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Everything posted by PhoenixRising05
DAYS STUNNER: DEIDRE HALL OUT!!! Dee's Days are done as Marlena...for now. Rumors has been swirling for weeks about the status of Deidre Hall. Her contract with the show was known to be up in August 2006 and it was that, along with Hall's character Marlena Evans Black's descent into madness, that had fans worried about her future. It appears they had reason to worry as Hall has been released from the show. Her last airdate was July 31 but rumor has it she may appear here and there in the next few weeks/months, potentially as a vision. This has sent shockwaves throughout the industry and the cast as Hall is one of Daytime's, and TV's for that matter, most recognizable characters. Hall has been with the show for 30 years with a a break in between during the late 80's. Why get rid of one of the most historic and popular characters on the show? "Deidre knew back when the new regime began in May," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. "The cast knew and we told Deidre we felt the character needed to be rested and with her contract being up it was a good opportunity. We know fans will be upset, especially since they fell Marlena should be there for the Roman fiasco and for Rex and Cassie as they are now known to be her children, but we want go in a different direction right now. We feel, in some ways, these stories will benefit from Marlena being off the canvas. John can rediscover himself if he is Roman and we can focus on the great wealth of characters we have. Marlena has been played out in alot of ways and sometimes it falls on us to make a difficult decision like this. Dee was very happy with her final months of story as it was challenging and drew a great deal from Marlena's history. All of us at the show were pleased as we made the deaths of Jennifer and Marlena huge epic events to put a finaly stamp on the island story and throw the show into a different era. This is where our new regime really takes hold as our stories are starting to take shape. There are no hard feeliing and she will miss us as we all will miss her." Could the actress return? "Of course. In fact, we know she will be back. I told Dee she would be. I have an idea when but won't say it. Does it mean she will be back as Marlena? No. She may be back as someone else. I am not saying. The fans should just enjoy the ride we have in store and wait and see. Dee will be back but Marlena is dead at this point. Could she and will see come back? I don't know but Dee will be back in some capacity. It just may not be as Marlena," says Yadroc. In additional news, the character of Will is being recasted. Christopher Gerse is out. "Our regime never used him since we came on board in May," says Yadroc. "Nothing against Chris but he doesn't fit as will for me and I sense that from the fans. There are plans for will so we are asking for some imput from the fans on who they would like to see in this role. There is some big stuff planned so it will need to be someone capable and between 16-20 years old." Look for Will to not appear for the rest of the summer as the show won't bring Will back until casting is finished.
Announcer: THIS WEEK "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE AS AMAZING AUGUST BEGINS!! FIRST...THE ISLANDERS RETURN WITH HEAVY HEARTS... Clips of Jack and Abby hugging with Jack Jr on his lap, clip of John looking at a picture of Marlena with tears in his eyes. Announcer: ...AND NOW THEY TRY TO MOVE ON... Jack: How can I live without the woman I love? Maggie: I just want to die...anything to be with him. Announcer: BUT SOME HAVE MORE TURMOIL AHEAD. Abe to Lexie: We are through!!! Caroline to Victor: We can't see each other anymore. Sami: This could really be true... John: I could really be Roman Brady. Roman: If not Roman, then who the hell am I? Shawn to Mimi: It's over!!! Belle to Shawn: What about us? Announcer: AND FRIDAY... A BIG STUNNER NO ONE SAW COMING!!!! Chelsea: Oh my God. Mimi: This changes everything!!!! AMAZING AUGUST BEGINS AS "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE THIS WEEK!!! RED HOT SUMMER-DAYS OF OUR LIVES!!!
-The rest of the islanders arrive home in Salem as a new day begins. -Shane has men take Patrick into custody at the Salem police station. They will interrogate him later. -Billie tells Chelsea she is going with Jack, Abby, and Frankie. Chelsea says she will join them later-she has things to do (thinking about finding out if Hope is really her mother). Max wants to talk with Chelsea about their relationship since so much has happened but Chelsea tells him she can't. She has alot to do and to think about. She then has a flashback to her rape and to finding out about Hope being her mother. Max goes with Abby and vows to be their for her. Chelsea sees them getting closer and sees she is only pushing him away and into her best friend's arms. She decides to worry about that later as she has enough to deal with. She just hopes when she is ready to talk to him it isn't too late. -Bo wants to discuss everything that has happened with Hope but she keeps putting it off. She says they need to be with their families right now after all the tragedy and upheaval. Bo wonders why Hope keeps putting their talk off as Hope wonders if she should ever talk too Bo. She wonders if they can ever get back what they had. -Lexie looks all over for Abe. Roman tells her he went to pick up Theo nad is headed for home. Celeste and Lexie head for the Carver house. When they arrive, Lexie discovers suticases outside with all her belongings in them. She knocks on the door and asks Abe, who is holding Theo, what is going on. Abe says he told her changes would be made and that he was through with her betrayal and mainipulations. He is done with her and she will be lucky if she ever sees her son again. He closes the door in her face before she can even hold her son. Celeste comforts her and tells her she knew this would happen. Lexie thinks her life is over and doesn't want to live if she loses her son too. -Victor tries to talk to and comfort Caroline but she pushes him away and tells him to stay away. Her family can't see him with her. They have all been through enough. Roman and Kayla get upset when they see Victor with Caroline. Bo and John defend Victor but Hope tells them both not to get involved as they will cause further problems due to their connections to Victor. Victor backs off and vows he will be there for Caroline no matter what. He urges her family not to blame her for what happened. They should blame him instead. Roman says they do blame him and he tells him to stay away from his mother. John reminds Roman that they don't know if he is her son. Roman and John decide it is time to take a look at that file. They are both still devestated over Marlena's death, as are all of them, but they need to get this settled and Marlena would want this. Greta overhears and realizes she needs to get confirmation that Victor is her father ASAP. Sami, who was treated for her wound from being shot, gives up the file and disk of all the Dimera secrets to Shane. Hope is on her way to Jennifer's and Bo wants to go with her but he also wants to be there to read the file and disk. Hope tells him to stay with them as she doesn't need him. Bo is saddened by her comment. -Eric gets another headache and hides it. Nicole talks to Greta about Eric keeping things from her but Greta is too focused on Victor to worry about Eric. Nicole is determined to find