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Posts posted by Sapounopera

  1. It is so sweet that Kim keeps the "wrong" pills next to her other ones. Another stupid lie.. AGAIN.

    Once again the Richards sisters share a crying moment in a public event. Another chance for Kyle to shine as the cheerleader with a heart of gold who tries to help kids with problems at school.

    Poor Maurizio is such a terrible actor, but he is trying really hard. I bet he is bored with all the ILoveKyle scenes.

    Dana was amazing. I was expecting her to take off her shoes and start rubbing her feet. What a mess! Her scene was very funny and she was trying really hard to make an impression to the producers. Drunk, smoking and calling a group of women who never mention her "our group" lol

    She is a sad version of Kim D. Or is it Kim G?

  2. RHOV

    Mary and Ronnie should give Robin and Amanda the number of their hair salon. This is not houwewife hair.

    Jody seems insane and always obsessed with poor Mary, who has no idea how to defend herself against a group of ugly bullies. Mary comes out stupid at the end for not knowing how to deal with this mess.

  3. I know there was one in Athens, Greece and they are casting a French one. The US ones air internationally, for sure.

    The greek one was rather boring. The Housewives were hated by everybody for showing off a (mostly fake) luxurious lifestyle during this time of huge economical crisis.

    It was my first HW show and I was stunned by BH shortly after that. And then came the NJ series and I realised that the Athens ladies were too boring for words. However I was sad when the show was cancelled.


    I adore Brandi, Yolanda and Lisa, they are a perfect team.

    I can't stand Kim. She reminds me of some old friends who were addicted to almost everything and they always acted like the poor victims. Claiming to have started a brand new life every few days and blaming others for their mistakes. And all these silly excuses all the time. I understand Lisa and it was their walk through Paris was so funny because it was so obvious that Ken didn't want her at all lol/

    Kyle continues acting like a cheerleader who is dating a cool college guy who is in the baseball team. She wants Lisa to tell her that she loves her? Oh please.. She just realised that she is on the losing team and tries to switch in the last moment.

  4. RHOV

    I can't stand Jody and Mia. Sad, ugly women trying to pass as ab fab and uber-bitchy doesn't work for me. Now they have Ben Stiller in drag in their team and this poor thing is more pathetic than them. Poor Ben wants to create some drama all the time, she tries to be interesting but all I see are scenes from a movie where Ben Stiller tries to pass as a woman.

    Robin honey, why do you really want to sing? She comes out so stupid and desperate being obsessed with this. And now singing with a kid..

    I like Ronnie, Mary and Ioulia. Too bad beautiful Mary can't stand for herself when a bunch of ugly drag queens make fun of her.


    I love Lisa, Yolanda and Brandi a>)

    I wish I was a houseguest at Ken and Lisa's lol

    Kim in an intervention for Taylor was so funny. She is a mess and she thinks she can get involved in other people's drama? And Kyle follows her because as always she is a sucker for other people's problems. Kyle thinks she is a popular highschool cheerleader and tries to live her life like that. I think that she has more sceletons in her closet than anybody else and that's the reason she wants everybodu occupied with gossip about her friends. She is lucky that Kim is all over the place and she can't expose her and I don't buy her perfect marriage.

    Marissa seemed like a nice girl, but she is always putting her poor husband down. Why is she doing this? I liked her at first, but she seems very mean and she is trying too hard to create an interesting persona. She is telling us all the time that she is very funny, that she thinks like a guy etc, but all I see is a woman desperate for attention.

    I am team Brandi all the way, but for some reason I can't hate Adrienne. As a matter of fact I think she is rather nice and Paul is the real problem.

  5. Now watching the Vancouver Reunion.

    Jody is a sad mess and not in a fun way anymore. Her daughter is even worse. Who would want to be around women like that? The always talk about poor Mary's fillers and age (and she is gorgeous), while they have these really bad hair extensions, ugly clothes and they have no idea how to behave socially. I am not sure these two are Housewives material. Is Cheaters still on? I guess they are classy enough for such a show.

    Ronnie is so beautiful. She reminds me of an actress, possibly a french one. And her son is cute as well ;)

  6. So Joanna is an activist now? Aren't all bored, unemployed bimbos? And that photoshoot... So tasteless.

    Karent was her usual fake self. Marysol and Elsa were fun, Lisa was hot as usual and I didn't mind Lea that much. Perhaps getting to know Jody from Vancouver helped me like Lea more.

  7. Currently watching Vancouver..

    Ronnie is gorgeous. I can't believe she is a drunk mess. As a matter most of them are drunks.

    Jody "the queen of mean"? Please. She is like a maid who is wearing the clothes of her lady boss. She has no style at all and the clothes are wearing her. And she looks 100 years old. And she calls poor Mary old? Oh, please. And her son in drag? That poor thing tries to act like a b*tch but she is just another disaster in ugly clothes trying to act "fabulous"

    The gay friend is such a caricature. I can't stand him!

