on Mom, I didn't say you had to marry him, just go introduce yourself." Marah gives Reva a big shove. Reva turns back around, "Marah!" "Mom come on!" "NO! I'm sorry but I think that we should get to the movie before we miss it." "Fine." The two women walk into the theatre. The Beacon: Cyrus and Marina are moving stuff into their room. Cyrus carries in a big box, "Okay here is the last of it." Marina is unpacking, "This place is small. At least it's only temporary." Cyrus drops the box on the floor, "If it's temporary then why am I loading all of this junk in here?" Marina takes him by the hand and they go sit on the bed, "Because, we already know we're going to live together. Besides this will be practice for when we get a house." "House?" "Or an apartment. Whatever. As long as I'm with you!." The two lay down on the bed and begin to make love. The Police Station: Mel walks out to the hallway where Frank is alone, "Hey, you got any tips?" "Well I might, their checking it now. God this is so stressful." "Maybe you need something to take your mind off of it." Frank pulls Mel close to him, "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." Frank picks up Mel, puts her on the desk and the two begin to make out intensly. Mel gets giggly, "Oh we can't here someone will see." "Since when has that stopped us?" "We still have reputations to uphold." "We have been getting good at keeping this a secret these past few months." An officer is coming over, "Chief Cooper?" The two jump off the desk and straighten up, "What is it?" "We found this letter." Olivia runs in, "What's going on? What is that?" Frank has the paper, "He wants money." Olivia trys to get the sheet, "What else does it say?" Frank reads a line, "This is the price a neglectful mother should pay." Olivia runs ouf of the room crying. Mel goes after her. Mainstreet: Coop and Ashlee are on a date, Ashlee is in a beautiful new dress, "Well Coop Cooper, what do you think?" "I think you look great." "Oh we're a little late for the movie." "Thats okay, lets take a walk instead." The two are walking when Coop notices something, "Oh my God! What is that?" They walk closer Ashlee drops her purse, "Oh God! Lizzie?" Lizzie is lying on the ground having passed out. Ashlee goes to get her phone. Lizzie begins to wake up, "What's going on?" Coop helps her up, "You were on the ground. Lizzie when was the last time got some sleep?" "Its been a while." Ashlee walks over, "You need an ambulance." "Don't be silly. I'm fine." Coop and Ashlee come to help her, "Well we're going to take you to the hospital." The three walk to Cedars. Harley's House: Harley and Dylan are sitting on the couch while Susan walks around the room. Harley is excited, "So Susan what's going on at school? Who are you seeing?" "Oh yeah uh. Well schools going good. It's hard but I kind of like a challenge." Dylan starts thinking of a question, "Oh wait, didn't you say that Max Nickerson was at your school?" "Oh yeah, we started dating and...." Harley jumps up, "Thats great! I am so glad. I heard he is doing great over there." "Uh yeah. He is something." Dylan looks confused, "Honey didn't you say last year that you were having financial problems?" "Well I did but I took care of it. I got another job." Harley puts her arms around her daughter, "Oh, you could have asked us." "You know that I like to do things on my own. Besides that is all over." Susan looks at the clock, "OH! I.... I need to go!" Dylan stands up, "Why? What's going on?" "Nothing, I just... I'm tired and I need to get to my room at the beacon." Susan heads for the door. Harley grabs her bags, "That's crazy, stay here." "I don't want to be in the way." "No it is settled. You are staying here!" "Oh, great. Well I'll go get the rest of my stuff from the beacon and see you guys later." Susan leaves. PART TWO: The Police Station: Mel is sitting with Olivia, "It's going to be okay, now you need to talk to Frank about what we do next." "It's all my fault. I left her alone. I shouldn't have left." "Olivia you can't let anyone hear you say that okay? And there is nothing we can do about that now except try and get Emma back." Frank walks in, "Olivia you and I need to talk. We are going to sit down and plan our strategy and in the mean time you are not to leave Springfield for any matter. Do you understand me?" Olivia is starring off into space. Frank walks over to her and looks at her face. He smells something, "Olivia is that alcohol on your breath?" Olivia covers he mouth as quick as she can. Mel notices a flask sticking out of Olivia's purse and pushes it in when no one is looking. Cedars: Coop and Ashlee are outside with Lizzie, "It's fine guys, I called my driver to pick me up." Coop rubs her back, "Shouldn't we wait to here from the doctor." "Come on. We all know he is going to tell me that I need to get some rest. Which I will. Now get out of here." The two get up and walk out, Ashlee turns before she leaves, "Bye Lizzie, call me." The doctor calls Lizzie in to talk about the results. Mainstreet: Reva walks out and sees Jeffrey, "You called me in the middle of the movie. Marah thinks I'm in the restroom so we need to make this quick." "I needed to see you." "I know but Marah can't know." "We have to tell her eventually." "I was going to tell her but I didn't realize that she wasn't over you." Jeffrey hands her a rose, "Here." "Oh that's sweet. To bad I need to hide it in my purse." "Well I guess you better get back in there. Call me?" "Of course." Jeffrey pulls Reva into a big kiss before she walks back into the theatre. The Beacon: Marina and Cyrus walk out into the hall, ready to go on a date, Marina is very anxious, "So did you make the reservations at Towers?" "Yes I did. Wow, can you believe how weird it is to be a couple who only worries about dinner reservations?" "Welcome to the real world Mr. Foley. I hope you like it." "Well as long as we have each other, we can handle any life style." The two walk off. Then Susan walks out from behind a corner on her phone, "Their going to the Beacon, do you want me to follow them? ............. Hey I am doing my job now you do yours. This one better be worth it." She hangs up. She follows Cyrus and Marina. Cedars: Lizzie is in the room with the doctor, "I know. I know. I need to get some sleep. I will. I'm just going to go out to my driver and go straight home. Now do you have some pills or something?" "I'm sorry Ms. Spaulding but it's a little more serious. I was looking through your records and your tests and I believe it has come back." "What has come back?" "Your leukemia Ms. Spaulding. Your cancer has come back." Lizzie's mouth drops open and she is in complete shock. PREVIEWS FOR NEXT: Halloween is celebrated in Springfield. Cyrus shocks Marina Lizzie is in denial Susan's night doesn't go as planned Jeffrey's night has a surprising twist
Your stories are good. I can't wait.
