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Everything posted by PhoenixRising05
1/11/06 (new day in Salem FINALLY!!!) -Bonnie, Belle, and Shawn are sitting with Mimi. Mimi called them all to tell them that her test results are in. Shawn reminds Bonnie and Belle not to get Mimi upset. The doctor warned against stress. He stares at Belle when saying this as she apologizes again for what she did last night. Bonnie tries calling Roman at home and then the station. She learns he is at the station but not taking phone calls. She thinks about going down there but remembers how angry he was with her and decides to give him some space and maybe he will get over it and they can work it out. She decides to just be there for her daughter and hope that she is ok and that by some miracle Patrick is found alive. -Hope is at JT’s bedside when the nurse comes in and says she has a phone call. She takes it. Its Roman. He tells her that Bo is still at the accident scene and that he doesn’t know when he will be back. Hope asks Roman why Bo just didn’t call her himself. Roman says he guesses it was because he is with Billie and they are at odds over Chelsea and her. Hope wonders how Bo and her will deal with this and then asks Roman how he is doing. He says he is fine and wishes people would stop asking him that. Hope says that he needs to let everything out. Roman says he is fine and that he doesn’t have to let out anything. He says he has to go and they both say there goodbyes. The nurse then comes in and tells Hope that the Reiber’s attorney called and that he is on his way here to take care of their affairs. Hope asks the nurse if she knows what that may include. The nurse says it does include her and her husband but she doesn’t know how. All he asked is that Hope and Bo Brady be present, as well as any other members of their family that wish to. Hope wonders if she may be getting JT back and starts reminiscing about their time together (we see flashbacks of her holding him for the first time, her playing with him, some of their final moments together before they gave him up and the moment they did give him up). She lovingly touches JT and tells him that she never got over giving him up and either did the family. They always considered him family and he was always her son to her. She lays her head on his body as she tearfully begs him to get through this so that he can have a chance to be reunited with the family that brought him up. -Caroline visits Roman at the station. She tells him that she has made the funeral preparations and that it will be at St. Luke’s and the reception at the pub. It will be a joint funeral for both Shawn Sr and Mickey. Everyone decided on this since they both died together and the families are so close. She also says that Eric is coming home as is Kim and Shane and the kids. She also says that Kayla is coming home with Stephanie too. Roman says its great. Caroline begs Roman to show some emotion as Roman blasts her and complains about everyone, especially Bonnie, nagging him about showing emotions and letting his feelings out. Caroline says that they are all right. He can’t keep everything bottled up and she says that he always does that for the family but it has to stop. She grabs him and says that his father died and he needs to grieve and he can’t do that and move on until he lets everything out. Roman tells his mother he is sorry but he can’t do that. Its not him and he is not gonna turn in a wreck when his family needs him to stay strong to get them through this. He apologizes and says that people need to let him handle this his own way. Caroline agrees to back off but asks him why he mentioned Bonnie nagging him when he was yelling. Roman tells Caroline that Bonnie wants him to do the same thing everyone else wants him too and that she is pushing him to just open up to her. Caroline says she will stop pushing but she will push him to apologize to Bonnie. She tells him that she may be a little “out there” but she is still human and she was there for him last night all night. Caroline says that Maggie even noticed a different side to Bonnie-she was compassionate and loving and she really cared about helping him. She agrees that Bonnie may not be right for Roman but he does owe her an apology for at least being a good friend. Roman says he will speak with Bonnie later. Caroline leaves to go to St. Luke’s for a meeting with Fr. Jansen about the funeral. Roman goes into his office and looks at a picture of his father. Tears start welling up in his eyes but he quickly wipes them away. He remembers how he treated Bonnie and realizes he has to apologize. As he is about to call, a officer comes in and needs him for something and Roman decides to call her later. -Bo and Billie are still searching the accident scene. They still can’t find anything. Bo comforts Billie who breaks down when a rescue worker thinks that the chances of Patrick and Chelsea being alive is slim. He thinks they were burned up in the car and that they were blown up to nothing when the car exploded. Bo tells Billie they will keep looking until they find concrete proof. Billie asks Bo how they will deal with Hope and all the others who blame Chelsea and them for the tragedy. She adds that no matter if Chelsea is gone or not, people are gonna blame her and them and her mother for what happened. She blames herself saying that she let her mother spoil Chelsea and that she did let her get away with everything but she wanted her to love her. She wanted a relationship with her daughter and wanted to make up for not being there while she was growing up. Bo says he is at fault too. He gave her too much and let her do everything too. He says he should have never let her go on that trip with Patrick as Billie says that she and Hope pushed too but Chelsea would have found a way to go anyway because she always got her way and that was the problem. She tells Bo that even if she went with Max last night she might have still ended up in this mess because of her behavior. Bo says they need to figure out what happened and he promises Billie he will. Billie asks Bo why they didn’t stop Chelsea and her ways before it was too late. She says that they should have listened to Hope and everyone else and that they failed as parents. Bo tells her they didn’t fail, they just made some mistakes. No one is perfect and they just need to hope that she is alive somehow and that they get another chance. They just need to search and hope for the best. Bo says he could care less about finding Patrick if he is alive as Billie begs to differ. She also says that they would need Patrick for the truth since Chelsea would lie. Bo says that Patrick would lie too but says that they need to stop fighting and look for anything that could prove they are still alive. They go back to searching. -Lexie finally returns to the Carver house. She is a emotional wreck. She is shocked when he opens the door and finds suitcases filled with her belongings in front of her. Abe declares that he didn’t think she would come home. She says that she wanted to give him time and space but Abe says that he doesn’t need anything. Her latest lies and betrayal are the final straw and he wants her out. She begs him and explains to him how vulnerable she was after he “died” at the hands of the SSK. She says Tek was there for her and she just couldn’t help but grow close to him. He was so good with Theo. She also cites how he pushed her away during his blindness and that once they reconciled in the Fall and he finally stopped with his angry behavior her and Tek stayed away from each other. Abe says that he knows he is partly responsible but she still never told him what happened in his absence and she still got involved with a man who was nothing but a womanizer in the past and she knew that. Lexie says that he treated her well and Theo well and she was vulnerable. Abe admits his mistakes concerning his behavior but says that he wanted the truth from Lexie. Tek told him on the island that he was there for Theo and Lexie but as friends. He expected that his wife would tell her own husband the truth but she didn’t. She let it go on and eventually gave in and had an affair which she still never told him herself about. He admits he would have understood if she told him but instead he had to catch her. He asks if anyone else knew. She says Alex knew and actually blackmailed her but backed off after Marlena learned he was her husband. Abe says that it’s a relief that Alex and Celeste were the only ones that knew otherwise he would feel like a complete fool despite his blindness. He tells Lexie they could have had it all. He is cured now and they could have been happy but he can’t trust her. She has lied and betrayed him too many times and he knows their were circumstances that furthered this and that he pushed her away but it was her dishonesty that hurt him. He tells her that it was that same dishonesty that drove Tek to his death. She begs Abe for another chance and says they can have it all. Abe tells her that he doesn’t know what the future holds but that he needs her to leave for awhile until he can sort through this. She asks him about Theo. He says that she can see him when she wants but Celeste will have to bring him to her. He just can’t look at her right now. Celeste comes in with Theo after a walk. Lexie holds her baby. Abe goes into the kitchen and tells Lexie she better be gone when he gets back. Lexie says a sad goodbye to Theo and tells him she will see him everyday and that everything will be ok. His mommy and daddy will be ok. They have to be. She breaks down in tears and hugs Theo. Celeste reminds Lexie that she warned her about this. She said Tek was bad news and that, in a way, his death spared her what would have happened had he won her from Abe. He would have picked up and left her just like he did to all the other women he left after they divorced their husbands. She says that he wouldn’t have done that to her but Celeste says that Lexie was blinded by him even after she knew what he was. She tells Lexie that her infidelity and deceit led to this and it led to death and the destruction of her family. She tells Lexie that she has hurt Abe too much and had too many chances. This may be the final nail in the coffin. She tells her mother not to say that and says that without Abe she has nothing. Celeste then has the same vision she had at the accident scene and says that Lexie still has her Dimera blood and she warns Lexie not to turn back to evil in her time of vulnerability and need. Lexie says it doesn’t matter what she does if she doesn’t have Abe. She already has done enough damage and is responsible for Tek’s death. She should have went to meet him or just agreed to keep her mouth shut otherwise he would have never rushed back and got killed. She may as well have killed Tek herself since she sent the man to his death and it was his love for her that drove him there. She confesses to her mother that she did love Tek but not as much as Abe and now she has lost both of them and has nothing. Celeste warns Lexie again not to let evil take her over again, reminding her what happened the last time she was desperate and turned to evil by embracing her Dimera roots. Lexie tells her mother that nothing matters right now since she lose Tek and the love of her life, Abe. She may even lose Theo if Abe decides to go that far. Abe comes in (after overhearing everything from behind the door) and says that they will deal with that later and she needs to leave. Lexie kisses Theo and holds him again and gives him to her mother. Celeste says that she will stay at the house so Theo will still have her. Lexie hugs her and thanks her. She tries to go and embrace Abe but he backs away. She goes and picks up her bags and looks at them once more and walks out the door. Celeste puts Theo down to play and aks Abe if he heard everything they discussed. He says he did and he breaks down in tears wondering why Lexie hurt him and how he will deal with this. He even says he is worried about what Lexie might do, including going back to her Dimera roots with nothing to lose now. Celeste has that vision again and is really worried. She holds Abe, who continues to sob and wonder where they all go from here. Lexie watches from outside the window and cries, declaring to herself that she has lost Abe and Tek forever and maybe her son as well. Her family is shattered because of her lies and she wonders how she could hurt Abe like this. She picks up her bags and walks away as she says that she loves Theo and Abe and always will and never meant for it to be like this for everyone. -Maggie is with Alice, Doug, Julie, and Jen. Frankie is there too with Max and Abby. Funeral arrangements are being made for Mickey and Shawn Sr’s joint funeral. Jen goes to get coffee and asks if Frankie si alright. He tells her that he can’t believe the man he always considered his dad is gone. Jen comforts him and promises to help him get through this. Frankie says she already is. Jen also consoles Max and says she is here for him. The other Horton members also pledge their support to Frankie and Max. They both thank all of them. Max thanks Abby for spending New Year’s eve with them and says he is sorry it turned bad. She says not to worry about it and that they both had tragic losses last night and that they need to be there for each other to get through this. They overhear everyone talk about Chelsea and her role in this. Jen and Alice don’t blame her but the others do and Max and Abby disagree but decide to stay silent so they don’t start an uproar. They both then admit to each other that Chelsea probably did play a part in the pileup though but they can’t see laying the blame totally on her since other cars were involved. They hope that both Patrick and her are alive even though Max hates Patrick and was hurt by Chelsea when she went off on a trip with him instead of being with her. Abby comforts him and says that they will get through this together and they embrace. During the whole funeral discussion, Maggie keeps thinking about drinking and the temptation grows with every minute. Alice and the others remind Maggie not to blame herself but Maggie says she can’t help it. She should have never sent him out. Alice insists that everything last night was meant to be and is really no one’s fault. Everyone then goes back to blaming Chelsea and the lack if discipline on Bo and Billie’s part but Alice and Jen say that no one is perfect and that they really don’t know the whole story. Jen then says she hopes Patrick is alive, which makes Frankie cringe as he remembers Jack warning him to make sure that Patrick is far away from his family. Meanwhile, we see Jack (who is in a blonde wig and has dark sunglasses on along with a hat)and Greta board her private plane. They are gonna start their journey in Austrailia where Greta found a doctor who may be able to help Jack. Greta reminds Jack of their deal and Jack insists that he remembers and hopes they can find a cure but doubts it. He is ready either way though and is happy that Frankie is doing what he thought he would. They open a newspaper and are shocked to learn about the pileup and deaths. Jack feels bad for Jen losing Mickey and for Billie losing her daughter and for everyone else that died. He learns about Patrick and admits he is happy that scum is dead, he explains to Greta why he feels that way as Greta thinks maybe they should stay now given everything that is going on. She is concerned about John and his condition and wants to be there to support the Brady’s and Horton’s who were so good to her. Jack insists he feels the same way but he is running out of time too and they need to get going. Greta agrees and says she will call everyone and give her sympathies once they arrive on the ground. The plane then begins to move as Jack looks out the window and says one last goodbye to Jennifer just in case he never sees her or Salem again. Back to the Horton house, Alice goes to lie down and tells Maggie again not to blame herself as does everyone else. Everyone leaves and Maggie is alone. She continues to fight her temptation to drink and decides to go for a walk in the park. She knows Mickey wouldn’t her to drink but she just can’t deal with the pain of losing him and being the one that sent him out with Shawn Sr. She leaves the house in tears, wondering how she will ever deal with this. Back at the hospital, the doctor arrives with Mimi’s results. Shawn promises to be there for her no matter what. Belle gets jealous as Bonnie tells her not to expect to get Shawn back just because they know Claire is his. She is still married to Phillip and Shawn loves Mimi so Belle better cool it or she will take action to protect her daughter. She tells Belle that she has always loved her because her and Mimi were best friends but she will not stand by and watch Belle destroy her daughter’s life. She gave up Shawn for Phillip and now she needs to live with it and let things alone. Belle says that Shawn will make the decision after everything calms down with Mimi, Claire, and everything else and she will not pressure him. Shawn does love her and she loves him and she will respect his decision no matter what and she says Bonnie should too. They all then quiet down to hear what the doctor says. He tells Mimi he has good news. He doesn’t know how its possible but she is pregnant. Mimi gasps in shock as she tells Shawn she is going to have his baby. Bonnie smiles and Belle looks on in horror realizing she may have just lost Shawn as the screen fades to black. On the next Days... Bonnie warns Belle to back off. Mimi’s happiness is short- lived. Maggie makes a shocking purchase. Carrie tells Lucas that her and him can never be more then friends. Austin takes Sami out to get her mind off her troubles. Caroline pushes Victor away.
1/10/06 -Victor visits Caroline at the pub. He says he noticed the light on still and wanted to check on her. She tells him to leave and that she wants to be alone. Victor says that he is here for her and tells her not to blame herself for what has happened. She says she doesn’t but she blames Tony for keeping her from Shawn for so long and putting her in a situation to betray him. She says that she is too blame for letting passion get the best of her and succumbing to Victor. Victor says he should have stopped it. Caroline wants Victor to go. She can’t talk about this right now and wants to just be alone to grieve for her husband. Victor agrees to go and says that he will call her sometime to check in. Caroline then goes behind the bar and cries, feeling guilty about her infidelity and wondering who she will get by without her husband. -Victor bumps into Kate. She is an emotional wreck and Victor is shocked when Kate says she finally understand how horrible of a mother she is. She interfered when she should have just let her children live. She got away with it for years but now she has finally realized what she has done. Victor comforts her and tells her that sometimes you need to make your own mistakes to learn and that is what Kate’s kids must do and what she must do. She needs to learn from the mistakes she has made and never make them again. Kate says she doesn’t even know who she is. She always thought of herself as a good mother. That was her identity but now she realizes she never was that. She doesn’t have a man in her life and her family is in ruins. She has nothing and doesn’t know who or what she is or where to go from here. Victor thinks Kate should be home and not alone in her state but Kate says Billie went out and that she was going to stay with her tonight to make sure she was alright. She got a message from Bo to meet her at the hospital. Victor tells Kate she can stay with him tonight. Despite everything, he still cares for her and she is the mother of his son. They are about to get into Victor’s limo when they see a passed out, drunk Phillip near a dumpster in an alley. They go over and wake him. They beg him to come home with them but Phillip lashes out at them saying how they were lousy parents, how there breakup and the circumstances surrounding it hurt him, and how their deception about Claire and Kate’s interference in his life screwed him up. He is also hurt because everyone seemed to know about Belle and Shawn being together in his absence but him. He tears into both of them and really lays on to Kate about how her interference in her children’s lives makes things worse. He was hurt when he lost Chloe and she pushed him to land Belle. He didn’t want to force anything because he had already been hurt but she forced the issue and if it weren’t for her maybe none of this would have happened. Kate and Victor try to help and comfort him but he just keeps trashing them, especially Kate. He runs away from them as Kate breaks down in Victor’s arms saying her children are a mess, especially Phillip, and she did all this. Victor tries to calm her but Kate ignores him and pushes away from him and runs off as Victor worries about what she or Phillip might do. Lucas arrives at Maggie’s house. She doesn’t answer so he uses his key to get in. He finds Maggie in the kitchen crying with a picture of Mickey in her hands. She is still blaming herself for sending him out with Shawn Sr but Lucas tries to convince her otherwise. She blames Tony too for taking so much time from Mickey and her. Lucas comforts her but Maggie says that she will feel guilty for the rest of her life and doesn’t know how she will live with the pain of knowing she sent Mickey to his death. Lucas tries to comfort her but she then pulls out a bottle of whiskey saying that it would be ironic if she drank herself to death citing how the SSK whacked her with a whiskey bottle. She says Mickey got it from Shawn Sr and kept it hidden from her due to her alcohol condition. He kept it here for when Doug and Julie came over or anyone else. She says that she has never been so tempted to just drown her sorrows away and not stop until she killed herself. Lucas warns her against that and says he is there for her just like she was always there when he fell off the wagon or was thinking about it. She says that she doesn’t care about anything anymore. Lucas then brings up how he feels. He feels lonely and like an outsider. Phillip hates him because he kept Belle and Shawn’s relationship from him, Austin is juggling both Sami and Carrie and neither of them even thinks about comforting him over what has happened, the rest of his family is a mess, he hates his mother, Will is MIA and doesn’t know when he is coming back, and he has nothing. His uncle Mickey is even dead and he feels tempted to drink too but knows that Maggie herself would be against that but right now she is so upset that she doesn’t know what she is saying. He says that Mickey would not want her or him to stop being sober. Maggie agrees and puts the bottle away. She tells Lucas thank you for saving her from herself as Lucas says that she has done the same for him many times. That reminisce about Mickey and he agrees to help with the funeral arrangements. She then tells Lucas she wants to be alone and promises that she will call if the temptation is too great again. He says he will do the same and leaves as Maggie takes the bottle back out again and places it at the table. She pours some into a cup and, as her hand shakes and as tears stream down her face, she tries to resist drinking it. She then throws the glass against the wall, along with the bottle, and breaks down crying on the floor again saying it was all her fault and she don’t know if she can go on. -Everyone is relieved when the doctor comes out and says that Mimi is calm now. Bonnie goes in to be with her and comforts her about Patrick. Shawn lets Belle have it for upsetting Mimi twice tonight. Belle apologizes as Shawn warns her to be more careful until Mimi is better. He goes in and comforts her, which makes Belle jealous. Mimi and Bonnie both hope that Patrick is alive but Roman thinks its impossible that he and Chelsea are. He believes that remains will be found at the scene. Bonnie and Roman leave and promise to keep everyone posted if there is any news. While alone, Bonnie is comforted by Roman again. She continues to blame Chelsea and her recklessness and involvement with Patrick and says she knows its his niece but that she is glad if that witch is dead. She just hates that her son had to go too. Roman holds her but then Bonnie tries to get Roman to let his feelings out about his father and everything that happened. Roman goes off on Bonnie again and reminds Bonnie that he is fine and doesn’t want to talk about. He told her if she pushed this again to leave him alone and she did just that. She forces the issue again and Roman tells her to get away from him and leave him alone. Bonnie tires to reach out to him but he just walks away as Bonnie cries against a wall saying how much she wants to help him like he did her because she cares about him. Belle wishes Mimi well and goes to be with Claire. She continues to hope and pray for a miracle for Claire and for a future with Shawn. The doctor tells Mimi he won’t have the test results until morning and that she needs to be left alone to rest. He emphasizes no stress until further notice. Shawn kisses her and says he will be back in the morning. He leaves as Mimi worries again about losing him to Belle and starts having pains again, wondering what will happen and what is wrong with her. -Hope can’t believe JT is at Salem University Hospital. She asks the nurse what is going on. The nurse says that JT’s and his parents were driving back to Salem to surprise some people with a visit. Hope realizes it must have been the Reiber’s driving to Salem to visit them. They were involved in the pileup. Their car hit another one’s in the melee and flipped over. The impact killed JT’s parents and JT sustained head trauma from being thrown by the impact and his body went into shock following the accident. This caused heart damage due to too much trauma and stress on the heart. All the repair to JT’s heart during his operations when he was younger were ruined in the accident and now they think some of JT’s other organs could shut down too. They say he may need a new heart and may also be brain dead. Hope breaks down in Bo’s arms. They go over to JT and hold his hand and beg him to hang on there. He was always there son and always will be and they need him to pull through. Hope tells Bo that JT is an orphan now. Bo says that Glen probably had relatives to take JT should something happen but says that they shouldn’t worry about that right now. JT needs to get better and they will be there for him. Shawn arrives and leanrs what happened and sits by his mom and JT saying that his little brother has to make it. He will always be his brother too. Billie arrives and Bo leaves the room quietly without Hope noticing. He fills her in on everything, including JT and Chelsea and Patrick. Billie screams “NO!!!” and breaks down in Bo’s arms. Hope hears this and comes out with Shawn. Bo tells her that Chelsea’s car started the car pileup as Billie is stunned and thinks that there must be some explanation for Chelsea’s speeding. Hope then explodes with anger and says there is. Its because her parents and grandmother were soft and let Chelsea get away with everything. Bo tries to calm her but she lets Billie have it saying that Chelsea’s behavior and the lack of tough parenting is what caused this and what destroyed many lives and killed many. She tells Bo and Billie to look at JT and what their daughter’s actions did. It was reckless and should have never happened. Shawn agrees. Billie once again points out Hope’s mistakes with Shawn but Shawn points out that he made those decisions as an adult. Chelsea was not mature enough to make those decisions. Bo then blames Hope for pushing the trip on Chelsea and Patrick but Billie admits to that too but notes that Hope was the final catalyst to make it a go. Bo and Billie try to defend Chelsea as Billie refuses to believe Patrick and her are dead. Bo hopes she is right but warns Billie if she is alive then she will have to deal with a lot of trouble from everyone, including the police. Hope says that if Chelsea is alive she will have to answer to her and so many others as Billie insists she doesn’t care what Hope or anyone else says. Bo. Kate, and her may have made mistakes but their daughter had it tough growing up and she is not responsible for everything that happened. She was reckless but her actions did not cause everything to happen. It was all meant to be and it just so happened that other people unfortunately got involved. She insists that her daughter is still alive, along with Patrick, and says she is going to the scene to find them so that they can find out the real story. She runs off as Hope notices Bo itching to go after her. Hope tells him to go but if he finds Chelsea she will be punished and will face the consequences this time. Bo understands but says that they need to find out everything first as Hope says she already knows everything. She knows that no matter what Bo is gonna defend Billie and Chelsea’s actions and the hell with everyone else. Hope says that she will be punished for what she did to everyone who is hurt and suffering and can’t believe how Bo is dealing this since his own “father” died in this and the boy he thought of as a son is fighting for his life with his real parents dead. Bo just looks at Hope and takes off after Billie. Shawn tells Hope he can’t believe who dad is defending her as Hope says she can and that if Chelsea is found alive that is when the real trouble will start and she doesn’t know what her or anyone else will do to her or whether Bo and her will be able to get past this. They both go in to be with JT as the screen fades to black. On the next Days... Mimi gets her test results. Bo and Billie search for Chelsea and Patrick. Jack and Greta leave town. Hope stays vigil at JT’s bedside. Maggie begins to lose it and prepares to take a drink as Mickey’s funeral preparations are made. Lexie gets a shock when she returns home.
