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-Everyone learns that Caroline was poisoned by the same drug used to kill Alice. John says all these deaths were setup in one way or another and are all connected. If this goes back to 2003 with the Salem Stalker and the fact Marlena is off killing people, John is sure the Dimeras are involved. He calls the ISA. -Victor says an emotional goodbye to Caroline, calling her the great love of his life. Sami, Eric, John, Hope, Belle, and Maggie all say goodbye. Maggie tells Victor she knows how he feels. She lost Mickey too. They comfort each other. -Lexie asks Celeste if she has sensed anything else. Celeste just says the danger is great and that they need to get this all figured out before tragedy strikes again. Bonnie freaks and wonders when it will all stop. She vows to avenge her Mimi and wonders where Patrick is. Hope wonders the same and Lexie wonders what happened to Tek too. They never could find them on Morgan Island. Hope wonders if Bo was right and Patrick worked for the Dimeras and he helped plan all of this. Lexie wonders if Tek had a hand in this too. -Meanwhile, Patrick and Tek are now in Salem looking for Marlena. Tek calls someone on the phone and says Marlena is out of control and that he and Patrick want out of all this. They never signed on for this. Tek hangs up and tells Patrick the boss won't let them out. If they don't follow orders, they are dead themselves either through revealing their pasts or through actual death. Tek and Patrick both agree that this is all too much. They never signed on to see all this death and they can't beleive that their boss is behind this and is letting Marlena do what she wants because it just goes along with what he wants. Tek regrets helping to brainwash Marlena on the island but says he was only following Stefano's'Alex's orders before he died. It was his last ditch effort to get revenge on John and Marlena and have Marlena but then Marlena went and killed him and is now killing anyone she can and Tek thinks his mind control tactic was what put her over the edge as she has been through alot in her life and has been brainwashed and mind controlled too many times. It was too much and his ISA tactic may have been too much for her on top of all that. Patrick wonders why they are letting themselves be forced to work for this boss. They have never seen him. Tek warns that if this guy is letting Marlena run amok and is enjoying it then he is even sicker then her. Tek also warns that based on the last time they seen Marlena (when she caught them trying to run from her and everyone else on Morgan Island) she is more out of control then they though. They, or anyone else, may never be able to stop her or control her. Patrick admits he was scared when she faced off with them at the marina on the island. Tek says they are lucky she just took their boat and ran off because she was on a mission to get to Salem and kill even more beloved Salemites. Tek says there is no telling what Marlena or their boss has in store next. -Marlena watches everyone at the hospital and says, "It is time to go before I am seen. I have done enough here for now. Time to hide for awhile and plan for my next victim." She runs off. -Sami asks Eric why he came back and is back with Nicole. Nicole and Sami come to blows when Sami says she isn't right for Eric and that sami was not right for Austin or Lucas. Eric begs them to get along. Sami asks how Highstyle in LA is doing. Nicole says good but with Austin gone who knows. Nicole says she really cared about him. Sami says the same about him too and about Lucas. Greta comes over and agrees about Austin and says she liked Lucas too and Billie. They have lost so much. Sami and Greta are both shocked to see Nicole showing emotion over Austin. -Sami again asks Eric about why he returned. Eric says he needed to be with his family and just felt like being home. He admits it may have been a feeling as look what has happened. He walks away as Sami doesn't but it. Greta and Nicole say the same thing and wonder why he came back with Nicole in toll. -John tells everyone he has enlisted Shawn and the ISA's help. Shane is coming to Salem to aid the investigation. Everyone admits they want in and want to help no matter what it takes. John thinks the pros and police should handle it but Victor tells John they have all lost too much. They all want to be a part of this. Maggie agrees and says they all need to unite together-both enemies and friends. There has been too much loss and together with all differences aside maybe they can get to the bottom of this. John doesn't fight it anymore and agrees and makes everyone promise to behave and to forget about the past and just focus on finding out who is behind everything and getting to the bottom of all this. John, Maggie, and Victor agree. Victor and Nicole look at each other as Nicole looks at Greta, Sami, and Eric and agrees. Sami looks at Lexie and John and still agrees. Belle agrees. Celeste and Bonnie agree. Hope looks at Chelsea and agrees. John reminds them all they need to stick together and protect one another. This is a great test and this is for all they have lost-including those they loved. The fact that Marlena is involved too means alot and they need to be prepared for what is ahead. Everyone agrees as John says to himself, "I am going to try to save you Doc. I just hope it's not too late for you to be saved." -Meanwhile, Marlena is on the pier and her phone rings. She answers, "Well, if it isn't the man who thinks he is my boss. Don't you know by now no one controls me anymore?" She then tells the caller, "Don't worry. Those that you wanted dead are. You are just lucky who you wanted dead I wanted dead because your orders mean nothing. I am only doing this for me and your help is making things much more convenient." She then thanks him for the Salem Stalker mask and comments on how this time these deaths are for real. She then says, "I can assure you there is more death to come but not now. I must wait and lure them in and your plan to trap them is perfect just as long as you let me finish off who I have to or there is no deal. This whole thing is for me not for you. " She then says she won't let his other employees, Tek and Patrick, stop her and doesn't understand why he has sent them after her. "Those two are a nuisance and why you are using them is pointless. They just get in the way and if they ruin my plans I will dispose of them too. You are helping me but this is about me and if those two get in my way your help be damned those two will be dead. I have been wronged for the last time and no one controls me anymore-least of all you STEFANO." The camera then pans up to show Stefano/Alex on the phone talking to Marlena as he says, "I understand. If you do see Tek and Patrick make sure they don't know they are still working for me. I don't want them to know that just yet." Marlena agrees and says, "Just as long as you let me do what I have to do and keep them out of my hair." She hangs up and Stefano/Alex laughs and says, "Just as long as your own plans go along with mine, my dear, you can do whatever you want. Once you do everything I am using you to do, you will be mine and I will have had my revenge." Stefano then plays some opera music and smokes a cigar and laughs as the screen fades out.
-Maggie goes in to say goodbye to Mickey. We see flashbacks of them together. Mickey is taken to the morgue. -Maggie comes out to find everyone in chaos over Shawn Sr collapsing. The doctors try to revive him but he dies. Victor comforts Caroline. Caroline knows it was just too much for him to handle. Eric blames Victor for his grandfather's death since he always has caused trouble. Victor blames himself too but Caroline reminds everyone that he found out about Frankie and Max and that likely put strain on him and his heart. The doctor confirms his heart gave out. Maggie and Caroline embrace and mourn their husbands. -Eric tells Nicole how much his family needs him now. He is glad he is there. When he leaves her. Nicole wonders why he wanted back to Salem in the first place. Greta overhears and wonders herself. -Celeste tells Bonnie she fears one more death tonight. Bonnie is worried as is everyone else. -John. Hope, Sami, Lexie, and Belle arrive outside the hospital. They all hope they have the strength to tell everyone what has happened. They have heard about what happened at Jennifer and Frankie's wedding and are hoping that everything is alright. They enter and are reunited with everyone there. Sami, Belle, and John are shocked to see Eric and they all reunite. Hope, John,Sami, Belle, and Lexie learn about all the deaths in Salem. Hope is devestated and can't beleive all she has lost. She accidentally blurts out that Bo and Shawn are dead. John reminds Hope that is not how to tell everyone. John then tells everyone about Bilie, Carrie, Austin, Lucas, Roman, Kate, and Mimi being dead. Chelsea is devestated and refuses comfort from anyone. She blames Hope and says she did this to her mom and dad. She just needed to stay out of their business. Hope says she couldn't save them. Chelsea says the wrong people died again and the bitch lived to see another day. Hope is stunned by those words. Hope and Caroline comfort each other over all the deaths they have been through. Sami and John comfort Caroline over Shawn Sr' s death. Caroline is distraught over all the losses in her family. She begins to feel faint. Victor gets her water. While gone, Victor breaks down in tears over losing Bo, Shawn and Philip and vows to avenge them. He is even upset about Austin and Lucas as he felt they were like sons. He vows to find this mastermind and get revenge. He brings Caroline the water which she sets down next to her. Victor informs John, Hope, Lexie, Belle, and Sami about what Nico and him discovered. John admits that Marlena was the one who blew up the plane and killed Abe and Alex/Stefano. John says he thinks Tony may be behind this as Stefano is now dead. Lexie mentions how Abe's coffin was empty as John says they will look into that. Everyone is stunned about Marlena. Chelsea says she will kill that bitch. Caroline reminds them all about forgiveness. John says Marlena is sick and he wonder if Tony or some other Dimera is controlling her again. -Meanwhile, nearby, Marlena watches and says, "You wish someone was controlling me. Not anymore. You all will pay for everything." -Belle is devestated over Philip's death as Victor tells her and everyone else that he must have been near Salem. They were led to Morgan Island as a trap. The mastermind made sure Victor didn't let them know by using Philip and threatening him. Belle is comforted by John and Sami. -Eric and Sami are with John and support Marlena. They tell everyone they need to find Marlena and get her help. Bonnie says they need to lynch her as she keeps killing everyone-this time for real. Lexie even admits it is hard to forget what Marlena has done this time. John urges them to remember the Marlena they all love-not the one who has snapped due to mind control and brainwashing over the years. Celeste warns everyone that it is not over-it is only just beginning. One more will die tonight and great danger lies ahead for those left behind. Just then, Maggie gets a phone call from the mastermind/mysterious caller. Maggie reminds everyone it is the same person who called before as Victor reminds everyone that is the person who talked to him. The mastermind tells Maggie that a wife will soon be reunited with her husband and family. Maggie wonders if she is marked for death and she relays the message sent by the mastermind after he hangs up on her. At that moment, Caroline clutches her chest and collapses. A doctor rushes out and pronounces her dead due to poison. Everyone is stunned. Victor holds Caroline in his arms and says the bastard will pay. Eric and Sami comfort each other and John and Hope do so as well commenting on how great she was. John helps Victor up and both of them together vow to avenge all the deaths and to get to the bottom of everything. Celeste, Bonnie, Lexie, Sami, Eric, Greta, Maggie, a reluctant Nicole who only goes along with Eric, Hope, Belle, and even Chelsea all agree to join up and put aside differences. Celeste says they need to hurry and put everything together because the danger is great and more death may be on the way. -Marlena laughs as she watches and says, "Your horror is just beginning!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
NO!!! Oh well there is always the other blogs but I will miss yours. There is alot going on right now so I understand. I hope you will still read mine .
You'll see. Trust me your concerns are being heard .