out what is going on, especially after remembering Celeste's premonition on the island about Eric. -Austin, Lucas, and Roman beleive that Carrie died on the island as they never found her and the volcano erupted, destroying what was left of the island. Sami comforts both Austin and Lucas and says that she will miss her sister no matter how tense things were between them. Austin doesn't want to give up as he feels there is more to this. He just has a feeling. Roman thinks there is nothimg more going on but Lucas agrees. They wonder if Carrie somehow got off the island or was taken by someone. Sami wants to help them but needs to be a part of the Roman situation. Austin and Lucas comfort her over Marlena. Sami says her mother would want her to be strong and to be with her family. She tells them both she will join them later. -Sami, John, Roman, Caroline, Shane, Eric, Nicole, and Bo all head for the police station to analyze the file and disk and figure the Roman situation out. -Victor feels like an outsider. Maggie realizes she needs to tell Alice and her family about Mickey and Jennifer. Hope offers to go with her and so does Victor. He says Maggie has been a great friend to him and if he can't be there for Caroline he will be there for her. Hope reminds him about Philip being at the hospital. Victor says he checked in already and Philip is critical. Hope asks Victor why he doesn't want to go she his son. Victor doesn't answer and says they need to get to Jennifer's. Hope calls Alice, Doug, and Julie and tells them to meet at Jennifer's. -Belle and Shawn arrive at the hospital and fill Mimi, Kate, Rex, and Cassie in on what has happened. Kate is stunned that Marlena is dead and wants to call John and Roman but remembers how upset they were with her role in Claire's paternity and she knows Roman is going through alot. Rex and Cassie are heartbroken that their read dad, Tony, is missing and now their real mom, Marlena, is dead. Belle comforts them. Kate reaches out to them too and feels like she is still their mom. Kate tells Belle that Philip's condition is critcal. His whole body is bandaged and he may need reconstructive surgery to a good deal of his body to fix the damage. His chances of survival are not promising. Belle comforts Kate. Kate begs Belle not to leave her son right now. Belle says she felt bad for not coming with him to the hospital but she had family on the island. Kate understands. Belle warns Kate not to use this to her advantage and try to guilt her into staying with Philip. Kate says she won't but she does hope Belle stays with him. Belle promises to be there through the recovery and then after that can't make any promises. Kate is happy with that and says seeing Philip so hurt by all the lies and seeing him with very little will to live has made her realize she was wrong to do what she did concerning Claire. She apologizes to Belle. Kate says she is going to make changes as she has realized butting in to her kids lives always makes things worse, especially in this case with Philip. Belle hopes Kate will hold to that and will change. Belle holds Philip's hand and begs him to fight to survive as she will be there right by his side. Shawn hears and Mimi wonders if Belle may not leave Philip after all. Mimi says that her and Shawn need to talk. They go outside. Rex looks at Mimi leave and Cassie warns him again not to get involved with Mimi. Shawn tells Mimi it is a bad time and he has alot on his mind. She understands but says they need to talk about their future. Shawn lashes out and says they have no future as Rex is listening nearby. -Billie, Jack, Frankie, Abby, and Max arrive at the Deveraux house. Jack remarks on how different it feels now-hollow and dark. He says it is almost like all the light and all the happiness was drained out of it. Abby tells her father they will get through this together. Abby tells Frankie to join her and Jack's hug. Frankie thanks them both for being there for him. Jack and Abby agree it is what Jennifer would want and he is a big part of all their lives. Billie makes some tea for them and brings Jack Jr in. Jack Frankie, and Abby share an emotional reunion with him. Jack tries to tell him about his mother but breaks down. Abby says they don't need to do it right now and tells him to wait. Frankie and Billie agree. Maggie, Victor, and Hope arrive followed by Alice, Doug, and Julie. Victor stands right by Maggie and tells her to be strong and he knows she can do this. Hope tells Maggie she will do this if she can't. Maggie says she has to do it for Mickey. Alice, Doug, and Julie are confused about seeing Jack and the others so upset. Hope fills them in about Marlena and all the other happened first. Doug, Julie, and Alice are saddened by the news of Marlena. Jack then stands up and, with tears in his eyes, tells them about Jennifer. Doug, Julie, and Hope comfort each other. Alice, Doug, and Julie comfort Jack, Frankie, and Abby and vow to be there for them. Maggie then steps in and says she has bad news too. After breaking down once more, Victor stands by her for moral support as she tells Alice that her son is dead. Alice is heartbroken and Hope and Maggie comfort her along with Doug and Julie. Alice is sure Mickey is with his father and knows he wil rest in peace. They all hug each other in tears. Maggie blames herself as he would have been on one of the rescue boats if she agreed to leave. Alice urges her not to blame herself but Maggie can't help it. They all vow to get through everything together as a family. -At that station, Shane gets a computer expert on the case to analyze the disk and print out the info contained on it. John, Roman, and Shane look over the Roman file and it seems to fit with what Sami and Stefano told them. It suggests that the current Roman was a pawn and that he was made to look like the real Roman looked before he showed up looking like John Black. When Roman returned to Salem in the early 90's, the plan was to set it up to make it seem that Roman/John was a pawn and that the man who just returned was the real Roman as he looked just like Roman used to before John/Roman. Upon going MIA in a ISA mission in 1997, the man that is known as the current Roman was tortured and disfigured hence the reason why he looks as he does now. John and Roman decide that DNA testing needs to be done to confirm this so Shane goes to make the plans. John and Roman wonder what will happen if this is really true. Eric, Sami, Bo, Kayla, and Caroline wonder the same as their family is going through enough right now with Marlena gone, Shawn Sr gone, Caroline's affair, and Carrie's presumed death. Nicole asks Eric how he would feel if this is true. Eric says there was a period where he did not care for John since he ruined his parents marriage but if John is Roman he doesn't know he will feel. Nicole asks Sami how she will feel if the man she has hated practically her whole life is her father. Sami remembers saving John's life on the island in the cave and calling him daddy. She tells Nicole to back off. She turns around and tears and says she lost her mother and now it is looking like her father is John. She can't understand why she feels so calm and relaxed with the thought of him being her father. She wonders what the future holds as she looks at John and Roman, who pace the room waiting to undergo DNA testing. John looks at Sami, who stares back wondering how she and everyone else will deal with all this if true as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.