    I love this show so far :)

  8. My thoughts on Miami:

    Lisa is gorgeous. I love her.

    I can't stand Karent's fake smile, fake romance or fake kindness, but I want to see more of her fighting with the other housewives.

    So Joanna finds out that her boyfriend is cheating on her and she is cooking him dinner? Someone doesn't want to stop living in that place.. Meanwhile her sister Marta seems obsessed with Roman. If I were Joanna I would be very worried about these two. PS Marta get a job and a place. What is she doing moving from one couple's home to another?

    I love Elsa and I can't stand that pathetic mess of a drag queen who tries to cause SOMETHING with no success. I find Lea pathetic for hanging out with that in order to pretend to be "modern". Lea seems like a character from a bad eighties sitcom.

    Ana has a very unhealthy relationship with her ex-husband and I bet her boyfriend is imaginary.

  9. It seems like they weren't entirely sure where to go with Rick, as he was bad, then OK, then really bad.

    Did you see any of the recast Alex (Robert Dubac)?

    Thanks for sharing your memories. I think that's most of the Loving stuff of that era I have but when I find more I'll post.

    I have never seen Robert Dubac. I liked RM as Clay, but I was shocked when he became Alex with long hair and different kind of clothes. During that period Lisa Peluso took over as Ava and I lost all interest in them. James Horan didn't make Clay Alden very interesting.

  10. I think she was supposed to stay longer, if she just suddenly vanished with no exit. I'd like to know what the initial long-term story plans for the teen prostitute story were. Was the stuff about the man who was obsessed with April and had murdered his family a quick fill-in story to replace the teen prostitute story?

    Perhaps they didn't think they could afford Jacquie in a long-term role, or they may have thought she was too identifiable, but I wish they'd tried. I can see her feuding with Gwyn for years. The interview is kind of sad, because she says that she wanted people to know that her absence from daytime was not by her own choice.

    Ned and April were not really connected to the Lovingcanvas and they were not suited for such a storyline. 1987 was a nice era for the show, I enjoyed watching it.

    The change from Roya to Lisa bothered me more than I realised at the time. I lost my connection to Ava.

    The Clay/Alex mess was basically Roman/John 1.0 right? I never bought that story.

    Rick Alden was too dark for no real reason. His storyline with Stacey should be given to Curtis, but Curtis returned as a nice boy all of the sudden. Linden Ashby was the best Curtis.

    The show stopped airing here when Trisha was presumed dead and Jeff was holding her in 1989. It was not in the best shape, but it was still a show I wouldn't stop watching. I knew that the people who don't work for the show will always get replaced.

  11. February 25, 1986 Digest recap.



    Oh, and I read an interview with Jacquie Courtney around the time of AW's 25th anniversary, and she said that she was really excited about playing Diane, the "nasty" madam on Loving, but just as the story began to get started and she felt settled, it was pulled because ABC was uneasy about the teen prostitute element.

    Was Diane Winston supposed to stay longer?

    They should have given JC a more prominent part. A Gwyneth or Anne recast perhaps.

  12. I thought Art Hindman's son was named Dave. I've seen him listed as Dave in summaries. He was involved in the April / Ned / Kristen teenage set. I didn't realize Tally was Art's daughter. I figured she was the mother. Thanks for this information.

    And you are right about Dave's name :)

    Reading all these storylines again I really miss Loving. I had forgotten all about Nick Dinatos, the Greek mobster who was involved with Trisha and whom Cabot Alden murdered. Before Nick it was Hunter Belden (played by B&B's Jeff Trachta; Thorne#2) and later Jeff. Trisha was always involved in a triangle and one of the guys was crazy.

    I remember Charles Hartman in the hospital and I am still certain that his nurse was Victoria Rowell, in a non-speaking part. Could be wrong though.

  13. That makes sense. I wonder just how many of the failed attempts at core families there were on Loving, or when they were just a few characters with no plans to expand (like Casey and his father or Dinah Lee and her sister).

    I wonder if they ever thought of recasting Isabelle with Jane Powell.

    What did you think of the various Curtises and Lornas and Anns and Lilys?

    I liked Linden Ashby's Curtis. However the show turned him into a nice guy too soon by pairing him with Lotty. Jack and Curtis should have been fighting for years and Rick Stewart Alden's storyline could have been given to Curtis up to a point. Chris Marcantel was ok, Stan Albers was not really Curtis but a brand new character and Burke Moses was just boring. (I have to remind you that these were my thoughts as a teenager, I don't know how I would feel about all this today)

    Susan Walters was fine as a vixen, but O'Hara's version was very boring. Her pairing with Zach was not what the character needed. And then there was Zach's daughter Kelly and her teenaged friend, who reminded me of B&B's Rocco.

    Lily #2 was a brand new character, she was more of a Lorna.