4 MORE STARS OUT!!! 2 MORE TO GO!!! As previously reported, 6 more exits were expected at Days this week. 4 were expected on the Monday June, 19, 2006 episode and two more reportedly happen tomarrow. Here is the latest exits that occured on the June 19, 2006 episode: Alice Horton (Francis Reid): Quite possibly the most shocking death/exit of all. The actress had been "killed" off in 2004 by her very own donuts but was revealed alive like many other beloved characters in the SSK plot. This time, however, she met her maker for real by poisoned coffee. Insiders report she will still make appearances on holidays and the like as a angel. Reid took the news in stride and was happy to still be a part of the show in some capacity. Reid was the last original cast member and began her run on the show 40 years ago with the show's first episode in 1965. Mickey Horton (John Clarke): The actor, who returned in May for a limited run to tie up loose ends after John Ingle (who replaced Clarke in the role) left, is out. The show decided to write out the character permanently and brought Clarke back to close things out. It is said that this is also being done to free up the character of Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) for a new storyline in the works. Clarke retired from the show previously in 2004 and the character of Mickey has been a presence on the show since it began in 1965. Max Brady (Darin Brooks): This exit came as a shock as the actor was well-received and well-liked. He was also in a relationship with Chelsea Brady (Rachel Melvin). It is not known why Brooks was axed other then show insiders maintaining they want to focus on a much smaller cast. Philip Kiriakis (Kyle Brandt): This exit was expect as Bradnt had announced his exit a few weeks ago. It is shocking nonetheless as many thought the show may bring back Jay Johnson to reprise the role or recast the role yet again since the character is embroiled in the Cliare paternity story. However, two of the major players in that story (Shawn and Mimi Brady) are already out so that may have played a role in killing the character off. It is said this will lead to major story for Belle (Martha Madison) and Victor (John Aniston). Brandt's voice was last heard on the phone with Victor on the June 16, 2006 episode as that was his last official airdate. Fans should expect two exits tomarrow to wind down the end of the casting exodus. Now the question is why keep who is left? What happens to who is left? Who may return? All those questions and more will be answered soon. Show insiders assure fans to just hang in there as their patience will be rewarded.
-Caroline begs Max to survive but it is too late-Max flatlines and dies. Victor comforts Caroline. They are shocked when Chelsea arrives and asks what is wrong. They break the news to her and she is devestated. They also tell her about everything else that has happened in Salem since she left, including Abby's death. Chelsea is stunned and breaks down in tears. Caroline comforts her. Chelsea regrets being gone so long and wishes she was there for Max and Abby. She knew Max was heartbroken she left and the last things she said to Max and Abby were mean as they were arguing. She wanted to apologize to Abby for Josh's death. Victor says it wasn't her fault-it was his. Chelsea is shocked and Victor then admits he was responsible for her rape too. He explains to her why he did what he did and that he was trying to save his son but she slaps him and wants nothing to do with him. Caroline runs after her as Victor feels bad about everything and is also worried about Philip. -Greta, Eric, Nicole, Mickey, Celeste, Bonnie, and the police bodyguards reach the 4th floor. They begin to look for Alice and Maggie. -Maggie fights to break free but the mystery assailant won't let go. Mickey then bursts into the room and gets Maggie out of the assailant's clutches. A fight ensues and Mickey is dropped to the ground. The assailant prepares to bludgeon Maggie with the whiskey bottle but Mickey steps in again and takes the hit for Maggie. He falls to the ground bleeding. The assailant hears people coming and takes off. Bonnie and Celeste catch a glimpse of the assailant and notice the Salem Stalker mask. Celeste says that the assailant is pure evil. The two women are joined by Eric, Greta, Nicole, and the bodyguards and they race inside to find Maggie tending to Mickey. They race to get a doctor. Greta sees Alice unconscious on the chair. Maggie explains she passed out after drinking her coffee. Greta breaks down in tears and says Alice doesn't have a pulse. A doctor and a nurse arrive. They check Alice's pulse and pronounce her dead. Everyone in the room breaks down into tears, even Nicole. Nicole says she was a good woman who never judged anyone. Eric comforts her. Bonnie says the same and says she knows Alice will make the perfect angel and will watch over them all. Maggie gets emotional too but is worried about Mickey, who is rushed to the ER. -Caroline tries to calm Chelsea but she won't listen to reason. She has lost so much and her own grandfather is responsible for her rape and Josh's death. Caroline says Victor did what he did for his son but Chelsea won't listen and just runs away from Caroline too. -Nico shows up again and has big news for Victor. He explains to Victor that the two men who raped Chelsea and killed Josh the night of the drug operation were not hired by Victor for the operation-they wer e working for the mastermind. Victor asks how Nico knows. Nico explains a few of Victor's men tracked them down and they confessed and later shot themself to protect the mastermind behind everything. Chelsea and Caroline overhear. Chelsea apologizes but still blames Victor partially since he planned the dru operation. Victor understands and promises to make it up to her. Nico informs Victor that there is no news on Philip. Nico leaves as Victor is still very worried about Philip since the caller claimed he would get back at Victor for his betrayal and threatened Philip's life. -Caroline and Chelsea say goodbye to Max's body. Chelsea admits she really cared for him and thinks they may have had something special. They leave as the body gets taken to the morgue. -Eric, Greta, Nicole, Bonnie, Celeste and Maggie race to the ER to learn of Mickey's condition, They run into Chelsea, Caroline, and Victor and tell them of Alice's death and what happened to Mickey. One of the police officers who was with them comes downstairs and tells them Alice was poisoned with a drug that caused her body to shut down. Everyone is stunned that someone would want to kill Alice-the nicest woman you will ever meet. We then see flashbacks of Alice's life. They all pray that Alice is at peace and pray that Mickey makes it. Caroline fills everyone in about Max. Eric comforts his grandmother. -Victor gets a phone call. It's Nico. He tells Victor that he has bad news. They found Philip. Victor asks how that could be bad news. Nico explains Philip is dead. They found his body. It appears he was shot to death and the body was thrown in Salem park in hopes it would be found. Nico says he must have been nearby Salem this whole time. Victor is stunned and outraged as tears well up in his eyes. He hangs up on Nico and blames himself for his son's death. -The doctor comes out to meet Maggie. He tells Maggie that Mickey didn't make it-there was just too much bleeding and he wasn't strong enough. Maggie breaks down and is comforted by Caroline. Caroline notices Victor upset and goes to him. Bonnie comforts Maggie and says Mickey was a good man who always saw the best in people-including her. She thanks God she had time with him. Maggie and Bonnie embrace. Greta then comes over to help Maggie as Maggie says Mickey is with all of his friends and family now and will meet his lovely mother up there. She blames herself since he saved her but Greta urges her not to blame herself. Maggie vows to find the person who is killing all of their loved ones. -Celeste is with Eric and Nicole and predicts death is not finished yet. Eric and Nicole look on, worried. -Caroline tells Victor of Mickey's death. She asks what is wrong. He tells her about Philip and blames himself. Everyone else overhears and apologizes to Victor for his loss. Victor and everyone else vow to learn who is behind this. Caroline takes Victor aside and promises to be there for him like he is always there for her. She hopes Victor doesn't lose it and go down a dark path of revenge. Victor says he will avenge these deaths-especially his son's. Caroline names all those who have died already and wonders how much more loss they can all take. She then sees Shawn SR out of bed and he has heard everything. He sees Caroline and Victor embracing and heard about all the deaths, including Frankie and Max, and Chelsea's death. He gets worked up and then collapses to the floor. Caroline, Victor, Eric and everyone else rush over to help Shawn SR who is in alot of pain and then loses consiousness. Caroline begs her husband to survive-she can't lose him too. -Meanwhile, outside, Maggie and Alice's mystery assailant wearing the Salem Stalker mask is walking down an alley. The mask is taken off...IT'S MARLENA!! "It's good to be back in Salem," she says with an evil laugh. "Like Celeste said, death has come to Salem and is not finished yet and it is all in the form of me. They all deserve to drop like flies and meet their maker for what they did to me. Too bad Mickey got in the way. It wasn't quite his turn yet but no matter. Morgan Island, Mickey, and Alice were just the beginning of all the hell and destruction I have in store for all of my so-called friends in Salem. When I am through with them, they will all pay!!!!" Marlena then laughs hysterically as the screen fades to black.
Previews for Week of June 19, 2006: -Chelsea returns to Salem and learns the truth about her rape. -Victor learns something about Chelsea's rape and Josh's death. -The Morgan Island crowd returns with bad news. -Chelsea reels from all that she has lost. -Victor gets word on Philip. -6 more Salemites die as those left behind mourn them. -Enemies and friends unite to solve the mystery of the mastermind and the goings on of late. -Marlena reappears in a shocking way. -Tek and Patrick's whereabouts are revealed. -Tek makes a mysterious phone call and warns someone that Marlena is out of control. -John enlists Shane's help. Red Letter Days: Monday June 19, 2006: Victor gets devestating news and learns something surprising about the night of the drug operation. Meanwhile, 4 Salemites meet their maker. Tuesday and Wednesday June 20 and June 21: HOT SUMMER DAYS begins as 2 more Salemites die and those left behind mourn their loved ones and unite to avenge their deaths and solve the mystery of the mastermind and the recent goings on. Next Week: Maggie and Victor bond. An old friend comes home. John sees Marlena and a chase ensues that may lead John straight to the key behind what has been going on. Sami and Lexie come to blows. Celeste has a strange vision. Tek and Patrick want out.
5 MORE STARS OUT WITH 6 MORE LEFT TO GO!!! The Days casting exodus continues. Hot on the heels of last Monday's deadly explosion that killed 9 characters, Days fans had front row seats to the deaths of 5 more characters and will have to sit through the 6 that are yet to come. Show reps still won't talk about the top secret goings on at the soap but have stated that the axings of all the actors being announced is confirmed and that the show will comment once things quiet down on set. Reportedly, things are tense at Days and everyone is shocked by the new writing regime's decision to focus on a smaller cast and bring on some former faves to fill in the blanks. Fans are sure to be outraged by everything going on as all these deaths are for real this time. Speculation is that 4 more deaths happen on Monday June 19, 2006 including two "stunning" deaths and that two more will bite the dust by Wednesday June 21. That day will signal the end of the exodus...for now. The show has said they will release a updated cast list and will issue summer previews at that point. They still will not comment on story at this point. Expect the show to address where all the children of Salem are this week (Will, Claire, Theo. Connor). Here is a list of the stars who were cut loose and met their maker last week (see the other cast bloodbath post for info on who got cut following the Morgan Island plane explosion): Doug and Julie Williams (Bill and Susan Hayes): The real life/on screen supercouple has been axed. They have been recurring for several years. No word on why the show cut them. Some insiders say it may have been done for "shock value." Frankie Brady (Billy Warlock): The popular actor returned to Days last year after a lengthy absence and stints on the hit TV show, 'Baywatch," and on the ABC soap, "General Hospital." It is beleived the show felt the character was played out and that his story was finished since many of those featured in his story have been axed (see below). Abby Devereaux (Ashley Benson): The popular young actress has been released. Show insiders felt this death was shocking as the actress was said to be one of the next big things at Days. As was mentioned before, these cuts have nothing to do with age, according to show insiders but, rather, a desire to focus on a smaller cast. Jennifer Devereaux (Melissa Reeves): Another shocking exit. Many insiders beleive Reeves was cut because her on screen husband, Jack, was killed off. Many also say that this may have been of her own will as her contract was up and she is close with Matt Ashford (Jack). The exits of Matt and Melissa is said to be the reason for the axing of Frankie (Billy Warlock) and Abby (Ashley Benson). Many were also stunned by the way in which Jennifer and Julie (Susan Hayes) were written off (Jennifer chose to commit suicide and took Julie to her death with her) as it was an action very uncharacteristic of the character of Jennifer and of any Horton, in general. Speculation also continues about the status of Deidre Hall (Marlena) given her character's demented actions of late and her contract being up in August. Marlena's behavior will get even worse as she increasingly grows out of control, says show insiders, and there are huge shocks yet to come. Might this be the grand finale for Deidre Hall? Fans need to hang in there as twists and turns and the answers they want are on the way!!!
Sounds good KR!!! Glad you are still doing the blog. I like your stuff. It is very hard to update it all the time, as I know, so I applaud you for your dedication. Sounds like a good summer ahead-look out for my summer previews and news coming this week!! I feel like you and me and the other fan fics are in a ratings war or something .
