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Everything posted by ReddFoxx

  1. Shady Pines in Miami, reminds me of "The Golden Girls", fun reference. Lots of surprises here. I never would have thought Lynn was DC's wife, but that was a nice twist. The ending was well done and very unexpected, the characters feeling a chilling was nice touch.
  2. Tech difficulties with pictures It's a bright morning and at the McGregor Estate, Anna is reading the newspaper in the kitchen. Andrew comes in the door with doughnuts and coffee. <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/393px-John_Amos_with_USCG.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> Andrew: Good morning. <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/Veronica_Redd.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> Anna: Morning. Andrew: I went out and got your favorite muffins, I remembered that after all this time. Anna: Thanks. Andrew: I know it's trivial, but it's my way of saying I never forgot about you. Anna: You know, I still can't bring myself to forgiveness just yet, but honestly I'm glad you are back. Andrew: And even that's more than I really deserve. I know you've got a lot to hash out before you can even think about forgiving me. Anna: Why should I? Andrew: For one, you haven't even listened to my entire part of the story. Anna: I didn't feel it was necessary. You married me while you were still married to another woman and had a child with that woman. Andrew: I married Cassandra when I was young, we were in love and I thought it was right for me. But, after awhile, I learned we didn't really fit with each other and we got a quickie divorce. Anna: So you did divorce Cassandra? Andrew: I found out later it wasn't valid. Anna: You should have told me in the first place. Andrew: You were raised so traditional, I didn't think you'd want a divorced man with a child. Anna: So you just kept it from me. Andrew: I'm sorry, I had fallen for you so hard, I didn't want to ruin it. Anna: What about your other son? How do you explain ignoring your child for all those years? Andrew: After the divorce I thought was valid, Cassandra moved and I could never find her. I looked for them so I could at least try to support him. Anna: Did you ever intend to tell me any of this? Andrew: Many times, but I always pictured you storming out and leaving me. Anna: I wouldn't have done that, I would have valued you telling me the truth. Andrew: We've got so much to hash out. Anna: You've got a lot to hash out yourself, with your children. Edmund is still so full of anger toward you and you still haven't told your other son that you are alive yet. Right now, I think your children should be your first priority. Even though I'm no fan of George's, I do think you owe him an explanation, you are his father after all. Andrew: It won't be easy for me, I have to get my mind clear. Anna: Life isn't easy. Andrew: Truer words were never spoken. Anna: Then why haven't you done anything? Andrew: I feel the pressure even more. I set a deadline for myself everyday and then a keep moving it up. Anna: Seems that you would have learned that putting things off does no good. Andrew: I know, but I've got to do this one step at a time. Anna: When are you going to take that first step though? Andrew: The sooner, the better. Anna: Good. Andrew: I think this is the most you've said to me for weeks. Anna: I haven't really had much to say. Andrew: Accept of course when you had to fill me in on all the drama with our children. Anna: Welcome back to the real world. Andrew: Guess I better get to work trying mend these fences. Anna: More like build them back up. Andrew: Here goes nothing. Andrew leaves. ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ Leigh anxiously waits for Norm at the CoffeeRoom. She finally sees him come in the front door and toward her. <i>note: The role of Norm Donahue is now being played by Lamman Rucker </i> <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/townsend.gif" border="0" class="linked-image" /> Leigh: Finally. <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/oct157.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> Norm: Sorry to keep you waiting, but it took a bit of time. Leigh: Did you meet with the feds? Norm: I did. I gave them all of the information I was able to get about Christina and they think they have a case. Leigh: The sooner she's arrested, the sooner I can get the courts to question Edmund's associations. Norm: We don't know if they'll act at all, but I'm hoping there is a good chance they will. Leigh: And they know where to find her? Norm: Yep. Leigh: I wish I knew more. Norm: All they did was thank me for the information and that was it, no further details were disclosed. Leigh: What if this falls through? Norm: Be a little positive, won't you? Leigh: I can't. I tried everything I could to get my kids before, but Edmund and his mother and all their money were all there to block me. Norm: That doesn't sound like the fighting spirit I've heard from you in the past. Leigh: It's just that I'm tired of getting my hopes up and have them dashed. Norm: Hey, think of it like this, for all we know, Christina could be getting busted right now and Edmund being questioned about why he's so close to a criminal like her. Leigh: When you've got money and resources like Edmund, you can avoid anything. Norm: You can only buy yourself out of so much. Leigh: I'm sorry if I sound pessimistic, but I like I said, I can't get my hopes up. Norm: I promised you I'd help you get you kids back and that's what I'm going to do. Leigh: Thank you, I don't know where I would have turned had I not had you. Norm: I care about you, we were close at one time and I hope we can be close again. _______________________________________________________________________________ At Edmund's condo, Edmund is having breakfast with Christina. <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/bonnie_138x186.