Here are some questions for this week (You may discuss other SL's as well) Thanks for any opinions and ideas! Reva/Jeffrey/Marah: Who should he choose, the woman that he fell in love with before she left for France, or her mother that he fallen head over heals for? Or should he just go to someone else and leave them be? Mel and Frank: Could this fun couple be good for each other or maybe they should end this before it gets out of hand? Gus/Natalia/Alan: Should Natalia go after the love of her life or explore a relationship with Alan? Maybe check up with Remy? Or should she leave Springfield all together?
GIVE ANY FEED BACK AND HELPFUL IDEAS Here are some of the ideas behind my SL's. STORYLINES - Mallet/Dinah/Matt: SL is over now, but Matt is still going to be bitter. - Josh and Cassie: I really didn't like this couple and I broke them up immidiantly. CHARACTERS - Cassie: The character was totally changed with the actress without explaination which was unnessesary. I decided that later I will write in an explaination that will actually admit to the fact that Cassie hasn't been the same person these past two years. CASTING - Dylan Lewis: Morgan Englund is once again in the role. - Susan Lemay: Kirsten Storms is in the role but could be recast. - Marah Lewis: Natalia Livingston has taken over the role. CHILDREN - Rafe and Daisy: I never liked them and felt that the de-aging of Susan was hurting the history. She has been aged back, now she has been in college while Rafe stayed to finish HS. (He is still a little younger, but not much) He won't be shown much, but he may be used in the future teen SL's. - The Kids: They are going to remain at the same age for now, with the exception of Leah who is now 3. Though by the end of the year, these children will be aged a few years, it will be nothing drastic and history will be checked so that ages make sense. HOMES AND BUILDINGS - Houses: Many will be brought back such as the house that was owned by Matt&Vanessa then Josh&Reva. - The Beacon: I know that too many people have lived at the beacon, but it is still a good place for certain characters such as young couples and bachelors/bachleorettes. But not everyone will have a room now. - Any Confusion: I am still working out the living arraingments but by the end of the year I hope to have that settled and a more organized idea. Since I am writing for you all, I decided to do something that the actual show should do (in my opinion). I am going to ask your opinion not only on the current state, but the future of the story. I will be asking questions about Story Lines, Couples, Casting, and many of the things that I listed above. I'll start posting my questions soon. So please let me know what you think.