-Jennifer drives Mickey's car down the highway at a furious pace. Mickey, Eric, Greta, and Nicole are following them in a police car with one of the bodyguards assigned to portect those threatened by the mastermind behind everything going on. Several other police cars filled with more of the bodyguards and police officers are in pursuit. Mickey hopes they can stop Jennifer. Julie begs Jennifer to reconsider suicide. She tells Julie to get out of the car-she doesn't want to take her down with her. Julie says the suicide is unlike Jennifer and is not what Jack or any of her lost loved ones would want. Jennifer says it is what she wants and she can't live without Abby and Jack. She has lost so much and has even lost Frankie too. She can't take all the pain and heartache she has been through, especially with everything she has been through the last few years. Julie realizes Jennifer may have snapped like Laura. She tries to reason with Jennifer but to no avail. Jennifer once again warns Julie to get out because she isn't stopping-she either gets out or goes down with her. -Alice and Maggie continue to be watched by a mysterious person dressed in black with black gloves. We then see the person close in on the both of them and go to the nurses desk to leave an envelope with Maggie and Alice's names on it. When the mystery person goes to leave, Celeste feels a dark and evil presence and mentions it to Bonnie. Cleste warns that more death and danger awaits Salem in the future, especially tonight. The mystery person escapes unnoticed and then enters the hospital staircase. -Maggie is still worried about everything that is going on and the phone call. They wonder why Mickey is taking so long getting air (they don't know about him taking off after Jennifer and Julie). Maggie remembers the phone call and all the visions and hopes nothing happened to Mickey. Alice calms her and urges her to have faith everything will be fine. One of the nurses calls them over to the nurses desk for a message. Maggie opens the envelope left by the mystery person. -Caroline leaves Victor at Max's bedside and tells him to watch him so she can check on Shawn Sr. She chooses not to tell Shawn anything of what is happening right now. Nico arrives while Caroline is gone and gives Victor an update on the mystery of the mastermind. There is no new developments and there is no word on Philip. Victor asks about Chelsea. Nico says they have a lead and he hopes that the men he hired will be able to find her. Victor hopes so-he wants to help his grandaughter through her horrible ordeal since it was because of him she was raped. -Chelsea is outside of Salem hiding in the old cabin she discovered. She gets hungry but is sick of the same old food and decides to turn the stove on (remember the cabin is unsafe and gas will cause a explosion due to a gas leak-that is why the cabin was abandoned). As she is about to turn it on, she hears a noise and is stunned to see a strange man in her midst. -On Morgan Island, John tries to comfort Sami about what has happened. She pushes him away and only accepts comfort from Belle. Lexie tells Hope that Sami still won't change even after everything. Hope reminds Lexie of how Sami beleives everyone hates her and now losing all that she has in that plane explosion and having her mother being responsible for it makes Sami's behavior understandable. Lexie says that they all have lost alot on the island. Hope and Lexie embrace in tears and vow to get through this. Belle and Sami vow to do the same. John stares out at the still burning plane wreckage and wonders how Marlena could do this. He feels there is more to this, as does everyone else. Belle wonders if this was all a trap and doesn't beleive Philip was ever there. John beleives it was-whoever kidnapped Philip may have a hand in what has happened to Marlena. Sami and Belle agree but Hope and Lexie think Marlena acted alone and may have just snapped due to all the brainwashing and mind control she has been through on top of all the things she has been through in her life. John thinks that could be true but he thinks they were led on a wild goose chase to find Philip even though they were also there to find Marlena. He thinks there is more to all of this. Sami, Belle, Lexie, and Hope all want a hand in figuring all this out. -Jennifers speeds Mickey's car on the free way. Julie once again tries to get through to her but fails. Jennifer hears her song with Jack on the radio and begins to cry. She gives Julie one last warning to get out or die with her. Julie still thinks Jennifer will somehow change her mind and refuses. Jennifer says, "Don't say I didn't warn you. I am sorry Julie that things have to be this way. I am coming Abby. I am coming Jack." Jennifer speeds towards the cliffside. Julie tires to grab the wheel and both women struggle. Mickey and the others who are following then see the car burst through a guardrail and drive over a cliff and into the water below it, all while Jack and Jen's song plays. Mickey, Eric, Greta, and Nicole look over the cliff and see the car sink into the water. The police act fast to get down there and call search and rescue. Meanwhile, Celeste gets a bad feeling at the hospital and tells Bonnie that death has struck again and will do so again tonight. -Maggie reads the note in the envelope to Alice telling them to meet Mickey in room 406 on the 4th floor. There is something he needs to show them there. Maggie is happy he is ok and thinks this is important. Alice and her head for the 4th floor right away to see what is going on. They tell Celeste and Bonnie where they are going just in case Caroline, Julie, and Jennifer look for them. After they leave, Celeste gets a bad feeling and says they need to find Alice and Maggie. -Mickey, Eric, Greta, and Nicole watch the search and rescue teams search the water. One of the police officers gets a call and looks on solemnly. They all head further down the beach and see Jennifer and Julie's bodies. They were thrown from the car and washed on shore. The officer tells Mickey that both women are dead. Mickey and the others are shocked. Mickey touches Jennifer's cheek and grasps Julie's hand. he says to rest in peace and says they are now with their husbands, family, and friends, Greta wonders how many more they are going to lose as Eric embraces Nicole and tells her he loves her. Greta notices how emotional Eric is. Mickey decides to hurry back to the hospital to tell everyone the news. It would be better coming from him and Maggie, Alice, and everyone there needs protection. Mickey, Eric, Greta, Nicole, and the bodyguards head for the hospital. -On Morgan Island, Hope and Lexie continue to wonder where Tek and Patrick went. Lexie still is perplexed by why Abe's coffin was empty. John says they will peice everything together once they return to Salem and break the news to everyone else. John is told they can leave now as one of the runways is now open. As they all leave, they look at the plane wreckage. Hope and Lexie comfort each other, as do Sami and Belle. John looks on and promises to find out what is happening and to help Marlena. They all board a plane and set out for Salem. -Chelsea wonders who the man is. The man says he works for her grandfather, Victor Kiriakis, and that she is to come back to Salem with him right now. Chelsea refuses saying she can't. When the man grabs her arm, she has a flashback to the two men raping her and begins to break down. The man tells her it's ok and that coming home will be for the best. He then sees the warning sign saying of a gas leak in the house. Chelsea sees it too and thanks the man for saving her from turning the stove on. She stops fighting the man and he leads her to his car to go back to Salem. -Caroline returns and sees Nico. She hopes Victor is not doing something dangerous. He says he isn't-Nico is just helping him with the mystery and the searches for Philip and Chelsea. He leaves Max's room to talk to Nico. Nico gets the call that Chelsea has been found and is on her way back. Victor is relieved. Victor then gets a call himself. It's the mastermind AKA the mysterious caller/Philip's kidnapper. The caller tells Victor he was wrong to share his knowledge of everything with everyone there. He has ruined alot of planning and will now have to pay. Victor is stunned when he hears Phillip's voice. Philip tells Victor he loves him and thanks him for everything. Victor says he loves him too and he will find him. The caller says it is too late and that Victor investigating the visions, drugs, hallucinations, etc and sharing his knowledge with the people being targeted has been seen as a betrayal. The caller says that Victor disobeyed orders and their deal to follow orders. The punishment is his son's death. Victor says he will give up anything or do anything-just let his son live. Victor then hears Philip yell out, "Dad!!!" and then hears a loud sound and the line goes dead. A horrified Victor wonders what has happened to his son and blames himself. He then hears beeping in Max's room and rushes in. Max has gone into cardiac arrest. Caroline begs Max to live and begs God not to let her lose another son. Victor comforts her as the doctor's work to save Max. -Celeste feels death drawing near and warns that one life is on the brink of death right now and two others are in extreme danger. Bonnie asks who. Celeste sees Max being worked on by the doctors as his life slips away and then has a vision of Maggie screaming. Mickey, Eric, Greta, and Nicole arrive and tell Bonnie and Celeste what happened to Jennifer and Julie. Celeste warns the death is not over and that Alice and Maggie are in danger and Max is near death. Mickey asks where Maggie and Alice are. Celeste says they told her and Bonnie they were going to the 4th floor to meet him. Mickey says he was gone so something is going on. Celeste warns they need to get up there now. Celeste, Bonnie, Mickey, Eric, Nicole, Greta, and the bodyguards race to the 4th floor to find Maggie and Alice. -Maggie and Alice wait in room 406 (the 4th floor is quiet and practically empty due to renovations). They wonder where Mickey is and if something may be wrong. Maggie turns to look at Alice and asks if she is done with her coffee. Alice says yes but then admits she feels weak and passes out. Maggie runs over and tries to wake her up but she doesn't stir. The door of the room slams shut and the lights are turned off. Maggie looks up to see the mysterious person with the black gloves (the person who set this trap up) looking at her wearing the same mask Marlena wore as the Salem Stalker. Maggie screams as the person grabs her by the mouth and tries to keep her quiet. The person then pulls out a whiskey bottle (just like the weapon used in Maggie's "murder" in 2003) and prepares to beat her with it as she tries to break free and scream as a helpless Alice sits there unconscious. The screen then fades to black.
-The doctor tells Jennifer that Abby is gone. She breaks down in the doctor's arms. -The doctors work to save Max but he has lost so much blood. His wound is infected and they can't understand how he managed as long as he did. There is still some debris from the accident in the wound. One of the doctors thinks it would be a miracle to survive this much blood loss. -Nicole wants the truth from Eric about why they had to come to Salem and stay. Eric says it's just a family thing and it was just time to come home for awhile. Nicole doesn't buy it but Eric urges her to trust him. She says she does and lets it go even though she is more suspicous then ever. Greta overhears and privately agrees with Nicole and wonders what is going on with Eric. She decides to keep an eye on her ex. -Maggie is frightened after the phone call, as is everyone else. Victor vows to catch the mastermind behind all this. Caroline urges Victor to be careful. Victor sees everyone worried about the visions they have been having, Celeste and her predictions, and now Maggie's phone call. He tells them all that they need to stick together and keep piecing this all together. If this is the Dimeras, they need to bring them down for good. -Jennifer comes downstairs as one of the nurses is comforting her. Jennifer lashes out and announces to everyone Abby is dead and Max is hanging by a thread. Mickey, Maggie, Julie, Alice, and Jennifer comfort each other. We then see flashbacks of Abby's life. -Caroline, Victor, Eric, and Nicole head up to check on Max. Jennifer snaps and pulls back from their emrbaces saying she has lost everything. Jack, Frankie, Doug, and now her daughter. She feels bad that she knew Max may be hurt but didn't push him to get attention medically and didn't acknowledge it. She says that it may be best for her to just go insane like her mother-she doesn't want to live or be around anyone. Life is meaningless now. Mickey tries to hold her but she knocks him back and runs off telling them to leave her alone. Julie says she feels the same way but knows that she has her family. Losing Doug makes her want to die but she lost him before and survived and knows she will here too. She decides to go after Jennifer since she may listen to her knowing she lost someone beloved tonight too. -Celeste predicts more will die tonight and Mickey tells her to be quiet. Celeste then has a vision of Maggie and Alice screaming for their lives and begging not to die. Celeste warns Mickey to get protection for Maggie and Alice. Celeste insists they may all need protection. Mickey begs her to stop with the visions but Bonnie urges Mickey to consider it-she thinks they should consider it for all those who were around or victims of the SSK and even those that weren't since they are having visions and Maggie's phone call said they are all targets. Mickey decides to be safe then sorry and calls the police department to get protection. Maggie is freaked but Alice is strong and tells Maggie they will be fine-Tom is watching them and so are all their loves ones that have passed on. Mickey hangs up the phone and says that bodyguards are being assigned to all those who need protection. Everyone is relieved but Celeste reminds them all that Maggie was still attacked at her home with a guard and a security system protecting her during the SSK spree. Maggie is worried again as is Mickey, Bonnie, and Celeste. Alice remains brave and confident and hopes they can all get through this. -Caroline goes in to see Max with Eric and Victor. They beg him to live. The doctors tell Caroline it can go either way and they hope they were able to stop the blood loss from continuing. Eric leaves the room and is comforted by Nicole. He tells Nicole he needs her more then she knows. Greta watches. They all three decide to go out and get something to eat together. Eric thinks it may help may things smoother between the three of them. Nicole is reluctant but agrees. Greta hopes to find out more about why Eric is back and back with Nicole. Victor is right by Caroline's side as she stays vigil at Max's bedside saying she can't lose another son tonight. Victor vows to be there for her and to catch whoever is behind this. -Mickey goes outside to meet the police assigned bodyguards. He assures Maggie and Alice they will be fine since they are in the hospital with many people. When he leaves, a mysterious person stalks them. -Mickey goes to the parking garage and meets the bodyguards. Eric, Nicole, and Greta come out too and tell Mickey of where they are going. They all here Julie screaming for Jennifer to calm down. They all run over to the screams. Jennifer gets in Mickey's car (she took the keys when Mickey was trying to calm her down earlier) saying she is going to be with Jack, Abby, and all her other loved ones. Julie begs her to reconsider. Jennifer starts the car as Mickey realizes his keys are gone. Julie says this isn't like her and isn't the Horton way-they need to be strong and carry on. Jennifer says she has no one to carry on for-they are all dead and more may die yet as Celeste predicts. She says she gives up and is going to reunite with her deceased family and friends. She puts the car in gear. Julie jumps in as it begins to drive away. Jennifer orders her out but Julie says she needs to stop her and she knows she can. Jennifer says no one can. Mickey and the cops deicde to pursue Jennifer, who is driving his car, Eric, Nicole, and Greta jump in a cop car with Mickey and one of the bodyguards and they take off, as several other cop cars follow and a chase ensues as the screen fades to black.