1/9/06 -Will is at the hospital as the doctor asks for proof that he is Will’s fiancee. He urges him to go in and ask Chelsea. However, Chelsea is unconscious so it has to wait. The doctor asks for Chelsea’s last name so they see if Will’s story checks out about Chelsea having no family left. Will (remembering that with the Benson’s dead Chelsea has no other family since she was adopted by them and doesn’t think Chelsea has had her last name changed legally yet) tells the doctor her name is Chelsea Benson. He goes to check out. While he waits, Will decides to check in with his parents. -Sami, Lucas, Carrie, and Austin are now at Sami’s place. They are waiting for more word from Bo, Roman, or the Salem PD about Will. Austin is comforting her which Lucas sees and is jealous of. He walks off to a corner to be alone as Carrie follows asking if something is wrong. He lies saying there is nothing wrong. Austin comes over and holds Carrie telling him he is here for her too. Lucas says to himself, “Yeah you are just here for everyone aren’t you.” Austin asks if he said something. Lucas says no and then wonders why no one gives a damn about him. Austin is his brother, Sami is Will’s mother, and Carrie is his friend yet no one even asks him how he is doing with everything that has happened. The phone rings and Sami picks up and says its Will. Lucas sits next to her as she puts the phone on speaker phone. Will says he is ok. Sami tells him about Mickey, Shawn Sr, and everything else that happened while he was MIA. Will is upset and says he wishes he could be there but can’t. He has a friend that needs him and doesn’t know when he will be back. Sami is worried but Will tells her that if she knew what he was doing she would understand. Lucas tells Will they trust him but they want him home now because he has school to worry about. Will says that this is serious and more important then school. He promises to call them at least once a day until he is home which he hopes to be soon. He says he has got to go and says he loves them both, even though sometimes he doesn’t show it towards Sami. Sami and Lucas say they love him as he hangs up and Sami gets up starts crying. Austin walks over to her and says it will be ok. Lucas goes over too but she won’t let go of Austin. Carrie thinks everyone should go home since its been a long night. Austin agrees. Lucas hugs Sami and says it will be ok. She then goes back to Austin as Lucas leaves with Carrie, clearly jealous that Sami is with Austin. Lucas notes that Carrie hasn’t been bothered by Austin being with Sami and asks her why. Carrie says she has her reasons and just wants to go to bed. Lucas says he is going out as Carrie asks again if something is wrong. Lucas lies again and says no, even though he is feeling more left out then ever. Will is gone, Mickey is dead, Austin has both Sami and Carrie’s attention, his family is a mess-he just feels alone and depressed. He leaves as Carrie remembers learning about Austin taking over High Style and wonder who Austin could do such a thing. -The doctor returns and tells Will that his story checked out-Chelsea has no family left. He goes to check on Chelsea and says he is going to prepare her for surgery. Will wonders how Chelsea will pay for it. Meanwhile, as the doctor goes in a cubicle, he comes face to face with Bart who is in a doctor’s disguise. He gives the doctor loads of money and tells him to give Chelsea all the medical care she needs and to not tell anyone that her or the young man is there or he will have to deal with the Dimera’s. The afraid doctor agrees and walks out to tell Will the surgery has been taken care of. Will then is given a envelope by a nurse that contains a wad of cash and a note saying to stay far away from Salem and that there will be more cash and whatever else is needed to live away from Salem provided for him and Chelsea. Will wonders who is doing this but reads the bottom of the note which says that if Chelsea and him return to Salem both their families will be destroyed and will suffer a fate worst then death. Will realizes he will just have to stay away from Salem. The note also says that everyone, including the police, that is searching for Chelsea will be taken care of. Will puts the envelope in his jacket and wonders what is going to happen now. -Max and Abby both talk about Chelsea. The hope she isn’t dead but can’t believe she may be responsible for starting this tragedy. They comfort each other and admit that despite everything they did care for Chelsea. Frankie and Bo discuss what just happened with Hope. Bo says that Hope is right when she says he and Billie let Chelsea get away with a lot but Hope pushed for her to go on the trip so she has blame too. Frankie tells Bo that no one really is too blame but Bo says that Hope won’t see it that way. Meanwhile, Jen and Hope are going through the same exact discussion, only from Hope’s point of view. Maggie and Caroline are walking the halls and can’t believe that Chelsea may be responsible. -Roman holds a crying Bonnie in his arms and says he is here for her. Bonnie praises Patrick as a good son that did get into trouble but always took care of his family unlike his father. Roman says that while he never really liked Patrick most of the time he seemed ok. Bonnie wants to go talk to Bo and Hope and find out who started the accident that killed Mickey and her son. Bonnie thanks Roman for comforting her but tells Roman that maybe now he should let his feelings out too. Roman says he is fine but Bonnie says he is not a good liar. They leave the stairwell. -Roman and Bonnie overhear what is being discussed with Hope, Jen, Maggie, and Caroline, She can’t believe it. Bo, Frankie, Max, and Abby join all of them. Jen and Frankie believe no one is at fault but agree that Chelsea was reckless. Max and Abby agree with that sentiment too. Hope, Maggie, and Caroline are all furious and so is Bonnie. They all tears into Bo for defending him. Roman does too saying that Bo let her act the same way he did when he was her age only this time the behavior went to far and ended up hurting many people and resulting in deaths, including the death of their father. Bo can’t believe that everyone is putting the blame for the whole tragedy, especially Shawn Sr’s death, on Chelsea and him and Billie for doing nothing about it. He admits that Billie and Him were soft but they wanted to make it up to Chelsea for all the lost years. Hope blames Kate too for spoiling Chelsea. Shawn arrives and learns what is going on and blames Chelsea too, as well as Bo and Billie for their parenting. Bo can’t believe this and runs off with Hope in pursuit of him. Shawn says goodbye to everyone and goes to check on Claire. Jen, Frankie, Max, and Abby decide to go home and asks Maggie and Caroline to call if they need anything. Frankie and Max hug Caroline, who tells them that they should have said goodbye to Shawn Sr’s body before. Frankie says that Max and him thought that the biological Brady’s should say goodbye. They will say goodbye at the funeral. Caroline says that they are real Brady’s. She takes them to the morgue to say goodbye to Shawn Sr and they tearfully do as Abby and Jen comfort them along with Caroline. Caroline goes back to Maggie who is blaming herself for sending Mickey and Shawn Sr out into the storm. Caroline says that it isn’t her fault. Between the storm and Chelsea being selfish and reckless, there was no way to predict what would happen. Really its no ones fault but the storm and Chelsea’s recklessness and disregard for everyone but herself didn’t help matter which is why she feels her son and Billie messed up, along with Kate, by always giving into her and letting her act that way. Maggie agrees but says that Alex could be blamed too since he was speeding trying to take Marlena away but all that doesn’t matter. It also doesn’t matter that it was probably meant to be. She can’t help feeling that if she had had enough sauce or had the staff working or didn’t send them out per trusting her instincts it would have never happened. Caroline embraces her and begs her not to do this to herself. She feels responsible too but knows that is the wrong frame of mind. Maggie says she is going home. Caroline asks if she wants her to come with her but Maggie refuses saying she will have to go home sometime to her lonely home. Later, we see both women go home alone and enter the Brady Pub and Maggie’s house. Caroline goes behind the bar and cries wondering how she will get by without her husband and feeling horrible about the two lies she told him-the one he knew and the one he didn’t. Maggie goes into the kitchen and remembers being attacked by the SSK. She remembers Mickey getting stabbed too and thinking that he may die with her or maybe that was the last time they would see each other since she would die. She cries that this time no one will come back from the dead. She lost so much time with him and he is gone and she is all alone. She breaks down and crumples to the kitchen floor. -Shawn is shocked when he sees Mimi on the floor. He tries to wake her as Belle comes back saying she was with her when it happened but went to get a doctor. They take Mimi to a cubicle to examine her. Shawn asks how it happened as Belle says they were arguing over him and she went too far and hurt Mimi saying she couldn’t have Shawn’s baby when she already has. Shawn gets angry with Belle and lashes out at her saying that what women who chooses to be with is not a concern right now. Claire’s heath is and now Mimi’s is too. He doesn’t want to worry about anything else. Belle agrees although hopeful she will get Shawn back. The doctor comes out and says they are gonna run some test. He says that Mimi told him that she has been feeling ill a lot and has had fainting spells and stomach pains. Shawn remembers her being ill but never anything else. He is worried and wants to go see her. Belle follows. He holds Mimi’s hand and asks if she is alright. Belle sees this and says she will go get Bonnie just so she can get out of the room before letting her emotions get the best of her. Roman is comforting Bonnie who blames Patrick’s involvement with Chelsea and Bo, Billie, and Kate’s awful parenting and grand-parenting for what happened. She says that if Chelsea is not dead she wants her punished. Roman says that its likely she died as well in the fire but no one is certain yet since no remains have been found. Belle arrives and tells both of them what happened. Roman goes with Bonnie to see Mimi saying that he will be there for her like she has been with him all night. Bonnie tells Mimi they will find out what is going on but, after hearing her symptoms, says to herself that she thinks she knows what is wrong but its impossible. There is no way Mimi could be in that condition. Bonnie keeps her guesses to herself and Mimi asks to be with Shawn alone. Shawn says for her not to worry about Belle right now. He is there for her. Mimi smiles and they hold hands as he kisses her forehead. Belle asks Bonnie what she was so upset about when she found her. Bonnie fills her in about Chelsea and Patrick most likely being dead and Chelsea’s car being the one that started the accident. Bonnie accidentally says her news too loud though and Mimi hears it and screams, “NO!!!!” She refuses to believe her brother is dead but Bonnie is forced to admit it. Mimi also can’t believe Chelsea’s role and issues blame much in the same way as Hope, Caroline, Roman, Bonnie, and Maggie. Shawn agrees saying his father, Kate, and Billie screwed up and that Chelsea’s behavior did all this. Mimi blames her involvement with Patrick and starts to get really upset. Everyone tries to calm her but she starts to grab her stomach and scream in pain. The doctor ushers everyone out as he tries to help her. Shawn blames Belle for upsetting Mimi again. Bonnie mentions its her fault too but Shawn says Belle asked and should have known better since it was something like that that cost Mimi Rex and messed up Mimi and Belle’s friendship. Belle apologizes as Shawn turns away from her and everyone hopes and prays Mimi will be ok. -Hope catches up with Bo in the ICU unit. They argue some more about Chelsea and the accident. Hope says she pushed for her to go on the trip but never would have had to push for it if Bo, Billie, and Kate hadn’t given into her. Bo can’t believe that Chelsea is being blamed for all this and, while there were some mistakes in raising Chelsea, he doesn’t think that was the whole reason for what happened. Hope just walks away saying that she is done trying to convince him. She bumps into a nurse and knows over a bunch of charts. Bo and Hope help pick them up and Hope notices a name on one of the charts. She is stunned and says, “Oh my God Bo. He’s here. I don’t believe it he is here.” Bo asks who is here as Hope asks the nurse to tell her what room to find the person in. The nurse is reluctant given security bit Hope shows her police badge and says she is Alice Horton’s granddaughter. The nurse gives her the room number. Hope goes there with Bo following her. They are stunned when they arrive at the room and see JT hooked up on life support and covered with bandages on his arm and head. Hope falls back into Bo’s arms and cries, “JT” as the screen fades to black. On the Next Days... Victor and Kate try to help Phillip. Roman and Bonnie have a fight. Lucas and Maggie fight temptation together. Billie learns about Chelsea and Patrick. JT causes more friction between Bo and Hope.