Mainstreet: It is the afternoon Dinah and Mallet are sitting at table with a books and magazines, "Okay, I've narrowed down my dress choices to my top 10." Mallet starts flipping through magazines, "Top 10? Baby it's just a dress that you are only going to wear once," "I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that." "Babe, we haven't even set a date yet." Dinah picks up a list of names, "Well, I need to find out when Mom, Bill and everyone can make it." "Can't we just go spur of the moment like last time." "Honey, if we are going to get remarried then lets atleast make it big!" Mallet picks up another magazine, "Well if you get to pick out the decorations, clothes, and music then let me pick out the cake." Dinah looks nervous, "Uh, sure. Here." Dinah hands Mallet a folder. "What's this?" "Oh, those are the top 20 choices for cake." "How is this fair? What if I don't like any of these?" "You know if you keep talking like this then you may not get invited." "Then who are you going to kiss?" Mallet leans in and kisses Dinah. Harley's House: Harley is going through her wedding album, "If somone had told me it would end like this....." There is a knock at the door. Harley answers the door, it's Dylan, "Oh, hey what's up?" Dylan has a box, "I was just going through some old things and found some stuff that I wanted to share with you." "Oh, come on in." Harley turns around and sees her photo album still out, she runs over and covers it with a pillow. Dylan walks over with the box, "I found some old pictures, here's one of us when we first started dating." "Oh wow! Look at my hair. God the 80's huh?" "Yeah, those were good times." "So why did you save all of this stuff?" "I don't know, maybe I just wanted to remember the good days." "Well what about the time you were with Bridget?" Dylan tries to change the subject and picks up another picture, "Hey, here's us at that old bar we used to hang out at." "Whoa, lets not show these pictures to Daisy. It's weird how different she is then us now, I mean I was so afraid she was going to follow our path and get in trouble." "Hey we still had fun and look where we are now." "Yeah, we each are divorced and lonely." Dylan scoots closer, "It won't always be that way." The Police Station: Mel and Olivia are sitting at the table, "Mel, thank you for taking my case. I just didn't want to be around Jeffrey right now." "It's fine, I just want you guys to find Emma." "So Frank said I needed a lawyer but he didn't say why." "Olivia, you left your daughter by herself and now she is missing." Olivia begins to cry, "I swear that I left her with Jenny, now that little brat is saying she was never there!" "Okay lets come down." Frank walks in, "Okay Olivia, we got a tip on some people that have walked into the Beacon last night that looked suspicous. We have are men on it." "Oh Frank thank you." Frank begins to walk out then Olivia stops him, "Frank what are the odds of her being okay." "Olivia lets just worry about finding her." Frank walks out and Olivia turns and looks at a picture of Emma that she brought. PART TWO Mainstreet: Dinah and Mallet are picking up their things, "So Mallet baby, we need to start planning who will be in the wedding party." "Okay." "Well, I need to get Mom and Maureen, Bill, Harley, Olivia, and a few other people. What about you?" "Uh, well Frank, and since Harley is coming then Gus, Marina... and I think that should about do it." "So, what about your family?" "My family?" "Yeah you never really talk about them." "Well you know me, I'm kind of a loner." "Well there must be someone from your past that you want to invite." "Yeah, let me think about it." The two begin to leave when Lizzie walks over, "Hey guys, can I sit here for just a second?" Dinah looks puzzled, "Sure Lizzie. Are you okay?" Lizzie plops down, "Yeah I'm just really tired, I think I have the flu or something. I've been so tired latley. Just last week I was going to pick up Roxy and I fell and scraped my knee. Which reminds me, I need to change this band aid." Mallet looks at her leg, "Well then why are you out here?" "I have errands to run." "Well I know your Mom,. and I think you should call her and tell her to stop letting you work this hard and get some rest okay, you look tired and pale." Dinah and Mallet stand up to go. Lizzie puts her purse on the table, "Alright, thanks I'll see you guys later." "Bye" Mallet and Dinah leave. The Police Station: Olivia is talking to Mel about that night, "I know that Jenny was there when I left, I would never have left my daughter there without a baby sitter." "I know Olivia okay. Now lets try and relax, they're going to find Emma and then I'm going to work this out." "Thank you Mel. Can I ask you something?" "Sure." "Why are you doing this? I mean you never liked me." "Olivia, I want to bring your little girl to a good home, and I know how hard it is being a single mother." "Yeah well maybe if I was as good as you, then I would be accused of all this. I mean you have no idea what great things come from having this honorable reputation." "Yeah, well... Excuse me." Mel walks out to the hallway where Frank is, "Hey, you got any tips?" "Well I might, their checking it now. God this is so stressful." "Maybe you need something to take your mind off of it." Frank pulls Mel close to him, "Oh yeah?" "Yeah." Frank picks up Mel, puts her on the desk and the two begin to start kissing. Mainstreet: Lizzie gets up, she goes for her phone to call her mother. There is a lot of noise so she walks behind the buildings where she can be alone. Lizzie starts to lose her breath and tries to find a place to sit, but she collapses to the ground. Harley's House: Dylan and Harley are getting closer, Dylan grabs Harley's hand, "Do you ever wonder what things would be like if we had stayed together?" "Well yeah but I mean Daisy wouldn't have had her life with the Lemays, I wouldn't have Zach and Jude, and I wouldn't have had.... the time that I had with Gus, and you wouldn't have had Peter and Bridget." "Well yeah..." "But?" "I don't know it could have been fun. I mean just you, me and...." There is loud sound outside the door, "What was that?" Harley grabs her gun. She walks out with Dylan and aims the gun at the person. Harley smiles when she sees who it is, "Oh my God! Daisy?" Her daughter is sitting on the floor, having fallen over a bucket. PREVIEWS: Marah tries to give Reva a push in the romance department. Harley and Dylan welcome their daughter. Cyrus and Marina are being spyed on. Lizzie gets horrible news.