-The doctor reveals to Jennifer, Julie, Alice, Mickey, Maggie, Max, Victor, Caroline, Celeste, Greta, and Bonnie that Frankie and Doug both didn't make it. He apologizes for their loss and says there was just too much damage. Julie and Jennifer are heartbroken. Caroline embraces Max and says even though Frankie and him were not biologically Brady's she loved them like they were. She worries about how to tell Shawn Sr in his condition. Jennifer hugs Max too. Jennifer, Max, and Caroline all go in to say goodbye to Frankie. We see flashbacks of Frankie's time on the show. Max continues to hide his injury. Julie, Alice, Mickey, and Maggie go say goodbye to Doug. Jennifer joins them. We see some great Doug and Julie flashbacks. Doug and Frankie are taking to the morgue. _Eric and Nicole are driving back to the hotel when they hear about what happened at Jennifer and Frankie's wedding. Eric wants to go to the hospital. Nicole is not sure about letting everyone know they are there but agrees eventually. They arrive at the hospital where Eric is embraced by Caroline, Max, and the Hortons. Bonnie comments on his cute he is and Eric blushes. No one seems happy to see Nicole but she stands there quiet. They ask Eric why he is back. He says it was just time to come home. He announces Nicole and him are back together. Everyone seems shocked and appalled but Eric says when he and Nicole are together they bring out the best in each other. Everyone backs off him and Eric reassures Nicole everything will be fine. They then come face to face with Greta. Eric apologizes for what happened when he left and he pushes Nicole to do the same since she never did prior to Greta leaving. Greta says all is forgiven. Greta walks away and stares at Nicole as Nicole does the same to Greta. Eric notes that things are still tense. Nicole says Greta and her will never get along. Nicole and Victor reunite. Victor orders Nicole to stay out of his business and everything will be fine. Nicole agrees and thinks it is for the best. Caroline tells Nicole and Eric what happened to Frankie, Doug, and Shawn Sr. Eric feels horrible and wants to see his grandfather. Caroline thinks that is a bad idea since any shock could hurt him, especially Nicole and him being together. Eric agrees to wait. -Victor decides he needs to tell everyone about his discoveries since he has already told Celeste and Bonnie. Victor gets Caroline, Maggie, Mickey, Alice, Eric, Nicole, Greta, Jennifer, and Max together along with Celeste and Bonnie. He tells them of Nico and his findings and how he beleives what happened with Jack and the car and everyone being lured down to Morgan Island to look for Philip was a setup. He fears for their lives given Celeste's premonitions and the fact that Abe and Stefano are already dead. he continues to blame himself for what happened to Chelsea and Josh during the drug operation. Caroline urges him not to blame himself-he was only doing what he was forced to do to save his son. Victor says he went back to being criminal and it made things only worse. Max gets upset with Victor but Caroline orders him to back off. It is not Victor's fault. Everyone agrees and they are all worries about the drugs being in the water supply. Victor thinks they coincided with the SSK period where several of them had visions of the SSK "victims' as ghosts when they were alive. Victos thinks the drugs were used to make everyone vulnerable and somehow suggestions for visions were put in everyone's heads to totally convince them that their loved ones were dead. The fact that this coincided with Tony being missing from the hospital and Bo and Hope being attacked at the fashion show in August 2003 makes Victor beleive that the Dimeras are behind this and that someone is helping their organization by providing the drugs for the visions and hallucinations. The drugs may have been used to make the SSK "victims" wounds and bodies look worse then they are. That may be why Tony was able to convince everyone that these people were dead. It is possible that the medical team, including Lexie and Tek, and police department was drugged and had suggestions put in their head to give up CPR and the like to help the plan along. This freaks everyone out as everyone that lived through that whole ordeal is having visions and hallucinations right now referring to it. Jennifer, Bonnie, Victor, Caroline, Alice, Mickey, Maggiem and Celeste all remember the visions and hallucinations they had at the wedding. Eric, Nicole, and Greta note they weren't here so they haven't been effected yet. Nicole says she probably was since she only left a few months ago. Victor vows to get to the bottom of this, especially since they have his son and many people are in danger on Morgan Island. Everyone agrees that this seems like the Dimeras and now Victor seems to be figuring out the mystery being the murder/island plot and what is going on now. Victor wonders why the Dimera's, or whoever is responsible, would want them to have visions and hallucinations of that time. He wonders if the Dimeras are recreating that horrible nightmare and this time are haunting people with the past before killing them for good. Everyone vows to help Victor and say they are with him -Jennifer hears Abby is out of surgery. She goes to see her and begs her to live. The doctor tells her it doesn't look good. Max goes in to see her and talks about how he has grown to care for her. They were helping each other deal with Chelsea and Josh and she was a good friend. He hopes he was as good to her. He wants to keep being friends so he begs her to live. -Nicole feels uncomfortable and wants to leave. Eric says he needs to be there for his family. Nicole says she will leave then. Eric tells her to stay-he needs her. Nicole comments on how Eric hasn't wanted her to leave his side since they reunited and he has been awfully secretive about why he wanted to be back in Salem and wanted her there. She wants to know what is going on and demands answers. -Victor calls Nico and asks if there us any word on Philip and the mastermind behind everything going on. Nico has nothing. Victor asks about Chelsea. Nico says no sign of her. He hangs up. Caroline is there and urges Victor not to blame himself for anything going on. They all need to stick together to find out who is behind all this. She urges him not to blame himself for what has happened to Philip, Chelsea, and that poor Josh or what is happening on Morgan Island. Victor says everyone on the island went done to find Marlena and also to find his son, Philip. Josh was killed during the drug operation he orchestrated to save Philip and Chelsea was raped. He knew the people he hired for the operation for creeps but he went ahead. He should have never trusted that caller but he has Philip. He heard his voice and he needed to save him. Caroline comforts him and begs him to give himself a break. Victor vows to find out what is going on and how is behind everything. -Alice and Mickey are comforting a distraught Julie who wonders how to tell Hope about Doug. Meanwhile, a shadowy figure watches Mickey, Alice, and Maggie. Maggie then gets a phone call. The caller sounds like the same person who called Victor and ordered him around. Victor is close by and hears the voice faintly but Maggie hangs up before Victor can grab it. Maggie apologizes saying the caller hung up. Maggie describes the voice and Victor says it sounds like the same person who talked to him and had Philip and sent everyone to Morgan Island on a wild goose chase for Philip. Mickey asks Maggie why she looks so frightened after the call. Maggie says the caller told her that those having visions of the past-the Salem Stalker "victims" and those who lived through it-won't be so lucky this time. This time they won't make it-even those who weren't victims before. This time they will die for real and the caller told her that she is marked for death. Everyone looks on in a panic as Maggie shakes in fear as Mickey comforts her. Celeste then has a vision and says many are marked for death and many more will die tonight. Bonnie tells Celeste to be quiet but she has everyone attention as Eric, Nicole, Greta, Alice, Mickey, Victor, Caroline, and especially Maggie look on frightened. Meanwhile, upstairs near Abby's room, Jennifer is outside with the doctor who tells her Abby's chances are slim. Jennifer prays to God and begs her grandfather Tom, Jack, and now Doug and Frankie to keep her daugther alive. If she loses Abby, she won't be able to handle it and may not live through it. Max is in Abby's room. He kisses her hand and urges her to fight. He prays to God and begs Frankie and Jack to watch out for Abby. Abby then goes into cardiac arrest. Max begs her to hang on but when he gets up he bends over in pain and passes out, finally succumbing to his injury which is a large gash on his right side. Jennifer hears it and runs in. She finds Max and sees the injury figuring that must be where all the blood in the halls were coming from that the hospital staff was trying to figure out. She realizes he was injured all along and even saved her daughter like that. A doctor comes in and puts him on a gurney and rushes him out. The doctors and nurses try to save Abby but she then flatlines. They stop and Jennifer asks why they are stopping. They look at her and she screams, "No...oh no...NO!!!!"