-The island is near destruction and the volcano is set to erupt. Shane orders everyone to immediately evaculate but there is still the matter of John, Marlena, Sami, Belle, Austin, Lucas, Shawn, Carrie, Eric, and Nicole all being missing. Hope, Bo, Lexie, Abe, Celeste, Kayla and Roman all agree to stay behind and help search with Shane. Maggie, Victor, and Caroline want to stay behind too and, after some debate, are allowed too. A distraught Jack, Frankie, and Abby are boarded on to one of the rescue boats. Greta, Max, Chelsea, and Billie go with them to comfort their friends. Chelsea does not want to leave but Bo and Hope make her since her mother, Billie, is leaving. Chelsea wants to tell what she knows but wants to wait until it is proven by DNA tests. Greta sees Victor and wants to tell him what she learned from Stefano and the file but also wants to wait for tests to confirm he is her father. The boat takes off and leaves and the others run off in search of the MIA islanders. -Eric, Nicole, Shawn, Austin, and Lucas are searching but have no luck. Eric has another headache but hides it from the others. -John and Belle get off and see that Marlena has shot Sami. They tend to her and she is bleeding from her side. She is conscious and she, along with John and Belle, is stunned that her mother would hurt her much less try to kill her. Belle reminds them of when she was nearly killed by her mother. John remembers what Lexie said about her being a danger to even her loved ones and about how all the brainwashing and mind control, combined with her being programmed to only remember the bad and traumatic in her life, has made her this way. It is now clear she is a danger to everyone and is not going to let John or anyone else take her into custody without a fight. He realizes he now has to make a difficult decision since it is clear the Marlena he knows is gone. Sami and Belle know what he is thinking and try to get him to think otherwise and see if they can all get through to her. John says it is worth a try. Belle: Mom, we still love you and know that the loving, kind, selfless person we love is in there somewhere. You have to let us help you. Please. Just put the gun down and talk to us. Marlena: Aww...how sweet but no. I am done being controlled and hurt. I will no longer be a doormat or a victim. Being a saint got me nowhere. Sami: Don't you realize that you are being controlled now mom. It is because of Tek, Ernesto, and Wendell that you are this way. Stefano too. All the years of heartache and hell they put you through and all the recent mind control was just too much. You have to let us help you mom. We love you. I know I never appreciated you much in the past and was never a good daughter but I am going to try to be now. I need you...we all need you now more then ever with everything that has happened with daddy and to our family. Please just... Marlena (clutching her head): NO!!! STOP IT!!!! SHUT UP!!! SHUT THE HELL UP!!! John: Marlena, they are your daughters. They love you. Belle: Yeah, mom. We love you. We all love you. You are indispensible. You are the glue that holds us all together. You are a beloved citizen in Salem. I know you can't remember but you helped alot of people through yoru practice and just by being a friend. You have always been there for anyone, even complete strangers. This is not you. Those voices are not you. You are not in control and haven't been for awhile. You don't want to kill us or hurt any of us and, if you do, then maybe you are lost to us. I don't think you are because I am starting to see it in your eyes. I am starting to see shades of my mother when before all I saw in your eyes was a cold, evil look. She is just fighting to get out, isn't she? Come out mom. We need you. I know you are there. Please come out... Marlena: STOP IT!!! DAMNIT STOP!!! John: No, Doc... Marlena: DON'T CALL ME THAT!! John: We love you. Everyone on this island does. We know this isn't you. You would never blow up that plane or this island in purpose. You would never want to hurt anyone. Marlena: YES I DO!! I WANT REVENGE AND ALL OF YOU DESTROYED!!! John: Why? You keep saying that but don't even seem to know why. Those voices you mention that are in your head. You think they are yours but they're not. You are being controlled like we told you. Just listen to us, Doc. We love you. I love you. You don't want to do these things and you certainly didn't want to do the acts you already committed. It isn't you (looks at Marlena clutching her head and apparently fighting withing herself) . We are finally getting you aren't we? Shooting Sami and seeing her thereand now hearing your daughters and me profess how much we love you. I can see it. For the first time in a long time I am starting to see my wife again in those beautiful eyes. Marlena: STOP!! NOTHING IS GETTING TO ME!! ARGH!!! THE VOICES...GETTING STRONGER...YOU ALL JUST NEED TO SHUTUP...ARGH!! John: Doc, I can see you are finally breaking through. Fight it, Doc, fight it!!!! Look at your daughters. You nearly killed the both of them. That is not you!!! Come on, baby. I know you are still there I can see you finally coming back to us. Fight it!!! Fight it!!! Belle: Mom, come back to us please!!! Marlena: STOP!!! I CAN'T TAKE THIS...JOHN...BELLE...SAMI...NO I WON'T LET YOU OUT!!! YOU ARE WEAK AND NOW I AM IN CONTROL!! NO!!! YOU ARE NOT ME!!!! YES I AM...I WON'T BE CONTROLLED ANYMORE!!! I AM IN CONTROL!!! John: Come on Doc!!! Fight it!!! Draw strength from my love!!! John begins to love closer to Marlena but she aims the gun back at him. John continues to move closer. Marlena: Stop or I will shoot!!! John: No you won't. I can see it in your eyes. Your coming back to me, Doc. John continues to move closer. Marlena (clutching her head): STAY BACK!!! ARGH!!! JOHN...ARGH...MAKE IT STOP...PLEASE MAKE IT STOP!!! NO!!! I AM IN CONTROL!!! NO!!! YOU WILL NOT HURT ANYMORE PEOPLE I CARE ABOUT!!! Belle: She sounds like she has multiple personalities or something. Sami: Yeah...maybe everything that has happened has caused this. John gets to Marlena and take the gun. Marlena: NO!! LET GO OF ME!!! LET GO!!! John: You are there Doc. I know you are. I can see it and I know you are fighting. We can fight this together. Draw your strength from me...from us. I love you Doc. Fight this!!! Keep on fighting!!! I know you can do it!!! Belle: Please mom!!! Sami: We need you!! Marlena: ARGH!! NO!!! JOHN...I...JOHN...JOHN HELP ME PLEASE!! NO!!! GET AWAY!!! I HATE YOU!!! I WILL DESTROY YOU ALL!!! John (grabbing Marlena forcefully): No you won't. Come on Doc. Come back to us. Fight this!!! I can feel you coming back!! Look at your daughters!!! Look at me!!! Remember all the love shared!! Remember all the good times!!! Marlena: NO!!! I HATE YOU ALL!!! John: Come on Doc!!! Belle: Mom!!! Sami: Mom... Belle: Oh my God...Sami!!! Sami passes out. Belle tells John she is losing blood and needs medical help. John runs over to her and tells Sami to hang on. Marlena watches as she continues her inner battle. Marlena: I hope she dies...No Sami!!! No she deserves it!!! John: Come on Sami!!! Belle: Please Sami!! Marlena watches and her eyes being to well up with tears. We then see flashbacks as Marlena remembers the day Sami and Eric were born and some special times with the both of them. Marlena: SAMI!!! John and Belle turn around and are shocked. Marlena: I love you sweetgirl!!! John: You remember!!! Your back!!! Keep remembering Doc. That is how you will beat this thing. Come on Doc. Remember your family and friends!! Remember me!!! Marlena then has more flashbacks of giving birth to Belle and being with her friends and family. We also see some Marlena/Don, Marlena/Roman, Marlena/Samantha, and Marlena/Carrie flashbacks among others. Marlena: It's all coming back. John, help me please. I don't want to hurt anyone but the voices...they want control and I am so weak and... John (holding Marlena): I am here. I will help you but keep remembering. It will help. Marlena: NO!!! (grabs gun back) John: You don't want to shoot me. Marlena: No...John...help me!!! I can't control it!!! Sami wakes up and Belle fills her in. Belle: Just keep remembering and fighting mom!!! Sami: We are here mom-don't give up!!! John: Fight and remember us Doc!!! You can beat this!!! Marlena: NO!!! I HAT...JOHN MAKE IT STOP PLEASE MAKE IT STOP (Marlena is in