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> Christina: You haven't said more than two words since we got here, what's wrong? <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/MfundoMorrisonL2005.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> Edmund: Nothing's wrong. Christina: It's about your father, isn't it? Edmund: That has been on my mind a lot. Christina: I can understand that, it's pretty hard to digest. Edmund: My biggest problem is figuring out why he stayed away so long and let his family grieve. I could never do that to my family, ever. Christina: People do the wrong thing sometimes, but some of those times, they should be forgiven. Edmund: You saying I should forgive my Father? Christina: I'm giving you my viewpoint, it's up to you to make the decision. Edmund: I don't know. Part of me is glad to have him back, because the family is back together again. Christina: I know I wish I had a second chance with my father. He died when I was six years old. Edmund: I'm sorry. You never told me that before. Christina: It's not something I like to talk about. Edmund: I'm sure I'm not going to be angry forever, but right now I just can't let go. My brother and sisters have welcomed him back with no problem. Christina: Under the circumstances, there wasn't a right or a wrong way to react, everyone is different. Edmund: I suppose you're right. But, it is a new year and I want to start fresh, leave all the old behind. I'm so glad I can leave that custody suit behind me. Christina: So am I. You're a wonderful father, I can tell by just watching you with the kids. Edmund: And, I'm glad that we found each other again. Hopefully this year, both of us have nowhere but up to go. Christina: I really hope for that too. Thank you for breakfast. Edmund: No problem. Christina: I've got some stuff I need to take care of now, so I gotta get going. I'll see you later though. Edmund: All right. Christina opens the door to leave and a federal agent is on the other side. Agent: Are you Christina Davidson? Christina: I am. Agent: Miss Davidson, you are under arrest for dealing in stolen goods. The agent handcuffs Christina. Edmund: What is going on here? Agent: And, Sir, are you Edmund McGregor? Edmund: Yes, I am. Could you please tell me what is going on? Agent: You'll need to come with us as well, for questioning. Edmund: What for? Agent: We just want to know if you have any information about Miss Davidson's activities. Edmund: Okay, I'll cooperate, but I don't have any idea what's going on. Edmund looks puzzled. ___________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ At his Athletic Club suite, George is trying to get some work done when he's interrupted by a knock at the door. He answers it and Cassandra is on the other side holding a bag. <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/doc3.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> George: You're here early. <img src="http://i17.photobucket.com/albums/b99/DrPhillips48/MarjDusayL.jpg" border="0" class="linked-image" /> Cassandra: I wanted to stop by and bring the baby some more things. George: Mother, you've been bring him stuff since you found out about him. You're going to spoil him. Cassandra: This is my first grandchild, you can't blame me for getting a little carried away. Where is he? George: He's sleeping right now. Cassandra: I think it's wonderful how you've rearranged your schedule so you have time to spend with your son. You've got a good paternal instinct. George: Teri and I both have made our schedules flexible so that both of us can spend enough time with him. Cassandra: I'm proud of you, you stepped up to the plate. You know how to be a father despite not having one yourself. George: Mother, I don't want to rehash all of that. Cassandra: Just an observation. George: Should I remind you about the trial you have coming up, partly because you couldn't let go of the past? Cassandra: It just is very hard to let go, it still hurts. George: I know it does and it bothers me too. But having a child now has given me a better outlook, the future is more looking forth too, than rehashing the past. Just then, there is a knock at door. Cassandra: I'll get that. Cassandra answers the door and gasps upon seeing Andrew. George: Mother, what is it? George goes over to the door, he is shocked to see Andrew, the father he had only seen in pictures. This has been Varied Lives. Remember to tune into Point Palace and S.T.E.A.M. Please join us next time for another episode of Varied Lives.