Last week Salem was rocked by three deaths... (clips of Maggie holding Mickey's body, Caroline with Shawn Sr's, and Lexie with Tek's) This week-more tragic news arrives... (clips of Bo crying about Chelsea and Hope telling Bo "they can't lose him" and Mimi and Bonnie crying over Patrick) and those that live on may be the ones who suffer the most.[/b (clips of Maggie crying alone, Lexie packing her bags, Will by Chelsea's side, Bo and Hope arguing about Chelsea's role in the tragedy, Marlena crying by John's side) Miss a day...Miss alot!!! Days of our Lives-THE CRASH!!! NBC Daytime
1/6/06 (sorry for this being late-I will be on time the rest of the week as the episodes will be shorter now that things have calmed down. Enjoy!!! -Carrie, Austin, Sami, Lucas, Alice, Doug, Julie, Jennifer, Frankie, Max, Abby, Bo, Hope, Caroline, Roman, Bonnie, Mimi, Shawn, and Belle all watch as the doctors prepare to deliver the grim news to Marlena and Maggie. The doctors look at both women and say that one of their husbands is gone and the other has slipped into a coma. They look at Maggie and say that they are sorry. The injuries and head trauma were just too much for her husband. He is gone. Maggie breaks down in Marlena’s arms as she holds her. Alice crumbles into Julie’s arms in tears. Caroline gives her sympathies to Maggie as both women regret sending their husbands out into the storm. Marlena asks the doctor if John will come out of his coma. He tells her that John is very critical and that his wound was infected. They are running some tests to see how far the infection has spread and if amputation of limbs may be necessary. Marlena begins to tear up but realizing what is happening with Maggie and Caroline she is grateful. She hugs both women and comforts them. Everyone in the room mourns Mickey and Shawn Sr and recall memories of them. We see flashbacks of Mickey, Alice, and Tom. We then see Mickey and Maggie flashbacks of him being with her during her surgery, their wedding, both of them with Sarah and Melissa, and their recent wedding and reunion. Maggie cries saying that Mickey and her just got another chance and now its gone. She blames Tony for taking time from them, as does Caroline and many others. Bonnie then approaches in tears and takes Maggie’s hand. She apologizes to Maggie for keeping her and Mickey separated. She says that she did love him and that he was the only man who ever cared for her. Roman sees this and is touched. Maggie tells Bonnie that despite their differences she knows that Mickey did care for her and that he saw something special in Bonnie that no one else did. They hug. The Horton’s and Brady’s and others all band together to pray for the souls of all those who died and for John’s recovery. Everyone marvels at Alice’s strength over losing her son but she claims that he is with Tom now and that both of them, along with Shawn Sr and others, are looking down on them now. Maggie and Caroline are told they can now say goodbye to their husbands. Marlena goes and sees John with Belle. The Horton’s go in and see Mickey’s body and all of then band together and comfort each other. Doug, Julie, Shawn, Bo, Hope, Lucas, Abby, Jen, Frankie, Alice, and Maggie all say goodbye to him. Maggie then notices Bonnie and invites her in to see Mickey one last time. Bonnie kisses him and thanks him for everything. Caroline, Bo, Roman, Hope, Sami, Carrie, Marlena, and Shawn all say goodbye to Shawn Sr. Roman continues to bottle up his feelings as Bonnie tells him to let it out. He says he is fine and has a lot to do and tells Bonnie to back off. Bonnie tells Bo that she is worried about Roman as Bo says he is too. Sami asks Bo if there is anything new about Will. Bo says when him or Roman learn anything she will know. Sami gets upset as Lucas comforts her along with Austin. Lucas gets jealous again. Marlena then holds both Carrie and Sami as they say goodbye to Shawn Sr. Marlena thanks him for being a good father in law and that she always felt like he was her own father. Bo cried on Shawn Sr.’s body saying that he will always be his father and that he will learn how all this happened. Caroline says goodbye and whispers to him an apology for not telling him about Bo being Victor’s son and admits her recent infidelity with Victor to him. She breaks down on his body as Bo pulls her off and everyone leaves. The Horton’s and Brady’s and everyone else all meet in the chapel to hope and pray for John and the dead. A wind blows through and the candles go out. Everyone takes this to be a sign that those that died are still with them and that they are looking down on them. Maggie then goes outside. Julie says she will call the family and let them all know. Maggie agrees but says she will call Melissa and Sarah. Alice walks up and holds Maggie. She tells her none of this was her fault and that it was just meant to be. Mickey loved her and wouldn’t want her to blame herself. Maggie does though since the party was her idea and she sent both men out. Caroline said she did the same too but its not no one’s fault. The storm was bad and it was meant to be. Maggie still blames herself as everyone looks on worried about her. She calls Melissa and Sarah and tells them about Mickey. Caroline calls Kayla and Kimberly and tells them about Shawn Sr. -Bonnie tries again to get through to Roman but fails. He tells her to leave him alone. Mimi tells her to back off but Bonnie says that she can’t. They both need to comfort each other right now since they are both in pain from losing people they care about. Mimi leaves as Bonnie says that she cares too much about Roman to see him do this to himself. -Roman joins Bo and Hope. Hope tells Roman that Bo just got a call from some units at the scene of the accident. Bo hangs up the phone with a stunned look on his face. He says that a car was found in a ravine. It must have crashed and caught fire and it was apparently the car that started the accident and was speeding, according to witnesses and the officers giving chase. No bodies were found in the car but since it exploded remains are being looked for and they found a luggage tag and women’s necklace. Bo says that the tag belonged to Patrick Lockhart and the necklace belonged to Chelsea. The remains of the car also match with the car they took to Green Mountain. Hope comforts Bo as Bo believes that there is no way they could’ve survived. Bonnie overhears and runs off in tears as Roman follows her. He finds her crying in the stairwell. She looks at him and he apologizes to her for her loss. She runs into his arms and he holds her as she cries in his arms. Hope can’t believe they are gone as Bo blames Patrick for taking her up there. Hope disagrees and then stops and realizes that this means Chelsea started the whole wreck due to her recklessness. She asks Bo again if she was speeding. Bo says that she was and that the cops chased her for a good 10 miles and she didn’t pull over. Hope lashes out at Bo and says that all the deaths and tragedy is Chelsea’s fault. Her recklessness killed Patrick, Tek, Mickey, Shawn Sr, and several others and injured many. Bo realizes this too and tries to make up excuses for her. Hope then lashes out and blames Bo for always excusing her behavior and she blames Billie for this too. She asks him if he is happy now-his daughter has destroyed lives and nothing can make things the way they were. Bo gets upset and fires back that Hope is the one that pushed along with Billie for Chelsea to go with Patrick to Green Mountain so she is too blame too. They start arguing back and forth as Hope says that once again Bo has sides with his brat of a daughter. Bo asks her if she is seriously blaming Chelsea for starting the accident and she says she is since it was Chelsea’s speeding and reckless behavior that caused it all. Bo blames her again citing the fact that she advocated hard for Chelsea to go with Patrick on the trip. Hope says she would have went anyway because Billie or him would have gave in like usual because Chelsea always gets her way and always has things done her way and this time all that came at the expense of lives. Jen, Frankie, Max and Abby hear this and learn what is going on. Max and Abby comfort each other and can’t believe Chelsea and Patrick may be dead. Jen and Frankie do the same and urge Bo and Hope to calm down. No one is too blame since the conditions were also bad for driving and you just can’t deal in “what ifs.” Bo and Hope look at each other painfully, both still hurting from what was said and Bo walks off. Hope cries on Jen’s shoulder and Frankie goes after Bo. -Marlena and Belle visit John. They both pray for his recovery. Belle goes off to let Brady know what is going on and to check on Claire. Marlena holds John’s hand and has a memory flash of being in the Paris hospital with him after he was shot in the coronation massacre. She tells John that he needs to make it so that he can help her get her memories back of him. She needs him and even though she doesn’t remember their time together she can feel the love and connection right now. She tells him that Alex is gone now and that he just needs to wake up and then they can work together to get back her memories of him and get back their life together. She lays on top of him and cries, begging for him to fight to get through this. -Belle goes to check on Claire after calling Brady and finds Shawn and Mimi there. Mimi leaves after Shawn asks to talk to Belle alone. Mimi almost faints again in the hallway and decides that she will make a doctor’s appointment in the morning to see what is going on. She continues to worry about losing Shawn and believes that is why she is feeling ill of late. Belle and Shawn comfort each other and discuss the events of the night. They hope that Claire gets a miracle. Shawn says she has to because there has been too much loss already. He hugs her and leaves to check on his family. Mimi walks in and her and Belle talk. Mimi asks if everything is ok and Belle says that it is but they are worried about losing Claire. Mimi feels ill again as Belle asks what is wrong. Mimi says its just stress making her feel ill as Belle says she is just worried about losing Shawn now with everything that has happened. Mimi says that isn’t it but Belle sees through it and says that she still loves Shawn and that if he still wants her there isn’t anything standing in the way now. Mimi bring up Phillip but Belle says he won’t want her anymore and he has been hurt so much already. She says its Shawn’s choice and if he wants her it’s a go. She should have never married Phillip or stayed with him. Mimi agrees but says that Shawn loves her and that he isn’t gonna drop her just to go back to Belle. Belle looks at her and says that what her and Shawn have will never be the same as what she had with Shawn. They argue back and forth as Mimi accuses Belle of thinking she isn’t good enough for Shawn as Belle says that Mimi isn’t right for Shawn. They move into the hallway and argue some more. Belle says it makes no difference because she has Shawn’s baby and Mimi will never be able to give him biological children. Belle quickly apologizes for going that far but Mimi turns around and says that she will never forget her saying that. She is supposed to be her best friend. Belle apologizes as Mimi says that Belle is right but that she didn’t have to throw it in her face. Belle tries to comfort her and apologize further but Mimi starts breathing heavy and grabs her stomach. She then falls backward in pain as Belle catches her. Mimi loses consciousness as Belle begs her to wake up and yells for a doctor. -Sami continues to call people in search of Will. She says she can’t lose her son after all the loss tonight as Austin comforts her and then holds Carrie saying they will find Will and that he will help them get over their grandpa’s death. Lucas sees this and is jealous because he should be comforting Sami since Will is their son and he wants people to sympathize with him too since he lost his uncle Mickey. He really seethes when Austin says that he will always think of Will as his son as Sami says that Will will always have a special bond with Austin. Lucas seethes with anger and goes back to the phones to call some more people to find out where Will is. Meanwhile. Will waits at the hospital and keeps remembering Chelsea’s burnt body and everything that has happened. He wonders who saved her and Patrick from the fire and where Patrick is. The doctor comes out and asks Will if he is family. He says he is technically but it’s a long story. The doctor tells Will that she will need extensive surgery to repair the damage and that her vocal cords were strained while screaming in pain after the fire. Her whole body needs skin graphing and extensive surgery. Will is horrified and tells the doctor that he don’t know how Chelsea can afford to pay for it. He asks about the family and remembering what Chelsea said about no one finding out he says she has no family. They are all gone. The doctor asks who he is and he says that he is her fiancee. -A man wakes up in a chamber in a abandoned warehouse. Its Patrick. He bangs on the door wondering what is going on. A man, the same one who saved Patrick and Chelsea from the fire, walks up to the chamber. Patrick asks who he is. The man unmasks himself. Its Bart. Patrick asks what he is doing here. Bart says he saved his life because him and the boss weren’t finished with him yet. He asks about Chelsea. Bart says he was afraid to go back but he did. It’s a good thing he had fire gear though. He says that the girl was badly burned but he had to leave her there. Patrick yells at him for leaving her but Bart says he would have been caught by Sami’s teen brat Will who found her. Patrick insists that Bart find Chelsea and help her since the boss would want that. Bart thinks about and agrees to do so. He tells Patrick that the accident was the perfect setup for what is to come even though the boss didn’t plan on it. It makes things much better. Patrick asks to be let out but Bart refuses saying that they need him contained right now until they want to release him. Bart goes off to find and help Chelsea. Patrick worries about Chelsea, knowing full well other cars were in the accident. He worries she will be arrested. He says that the plan went too far and that he hurt her so much. That is why all this happened. He also says that he should have never got involved with the Dimeras but they had the goods on him and they will reveal all if he doesn’t obey. He needs to stay put for now and hope that Bart helps Chelsea. He tells himself that if he disobeys the Dimera’s would out him and what he did for another powerful man when he was younger. He can’t let that secret come out or the people who come after him then will be worse then the Dimeras and several people in Salem will put themselves in danger. He, along with all of them, would be killed, and many would suffer if they realized the huge plot he was a part of that affected many Salemites. A worried Patrick looks out through the bars of his prison as the screen fades to black. On the next Days... Lucas and Sami hear from Will. Will covers for Chelsea as Bart comes to Chelsea’s aid. Bo and Hope’s relationship begins to crumble and they make a huge discovery at the hospital that may make things worse. Bonnie and Roman grow closer. Mimi learns about Patrick’s “death” and her health worsens.
1/5/06 (sorry this is late guys-been busy-tomarrow's episode will be late too so stick with me-I hope this episode isn't too confusing since lots of characters are one and there is lots of action-ask questions please if there are any errors or confusions) -Will is having trouble trying to find a way to help Chelsea. He is sure he has what he needs to help but isn’t a doctor and doesn’t know exactly what to do. Chelsea continues to scream in pain, begging for help. She then loses consciousness. Will tires to wake her and then notices she isn’t breathing. He uses his CPR skills to revive her but she is still unconscious. He decides he needs help if he is gonna save her but is afraid to drive for fear of being spotted with the stolen ambulance. He finally decides to take action, despite having only a permit, due to the severity of the situation. He jumps in the driver’s seat and decides to drive the ambulance through part of the woods and onto a old countryside road that isn’t used much that he knows of. Knowing that the roads are still icy and that speeding would make him look suspicious, he decides to take his time. After driving through several quiet and hardly busy roads, he spots a isolated farmhouse. He hides the ambulance in a wooded area nearby and walks up the front door. He rings the bell and a elderly man hesitantly answers. Will asks the man if he knows of any doctors or medical centers nearby. He says he has a friend that is in desperate need of medical care. The old man’s wife walks up and says there is a small medical clinic five miles away off RT. 86. She says that they are like a mini hospital and should be able to help. Will thanks them and runs back to the ambulance. The elderly couple looks out the window and sees Will drive off, They wonder why on earth a teen is driving an ambulance and is looking for a medical center. They think about calling the cops but decide not to get involved unless something forces them too. Will follows directions and reaches the clinic. He parks the ambulance a block away to avoid being busted and carries Chelsea wrapped in blankets to the ER. The nurses and doctors are stunned by her burns and ask what happened. Will says she was in a bad accident and the car was in flames and she barely made it out. They rush her into a cubicle as Will waits outside, hoping Chelsea is ok and wondering what he has gotten himself into. -Marlena walks over and comforts Maggie and Caroline. She apologizes and says she feels responsible but both women won’t have that. They tell her to focus on John as they are praying for her. Caroline says that Shawn is looking out for John since he always felt that John was his son. Marlena embraces Caroline as Belle comes over and they hold each other. Caroline goes back over to Victor and tells him that they can’t let anyone ever know their secret. It would destroy her and his family knowing what they did to Shawn and having never told him. Caroline admits that what they did was shameful, especially not telling Shawn. Victor comforts her and tells her he won’t tell a soul and that both of them gave into passion so they are both equally responsible. Abe and Celeste walk in and learn what has happened. Both embrace Caroline and Maggie. They also console Marlena, who is waiting for word on John. They all ask Abe where Lexie is as Abe says that Lexie has other things going on. Meanwhile, Lexie is still at the accident scene as the EMT’s are telling her that they are taking Det. Kramer’s body to the morgue. Lexie tells them to wait and open the bag again. She apologizes for how everything ended and says that she will never forget what he meant to her during one of the toughest periods of her life. As she breaks down in tears, she confesses she loved him too just not as much as Abe which doesn’t matter now since she has lost both of them. She backs away as Tek’s body is zipped into the bag as Lexie tries to hold herself together. The EMT’s ask her if she is alright and needs a ride as she refuses saying that she just wants to go home right now and be with her son. They remind her that the hospital will need her services tonight with the storm and accident causing a surplus in patients. Lexie says that she can’t handle that tonight and walks away still in tears as both EMT’s look at her wondering what could get in the way of Dr. Carver’s dedication to saving lives. We then see Lexie covering her face saying, "How can I abide by an oath I already broke? Tek’s death is my fault and I could have saved him by just not letting things go this far. Tek’s blood is on my hands. I am too blame for his death, just like I am too blame for the death of my marriage.” Lexie then leans up against an ambulance and collapses in tears on the road. -Carrie, Austin, Sami, and Lucas all show up at the hospital. They are surprised to see so many people and want to know what is going on. Sami got a call from Hope saying that something had happened and they thought it was Will. Caroline walks over and says that it isn’t. She then fills them in on everything from John to Shawn Sr’s death. Sami and Carrie are devastated. Austin is surprised when Carrie turns to Lucas for comfort. He then embraces Sami, which Carrie spies. Then, both girls embrace their grandmother and express their sympathies. They both go over to Roman who is in a corner by the payphones. They hug him as Roman is unresponsive and walks away. Bonnie tries to follow him but gives up as Mimi tells her its not a good idea. Bo and Hope tell Sami and Carrie that their father is holding everything in right now for the family and that isn’t good. They all agree to stick together as a family to get through this as Sami continues to wonder about Will. -Lucas and Austin go over and talk to Kate. They mention they saw Phillip. Belle overhears and her, Shawn, and Mimi come over to hear what is up. Austin and Lucas fill then in and how hateful Phillip was as Kate starts getting upset again. Billie reassures her as Belle cries on Shawn’s shoulder which Mimi sees. Bo and Hope overhear and ask Shawn if its true-that he is Claire’s father. He says it is as Kate sees an overjoyed Hope and Bo hugging both Shawn and Belle, which Mimi sees as well. Kate then lashes out saying that Hope got her wish and now Phillip is a wreck. Shawn responds by announcing to everyone that Kate and Victor both knew. Everyone is stunned. Marlena walks over too and can’t believe what she is hearing. Hope is stunned, as is Bo. Caroline backs away from Victor and asks if its true. Victor explains everything as Caroline reminds him of his anger when she did the same thing when hiding Bo’s paternity. Victor says it was wrong but that he only knew a short time. He brings up that Kate knew longer and actually tried to change the records but he stopped her and changed them back. Hope lashes out at Kate, as do Marlena and Belle, for playing God in other people’s lives. Hope hauls off and smacks her sending Kate to the floor. Belle tells her to go to hell and to just stay out of people’s lives. Kate gets back up and says that it isn’t her fault Belle was a whore just like her mother. Marlena lunges for her and they have a brawl on the floor which is joined in by Hope. Austin and Lucas break it up. They all tell Kate to get out as Billie offers to leave with her. Kate and Billie talk on the way out as Billie says that Kate is getting what she deserved. Kate reminds Billie of her reasons for doing what she did as Billie points out all the reasons for not doing it and how everything she does to interfere makes things worse for her children. Billie goes to get the car as Sami walks out and gloats in Kate’s face saying, “The mother from hell finally got her due.” Kate just stands there as Sami smirks and lays into her about all her past deeds and how they backfired and hurt so many people, especially the very people she set out to help, her children. Billie walks in and tells Sami to lay off as Kate bursts into tears saying that Sami is right. A stunned Sami is marveled by Kate being in tears and admitting she is wrong. Billie drags her out to the car. Sami then decides to call Will’s friends again to see if maybe they were off somewhere and are now back or something. The first person she calls informs her that there was something going on with all the kids but its over now and that her son said everyone went home or their separate ways. She asks to talk to the kid. The boy tells her that Will ran off after getting mad at all of them over something and they never saw him the rest of the night. Sami thanks him and his mother for their help and races to tell Lucas. Lucas is with Carrie and Austin when Sami tell him what she found out. She is really worried now as Austin holds her and says everything is going to be fine. -Roman is on the roof as Bonnie is about to join him. Marlena then comes up and embraces him. The start talking about Shawn and all the memories they had of him. Marlena begs him not to hold his feelings inside since she knows he does that. Roman says he is in shock right now. Marlena informs him of her memory returning, except for her memories of John, and about Alex’s death. Roman is happy there is some good news. Marlena realizes she needs to get back since she has heard nothing about John yet. She hugs him and says she will always care about him and have a special place in her heart for him. He tells her he feels the same way. She leaves as Bonnie enters. Roman asks her why she is there. She says she just wanted to help him and agrees with Marlena about just letting things out. Roman tells her he doesn’t want to talk as Bonnie says that he had no problem talking with Marlena. Roman looks at her and just walks away as Bonnie vows to help him and not give up. There is just something about him that makes her want to help him and be there for him, like a force or pull. She follows him back downstairs. -Hope, Bo, Shawn, Belle, and Caroline all ask Victor how he could do what he did. He realizes it was wrong but he saw Phillip with Claire and it got the best of him. Everyone begins to understand where Victor was coming from and realize he had good intentions. He promises to make it up to all of them and that he will never withhold something like that again as long as he loves as he looks at Caroline. They all agree to let it go concerning Victor but can’t forgive Kate. They want her arrested for her part in the coverup since someone could have been hurt from changing medical records. Victor insists that Kate is being punished enough. Besides, he already bought her out of trouble and there is no evidence anymore since the records were changed back. They agree and leave Victor with Caroline, who holds her. Caroline asks what vow Victor will honor-his to not reveal her secret or his to not keep another big secret. Victor says he will do what she wishes but thinks that they can’t say anything right now. Her husband just died. She agrees and says they will discuss it later but she needs Victor to leave. She wants to be just with her family now. Victor understands and tells her to let him know if she needs anything. He will be there for her. He leaves. -Marlena comes downstairs, followed by Bonnie and Roman, as a doctor comes out with news. He tells Marlena that John is ok for now. However, they are very worried about infection since he had an open wound for so long while at the accident scene. Marlena, who is holding Belle, asks to see him but the doctor says they can once he is settled in a room. Then we see Frankie, Jen, Max, Abby, Doug, Julie, and Alice enter the scene. They got sick of waiting since nobody had been calling them. Maggie apologizes saying so much was going on. Everyone fills them in on Shawn Sr’s death, Mickey, John’s injury, Alex’s death, part of Marlena’s memory coming back, and Shawn being Claire’s father. Abe also announces that Tek as killed. Belle, Carrie, and Sami are happy Marlena has most of her memory back. Sami is really happy since Marlena doesn’t have any John memories but Marlena tells her to lay off. Sami, being the attention craver she is, mentions how Will is missing. Bo and Roman agree to send some squad cars out to look for him as Sami thanks them. Alice suggests that everyone hold hands in prayer to pray for Tek, Shawn Sr’s, and even Alex’s souls and the souls of anyone else who died. She also asks to pray for John, Mickey, Will, Phillip, Claire and anyone else who is pain, trouble, or heartache tonight. She also thanks God for those who survived the tragedy and for Marlena starting to remember, as well as Abe’s recovery as everyone in the room looks at him overjoyed. Everyone quietly prays. Belle decides to go check on Claire. Shawn wants to go too but Belle tells him to stay put since his uncle Mickey is in danger still. Mimi says she will go with Belle. Both of them leave. Abe and Celeste decide to go home too and go through the line of people embracing all of them. As they enter the elevator, Celeste tells Abe that she admires how strong he was. It could not have been easy helping others through tragedy and having to deal with what Lexie did to him. Abe says its hard knowing that his family has been destroyed because of lies again but that its also hard seeing so much pain and heartache tonight for lots of people who cares about. Celeste comforts Abe and says she feels everything will come out as it should and that he will be alright. She will help him. She then has a vision of a woman crying and screaming. Abe asks her what is wrong as she says that someone else is about to get bad news that will change lives forever. -A doctor comes out and asks for Mrs. Horton. Maggie introduces herself as her. The doctor tells her that her husband made it through surgery but is in very serious condition. At that moment, we hear several machines beeping and then hear an announcement for two cold blues. Marlena sees John’s doctor run by and asks what is going on as he says that John has gone into septic shock and is in code blue. Mickey’s doctor says that Mickey is code blue too and runs off as Maggie begins to break down as Caroline holds her and Marlena. Belle runs back with Mimi and learns what is going on. Everyone holds each other waiting to hear what happens and we see the Horton’s and Brady’s united together hoping for the best. We see two nurses walking by who say, “Those people in there must be family and friends. They are gonna be devastated. He was such a good man and so full of life.” Both Marlena and Maggie hear this and wonder who they are talking about as both scream that this can’t be happening. One of their husbands can’t be dead. Both doctors come out and we see them talking. They come over and Mickey’s doctor says he has bad news for Maggie, as does John’s doctor for Marlena. Since everyone knows both men real well and are family, they decide not to tell the news separately to the individual parties involved with both patients. Both doctors recommend both woman sit down as everyone else looks on and prays that no one has passed and that the nurses were wrong. Marlena asks if someone died as the doctors look down and Marlena and Maggie both hold hands screaming, “Oh no!! NO!!!” We see the grim looks on everyone in the waiting room’s faces intermingled with Maggie and Marlena waiting to hear which of their husbands didn’t make it. Screen then fades to black. On the Next Days... The extent of Chelsea’s injuries are revealed. A Salem resident wakes up a prisoner. The mystery man who saved Patrick and Chelsea is revealed. All of Salem mourns the death of a beloved citizen. Families band together in time of death and despair.