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Oh there are more to come Keith. I am only focusing on a smaller cast and bringing back old faves. I already brought back Greta, Eric, Nicole, and Nico. I have also upped Celeste and Victor to contract. I just think a smaller cast will be beneficial. I hated getting rid of people like Bo, Carrie, etc but I want to get people to read my stuff just like writers get people to watch the show. Plus, to do what I want to do I need to kill off who I am killing off By the end of the week, if this was the real show, I think people would want my head . -
9 HUGE STARS OUT!!! MORE TO COME!!!! WHEN WILL IT ALL END?!!!! Days fans were told that this week would be shocking as the show returned from hiatus. They were also told that massive cast cuts were coming. James Reynolds (Abe Carver) and Matt Ashford (Jack Deveraux) were first (and to a lesser extend Brock Pierce's Josh was let go). Wayne Northup is out to as his character, Alex North/Stefano Dimera, was killed in May as well. Fans were told the week of June 12 would change the show forever and it has. Nine actors were killed off in a plane explosion set by beloved and now maniac character Marlena Evans Black (Deidre Hall), who revealed she was also responsible for the demise of Abe Carver and Stefano Dimera as well. This has many wondering if Hall is out too since her contract is up this summer. The show will not comment on this or anything else story-wise. However, these departures are confirmed as these actors last aired on June 12: Bo Brady (Peter Reckell): No doubt the most shocking exit. This was the exit being referred to as "shocking" in the rumor mill. This exit has stunned the soap world as Bo was one of the most recognizable characters on Days. Insiders speculate that the show felt it was time for Bo to exit at this point. The actor himself was "stunned" by the news. Kate Roberts (Lauren Koslow): Another exit that shocked the masses. Some show reps say "the character had been played out" and that the character of Kate had served it's purpose. The actress was also surprised by the news. Carrie Brady (Christie Clark): Another surprise since the character had major story possibilities and just returned. Carrie had just learned she was pregnant and did not know who the father was. She and her sister, Sami, were also being stalked. Insiders can't understand this axing and wonder if the show just scrapped her story all together and decided to cut their losses. Austin Reed (Austin Peck): The second time the actor was fired and this was shocking as well given the front burner story he was involved in (see above). Lucas Roberts (Bryan Dattilo): This came as a surprise again considering the story he was involved in (see above) and the fact that he is a Horton. Rumor has it the show is phasing out the Roberts/Reeds and that is the reason why the characters of Austin, Lucas, Billie, Kate, and possibly Philip (portrayer Kyle Brandt announced in April he was leaving but had extended his contract short term) have been written out. Billie Reed (Julie Pinson): Pinson took over the role in 2004 and her departure is not that shocking as the character was not a favorite with a good deal of fans. For reasons behind her exit, see the details on Bryan Dattilo's exit. Roman Brady (Josh Taylor): This exit was not too surprising considering Taylor never took off as a recast of the popular character and has had not story in awhile. This exit appears to be story-dictated. Shawn and Mimi Brady (Jason Cook and Farah Fath): These two exits were very shocking given they are part of the young generation in Salem and are in a front burner story right now. It appears the show is cutting cast and age is no part of the equation as the new HW wants to focus on a smaller cast and bring some former faves back. The issue of Shawn's daughter, Claire's, paternity will still come out but the show will do it without these two pivotal players. Insiders say the exits won't stop there. Expect two more characters to die on tomarrow's show (June 14) and two more to die June 16. Another will be killed off screen next week and as many as four others will also be killed off next week. Expect to hear the news that many former faves are returning in addition to those already returned and next week summer previews and a list of who is definitely staying will be released. The show hopes fans will stick it out-there is a great reward ahead. Since this story is clearly revisiting the SSK/Captive Island story, will there be another ruse with everyone being alive. Insiders say not this time-but there are a good deal of surprises ahead. RED HOT SUMMER DAYS IS HERE!!!
-On Morgan Island, firefighters and rescue teams try to put out the flames from the burning wreckage of John's plane. John is told by one of the workers that they have already found some human remains but they are charred beyond recognition. He also tells John that they checked camera footage of the runway and surrounding area and no one jumped off the plane or got out. They caught a glimpse of all the people huddled together on the plane frightened and then it exploded. There were no survivors. Sami, Hope, Lexie, and Belle cry out in pain. John comforts them and even tries to comfort Sami but she resists and blames this on John for making her mother snap. Hope and Lexie both snap at John since Marlena killed their husbands and Hope's son. Belle begs them not to fight. They all need to stick together now. Belle goes near the wreckage and says a private goodbye to Shawn, Mimi, Carrie, and everyone else. Hope does the same for Bo and Shawn and the others as does Lexie. Sami breaks down when saying goodbye to Lucas and Austin and then to Carrie. She admits she loves her sister even though she never acted like it. She also says goodbye to Roman and her uncle Bo. She says she will find her mom and try to help her. Hope and Lexie are furious but John convinced them that something is wrong-this is not Marlena. They wonder where she went and where Patrick and Tek went since they all seem to disappear. -Patrick and Tek are at a dock. They have obtained a boat and plan to sail someplace and lie low for awhile. They don't want this getting back to them nor do they want Marlena to find them. They are about to leave the island when they hear a noise and turn around. Patrick says, "You!!" -Back at the airport, Sami and Belle both pledge to get through this. Belle can't beleive she was almost on that plane. Same goes for Hope, Sami, and Lexie. They beleive they were kept alive for a reason. John says they were-they need to stick together and find Marlena and find out what the hell is going on. Lexie remembers Abe's casket being empty when Sami and her were in the accident earlier and she wonders why that was. John wonders if more is going on then they know. Lexie, Hope, Sami, and Belle vow to find out what is going on. John says they will all need to work together and stares at Sami as sami also looks at Lexie too. They all agrees to unite and put aside their differences. It is what their dead loved ones would have wanted. John says they need to return to Salem. Belle asks about Phillip. John tells Belle he thinks this was all a trap and that he isn't even there. They need to return to Salem and inform everyone of what has happened and contact the ISA and anyone else they can to help. Belle understands and wonders if her father is right and this was all a setup. John books the flight but is told no planes will be taking off for awhile due to the explosion, He understands and they all decide to wait. We then see Bo and Hope flashbacks as well as flashbacks of Shawn and all of them as a family. We see flashbacks of Shawn and Mimi as Belle remembers them. Sami remembers Austin, Lucas, Carrie, and Roman in flashbacks. They all vow to avenge their loves ones. While Sami is remembering, she is still being stalked as the mysterious stranger now seems angry and is clutching a picture of Carrie. We see a tear drop on the picture and then the stranger takes out a picture of Sami and lights it on fire. -Lexie privately asks John if Abe could be alive. John doubts it since Marlena killed him and Stefano and now those on the plane. They wonder about the casket. John vows to find out what is really going on once they get back to Salem. -Back in Salem, everyone is shocked by Celeste's premonition. Celeste informs everyone that tragedy has struck on Morgan Island. Just then, everyone hears the doctors working feverishly on a dying Frankie and Doug as both fight for life. Jennifer asks a nurse how Abby is doing in surgery. The nurse says she is hanging on but her life is hanging by a thread. Caroline arrives as everyone asks where she has been. She regrets not being there for Frankie but the shock of the accident caused Grandpa Shawn chest pains. he hid away to not be seen but she found him and he collapsed. With all the EMT's working on everyone else, she got him up and took him to the hospital herself. He had a minor heart attack and is stabile now and being monitored. Victor comforts her. She learns how bad Frankie is and is heartbroken. She fears if Frankie dies Shawn Sr may not be able to take it. Meanwhile, Max is still unaware of his injury and blood beings to drip on the floor. Mickey notices it and asks Max what is wrong. Max says he probably has a cut and he will have it looked at later once he learns if everyone, including his brother and Abby, will be ok. He nearly passes out but keeps moving. -Celeste warns everyone that many have already died and more are to come. The death on Morgan Island has stopped but it is now reaching Salem. Alice, Maggie, Mickey, Victor, Bonnie, Caroline, Celeste, and Jennifer all have the visions of the time of the SSK and of how they "died" and got to the island. They are the same ones they had at the wedding. Victor calls Nico. Nico tells him the drugs were put in the water supply of Salem. He had some men do a test. Nico says his sources tell him that the drugs have been being dumped into the water supply since August 9, 2003. Victor remembers that was the day of the Basic Black fashion show where Bo and Hope got attacked. That was when the whole SSK nightmare began. Nico says the drugs make people vulnerable to implanted visions and hallucinations-meaning the drugs are in the water supply but people won't have visions or hallucinations until they are implanted in the subconscious. Victor figures Philip's kidnapper/the mysterious caller is somehow planting suggestions of the visions in everyone's heads and brainwashing them to have them. This is even happening to him. Victor now knows he has to alert everyone. Celeste and Bonnie overhear him and want to know what is going on. Alice, Mickey, Maggie, Julie, and Jennifer all comfort each other. Greta offers support and apologizes for her role in everything. No one blames her. Greta goes over to Bonnie. Victor, and Celeste. Victor informs them all of his findings. Greta notes that she wasn't in Salem for any of it so she hasn't been drugged. Victor beleives the car Greta and Jack were in was a trap and that the mastermind behind everything wanted Jack to interupt the wedding and hurt and kill people. Greta agrees-the car was rigged. Jack could not even control the car. Victor reminds them all that this person has kidnapped his son and he beleives led everyone on Morgan Island into a trap. Philip was probably never there and poor Abe was already a victim as was Stefano. He hopes Celeste is wrong and no one else has died on the island. Victor also tells them of what happened to Josh and Chelsea because they interupted the drug operation he organized to appease the mastermind. He blames himself. Greta tells him he was only doing what he could to save his son. Victor says he hurt his granddaughter and now has no clue where she is nor does anyone. Caroline overhears and wants to know what Victor is telling them. Jennifer, Max, Mickey, Maggie, Alice, and Julie want to know too but they are interupted by the doctor. Jennifer and Julie both ask of Frankie and Doug made it. The doctor looks at them as the screen fades to black.