  3. ReddFoxx

    Get Ready

    After a very long hiatus, Varied Lives will be returning to SON and SONOP. "November is going to be a good month for Varied Lives and the stories are going to make up for the long hiatus." says the head writer. So what can we expect to see? The head writer didn't drop many hints, other than that some characters that have been on the back burner will be moving to the front. "We'll be seeing some new character interactions, new friendships and of course, new rivalries." And same as last year, Varied Lives will have a Thanksgiving Special that is a can't miss for viewers. Head Writer Phillip Connelly says, "This year, the special is going to be very character driven, but stories will be progressing greatly." Varied Lives returns later on today. Get Ready.
  4. I had a feeling that Mona was going to get off easily, it will be interesting to see what direction she goes in. Thumbs up to the back story with Ashley and the back story with Ria's family, back story is a plus on soaps.
  5. I do have a new series coming up, but I am going to get Varied Lives re-started before I start the new one. I haven't had much time to right the past few months, but I'm working on a new episode of Varied Lives now.
  6. Good edition of Lynn Whitfield to your cast. I'm glad Mona's verdict is going to be in the next episode, I like how the trial moved at a fast pace.
  7. Good episode to start out S.T.E.A.M's return with. I liked how there was a lot of movement with the trial in the beginning, it's going be interesting to see how it plays out.
  8. ReddFoxx

    Another Update

    I would definitely read your episodes, I've missed reading S.T.E.A.M As for my own blog, I was just working on an episode and I'm about to get back into the swing of things. I might get something up to today.
  9. I'm very sorry to hear this and I hope everything works out for you.
  10. It's been a long hiatus for Varied Lives, but the Head Writer says that is about to change. "I haven't had a whole lot of spare time to write, but now that I do, there will be more episodes" said Head Writer Phillip Connelly. As for the storylines, Connelly is just dropping hints. "All I can say is there won't be any disappointments for readers. There are some characters that will be moving to the front burner." In casting news, the role of Norm Donahue has been recast. Lamman Rucker will takeover the role starting in episode 86. The reasoning for the recast given is that the character is being further fleshed out and taking a different direction and a new face was wanted to go along with the changes.
  11. ReddFoxx

    Sex Me! #113

    The cliffhanger very surprising and I can't wait to see what happens next.
  12. Good ending twist, I didn't see that paternity change coming, but I really like it.
  13. Very well done scenes with the Williams Family. LaDonna and Alexis' face off was my favorite part.
  14. I'm going to get something new up next week. I just got back to writing episodes and I'm still working out some scenes, but there will definitely be a new ep or two next week.
  15. Enjoyed the entire episode, but I want to comment most on the Ashley/Sabryn scenes, you did a great job writing the action. I like how you added the twist with Karim getting caught in the high speed chase, that was good and very unexpected. Now that Sabryn has taken out Ashley, it's going to interesting to see what plays out next.
  16. Really well written scenes with Sister Patterson and Mona, I especially like the part with Sister Pat at Abe's grave, alone and venting. Those sort of scenes aren't easy to write well, but you pulled it off really good. I cracked up at Ashley's reference to President Obama and "Yes I Can", that was so funny. I can't wait to see what happens next.
  17. ReddFoxx

    Amend! #108

    Haven't had much time to read the blog, so I'm finally all caught up now and the past few episodes have been great. This one was no exception, I loved Sister Patterson going off and calling Jenn and Santino out in church, that was by far my favorite scene. And great cliffhanger, can't wait to see what is going to happen next.
  18. I am really enjoying the interactions with Ria and her sister, so entertaining.
  19. Ashley is completely unhinged now, she is a classic soap opera crazy. Good episode.
  20. Before Leigh married Edmund, she had a relationship with Norm and Norm is still carrying a torch for her, which is why he's helping her out.
