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Posts posted by Sapounopera

  1. My BH thoughts so far:

    Kim: I HATE her talking heads. I don't find her funny at all. Let me get this straight.. Her story so far is that her dog couldn't stand her and needed some time away from her?

    Brandi's friend with the short hair who looks like a Bond girl is gorgeous. I wish we could watch her play with her pets instead of Kim.

    Brandi: She is indeed a mess. However she is not doing something much different from last season. Last year she chose to attack Adrienne (for reasons she never really explained) this time she is doing it to Joyce. I can't really hate her though. She seems like a very nice girl, I liked her with Yolanda's daughter, how she talks, she is fun etc, but she is someone I would avoid after some time.

    Kyle: She thinks she is still in school. She thinks she is a lot of fun. I can't stand watching her in her fake soap opera tears all the time. She is still obsessed with Lisa because she sees her as the most popular girl in school.

    Carlton: Everytime time I see her I am thinking VH1 for some reason. I like her talking heads and the fact that she can't stand Kyle. The situation with the husband, the nannies and the secret room is not that interesting. It is just weird.

    Joyce: She is gorgeous but she acts like an annoying and less interesting version of Karent Sierra. Brandi gave her the beautiful gift of a storyline out of nowhere. She is trying too hard though and she is way too choreographed. And she is friends with Kyle and with Kingsley's stalker.

    I adore Lisa. I love Yolanda. They show that you can be a very interesting housewive without acting like a joke. While everybody else is crying about stupid things or fighting like little kids and showing no dignity at all, Lisa and Yolanda -whether you agree with them or not- act and talk like normal human beings.

  2. Interesting. I never knew that about her sister's career.

    I wasn't fond of any of her OLTL returns, but I could see her fitting into GH now. I guess Ava fills that role though, albeit with a less mobile face.

    Ava should have been Olivia's daughter instead of Delia Ryan's.

    I have been watching some mid-eighties episodes and I see that the Sanders family is very prominent. Was it during the time the O'Neils were also around with Didi, Harry, Kristen Vigard and Liz Keifer? Were TPTB thinking of moving the show to a new direction at the time?

    It was the same period that ANOTHER WORLD had the Loves and the McKinnons. Were these shows trying to do what Bill Bell did on Y&R with the Abbott and the Williams families or I just happened to run across some episodes the featured the Sanders and the O'Neils very heavily?

  3. With Robin Mattson back as Hope I doupt the character would be a typical heroine any longer. Kim Zimmer's Hope could become a little bit like her Nola Aldrich. The no longer innocent alcoholic wife of a rich man.

    Too bad that we never got to see the entire Carrie story. Perhaps shooting Jackie might have something to do with Phillip's real identity. tongue.png

    I fell in love with Marland's GL and no other writer could ever make me love the show the same way after that. The mid-eighties were a NIGHTMARE.

  4. Has anyone ever told us what Marland's original plans for Carrie were? Was there ever talk of a little boy from what I remember? Marland probably used some of his Carrie ideas on ATWT.

    Was it ever hinted that Phillip was Carrie's son? I have been speculating that some of Marland's thoughts for Carrie were used on Iva Snyder.

  5. I think that's absolutely what's happening. Lisa has come around to the conclusion that Brandi, fun though she may be, is a loose cannon and irresponsibly person who just lets the chips fall where they may, irrespective of consequences.

    Adrienne had to discover these things about Brandi last year.

    After the Canada and Miami fiascos (and OC's very boring season) I think I have lost my interest in the HW shows and I am several episodes behind. Too much silly drama without any fun.

  6. These 1979 are perfection! wub.png

    It looks as though a new headwriter/executive producer has taken over after the end of the Willows story. Lisa is "lighter" as a character, we get many group scenes and it looks as though several characters are on their way out. (Ralph, Valerie, Kate, Jay with Bennett and Hester already gone) I don't think that this Tom, Sheila, Grant, Don and Mary lasted much longer, did they? The Andropoulos brother, James Stenbeck and Hippy Tom were on their way to the show along with Margo, Lyla, Brad, Eric, nu-Natalie and Dana Delaney's character, right?

  7. Thank you so much for these amazing 70s episodes, such an early Christmas soap present! :) There is something so stylish, dramatic and sophisticated about this Y&R era. Knowing how the Jill/Kay story (and the characters themselves) would turn, out these scenes were wub.pngwub.pngwub.png

    There is so much we find out about these women in one episode.