-The ambulance arrives to take the injured to the hospital at Jennifer and Frankie's wedding. Doug is put in the ambulance. Julie rides with him as Maggie, Mickey, and Alice follow them to the hospital. Celeste looks on horrified and says "This is only the beginning." Bonnie overhears and becomes frightened. Victor joins them and agrees with Celeste. Victor decides that everyone in Salem needs to know what he has discovered. -Max tries to help the rescue teams get Abby out from under the car. Max is unaware that he has been injured himself and is bleeding down his leg. Jennifer is hysterical. Frankie is put in the ambulance and taken to the hospital. An unconcious Greta wakes up and asks what happened. Jennifer tells her and asks her the same question. Greta tells Jennifer everything about Jack being alive, what he did, and how they found the car when they arrived in Salem. Greta insists that Jack could not stop the car-the brakes seem to have been gone. Greta beleives someone tampered with the car and left it there knowing Jack was desperate to get to the wedding and knowing he would take it. Victor overhears and realizes that the mysterious caller/Philip's kidnapper is manipulating all of their lives and could be responsible for all this and the visions everyone had concerning impending death and the Salem Stalker. Greta and Jennifer mourn Jack. We see flashbacks of Jack and Jennifer's life together. Jennifer says she is mad about him faking his death but she will always love him and knew what he was trying to do. She needs to be with their daughter now and hopes Jack will watch over her. Greta says goodbye to Jack too. She remembers their time together and tells Jack she loves him. The rescue team and Max get Abby out from under the car. She has head trauma and internal injuries. Jennifer rides with her to the hospital. Greta, Max, and the others follow. -Nicole and Eric kiss and reunite. She asks him why he asked her to return to Salem. Eric says he has come home to be with his family and friends. He needs them and also needs her. He regrets many things about his past and one of them is leaving everyone behind. He regrets leaving her and professes his love for her. Nicole does the same and admits she was lost without him. They kiss and he carries her to his car where they make love. -On to Morgan Island: John, Sami, Lexie, Tek, Patrick, Hope, and Belle all try to stop the plane from taking off. They are shocked when it begins to move. John and the others make a beeline for the control tower. -On the plane, everyone is shocked when it begins to move. Bo tries to get up and get to Hope but Billie tells him maybe she decided not to board. Bo thinks Hope and him are now finished for good and thinks Billie is right-she chose not to come home. Carrie, Austin, and Lucas wonder about Sami and Kate and Roman wonder about Lexie and Tek. They wonder what is going on. Shawn wants to go get his mother but Mimi stops him. The pilot orders everyone to be seated with seat belts on. No one else is boarding or even waiting to board. This announcement stuns everyone. -John gets to the control tower with Belle, Sami, Lexie, Tek, Patrick, and Hope behind him. He orders someone to so something and tells them a bomb is on the plane. The tower is unable to contact the plane and it seems the pilot is ignoring them. The pilot then picks up and asks what is wrong. The tower tells him about the bomb just as the plane shifts into take off mode and begins to speed up. Tek and Patrick worry about them being blamed for this. Patrick says his sister is on that plane. Tek insists they need to get out of there so that Marlena doesn't pin this on them or come after them. Patrick says goodbye to Mimi and says she will be better off since she won't have to deal with the wrath Marlena is about to inflict on everyone. Patrick blames Tek and Stefano for this. Tek says all the mind control and all the things Marlena has been through have just combined to make her snap. The plan he implemented the night Stefano died was the last straw and he will never be able to live with himself now. Both men leave and regreat what is about to happen but want to save themselves. John, Lexie, Sami, and Hope look on helplessly. Sami and Hope think about their loved ones. John does so as well. They then catch a glimpse of Marlena who is wearing a headset to contact the tower. She laughs and tells them "Now you can watch your loved ones die." John says that they are her loved ones to and asks Marlena what is going on. He thinks Alex did something before he died. Marlena says, "Alex did nothing. It is me. I am killing them. They are evil just like you all are. You are all next. Mark my words. Abe and Alex were first and now those on the plane will die." She insists, "You all wronged me and now you will all pay the price." Everyone is stunned by this. They are shocked to hear Bo on the pilot's radio. Hope grabs it and tells Bo she is sorry and that she loves him. They then hear Roman. John tells them to stop the takeoff sequence but the pilot says he can't-the plane has been rigged not to stop and is going to takeoff. Marlena must have set it all up so no one could stop it. Hope screams for Bo and Shawn as Sami screams for Austin, Roman, and Lucas. John and the others hears panic and screams on the plane. Bo tries to open the cabin doors but they won't budge. They are trapped. Everyone on the plane realizes their fate now. -Eric and Nicole finish making love. Eric tries to get up but gets dizzy. Nicole catches him and asks what is wrong. Eric says he sustained a minor concussion in Africa while on a photography assignment. Nicole tells him to be more careful now that they are back together. She doesn't want to lose him. She asks why they need to be back in Salem though. Eric says he wants to be around family, friends, and her right now. Nicole asks if he is back in Salem to stay. He says he is back for awhile. Nicole says she doesn't want to stay for good because not many people like her there and she loves LA. Eric tells her to stay as along as he stays and that will make him happy. She agrees. They kiss as Eric looks on with a worried look on his face. Nicole tells herself that something is not right and is determined to find out what Eric is holding back. -Everyone is at the hospital. Frankie and Doug are in dire straits. The doctors work to save them but both have internal injuries. Everyone prays they survive. Abby is raced into emergency surgery to repair her eternal injuries. Max continues to walk around injured. He nearly passes out but keeps going wondering why he feels sick. Mickey asks Bonnie why she is there. She says she is there for him and will always be there for him. Jennifer is a mess and begs God not to let her lose Frankie, Doug, and Abby too. Maggie, Alice, Jennifer. Max, Greta, Mickey, and Julie pray together. Bonnie, Celeste, and Victor look on. Victor says they need to know what is going. Bonnie and Celeste ask what he means. Victor says they will know soon enough. Celeste then has a vision. Everyone looks at her. Celeste says, "Many loved ones in Salem and on Morgan Island are about to die." Everyone looks on horrified as Victor says to himself, "Someone needs to stop this bastard." Just then, everyone hears the doctors say Frankie and Doug have taken a turn for the worse. -Back on Morgan Island, the Salemites on John's plane prepare to die. Bo emrbaces Shawn and says he loves him. Mimi is there too. Billie comes over with Kate and Roman. Carrie wants her father too and joins them with Austin and Lucas. Carrie regrets that her baby will never get the chance to live and that she will never know who the father is. She tells both Lucas and Austin she loves them. Kate looks at Roman and says she will always love him. Roman says the same. Kate tells Billie, Lucas, and Austin that she loves them and they do the same. Kate also says that she will always love John and hopes he knows that and that she appreciates how he was always there for her. They all huddle together and hope somehow they can make it out of this. They then begin to pray together and then Bo says, "I guess our time is up. I love you fancy face." We then hear Shawn say, "I love you Belle." Belle and Hope both start crying at the same time and they both say, "I love you too." Sami tearfully says, "I love you Austin. I love you Lucas. I promise I will take care of Will and tell him how brave his father was in facing death." Sami breaks down. Lexie looks at her and is stunned to see her like that. She reluctantly reaches out to Sami and holds her in comfort. Hope and Belle do the same as the women comfort each other. John lashes out for someone to do something. The tower workers say they can't do anything and either can the pilot. John tells Marlena to stop this from happening if she knows how. Marlena: Sorry John-it's too late for them. They will now pay the price. John: For what? Marlena: Sorry John I simply must be going but I will leave you and everyone else, including those soon to be fried people on the plane, with one last thing-MAY YOU ALL BURN IN HELL!!! HAHAHAHAHA!!! At that moment, the plane takes off. Tek and Patrick watch from the woods a distance away. John, Lexie, Sami, Belle, and Hope watch from the tower as the plane lifts from the ground. They all look on and then BOOM!!! The plane is blown to smithereens as Hope, Sami, Lexie, and Belle scream in agony. Back in Salem, Celeste screams "NO!!!!" painfully as everyone looks on horrified. On Morgan Island, Tek and Patrick looks on. Patrick has a tear in his eye and says "Mimi..." John looks on helplessly and is appalled by what Marlena did. He then sees Marlena near the burning plane wreckage on the runway. She thrusts her hands into the air (simliar to that of the posession story when she set St. Luke's on fire) and yells out, "Yes!!!" and laughs uncontrollably. John is stunned by how evil she is and so is everyone else who looks on stunned that their loved ones are gone. Marlena then jumps up and down in enjoyment as the screen fades out on her evil grin watching the burning wreckage.
DAYS RETURNS WITH A BANG!!! Monday June 12 marks the return of Days of our Lives from a two week hiatus that began on Friday May 26, 2006. The first episode back is said to be the kickoff of one of the most shocking weeks in Days, possibly daytime history. Insiders speculate that the cast bloodbath that began with the axing of James Reynolds and also led to Matthew Ashford's firing will reach it's peak this week. Apparently, this week brings multiples tragedies and was what insiders meant a few weeks ago when they mentioned some veteren performers getting pink slips. By the end of the week, as many 12-13 people may be out. The ending of Monday's show is said to be HUGE and many think this refers to the death trap laid by Marlena (Deidre Hall). This has many worried about the fates of their beloves faves on John's jet. Fans are also worried about those injured at Jennifer (Melissa Reeves) and Frankie's (Billy Warlock) wedding including the groom himself, Doug (Bill Hayes), and Abby (Ashley Benson). Friday's show will also contain something shocking that may appall Days fans. Insiders say it's something very "out of character" for this person and their actions will take others down with her. Be also on the look out for more referrals to the SSK storyline this week as visions and hallucinations effect the victims of that "murder" spree in Salem. Victor (John Aniston) and others will begin putting the pieces of a big mystery together this week that will lead to huge answers. Speculation about the state of Marlena (Deidre Hall) abound. Setsiders say she is "going down the path of no return" and that the worse is yet to come. The actress's contract is up this summer and rumors are that this may be her grand sendoff. Days's Red Hot Summer begins Wednesday June 21. Summer previews should be released soon. Here is a more detailed weekly breakdown of what is coming up this week: Monday June 12: The race is on to stop the plane from taking off. Marlena exhibits how far gone she is. A selfless Max works to save Abby, not knowing that he is injured himself. Greta suspects Jack and her fell into a trap as Victor overhears. Eric being secretive worries Nicole. Tuesday June 13: Abby is near death. Doug and Frankie take a turn for the worse. Marlena disappears. A huge event occurs that changes the lives of everyone in Salem forever. Wednesday June 14: Two Salemites perish. Former SSK victims are haunted by the past. Victor shares his discoveries with everyone. Maggie gets a threatening phone call. Max collapses as Abby flatlines. Nicole and Eric come face to face with Greta. Thursday June 15: Jennifer loses it. Max's life hangs in the balance. Mickey demands protection for Maggie and Alice after Celeste's vision. Nicole demands answers from Eric. Friday June 16: A beloved Salemite commits a shocking act and takes down another beloved character with them. Maggie and Alice are stalked. The mysterious caller contacts Victor. The Morgan Island crowd takes off for home. Next Week: Chelsea returns to Salem and gets bad news. Maggie and Alice are attacked. Victor is given devestating news. More Salemites bite the dust. A group of Salemites, enemies and friends, unite to grieve and to solve a mystery. Marlena resurfaces in a shocking way in Salem. REMEMBER DAYS RETURNS MONDAY!!! MISS A DAY MISS ALOT!!!
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
You and me are really in sync with casting decisions aren't we? We both bring back Greta, Alan, Eric, etc and now we dispose of Jack. I will tell you one thing you have seen nothing yet-next Monday and Tuesday will be the beginning of massive changes! Oh and is KR the only one reading my blog? I think others are but they never comment so I don't know who does and who doesn't. People used to read my old fan fic so I wonder if I lost them when I quit for a few months with my fan fic and started this one. -
I don't know how long Alan will be in mine. Probably awhile because I am cutting a huge chunk of the cast next week when my fan fic returns. He will play a huge part in my plans though.
Damn KR you and me always end up doing the same stuff . It was a surprise but I am bringing him back in mine too. That is who has been stalking Carrie and Sami in my fan fic. I plan to just use Paul Kersey but I do like the Scott Holroyd idea myself.
MATT ASHFORD OUT!! THE BLOODBATH CONTINUES!! WHO WILL BE NEXT!! As fans learned on last Friday's explosive cliffhanger show, Matt Ashford's character of Jack Devereux met his maker yet again after his car crashed his wife Jennifer and Frankie's wedding-literally. This time sources say Jack is really dead and he joins James Reynolds (Abe) as the second major vet to be cut loose. Brock Pierce (Josh) was also let go previously this month. Sources report the cast purging is far from over and on June 12 and 13 several characters will be killed off with more to follow shortly thereafter. This has many fans worried given many beloved Salemites are on a plane set to explode per a plan by deranged Marlena (Deidre Hall). Sources say those that die will not only possibly be from the death trap on the plane but from Salem too. Frankie (Billy Warlock), Abby (Ashley Benson), and Doug (Bill Hayes) were all injured when Jack crashed his car. Celeste (Tanya Boyd) has also had visions of deaths on Morgan Island and in Salem, as has many other Salemites who had deadly visions and faced reminders of their deaths during the SSK story. This has many thinking that the "top secret story to re-tell a failed tale correctly" is the SSK story only this time everyone will stay dead. No one at Days will comment but with a new writer on board anything is possible. Rumor has it that only a select few cast members may be left when this is over and that former faves will be brought back to soften the blow. John Aniston and Tanya Boyd (Victor and Celeste) are back on contract and Lorenzo Caccialanza(Nico) has returned on a recurring basis. Arianne Zuker and Jensen Ackles (Nicole and Eric) also have returned and rumors now have them staying on a more long term basis. Julianne Morris (Greta) also turned out to be the surprise return this month and first aired May 24. She has signed a long term contract believed to be for 3 years. Many more seem to be on the way back as the show is undergoing major changes. Many fans also want to know what is up with Marlena. Sources say the beloved 'Doc" has finally snapped and that what we are seeing is all the brainwashing and mind control finally taking its toll on her. Rumor has it the character will further go over the edge in the coming weeks when the show returns June 12. Keep reading as more develops!!