  21. Thanks for the feedback. While Yvette and Anna had their differences, they aren't as bad as Jill and Kay, they don't have that much animosity. As for Jim, he's only forgiving Lynette, because they have children together and he doesn't want to have any tension as far as that. As for Greg, Jim isn't going to be so forgiving and we might see something play out there.
  22. Good episode. I like the scene, with DC at the morgue, very well written. I was wondering how Mrs. Jenkins was connected to Patterson, it's a nice twist that she's her mother. Ria's mother and sister seem quite pushy and I know it's going to be fun to see how this story plays out.
  23. You can do one in December if you like.
  24. Continued from the previous episode's final scene, everyone at the McGregor table is shocked. Yvette: Dad? Joseph: How is this possible? Andrew: It's hard to explain, but. Lynette gets up from her seat and goes over to Andrew. Lynette: Is it really you? Andrew: It really is. Lynette hugs Andrew. Lynette: I thought you were gone forever, Dad. Andrew: I'm here now and I'm not going anywhere. Lynette turns to Anna. Lynette: Mom, how? Anna: Your father survived the plane crash. Yvette: That was 12 years ago. Andrew: It's a long story. Yvette: I don't really care about that, I'm just glad you came back to us. Joseph: Dad, I don't know what to say. I never thought this could happen. Andrew: Second chances, not everyone gets them, but fortunately we did. Edmund is still sitting in disbelief. Edmund: The surprises in this family just keep on coming. What else is there? Andrew: Edmund, I realize that--- Edmund: Excuse me, I need some air. Edmund goes out to the patio. Anna: Edmund has been going through a rough patch, so this isn't easy for him. I'll go talk to him. Anna goes to talk to Edmund. _______________________________________________________________________ At Leigh's apartment, Norm is conducting the conference call. Norm: Okay, Mac, what have you got for me. Mac: (over speakerphone) Looks like what you thought was smoking gun was one afterall. Norm: Details, details. Mac: Well, it looks like Christina has some aliases for her black market dealings, including a very well known one that the feds really want, but the Feds have not made the connection that it's Christina. They still think she's laying low. Norm: Could you fax me the files, you have the number to my law office. Mac: I'll do that pronto. Norm: Thank you, if you get anything else, contact me. Mac: Sure, buddy. Norm: Enjoy the rest of your holiday. Norm ends the call. Leigh: I'm assuming what I just heard is good. Norm: It is, now all we have to do is find a way to expose it without being too obvious. Leigh: This could work out even better than we thought. Norm: How? Leigh: Well, Edmund is in the department store business, Christina is in ripped off merchandise, to me that would say that their association could also have something to do with shady business. Norm: But it's not, they're just dating. Leigh: Ah, but the courts might be persuaded to think it's more than that, if we can create an illusion of a connection. Norm: I see your point, but I'm not seeing how we can do that. Leigh: I'm just afraid mere association might not be enough to persuaded the judge to reverse custody. Norm: Let's go with what we have and the explore other options if this doesn't work. Leigh: All right, I trust you on this. Norm: I'll be speaking with the feds after the holiday. Leigh: It's a shame I have to go through all this drama just to have a chance at getting my sons back, but it's well worth the trouble. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ At the Phelps house, Teri has just has arrived. John: You kept your word. Teri: Home was calling me, when that happens you can't stay away. John: We were just about to sit down and eat, you got here in just in time. Teri: I do have to be honest, there is another reason I'm here. John: It's not bad is it? Teri: Not bad, just a little surprising. John: Out with it. Teri: Okay, I suppose it's better to come out with it straight. John: I'm ready. Teri: Have you have thought about what sort of grandfather you would be? John: I'm going to be a grandfather? Teri: Actually, you already are. Teri peeks out the front door and gestures to George. George walks in holding Jonathan. John is surprised to see George. George: Meet your new grandson, Jonathan. John: Now you're the last person I expected to see. Teri, what is going on? Teri: Now I know you and George have had some animosity, but-- John: Is he this baby's father? Teri: Yes. John: This is quite a surprise, but nonetheless, I'm overjoyed to have a grandchild. Teri: Good. _________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ Back at the McGregor Estate Joseph: Dad, I'm afraid I'm going to ramble on a bit, this still is all quite jarring. Andrew: That's okay, I understand