1/4/06 -Billie is out on the hospital terrace with Kate comforting her over the Claire situation. Kate insists she is better no and that she doesn’t know why she broke down like that. Billie says she did it because she finally realized that her interference does nothing but make things worse, something that everyone has been trying to tell you. Kate says that she just wants what is best for her children but Billie says that Kate needs to back off and let nature take its course. Billie then goes back inside as Kate says she will be there in a minute. Privately, Kate admits that Billie is right and is horrified about the things she has done (we see flashbacks of her paying Franco, framing Sami for Franco’s murder, her alliance with Moroni and attempts on Victor’s life, exposing Sami and her alliance with her own son Lucas, paying Nicole $5 million to marry Lucas, her scheming to bust up Sami’s Vegas wedding to Austin, her setting up Sami and Brandon and exposing Sami as Stan, her pushing Phillip to make a move on Belle and then attempting to cover up Claire’s paternity). She breaks down again and realizes that she has done more harm then good and that she is the worst mother ever. Victor appears and says that she isn’t. She just doesn’t know her limits when it comes to parenting and he says that he will help her get better at that despite how angry he is with her for making him keep Claire’s paternity from Phillip as long as he did. Kate apologizes for doing that to him since it puts him in hot water with his family, especially Bo and Caroline. Victor tells her not to worry about it. Kate says that she needs to change because she doesn’t want to keep hurting her children and also doesn’t want them paying for her sins. Victor hugs her and says that he will help her in any way. They both then go inside. -Mimi is walking around and feel faint again. Billie catches this and asks Mimi if she is ok. She lies and says she is but Billie knows better. Mimi admits to her how ill she has been feeling and that she has had recurring fainting spells. She thinks they are because of fearing losing Shawn and all the stress of what is going on. Billie says that while that is logical, it is more likely something else. She asks Mimi what her symptoms are besides the fainting spells. Mimi says she is sick to her stomach and dizzy and sometimes gets very hot. Billie smiles and tells her to see a doctor since she may be pregnant. Mimi reminds Billie of her condition but then remembers being told that she would be able to conceive but that it would be near impossible to carry the baby to term. Billie says that Mimi needs to see a doctor based on those reasons right away to find out what is going on and what to do. Mimi agrees and smiles at the thought of being pregnant with Shawn’s baby, which would help her hold onto Shawn. -Shawn is holding Belle outside the ICU. She is still upset about Phillip and Claire. She adds that no one can get a hold of him and that she is worried. Shawn tells her to stop and not to blame herself and to only worry about their daughter. Belle agrees to try to do so and then asks Shawn if he wants to come in with her to officially introduce himself as Claire’s father. Shawn smiles and agrees. They go in and he holds his daughter’s hand for the first time and tells her that he is her father and how much he loves her. Belle says that she has Shawn’s eyes and that she always noticed that. Shawn says that she is just as beautiful as her mother. Mimi walks by and smiles saying that soon Shawn may have another child to love. -Will tells Chelsea that he is gonna call 911 since her whole body is severely burned but Chelsea stops him. He asks her why she did that and she says that if she goes to the hospital she will be arrested after she recovers. Will asks why and Chelsea says to forget it but to not call anyone. She asks him to help her on his own-she can’t make contact with anyone else (we then see a flashback to the accident and Chelsea speeding with Patrick). Will asks if anyone else was in the car. Chelsea then flashes back to the mystery man pulling Patrick out of the car and dragging him away. She says that Patrick was but he got out with some guy’s help. Will is stunned that someone left her and just saved Patrick but Chelsea says that the guy came back. Her door was completely bashed in and she wasn’t able to get out through there so the man had to save Patrick first. He did come back wearing fire gear and, after a struggle, rescued her but not before the flames reached her and, as he was pulling her out, she got burned even more. She says that the man really was scared and didn’t know what he was doing but he got her out anyway although she is burned. He ran off when he heard Will coming. Will screams out for the man saying that he could use his help but Chelsea said that the man was so afraid that he most likely ran off. She continues to scream in pain and begs Will to help her. He asks where Patrick is as Chelsea says she doesn’t know. Will looks around but can’t find him. Chelsea screams again in pain as Will realizes he needs to take action fast. He tells her he will be right back as Chelsea begs him to help her again. -Sami, Carrie, Austin, and Lucas continue to search for Will. They are really worried and have decided not to separate anymore since they have searched almost everywhere and feel they need to look together now. Lucas tries to comfort Sami again but Austin gets in the way. Carrie then tries to comfort Lucas too but Austin interrupts that as well. Lucas continues to feel left out and his rage against Austin grows. While walking down a street, they bump into Phillip who has a bottle of Whiskey in his hand and is clearly drunk. They all ask him what is going on. An angry, disoriented Phillip tells them that Claire belongs to Shawn and that Belle lied to him and betrayed him and their marriage. He says everyone knew they were together behind his back while he was overseas and then brings up how Kate and Victor knew about Claire’s paternity and kept it from him. Lucas then informs Phillip that he knew Belle and Shawn were still in love and that something was going on while he was at war. Phillip lashes out again and Sami then says she knew too since its was obvious to everyone in Salem. Phillip explodes with rage and throws the Whiskey bottle against a brick building. He says that everyone thinks he is stupid and nothing but a pathetic, honorable, nice guy. He is done with that and says that he is not that man anymore. He says he hates everyone, including all of them, and that they will all pay. Sami rolls her eyes as Phillip looks at her and says she will pay too. Both Carrie and Austin try to calm him as Phillip says that even though both of them didn’t know about anything he still doesn’t trust them and hates them. He hates everyone and his ability to trust and love and care is gone after everything he went thorough with Chloe and Belle. He screams that he hates them all and then pushes Austin and Lucas aside and walks away, ignoring their pleas to come back and talk. They go back to looking for Will and decide that they will go to the hospital to check in on the Claire front and find out what happened once they find Will. They go off to continue the search.. -Maggie and Caroline are hysterical and demand that the EMT’s get their husbands out of the car ASAP. Shawn SR is pulled out of the driver’s seat easily as Bo, Hope, John, Marlena, Bonnie, and Roman look on. Bo and Roman go to hold their mother as Hope holds Maggie. Shawn Sr, who has massive internal injuries, is put into an ambulance as Caroline goes in it with him. Mickey is then removed from the car after a struggle and has a serious head injury and internal bleeding. He is put in an ambulance too and Maggie rides with him. Bonnie comforts Roman and promises to be there for him since he has been nothing but nice to her. Roman thanks her and says its good to have someone with him right now. Marlena blames herself since it was Alex’s car that hit Shawn Sr’s car and made the pole fall. John reassures her that the person who did this was the person who was speeding and slid on ice and caused the chain reaction. He says it really wasn’t even Alex’s fault, although he contributed to it by speeding himself and crashing. He says that Marlena was injured herself and is just as much a victim as everyone else involved. Marlena hugs him as we wee John bend down a bit and touch his leg which has blood dripping down from his cut. Everyone takes off for the hospital. -Will runs up to the accident scene and realizes that his only way to help Chelsea is to steal an ambulance since it has medical supplies and everything else he needs. He finds an empty one and jumps in. Luckily , the keys are in it. He drives it off as the ambulance workers give chase. He speeds around a few corners and then hides it in a wooded area a few miles away from the scene. The authorities giving chase go off in another direction. Will then runs back to Chelsea on the other end of the woods. He wraps her in towels and then carries her to the ambulance where he decides to lie low until he is sure they won’t get caught. Chelsea thanks him as Will decides to go through the medical supplies while they wait to find something to help Chelsea as she is in sheering pain and is susceptible to infection due to her badly burned condition. -Lexie is stunned to see Abe and she asks him how much he heard. Abe says everything and admits he even saw how Lexie was holding Tek so lovingly. The look in her eyes and everything she said was like a knife through his heart. Lexie realizes Abe can see and says that she is so happy as he tells her to shut up. He now knows everything and says that she used his blindness to her advantage knowing full well that if he could see she could have never got away with an affair. He lashes out at her for all the times he asked her what was going in with Tek and all the times she lied (flashbacks are then shown of when Abe was on the island and talked to Tek about Lexie and their relationship, Abe’s return home and him noticing how close Tek and Lexie were, and all the times he questioned Lexie about Tek). He reminds Lexie of everything they have been through (his brother Jonah, her father, the baby switch mess and her fling with Brandon, and her thinking he was dead). He says he has given her plenty of chances but now its really over. Celeste then says that she told Lexie this would happen as Abe realizes Celeste knows too. She apologizes but Abe assures its ok since she was merely keeping her daughter’s confidence. She also says that Lexie knew of Tek’s shady past and still had her fling with him anyway. Abe admits he learned of it too but let it go because Tek was a good friend and Abe felt bad for the way he treated him at times. Now he realizes Tek backstabbed him along with Lexie. He tearfully tells Lexie that they finally had it all. They had a son and Brandon and everything would have been perfect now with his sight back. She had to go ahead and ruin it. Lexie begs him to reconsider and says that she was vulnerable due to him pushing her away. Abe accepts responsibility for pushing Lexie into Tek’s arms but says that he can’t forgive her not being honest. He says that even though Tek is dead he can’t forgive him either for betraying him. The dishonesty is what bothers him most. Lexie breaks down saying she can’t lose him too as Abe says you already did. This time for good and walks away saying not to call him, he will call her when he wants to her to come over and discuss Theo and what will happen to him now. Lexie begins to scream and grabs Abe’s leg telling him not to break up their family. He says its too late and looks her right in the eyes and says, “You are a Dimera through and through. You may as well as admit that to yourself. You are the same Lexie that did all those evil things a few years ago and you never did change. Like a true Dimera, you were a lion in sheep’s clothing.” She screams hysterically as he leavers her groveling on the ground as she begs for him to come back and for Tek to come back. She tearfully says that she didn’t mean to hurt anyone and that it was all a mistake. Celeste comes over to her and holds her and says that she brought it all on herself. She warned her and now she has lost everything. Celeste then has a vision of Lexie in the Dimera mansion with a glass of brandy. She is wearing a phoenix ring and is laughing in an evil way. Celeste looks at her daughter and says, “Dear God, Abraham was right. You are a true Dimera. The Dimera part of you is making its presence known and it is only going to get worse.” Lexie looks at her mother and wonders what she is saying and continues to cry hysterically, calling for both Abe and Tek and lamenting what she has done. -Shawn, Mimi, Belle, Billie, Victor, and Kate all see Bo, Hope, Maggie, Caroline, Bonnie, and Roman at the hospital. They are told what is going on as Shawn comforts his parents. Belle goes to comfort Shawn but Mimi jumps in and embraces him. Victor comforts Caroline as Roman gives him a dirty look. Bo calms him though. Bonnie holds Roman and continues to support him. She is also worried about Mickey too since he did truly care about her and treated her well. The ER doctor then comes out with news. He informs Maggie that Mickey I being rushed to emergency surgery due to extensive internal bleeding in his abdomen and his brain. Maggie cries in Hope’s arms. Caroline then asks the doctor about Shawn Sr. The doctor looks down and then expresses regret that they couldn’t save him. They did everything they could but there was too much bleeding internally and too much damage. Caroline breaks down in Victor’s arms. Bo go over and holds her, as does Roman and Shawn. Hope and Maggie hold each other too as they, along with everyone else, is upset. Kate acknowledges his Shawn Sr was always nice to her no matter what acts she committed. Belle and Mimi express love and praise for him. Bonnie tears up as well saying what a jolly man he was. Billie remembers how he always treated her well, even after Bo and her split up. Maggie goes over to Caroline and says that its so unfair. Caroline says that we just have to believe he is in heaven per God’s will and that he will look down on your husband and keep him with us. Maggie embraces her marveled by how kind Caroline is even after her husband’s death. Maggie blames herself for letting the men go out but Caroline tells her not to think that way. It was God’s will and nothing was stopping it. Bonnie goes over to Roman as Roman doesn’t say a word. Bonnie tires to comfort him but he backs off telling her not right now. Victor tells everyone how sorry he is and then embraces Caroline. Hope comforts Bo as Shawn is embraced by Belle, which is witnessed by Mimi. Caroline fights back more tears as Victor tells her how sorry he is. She thanks him. Belle and Mimi express their sympathies and ay how much they always admired Shawn Sr and her marriage, much like Alice and Tom Horton. They overcame a huge act of dishonesty early on and their relationship was stronger then ever, as was their family. Both girls say that they are sure that was because both Caroline and Shawn Sr became better committed to honesty and all the things that made a marriage successful. Belle says that one day she wants to be just like her (thinking of what she did to Phillip and her marriage). Mimi says the same and they both embrace Caroline and walk away. Hope then hugs her too and tearfully expresses her sympathy and admiration for her “father-in-law.” Caroline then turns around to Victor and becomes real upset and angry with herself. Victor urges her not to think about that right now, knowing full well Belle and Mimi’s words reminded her of their secret. Caroline says that she did lie to Shawn Sr again but this time he never learned the truth nor did she tell him and now she feels guilty. She betrayed him, their marriage, and their family and never told him. This is worse then her lie about Bo’s paternity. Victor tries to calm her but Caroline refuses and grabs Victor and says, “I should have told him I was unfaithful to him while we were at the castle. He died thinking I was a saint when I wasn’t even close-I promised him I would never lie about something big like I did before again and I did. I said I had moved past my feelings for you and I didn’t. We had an affair Victor and Shawn never knew.” He takes her in his arms as Roman looks at them resentfully and all the others comfort each other, not hearing what Caroline and Victor are discussing. Hope then asks Bo where John and Marlena went. Just then, we hear Marlena yelling. John is rushed into a cubicle as an upset Marlena is told to wait outside. She refuses to since she is a doctor and has clearance but Belle grabs her and asks what happened to her father. Marlena tells her about Alex kidnaping her and says that John must have got hurt saving her and never told anyone. Belle says he did the same thing in Paris during the coronation massacre in Paris as Marlena asks what she is talking about. Belle tells her never mind and asks if John will be ok, Marlena says there is a bad cut on his leg and he lost a lot of blood and that she doesn’t know anymore. They hold each other as everyone else looks on and comforts each other as Hope says in Bo’s arms, “How much more tragedy can we take?” The screen then fades to black on everyone in the hospital grieving. On the Next Days- Will seeks help in saving Chelsea as her condition worsens. Celeste comforts Abe. The Brady family rallies together and supports Maggie , along with the Hortons, as she waits for Mickey to come out of surgery. John takes a turn for the worse. Another Salem resident loses his or her life (and you won’t believe who)