The Beacon: It is morning, Blake is in her room, pacing. There is a knock on the door, she lets Remy in, "What took you so long." Remy walks in, "I was busy. So did you get the phone call again?" "Yes, this time I could definitely here that creepy breathing on the other end. What kind of sick person would do this?" Remy sits on her couch, "I don't know, what kind of sick person would stalk their friends, then post everyone's secrets on a website?" "You think this is about SpringfieldBurns?" "I don't know maybe. But that would mean that it could be one of your friends." Blake hands Remy a drink, "Well if you want to be a good security guard, you need to start planning on how you are going to keep me safe." Company: Coop is following Ashlee around, "So, where is Remy?" "Remy and I are over. We were just having fun." Coop stands in Ashlee's way as she goes to get coffee, "You were hanging out with Remy to get back at me. But now that we are both available, maybe we should consider maybe giving this a shot." "What do you mean?" "Wel I don't know maybe we could go out to dinner or a movie or something?" Ashlee starts laughing, "Coop are you asking me on a date?" Coop sits down, "Uh yeah." Ashlee walks over to Coop and they kiss. Cedars: Beth is waiting with Josh outside of Cassie's room, "She is going to be fine Josh, okay? She is a strong woman." Josh is looking down at the floor, "I know, but this is all my fault." "Josh, you shouldn't have stayed with Cassie just because you felt sorry for her." "Yeah but what about all the time that we were together, and she gave me every opportunity to go back to Reva, and I didn't! Now look what happened!" Rick walks out of her room, "Josh she is going to be okay but we want to keep her here for a while so she can recover. " Josh stands up with Beth, "So, what did the psychologist say?" "Josh they are pretty sure that Cassie set the house on fire." Josh begins to cry, "Oh my God! It's all my fault. I need to see her." Josh goes into Cassie's room. Rick walks over to Beth, "So are you okay?" "Yeah, I just can't believe that Cassie would do this." "I know, it's not like her." "I mean I know her daughter died, but that doesn't give her the right to..." "Beth what are you talking about?" Beth is at a loss for words. Josh is in Cassie's room, "Cassie, how are you feeling?" "Josh, what are you doing here?" "I heard what happened. Thank God you're okay." "Well now that you know I'm fine you can go." "Cassie the police said that you started that fire yourself, and you tried to kill yourself." Cassie sits up, "No it wasn't like that. I didn't start the fire, I just didn't stop it." Horror comes over Josh's face. PART TWO: The Beacon: Blake and Remy are going over their plans, "So, Blake you're kids can stay with Holly for a while?" Blake has tears in her eyes, "Yes, I just can't believe that we have to seperated again." Remy tries to stay on task, "Okay, maybe you should stay here at the Beacon, your place isn't safe." Blake is still looking at a picture of her children, "This time with them is so precious, I mean the boys are in highschool, Clarissa is in middle school. They have so much to deal with." "Blake. I know you're upset but we need to keep working. Now are you going to be okay staying here?" "Yeah, I'll be fine. Where will you be?" "I am in my apartment still." "What? You aren't going to be anywhere near me. No, I need you here." "At the Beacon? Do you know how much it cost now?" "Well, I'll give you and advance on your pay. But only if you get a room on this floor." Remy walks down to the lobby. Company: Coop and Ashlee are making out behind the counter, Lizzie walks in, "Oh my God!" Coop and Ashlee stop to look at her, Ashlee is smiling, "Oh hey Lizzie." Lizzie sits at the counter, "So when did all of this happen?" Coop leans over the counter to talk to Lizzie, "Lizzie, it is not any of your buisiness. But Ashlee and I are dating." Lizzie smiles, "Well, I can't say I am really happy for you two but, I am really happy for you two." Lizzie gives Coop a hug, "I am just glad to see you dropped that twit Ava. I knew you two would never last." Lizzie grabs her order and walks out. Ashlee starts laughing, "You know, I am starting to like her." Coop looks over at Ashlee, "Bite your tongue. So I was thinking tonight at Towers, does that sound good to you?" "That sounds great to me." Cedars: Josh walks out and interrupts Beth and Rick, "Rick can I talk to you." The two men walk over in hall, "Rick, I'm really worried about Cassie, she seems sick." "Josh there is really only one thing to do. We have to get Cassie into Ravenwood." The Beacon: Remy returns to Blake's room, "There are no rooms available on this floor. I really think I should just stay at my place." "No! I need you here to keep an eye on this place and me." "Well I'm not going to sleep in my car." "Don't be crazy, you can stay in my other room." "Seriously?" "Yes, I need you and it makes sense." Remy walks to the guest room, "Well this should be interesting." Cedars: Beth is waiting for Rick and Josh she goes to a nurse, "Do you have the test?" The nurse hands her an envelope, Beth opens it, "Oh my God, Rick you really aren't the father. Alan walks in, "Oh Beth, is there any news on Cassie?' Beth puts the envelope into her purse, "Oh, yeah. She set the fire, she was trying to kill herself." "Oh my God." Alan sits down, "You know Beth, I was so angry at her for getting involved in the baby, but I guess she set things right with everything." Beth looks confused, "What do you mean?" "Well, I had a test run on the baby without your knowledge, I knew the baby wasn't mine all along." Beth looks away, "What!?" "So I knew that if it wasn't mine, then it must have been Rick's." Beth has a nevous laugh, "Yeah because if you weren't the father and Rick wasn't the father then who would be?" Beth looks away to hide her fear from Alan. PREVIEWS FOR NEXT: Dinah and Mallet plan a wedding Olivia's search continues Harley gets a surprise Someone collapses at mainstreet
