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Posts posted by Manny

  1. 2 hours ago, Joseph said:

    Morgan Was A Major Player In her 2000 - 2001 Stint, Half The Drama On The Show Was About Her, the She had a Small return on 2005, I Do understand what you mean Though, she Seems to be the kind of Player Any Daytime Soap Would Love, Especially DOOL or GH

    Exactly! She had this fun campy side, but she also was good at the more serious dramatic stuff. Obviously, she wasn't a fit for New York soaps or Y&R, but she would be a perfect fit to DAYS or GH

    6 minutes ago, Michael said:

    Sarah Buxton also had that brief stint as Nicole's ex-porn associate, "Crystal Galore," in 2004. I think she was part of that kung fu fight Marlena got into when she was in prison for being the Salem Stalker (good grief).

    Oh yeah, I remember that! I was so hoping it would somehow turn into a permanent role, but alas... 

  2. Wow, haven't watched Y&R since the chipmunk stuff and I saw now this thread, so... I am shocked. This is just so bad.. and sad... this looks like a fan made video... in 2003.. in Windows Movie Maker...

    I get that the budgets are slashed, but I am sure they could have done this better?? The font is so basic, the background looks very early 2000s... my... so sad..

  3. 13 hours ago, Paul Raven said:

    Josh - can you believe that CBS is actually airing the scripts I have Chat GPT whip up?

    Michelle- I know it's hilarious!

    Haha, I was laughing at your post and then I went to Chat GPT and said "write a 100 word script for Young and the Restless.. here is what appeared:


    As tensions continue to rise between the Newman and Abbott families, Jack makes a shocking announcement at a Jabot board meeting. Meanwhile, Kyle struggles with his feelings for both Summer and Tara and must decide who he truly wants to be with. Phyllis finds herself caught in the middle of her daughter's love triangle and tries to meddle in their affairs. Elsewhere, Sharon and Rey's relationship takes a turn when he begins to suspect her of keeping secrets from him. As Genoa City's residents continue to navigate their complicated relationships, they'll discover that some secrets are better left hidden.

    Oh and now I asked it to be more detailed, so it came up with this:


    As the feud between the Newman and Abbott families intensifies, Jack shocks the Jabot board by announcing a merger with Chancellor Industries. This causes tension within the Abbott family as Ashley questions Jack's motives, while Kyle struggles with his feelings for both Summer and Tara, his ex-girlfriend and the mother of his son, respectively. Meanwhile, Phyllis finds herself caught in the middle of her daughter's love triangle and tries to meddle in their affairs, but her actions only make things worse.

    Elsewhere, Rey becomes suspicious of Sharon's behavior when she becomes distant and secretive, leading to a confrontation between the couple. Victoria's relationship with Ashland heats up, but her business dealings with Adam put her in a precarious position. As the residents of Genoa City continue to navigate their complicated relationships and business dealings, they'll discover that the stakes are higher than ever before.

  4. 4 hours ago, AlexGrimaldi said:

    Jaimie Lyn Bauer (Lorie Brooks ) left YR in 1982. Ten years later she worked again with John Conboy. Rai italian tv produced a daily soap called Secrets (65 episodes, 22minutes lenght). It was taped between january and may 1992 in Milan. The cast was mostly american, while the crew was italian. Judith Krantz was the headwriter. Conboy was the executive producer. The leading actors were David Birney (Serpico) and Peggy Lipton (Twin Peaks). Other cast members were Sherilyn Wolter (General Hospital, Santa Barbara), Timothy Gibbs (Santa Barbara) and William Bumiller (Guiding Light). Bauer played a villainess. 




    Omg, Secrets!! 

    I forgot about that show. This also aired in my country, Croatia. I loved it 😀 Oh wow, this is a blast from the past.

  5. On 12/22/2022 at 10:15 PM, Marissa Gallant said:

    I find myself preferring Kelly and Craig over Kelly and Robert. By a lot.

    Oh I loooved Kelly and Craig. John Callahan and Carrington Garland were so hot together. I mean, I was probably 13 around the time I watched it, but I still found the two of them together really hot.

    Speaking of Carrington, I was pissed off when they recast her with Eileen. I did not know Y&R at that time, so I didn't know who Eileen was, but she was NOT Kelly Capwell to me.  

  6. 7 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    That first scene when Timothy Adams stepped out of the truck 😍😍

    The first time I watched, I think my jaw hit the floor 😂😂

    OMG, yes! haha

    And they are shirtless all the time in these first two episodes! :D I think later on, they forgot about them being lifeguards, but in the beginning, shirtless all the time and on the beach :D

  7. So I watched first two episodes now. This is the first time watching them since originally watching them way back when.

    And wow... 

    1) How didn't any soap opera snatch Sarah Buxton after SuBe was over??? How?! Since episode one she was great! I will never understand this.

    2) In these first two episodes, Tiffany (Adrienne Frantz) has been really a major player. However, she quickly fizzles out. I mean, she was severely unlikable and annoying, but I am surprised they gave up on her that easily. She could have had more and her backstory could have been explored.

    3) I forgot that Casey and Paula were friends. That was interesting to see.

    4) My God, were the men hot or what?! Jason George, Tim Adams, Hank Cheyne, Nick Stabile, Dax Griffin... wow wow wow! I mean, the ladies too, but the guys were smoking hot!