tears)!!! John: Remember us!!! Remember our love!!! I love you Doc!!! Marlena then looks into John's eyes and we see a long montage of John and Marlena flashbacks set to Celine Dion's "Because you Loved Me." The montage ends and both John and Marlena are in tears. John: I love you Doc. Marlena: I love you too. John (looking into Marlena's eyes): Your back!! I can see it. Marlena: Yes, John. I am back and I am sorry. So sorry!! The embrace and kiss. Sami and Belle are elated as Marlena apologizes to both of them. -Eric, Nicole, Austin, Lucas, and Shawn meet up with Shane and crew. Celeste predicts another tragedy. They all see what is going on above them on the cliff. The island begins to tear itself apart at the seams and the volcano is near eruption. Shane wonders how long they can last before having to leave everyone else behind. -Marlena and John enjoy their reunion but then Marlena begins to clutch her head. Marlena: They are still here. They won't get out!!! John: Fight them. You can do it!! Marlena: No!! I remembered everything and have been fighting but they still don't stop. They want me to hurt you and everyone here but I don't want to. I am dangerous John. Just like you and everyone thought. John: It's ok. We can get you help... Marlena: No!!! Get away from me!!! Marlena grabs the gun again. Belle: Mom please!! Sami: Don't do this!!! John: Marlena... Marlena (holding gun): JOHN...HELP ME!!! PLEASE!!! i CAN'T STOP IT!! I DON'T WANT TO HURT YOU OR ANYONE ELSE ANYMORE!! I DON'T HAVE THE STRENGTH AND IT WON'T STOP!!! John: Make it stop!!! You can do it!! We have been through so much baby to just give up now... Marlena: I KNOW BUT...ARGH...STOP!!! GET OUT OF MY HEAD!! NO...I WON'T HURT THEM...JOHN!!! I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE (tosses gun at him) !! YOU HAVE TO SAVE ME...YOU HAVE TO SAVE EVERYONE INCLUDING YOURSELF FROM ME!!! IT'S THE ONLY WAY!!! John: No...I won't do this. I know Lexie said... Marlena: Listen to Lexie...I can't beat this John. Nothing can...not even us together. Not even the memories. You have to do this...you need to sacrifice me so no one else gets hurt. Sami: No!!! Belle: Mom... Marlena: Please girls. Don't be mad at John or me. It is the only way. I can't control what is going on inside. I don't know what is happening and if psychiatric treatment can help. There is no telling what I might do...I need you both to understand and tell Eric and the others that this was necessary. I wanted this...it is the only way!! Belle (in tears): Mom... Sami: Mommy... Marlena: I love you both and tell Eric, Brady, Carrie...tell everyone I love them too. Please be happy!! Love one another and care about one another. I know you can get through...everything that has happened. Whether Roman is Roman or whatever the case is, you can get through it together. Sami, please accept John in your life even if he isn't your father. I need you to do that for me. I need you all to unite as a family. I can't rest in peace otherwise. Just please all of you love and care for each other and be happy!! Please!! Belle: We will. I love you mom. Sami (crying): Mom...I love you...please!!! John: Marlena..you don't have to do this... Marlena: I..need to John. Something is wrong and I can't fix it. I can't fight it...it wants to come out...ARGH...NO I HATE...JOHN IT WANTS....DO IT NOW...SHOOT ME JOHN...YOU NEED TO KILL ME!!! John: I can't!!! I love you Doc! How can I kill the woman I love...the love of my life? Marlena: If you love me...if you all love me...you will let me go. I need to do this. I can't control it. Please John. I love you. I will always love you. I will always be with you my love and I need you to be happy and be there for our family and friends. You need to hold everyone together and I know you can do that. You did it when I was gone before. Just be happy and, if you can, love again. I love you. I will always be with you...I will always be with you all...as will my love. John (crying): I can't do this!!! Your my wife... Marlena: Please!!! Think about our friends...our family...you have seen how dangerous I am...I can't control it...I almost killed my daughters...please do this...if you ever loved me do this!!! John: But... Sami: There has to be some other... Belle: There isn't Sami. Mom is right. It hurts like hell but she needs to do this. She is doing this for us because she loves us and wants to protect us. I can't even watch this!!! Sami: We have the best mother...why her? Why does she need to? How can I deal with losing her again? Mom..you can't leave us...we need you!!! Marlena: I will be with you all always!!! ARGH!!! JOHN DO IT!!! PLEASE!!! IT IS FIGHTING ME!!! THE VOICES...THEY ARE SO EVIL...JOHN...MUST KILL...DESTROY ALL OF YOU...JOHN HURRY PLEASE...I COULDN'T LIVE WITH MYSELF IF I HURT ANYONE ANYMORE OR WORSE THEN I HAVE!! PLEASE!!! John: I can't!!! Marlena: Yes you can!! Do it for me!! The volcano is ready to erupt and the whole island is shaking as everyone watches from below. John looks at Sami and Belle, both in tears like him, and can see they have resigned themselves to the fact their mother wants this and feels she needs this. He looks at Marlena and then it becomes clear what he needs to do. John: I don't want to do this...I love you!!! This is killing me!!! Marlena: Fire it John. Please!! John: No I... Marlena then looks at John and takes a knife she had been carrying in her pocket out that she planned to use in case the gun didn't work out. John sees the knife. A tearful Marlena looks at John, who sees her face become angry and agressive. He then sees her run towards Belle and Sami. Marlena: I WON'T LET ALL THIS BE FOR NOTHING!!!! Sami and Belle scream for their mother to sotp. John sees Marlena running towards them with the knife and realizes he needs to fire to stop her. The gun goes off. Marlena is hit. John drops the gun and runs over to catch her. A heartbroken Sami and Belle look on. John looks into Marlena's eyes. John: I should've known. I can see it in your eyes. You were bluffing...you weren't going to kill them. Marlena: I had to make you shoot. I...had to give you... a reason. John: Doc...I love you...Come on I will get you help now. With you hurt you can't hurt anyone... Marlena: No, just let me go. John: I will never do that. Marlena: Well...I guess I will just leave you with...no choice since the gun wasn't enough. I...love you girls. I love you...John. Marlena then pushes John away from her and throws herself off the cliff and into the volcano. John and Belle look down and see nothing. They accept that she is gone as there is no way she could've survived that. Sami, Belle, and John are devestated. John thinks Sami will blame him but she doesn't. She knows her mother wanted it, as does Belle. Sami, while still bleeding, is helped down the cliff by John and Belle. They join Shane and others and tell them what happened. Eric is devestated and is comforted by Sami, Belle, and Nicole. He wants to blame John but Sami says their mother wanted this. John is comforted by his friends. Eric embraces him as well and says he knows his mother loved him and he loved her. John appreciates that. Roman and John embrace and admit theyt knew Marlena loved the both of them. THey agree to handle the whole Roman situation as they think she would want it handled. Roman, Sami, and Eric share a special moment as they comfort each other over Marlena's death. The island begins to shake ferociously and the volcano begins to erupt. Shane orders everyone out now. Austin, Lucas, and Roman want to find Carrie but Shane says there is no time and, judging by what has already happened on the island and the fact she has been gone for so long, she may even be gone already. They are devestated but realize they have to go as Carrie would not want them to just sit there and die. They all get to the boats and board them. John looks back and Shane tells him to come on. John looks back and wishes goodbye to Marlena and all those lost on the island. He tells her thanks and that he will never stop loving her. He knows she is with him. The volcano erupts and the island is near demolition. John gets on the Fancy Face III with Bo, Hope and some of the others. The boats speed away as the island is being destroyed. John looks back at the island in tears and says goodbye to his love as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.
