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Posts posted by Sapounopera

  1. Blake was Roger and Holly's daughter, she was raised as a Bauer, had three kids with Ross Marler and she had been married to the Spaulding brothers. She should have been the show's leading lady. Do you think that casting Liz Keifer ruined that chance? Would someone like Michelle Stafford, Jamie Luner or Sarah Brown fit the part better?


    Of course with Kim Zimmer and her crazy Reva stories dominating GL's last decade, would there really be room for Blake working at Spaulding Enterprises, raising three teenagers, feuding with Beth and Dinah, flirting with Alan-Michael... etc... 

  2. 3 hours ago, Paul Raven said:


    Stuart Brooks

    Gina Roma

    Doris Collins


    Stuart was never mentioned again, right? Did he and Liz ever get a divorce or did he just get the Carl Williams treatment?



    5 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:

    So many!


    Susan Martin, DAYS


    Ellen Stewart, ATWT


    Jessie Brewer, GH


    Larry Wolek, OLTL


    Tommy Horton, Jr., DAYS


    Timmy Farady, TEON


    Aunt Meta Bauer, TGL


    Days should have brought back Denise Alexander once she left GH. Susan sounds like such a fascinating character.


    Watching Jessie in the 1980-81 episodes I would never have guessed that she was once the star of the show.


    Larry Wolek and Ellen Stewart. Their shows would really benefit from having them around until the end. 

  3. 12 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:


    I was also fine with RVF's portrayal of Chuck Tyler on AMC, but his Ed Bauer left me cold. To be fair, with Hulswit the definitive Ed, I still cannot think of any other actor whom I would have readily accepted in the part.


    It's weird: I readily accepted all the different Taras on AMC, along with RVF as Chuck, but I never accepted Nicholas Benedict as Phil Brent (even though I appreciated how he looked in 1970s' jeans, LOL). After mary Fickett left, I never really accepted Cat Ruth, either. On TGL, I preferred replacement Ellen Parker over Ellen Dolan as Maureen, but I never accepted anyone other than Jacqueline Courtney as Alice Frame on ANOTHER WORLD. I guess it's a gut-level reaction viewers have. Certain actors simply click with us and we don't ever want to see them replaced.


    You are so right. RVF never felt like Ed, especially at a time when everything was changing on the show. 


    It is a very funny thing with recasts. And sometimes we like the new actor so much that we don't mind that they were a rather odd choice. 

  4. I hated Phillip Hamilton and I couldn't stand Warren Burton on GL either :lol:


    While discussing the show and remembering different eras, storylines etc I realise that it would have benefited from a very strong producer who could keep the writers in line and make sure that they don't lose so many beloved actors every fix months.


    Another problem was the hour format. The show had a rather small cast of key characters (the Capwells, Gina, Cruz, Julia, Santana, Keith, -Brick &Amy?- and the Locridges) Being a half-hour show would have saved us from all these secondary isolated characters who had their six-month story before being written out. 

  5. Before leaving town didn't Cain have one of the most disturbing storylines ever?


    A young woman called Ming Li was posing as his long-lost daughter from his days in Vietnam. She had been hired by Phillip Hamilton, who was obsessed with Andrea and she was trying to seduce Cain, her "father". :wacko:

  6. I will never forgive Conboy for messing with the Capwell set.


    You are right about him though, there are a lot of things he did right during his time on SB. The show stopped being sad, violent and dark and he gave the canvas some much needed structure. I didn't care for the Cassandra actress, I thought she was not as interesting as her stories.


    Julia's rape should never have happened. Let's not talk about Augusta's fantasies about her sister's rapist. 


    The story with the boys thinking that they killed Cassie, Conboy did that years later on GL. He must have been a fan of the 1984 GL story. 

  7. I have a Douglas Marland question:


    In 1983, during his Loving Days he wrote a story about Jack Forbes, a young man who had been adopted by a rich family as a baby, falling for a fragile blonde girl who was being mollested by her father while her mother was too weak to deal with it.


    During the same time GL had Phillip in the same story with Beth Raines and her stepfather Bradley while Pamela K. Long was in charge.


    Do you think he planned to do GL story before leaving in 1982 and that they next regime liked the idea?


    Didn't the Bradley Raines actor also play Angel's father on the same ATWT story when Marland was in charge?

  8. 3 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:


    Just goes to show that even great writers borrow and recycle their own material but tweak it for other shows. Don't blame 'em as if it broke, don't fix it. 