When Days returns on Monday June 12, 2006: -Eric and Nicole reunite and face their biggest challenge ever. Why are they back in Salem? -Carrie is pregnant but who is the daddy? Does it make a difference since she may not even survive? -John's jet prepares to take off as Marlena watches her deadly plan unfold. -Hope, Lexie, Sami, Belle, Patrick, Tek, and John race to stop the plane. -Chelsea returns to Salem. -Victor and others begin to piece together what has been going on in Salem and learn it may have been going on for many years!!! -Jennifer deals with Jack's death and the aftermath of the chaos at her wedding. -Frankie, Doug, and Abby fight for life. -Hallucinations and visions of death and tragedy abound in Salem. -More loved ones and beloved fan faves are lost as death and tragedy continue to make their presence known in Salem and on Morgan Island. -Just how far gone is Marlena? The biggest twist is yet to come. -All this and more when Days returns June 12!!! Please remember to post your thoughts, opinions, etc about my fan fic while I am on vacation the next few weeks. Just want to see how you all like everything and so on. See you all when I return!!! (I will be gone May 30-June 7 by the way in case you wanted to know)
-Nicole is in her room at the Salem Inn when she receives a phone call. She tells the person she will be right there and takes off to a location unknown. -Bonnie and Celeste arrive at the wedding. Everyone comforts Celeste over Abe's death and she thanks everyone for that. Celeste begins to have the same visions she has been having about those on Morgan Island and in Salem. She then begins to hear the same Lizzie Borden rhyme Maggie and Alice heard during the SSK "killings" and she also hears a voice say in her head, "Kill Kill Kill." -Victor arrives and is awaiting a call from Nico about investigating the caller who ordered him to organize the drup operation to save Phillip. He is not happy things got out of hand and a young man got killed. He is even more angry about the girl who got raped. He vows to end this, Caroline and Shawn come up to him and they catch up. Caroline asks if something is wrong. Victor lies and says no. -Maggie, Alice, Julie, and Abby all work on getting Jennifer ready. She is so happy and knows Jack would approve. -Max, Mickey, and Doug help Frankie prepare. He is very excited and always wanted this. Mickey and Doug welcome both Frankie and Max into the family and are happy the Horton's and Brady's will be united again. -Jack and Great have landed in Salem. There was an accident on the highway so the limo Greta arranged for is being delayed. Jack picks uo a paper and sees a article about Frankie and Jen's quickie wedding and their plans for a bigger one in the future. The article talks about two prominent families being united again in marriage. Jack is stunned and now wants to make it to Salem park ASAP. He is touched they are using the gazebo but can't let this wedding happen even though it would not be valid. It would hurt Jen if he showed up after the vows. They try to get a cab but fail. Jack sees a abandoned car with the keys in it and the doors open. He gets in and Greta follows him in the car. She is suspicious that a car would be waiting for them right there with doors open and keys waiting. Jack thinks nothing of it and drives off in a rush. -On Morgan Island, John and Belle search for Marlena. Belle talks about how she can't lose her mom too. John goes off in search of her and asks Belle to ask a few people if they have seen Marlena. He orders Belle not to do anything without him, Belle asks the maid on that floor and she tells her the same thing she told Tek and Patrick-that Marlena most likely went to the airport. Belle makes a huge decision and takes off without her father. John returns a little while later and learns from the maid where Marlena is and where Belle may have gone. He tries to find transportation to the airport and finds a shuttle. He pays the driver off and drives it himself. -Sami and Lexie argue on board their shuttle bus about everything Sami has done, especially to her. Sami asks Lexie if she plans to stay quiet now about her affair since Abe is dead. Lexie says that Sami only cares if she is going to tell all about what Sami did to Austin. Sami asks if she plans to. Lexie says she can't think about that right now given her husband just died. She calls Sami horrible for asking her these questions right after her husband has died. The shuttle then lurches to one side and crashes in a ravine. The driver is knocked out and Sami and Lexie find themselves trapped as the door is jammed and the windows are automatic. They try to break the windows but can't. They are trapped together. Both women scream in frustration and anger. -Carrie, Austin, and Lucas board the plane. The mysterious stranger watches Carrie board the plane and then walks away. Austin, Carrie and Lucas hope Sami and the others get there soon. Lucas and Austin continue to grill Carrie about her feeling ill and such. Carrie says she is fine. She then tells herself that no one can figure out she is pregant until she figures out how to handle everything, especially since it is unknown who the father is. -Bo once again tries to talk to Hope before they board the plane but Hope insists she needs to think during the flight home Bo upsets her and she goes to the ladies room to freshen up and dry her tears. Bo and Billie board the plane. They are both still worried about Chelsea and they comfort each other over her and over Hope. Hope sees it and runs off in tears. She now conisders not even boarding the plane home. -Kate and Roman board with Shawn and Mimi. Shawn is worried about Belle which annoys Mimi and Kate. Kate pressures Mimi to fight to hold onto Shawn. Roman is worried about Marlena, as is Kate. Kate hates to leave with the whole Phillip thing but they need to follow orders from the kidnappers and that is what they told Belle to do-send everyone away. -Patrick and Tek search the aurport for Marlena. They can't find her and try to avoid being seen by any Salemites so suspicions are not aroused. They look out a side window and see someone attaching something to the plane. It seems strange since the plane is supposed to be ready. Tek's cop instincts tell him to check it out so he uses his badge and Patrick's well known status (and the fact that everyone on the island seems to trust him) on the island to gain clearance. They are shocked to see it's Marlena. She says they are too late. Tek sees its a bomb leaving both men in shock. Patrick realizes Hope is going on the plane. Tek urges him to warn everyone before it's too late. This was not part of the plan and Marlena seems out of control. He knows Lexie is going on too and races to warn her. Marlena laughs and says they are both too late. -Meanwhile, at the wedding in Salem, Celeste begins to see flashes of all the SSK 'killings" again and memories of that time flood her mind. She actually begins to see coffins filled with the people in Salem and those on Morgan Island. Maggie and Alice begin to hear the creepy children singing and the Lizzie Borden rhyme as does Doug and Caroline. They also relive their SSK "deaths" in their minds as well as the way their coffins went to the island (like they were going down to the fires of hell). They all begin to see coffins in front of them with their dead bodies in it. Bonnie begins to relive memories of the time of the SSK too. Victor overhears all this and wonder what is going on. Caroline, Doug, Maggie, Alice, and Celeste tell everyone what they are seeing. Abby flips but Max calms her and says it's all a overreaction. Abby is still worried. Mickey an Shawn Sr privately worry, as does Julie, while all three try to calm their loves ones. Frankie thinks nothing of it and think everyone was somehow reminded of the past and they hallucinated. They all try to forget about it and forget but Celeste says another Salemite will meet their maker within minutes!!! -Jennifer gets calls from Mike, Bill, and Laura. She then is ready to walk down the aisle but begins to hallucinate too. She sees herself in a coffin right before her eyes and is flooded with memories of the SSK period. She is ready to walk down the aisle and collects herself thinking nothing of the hallucination. Victor hears she hallucinated too and wonders why everyone is doing that. He knows why Celeste is but why everyone else? Victor then gets flooded with memories of the SSK time period too and relives his "death" at Jan's hand in vivid memories. He sees himself in a coffin right before his eyes as well. He wonder why everyone is going through this. His phone rings. It's Nico-he has the info he wanted just as the wedding is about the start. -Nicole arrives at Lookout Point and looks around for the person she is meeting. She turns around and smiles when a man calls out her name. It's ERIC BRADY!! She races into his arms and they embrace. Eric thanks her for returning to Salem like he asked her to and says he needs her now more then ever. Eric then pulls her into a steamy kiss. -Bo, Billie, Kate, Roman, Shawn, Mimi, Carrie, Lucas, and Austin await everyone else boarding. -Hope collects herself and says she needs to get on that plane and just think and face her future. She can't run forever. She is then grabbed by Patrick who begs her not to get on board. Hope asks why. He says everyone on that plane is in danger and they need to stop it. She asks from who. Tek shows up and asks if Hope has seen Lexie. She answers no and asks what is going on. Tek says it's Marlena. She has lost it and has rigged a bomb to blow up John's plane once it lifts off the ground. Hope is shocked and says they need to stop the plane. All three race off to stop it. -Marlena is now in the airport and watching the plane at a distance not to be seen. She is stoic and just staring off with a smile. Belle shows up and sees her mom. She races up to her as Marlena turns around. Belle asks her what is wrong-she knows something is wrong. Marlena says nothing is and her, Sami and her father not being on that plane is a blessing. She says, "Now the evil ones can die and we can live happily ever after as a family." Belle asks what she means. Marlena says she feels bad Carrie has to die but she isn't her real daughter and the plan needs to be followed perfectly. Belle asks again what is going on. Marlena admits she rigged the plane to explode on takeoff. Belle is shocked. Hope, Tek, and Patrick then run by screaming for the plane to stop because of a bomb. No one sees Belle and Marlena. Marlena then tells Belle she can't get caught or they can't be a family and then runs off. Belle tries to stop her but can't and Marlena is gone. Belle realizes Shawn is on the plane and now regrets her decision not to find her dad and bring him with her. She races off to help stop the plane from taking off. -Sami and Lexie try to get out but can't. They are shocked when John arrives. He uses a piece of debris to break a window and pull both ladies out. They both argue again. Belle then calls John and tells him everything. John then tells Lexie and Sami who both are shocked and worried about those on the plane right now. Lexie says she can't leave without Abe's body. She opens the coffin and nothing is there. She wonders where the body is. John says maybe the coffins were messed up or something. He stresses that they need to go save the lives of people they love and he needs to find out what is wrong with Marlena. Lexie and Sami agree and leave with John for the airport. Lexie looks back and wonders what happened to the body. -Victor asks Nico what info he has. Nico says its good and bad. The good is he learned that the drugs were hallucinogens and about 75% of them stayed back in Salem while the other 25% went off to some island he hasn't found out about yet. Victor asks where the drugs were taken in Salem. Nico says there is a possibility whoever is behind Phillip's kidnapping may have put the drugs into the water supply somehow. Victor admits it makes sense now with all the visions and hallucinations at the wedding-this person is manipulating all of them including those who were set up to go to Morgan Island on a wild goose chase for Philip that just put them all where this person wanted them. Victor wonders why this person wants them all to be tortured and to suffer. Nico tells Victor that was the good news but not really good good but the better of the two. The real bad info he got is he knows that the kid that died way Abby's boyfriend. Victor says it's a shame but no one can learn of it. Nico says he knows the name of the young woman who got raped by two of those men they hired for the job. It's someone he loves-his grandaughter Chelsea. Victor is heartbroken and in shock and wonders what has he done. He blames the person behind Philip's kidnapping and everything else and vows they will pay. -The wedding now begins as everyone tries to forget about everything and focus on the wedding. Julie and Maggie serve as bridesmaids while Abby is maid of honor. Mickey and Doug are ushers while Max is best man. Jennifer is walking down the aisle alone. Just as she is about to walk down the aisle, Celeste gets up and screams "It is here!!" and a car crashes right into the gazebo and into the bridge made of cement brick that is nearby. Jennifer runs up and finds a injured Frankie. Doug is injured too as Julie and Mickey tend to him. It's total chaos. Jennifer looks for Abby and can't find her. Max looks too and find her underneath the car and badly hurt. It appears she was dragged with the car. Jennifer tells Abby and Frankie to hold on. She is outraged and wonders who could do this. She thinks the person must be drunk. She looks in and is shocked. It's Jack and Greta is next to him. She can't beleive Jack is alive but Mickey takes his pulse and says not anymore-Jack is dead. Jennifer breaks down and screams for Jack and yells, "Why?!!!"
