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Posts posted by Manny

  1. 28 minutes ago, carolineg said:


    Absolutely.   They could have built them up and they went from Last Blast teens to marriage and babies very quick.

    I do think I like Belle and Shawn mostly because of who their parents are.  You want to love John/Marlena's only child or Bo/Hope's son.  I don't think I like them on their own merits and that's a shame because I think MM and BB are fairly capable performers and JkJ and NB are really good.

    Yeah, I feel the same.

    And while I love MM (Beemer was nothing special back when I watched), I felt like she was also a part of the reason why Belle felt too old. They went from a baby face Kirsten Storms to a mature looking Martha. 

  2. On 5/21/2020 at 3:11 AM, soapfan770 said:


    Yes it was. I don’t know much about AMC history but they found it really contrived and cliched to use the Internet like that for two characters already in close contact like that. 


    I was going to ask what was this cyber storyline. I watched AMC that year and LOVED it. In general, I thought early/mid 90s on AMC were just awesome. But I cannot remember Charlie/Cicely having this storyline at all. LOL I remember them and I know that they were a couple, but just don't remember them having an internet romance. lol


    On 5/21/2020 at 12:42 AM, carolineg said:

    I liked Keith Hamilton Cobb better than Shemar Moore, but I might be the only one.

    I LOVED both of them. Shemar's Malcolm was one of my favorite characters on Y&R, while Noah was awesome too. I loved Noah and Julia and I still remember their original story, how they met, Julia's scar, Louie Grecco etc. Both men were great in their roles!

  3. I loved Y&R in early 2000s... 

    But I always thought Nina and Tomas Del Cerro were very boring. So I agree on this. 


    Were Sheridan and Luis really that tortured by 2000? I mean, were they even a couple before 2000? And then didn't the only thing that happened to them Sheridan being buried alive? Because after 2000, with Sheridan "dying" and meeting Antonio and crazy Beth, sure, they were tortured a lot. But in their first year of the show? I don't think so..


    Bianca is gay storyline was huge back then.. I remember reading the boards back then, even though I did not watch AMC back then. But it was huge.


    I loved when Michelle Stafford returned to Y&R that year. LOVED IT! And I didn't even watch her first stint. I loved her friendship chemistry with Shermar Moore's Malcolm and Christian LeBlanc's Michael.. It was so fun to see such male/female friendship exist on a soap. I adore Jack and Phyllis and just thought Stafford was a great actress. I did get tired of Phyllis later on when she became Saint Phyllis and a heroine of the show. 


    Teen scene in Harmony was horrible! haha Most of them were such bad actors. I did love two of the actresses that played Kay (Taylor Anne M. and Deanna W.) But Miguel and Charity were just baaad... and their storylines... horrible. Hell in the closet... that was in 2000, I think? Or maybe 2001?


    Nick and Sharon and their family was my favorite family indeed. I loved to watch them. I loved Nick and Sharon in general and am very sad at what has happened to Sharon through the years. One of the reasons why I stopped watching the show. Not that I could not accept their divorce, but just that the way Sharon's character went after Cassie's death was just wrong and Sharon was completely destroyed in the next few years. 


    Best teen couple - Phloe! I will never understand how these characters did not take over the lead on this show. They have built them up so nicely, the whole teen scene (even thought back in 2000/2001/2002, I remember people on the boards hated the teen scene, them taking over the airtime from the vets etc.. I loved that teen scene and in particular Phloe). Just amazing that they just let these characters leave and become an occasional guest on the show.. (Okay, I am aware that Chloe and Philip both had some stories throughout the years and it was more Shelle that was sent to HK and forgotten, but still,..) 


    Abe and Lexie getting most rejuvenated couple... now, this was the time of the baby switch starting in 2000, right? Marlo died and Rolf switched the babies... and that is one of my all time favorite storylines. But I would say that this storyline rejuvenated Lexie more so than Abe. I mean, sure there was a bit of a change in their dynamic because Lexie was turning on the dark side under Stefano's influence wanting to keep her baby, but I still don't think this was the most rejuvenated couple.


    Thanks for sharing the list! 

  4. Generally, I don't like SORAS and I think it is unnecessary, but I can see why writers/producers would decide to use SORAS, but as everyone said, it is just being used for no reason now days. And also, they don't apply it to all the kids, so you have huge jarring discrepancies in people's ages and younger siblings end up being older, which is ridiculous. And many times kids get aged for no reason, they don't get any relevant storyline and are just hanging out in the background which makes you wonder why they decided to age them in the first place.


    I don't even watch Y&R anymore, but just a thought of Christel Khalil's Lily having grown up kids is just hilarious (in a bad way) and whoever decided that should be banned from soap world.


  5. On 5/2/2020 at 7:16 PM, kalbir said:

    1998 was probably the last excellent year for Y&R, then came the tank years 1999-2005. OTOH, B&B was in the tank by 1998 (the tanking for me began around Fall 1995 and I stopped watching Spring 1999 at the end of the Jabot/Newman crossover).

    I loved Y&R from 1999 until 2004... or maybe even 2005... when did LML come on? That's when [!@#$%^&*] fell apart for me.

  6. I saw this news the other day and I couldn't believe. It got me to come back to the soap forums after years and years of being gone :D


    Wow, I just cannot believe that B&B is the soap that dethroned Y&R. For me, this is so sad. Through the years, I have watched pretty much all the soaps at one point, but I was never able to get into B&B. I don't know if it is any good now (judging by what I read, no), but it is unfortunate that it happened.


    I never thought someone would pass Y&R... wow... even if it was due to preemption, but still... 

  7. I started watching Fall 1997 episodes of Guiding Light.

    It is really fun. Annie Dutton is falling apart, Cassie just showed up and is dating Billy, Jenna/Buzz/Nola thing is going on, Rick/Abby/Jesse/Michelle stuff is interesting..


    Soaps really were better before. I don't have this interest today while watching any soap.

  8. Hmmm.. I remember that 4 guys were together in an orphanage (Derek Griffin, Stephen Slade, Craig Hunt and Ethan Asher)... and now they've met again in Santa Barbara. And they thought that their friend from the orphanage Cassie Benedict was dead, I believe.. but then she turned up alive... Did they believe that they killed Cassie? I don't remember...

    I did watch during that time, but that part faded in my mind.. lol

  9. I watched it religiously for years... but I stopped watching during the last season. I will never forgive myself that I never saw the final episode.

    And even though I was a kid, I still remember some scenes very clearly... like Kelly pushing that guy through the window, Elena being killed, Elena pushing Eden off the cliff into the snow, Mason and Julia in the forrest having sex (I believe it was their first time..).....

    And here is one unpopular opinion: I hated Cruz and Eden.. LOL Everyone in Croatia loved them, I hated them. They were SO annoying.

    I was a Mason and Julia fan. And a Kelly fan. I loooved Robin Wright in the role. Kelly #2 was bad, but then Carrington Garland was awesome too. Eileen was such a miscast. I didn't know at the time who Eileen was. I hated her too.. LOL

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