AMAZING AUGUST BEGINS AS THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING CONTINUE!!! Week of July 31-August 4, 2006 -John, Marlena, Belle, and Sami engage in an emotional standoff. -The islanders finally come home. -Philip's condition worsens as he seems to be losing the will to live. -Alan saves Carrie again. -Shawn and Mimi have it out. -Maggie isolates herself from the world. -Caroline faces the consequences of her actions. -Victor gets the brush-off. -Greta, Chelsea, John, Roman, Rex, and Cassie head for the DNA lab for answers. -Chelsea pushes Max further into Abby's arms. -Hope puts off talking to Bo. -Billie and Frankie help Jack grieve. -Mimi overhears something shocking that may help Philip and change many lives!!! Red Letter Days!!! Monday July 31, 2006: The island event comes to an emotional climax in part two of the big Days tearjerker as John, Belle, Sami, and Marlena engage in a dramatic face off. Friday August 4, 2006: Be prepared for a huge stunner no one saw coming!!! Next Week: Mimi says goodbye to her mother...and to her marriage. Rex makes a stunning decision. Maggie is tempted. Shawn, Philip, and Belle's lives are turned upside down. Greta, John, Roman, Rex, Cassie, and Chelsea get the answers they were searching for.
Missy Reeves Checks Out of Salem!!! Days' Jennifer meets her maker. Salem has lost one of it's most bevloved characters. As previously reported, Melissa Reeves has chosen to leave her role as Jennifer Horton Deveraux. She last aired on July 28 when her character died tragically after saving the lives of her husband Jack (Matthew Ashford) and her first love Frankie (Billy Warlock). The actress announced her intention to leave this past spring and fans knew it was only a matter of time before they saw her for the last time. "Alot of the fans thought she was done when the car with Julie and Jen drove off the cliff in June during our death ruse," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. "She wasn't, though. I was so happy we knew that she was leaving ahead because if it was a hasty exit we may have left it at that but we were able to make her a pivotal player in the huge event this month on the island. That allowed us to give her the dramatic sendoff we wanted since we wanted to be able to spin the characters of Jack, Abby (Ashley Benson), Frankie (Billy Warlock), and several others in different directions." Weeks before Missy announced her departure, there were rumors she was unhappy with her story and the writing. "I am well aware Missy was not happy with what the previous HW did to her," notes Yadroc. "However, she has been very pleased under the new regime we have here and loved her exit." Is this exit final? "Well, we will have to see," says Yadroc. "I will certainly entertain the idea should she approach me but it will have to come from her since she has no desire to return right now anytime soon. If we ever decide to bring the character back and she is not available or has no desire to return, we will just have to recast but no use in dealing with that now." The other question is what does this mean for her loved ones left behind in Salem? Could a Jack/Billie or Jack/Greta pairing be on the way? "Sure, those are both options," says Yadroc. "We could also do Jack/Sami or Jack/Hope-Matt has chemistry with many people. The same goes from Frankie. Jennifer's exit will also influence the Abby/Max pairing too as it will draw them closer and that will really add spark to the triangle with Chelsea. We will see Jack sort of lose his identity a bit and his past demons will return as he struggles to move on and be a single dad. Abby will be a bit rebellious and will try to help her dad and live up to her promise to her mother. Billie will play a part-it's huge stuff. The fans will be happy as we have so many avenues to explore," enthuses Yadroc. There are rumors that Frankie is the character being moved to recurring status but Yadroc insists there has been no change in status in anyone except for one actor or actress. "One of our characters is leaving and that will be made known to the fans very soon-as in this week," admits Yadroc. "The fans know about Shawn and Mimi leaving and all the other exits we have had so there is nothing to tell. No one has been downgraded or upgraded as of yet. Frankie is just as important today as he has been since returning last year," insists Yadroc.
-Lexie and Kayla examine Jennifer as the men begin to remove some of the rocks and boulders from the rock slide. One boulder won't budge and, without moving it, Jennifer can't be freed. Lexie and Kayla tell Jack, Frankie, Abby, and the others that Jennifer appears to have some severe internal injuries and she may even have a collapsed lung. She is also bleeding eternally. Both Lexie and Kayla agree her chances of survival are near-impossible. Abby breaks down as Max comforts her, making Chelsea jealous. Bo comforts Hope and Victor comforts Maggie as Caroline watches. Frankie and Jack are devestated. Billie comforts Jack. Jennifer then regains consiciousness and says she heard everything and she knows what is happening. She needs to say goodbye to everyone before it's too late. Jennifer: Well, I guess this is it. I remember when I was a little girl and I was learning in school about death. I used to be so afraid of what would happen and how and Gran would always comfort me and tell me I would be ok. Death would be nothing to worry about she would say. She always reminded me that we would leave here for a better place so I guess the time for me to to that better place as now. Jennifer sees Lexie and Kayla crying. Jennifer: Don't cry, Oh please, don't cry. If you all start crying I will start and this will be a mess. You both did the best you could and you are two of the best friends I could have. We went through alot together and I will never forget the times we shared and the mountains we climbed, especially with you cous... (looking at Hope) Lexie: We will never forget you either Jennifer. Kayla: We love you Jen and I am just sorry I didn't come and visit more. I am so thankful I was able to see you one last time. Hope: (in tears) We sure did go through alot together Jen. We all have but you have always been there. Through good times and bad our friendship has remained strong. I remember the night JT fell in the river from your car and for days after I lashed out at you. I still can't believe I ever did that to you. I love you. You have and will always be my best friend and I love you. Without you...(takes a moment to wipe her tears) I don't know where I would be. Jennifer: I love you too and that is all in the past. We have always been there for each other. Come to think of it...I need something from you. Hope. Actually, from all of you girls...oh...Billie and Greta you come in here too. Billie and Greta , both of whom are trying to comfort Jack and Abby, walk over to Jennifer and try to fight back the tears. Billie: Yeah, Jen. Jennifer: Billie, I know you and me have not been as close since you returned but I wanted you to know that I still think of you as one my best friends. I know I have always sided with Hope but... Billie: No need to explain Jen. She is family and I understand. I still consider you a friend too, always have and always will. Jennifer: Thank you. Greta, the times we had together...were...well, interesting to say the least. Greta: Yeah I still remember that night at Alice's when Jack, you, and I were drunk and playing that ruse on the reporters. Then there was the whole gay thing... Jennifer: (laughing) Yes, that was an unforgettable night. I know we had some tense times back them but I have always thought of you as a friend. You are a beautiful person, both inside and out, and I hope you finally find happiness in your life. Greta: Thank you. Jennifer: Anyway, what I need you girls to do. Actually, Bo get over here. Aunt Maggie and Max you too. I need all of you to take care of my family. Bo, you take care of that wife of