    A soap can't buy this kind of history.

  8. I find this ATWT era very interesting. It is obvious that the writer (Marland?) wants to invest in younger characters with Betsy's stories. No need for a teenager on a soap to be chasing mobsters with her rapist in order to be fun.

    I like Dee, Melinda, Jeff, Marcia, Lisa, Mary and Barbara a lot.

    What I always loved about ATWT were the sophisticated women like Kim and Barbara (Valerie is one of them) and the warmth of characters like Bob and Ellen. This Tom works for me because he looks like Bob's son.

    I don't find Dana or Sheila that interesting, but these episodes are great soap. I don't see anything boring and people don't look old to me. Are they that older than today's Sonny, Carly, Daniel Jonas, Kristen DiMera, Bill Spencer, the Logan sisters or Nick & Sharon?

  9. Atlanta:

    Poor Porsha is such a bad actress. She is trying to act strong and hurt, but all I see is stupid once again. She is very beautiful this year, however the short wig is a disaster.

    Another very good episode. Every housewife seems to be on the show for a reason. Ever annoying Peter.


    I love Lisa and Adrianna. I don't care who is a liar, who has a shady past and who can't defend herself. I love both of them.

    Joanna is a piece of trash trying very hard. If there is a season 4 I don't want to see her again. She made a joke out of her gay husband this season and attacked harmless Lisa. I am sure there is a very good reason Marta was so distant at the wedding. She said some horrible things to Lisa and reminded of desperate Ana at last year's reunion.

    Alexia and Joanna try to pretend that they really believe there is something very unethical about a married woman not working. I think they are just very jealous and with their problems at home they shouldn't be judging others so easily.

  10. Poor Kyle always trying to act like the most popular girl in school.

    She almost cried because:

    Lisa touched her hair

    Lisa complimented someone else's hair

    Lisa made a comment about Mauricio and his daughter. If Kyle didn't know that her husband is a cheater she would have laughed.

    Lisa won't break up with Yolanda

    Oh please.

  11. Miami Finale:

    Romain was so hot and cute at the same time.

    I had never seen Alexia smile like that ever again. She was so happy to have Peter around. And even happier that Peter seemed ok for once.

    Joanna seemed so fake. She is not a very good reality show actress, unless she is VERY drunk.

    I hope there is a season 4 with different dynamics and at least two more ladies.


    Team Lisa as always. She is the queen of the show and she doesn't have to say it every five minutes because a)it's the truth and B) she doesn't have to convince herself and the viewers.

    What was the point of watching Kim play with her dog for five minutes? I can't stand the Richards sisters. Kyle is so fake, but at least she has the looks of an 80s soap star.

    Joyce and her husband seemed a little bit weird.

    I didn't expect to like Carlton, but I did.

  12. My Miami thoughts:

    This show has the most gorgeous cast. Lea looks 100 times better than last year. Adriana is the sexiest housewife!

    Lisa was drunk so what? She was just dancing around while Gorgeous Cocaine Princess Barbie and Gay Bride (whom I consider the trashiest of them all) were trying to act like they hadn't seen anything like that before.

    This was the best episode of the season because the women were a group for once and were not each involved in her own sad drama. The entire season was about Adriana marrying her husband, Joanna marrying a man who is not interested in her, Lea switching pets with boobs, Alexia's sons and Lisa's baby drama. Where was the fun?

  13. So far I was not impressed with any of this year's RH shows, but Atlanta seems like fun.

    Cynthia is gorgeous, I ahave a soft spot for Kenya and Porsha (though still very stupid) seems more interesting this year. Nene continues to act like royalty, I'd rather see Marlo in that role.

    It looks as though it might be a good season :)

  14. These 1979 episodes are amazing. Were they written by Douglas Marland?

    Kim is so classy and sophisticated and she has a great dynamic with John and Betsy. Judith McConnell.. was a beautiful woman!

    After watching this version of Tom, I guess that many viewers were not happy when Justin Deas showed up as a brand new character.

    Dee, Melinda, Marcia and Mary.. I love their vintage soap looks!

    Characters don't have to be involved in steamy triangles or fight super villains to be interesting. If they are written how they should be, you can just watch them discuss their daily troubles.

  15. Team Lisa all the way. BTW Ana should stop washing her ex-husband's dirty underwear before he goes on his dates before making bitchy remarks about the housewives.