that. Joseph: I wish you could see JC, he's grown up into such level-headed young man. He's having dinner with the Donahues right tonight, but you'll get to see him soon. Andrew: Last time I saw him, he was about 10, right? Joseph: Yeah, he's 22 now. Andrew: The years really have passed. Yvette, how is your daughter. Yvette: She's at the Academy in London, she's got the acting bug. She's doing great, though. Andrew: I'm glad to hear she's doing well. Lynette: And you've got a couple of grandchildren you've never met. Andrew: That's wonderful, I have no doubt you and Jim are great parents. Lynette: We tried. I don't want to get into all my problems right now, but things have changed quite a bit. Andrew: I'm ready to get caught up to speed and I really want to meet those grandchildren. Lynette: They're napping right now, I was just about to wake them for dinner when everything went topsy turvy. Andrew: I know you all must have a lot of questions and pent up emotions, so I will understand if you don't want to move too fast. Yvette: Let's not talk about that right now, let's just stay in this moment. Our family has one of it's pieces back. Andrew: I'm worried about Edmund, he seemed really upset. Joseph: Life hasn't been to kind to Edmund the past couple of years, he's been through a lot and on top of all that, this has got to be hard to digest. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ Back at the Phelps house, everyone is at the dinner table. John: So, Teri, how did you and George meet? Teri: At a fashion show, he was thinking of investing in a designer I was working for. George: And you could say we hit it off right away. Teri: I never actually liked the corporate type, but George ended up being an exception. Den: What are your plans? I hope you and my new nephew will be sticking around awhile. Teri: They aren't set just yet, but being home probably is best for me for awhile. John: I know you might not like this idea, Teri, but I've left a spot open in the leadership at Phelps Motors, marketing. Teri: Is that a job offer? John: It is if you want it. I'm going back to the SEC, so you'll be working with your brothers. Teri: I don't know, like I've said before, I'm not good in business. Harry: If I can pipe in, I have to say that the position is suited for you, it's about advertising and websites. Being in the modeling industry, wouldn't you have picked up a thing or two about that? Teri: Yes, I have, but I don't know how I could apply that to office work. John: You're going to be putting together projects, working with people and constantly on the go, you can limit your office work.Teri: I guess it could look good on my resume. John: Is that a yes? Teri: I'll take it. Sounds like a good opportunity while I'm taking a break from modeling. John: Fantastic. George: Looks like everything is just falling into place here. John: Yes, I've got all my children in town and a new grandson, it's surreal. George: And don't forget, your new job at the SEC, that's another thrilling thing. John: Yeah, can't wait to get in there and bust those corporate crooks. Teri: Please, not right now, let's have dinner in peace. John: What? We're just discussing regulation. Teri: I know where it was about to lead. John: If it makes you uncomfortable, we'll stop, right, George? George: Of course. John: (thinking) What luck, I get someone like George Lightner permanently tied to my family. George: (thinking) He's trying to be decent now, but I bet he still can't wait to nail me when he gets back in the SEC. ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Out on the patio of the McGregor estate, Anna and Edmund are talking. Anna: So, you want to talk about it? Edmund: It's just one thing after another. Anna: Nothing seems normal anymore. Edmund: You can say that again. Anna: It was a shell shock to me too. Edmund: It's all so confusing. Anna: Some things don't always have an easy explanation, I know I don't have an easy one. Edmund: If he was alive all this time, why did he wait so long to come back? Anna: Pride, he didn't want anyone helping him through his injuries. Edmund: Part of me is glad he's back and the other doesn't know what to think. Anna: My reaction is a bit mixed too. I guess it's as normal a reaction one can have a situation like this. Edmund: Everything that has happened this past year, my custody battle, us almost losing the company and now this, it takes a real toll to go through all that. Anna: I know. I can't promise you it will all turn out okay, but if we try to get through this latest shock as a family, it won't be as bad. Edmund: I don't know if it will work, but it sounds like it could work. Anna: It never hurt to try. Edmund: Easier said than done. Anna: Hey, this isn't easy for me either. Edmund: I know. Mom, if it wasn't for your talks, I don't know what I'd do sometimes. Edmund hugs Anna. Fade to black.