    I kind of like that :) It is interesting to think that Rachel Davis and Erica Kane started out as the same person and that they followed different paths over the years. The Horton brothers both in all with Laura Spencer, the Foster brothers in love with Chris Brooks and the Forrester brothers will Caroline Spencer -all stories written by Bill Bell- didn't end the same way. This is the beauty of soap opera. 

  9. 7 hours ago, Nothin'ButAttitude said:

    But speaking of Marland, does anyone else feel that the kitchen set that belonged to Stacey somewhat resembled the Snyder farm kitchen? The tones, the furniture, woodwork... Is it just me?


    No, I also think that everytime I watch the 1984 episode with the Donovan set :)


    Doug Donovan and Seth Snyder from ATWT


    Stacey Donovan and GL's Hilary Bauer, both secretly in love with a popular guy (Jack/Kelly)


    Phillip Spaulding was a kid on GL during the Marland years, but Jack Forbes grew up as the adopted heir on Loving


    Marland's first Ava (Patty Lutz) was a factory worker and a lot more similar to Nola Reardon than later Avas who were more like Erica Kane.


    Lily Slater's story -which was dropped- was later told on ATWT with Angel.



    I am sure Marland was not happy to see the Donovans written out so quickly. The show gave up on its original characters way too soon.





  10. Thank you :)


    Wasn't there also a character named Fiona Fing or something like that at some point, or am I making things up? 



    Which characters do you think were missed opportunities? Interesting actors/characters who could have lasted longer and get more story.  

  11. He did show up in the show's first Christmas episodes. Deborah also showed up.


    BTW I had never seen Larkin as Clay before and from these few minutes, I feel that he was the best-suited for the part. I'd love to see Celeste Holm and Patricia Barry as Isabelle, but I feel that Augusta was the ideal rich Alice Horton.


    Amelia was gorgeous back then and in my eyes she still is.

  12. My problem is that I don't see the connection between Dynasty and this CW project. A rich man marries a younger woman his spoiled daughter doesn't like, that's too generic; they could also call this show AW-CW. Mac Cory marries Raquel and young Iris gets furious. Sandy Cory is gay and gets involved with Raquel's brother Jaime. Cecile is black. Blaine is a black man. Robert Delaney is black. The end. 

  13. It's not even bad. It is boring, unispired and dated. 


    This is supposed to be the modern version of Steven? The character had a warmth, a sadness and a sexiness during the Al Corley years. What I saw in the trailer was the usual, secondary gay character who walks around all dressed up holding a drink and trying to be witty. 


    The music was all wrong for the trailer. 


    Judging from "Cristal's" looks if they ever get past episode 4 they will bring a blonde to play Alexis.


    CWFallon aka Random CW Girl from 2008 


    You don't mess with the Dynasty logo for no reason.



    They should have called the show Teen Heiress of Denver.

  14. Who didn't get raped on this show?



    1 hour ago, juniorz1 said:


    Yes!  Angela was the last GREAT new character on SB.  She was one of the few things that kept me watching that last year.


    Agreed that the show should have been handed over to Carrington's Kelly.  When Marcy almost left in 1990 (for Bar Girls), that's what Pratt and Conboy were setting up- Carrington actually aired more than Marcy that year.  That was their big mistake.




    Was that during the Quinn/Robert story? 

  15. Lol almost every video you guys post has another opening and a different tone. I have watched the 1983-89 episodes and from what you have posted here, I think I would have enjoyed the 1992-95 material a lot. Not a fan of the City though, it was trying to copy the Aaron Spelling soaps and it was missing the warmth and the old-school charm of the original show. 


    If they had managed to keep at least a few popular key characters and beloved actors around, and not mess with the show's structure all the time, LOVING might have survived for several more years. It is never a good idea to recast your entire central family multiple times within a few years, B&B survived through the madness because the key players were the same for decades.  


    Wesley Addy, Augusta Dabney, Noelle Beck, Robert Tyler, Perry Stephens, Chris Marcantel (Curtis should have been given the Rick storyline), Roya Megnot, Shannon Eubanks, Christine Tudor should have been kept. Stacey's brother Doug should have stayed around with a charismatic actor and been given the stories several random men who came and left within the years. Rena Sofer and Rebecca Gayheart should have been Rescotts or Donovans.


    BTW what was that set in the 1991 episode? A mall or a street? I liked it. The Burnells set was also very nice. 

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