    I liked Shannon Eubanks more as Ann. She looked more aristocratic and cold. If the show wanted to recast they should go with Christine Tudor. I think the structure of the Alden family was always a problem...

  14. I think there were three brothers. Linc, Wade and Jude or Jarrett or something like that. Perhaps the show was trying to build a brand new family with Rebecca as the matriarch and Lorna & Ava being involved with her sons. I think there was a period Cabot and Isabelle were written out. Could it be that there were big plans for Rebecca and her boys?

  15. Lisa Peluso was fine as Ava, but she was still Wendy Wilkins to me. Another problem was that I didn't care for the Clay/Alex storyline at all and the fact that Ava was no longer a part of the "younger crowd" with Jack, Stacey, Curtis and the others. That and the fact that Ava became a rich wife and mother spending too much time at Clay's office sooner than I expected. She should have been involved with Jack, Curtis and Stacey a little longer.

    Linc was Rebecca's son and Zona's husband. When Zona was murdered, Lorna was accused of killing her. There was another Beachum brother for five minutes, who was involved with Ava. I never understood what the plans for this family were...

    Steve and Trisha reminded me of Joe and Kelly on Santa Barbara for some reason. Steve was a boy, Trucker was the cover of a romance book. I liked Steve better, because of his connections to Harry, Kate, Ava and Cecelia and the fact that he was a regular guy. Trucker was involved in the Clay/Alex mess, which was another problem for me.

  16. I am loving all this LOVING talk :)

    Roger and Merril were a horrible couple. I liked the Forbes family though, it's too bad that the show gave up on them so soon. There was so much potential. Roger and Ann were far more interesting than Clay and Gwyneth as a couple and Christine Tudor would be great as a recast Ann. I never cared for Clay Alden, I always thought his story was insane and I never bought the Clay/Alex mess.

    I remember falling in love with Doug and Edy at first, but then their storyline became way too dark. Don't get me started on Jonathan and Dolly and the snake..

    Does anyone remember Art Hidman's kids? Frank and Tally? All of the sudden he got a family and his kids were involved with the younger group for about five seconds.

    This show never understood how lucky it was to have Roya as Ava. This character could so easily become a joke and she made it work :)

    I loved Trisha/Steve/Cecelia. The problem with LOVING was that it changed direction every six months without having a solid core (like B&B). The early years were great, but I gave up on the show in 1989. Or to be honest, Greek TV gave up on the show after airing the 1989 episodes, but I wasn't really that upset..

  17. Thank you for the clips! :)

    Some thoughts:

    Jamie Lyn Bauer and Marla Adams: STUNNING

    Tom Ligon reminds me of Spencer Pratt.

    Eric Braden has had a nose job? He looks so different lying next to Eve Howard.

    Deborah Adair should have returned as Jill once Brenda was out.

    These clips are CRAZY. Women screaming, knives, opening caskets, tears etc.

    Terry Lester :wub:

  18. Bill & Dorothy were having problems.

    JLB is a lot like Brenda Dickson's Jill in that they were fine for what they were but unable to adapt to current Y&R.

    You mean that they wouldn't fit in the new storylines or that they represented a very different Y&R era? From the little 70's Y&R I've seen on YouTube, the show was very similar to JER's first DAYS run.

  19. Someone just posted some old clips of Ashley confronting Dina when she first turned up in Genoa City and Jill (then Deborah Adair) telling her to get out of her house. Also one scene where Ashley is lying on Traci in a hospital bed and yelling at Dina to leave them alone, it looked like Traci was dead, was this a dream? I don't remember this happening.

    Can you post a link to these videos please? I love vintage Y&R :)

    I am so curious what would have happened if JLB hadn't left the show in the early eighties. What would have happened to Lori Brooks? Was there even room for Lori back then? Would she marry Victor, fight against Ashley, marry Jack and basically have Nikki's stories? Or perhaps Jill's once Brenda Dickson was out?

  20. I am fascinated by this thread! Thanks for all this interesting info :)

    SS sounds like such a melodramatic soap opera. The storylines I've read remind me of classic movies I adore. And Marla Adams... OMG. She is still a very beautiful woman and it's too bad that she was never on a soap for many years (apart from her Y&R stint) after that.

  21. I think that Rena Sofer would be more suited for the part of a young Amanda and this has nothing to do with Christine Tucci. Amanda as a kid was always played by dark-haired girls and Sandra Ferguson was the first blonde Amanda Cory. AW had way too many young blonde actresses at the time and Sofer (who looks a little bit like Vicky Wyndham) would be a far more interesting choice, at least for me :)

  22. Patti Weaver... Wow!

    Mike, Trish, David and Valerie shouldn't have been written out so early. (I consider later Mikes brand new characters with new careers and personalities).

    I understand that DAYS had to choose between Mickey & Maggie and Bill & Laura at some point, but there was no reason for the younger generation to leave. The soaps became so arrogant in the eighties :(

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