1/3/06 Show starts out with Maggie, Caroline, Doug,, Julie, Hope, Bo, Jen, Frankie, Abby, Max, Bonnie, Roman and most of the others huddled around the bar reacting to Celeste’s vision and to fears that there loved ones were hurt. The Hortons are worried about Mickey, the Brady’s are worried about Shawn Sr., Lexie is privately worried about Tek and hasn’t told anyone yet about talking to him and his phone going dead, and Sami and Lucas are worried about Will who is out with friends.- -Maggie expresses to Alice, Hope, Bo, Jen, Frankie, and the others how worried she is about Mickey. Caroline says she feels the same way about Shawn Sr. The phone went dead and that loud bang gave her chills. Bo and Roman decide they need to go out and see what is going on. Hope wants to go to. Bonnie rolls her eyes but Romans tells her to stay put and that he will be back to get her. Bonnie doesn’t want to stay since no one there likes her and she is trying to show everyone that she has turned over a new leaf. She begs to go with Roman. He agrees. Lexie offers to go too (secretly thinking of Tek and recalling the loud crash and the phone going dead) since she is a doctor. Abe offers to go but Lexie insists he stay since he is blind and can’t help much (not knowing his sight is almost 100%). As Abe is about to tell her he can see, Lexie takes off with Roman, Bonnie, Hope, and Bo. Before leaving Hope recommends that everyone go home since the storm has let up for now and is supposed to pick up later. Doug and Julie decide to take Alice home and Jen, Frankie, Max, and Abby all agree to go with them to the Horton house to wait for news. They ask Maggie and Caroline to come too but Maggie says she needs to clean up and Caroline says she needs to help since it was there party so both insist they stay. They need to keep there mind off worrying. The others leave and say they will call if they hear anything as Maggie and Caroline say the same and hug each other and hope things are ok. -Lucas and Sami are both trying to reach Will. Neither is successful. They are both worried. Lucas reassures her everything is fine and comforts her. Austin jumps in and does the same which unnerves Lucas and Nicole. Carrie is off in the distance and recalls getting the call from Becky and learning about Austin being the one taking over her company. We then see a flashback to right after the phone call and Austin asking her if something is wrong (as Sami, Lucas, and Nicole look on with glee). Celeste’s scream and all the worry about Mickey, Shawn, Will, etc prevented her from confronting him. When they finally had time to talk, we hear Carrie tell Austin they need to talk but not now since she is worried about her nephew, grandpa, and Mickey. He agrees and they decide to talk once things calm down all. Flashback ends. Carrie has tears streaming down as Lucas comes over and aks her what is wrong. She says that now is not the time to discuss it with everything going on. He agrees to let it go. Austin then comes over which angers Lucas again and he lashes out at Austin for always trying to steal his thunder. Austin doesn’t know what he is talking about as Lucas calls him on comforting Sami one minute and then coming over to talk to Carrie while he was trying to do both things but got interrupted by him. Carrie breaks up the fight and thinks its time that they go home. Sami jumps in and says that she can’t she needs to look for Will. Austin and Carrie agree to help her as Austin asks her if she is ok. She says she is fine and Austin brings up the fact that she has been keeping her distance from him and only talked to him when she asked him to talk once things were calmer. She again says she is fine and says she wants to help find Will. Sami thanks Carrie as Carrie says they will both put their difference aside to find Will (as she privately puts what she knows about Austin aside to find Will as well). Lucas is left alone with Nicole who mentions that it looks like they are both outsiders as usual. Lucas has a depressed look on his face and decides that he will look for Will on his own and leaves as Nicole decides to go home and make her own drinks to celebrate the eventual breakup of Carrie and Austin and the future of Austin’s company and, possibly, her own future with Austin. -Abe tells Celeste he wants to go with Lexie and the others. Celeste disagrees since he only recently got his sight back. She also remembers her vision of disaster having something to do with Lexie and thinks maybe something may happen with Lexie and Tek. She tells Abe to stay put but Abe wants to go. Maggie and Caroline see this and decide they can’t wait any longer and tell Abe they want to go with him. Both women acknowledge their happiness with Abe having his sight back and ask if they can go with him since he can help them find out what may be going on since he is still commander technically. He agrees to let them come as Celeste says she will go to as she continues to have the vision of screaming people and fire and loud crashes. She decides to keep them again to herself recalling the panic that ensued at midnight when she screamed. The four are later in Celeste’s car and hear about a massive pileup at one of Salem’s busiest intersections during the height of the storm. Maggie looks at Caroline in horror as she realizes that Mickey and Shawn Sr had to go that way to return to Chez Rouge. Abe calms them and says that they will go to the accident scene and check it out first to see. Even if anyone they know was involved, it doesn’t mean they were hurt. They may just be backed up in traffic. Maggie and Caroline remember the crash they heard on the phone at midnight and Celeste’s vision and fear the worst as Abe looks at Celeste who looks at him, both knowing that the chances are high that Mickey and Shawn Sr may have been affected. -Jack and Greta return to their hideaway or what Jack calls their “lair.” Greta is still upset about the plan and she wants to tell Jen right away and can’t believe Jack dragged her off. Jack insists that Jen has a lot on her mind and reminds Greta of Celeste screaming at midnight and all the worry about Mickey and Shawn Sr. He says Jen is worried about her uncle and doesn’t need stress. He also says that she is getting closer to Frankie now and that his plan is working. He thanks great for everything she has done and for saving his life even though he is going to die anyway. Now he can at least make sure his plan works and that his family is set for life without him. He says that is all thanks to Greta. We then see a flashback of Jack drowning in his car. Then a man in scuba gear knocks on the window and helps Jack out of the car. He shares his air tank with him and gets him up to the surface and to shore. Once at shore, Jack looks up to see Greta who thanks the man for helping her. She says she had just cam back to Salem to visit John and the Hortons and to see him and his family. She heard he was dying and wanted to come and say goodbye and tell him that she forgave him. On her way to the Horton’s, she noticed what looked like a car floating in the water before she went up the bridge. She got out and went to one of the houses near the river and asks a man for help. He luckily had a scuba suit and she paid him to help her since it as dangerous. She knew it would take the authorities a long time to come and the car was already sinking so she knew it was her best chance to save someone. She was gonna call the authorities once the person or persons was saved or recovered. She didn’t realize it was Jack until the man was close to shore with Jack and she saw his face. We then see Jack fill her in on everything that has happened and his plan for Jen. He talks about his suicide attempts and then realizes that now he can fake his death and put his plan into action. He doesn’t need to kill himself. He can now spare his family pain. He begs Greta to help him and to pay off the man who rescued him to stay quiet. She is reluctant but Jack gets emotional and explains his reasons again and Greta being the good person she is agrees and pays the man off. Flashback ends. Jack also thanks her for renting this cabin in her name so they can stay close by in hiding to make sure everything he planned is working. Greta is still upset and reminds Jack that she has money and knows many big people in the medical field. He can still be cured but he will never know if he doesn’t try. Jack says its too late and that nothing can cure him. Greta insists that Jack tell Jen and together the three of them can find a cure. Jack refuses and reminds Greta of why he is doing this. Greta expresses how much she admires him but says that Jen, Abby, and JJ would want to be with him his last days. Jack still refuses. Greta then offers to make him a deal. She won’t tell Jen a thing if he leaves Salem with her and works with her to find a cure. His secret will be safe and him and her can travel the world to find a cure. He will just have to disguise himself. Jack thinks and then asks about her being a princess and her obligations. Greta says to not worry. She is getting sick of it and only still does it to help people. Besides, they can’t boss her around so she has all the time she needs to do what she wants. Jack thinks again as Greta begs him. He agrees as Greta makes the call to warm up her private plane. Jack then thinks to himself that maybe he can find a cure and that its worth a shot. If there is one, he hopes he finds it before its too late for him and for him to be with Jen. If not, then he will just have to be in isolation for good and let Jen be happy with Frankie. Greta says its all set and then goes to pack as Jack does the same. They decide to leave in the morning. -At the accident scene, we see cars all over with helicopters overhead and sirens heard all over. Ambulances are arriving at the scene as John is running frantically around helping victims. John helps an elderly women out of her car. He is thinking about Marlena and believes that during the chaos Alex drove off with her since he doesn’t see the car he stole. He just couldn’t drive away to give chase and leave all these people so he had to stay and help. Marlena wouldn’t want him to leave all these people behind for her and he is has experience from his past in dealing with situations like this. Just then, John sees something shocking out of the corner of his eye. It’s the car Marlena was in with Alex. John races over there(finally recalling seeing Alex’s car hit the pole) and sees that the pole has fallen on the car. Both Alex and Marlena are unconscious. John moves the pole over to get to Marlena’s door. She has a gash on her head and isn’t breathing. He also can’t get her leg out without her help We then go inside Marlena’s mind as she is walking in the dark wondering where she is. Then we see memory flashes of her early days in Salem, her relationship and marriage to Don Craig, DJ’s death, her sister’s Samantha’s murder, her relationship and marriage to Roman (we don’t see Wayne in these just reactions from Deidre in them since Wayne is Alex), and the birth of Sami and Eric. We also see Marlena with Hope at her wedding to Bo, hugging Alice and Caroline, and spending time with Carrie. Memory flashes end. Marlena is hearing John’s voice asking her to wake up and to breath saying they all need her and love her. Marlena then wakes up. As she wakes up, she says, “It’s all coming back to me.” John thinks her memory has returned. Just then, John smells gas and sees that there is a gas leak. He shakes Marlena urging her to help him. Marlena, still out of it a little, asks what is going on. John tells her and she begs John to save her. He says he needs her help and needs her to pull herself up as he lifts the pole up. She agrees and does what he says. He then grabs her and pulls her out but falls backwards with her in the process. They recover and Marlena thanks him for saving her. He says he loves her and that he will always save her. As they get up, we see that John cut his leg badly when he pulled Marlena out. She doesn’t notice as he covers it up. As he carries her up the hill due to her head injury, Alex’s car explodes causing everyone to scream. John and Marlena assume Alex is dead and that the nightmare is over. Marlena is take to an ambulance where she tells John what happened and that all her memories returned but nothing about John. John says its ok and that in time they will. With Alex gone, they have all the time in the world. The EMT says that Marlena has a concussion but its not serious. Both are happy and Marlena insists that John and her help out with the victims. John disagrees saying Marlena has been through enough. Marlena insists saying she needs to forget everything that has happened with Alex and tonight. She also doesn’t want to leave him and thinks the more she is with him, the more likely her memories of him will return. John gives up and lets her stay as they go to work on the victims. They are stunned when they check out a car that drove into a building and can’t believe who they find. -As Bo, Hope, Bonnie, Roman, and Lexie arrive at the scene they meet with John and Marlena and discuss everything that happened. John and Marlena say that they have not seen Mickey or Shawn Sr but they have seen someone else they know. Lexie, recalling Tek, asks who. John says Tek as Lexie then asks where he is so she can care for him. John says she can’t-he is dead. Lexie refuses to believe it and asks where he is. John points to a body bag near an ambulance and tells Lexie that his car was sent flying into a building on impact from the car that started everything. Lexie races over to him and opens the bag crying. She yells out a bloodcurdling “NO!!!” and laments the way she treated him. Abe, Celeste, Maggie, and Caroline arrive and check in with the others. Abe hears Lexie scream and goes to her with Celeste. Lexie then recalls all the times she had with Tek and everything that happened. She then tells Tek that she did love him and care for him and that her life won’t be the same. As she turns around, she notices Abe and Celeste behind her with Abe having a shocked and betrayed look on his face. -Chelsea’s car is in a ravine. Patrick and her are unconscious. Chelsea stirs just as the car bursts into flames. She begs Patrick to wake up. A mystery man, who was in the wooded area watching, races over to Patrick’s door. Chelsea asks who he is. The figure doesn’t respond. He gets the door open and drags Patrick out. Chelsea begs him to help her but the man doesn’t respond and drags Patrick into the woods. Chelsea screams for help as she is trapped in her car and can’t seem to move her legs. She says she is sorry and that she will repent, The flames spread and grow closer to her. -Sami, Carrie, and Austin are looking for Will. They have checked everywhere and can’t seem to find him. Lucas meets up with them and is there just in time to catch Austin comforting Sami with a hug, something that Carrie witnesses as well. Meanwhile, Will (now played by Jeremy Sumpter) is with some friends in the woods. The kids are drinking beer and are high. They are trying to push Will to do it but he refuses. The kids rag on him so he gets mad and runs off. As he is walking through the woods, he sees a car in flames. He runs over and asks if anyone is in there. He then looks down in front of him to his right and sees a badly burned body. He runs over and is disgusted at what he sees. The person is screaming in pain as Will asks the person who they are. The person, recognizing Will’s voice, screams painfully “Will, its me...its Chelsea!!!” Will looks stunned as Chelsea continues to scream in pain. -John, Marlena, Bo, Hope, Roman, Bonnie, Maggie, and Caroline are all together. They are checking with EMT’s and other personal to see if Mickey and Shawn Sr, were involved. Maggie goes off in another direction and sees a car on the side of the road. She hears that the car was hit by the car driven by the person who kidnaped Marlena Evans and that the same pole that hit that car landed on this car. The others catch up with her as Marlena says to John that its her fault that the people in that car are hurt or worse because Alex wanted her and she bought into everything he said. Had she not they may not have been involved with what happened and no one else, including those in that car, may not have gotten affected. John reassures her that the real fault lies with the car that started this mess and that Alex is only responsible for his part. Everyone looks on as Caroline says how much the car looks like Shawn’s. The door is then sawed open ad taken off by the fire department and when the door is taken away Maggie gets closer and sees Shawn Sr’s and Mickey’s bloody faces inside. She lets out a horrifying scream as everyone else comes over and screams “No!!!” Maggie and Caroline both scream alone as Bo and Hope and John and Marlena hold each other. Bonnie then grabs hold of Roman to comfort him as we then see Maggie and Caroline being held back my EMT workers and officers as the screen mixes those images of Maggie and Caroline with Mickey and Shawn Sr. In the car bleeding and then the screen freezes on that and fades to black. Tomorrow-Abe lashes out at Lexie, as does Celeste. A family gets bad news. John collapses. Will works to save Chelsea. A huge secret concerning Victor and Caroline is revealed.
Who's In? Nothing new to report on this front except to look for Mandy Musgrave to return to her role of Chelsea Brady in mid-January for a short-term run (see below). Who's Out? Brock Pierce (Josh)- The recurring actor was let go for storyline reasons. The character simply never took off and it was decided to take Abby in a different romantic direction. The role will not be recast. The actor last aired December 21. Josh will simply leave town and never be heard from again. Mandy Musgrave (Chelsea Brady)- In a stunning move, the actress will be leaving the show again just one week after being re-hired. Musgrave was brought back to replace Rachel Melvin, who as a recast for Musgrave never took off, and was signed to a 3 year contract after much negotiating to bring her back. "It was decided to change direction on this and only committ to this short-term," says Executive Producer Ned Yadroc. "We simply felt the character didn't have staying power and that she had no rooting value. We are cutting our losses and trying not to waste space with characters that no longer fit. That is what are process was here." The character will leave the canvas in the spring but will have plenty of story coming up for the next 3 months. Look for her exit to leave a huge impact on several characters on the canvas. Brody Hutzler (Patrick Lockhart)- It appears that time is up for the character when he leaves the canvas this winter. However, this may not be his final exit as he may return at a later point to stir up some trouble in Salem. Expect to learn all about Patrick and his past before he leaves as that will play a huge part in his "possible return."
Contract Actors Frances Reid - Alice Horton Suzanne Rogers - Maggie Horton Drake Hogestyn - John Black Peggy McCay - Caroline Brady Frank Parker - Grandpa Shawn Brady Deidre Hall - Dr. Marlena Evans Black James Reynolds - Abe Carver Alison Sweeney - Sami Brady Renee Jones - Dr. Lexie Carver Kristian Alfonso - Hope Williams Brady Peter Reckell - Bo Brady Lauren Koslow - Kate Roberts Josh Taylor - Roman Brady Arianne Zuker - Nicole Walker Jason Cook - Shawn Brady Farah Fath - Mimi Lockhart Melissa Reeves - Jennifer Horton Deveraux Matthew Ashford - Jack Deveraux Bryan Dattilo - Lucas Roberts Kyle Brandt - Philip Kiriakis Judi Evans - Bonnie Lockhart Brody Hutzler - Patrick Lockhart John Ingle - Mickey Horton Martha Madison - Belle Black Kiriakis Julie Pinson - Billie Reed Ashley Benson - Abigail Deveraux Rachel Melvin - Chelsea Brady Darin Brooks - Max Brady Billy Warlock - Frankie Brady Wayne Northrop - Alex North Austin Peck - Austin Reed Christie Clark - Carrie Brady Julianne Morris-Greta Von Amburg Jeremy Sumpter-Will Roberts Recurring Actors John Aniston - Victor Kiriakis Steve Blackwood - Bart Biederbicke Daphne Bloomer - Eugenia Willans Tanya Boyd - Celeste Perrault Garrett, Mitchell & Spencer Gray - Zack Brady Bill Hayes - Doug Williams Susan Seaforth Hayes - Julie Williams Chase & Tyler Johnson - Theo Carver Jacee Jule - Java Cafe Waitress Patty James Lancaster - Father Timothy Jansen Ron Leath - Henderson Rhasaan Orange - Thomas "Tek" Kramer Thaao Penghlis - Tony DiMera Jake & Nick Ravo - Jack Deveraux Jr. Arloa Reston - Joelle Zeus the dog - Max
Last week tragedy struck at midnight... (we see images of the accident scene from overhead and John in his car saying "Oh my God.") Now this week the aftermath begins... (we see images of paramedics and John running around helping injured people) Lives will be torn apart... (we hear a woman's scream as we see paramedics cutting someone out of a car) Families will experience heartbreak... (we see John walking up to someone saying "He's gone" followed by a screams of "No!!!" from several people) Relationships will be tested and torn apart... (we now see Bo and Hope as Bo is telling Hope "I can't beleive you said that" as Hope turns around and says "Its true.") while others will be healed... (we see John holding Marlena in his arms as she says "It's coming back to me." Long-held secrets will be revealed... (we see Lexie turning around and looking at a stunned Abe and then we flip to Caroline and Victor hugging) and new mysteries will begin. (we see Patrick and Chelsea in a burning car as someone is trying to pull them out and Chelsea is asking "Who are you?") Its the week no Days fan should miss. NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME and, just think, its only the first week of 2006. 4 BIG DAYS THIS WEEK!!! DAYS OF OUR LIVES-"THE CRASH"
Yeah I wonder If you really took care of the count for real? Or, perhaps, its Andre and not Tony? There seems to be alot of murder in fan fic lately . Good thing all the deaths in my blog next week are accidental .
Glad you liked it. What did you all think of Great returning? I always liked her with Jack and think she is a nice addition. Glad you liked the crash. I was afraid it might be hard to follow or come off bad since you can;t really see it. My next episode will show you that there were other cars involved too which will help make this much more chaotic. I didn't want the only people involved to be only Days characters otherwise it isn't realistic so you will see lots of people screaming and injured Tuesday. Keep a look out for my new promo this weekend and updated cast news and a special preview peice (in interview form). I promise once this crash is over the episodes will not be as long as this. That is an awful lot to read. Where is KR? I take it he is behind on reading fan fic. I wanted to know his response to this.