Spaulding Mansion: Gus and Natalia are looking at an old photo album of hers, Gus looks at an old picture, "Wow, why did you date me, I looked like such a dork." Natalia scoots closer, "That was the style back then. besides I didn't just date you for your looks." "Then why?" "You were sweet, and no matter how many of our friends and family didn't want us together, we always found a way to see each other." The two get closer. Alan walks in, "Oh, how are you two this evening?" Gus notices Alan's burnt clothes, "What happened to you?" "There was a fire at Cassie's, I had to go in." Natalia walks over to him, "Oh, my God. You're lucky you're okay. Nick go get Jeremy to bring him something." Gus walks out while Natalia and Alan get comfortable, "So Natalia, I saw how close you were with Gus, are you two....?" "Alan, I told you I won't be with Gus again, it took me a long time to get over him and I won't go through that again." Alan leans closer, "A beautiful woman like yourself shouldn't have to be alone." Gus walks in and sees them staring in each others eyes. Harley's House: Harley and Dylan are talking over coffee, Dylan gets up to make some more, "So atleast Daisy finally went back to college, I was worried that she would give everything up to stay here with Rafe." "Yeah, I'm happy for her but I really miss her." "I know, but now we know that she is doing her work so she can come back and be successful, have the life that we never had." Harley looks at a picture of Daisy and her, "I am so proud of her, she seems to be on track now. The boys finally have someone to look up to, especially since I haven't been the best role model latley." "What are you talking about? You are a great Mom, a great cop, and ...." Dylan looks away. Harley looks at him, "... and a bad wife?" Dylan looks at her, "I wasn't going to say that." "I know you weren't. But my marriage is over, and now I need to help the boys get through it. Now that they're in middle school, they have been trying act mature. But I don't want them to grow up so fast." "Like us?" "Yeah, I just miss my life a few months ago. Things were great, we were atleast still together. Now I feel alone." Dylan grabs her hand, "You will never be alone." Harley smiles at him. Cedars: Josh and Rick are talking, "She has inhaled a lot of smoke, we are going to keep her over night and run some test." Josh looks very concerned, "So, do you know what caused the fire?" "Well Josh, that's not our territory but..." "But?" "Well, the detective said that the fire may have been intentional." "Someone tried to kill Cassie?" Josh walks around. Rick grabs Josh by the arm, "Josh, Cassie may have tried to kill Cassie." Josh's face is struck with shock, and he sits down. Hospital Room at Cedars: Beth is standing by Cassie's bed "What are you talking about Cassie, what did you do?" "Beth I lied to you, after I switched the paternity test." "The paternity test!?" "I just couldn't let Alan raise that child after what he did to mine." Cassie eyes close. Beth starts crying and beating on Cassie's bed, "No, no, NO! Cassie how could you? NO!" She falls to the floor sobbing. "No, this isn't right, the test said that Rick was the father." Rick walks in, Beth jumps up and turns to wipe her face, "Beth, are you okay?" "Uh yeah, I just feel bad for Cassie, this year has been so hard for her and now all of this." Rick looks suspicious, "Beth did Cassie say anything to you?" Beth looks down, "No, nothing. Nothing at all. But if she did it would be to wish us luck with our new life together. That no one can take away from us." Beth hugs Rick. PART TWO Harley's House: Dylan and Harley back out of their almost kiss, Harley runs to the closet, "Oh, I wanted to show you something." She returns with a picture, " I found this while I was cleaning out my old boxes." It is a picture of Dylan when he was a teenager, "Wow, what a trip down memory lane huh?" "Yeah, I remember that I used to take this picture everywhere that I went because I couldn't stop thinking of you." She laughs, "The dramatics of being a teenager right?" Dylan looks at Harley as she walks to the couch, "Right." "Hey lets watch a movie." "Like what?" "I don't know." Harley picks up a movie from the shelf, "Oh lets watch this one it's Gus's fav...." "Are you okay?" Harley sits back down, "Yeah, I just should have given him this when he left." Dylan sits by Harley and puts his arm on her shoulder, they begin to kiss when the phone rings. Harley backs out, then runs to answer the phone, "Hello?... Yes he is here, do you want to.... Hello? Hello?" Harley puts the phone down, "She hung up. Some woman was asking for you. I wonder how she knew to call here." Dylan laughs it off, but stares at the phone as Harley