    5) Having Meg and Ben meet online was quite fun, since that was a thing back then, I guess. Chatroom and emails.. But what was funny was seeing Meg plug in her laptop on a plane to have a dial up connection?! Hahaha I didn't know you could that back then. I mean, some planes don't have internet connection today, and look at 1997! :D 

    6) Kelly Hu as Rae was also somewhat annoying. I remember loving Rae and Casey, but her introduction was quite abrasive. 

    7) While Annie fights with Del, she mentions Del driving her mother away. We never got to know more about Annie's mom, haven't we? I am sure if the show went on, this would have been a story thread they'd look into. I wonder who could have played Annie's Mom. Maybe Anna Stuart (ex-Donna, AW)? 

    Anyway, it was nice to go back to my teenage years...

  8. 16 hours ago, Soapsuds said:

    I just love the theme music and closing. Always been one of my favorites.


    This was the theme used back when I first started watching GL, when they aired it in my country. I believe it was the 1988 episodes that they aired. I find myself to this day humming or whistling this theme from time to time :)


  9. I haven't watched DOOL in years (I stopped around the time when Ben was a serial killer... or sometime after that story, to be more precise). But I was always fond of the show and I still keep up with the show, just hoping I'd find something interesting to draw me back in. Nothing, and I mean nothing, has been even remotely interesting in the past 5-6 years to me. Especially in the last few where we had another devil possession handled horribly from what I could read, as well as the continuous use of Rolf to bring dead people back to life in a most ridiculous cartoonish way, on top of the previously mentioned serial killer being now a romantic lead and friend of his victims, only now he is going around town as a different character, in a matter of days from being the serial killer... these are just some of the examples of stupid moves which make me not want to tune in the slightest. There are other examples, but they annoy me to a lesser extent.

    With that said, I would not pay anything to watch DOOL in this state. Yes, 5 USD is not a lot, but it is 60 USD per year. And I can do other stuff with those 60 USD. 

    About the move itself, I don't think a move to streaming is bad per se, but such unprepared move to streaming, done like the way it was done, is a horrible move. Done, what seems like at the last minute, without any preparation on show's part to create something interesting to invite people to follow them to the new medium, without any promotion (I see that Corday is saying there will be promotion (but Corday lies a lot or at the very least has no idea what will happen in future and still makes promises that then don't come true), but promoting this on, like, September 9th for the move on September 12th will not cut it). This should have been promoted for weeks in advance.

    Also, without the show doing some changes to the format/storylines/cast/crew, this will be same [!@#$%^&*], only now people will have to pay to watch it. And it will remain like that until at least February 2023. 

    I am having hard time understanding how anyone at NCB and production would think what they did now was a good execution, even if they really do believe that DOOL can help them with Peacock.

    Good luck to them, but in my opinion, this is not good news for DOOL at this point. If they somehow manage to survive by the time changes come and if the implemented changes are the right ones, then they might survive. Otherwise, I really do think this was a cancellation as NBC has had enough and is just burning off the remaining episodes on their half-dead streamer. 

    Sorry for the long post.. :)

  10. 15 minutes ago, Bright Eyes said:

    Oh no, not for their deaths. Andy's exit was before theirs'. Lachlan had earlier accidentally shot Lawrence (he survived). Chrissie ended up framing Andy for the crime to protect Lachlan and get revenge on Andy for cheating on her with Bernice. Rakesh, his lawyer, helped him escape from being sentenced to prison. He confronted Chrissie and she stabbed herself to further implicate him. Robert ended up helping him get out of the village for a life on the run.

    Oh now when you mentioned this, I might actually have watched some of this... definitely did not watch Andy leaving and Chrissie self-stabbing, but might have watched Lachlan shoot Lawrence. 

    Wow, so with Chrissie dead and Lachlan in prison (I guess), no one can ever confirm that Andy is innocent. Wow. I wonder if Kelvin Fletcher decided to return, how they would clear his name without Chrissie. Lachlan would never just confess to add himself more sentence lol

  11. On 4/18/2022 at 1:37 AM, DRW50 said:

    That was Gemma.

    Lachlan caused a car crash that killed his mother and grandfather. Later on he killed his friend, Graeme. It was that moment that made me finally stop watching Emmerdale on a regular basis. 

    Ah yes, Gemma! Thanks! It has been so long, I cannot even remember who the girl was. lol I do remember enjoying Belle back then, mostly because of the young actress playing her. 

    Wow, he killed Chrissie and the old man.. did not think you'd say that. 


    3 hours ago, MichaelGL said:

    Thats around the time I quit too; or maybe before that. Between getting rid of the Bartons and Whites, I gave up on ED. I tune in and out to see how they execute those watercooler moments, but honestly there's no longer a connection there between the show and I. 

    I will say this about the recent Meena plot, it's interesting how little David and Victoria played in the resolution of this Meena story lol But with what took place BTS I'm not surprised. Sucks that this thread of the story was left hanging. 

    I tried turning in at one point later, but could not.. I don't even remember what was the thing that got me to consider to tune back in.. lol

  12. OMG Lachlan ended up being a serial killer? Interesting. Who did he kill?

    I stopped watching around time he and Belle started hanging out and I wanna say Belle pushed a friend who died? Might be mixing it up with something else, but I think that I am not. lol

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