12/30/05 (This is my big explosion into fan fic-many current stories are transformed into my stories and there will be progression in every single story in this wpisode and in all of next week’s. This episode is much more to the point then my previous ones. Also, note how this episode is divided into two parts: Setup and Ending. I hyped up in my preview not to miss the last five minutes or end to this show and to create the intensity and drama of this tragedy I needed to do this episode this way. I hope you all like it and discuss away afterwards because this should get you talking.) -At the Horton/Brady New Year’s party, we see Alice, Doug, Julie, Maggie, Mickey, Shawn Sr and Caroline all talking. They are worried about the storm that has moved in and wonder if they should call off the rest of the party but decide not to since they don’t want to disappoint. Maggie and Caroline realize that they are all out of salsa dip. Shawn offers to go get some but everyone insists they don’t need it and that he should stay put since the weather is bad and most of the roads haven’t been salted or plowed yet. Shawn Sr claims that he doesn’t want everyone who needs it to be disappointed and says that since the restaurant is closed and there are no employees for the night no one else can get it. Mickey offers to go with him saying that he can help Shawn Sr drive through the storm. He reminds Maggie that the storm is just starting and it isn’t far to the store and they can just take all the main roads since they need to be clear for ambulances and such. Maggie and Caroline give in and say goodbye to their husbands by saying they love them and kissing and hugging them. They both insist that both men be back in plenty of time before the midnight countdown since they want to ring in the new year together so they can have good luck and happiness in 2006. Both men say they will be back way before the major festivities as both women watch their husbands leave. -The guests at the party mingle. Bo and Hope talk to Doug and Julie and Alice. Bo is worried about Chelsea being with Patrick but Hope reassures him that Patrick may be the only one to get through to her. Max and Abby come up from behind and share how they believe Chelsea will never change. Jen and Frankie come in too and tell them both to stop talking like that. Chelsea just needs to adjust to her new family and life. Max and Abby walk away and go dance. Later, Jen and Frankie notice them laughing and having fun. They discuss how much it reminds them of the way they were when they were younger. Frankie then asks her to dance. They do, as do Max and Abby. Max tells Abby he is having fun and that he never noticed how pretty she was. He says he always found her attractive but now he is really seeing her for what she is and the true extent of her beauty. She blushes and they continue to dance alongside Jen and Frankie as someone watches from outside. It’s a tearful Jack, with his accomplice, looking on with approval over what is happening inside. -Bo and Hope then talk with Abe and Celeste while Zach plays with Theo on the floor in front of them. They are happy to hear Abe has almost gotten his complete sight back. Abe urges them not to share that info with Lexie. He has hid it for months and wants to surprise her later on at home. It will be a great way to ring in the new year. Lexie shows up and apologizes for being late. She says the roads are getting bad but everyone says that they may just have to spend the night at Chez Rouge. Hope pulls Lexie aside and asks what she found out about Shawn and Claire. Lexie tells Hope that she will have to ask Shawn about that since he wants to inform the right people first before telling everyone else and its against ethics for her to give that type of info. Hope takes that to mean that Claire is his daughter somehow. Lexie smiles and says “maybe” and walks away. Hope then hugs Bo and says that now she is sure 2006 will be the best year ever. They go and dance as he continues to worry about his daughter. Abe notices that Lexie looks nervous so he calls her on it. She flashes back to her conversation with Tek earlier (see 12/28/05) and how she vowed to tell Abe the truth about Tek and her. Lexie tells Abe she is fine as Abe says that he is sure 2006 will be a good year for them. Lexie hugs him with a terrified look on her face knowing she needs to tell Abe before Tek gets back and stops her or changes his own mind and decides to tell Abe himself in a last ditch effort to land her. Celeste goes to the bar and starts having vibes and images of sirens and then she sees bright lights and hears screams and brakes screeching. She then hears several loud crashes that sound like cars colliding. She almost passes out. Lexie notices this and runs over asking her mother what is wrong. Celeste tells her about her vision but Lexie doubts her yet again. Celeste reminds her that she has always been right. Lexie reminds her of how she wasn’t right about Hope, Jen, and her marrying other men in her wedding band vision almost two years ago during the serial killings. Celeste says it could still come true since Jack is dead, something could happen to Bo and Hope, and she is torn between Abe and Tek. Lexie stares at her and asks her what she knows about Tek and her. Celeste says she knows everything. She saw it coming in her vision and heard Lexie on the phone one day with Tek. She just never said anything since Lexie has been working a lot and Abe has always been around when she is home so they can never get alone time. Lexie tells her mother she is telling Abe the truth. She tells Celeste about what is going on with Tek. Celeste then has that same vision again she had earlier and tells Lexie that what happens tonight will affect her drastically. She walks away leaving Lexie alone. Her phone rings and when she picks up she hears Tek. He is calling her from his cell. She urges him not to call while driving, especially with the roads bad from the storm. He says he only called to tell her that he is almost there and to not tell Abe the truth. He was wrong to want to tell him earlier and to threaten her and he apologizes. He begs Lexie to reconsider and tells her that he loves her. Lexie tells him the affair is over and that it was a mistake. She only loves one man-Abe. Tek tells her not to say anything until he talks to her. He says that he only needs to pass the intersection and go two blocks and he will be at Chez Rouge. He says he knows she is there because there is a big Horton/Brady party he heard about and figured she would be invited. Lexie looks at Abe with tears in her eyes saying to herself that she knows what she needs to do. She tells Tek that he can’t stop her even if he is standing like next to her. -Sami and Nicole, who Sami invited as her guest, are at the Chez Rouge bar. Sami and Nicole are discussing plans to get Carrie away from Austin. Nicole says that they should use Lucas to do it but Sami is against that idea. Nicole asks her if she still loves Lucas. Sami says that she does but its over now and that he made that clear. Nicole says that Lucas may be the only way to keep Carrie away from Austin. Carrie and Austin walk in together as Caroline, Bo, Hope, Frankie, and Max go up to her and hug her. They all welcome her back as Sami rolls her eyes saying that she never gets people fawning over her like that. Lucas comes up behind them and asks what they are up to. They both blast Lucas for always assuming the worst as Lucas claims that both women are always scheming. He notices both of them look at Carrie and Austin and he tells them not to worry about landing Austin. They both look at him confused. Lucas tells them both that the competition for Austin may soon be down from three women to two. Sami and Nicole ask him what he is talking about again. Lucas tells them to watch since the bombshell should explode anytime now and when it does Carrie may not want anything to do with Austin. Sami seems a little hurt that Lucas seems to want Carrie but, realizing that him and her can never be, she smiles and says that she hopes he is right. Nicole says that while they wait she will just grab a pitcher of cosmos as Sami and Lucas both roll their eyes with faces of disgust. Carrie and Austin then hit the dance floor, with Sami, Lucas, and Nicole as witnesses, and express how much fun they are having and that it feels like old times. They, along with Sami and the others, notice Roman walk in with Bonnie. Carrie says that she doesn’t know her much but heard Bonnie is quite a character. Austin agrees as Carrie explains that she doesn’t care who her dad is with as long as he is happy. Sami, meanwhile, goes off on Roman for being with Bonnie. Roman tells Sami to mind her own business and to not talk to him if she is going to behave that way. They walk away as Bonnie sticks her tongue out at Sami behind Roman’s back. Nicole says that while Roman is good looking, he is nothing but a cheapskate citing how he made a big deal after paying for her cosmos after spilling them months ago. Sami looks on in disgust as Lucas laughs and Nicole drinks up. Meanwhile, Carrie’s cell rings. Its Becky. Carrie apologizes for the phone dying earlier and her not calling her. She says she was busy getting ready for the party and catching up with others and her cell also needed to charge. Everything just got jumbled up in her mind and she couldn’t remember the new phone number for the company that Becky told her the other day since they had to change it due to prank callers. She says that she will be back in LA as soon as the weather clears. Becky tells her no problem but says she is concerned about the company since it appears a takeover is imminent. She then excuses herself and tells Austin that she needs to take the call in private. Sami, Lucas, and Nicole look on grinning in anticipation. Becky reminds Carrie of what they were discussing the last time they talked and Carrie asks her to tell her the name of the company that is close to taking over High Style. -Bonnie and Roman are stared at by everyone. Bo and Hope think its weird and hope Bonnie doesn’t hurt Roman like he has been hurt several times. Jen tells Frankie that she likes Bonnie but says that Roman needs to keep an eye on her since she is quite the handful. Julie tells Doug that Roman must be drunk since there is no way any man like Roman could be that dumb to date Bonnie. Doug urges her to behave. Maggie goes over and questions Roman about his date. Roman says that if there is a problem they will go but that he asked Bonnie to be on her best behavior. Maggie laughs and says that Bonnie’s idea of being on her best behavior is using her cleavage to trap everything on two legs and maybe even more if you count Max the dog. Bonnie and her begin to fight but Roman breaks it up. Maggie walks away and agrees to keep her distance. Roman warns Bonnie again to behave or they will leave. She agrees but grins and says that she will show everyone what she is made of when she lands a good guy like Roman. They will never look at her the same way again and she will prove to them that she is just as good as the rest of them. They then get some drinks and soon end up on the dance floor as Bonnie notes to Roman that she can dance to the boring, classical music crap too and not just country music like everyone thinks. Roman says that she doesn’t need to prove anything to him. She just needs to have fun and enjoy the evening. Bonnie smiles as they continue to dance. Maggie watches out the window as the storm is picking up. Caroline comes up from behind and says that their husbands are fine and will be back soon. They are just taking their time because of the weather. They go back to talking with Alice, Doug, and Julie who also reassure both women. -Billie arrives at the hospital and walks right in on Phillip learning that Claire isn’t his daughter. He lashes out at Victor and Kate for keeping this from him. Billie is shocked when Phillip informs her of what has happened. She yells at her mother who admits that she was wrong but had good intentions. She admits to almost being arrested for trying to change the records. Billie yells at her mother again for her actions and Phillip is furious that his mother was gonna keep up this charade. Victor says that he made Kate change everything back and got her off the hook. He apologizes too and says there was no excuse for keeping the truth. It only made matters worse. Phillip agrees and wonders if Belle knows as Kate screams that of course she knows. Belle and Shawn were going behind his back the whole time he was overseas in battle. Victor looks at Kate angrily and she realizes that it wasn’t the right time to say that. Phillip demands the rest of the truth as Kate tells him what happened while he was in war and what was going on behind his back when he first got back to Salem during the summer. He is stunned and hurt and betrayed. He lashes out at his parents. Billie admits that she knew too and do did all the men that rescued him in the war zone. Kate screams at Billie for telling him that but Billie says that it is time Phillip knows everything. Phillip feels betrayed by everyone he knows and loves saying that everyone knew what was going on but him. Everyone tries to comfort him as he yells for them to stay the hell away from him. Meanwhile, Mimi is watching Belle and Shawn on the terrace. She is still feeling ill but thinks it is still because of what is going on and worrying about losing Shawn. She then witnesses Belle kiss Shawn and nearly faints. She recovers in time to see Shawn push her away which makes her smile. Shawn tells Belle that this doesn’t mean they can be together. She is still married to Phillip and he is involved with Mimi. He says there is a lot to deal with and they can’t do it right now. They need to tell Phillip the truth and need to worry about Claire and her health. Belle agrees as Shawn says they will talk about everything else eventually. Belle then has a daydream of reuniting with Shawn and seems convinced it will happen now even though Phillip will get hurt. They bump into Mimi outside and all three discuss Phillip. Mimi tells the both of them that Phillip already knows the truth since his parents broke it to him while Shawn told Belle. They then hear an angry Phillip yelling. They run back to the ICU and see Phillip screaming at Victor, Kate and Billie. Billie fills them in and says she is ashamed at Belle and Shawn. Both admit they don’t even remember making love and never knew Claire could be theirs. Phillip then turns around and yells that everyone must think he is an idiot. He lashes out at Belle and Shawn saying he loved her and that her not knowing was bull. She lied and told him that he was the only one that she had slept with. Belle breaks down and says its true she didn’t know and she still doesn’t remember. He was also her first and she says that she still doesn’t remember being with Shawn in that way. Phillip yells at Shawn and says he should have never forgiven him and became his friend again. He is still the same backstabbing brute that he was when he drove his bike threw the window at St. Luke’s. He says he should have let him go to jail. Shawn says that neither him or Belle remember how Claire was conceived. Victor urges Phillip to calm down and defends Belle and Shawn saying they may not have really known. Phillip tells him to stop trying to make family peace and to shut up. He isn’t trusting anybody anymore or being naive and stupid. He then goes on and on about Belle and how their marriage is nothing but a lie as she breaks down with Shawn comforting her. Phillip tells Mimi to just surrender now in fighting for Shawn’s love before she gets hurt too but says he don’t care about her either since she probably knew the truth along with everyone else. He says everyone is dead to him. Kate tells him not to say that but he blames her most of all for pushing him to go after Belle in the beginning saying that if he didn’t he would not have had his heart broken again. Only this time its worse then when he lost Chloe. He actually married Belle and thought he had a child with her. She stayed with him through everything he went through. His ability to trust and love is shattered. He says he hates everyone and that they all may as well be dead to him. He picks up a chair and throws it right through the door of the ICU as Belle screams and breaks down in Shawn’s arms. -Chelsea is still speeding towards Salem saying that she will pay her parents back for everything. Patrick, afraid to take the wheel and cause an accident, urges Chelsea to slow down citing the bad weather. Chelsea refuses saying she is only going 20 miles over the limit but now that he is being annoying about it she will go even faster. Patrick yells at her as Chelsea says no one tells her what to do and runs her life but her. She says she hates everyone including Patrick who she says used her to get closer to Billie, Hope, or whoever he wants. Patrick denies that as Chelsea turns the music up. She says she will make the lives of her new family and her parents miserable. Her parents and Hope used Patrick to punish her and to turn her into “a good girl.” She says that no one can change her and that her new family can go to hell for not liking her for who she is saying her old parents loved her as she is. Patrick tries to reason with her but she turns the music up to the maximum volume. Patrick then hears sirens from a police car and he urges Chelsea to pull over. Chelsea claims she doesn’t hear anything and says that even if she did she isn’t stopping. They just need to pass the intersection and go a few blocks and they will be at Chez Rouge for her family’s stupid party where she can ruin it and make everyone miserable for what they did to her. Patrick reminds Chelsea that the intersection is busy and the storm is bad along with the roads. He also tells her once again to stop since the police are right behind them chasing them and things are only being made worse by her not pulling over. Her father won’t be happy and won’t be able to help her get out of this. She tells him to shut up and that they are almost there and she doesn’t care about her father, the police, or anyone but herself. No one will stop her from getting her revenge. -Mickey and Shawn Sr are taking their time driving back to Chez Rouge. The storm begins to pick up and visibility drops drastically. The car then skids on ice as they approach an intersection. They manage to stop the car before it hits anyone or anything. They steer the car to the side of the road and decide to remain there until the storm dies off a little. Shawn asks Mickey if its dangerous to pull over so close to a major intersection given the bad weather and rods but Mickey says they won’t do this for long. The storm can’t keep up like this forever. The realize they may not make it back in time for midnight. They agree its no big deal since the bad times are over and their families are in the clear. They decide to call their wives on the phone and talk to them at midnight to make them happy. It will be just like being with them they agree. We see Maggie pick up the phone at the bar and she is upset they aren’t back but delighted to hear they are ok and that they called. It’s the next best thing to having them there. She calls Caroline over and puts the phone on speaker phone so the men can hear the countdown and can talk to them and pledge their love to them at midnight. -Alex has pulled over, hoping he can lie low since John would expect him to just take the interstate out of town. Marlena is still in her trances as Alex is touching her face vowing to never let her go. Meanwhile, John is driving around trying to think like Alex to find where his car is. He deduces that Alex probably didn’t use the interstate because that is what anyone would do. John believes he did the opposite thinking that John would think he was headed out of Salem. Eventually, John spots Alex’s car. He then speeds away with John hot on his trail. Both cars head for one of Salem’s busiest intersections. Ending of Episode -Everyone watches Phillip continue to seethe with anger. He can’t believe that he threw the chair threw the door. He could have hurt innocent children and then turns around to everyone and curses them for making him do what he just did. He continues to lash out saying he will never be loved and that those he thought loved him didn’t. He can’t believe how stupid he was. Everyone tries to comfort him but he pushes them away. A nurse shows security what happened to the door but Victor gives the nurse and guards a check to keep what happened hush hush. The nurse pockets it but security doesn’t accept it. The nurse says to leave it alone since the door has been paid for and then some. The guards leave as Phillip tells Victor to stay out of his life. He doesn’t need him or anyone. He hates them all. Belle begs him to let her explain but Phillip calls her a tramp and a cold-hearted bitch and then spits on her. Shawn tells him to lay off and that they don’t remember as Phillip doesn’t buy it. He tells them both to go to hell along with everyone else as he pushes Belle to the floor and leaves. Shawn picks her up but she collapses in his arms and cries uncontrollably yelling “I’m sorry!!!” Victor then tells Kate to look at what she has done. Most of this is her doing for interfering in her children’s lives yet again. Kate starts to break down as Victor addresses the fact that she is finally realizing what her actions do to her children. All they do is make things worse. Kate begins to break down in tears and runs off as Billie follows. Mimi walks up to Victor and asks him what he thinks will happen as Victor says, “It can only get worse from here.” -Meanwhile, at the party, Doug and Julie bring Alice to the bar so they can all join Maggie and Caroline in counting down to the new year with Shawn Sr and Mickey. Bo and Hope are dancing as are Abby and Max. Jen and Frankie are too and all are having fun and embracing. Jack is watching all this from outside and is clearly emotional. He turns to his accomplice and says, “I don’t know how you did it. Being alone all those years without contact with any loved ones or friends. It must have been hard but, then again, you did it for so long that you must have been used to it. I guess I will have to get used to it too....until I die that is. Now don’t look at me like that. I hate when you do that. I am not changing your mind like I know you want me to. You and me have come this far and there is no going back and this is for the best. Its gotta be and it already seems to be going according to plan seeing what I am seeing in there.” Just then, out of the shadows, the camera pans up to see a hooded women. She takes the hood off and we see her face. IT’S GRETA!!!! “This is wrong Jack and deep down you know it. I have helped you so far but I am beginning to wonder if what we are doing is wrong. You know what it is-I want out. If you don’t tell Jen what is going on, I will and I will do it tonight.” Jack turns around and begs ger not to. -Everyone begins to prepare for the countdown as Roman and Bonnie head over to join Bo and Hope, who both look at Bonnie. She asks them what they are looking at as Bo says nothing. They have been meaning to say all night how beautiful she looks tonight. Hope agrees and asks where she got the dress. Bonnie doesn’t buy it but answers anyway and says that she never reveals her wardrobe people. Roman laughs as Bo and Hope smile with a “Oh God” look on their face. -Austin is preparing for the countdown and wonders where Carrie is. Since Carrie is MIA, both Sami and Nicole race off the grab Austin first and be with him at midnight. A drunk Nicole beats Sami but only because she broke her heel and tripped and fell into Austin’s arms. Sami is furious and turns around to bump into Lucas who she yells at for coming up behind her. He says its about to happen. She asks him she knows its almost midnight. Lucas tells her that isn’t it. He means Carrie is finding out about the takeover right now. Carrie asks Becky again to just tell her the name of the company. Becky, knowing that it shares the same name as Carrie’s former husband, tells Carrie to brace herself. Carrie urges her to just say it. Becky tells her, “It’s Austin Reed &Co.” Carrie refuses to believe it but Becky insists its true and that she would never lie to her. Carrie looks out at Austin with tears welling up in her eyes as Sami and Lucas look on smiling devilishly in approval. -Abe wonders where Lexie is since its almost midnight. Celeste comes over and says she is on the phone. Abe asks Celeste to go get her but Celeste keeps seeing the vision and says she can’t since ‘It’s about to happen.” and she needs to warn people. She can’t stay quiet any longer. Abe asks her what is wrong as Celeste stops again dead in her tracks as the countdown to midnight begins. -We then see several images intermingled of (10)Chelsea and Patrick speeding, Mickey and Shawn Sr pulled over with their loved ones counting down with them by phone, Lexie talking to Tek who is in his car, Alex speeding away with Marlena and John chasing him in his car and (9)Abe holding Celeste who is feeling the impending doom. We also see the images of all the other party goers counting down together as Carrie looks on with pain in her eyes and Sami and Lucas smiling and (8) we see Phillip clutching his head and screaming “How could she do this to me?’ as Belle is being held in Shawn’s arms (with Victor and Mimi looking on) and Kate in Billie’s as both women are breaking down. (7) We then go back to Patrick and Chelsea who again begs her to pull over and she refuses. The car then skids on ice and spins out of control. Meanwhile, Tek is talking to Lexie and is telling her to please wait when he sees Chelsea’s car skidding right into his path. (6)Its too late-his car smashes right into it as Lexie hears the crash and the phone goes dead. Tek’s car goes flying right into a nearby building. Chelsea’s car, after colliding with Tek’s, ends up right in the path of Alex’s who is coming from the other direction. (5) He turns around to see how close John is and when he turns around sees the car in the middle of the road but its too late. His car smashes into Chelsea’s and this time sends it into a ravine. (4)Alex’s car spins out of control and hits a nearby parked car and telephone pole leaving Maggie, Alice, Doug,, Julie, and Caroline stunned when they hear a loud crash and the line go dead. (3)John sees what is happening and sees the chaos in front of him but doesn’t manage to see the two cop cars that were chasing Chelsea that collided in an effort to avoid hitting her car. John rams right into them sending all the cars flying and sending John’s car right into a nearby tree. (2) We then hear Celeste scream NO!!!! as the screen turns to white and then we hear everyone say loudly, “1" and then scream in horror in response to Celeste’s scream. We then see everyone running to Celeste to ask what is going on as Lexie tries to get Tek on her phone and Maggie and the others at the bar try to reach Micky desperately. Celeste yells out to everyone that “Its happened. I should have warned everyone but it would have been too late. Death has come to Salem and who it claims will affect everyone in this room.” Everyone looks at each other as Lexie looks at her mother with a worried expression and looks at her phone thinking about Tek. Maggie and the group at the bar have horrified looks on their faces as they are very worried now that something happened to Mickey and Shawn Sr. We then go back to Celeste and the horrified look on her face as the screen fades back to the accident scene and we get a overhead look at it. We see John wake up and as he looks in his car mirrors and sees the chaos behind him he says, “Oh my God.” We then see another overhead visual of the accident scene intermingled with images of John and all the worried and horrified people at the party. The screen then goes black. Next week: John plays hero yet again. Lives are lost and two shocking secrets are revealed. Will makes a shocking discovery and one Salem resident finds him or herself a prisoner. I will not post an episode for Monday since the real Days is preempted and like the show I am off when its off. I will post a new promo this weekend and updated casting news and a preview of what is coming. I hope you liked the ending-it may come off as convoluted and random that only cars of Days characters crashed. Next week you will see that this accident affect other people besides Days characters too just so that we can be realistic here. Hope you enjoy and talk away about all the shockers in this eppy. Many more are coming next week and the episodes will be much shorter. Happy new year to all of you and keep reading in the new year. My stuff has really started now.