makes popcorn. Spaulding Mansion: Gus interrupts Alan and Natalia, "I'm back!" He hands Natalia a glass of water for Alan. Gus sees the nervous looks between the two, "Hey Nat, can I see you in the hall for a second?" "Sure." Natalia walks out with Gus. Gus shuts the doors behind them then talks to her, "So, you two seem to be pretty close now." "Well Alan has been good to me and Rafe. Especially since Daisy left him for college." "Yeah well, I just don't want you to get hurt by big Al." Natalia walks around looking at pictures, "I know what Alan has done to you and everyone else in Springfield, but I see good in him. Don't you?" "Yes, but everytime I trust him, I end up getting let down." Alan calls Natalia. Natalia walks back, "Gus maybe you should call Harley about Cassie." She walks out. Phone Conversation Gus/Harley: Harley, "Hello?" Gus, "Hey, uh, I wanted to tell you about Cassie." Harley's voice grows more concern, "What about her?" Gus, "Her house caught fire, she is at Cedars." Harley, "Oh no! We'll leave right now." Gus, "We?" Harley, "Yeah me and Dylan." Gus, "Oh. Well okay, bye." Gus hangs up before Harley can respond. Cedars: Rick walks out to talk to a nurse. Beth begins to talk to herself, "You have got this far, Rick can't know about this, he can't know that my baby could be a Spaulding." Josh goes to talk with Rick, "Rick do you honestly think that Cassie could have tried to kill herself?" "I don't know Josh, this isn't really my area, but I talked with Felicia. She thinks that if Cassie did then well...." "Well what Rick?" "Josh, Cassie isn't married, and she has a son so, we may need to have her committed to Reavenwood." Spaulding Mansion: Alan and Natalia are sitting on the couch, "Natalia it is getting harder to breathe." Alan starts coffing. Natalia refills' his water, "Here drink this." Alan drinks the water and then sits closer to Natalia. She begins to stroke Alan's head, "Is that better?" Alan looks into her eyes and gets closer to her face. She leans in, the two kiss then back out. They look at each other in shock. Natalia stands up, then she throws herself on top of Alan and the two begin to makeout. PREVIEW FOR NEXT: Remy and Blake start a buisness relationship. Josh has to make a difficult decision about Cassie. Beth gets a shock that is even bigger than the one from Cassie!
Cross Creek: Reva runs into Marah, "Oh my God! Marah!" "Nice outfit Mom." "Oh this old thing?" Reva runs and hugs Marah, "What are you doing here?" "I wanted to see everyone. You look great, how are you feeling? I mean last time I saw you was right after the cancer. Then Tammy, Jonathan and Sarah died, Daddy went to prison, Dylan was in an accident, and you were hit by a car." "I am great I really am. How are you? How long are you in town?" "For a while, I just missed my family, friends, and ........" Marah turns and looks around and looks at old pictures. "What's wrong honey?" "Mom, what is going on with Jeffrey?" "What?" "I went to see him, I think he was on a date. They are probably together right now. Do you have any idea of who it is?" Reva sits down with Marah, "Marah, maybe we should talk about him later, have you seen your Daddy?" "Not yet. Is he at the farmhouse?" "Honey, Josh and Cassie broke up. He left her." Marah begins to smile, "That's great! I mean not for Cassie, but I am so glad that you and Dad are back together." Marah hugs Reva who is still in shock. The Farmhouse: Cassie lays down as the fire spreads, she passes out. The fire alarm goes off, and Cassie still remains still. Just then a mysterious person is looking in the window. The door flies open, Alan Spaulding comes running in, "Cassie? Cassie? Oh God, Cassie." He picks her up and carries her out,.as he is leaving he sees the picture of Tammy, he grabs it and runs out with Cassie. Just then the firemen arrive, Alan had called them. The paramedics arrive and rush her to the hospital. Alan rides along. Beacon: Olivia is talking to Frank, "Jenny came over while I was getting dressed, I had her take Emma into the other room. I told her to lock the door. Then I said goodbye and went to Towers." Frank is looking around the room, "So, Josh you said the door was unlocked?" Josh is sitting with Olivia, "Yes it was unlocked when we got here." Frank started writing down information, "Olivia what is the name and number of the babysitter?" "Her number is on that paper on the desk. Her name is Jenny." Frank looks over at Olivia, "Jenny what?" "Uh, I can't remember, I met her recently, she lives in the hotel." "What room?" "I don't know. She lives on the 3rd or 2nd floor." Olivia takes a drink of wine. Frank looks suspicous, "Olivia, how many of those have you had?" "I don't know, I have this one and one at dinner." Josh looks at Frank, "Well she had more than one." Frank looks at Olivia, "Did you have a drink earlier, today?" Olivia was staring at the ground, "I don't know. Why?" Josh gets a phone call, "I am sorry Olivia, but I have to go, call me if you here anything." An officer calls Frank into the hallway, Olivia sits in fear of what they are talking about. PART TWO Cedars: Beth and Rick are in the lobby, "Oh Beth you didn't have to bring me luch." "Well I wanted to, after what happened with Josh and Cassie, I am grateful that I still have you." The two kiss, then Cassie is rushed into the hospital, Rick runs into the room. Beth stands outside