  25. It's Thanksgiving and at the Donahue Ranch, Carol is just starting set the table when Cody comes in. Carol: Oh, good, you're here. Cody: It's a bit early, don't the caterers usually serve the dinner later than this? They have in the past. Carol: No caterers this year, this time around, I cooked. Cody: You cooked? Carol: Yes, is that surprising? Cody: I've never seen you cook, we've always had a cook here and the holiday dinners have been catered. Carol: I'm going for a little more of a family oriented touch this time, after the things that have happened in the past year, I think we should all start acting more like family. Cody: Okay, I get that, but I just want to know if this dinner is edible. Carol: You and your wisecracks. I have cooked before, when your father and I were first married, I used to cook dinner all the time. Cody: If you say so. Carol: The dinner is fine, do you smell anything burning or see smoke? Cody: I'll reserve my judgment until later. Norm comes into the dining room. Carol: You certainly are dressed to the nines. Norm: I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind too much if I left dinner a bit early. Carol: Why? Norm: I have a friend who can't make it home for Thanksgiving and I thought I'd spend some time with her so she wouldn't be alone. Carol: So that's why you dressed up. Cody: Who is it? Norm: Leigh Elgin. Carol: Edmund McGregor's ex-wife? When did you hook up with her? Norm: You know we go way back. We reconnected recently and it's been good for me. Carol: She was trouble then and she's probably trouble now. Norm: It's not like I'm exactly a saint, so I can't judge whatever Leigh has done. Carol: She always struck me as an opportunist looking for a rich husband. She got one with Edmund, do you want to be her second? Norm: You don't know her like I do. Carol: Whatever, just be careful. Norm: I know what I'm doing. If you'll excuse me, I'll have to go call Leigh and tell her that I'll be on my way soon. Norm excuses himself to call Leigh. Norm: Hey, glad I caught you. Leigh: This better be about the plan, I'm getting restless. Norm: Don't worry, it is. I've got a conference call later with someone who could seal this thing up. Leigh: Are you serious? You can get something done on the holiday Norm: Some of my people work around the clock Norm: It could be the smoking gun, if it pans out, the judge will not look at Edmund favorably do to his associations. Leigh: I like this. Norm: Meet me at my office in about an hour. Leigh: Of course. Leigh hangs up and pumps her fist in excitement. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ At the Athletic Club, Teri is just arriving at George's suite. George: I'm quite surprised to see you, when you blew me off in the south of France last year, I thought we'd never see each other again. Teri: We had a fling and it fizzled out because we were going in opposite directions. George: So, what brings you here? Teri: There's something you need to know. George: I can't imagine what it is. Teri: You remember that last night we spent together? We had way too much champagne and ended spending the night on that beach. George: How could I forget that? Teri: Well, now we both have a reminder. You're a Dad now. George: Excuse me? Teri: You've got a son. George: A son? I don't believe this. Teri: It took me a while to get the courage to come here to tell you. I just want to say up front that this is not about money, it's about you knowing your son. George: Where is he? I want to see him. Teri: He's with his governess right now at my hotel. George: I'd like to see him. Teri: Of course. I was sort of shocked when I found out you were in Novi, this has been my family's home for a long time. George: Wait, you wouldn't happen to be related to John Phelps, the SEC vet? Teri: Yes, he's my father. George: Oh, boy. Teri: What's wrong? George: It's nothing important, let's just go see my son. ______________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________ At the McGregor Estate, Anna is answering the kitchen door for Andrew. Anna: Come in. Andrew: You look wonderful. Anna: Thank you, but we really need to talk. Andrew: Fine. Anna: I don't like that you involved my aunt in this. Andrew: I'm sorry, but it was my last resort. She's always been able to get you to see the upside of things and I needed someone else to plead my case. Anna: Well, I haven't forgiven you yet, but I do think that our children deserve to know the truth and that should not hinge on rather or not we work things out. Andrew: My children. It's been so long, so much has changed, I don't even know what to say. Anna: You've got that right, I filled you in on the phone as best I could, so you should be able to connect on some