yours. She is special to me and don't ever give up on the love you two share. Bo: I won't. Thanks Jen. Jennifer: Aunt Maggie, I need you to be strong. Gran and the family will need you with uncle Mickey being gone and... Maggie: You. I can't understand this. First, I lose Mickey and now you. How much can are family take? Jennifer: Aunt Maggie, the Horton's are strong and so are you. I need you to be there for our family. I know you can get through this. Do it for me. Please. Maggie: Anything for you sweetheart. Victor takes Maggie away as she breaks down in tears. Jennifer: Billie and Greta, I need you to watch over Jack and my kids. Frankie too. I care about them and I know this is going to destroy them. I can already see their faces. You have been there for them in the past so please can you do that for me? You too Hope. My kids will need you. Jack, Frankie...they will just need you so please... Billie: No problem Jen. Greta: Yeah, we''ll do anything. Hope: You know you don't even have to ask. Jennifer: Thank you all. Max, I see how close you are too Abby so I am asking you to take care of my baby girl as well. I know you can. You are just like your brother. Max: I will. You don't have to worry. Jennifer: Thanks. Oh, before I forget. This goes for all of you. Take care of yourselves. Be there for one another. Love one another. Live everyday...like it's going to be your last. Everyone is in tears. Jennifer then crys out in pain. Lexie and Kayla tell everyone it should not be much longer. Jennifer: Well, I guess we better move this along then. I hate this. I can't say goodbye to Gran, mom, dad, Julie...I hope they know I love them. I will be in a better place. I will see Grandpa and uncle Mickey and... Abby: Mom please!!! I can't hear this. All this talk of goodbyes and leaving us and seeing uncle Mickey and great grandpa...it's too much. Jennifer: Honey, I am sorry. I don't want to leave you or your brother. Oh...God...Jack Jr. I won't even be able to say goodbye to him. I won't see him grow up and... Jack: I will tell him everything. Frankie: We all will Jen. We will tell him how beautiful his mother is... Jack: And how smart and funny... Jennifer: Oh, stop. You will make me blush. Thank you (she begins to cough). Ugh...well, time is a wasting I guess. Lexie, Kayla and others leave Jack, Frankie, and Abby to say goodbye to Jennifer in private. Jennifer waves Frankie over. Jennifer: Frankie... I will never forget the day we first met. In fact, you were there for alot of firsts with me. I feel bad that you wasted alot of your life waiting for me... Frankie: No, Jen. I love you and I always will. You have and will always be the great love of my life and I am thankful for the time we had. I will always regret being away all those years and being away from you. Even if I didn't have you, I still would have been near you and I would rather love you and see you happy then unhappy and with me. Jennifer: I could never be unhappy with you. I love you too and you are showing right now why. You are loving, selfless, honorable...everything a woman could want. I am so sorry I could never make your dreams come true and love you the way you deserved to be. Frankie: No, you have nothing to be sorry for. Jennifer: I need a few things from you, Frankie. Be there for my family. Be there for Jack and my children. Frankie: You know I will and rest assured that if Max does anything to hurt Abby... Jennifer: I know he won't and, if he does, I know you will be right there. I also need one other thing. Frankie: Name it. Jennifer: Find someone to love. I know you said you only wanted one woman your whole life and for some reason that was me but please. I won't rest in peace knowing you are still unhappy and alone. Promise me...please. Frankie: I have never been able to move on Jen... Jennifer: Please...for me. Frankie: ...Ok. Anything for you. Jennifer: I love you and I will be watching you to make sure you stick to your promise. Frankie: Oh I know you will. I love Jen. They kiss and as Frankie walks off we see a montage of Jennifer and Frankie set to "Stand By Me." Abby then begins to speak with her mother. Abby: Mom? Jennifer: It's ok honey. You can come closer. Abby: I know what you are going to say but I don't beleive it. You aren't dying just like daddy didn't. We are finally going to be a family and... Jennifer: Abby please. This is hard enough and I know you are hurting. I don't want to leave you or your brother but it's not my choice. It's meant to be and we just have to beleive this is all part of God's plan. Abby: Why does God's plan always have to be tearing our family apart? Why do we have to go through all this? Jennifer: Abby, I wish I knew but the last thing I want is your fate shaken so please don't stop beleiving. Just know that I will be watching over you, your brother, and your daddy. I need you to take care of your great gran for me and the rest of the family. Grandma and grandpa will need you too. Your father and brother will need you to be strong. Jack Jr needs to know he is loved. Abby: He will. He will know he had the greatest mom in the whole world. I will tell all the stories you told me and I will make sure he turns out the way you would want him to. Jennifer: I know you will honey. Abby: Don't worry about dad. I will take care of him. We will take care of each other...and Frankie. I am so sorry for being a brat to him and to you, especially after we thought dad was gone. Jennifer: It's ok sweetheart. I know you were going through a tough time. Abby: There is no excuse. I am going to do my best to be just like you. Your my inspiration and I promise you I will put other's needs before my own. Jennifer: You are so grownup. I am so happy to hear you say all this and that you will care for Frankie and our family. It's good to know that you have grown up to be a kind, caring, mature young woman that we can all be proud of. I love you Abigail. Abby: I love you mom. They embrace. Abby: I don't want to let you go. Jennifer: I will always be with you. Don't ever forget that. Abby moves away and walks away. Max meets her and embraces her. He vows to be there for her as Chelsea watches. Abby takes one more look at her mom and walks off. Jack then enters. Jennifer and Jack lock eyes and realize this will be the final goodbye. -Hope and the others reminisce about Jennifer. We then see a long montage of Jennifer flashbacks set to the song "Let Me Call You Sweetheart." Hope: She was such a sweetheart. That is the perfect way to describe her. Frankie: I couldn't have said it better myself. That is one ray of light we will never see again. Jennifer Rose Horton Deveraux-there will never be one like her again. It's sad, isn't it? Salem really has lost it's sweetheart. -Meanwhile, Shawn is searching for Belle and the others along with Austin and Lucas. Eric and Nicole meet up with them and they race to find Sami, Belle, John, Carrie, and Marlena. -John gets up and begs Marlena to stop firing her gun and listen to him. He knows she doesn't want to do this. Marlena continues to clutch her head, in battle with herself as she beleives the voices in her head are herself making decisions. She reiterates she is in control. John tries to convince her of the brainwashing and all the trauma she has been through. Her psyche may be damaged. Sami and Belle make their way up and join John. The volcano is near eruption and the island is close to self-destruction. There is no way out for Marlena as she is trapped between a cliff, which is above a river, and the volcano. John tells them he still thinks he can get through to her and bring back the Marlena they love. Marlena orders them all to back off. Belle and Sami try to reach their mother but she aims her gun and warms them all one last time. John tells them both to back off but Sami refuses and begs her mother to listen to them and come back to them. She moves closer to Marlena, who tells Sami she asked for it. Marlena fires her gun as John and Belle jump