when Alan shows up. "Where's Cassie have they brought her in?" Beth looks shocked, "Alan, what did you do to Cassie?" "Nothing Beth, I went by her home to see if Reva was there and the place was in flames so I called 911." A paramedic overhears and steps in, "He did more than that, he saved her life, we might not have got there in time." Beth apoligizes, "You saved Cassie?" She notices the picture that is still in Alan's hand, "Oh, I am sure she will be happy that you saved this." Josh runs into the building, "Where is Cassie?", he sees Alan, "Alan what the hell did you do to Cassie?!" Beth grabs Josh, "Josh he saved Cassie, her house caught on fire. She is in that room with Rick." Josh lets Alan go and runs to a nurse who walks out. Cross Creek: Reva strokes Marah's hair, "Honey, your Dad and I aren't getting back together." Marah looks confused, "I thought you said that Dad left Cassie?" "Well he did, but to much has changed, and I just couldn't go back to our old life." "So you and Dad are over for good this time?" "Never say never sweetie." Marah smiles through her tears, "So, are you seeing anyone Mom? I mean you deserve it. You can't just hang around and wait to grow old alone." Reva stands up, "Well sweetie, I am busy right now, I have the cancer charities and other projects going on." "Well Mom, I will make sure that you get a guy because no one desereves someone more than you." Reva forces a smile to her face. Marah grabs her bags from the corner, "So can I stay in the room next to yours? Oh wait I have a better idea, lets have a girls night and watch some chick flicks in the living room!" "Sure I just need to make a call." She goes into the other room. She leaves a message for Jeffrey, "Hey, I can't talk now, you need to stay at the beacon, don't ask me why. I call you in the morning. Bye." Beacon: Frank walks over to Olivia who is about to burst into tears, "Olivia we just met with Jennifer Michaels, she says that she hasn't been here." "What?" "Olivia, she says she showed up and you sent her away, and that you sounded odd. Emma was here alone when you left and you left the door unlocked. How could you not remember that?" Olivia passes out onto the floor. Ava is out in the hall gladly watching, her mother fall apart. Cedars: Josh is waiting by Cassie's side, she isn't awake. Beth and Rick come in, Rick pulls Josh aside, "Josh, can I talk to you for a second. Beth will stay with Cassie". The two men walk out. Beth sits by Cassie, "Hey, Cassie. I know you must have been scared, but you're going to be okay. I know we never liked each other much but these past few months would have been hard without you. You are a great friend." Cassie opens her eyes, she still seems a little out of it, "How can you forgive me after what I did?" "What do you mean Cassie, what did you do?" "Beth I lied to you, after I switched the paternity test." "The paternity test!?" "But I just couldn't let Alan raise his child after what he did to mine." Cassie's eyes close. Beth starts crying and beating on Cassie's bed, "No, no, NO! Cassie how could you? NO!" She falls to the floor sobbing. PREVIEW FOR NEXT: Harley gets a mysterious phone call. Alan gets closer to Natalia. Josh fears the worst for Cassie.
The Beacon: Reva and Jeffrey are on a date. They go up to their room at the beacon. Reva leaves to get a surprise for Jeffrey from her car. Just then Jeffrey gets a knock on the door he runs to meet her with a kiss, then as he pulls away her realizes it is not Reva, its MARAH! Jeffrey is in shock while Marah lets herself in, "Marah, what are you doing here?" "I came home to see my family, my friends, and you. I never stopped thinking of you. I came back last year but I had heard about you being mayor so I didn't say anything. And I heard about you and Aunt Cassie so...." Jeffrey sits down, "I am sorry Marah, I know that must have been hard for you." Marah smiles and removes her coat, "Well, I thought that was weird, then she left you and hooked up with my dad! But what she doesn't know is that my parents will get back together." Jeffrey sits in shock. "Uh Marah, your mom didn't tell me you were in town." "Well she doesn't know, I wanted to see you first, so what have you been up to?" "Well what do you know so far?" "I heard you were feuding with Olivia about something, but I wasn't sure what. Oh and I know you and Cassie broke up but Mom didn't say why. So maybe you can tell me." Just then their is a knock at the door. Towers: Olivia is sitting at a table in a lovely dress. Ava approaches her. "So you finally got Jeffrey? I knew it, Reva never stood a chance." "Actually I am not meeting Jeffrey. I'm meeting Josh." "Josh? But Josh is with Cassie." "Well he left her. Now he and I are on a date. He should be here soon." Ava is getting angry, "I should have known you couldn't take Reva, you are so pathetic. I mean honestly you don't even care that my father is dating the slut of springfield." "Ava, I know you were hoping that your father and I would get together, so did I, but things don't always go your way. You can't always be this selfish" Ava reaches to slap her mother when Olivia grabs her arm, "Ava! Now get out of here before I have you escorted out." "You don't deserve to have children." Ava runs out. Josh walks past her, "Is she going to be alright?" "I hope so, she has been acting so selfish and angry latley." "Remind