    Nene wanted Marlo for her spin-off because she knows that she has (reality) star quality. She wouldn't want her on RH because she knows she can't be bullied and scared off like Kim. Nene is always jealous of other women, she doesn't know how to behave herself and all she does is repeat how rich and successful she is and she takes her reality stardom way too seriously.

  16. I fell asleep during Adriana's wedding and missed the end of the episode. I can't over the fact that she looks 20 years younger than she is! Everyone was beautiful.

    I can't stand Nene. I hate people who always talk about how rich or successful they are. I am watching her show only for the Marlo scenes.

  17. Some Miami thoughts:

    It's kind of sick, but I find Romain hotter thanks to his "storyline". Is he gay? Can he only have sex with people he doesn't have feelings for? Who knows. But I like him being cute and awkward while looking like this.

    Am I crazy or did I see a man in make up who looked exactly like Adriana in the preview? What was that?

    Marysol reminded me a little bit of Elaine chasing Lea like this. What was the point of it? I hate you, but why didn't you send my mother flowers?

    Hiding Lea's stupid friends (Elaine, Thomas etc) has done wonders for her on the show. She seems a lot nicer now. And much more beautiful. Lea doesn't want or need friends. She wants a pet with boobs and it's only logical that these "friendships" don't end well.

    I still like Lisa a lot. It is obvious that she is not as naive as she was last year as far as the other ladies are concerned. Most of them are trophy wives, Lisa is the only one who is open about it and doesn't pretend to be a successful businesswoman or an activist.

    Ana is still the nerdy cousin the popular girls are forced to bring to the party. (She hates all of them of course and she thinks she is the only smart person in the room. No you are not, Ana. I still remember your story with your ex from last year)

    How can people stay mad at Adriana when they hear that sexy accent?

  18. Miami is kind of sad and boring this season.

    With the adorable Elsa being sick, Lisa and Lenny having issues over the fact that she can't get pregnant, Alexia and her sons, Lea and Adrianna fighting over a stupid issue and Joanna begging her future husband to sleep with her there is no fun at all.

    The women rarely have an interesting event and the dynaminc between the five ladies is not that interesting. They could have used two more housewives and several secondary characters. Last year was like a glossy telenovela, this year feels like the 90s version of Valley of the Dolls.

  19. Miami:

    I am enjoying this season as well, but I liked it better with more housewives and several secondary characters.

    Marta, adorable Elsa, ever that freak Elaine made the show feel like a real soap opera. I adore Adrianna's sexy accent and I cannot hate her. I ever like Lea this year.

    Lisa's story gives me a sad Valley of the Dolls vibe though.

    * * *

    Nene's show was BORING. Where was Marlo? Nene has interesting talking heads when she is talking about other ladies and she can be a lot of fun for a lot of people, but Nene and Craig (getting divorced and getting married again within two seasons to give her a story and a spin-off) aren't really that interesting on their own.

    * * *

    My BH ladies! I adore Lisa, I love Brandi and Yolanda and I am hoping that they have created this "feud" in order to make the show all about them and not about the stupid Richards sisters.

    Carlton reminds me of Danielle for some reason.

  20. I really feel sorry for Vicki. Sleazy Brooks from one side and from the other side Brianna who acts like an angry pig. She has no problem discussing her mother's boyfriend, yet again nobody should talk about the freak she brought home. It's the second reunion I have watched where she has made a fool of her mother and has not protected her in any way.

    I have a feeling she has been jealous of her for years and she has not forgiven for many things that have happened and now guess what, she is turning into a bad version of her mother.

    In other news Lydia was scared of Brianna so she didn't discuss the situation with her mother. In order to be dramatic she stormed out during someone else's drama and nobody even paid attention.

    Heather... Without her husband's money she is just another Sherree who thinks too much of herself. She had a career before marrying him and she paid for the land?? She is providing him with a great life?? Say that to him in five years when he replaces you with a younger, hotter and less obnoxious trophy wife.

  21. So happy Miami is back! It feels like a glossy telenovela, a Spelling primetimesoap as Cat said and the ladies are gorgeous. I like Lisa the most, but I have grown to enjoy Adrianna a lot. How many stupid gay friends does Lea really have? I hope Elsa is doing better, I adore her.

    Meanwhile why is OC's Gretchen always styled like 90s Vanna White?

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