to the ground and Sami falls to the ground herself. -Jack goes over to Jennifer and picks up her hand. He gently kisses it. Jack: Well, this is different. Jennifer: Yeah, this time I am the one... Jack: Don't say it. I am still not accepting it so it is best not to say it. Jennifer: I guess I saved the best goodbye for last. I hope I..have enough... Jack: You will. Your strong. Unlike me. I don't know how... Jennifer: You will. You have been through so much and came out of it...you will be fine. You need to be strong for Abby and Jack Jr. Our family needs you. Jack: They need you more then me. You were always there and I was always leaving and dying and... Jennifer: I don't want to rehash everything. We both made mistakes and we both have regrets. One regret I don't have is loving you and making a life with you. You are the love of my life Jack Deveraux. Jack: Same here Jennifer Rose. I will never regret loving you. My only regret is leaving you and making stupid decisions. I always let things get in the way whether it was my past or the next big story... Jennifer: I know your sorry Jack. I am sorry too for being stubborn and wasting so much time realizing there was no other man out there for me but you. Jack: Well, there is Frankie. Jennifer: I love Frankie but it's not the same. Not like I love you. Jack: Does that mean... Jennifer: Yeah, I chose you. Kayla laid the obvious out in front of me. I couldn't tell Frankie when I said goodbye to him. I think he knows though. I think everyone knew where my heart was, except for me until tonight. Jack: We were finally going to be a family. You, Abby, Jack Jr, and me. After everything we've been through and now...now this. Jack begins to fight back tears. Jennifer, with tears streaming down her cheek, begins to weaken and is in pain, Her breathing is becoming difficult. Jack: I have never been good at these long goodbyes. You know that. You saw me when Steve died. Jennifer: I know but we have to do this. God knows I said goodbye to you after you "died" so many times. Jack: Haha yeah, I guess it is only fair. Hey, isn't always usually me that makes you laugh in awkward and tough moments? Jennifer: Yeah, well someone has to be and you look so sad right now. Jack: Well, I am trying to be strong but seeing you like this...it's just.. Jennifer: You really have come a long way. When we first met, you never wore your heart on yoru sleeve and look at you now. You have become a great man. A man I am proud of and man everyone can respect. Jack: Stop it... Jennifer: No...I don't...have much time so I am going to go ahead and tell you what I told Frankie. I need you to find someone else... Jack: No, there isn't no one else...I can never... Jennifer: Promise me!!! Please Jack. Do it for me, please. Jack: I will do my best like I always have. Jennifer: Thank you. I know you will be a great father to Abby and Jack Jr. Jack: I will make sure he knows all about his mommy. The most beautiful, generous, loving, kind woman I have ever known. I will tell him that without you I was nothing. You made me want to be a better man and worthy of love. Jennifer: You were always...worthy...Jack. Don't ever think...otherwise. No man...was ever more wort..thy then...you. Jack is having a hard time fighting the tears and Jennifer is near her last breath. Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" begins to play in the background. Jennifer: I...love you. Don't ever...forget. Jack: I love you. Jennifer then looks at Jack once more and her hand becomes weightless in Jack's as her eyes close. Jack can no longer fight back the tears. A montage of Jack and Jennifer flashbacks plays continuing to be set to "My Heart Will Go On." The montage ends and Jack breaks down over Jennifer's body. Jack: There will never be someone like you. No one will ever own my heart like you did. Billie then walks over, followed by everyone else. She says she is there for him and tells him to let everything out. Billie puts her arms around Jack and he breaks down in her arms right over Jennifer's body. Abby and Frankie come up on the other side of him. Abby embraces her father too and Frankie watches as Jack is comforted by Billie and Abby. Jack looks at Frankie and Frankie looks back. They both then hug. Jack: She loved you. Frankie: She loved you more. I know she chose you and it's fine. Jack: You deserved her more then... Frankie: No! You deserved her. You were her great love and she was yours. I could never compete with that. Jack: Well, then, if she ever had to love another man I am glad it was you. Frankie: Same here, pal. Same here. Jack and Frankie both embrace again and collapse to the ground, breaking down in tears, as they look at Jennifer's body as the rain pours down from the storm overhead. The screen then fades to black and the credits roll.
Loved the title. Much better then my Shimi exit one.
-Bo comforts Hope over the loss of her uncle Mickey. Hope wants to comfort Bo too after losing Shawn Sr. Bo thinks they are getting closer but Hope tells him not to read too much into it-they have alot to work through. Bo tells Hope he is worried about how his Victor's affair with his mother and what happened to his father will affect his family. He fears it may tear them apart. -Kayla talks to Roman about keeping Victor away from their mother. Roman says he plans too but he says that he may not even be a Brady. Kayla reminds him to wait until they get more confirmation. -Caroline sees how Victor is comforting Maggie and seems bothered but tries not to let it show. Victor tells Maggie he will be there for her. They were there for each other when they thought Mickey and Caroline died back in Salem and they have saved each other's life. They have bonded a great deal and he feels indebted to her. She tells Victor she just wants to stay on the island and die. Victor says he won't allow that and knows Mickey wouldn't either. She has family to live for. Maggie tells Victor to just leave her alone but Victor says Caroline is already pushing him away and he won't have her do the same. Hope and Jennifer remind Maggie that she has plenty of friends and family. Alice, Melissa, Sarah, and the whole family needs her. Maggie agrees after hesitation but wonders how she will tell them all that Mickey is dead. -Shane tells them all they need to get a move on to the boats. Sami and Belle want to find John, who is after their mother. They sneak off together. Lucas, Shawn and Austin wonder where they went to and go off to look for them. Shane wonders where they all went and is dismayed by the fact that so many are missing. -Kayla tells Jennifer that she may want to tell Jack and Frankie of her decision now just in case something should happen. Jennifer says they are closing in on the boats and that they have had enough bad luck in their lives with Jack dying and leaving so many times and all of them being brought to the island. It would be too cruel for something else to happen at this point. Jack and Frankie both privately wonder who Jennifer chose and each have fantasies about Jennifer choosing them. They are having a hard time waiting out what Jennifer decided, as is Abby. Abby tries to convince her mother to tell everyone now. Max reminds her that it is her mother's life but Jennifer agrees and changes her mind. She will tell them now what her choice is. -Billie asks Chelsea if something is going on with her. Chelsea says no. Billie knows that Hope saved Chelsea's life and that Chelsea saved hers but thinks there is something else going on as she has been acting weird and was so concerned with leaving Hope. Chelsea says it is like she said, she feels she owes Hope and just wants to help. She has been through alot lately with all the crazy stuff going on and it has made her want to turn over a new leaf. Billie remembers Chelsea being missing before all the island business started and asks where she was after the night Josh died. Chelsea says she went to stay with some friends because she was