12/29/05 (very long episode today-the last long one-I also use some dialogue in this one so sorry about the length and enjoy) -John and Marlena arrive at Chez Rouge for the party and notice that many of the guest have already arrived. They are shocked to see Roman there with Bonnie. They decide not to go in yet as they want to be alone since they had not had the chance to in a long time with Alex around. John says that now is the perfect time since Alex is in jail to make up for lost time and talk about their past in hopes of jogging her memory. John reminds Marlena that Alex did not want them alone because he knew the more she was with John the better the chances that her memory would return in full. John recalls past New Year’s he spent with Marlena including some bad ones like when an ill Roman caught them aboard his jet kissing thanks to Kristen’s antics. Marlena asks who Kristen was and John opts not to tell her right now since he merely want to focus on her memories of her family and him. Meanwhile, in the bushes, Alex is watching the both of them and has realized that John will never leave Marlena alone now. He starts to panic when he hears Marlena tell John that all the memories are find and good but not important. She says, “I don’t need memories. My life is right in front of my eyes. You are clearly my life John and I can’t believe I didn’t see it before.” John claims that Alex was brainwashing her and his insistence on isolating her from her family and him is what made things worse for her and made it hard to remember her past. Alex is getting increasingly angry and worried. He can’t let John continue to be alone with her since he is making so much progress in so little time. Even though Marlena isn’t really having memory flashes, the emotions and feelings she has for John and her loved ones are returning meaning that it is only a matter of time before the memories come flooding back. Alex decided to sit back and wait for an opportunity to take Marlena away but if John doesn’t leave her side soon, he will just have to remove him from the picture. -Chelsea and Patrick return to their room at the Green Mountain Lodge after eating dinner in the Lodge restaurant. Chelsea claims to be having a great time and, noticing the hot tub outside, comes up with an idea to make her move on Patrick. We then see flashbacks of their time at the lodge so far. Chelsea is clearly flirting with Patrick and he is humoring her in an effort to benefit his chances at convincing her to listen to and accept her parents and family. Chelsea believes that Patrick is really interested in her and is finally ready to give in to her advances, not realizing it is an act by him. Flashbacks now end. Chelsea asks Patrick to join her in the hot tub since it has been such a long day. He doesn’t see a problem with it and plans to use the time in the hot tub to get Chelsea to change. They get into their bathing suits. Chelsea continues to flirt as Patrick humors her some more. He finally brings up the topics of her parents and newfound family, as well as her reckless driving and behavior. She tries to change the subject many times but Patrick changes it back. Chelsea starts to get angry and asks why he is ruining everything. She claims that it’s a vacation and that she came with him to forget the drama back in Salem. He sees that she is getting really mad so he backs off. They talk about music and movies and such. Chelsea again feels that things are going well and decided to finally make a move before she misses her chance. She asks Patrick to get her something to drink and, while he is gone, she messes with the tub jets. He returns and notes that the tub isn’t working anymore. He finds it unplugged and plugs it back in. Just as he does that, Chelsea sneakily pulls off her bathing suit and then acts like her suit got pulled off by the water coming out of the jets. She makes a huge scene as Patrick pulls her out naked. He covers her up with a towel but not before catching a glimpse of her body as she had hoped. He can’t understand how her suit got pulled off since jets can’t pull off something that is tied or secured to someone’s body. Chelsea claims that her suit is old and that the straps were already loose. She had meant to throw it out but never did and, in her rush to pack on short notice, took the wrong suit by mistake. Patrick chalks it up to another innocent mistake. They go inside as Patrick says he is gonna take a shower before they get ready to go downstairs for the lodge New Year’s Eve party. While he is gone, Chelsea notes how flustered Patrick was over seeing her body and thinks he is really into her. She decided to go for it all when he comes out of the shower. She sneaks into the bathroom and steals all the towels and his clothes so that he has no way to cover up. She stashes the towels in a maid’s closet in the hall and hides the clothes. Later, Patrick yells to Chelsea to close her eyes since it appears they are all out of towels and he must have forgot to take clothes in with him even though he was sure he did. She agrees to as he comes out and notices her staring right at him. He tells Chelsea to turn around or close her eyes since this isn’t right. She refuses and confesses her feelings for him and what she believes he feels for her. She pulls off the towels he covered her with and she says, “I want you and you want me. So why resist? Let’s go for it, Nobody needs to ever know.” He pushes her off and seeks his suitcases and puts on some clothes. He lashes out at her and tells her he knew that she had a crush on him. She explains its not a crush-its something more. He is her ideal man. He asks her about Max and she claims he was just a sub or fallback in case she couldn’t land him. Patrick decides to end this once and for all and realizes that his plan will never work. It has already set her up for hurt and heartache. He should have though this through but never realized how far the depth of her obsession went. He explains to her that he can never be with her and the real reasons why he took her on the trip. She lashes out claiming he didn’t think she was pretty enough or didn’t think she would be good in bed. She also says that he was used by her parents to punish her since they hate her. She goes on and on about how no one will ever want her since she is screwed up thanks to the Dimeras and her parents. He denies everything and claims to care about her. She says that she hates him and can’t understand what she saw in him. She takes the keys to her car and leaves. Patrick races to stop her yelling to her about her license being suspended and that the car is being shared by her and her mother since she don’t have one and she would not want her driving angry and risking losing another car. He warns Chelsea that when she is emotional or lashing out, that is when she gets into or causes trouble. He grabs her but she knocks him over and runs to the car in the lot. Patrick gets in just as she begins to pull away. He tells her to pull over and let him take the wheel, noting that she is speeding. She refuses and the car speeds out of the lot as the snow and ice storm begins to hit (see 12/27/05)Chelsea announces she is going back to Salem to make her parents life a living hell. -Lexie warns Shawn that what she is about to tell him will change everything. He doesn’t care and once again begs her to tell him what she knows. Mimi notices Victor and Kate in the corner and sees how worried they look. Lexie then tells Shawn that the reason he feels connected to Claire and is a blood type match with her is because he is her father. In shock, Shawn says, “ Oh My God its true. I am Claire’s father. It makes sense. I always felt it but just never totally realized..” Lexie says that Claire was conceived the night Belle and him were trapped in the barn and had similar “dreams” of making love. Mimi can’t believe it and turns around crying saying, “Its over-I lost him. He will go back to Belle the woman he still loves and always will.” She starts to cry. Shawn is stunned and says it all makes sense now and notices Mimi crying. He asks her what is wrong. She tells him that she knows he will go back to Belle now since Claire was one of the only things keeping them apart and now it will unite them. Shawn says that his being Claire’s father doesn’t mean he is reuniting with Belle. He urges Mimi to let her fears go since there are more important things to deal with like Claire being ill. He insists that Belle and Phillip need to be told the truth now. Lexie agrees and offers to do it but Shawn says that he needs to tell Belle and then Phillip. They are interrupted by Kate and Victor, who finally step out of the corner. Victor insists that Kate and him be the ones to tell Phillip. Shawn asks how they know and remembers Mimi telling him about Kate offering her a job at Basic Black and trying to get them married ASAP. He recalls Mimi telling him that Kate was afraid Belle and Shawn would reunite. He lashes out at Kate. Victor then jumps in and admits that he learned the truth recently too. Mimi claims that now everything makes sense and Shawn scolds both Victor and Kate. Victor expresses regret but Kate claims she feels no remorse and that she was protecting her son. Shawn, Mimi, and Lexie all say that keeping the truth a secret only made things worse and that the results could have been tragic for Claire. Shawn says he will deal with Victor and Kate later and tells Victor that his father won’t be happy to hear this. Shawn asks Lexie to get Belle and bring her out on the terrace. The both leave as Victor lashes out at Kate telling her that he knew this would happen. Belle walks out of the pediatric ICU following Lexie as Kate stares at Phillip who begins to come out as well. Kate realizes that Lexie told him to come talk to them so that he could learn the truth. Kate says, “What have I done. My son has lost everything and all I did was make it worse. He is gonna feel betrayed by his parents and feel so alone.” Victor orders her to pull herself together and that it is too late for regrets. It is time to take responsibility for their actions and part in this coverup. Kate looks at Mimi and says to her to do what she can to keep Shawn. She is Phillip’s only hope now at happiness. Victor tells Kate to stop interfering and scheming and to leave her alone. Mimi decided to leave them alone and, as she walks away, has another dizzy spell but chalks it up to worrying about losing Shawn and stress. Phillip comes out of the ICU and says that Lexie told him that his parents has news for him. Victor says that they do and that it will change his life. Its bad news and he warns Phillip that his mother and himself made big mistakes in not telling him sooner. He only hopes that he can forgive them for that. Phillip urges them to tell him the truth they are speaking of. -Belle meets Shawn on the terrace. She asks what he wanted. He says he has big news that will change everything. Belle says that she hopes its good news since she has enough to handle with Claire already. Shawn reminds Belle of the connection he feels to Claire and of their matching blood type. He also reminds her of the night they almost died in the burning barn and had “dreams” of making love. He tells her that he was curious and had Lexie investigate. She asks him why he would do that and he says that his instincts told him something was up. He tells Belle to prepare herself. At the same time, Kate and Victor tell Phillip to prepare himself. (Gonna use dialogue here since this is meant to be really intense-I just hope I do a good job with this) Shawn: Belle there is something you don’t know about Claire. Something none of us knew until tonight. Belle....Claire....Claire is....Claire is not Phillip’s daughter. She is my daughter. Yours and mine (begins to tear up). Belle: No it can’t be. I would know it (turns around in protest and then flashes back to when she was dreaming of Shawn being the father and her hallucinations of him being Claire’s dad). Oh my God. I did know. Those dreams and images. I always knew in my heart (tears streaming down her face-she turns to him). It really is true. Shawn: Yes it is. We have a daughter. A child we created. We always dreamed we would have children and now we have one and never knew it. Belle: I knew it we are meant to be. We are meant to be together and a family. I love you Shawn. I never stopped (she embraces Shawn and kisses him). Mimi catches this and breaks down. Meanwhile (as the screen fades into a scene with Victor, Kate, and Phillip)- Victor: Phillip the secret we kept from you that we shouldn’t have...the truth that you should know is.... Kate: Oh baby please no that we were only trying to protect you (grabbing him). Please promise me you won’t shut us out once you know everything. Phillip: Mom just let dad talk and tell me what is going on and then I will be the judge of what happens. Ok? Alright Dad go ahead. I am sure whatever this is can’t bas bad as what is happening with Claire. Victor: Phillip this is about Claire and your family. Phillip your daughter is....(stares at Kate covering her face and preparing for the worst and looks at Phillip’s confused face) not yours. Phillip: What?....What the hell are you talking about? Of course, she is mine. Victor: No, son, she isn’t. Lexie checked records and your mother herself found out a while ago when Claire was first admitted. Your blood type isn’t a match and the time of Claire’s conception makes it impossible for her to be yours. Kate: Baby, trust me. I saw the records and checked out everything. It is true. Phillip: No way! If she isn’t mine then who is her father. Belle never slept with anyone else, at least not that I know of, and she would never lie to me. Kate: Ph.... Victor: Phillip do you recall the night Belle was in an accident with Shawn and they were later found in a burning barn? Phillip flashes back to that night and remembers being told that both were found naked. Phillip’s face of denial crumbles as the truth sinks in. Phillip: Oh my God. That night. I knew something else happened. Both of them were mumbling about making love and they both said they were dreaming. Only-they weren’t. Were they? (Victor and Kate shake their heads reluctantly) She isn’t mine. Claire is Shawn’s. Phillip begins to tear up, with a look of shock and disgust on his face. Victor and a emotional Kate look on with concern for their son. -John gets a call from the police station on his cell while talking to Marlena. He turns his back on Marlena for a moment. Realizing this could be his only shot to get her away from John, Alex quickly sneaks up behind Marlena and grabs her from behind. He covers her mouth but she manages to scream. John learns from the station that Alex was released and then hears Marlena scream. Alex then uses his tailsmen again to put Marlena into a trance so she can’t fight him. He dashes off just in time to see Alex’s car speed away with Marlena in it. John races and gets his car vowing to not let Alex get away with his wife no matter what he needs to do as Alex looks on with an evil grin vowing to never let Marlena see John again as the screen fades to black (all this happens as the snow and ice storm moves into Salem after already beginning to affect others areas including the Green Mountain Lodge area.). On the Next Days.... A episode so BIG that we aren’t gonna tell you what happens. (Images of the New Year’s Eve party and Bonnie and Roman dancing, Sami and Nicole , Austin dancing with Carrie, Max and Abby laughing) This is the episode full of BIG CHANGES that will make 2006 THE BEST YEAR OF DAYS EVER!! (Images of Belle crying with Shawn, Mimi, Kate, and Victor in the background, Phillip throwing a chair through a window, John chasing Alex’s car as Alex laughs, Chelsea speeding with Patrick) NOTHING WILL EVER BE THE SAME. LIVES WILL BE LOST AND SECRETS WILL BE REVEALED. (Images of Lexie talking to Tek who is in his car, Victor and Caroline hugging, Jack looking at his accomplice, and then the screen goes black as we hear sirens and people (mostly women voices) screaming “NO!!” in agony. THIS IS THE DAYS EPISODE EVERYONE WILL BE TALKING ABOUT....AND WHATEVER YOU DO...DON’T MISS THE LAST 5 MINUTES (hear brakes screeching an cars crashing) DAYS’ 2005 FINALE TOMORROW ON NBC DAYTIME.
Oh Drew you are gonna love tomarrow's show. Some instense stuff with the Claire payoff and it sets the stage for my unbelievable Friday show. Jack's partner in crime will be among the big things that comes out of Friday. His/her identity will be revealed and it is a shocker. If you read my "Who's In/Who's Out" it will tell you that someone is returning on New Year's so maybe this will deal with Jack. Hmm...keep reading .
12/28/05 -Max is outside of Java Café checking his messages on his cell when all of a sudden he bursts into a rage and throws a trash can against the brick exterior of a nearby store. Abby is walking out of the café at that time and asks him what is wrong. He explains that Chelsea is spending New Year’s with Patrick at Green Mountain Lodge. He says, “I can’t believe her. I was so stupid.” Abby responds, “No you weren’t-you just cared.” She hugs him and they talk about how he planned to take her to the Horton/Brady party. He lied to her and told her he was taking her to another party because he was hoping to get her to see how good she has it in her family and life. Abby says that he was doing a good thing and is a good guy and that she will beat the party so he can come with her. He asks her why she would want to go with him since she has a boyfriend to spend the holiday with. Abby explains her and Josh broke up and that he moved away. She says it wasn’t working anyway. She wants a guy who knows how to treat a girl and how to respect her feelings. Max smiles and says that was what he was doing with Chelsea and she hurt him. He should have know since she always wanted Patrick. She must have been using him. Abby says to forget it and go with her to the party. He agrees and they both leave. -Jen is home looking at pictures of Jack when the doorbell rings. Its Frankie. He explains that he couldn’t leave. Something told him to stay. Jen says, “I need you Frankie. Don’t leave. Please don’t.” She explains it was wrong for her to ask him to leave since it’s the holidays. She asks him to at least stay until after New Year’s. He agrees but hints that he don’t know if he should leave at all. She doesn’t want to argue and says to drop it until after the holiday. The phone rings and its Maggie asking her to rethink coming to the party. Jen says she doesn’t feel like celebrating. She says she will let Maggie know if she changes her mind and hangs up. Frankie asks what is going on and Jen talks about the Horton/Brady party. Frankie says that she should go with him since its their families’ party and Jack wouldn’t want her to sit home on New Year’s. Jen thinks about it and agrees, citing the fact that Jack Jr. And Abby were going anyway and Jack would want her to be with her family to ring in the new year. She goes to get ready and thanks Frankie, who says to himself that Jack would also want her to be with him to ring in the new year too. Meanwhile, Jack is outside Jen’s window smiling and glad that Frankie returned. He then turns around and talks to someone who is clearly helping him and says, “We need to get out of here. We can’t get caught it would ruin everything. Let’s get as far away from Salem as possible.” He leaves and we don’t see his mysterious partner in crime. -Kate and Victor arrive at the hospital at the same time. They discuss everything happening with Claire and Kate tells Victor that “The truth must never come out.” -Shawn is with Mimi awaiting word from Lexie. They are watching Belle and Phillip who are still at Claire’s bedside. He talks about the baby being his and Mimi starts having daydreams of losing Shawn to Belle. She then gets dizzy and passes out. Shawn and a passing nurse help her up. The nurse gets her water but Mimi assures her that she is ok and that she just hasn’t eaten much due to worrying about Claire. Shawn promises to take care of her as Mimi secretly worries about losing Shawn and about possible problems with her health. -Lexie is in the hospital records room when Abe calls her. She promises to be home in time to take him to the Brady/Horton party. She then flashes back to Tek threatening her earlier and inviting her to the lodge. Abe tells her that Celeste is going to take him and Theo to the party so she should just meet them there. She agrees and says that she loves him and always has no matter what. He says he knows and is so glad all their problems are over. Both hangup as Lexie breaks down worrying about what Tek might do. Celeste comes downstairs and is shocked when she sees Abe getting Theo’s bag ready for the party. He explains that his sight has been slowly returning and that he wants to surprise Lexie. He went and saw a specialist with the aid of a friend on the force and he took an experimental drug that has seemed to work. Celeste hugs him and says that the bad times are truly behind them.. She then starts shaking and has a vision of smoke and fire and people screaming. Its mass chaos. She then says, “Death is coming to Salem tonight!!! So much pain and heartache. The worst is yet to come.” Abe tries to get her to calm down but she refuses and says she has always been right before and she will be again. Abe reassures her that everything is and will be fine and goes off to finish getting ready. Celeste looks on knowing what is about to hit. -Later, Lexie is on her to way to Shawn when Tek calls remind her of their discussion earlier. She begs him not to do anything but he sticks to his guns. She then turns on him and says he never loved her at all otherwise he would not do this. She wants nothing to do with him and is not meeting him. He can tell Abe if he wants since the lies have gone on long enough. She says that she will actually tell him before he does. Tek then changes his tune, since Abe may forgive her since he was pushing her away, and begs Lexie to reconsider. Lexie realizes that Tek is now afraid of losing her. Tek says that he is driving back to stop her. Lexie realizes she must tell the truth to save her marriage otherwise it will never be over with Tek. Abe is who she loves and Tek was just a mistake at a time when she was hurting and vulnerable. She tells Tek she has patients and needs to go. She is telling Abe the truth. Tek begs her not too as Lexie reminds him he was going to do it himself moments ago. He explains by saying he just wanted to see how serious she was about him but he doesn’t want to lose her and think she should keep quiet so they have more time to explore their feelings. She finally admits to him that she knows he is a player and that he preys on married women and then leaves them after they divorce their husbands (cue flashback to May 2005 when Celeste learned this info). She says she should have never got involved with him knowing who he was and what it could do to her marriage. Tek says that he has changed and that Lexie did that. She tells him its over and hangs up saying she is going to tell Abe tonight. Tek decides to rush back to stop her. -A lab tech hands Lexie the info she wanted on her way down the hall. She looks inside and is shocked by what it is inside. She then meets with Shawn and Mimi and informs them that she investigated what was discussed earlier with Hope and Shawn. She looked at records, DNA, etc. and says to them, “I have big news that will change your life.” Mimi then turns and looks at Phillip, Belle, and Claire in the pediatric ICU. Kate and Victor then walk in continuing their discussion from earlier and see the looks on everyone’s faces. Victor sees the folder in Lexie’s hand and says, “Well, its already too late because that is exactly what has happened.” Kate says, “What happened?” He says, “Our worst fears-they know Kate. Our son will be destroyed and now because we didn’t tell him ourselves he will learn everything in the worst possible way.” The both look on in horror as Shawn asks Lexie to tell him what she knows. (Screen fades to black) On the Next Days.... Marlena to John (as Alex watches from the bushes): I don’t need memories. My life is right in front of my eyes. Chelsea to Patrick: I want you and you want me. So why resist? Shawn: Oh my God its true. I am Claire’s father. Mimi: Its over-I lost him. Kate to Victor: What have I done. My son has lost everything and all I did was make it worse.