level. Martha comes into the kitchen. Martha: Drew? Andrew: Miss Martha, is so good to see you again. You know you're the only person who could ever get away with calling me Drew. Martha: It's a miracle that you survived and came back. Andrew: It sure is, I'm very thankful. Martha: I'm sure you are. Andrew: Just so you know, Anna, Miss Martha chewed me out on the phone over my actions, she didn't just give me a free pass. Martha: He's telling the truth, you know I never let anybody get by me without giving them a piece of my mind. _________________________________________________________________________________ In the living room, The McGregor children are having conversation. Yvette: Usually, I feel really cheery this time of year, but right now I'm not feeling it. Mom is so down, it just makes me feel so awful. Edmund: It's no wonder with this whole mess with Cassandra and George. Joseph: I can't even figure that one out. Edmund: Why would he do something like that? Lynette: Unfortunately, we'll never know. Yvette: I was just saying yesterday that I wish that there was a way to understand it. Joseph: No use worrying about it now, it's been done and we have to deal with the consequences. Lynette: What did you all think of George? I haven't met him yet. Joseph: Put simply, people like him are the reason the one finger salute exist. Yvette: He's just a real piece of work, it's like Mother, like Son, he's almost exactly like his mother. Very bitter. Edmund: I get that he's bitter, but why take it out on us, we're not the ones who hurt him and his mother. Joseph: It's the blame game, somebody has always got to be blamed, rather they did anything wrong or not. Lynette: He is our brother after all, perhaps we should give him a chance. Yvette: At this point, it's up to him to decide rather or not he wants to reach out. He's put us through heck, so I'm not anxious to welcome him with open arms. Joseph: I second that. Lynette: It sure is a messy situation. Edmund: You know, this is the day we are supposed to be thankful, so we shouldn't be talking so negatively. Yvette: You're right, let's all be thankful for the good things we have. All people like George have is their spite, let's try not to emulate that. _____________________________________________________________________________________ At the Town and Country Inn, George is holding his son. George: He's perfect. Teri: That's what I say everyday. George: What's his name? Teri: Jonathan George Lightner, I just call him Johnny for short though. George: I've always wanted to be a father, but now that it's true, it's so unreal. Teri: I guess all parents feel that way. George: So, have you seen your family? Teri: I'm going over there later, I would have gone there when I first got in town, but I wanted to get things squared with you. George: You certainly lit up my day. Teri: Speaking of my family When I told you who my father was, you acted odd, why? George: It just had something to do with a business deal, he and I had some heated words. I just wondered how he would react finding out who the father of his grandson is. Teri: Oh, my Dad doesn't hold grudges. George: He thinks I'm a crook and he really doesn't like me for launching a hostile takeover against some of his good friends. Teri: You know what? It's Thanksgiving and right now we should be thankful for good things. If you have no plans for Thanksgiving, why don't you come to my house and meet my father on a non-business basis? George: I don't know, meeting the family dinners can be awkward, especially under my circumstances. Teri: There's nothing to fear. George: I'm not afraid. Teri: Then come with me. George: I probably should do this, our families are going to be connected from now on because of this little guy. Teri: It'll be fine. George: I don't want my son growing up knowing that his Father and Grandfather are arch-rivals, so it's worth a try. __________________________________________________________________________________________ Back at the McGregor House, the family is sitting down to just as Anna and Martha put the last dishes on the table. Anna: You know, I always give a little speech before we say grace and then eat. I'm going to do that now, but what I have to say is a little different than usual. We can be thankful for all of us being here in good health and thankful for all the other blessings we have. I don't know quite how to say this. Yvette: Mom, what is it? Anna: Even though it's going to be hard to understand, but we have something else we can be thankful for this year. Andrew walks out of the kitchen and everyone at the table is stunned. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________
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