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Posts posted by Faulkner

  1. 1 hour ago, KMan101 said:

    It's also boring. But some fans think the opposite of that is Pratt and his plotty writing. It can be interesting and compelling without being plotty and damaging. IDK. A balance can be found

    Agreed. I’d fear an overcorrection.


    Carlivati writes fan fiction. That said...


    Given what we’ve seen of Y&R in recent years, I’d risk it. Speaking realistically, given the show’s track record of hires over the past 15 years, are there many better choices? He seems decent at managing up and writing within restrictions, and frankly I see a lot more praise from his work around these parts than I do for the other shows. 

    I dunno: maybe this admission shows how little hope I have that Y&R will improve.

  2. And that’s the thing. GH could have just said Ryan Carnes was no longer available, so they’ve recast the role for a short-term arc. Or simply that they’ve recast the role, period. Instead, we got nothing, which led to a lot of confused speculation when people saw a brand-new Lucas. (I think GH really underestimated viewer attachment to RC.) And the DC report creates more questions than it answers. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    So he could be "here to stay" as an occasional recurring character.  Or "here to stay" on contract.  But either way, he's not a temp recast.

    It’s just odd to use that terminology for a character who is barely used vs. a contract, long-term character like Sam or Brook Lynn. I suppose the show and Ryan Carnes have simply cut ties for the time being. The way this all has been handled and communicated is... curious, that’s all.


    43 minutes ago, Vee said:

    My ex, a doctor in NYC who's been working in the COVID/trauma ward for the bulk of the pandemic, has it. He's slightly older than me and has preexisting conditions. I'm just hoping for the best. It's nowhere near what others have lost or suffered, but I do worry about him.


    Sorry to hear this. All the best for his strong recovery. Good thoughts.

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