Episode #12 - Tuesday, December 27, 2005:
PhoenixRising05 commented on King's blog entry in King's DAYS
Oh and to favorite memories of Patrick and Chelsea. I would just want to forget their existance . -
Episode #12 - Tuesday, December 27, 2005:
PhoenixRising05 commented on King's blog entry in King's DAYS
Loving the Cassie stuff! I am intrigued by the Frankie story. I am thinking its Billie unless maybe you are bringing someone back. I am loving your stuff though. Keep it coming as I will do in mine. -
12/27/05 -Austin walks into the Java Café and is talking to Nicole on his cell. Nicole tells Austin that the takeover of High Style is ready to begin. Austin says that they should arrange a meeting with the CEO to inform her of what is about to take place. Nicole agrees to set one up and calls High Style. Becky answers and Nicole says she wants to request a meeting with the CEO to inform her of the takeover. Becky is stunned and can’t believe it. She is even more stunned at the name of the company taking over-Austin Reed and Co.-the same name as Carrie’s former husband. She also recognizes the voice as the voice of the “Mary Smith” she met days earlier when she barged into the office. Becky schedules a meeting and prepares to call Carrie. Carrie is meeting Austin at Java Café to catch up when Becky calls. At this moment, Lucas walks in too and hears Austin talking to himself about how life is perfect. Carrie is back and there may be hope for them and his business is about to take off. Lucas smirks and comes up behind Austin warning him that not everything may be as perfect as he thinks. Austin thinks Titan is about to make a last minute play for High Style but Lucas says that Austin has no clue what is really going on and walks off. He bumps right into Sami who says she is looking for Will to tell him about the Brady/Horton New Year’s Eve blast. She wants him to come with her and can’t find or contact Will to tell him. Lucas says that he is spending New Year’s Eve and day with friends from school. Sami is disappointed. Lucas tells her not to fret-he wouldn’t want to ring in the new year with his joke of a mom anyway. Sami runs off in tears as Lucas laughs but then feels bad about his words. Carrie and Austin meet and talk about old times. He asks about Mike and Carrie comes out and tells him. Sami overhears while getting her coffee and can’t believe it. Either can Austin who then asks Carrie why she stayed away. She tells him her reasons to which he responds by asking if there is hope for a reunion between them. Sami gets mad and runs off vowing to never let that happen. Carrie tells Austin she doesn’t know but that she still cares about him. Austin suggests that they go together to the Horton/Brady party. Carrie agrees and then gets a call from Becky who tells her about Nicole’s call. Before she can tell her the name of the company, the phone goes dead due to no battery. Carrie doesn’t tell Austin what is going on saying that she can’t say anything until she knows what is really going to happen for sure. She says she may need to go back to LA immediately. Austin begs her not to but she insists. They then see a weather report on TV that warns of a major snow and ice storm hitting the Midwest that could cause major travel delays and problems. Carrie admits she is now forced to stay and decides to go to the party with Austin. Maybe it will keep her mind off the possibility of losing her business she says to herself as Lucas looks on with glee waiting for the big bombshell to drop. -Sami goes home and Nicole asks her what is wrong since she looks upset. Sami says that she may as well tell her since they both wanted Austin-“Carrie and Austin are close to reuniting,” she says. Nicole yells out in anger and can’t believe Austin would want to be with a woman who cheated on him during their marriage. Sami agrees and says that she won’t let it happen. She admits that with “perfect” Carrie in the picture it may be impossible to get Austin. Nicole hears this and says she just got an idea. She proposes that Sami and her team up like they did previously before Sami refused to help her with Brady. Sami says no way but Nicole tells her that with Carrie out of the picture the chances of getting Austin are much better. She also asks Sami who she would rather see win Austin besides herself-Carrie, her hated perfect sister, or Nicole. Sami thinks for a second and agrees. They shake hands and note that once Carrie is out, they must go back to hating each other and competing. They both agree. -John is at the police station and flashes back to rushing up to the cabin and interrupting Alex and Marlena about to make love. We see him, along with Roman and Kate, inform Marlena of what he has learned from an old friend and colleague of Alex and her-that her marriage to Alex was shaky and that he was abusive. Alex denies it but the cops come in and take him away in handcuffs as John walks toward a disbelieving Marlena. John tells Alex, “It’s over for you” to which he responds, “Not quite yet.” The flashback ends (*sorry about this guys but I had to skip ahead a few days in real time and flash back to this so I could set up what I want to, its not really how it happened on the show but I had to do all this this way to fit my vision even though this is not how this story left off Friday or how it played out this week so I just jumped ahead so I can get things where I want them for my stories*). Roman has left and so has Tek (to the Lodge-see 12/26/05). John is waiting for Marlena who is visiting Alex. Meanwhile, we see Marlena and Alex talking about what has happened. Marlena calls herself stupid for rushing her decision. She says that she doesn’t know him any more then she knows anyone else and should have never made a choice about her future. Alex continues to deny everything and tells Marlena he loves her. He reminds her of their history. Marlena breaks down. She tells Alex that she won’t be visiting him again until she knows the whole truth and whether or not the witness’s story checks out. She leaves as Alex says to himself, “Oh, you will, soon enough.” with a evil grin on his face. -Marlena returns to John and he asks her if she is ok. She apologizes to him about making a hasty decision. He tells her not to decide or do anything until her memory returns and until they learn the whole truth about Alex. He asks her to the Horton/Brady party and claims it would be a great way to help her memory along. She agrees to go as long as she isn’t pressured. She asks about Belle and the baby but John says they can’t do anything so they may as well go since Belle would want that and for her mother to get better. They agree and leave as she tells her she should have known better. She feels so comfortable with John but with Alex she had to figure out everything about him. With John, it just feels right and natural. He smiles and they walk off while, at the same time, a officer visits Alex in the holding cell saying he is free to go. Someone paid his bail and he is allowed to go-but he can’t leave town. However, he will have to face kidnaping charges and some others in court if they can collect more evidence to go along with the testimony of Lois Banks, the former acquaintance of Alex and Marlena. Alex understands and whispers, “I knew she would come through for me. Now to go get Marlena from John before I lose her again” he says. -Bonnie is working the bar at Alice’s when Roman shows up. He talks to her about the Marlena situation and they discuss all the happenings in Salem Bonnie says that she wishes he came around more often. He says he has been busy. Bonnie says that she knows he is lonely just like she is since she lost Mickey. She says she tries to cover it up but its hard sometimes. Roman says he knows hot it feels and can’t believe he is seeing a new side to her. Bonnie says that Mickey is the only other person who has seen that side of her and that she only shows it to people who she feels can be trusted. She then asks him to spend New Year’s Eve with her by asking, “How’s about you and me have ourselves one hell of a New Year’s-you game?” but he says he is spending it at the Horton/Brady party at Chez Rouge. However, she is welcome to come along. He is sick of being alone and doesn’t want to be on one of the biggest nights of the year. She agrees to go knowing she can torment Maggie and can show off to everyone that fact that she is with Roman and prove them wrong that she isn’t just a trashy gold digger. Roman laughs at her reasoning and asks her to behave. She slyly nods her head as he leaves saying he will see her later. -Hope returns home to Bo, Billie, Chelsea and Patrick arguing. Bo fills her in and Hope likes Patrick’s idea. Bo and her fight but Bo realizes he is outnumbered. They send Chelsea out of the room so she goes reluctantly outside to check her messages and cool off. Hope then explains how Patrick may be the only one to get through to Chelsea since she has a huge crush on him. Bo claims it’s a dangerous crush but again is outnumbered. Hope then says that maybe Patrick can help Chelsea grow up and to stop being so reckless. She notes how so far Chelsea has gotten away with a lot and been spoiled. Billie and Bo acknowledge the spoiled part but take offense to their parenting being questioned. Bo claims they are only trying to help her after all she has been through and Billie disses Hope by saying, “Who are you to tell me how to raise my daughter?” She calls Hope out and says that Shawn had issues too so she shouldn’t talk. Hope apologizes but claims she never backed down when it came to Shawn and still doesn’t, citing how she is still pushing him to return to school. They continue to fight until Bo breaks it up. Billie calls Chelsea back in and says that they agreed she can go. Patrick reassures everyone that he will do his best and that they can trust him. Hope and Billie smile but Bo stares him down. Patrick offers to drive Chelsea home since she shouldn’t have driven to Bo’s in the first place-her license is revoked. She agrees so he drives her car back. Billie then leaves as Hope and her apologize but clearly still disagree about Chelsea. Bo and Hope apologize to each other too and Bo says he will try to be tougher and get Billie to do the same and Hope promises to be more understanding of Chelsea and what she has been through. She also promises not to call out Billie or her parenting anymore since they need to get along for everyone’s sakes. They kiss and begin to make love as he carries her upstairs saying that they can have some private fun before going to the party. -Chelsea packs, as does Patrick, and they load the car. They decide to take her car. Billie arrives before they leave and Chelsea thanks Billie for letting her go but says to herself that Patrick will be hers now. She tells Billie to thank Hope too fro siding with her since Bo didn’t. Billie tells her to have fu n and thanks Patrick for his help. He smiles and they get in the car with Patrick driving and leave as Chelsea says to herself, “This is gonna be one night you never forget.” (Screen fades to black) On the next Days.... Max: “I can’t believe her. I was so stupid.” Abby: “No you weren’t-you just cared.” Jen: “I need you Frankie. Don’t leave.” (as Frankie turns around and looks at her) Kate to Victor: “The trust must never come out.” Victor to Kate: “Well, its already too late because that is exactly what has happened.” Lexie to Shawn: “I have big news that will change your life.” (as Mimi turns and looks at Claire, Belle and Phillip in the nursery) Celeste (with a look of horror on her face): “Death is coming to Salem tonight!!!”
Oh of course. I have always been a regular reader of your fan fic. I just tend to stay quiet but I won't now, I am glad you are pleased and I can assure you that it will only get better. The first three or four shows are alot of filler and setup for what will be a huge episode on Friday that will serve as the springboard for my stories. I know all the "he says, she says, etc." is kind annoying so I am gonna do my best to limit that as much as possible and mix it with some regular dialogue. Also, after Thursday, I will not have previews at the end of each episode but I will have litte teasers to get you to read the next day. I will also provide weekly previews, cast news, and made up promos. Thanks for reader Drew Hamilton and I hope you keep enjoying it, This goes for everyone else to-keep reading and enjoy and I hope you all are having a happy holiday season. Thanks again.
Days Fan Fiction Episodes (sorry for the length of these I just wanted to set everything up right and I am new to this. I promise they will get shorter after like the first week. Sorry about all the “he says, she says.” I use it to go into detail and to help me point out character motivations and emotions to you. I include some dialogue but only when I come up with good logical ones. Most of the time they will be the dialogue used in my previews. I promise I will get better as I go along. Friday’s episode will be FANTASTIC!! Thanks and Enjoy!!) 12/26/05 New Day in Salem. Skip ahead from Christmas to New Year’s Eve. Many things have gone ahead and may not leave off exactly where the show did on Friday but the stories leave off in the same general area. -Shawn and Mimi are at the hospital observing Belle and Phillip with baby Claire. Shawn is upset because he can’t do more and Mimi reminds him of all the blood he has donated. Shawn then refers to how he is a match for Claire along with Belle and that he has to do whatever it takes to save Claire. Hope arrives and demands that Shawn not do anything else-he has done enough and the rest is in God’s hands now. Mimi leaves them to talk as Hope comforts her son. Shawn tells his mother that he feels a connection to Claire. Hope figures its because he has spent lots of time with her since he is her godfather. Shawn says he would do anything for Claire and Hope reminds him of how that could have been his baby had he still been with Belle. Shawn then flashes back to his conversation with Mimi and Bonnie where he overheard her being concerned about him being a match. Shawn asks his mother if it’s a big deal that he is a match for Claire. Hope says not really but says it may be if Phillip wasn’t and asks Shawn if he ever had sex with Belle. Shawn says no but he did have a dream that felt very real once. Hope thinks about all that Shawn has said and tells Shawn that he needs to talk to Lexie right away. -Phillip tells Belle that if he ever lost her or Claire for any reason he would have no reason to live. Belle tells him to stop and says she is confident that they will get a miracle. Claire will get a liver somehow. -Mimi runs into Bonnie at the hospital. She is visiting a person who got injured by a falling tree on her tree lot and she wants to make sure the person doesn’t sue. Bonnie reminds Mimi of their discussion about keeping Shawn away from Belle. Mimi refuses to be devious and says that what is meant to be is meant to be. Mimi then begins to feel faint and Bonnie tells her to eat something since she really hasn’t eaten much being with Shawn and worrying about Claire. Bonnie leaves and Mimi wonders if maybe the worry of losing Shawn to Belle is causing her so much stress that she is making herself feel ill. She aks herself if maybe she should do what her mother suggested and keep Shawn away from Belle. -Lexie gets a visit from Tek in her office while searching for liver donors for Claire. Tek demands that Lexie tell Abe the truth. He know longer wants to wait in the wings and tells Lexie that he loves her and that he knows she loves him. He informs her that he has made romantic plans at the Green Mountain Lodge for New Year’s Eve and that he wants Abe to know everything so they can ring in the New Year together on a romantic getaway. Lexie rejects him but Tek says he will be waiting for her and that if she doesn’t tell Abe right away he will drive back to Salem and tell him himself. He leaves to drive to the lodge as Lexie looks on, secretly admitting that she wants to be with Tek and accept his invitation. She gets beeped to see Hope and Shawn. -Chelsea wakes up to have breakfast with Billie and Patrick. She announces that Max and her are going out for New Year’s Eve to a party on the north side of town. Billie forbids it, knowing full well how seedy that area is. She tells Chelsea to find someplace closer to home and reminds her that her license is suspended. Chelsea insists that Max is driving and that she really wants to go to the party. She begs her mother but Billie prohibits it. Patrick tries to intervene and explain to Chelsea Billie’s reasons but she refuses to listen. She runs out of the room. When Billie and Patrick check on her, they learn that she is gone. They call Bo and just as Bo is about to leave to search for her she shows up. She runs into her dad’s arms and tells him what happened. She is outraged when Bo sides with Billie and invites her to Chez Rouge where Maggie and Caroline are throwing a Horton/Brady New Year’s Eve party. She calls the party lame and Bo says it would be a great way to bond with her family. Billie and Patrick show up and notice how Bo can’t get through to her either. The three of them come together to discuss what to do. Bo calls Hope to come home because he needs her advice. Hope promises to be home ASAP. Patrick suggests that he take Chelsea away for New Year’s. This way she can’t go to the party and their won’t be a family problem since she will definitely approve of spending the evening with him. He thinks maybe he can even use her obsession for him to his advantage and convince her to accept her family and newfound life. Bo is totally against it but Billie thinks it’s a great idea, although she wanted to be with Patrick on New Year’s Eve. She suggests the Green Mountain Lodge since they throw a great party and its far enough away to convince Chelsea that they trust her and do care about making her happy. Billie says that she trusts Patrick enough to spend the night with her daughter. Bo isn’t so certain of Patrick’s trust and rejects the idea, which Chelsea overhears and curses her father. -Lexie arrives to talk to Shawn and Hope. Hope asks Lexie about the night that Shawn and Belle were found naked during the storm last year. She wants to know how they were found. Lexie says that the position was kind of suggestive and Shawn mentions how he had a dream about making love to Belle that felt real. Lexie recalls Belle mentioning having the same dream. Hope reminds Lexie of Shawn and Claire’s matching blood types and informs her that Shawn feels very connected to Claire. Lexie is intrigued by what she hears. Hope asks Lexie if she knows whether Phillip was a match for Claire and she confesses that she never looked at his records but the nurses did. Now curious, Lexie says that she will go check the records to find out since she really should know anyway. She leaves and Shawn tells Hope to go ahead home to Bo since he may need her and she can’t do anything else for him. He thanks her and says he will call when he knows anything. Hope leaves as Shawn looks at Claire, Phillip, and Belle through the window and says to himself, “Could that be my baby? Could Claire belong to Belle and I and not Phillip?” He says this just as Mimi comes up behind him and hears everything. (Screen fades to black) On the next days.... Billie to Hope-“Who are you to tell me how to raise my daughter?” Chelsea to Patrick-“This is gonna be one night you never forget.” Bonnie to Roman-“How’s about you and me have ourselves one hell of a New Year’s-you game?” John to Marlena and Alex: “It’s over for you.” Alex to John: “Not quite yet.”
Wow good stuff KR. Don't worry about the re-writes and rushing through the early stuff-you have to as I did in mine to set up the stories you want to tell. Great job so far and great previews. I look forward to seeing how everything plays out.
LOL thanks. I actually think the show in reality right now is good but I still have my vision for what the show to be and I will try bringing that and what the fans would want into my stories. Right now alot of what I have is similar to some other fan fiction but trust me after the first 2 weeks you will notice alot of difference. As I said, my stories will sometimes be risktakers and drastic and may anger some at first but trust me my payoffs will rock. Everything I do will be realistic and character driven and I will devote alot of time to establishing emotions and motivations for character actions. My stuff may move slower then some other fan fics out there but only because I want things to make sense and people to understand why my characters do what they do. It keeps people invested in the story. I will be making updates to my fan fic and I may actually post some episodes before my starting date of next Monday. I will post news, cast updates, and previews every now and then. STAY TUNED and thanks for reading. ENJOY!!