you of anyone?" "1 minute into the date and you are already insulting me." "I'm just kidding, you've matured, and so will she." "I just hope she doesn't have to make the same mistakes along the way." "Ava walks to outside and dials her phone, "Yes, I need you to do me a huge favor, you owe me. After what you have done in the past this should be easy." The Farmhouse: Cassie is sobbing in her living room. Josh thinks she is in San Cristobal with RJ, but she sent him with Mrs. Chitwood. "I can't believe this happened. They warned me, know one can break up Josh and Reva. Cassie looks into a large mirror on the wall, "You idiot you should have known that no one can break up Josh and Reva, NO ONE!" She throws a picture of her and Josh at the mirror, causing it to shatter. PART TWO Beacon: Marah heads toward the door, "I'll get it." Jeffrey races to stop her. "Marah wait!" She opens it, room service drops off the two meals. Marah realizes that Jeffrey has a date. "Oh, I guess things have changed. I am so sorry I'll go." embarrassed Marah runs out of the room. "Marah wait!" Jeffrey runs after her but she gets in the elevator and closes the door. He goes back to his room. The gentleman says the phone rang and he was left a message. Jeffrey plays it: "Hi Jeffrey its Reva, I have to go home I left my surprise their I'll be their in an hour or so, bye." Olivia's Beacon Suite: Olivia and Josh are outside her room at the top of the building. Olivia is a little goofy from the wine and tries to find her keys. Josh gets them and opens the door. "Hey it was unlocked." Olivia walks in, "Hey, I'm home. Jenny?! Where are you guys?" She sees Emma is gone as well. She runs into the back rooms while Josh looks around at Emma's toys all scattered around and calls the police. Olivia overhears him on the phone and collapses to the ground with Emma's blanket. The Farmhouse: Cassie begins to look at pictures she grabs five. First she lays out a picture of Hart, then Richard. Then she sits down to sonogram pictures (one of her baby with Richard and one of her baby with Edmund). Then she sits a picture of Tammy down. She begins to scream. "Why did you take them from me? Now what am I supposed to do?" She lights some candles around the pictures as a sort of memorial. She goes to light a candle by the couch and drops it. She just stares at the flames as they begin to spread, "Maybe it is just my time." Cross Creek: Reva runs in, she has on a sexy little outfit. She begins to talk to herself, "Why did you think that you could go through the lobby like this?" She goes to her room and grabs a coat and runs back down. She runs into the living room seeing Marah. "Oh my God!" "Nice outfit Mom." Reva has a deer caught in headlights expression on her face. PREVIEW FOR NEXT: Marah questions Reva's love life. Beth gets a shock at cedars. Cassie sleeps on the couch while the farmhouse is in flames. Olivia cries in her room while Ava watches from behind a corner.
Here are some of my stories: Like Mother Like Daughter: Marah returns to take back Jeffrey. Then as they begin to remember their romance, Reva tries to tell Marah she is in a relationship with Jeffrey. Lewis/Spencer: Josh leaves Cassie for Reva who turns him down. Now he and Olivia heat things up. Bill returns to keep an eye on Olivia and he and Ava begin to romance. Cooper/Spaulding1: Gus and Natalia are falling for one another but she begins to be drawn to Alan. Harley and Dylan try to be a couple but Bridget returns and tells Harley that there was much more that happened with her and Dylan. Cooper/Spaulding2: Mel and Frank reveal that they have a secret love affair. Then AM returns needing a divorce lawyer since he never officially divorced Lucy. Mel tries to help which sparks romance, the Lucy returns to see her family. Just as this feud heats up, Frank and AM are rocked by a blast from the past. Four Musketeers: Beth has Alan do a DNA test to prove that he isn't the father. Rick is happy. Mindy returns and sees Rick with Beth. She begins to investigate and finds out Beth met with Phillip while Alan was in the coma. Family Ties: Billy and Vanessa are falling back in love. Matt and Dinah begin to realize that this relationship was a mistake. Now she goes back to Mallet. They get remarried, bringing his little sister Julie back. She begins to lay her eyes on Matt. Oldies but Goodies: Ed returns and falls for Lillian. Then Buzz gets a shock from Cyrus. He has been working for a much stronger criminal who runs crimes around the world, he says Buzz that the Cooper family could be hurt by this. Secret Connection: Shayne returns, he says he has learned alot about himself. Rocky Cooper returns from school and stays at the beacon, he doesn't want to his family to know he is in town. He and Shayne share a secret bond. Complicated Love: Cyrus leaves Alex for Marina. Marina gets a visit from Danny who said Michelle changed and he left her. Michelle returns to say she want her single life back, and moves in with Rick and Ed. Cyrus reveals that he has a strong connection to a former resident of Springfield who was loved, and a hated murderer. Young Love: Susan who is in her 20's, returns to see Harley, she tells her that she is in school and dating Max Nickerson again. But Susan later sneaks out to spy on Cyrus and Marina, she later calls a mysterious aquaintance to inform them of the young lovers plans.