-Roman, Kate, John, Belle, Shawn, Mimi, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Billie, and Bo are all waiting for word on Phillip. John used his ISA contacts. Belle begs Roman to let the Morgan Island police in on it. Roman says it would only drive Phillip's kidnappers farther away. John comforts Belle. She tries to seek out Shawn for comfort but looks at Mimi and backs off. Sami and Belle are worried about Marlena, along with everyone else. John says he is too and wonders if the "real" Marlena is really back. -Tek and Patrick continue to watch Marlena fiddle with a letter opener and gun. Tek gets a call to help in the search. They both decide to leave Marlena alone right now so that they can keep appearances up with everyone. No one can suspect anything. Tek joins the group searching for Phillip. Patrick joins Hope, who is comforting Lexie while trying to avoid Bo. -Hope tells both Lexie and Patrick that she doesn't want to talk to Bo. She plans on thinking about everything on the plane and then talking with him in Salem. She needs to think if she beleives him or not about finding him with Billie before she arrived on the Island. Lexie urges her to talk to Bo before something bad happens, like what happened to Abe, and she misses her chance. Patrick is angered by Lexie pushing Hope but still beleives he will win Hope. -Belle finally gets a phone call. It is the same mysterious caller that called Victor. The distorted voice is the same. The caller orders Belle to make everyone go home except her. She asks why. The caller says to do it or Phillip dies. Belle asks if her father and mother can at least stay back with her. The caller agrees but says no more. The caller says once everyone is gone she will hear from Philip and they will start talking about how she can get him back. The caller hangs up. Belle informs everyone of what was said. John fues up the jet for everyone else to go home. Bo calls Hope and Lexie and tells them what is going on. Hope doesn't really want to go but Lexie says she has to face the music. Hope then gets call from Alice telling her about Jennifer getting married. She thinks Hope should return for this and is happy she was able to reach her. This pushes Hope to want to go home. She hopes that she can make a final decision about Bo and stick with it but either way she will have to talk to him once they return to Salem. Hope, Lexie, and Patrick join everyone else. Hope tells them all about Jennifer. She also tells Bo she needs to think on the ride home and then they can talk in Salem. Lexie is heartbroken about coming home with Abe's body. Roman comforts her and says she needs to be strong and the sooner she gets this overwith the better. Everyone leaves to pack. -Patrick tells Hope he isn't coming home right away. He wants to stay for some peace and quiet first (really he wants to watch Marlena since she is staying back with John and Tek has to return to Salem to work with the police so no one is suspicious). Hope hugs him and thanks him and says she hopes to hear from him soon. Patrick tells Tek to keep in touch. Tek says he will come back to the island if soemthing goes down. Tek goes to comfort Lexie who says she needs him now more then ever. This makes Tek happy. -Austin, Sami, and Lucas continue to wonder what is up with Carrie. She is laying in bed ill (and waiting and thinking about her pregnancy test and who the father may be if its positive). The mysterious stranger continues to watch them. The stranger then takes out a planner of sorts and in it there is a picture of Carrie and Sami with the word REVENGE written in bright red. The stranger's fist clenches in anger. Austin and Lucas begin packing. Sami goes to help so Carrie can pull herself together to go home. Time is up and the test is ready. She goes to look at it and is shocked by the result. -Roman, Kate, Shawn, Mimi, Lexie, Hope, Bo, Billie. and Tek all wait in the lobby. John approaches them and everyone wishes each other luck. Belle says goodbye to Shawn and Mimi. Shawn doesn't want to leave her which annoys Mimi. Belle tells him to go. They embrace. Lucas and Austin come downstairs. Carrie follows. Lucas and Austin ask if she is ok and she simply nods. Sami is running late because her dress ripped (she heard a noise which was the stranger outside and ripped her dress and has to change and will catch the next shuttle to the airport) so she tells Austin to take the rest of her luggage and she will be there. Lexie wants to stay back and make sure Abe's body is taken care of. She decides to go with the car taking the body to the airport. Tek decides to go with her. Everyone else leaves for the airport. John and Belle decide to go see Marlena. -Patrick races down to Tek in the lobby. Lexie is talking with the driver of the car taking Abe's body. Patrick tells Tek that Marlena is gone. The maid said she has been gone for awhile and took off in the direction of the airport and looked like she was in a rush or on a mission or something. This worries the both of them. Tek tells Lexie he can't go with her in the car. He wants her to be alone with Abe and it wouldn't be right given what went on between them behind Abe's back. Lexie thinks its best too and was thinking the same thing. Tek leaves her and goes off with Patrick. They ask the maid if she saw anything else. She says no but there is only one place she could have been going in that direction and that is the airport. Tek and Patrick head for the airport. Meanwhile, John and Belle are shocked when they find Marlena not in her room. They wonder where she went. -Lexie realizes she forgot her cell phone in her room. She tells the driver to go on ahead so they body can get on board and the plane doesn't get held up. She will just take the shuttle with Sami and Tek even though she hates Sami. Lexie goes to her room and then returns to get on the shuttle. Only Sami is on board. Lexie figures Tek must be on his way to the airport already. She tells Sami that they just need to be civil for a little bit until they get to the airport. Sami laughs and doubts they can be. Lexie and Sami both stare at each other in disgust. -Meanwhile, at the airport, John's crew is preparing the plane for everyone. A mysterious person then sneaks in dressed in the same gear as the crew. It's a woman and her hair is tied back. She has a large box which says, "To: Marlena. You know what to do." The woman is indeed Marlena and she takes soemthing out of the box. It's a bomb!!! She opens a compartment under the jet and then takes a piece of paper out of the box which has instructions for connecting the bomb to the plane's engine. Marlena explains that when the plane goes into gear to rise off the ground it will explode the minute the wheels lift off the runway. She laughs as she works on connecting the bomb and says, "The time has come for their greatest nightmare to begin."
-Jack is still at the bar/inn the men brought him too. He thanks them for their hospitality but says he needs to go home ASAP but has no clue how. He is short on cash since he beleived he was going to die so he never worried about finances. At that moment, a women walks in. Jack is shocked to see her. It's GRETA!! She embraces Jack and admits she thought he was dead. Jack fills her in and Greta is very disappointed he would do what he did to Jennifer and his family but is touched by Jack wanting Jennifer to be taken care of. Jack is shocked that Greta has forgiven him for the whole "gay" thing. Greta says she was mad but understands he did it to protect her feelings from being hurt. It's all in the past and she still cares about him. Jack feels the same and explains his desire to get home now that he is cured. Greta offers to use her royal power and resources to get him home. She phones her private jet and orders it to get ready. She tells Jack it's time for him to go home. He is still very weak so Greta helps him as they leave for the airfield. -Maggie, Julie, Doug, Alice, Mickey, JJ, and Abby are all with Jennifer as she prepares for her wedding to Frankie. She is wearing a plain white dress since the wedding is happening fast. She assures her whole family that they will have a big wedding later with the rest of the family present. She just wants to do this for her and her family's sake and the quicker the better. She looks at the sky and thanks Jack for his blessing. Max then arrives with a sad look on his face. Abby asks him what is wrong. He asks to speak with Abby alone as everyone else wonders what is going on. He takes her outside and reminds her that he is there for her and that this will be hard. Abby asks what is going on. Max tells her Josh was found dead and that Chelsea is missing and no one seems to know where she is. Abby breaks down and feels guilty about what happened with her and Josh. Max says he feels guilty about what he did to Chelsea too and hopes she is ok. They comfort each other. Jennifer comes out and asks what is wrong. Max fills her in. Jennifer comforts Abby and says she will cancell the wedding. Abby tells her no and says Josh woudl want it to go on. She also says dad would want it to happen too. Jennifer hugs her and the rest of the family comforts her. She asks Max how it happened. Max says he was shot and thrown into the river. Someone spotted the body. As for Chelsea, no one has been at her house and Billie and Bo left a ton of messages. No one knows where she is. They wonder if Chelsea knows how Josh ended up dead and if she may be in trouble. Max says the police are on the case and now looking for Chelsea. Abby thansk Max for being there for her as Max does the same. Abby hopes they catch who killed Josh and admits she wants to find out how it all happened for peice of mind. She admits she did love him and now wishes she had sex with him to give him what he wants before he died. Max holds her and says he needs to meet his brother but he is there for her. Abby goes and helps Jennifer. Alice and the others admit they have no something borrowed, something blue, etc because the wedding is so soon. Jennifer says its ok since the big wedding will be in the future. Jennifer is ready to go and they all take off for the wedding. -Frankie is with Caroline and Shawn Sr in the park. They say he has always been a Brady and they are proud of him and Max. Frankie is happy that everything seems in place. Max shows up and informs them of what is going on with Josh and Chelsea. Everyone is appalled about Josh and worried about Chelsea. Caroline and Shawn Sr think it will be ok and tell Frankie to go on with the wedding as planned. The police can handle it and Chelsea is probably fine. They hope she wasn't somehow involved in Josh's death and is now in danger. -On Morgan Island, Carrie privately takes a pregnancy test and hopes she isn't pregnant since she slept with both Austin and Lucas. Both men wonder if something is wrong with her since she has been feeling ill. sami notices too and wonders what is up. Carrie confides in Kate her fears and tells her she slept with both her sons. Kate tells her to hope for the best and admits she thinks she belongs with Austin. Carrie says whoever the baby's father is, if she is pregnant, will be who she chooses. Kate thinks that is wrong but Carrie doesn't want a child in a broken home. Kate hopes the baby is Austin's if Carrie is pregnant. -Tek and Patrick think Marlena is a loose cannon and continue to worry about her. They wonder if the plan they put into action for Stefano has made her out of control and now they have to deal with it with him gone. They should be in the clear now but they have to deal with this. They decide to continue to keep an eye on Marlena. -John is with Marlena in their room. He is shocked when she is cold and distant to Carrie and Sami when they visit. Both girls worry about her and hope she is just tired or still out of it from the amnesia. John is even more shocked when Kate and Roman stop in to talk about the Phillip situation. John decides to go and help and Marlena wants to be alone which stuns everyone. She says Belle doesn't need her right now. John asks what is going on. Marlena insists she is simply tired and just dazed. It's been a long ordeal. John lets it go and goes off with Roman and Kate to help after making sure with Marlena that she will be fine alone. John confides in Kate and Roman that he is worried about her and he is starting to think she has no memories of her feeling for any of them and is still in the state Alex/Stefano put her in. John says Belle needs him now though and maybe he is wrong and Marlena just needs rest and quiet. Kate and Roman offer to help him with Marlena. He thanks them and they go off to Belle's room. Meanwhile, in Marlena's room, she holds a gun and letter opener in her hands. She wonders which one to use next in her fight to "destroy all the evil ones." She looks out the door and sees John, Kate, and Roman walk away. She says, "John if you only knew. If you only knew the danger and tragedy upon you and everyone else now." She laughs in a sinister way and says "zero hour is coming." Tek and Patrick watch from outside the balcony of Marlena's room and now have their fears confirmed. Tek tells Patrick based on what they are seeing right now in Marlena's room and what he did to Marlena to put Stefano's plan into action, it may be time to start thinking about getting rid of Marlena permanently to ensure their safety and mass chaos. It may be time to kill Marlena. Patrick nods in agreement as they both watch Marlena with the gun and letter opener.