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Posts posted by YRBB

  1. Yes, while David and Sheila were both on the show during the same time, they never interacted or knew of each other. They could do a "you look familiar" thing but it wouldn't have basis on anything that transpired on screen.

    The exception being the scene where David was looking for Nina's will in John Silva's office and hid behind a cabinet when Silva, Glenn Richards, and Sheila came in. David made a "I don't know what that craziness was about, but anyway..." face when they left. it was quite surprising and amusing to have the two stories intersect that way.

  2. 14 hours ago, Dion said:

    I would tend to favor syncing them as while there are no stories which do "part one on TNG, part two on DS9" common to other shows in shared universes as there are a few cross-references between the two shows that will be more fun if they are synced.

    At the very least, I think it is important to watch the DS9 pilot movie "Emissary" directly after the TNG two-parter "Chain of Command" since they are very loosely connected (hopefully that doesn't stray too far into spoiler territory).

    Season 7 of TNG and season 2 of DS9 are a little more connected so I would 100% try and sync them even if you don't sync the first season of DS9.

    Wonderful. No worries, that's not too far into spoiler territory. I will definitely sync them. Thanks for the help!

  3. Y&R is not the first soap to come to mind regarding humor, but when it did it, it did it extremely well. Jill, Katherine, and Esther could and were very often laugh-out-loud funny. The one-liners, Katherine barking at Esther, Esther's health-craze kicks. Truly funny stuff when they wanted it to be.

  4. On 7/1/2023 at 8:51 AM, skebujebu said:

    Also I always wondered what’s the actual points of short, middle and long openings.

    They used the different length openings to either fill-in time or have more time for scenes. If they needed more airtime, they just used a short opening and vice versa.

  5. 5 hours ago, sheilaforever said:

    Aww - I'm tempted for a rewatch of the entire BB/BCS world just reading this.

    I've been trying to stop myself from rewatching BB! So many shows I'd like to finally finish first - but I am so curious to see what a second viewing would do for the show. Maybe once I finish BCS... BB just needs to be experienced again.

    5 hours ago, sheilaforever said:

    THE LEFTOVERS - Season 1 - not exactly sure what I'm seeing but it is amazing. Great acting and fascinating writing.

    HOMELAND - Just finished the Brody years and started the drone SEASON 4 in Pakistan/Afghanistan. The show holds up extremely well even in second viewing. (Have never seen season 6-8, curious how they were).


    Two of my favorites! I enjoyed THE LEFTOVERS throughout.

    HOMELAND's Seasons 6-8 I remember as being good. While the great tension of the earlier seasons was kind of gone, I think they acquitted themselves pretty well. Danes of course remains phenomenal and it had a decent finale. Enjoy!

  6. Dru and Lillie Belle's conflict is so utterly real, painful, and fascinating. This is a May sweeps story❤️ I swear, I have never liked Neil more than when he called Lillie Belle a "first class bitch." Totally unexpected, holler-out-loud type of moment!

    I also really loved Victor's complex reaction to the truth about Nikki's fall coming out. From defending himself staunchly, to his emotional reaction and heartbreak over being rejected and blamed, to self-pitying. This is the reason why he's THE Victor Newman and (almost) as recognizable a name as Erica Kane. What a character.

  7. Gosh, I love the Spectras so much. Stephanie finding out that Brooke is Eric's lover has been great, but there is so much heart, warmth, and humor in that lovely 'family' (which I knew, and have seen, before, but it's different watching it all unfold).


    On 5/27/2023 at 12:40 AM, sheilaforever said:

    I really enjoyed seeing JJ’s full run as Caroline, too. Unfortunately, Bill Bell never knew what he wanted to tell with Karen who was a major dud after a great introduction

    That's a shame to hear. Looking forward to seeing that too but a shame if they never quite figured out what to do with her...

  8. Yes, unfortunately, along with the neurofibromatosis storyline (which I liked), Pam became increasingly shrill and so did Victoria Principal. The writing was not stellar for the character of Pam and the acting followed suit, especially in Seasons 4 and early 5.

    Miraculously, halfway through Season 5, with that great twist of Pam assuming Christopher was for her, something just fell into place. Principal 'woke up', so to speak, and started to become better and better. With the significant improvement of writing for Pam in Season 6 came a calmer but stronger Pam.

    By Season 7, Principal was a solid draw, turning in consistently stellar, intriguing performances. She had relaxed. She was magnetic. Season 8 was a highlight. She carried Season 9. It's only when she was thrown back into the Ewing household that it somehow diminished but then she left.

    I haven't seen anything quite like it before. In my mind, it was a reaction to her material - either she didn't like it or did, and it showed.

  9. I am so thrilled about this. The article explains it's only one scene and, yes, Pat Field DID dress her for it!

    Honestly, I think she may have done this more for the fans than anything else. It will be SO good to see her again even once.

  10. Late April 1990 - Caroline's death storyline has finally started. I say finally because I've always wanted to see it and I'm glad she'll die, cos yep ... Caroline annoys me a little bit. lmao.

    That being said, I am stunned by JJ's work in the scene where she first finds out (so nicely shot from 'outside' so we don't hear it just yet). Even though Caroline annoys me often, JJ's acting has always been great, but her performance in the scene is phenomenal. Just quiet shock and horror. And when she first sees Ridge in the next episode and quietly breaks down as he professes his love. 

  11. 1990: My Lord, how fast is Brooke and Eric's romance moving! It's a harbinger of what will become a staple of B&B -- to its detriment -- but for now it works. It's trashy, it's fun, it's dramatic!! I'm here for the mess.

    I love how he introduced Sally and Clarke. Again, really fast and randomly, but Bell makes it work.

    Meanwhile, Thorne and Macy are building really nicely and slowly. I LOVED Trachta from the moment he showed up.

    It should be about time for Caroline to get sick...

  12. Making my way through Season 4 for the first time and thoroughly enjoying it. It's not quite as great as I remember Season 3 being but I have no problem with the Nazi plotline. I think it's a decent main arc for the season and, somehow, manages to feel like it grew organically from what preceded. It's a well-acted show with a strong visual style, so I'm down for the ride. Oh, it's so plot-driven. But they manage to make the pieces fit usually.

    I am enjoying Greg a lot so far (Good looks and good chemistry). I never thought I'd say this, but Lorenzo Lamas has developed into a very competent performer. He seems to have finally relaxed and found his groove and has effortless charisma and charm. He's a joy to watch.

    And it's all worth it if only for that brilliant scene where Maggie invites Angela, Terry, Melissa, and Emma to lunch and indirectly confronts Angela for bringing Charlotte to town and setting her up to start gambling again. Wonderfully done.

    PS. The way everyone kept pronouncing Charlotte Pershing's last name (such a stupid last name), drove me nuts! From Persing (no 'h') to Pear-zing and everything in between! 

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