scared and does not tell her mother about the rape (REMINDER: When Victor told everyone about the pier drug operation he never mentioned the rape since he promised Chelsea he wouldn't so he merely said that Chelsea ran off and went into hiding) . Hope overhears and thinks Chelsea should say something to her mother about the rape. Chelsea says she can't and won't. Besides, it is really none of her business. Hope says that Billie is her mother. Chelsea, remembering what she learned from Stefano, keeps mum and says she will tell who she wants when she is ready but begs Hope to remain silent. Hope agrees. -Eric gets another headache and Nicole is worried. Eric again tells Nicole to back off as it is nothing but a lasting affect from his concussion sustained in Africa prior to returning to Salem. He is fine. Nicole shares her fears with Greta and tells her that Celeste predicted tragedy ahead for Eric and his family. Greta reminds Nicole of all the tragedy that has happened and tells her that Celeste was probably talking about that. Nicole hopes so but wonders if it may be something else. Eric is worried about Sami, Carrie and his mother who are all missing. He tells Nicole he is sneaking off to find them. Nicole goes with him. Greta tells Shane they are missing and this worries Shane even more as this puts more people in danger of not making it off the self-destructing island. -Lexie tries to reach out to Abe by confessing her feelings for him just in case they don't make it off the island. Abe rebuffs her and says if they make it off she is in for some big changes when they return to Salem. He has been betrayed for the last time. Lexie worries and asks her mother if she knows anything about what is in store for everyone. Celeste says more pain, suffering, tragedy, and major upheavals in people's lives. Lexie worries about what that premonition may mean for her. -John is on Marlena's tail. She climbs to the top of a cliff that is near the preparing to erupt volcano. She finds herself trapped as one side of the cliff is waterfall leading into a river and the other side leads into the volcano. John makes his way up and realizes he has cornered her. Marlena pulls out her gun and tells him not to move another step. Belle and Sami see John and Marlena vaguely from the ground below and decide to make their way up. John tells Marlena he knows the woman he loves is still there somewhere. Marlena clutches her head and says she is no longer anything to him. John tells her not to listen to the voices and tells her that they belong to the mind control and are a result of the brainwashing. Marlena denies that and says the voices belong to her-they are a result of herself finally being in control of her own life so she can finally be happy and not have her life destroyed countless times on end. John says he knows she has been through alot of trauma and that she doesn't remember the good times but that is because of all the brainwashing and mind control in recent years from Andre, Wendell, Ernesto, and Tek. That and everything she has been through in her life has made her the way she is now. Marlena denies it all and seems to fighting within herself as she clutches her head and is constantly reminding herself that she is control. John says she is not in control and that this is not her but a manifestation of everything he told her about. Marlena aims the gun and tells John to shutup. She fires it and John jumps to the ground. Belle and Sami hear it and increase their speed to get up to the top of the cliff. -Jennifer is about to announce her choice when Shane starts yelling they need to get a move on now. The island isn't going to last much longer. Rain begins to pour down as a storm begins to move in on top of everything else. There is then a loud rumbling. Shane sees rocks and boulders tumbling down from a large rock formation nearby (NOTE: not the same as where John, Marlena, Belle, and Sami are) . Shane tells everyone to run. Victor, Maggie, Caroline, Roman, Kayla, Bo, Hope, Billie, Chelsea, and a captive Patrick take cover. Max grabs Abby as she screams to her parents to come on. The rock slide is coming fast and Jennifer, Jack, and Frankie begin to make a break for it. The rain makes the ground muddy. Jack falls. Frankie goes back for him and gets him up as a boulder makes its way right for them. Jennifer sees it and screams out "NO!!!" Jack and Frankie prepare to get hit but are then pushes aside at the last second. The both fall to the ground nearby as the rockslide continues. When the rockslide ends, everyone gets up. Victor, Maggie, Caroline, Roman, Kayla, Bo, Hope, Billie, Chelsea, and Patrick are alright. Max and Abby get off and run to Jack and Frankie's side. They are both fine but wonder who pushes them out of the way. Hope and Billie then find something and seem horrified. Abby, Max, Jack, Frankie, and everyone else makes theyr way over there and become horrified as well by the sight of a bruised and bloody Jennifer laying crushed underneath a boulder and some other rock fragments as the rain pours down and the screen fades to black and the credits roll.
THE LEGENDARY MICKEY HORTON LEAVES DAYS!!! John Clarke's DAYS are sadly done...this time for good. Original Days cast member John Clarke is leaving Days of our Lives. The actor, who returned in May for a limited run to tie up loose ends after John Ingle (who replaced Clarke in the role) left, is out. The show decided to write out the character permanently and brought Clarke back to close things out. It is said that this is also being done to free up the character of Maggie (Suzanne Rogers) for a new storyline in the works which is rumored to be story with Victor Kiriakis (John Aniston) and Caroline Brady (Peggy McKay). Clarke retired from the show previously in 2004 and the character of Mickey has been a presence on the show since it began in 1965. Mickey appeared dead during the shows latest "dead are alive" ruse last month but reappeared again late last month. "It was always short term and John knew about the ruse and that his character would be dying for real when all was said and done," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. "He said he wanted something memorable but not a long drawn out death scene. Just something sweet and dramatic to remember him by and he was very happy with it as it turned out and so were we." There are also hints that a return to alcoholism story may be in the works for Maggie. "We will see. All the fans should know is Suzanne has killer story coming up. It's weird but Mickey's death will reawaken the Horton's in a way. We feel the Horton's have not been prominent enough in recent years and have given way to the Brady's This death will begin to change all that as the Horton's will have huge roles coming up, especially Maggie." Clarke last aired on July 26 but there are rumors that he may return as a ghost in visits to Maggie in the near future. "Again, we will see," says Yadroc. "It is a great idea so the fans should keep an eye out," notes Yadroc.
-Bo, Hope, Chelsea, Billie, Patrick, Abe, Lexie, Celeste, Roman, and Shane are with John as he tries to wake up Marlena. Lexie tells John to remember her warning about Marlena. Marlena comes to and throws John off of her. She pulls out a gun and tells them all to back off. John professes his love and devotion for Marlena and says he knows the woman he loves is still there. Roman tries to get through to her as well. Marlena clutches her head and tries to fight the voices in her head that she is sure are her own. She says she doesn't need him or anyone-she wants to destroy them all. She opens fire on them all as they all duck out of the way. Marlena runs off. John decides to go after her. Lexie reminds him of what she said earlier and that John may have to make a choice since Marlena is a danger to everyone. John understands. Shane wants to go with him but John orders him to lead the rescue and not worry about him. He has a job to do but he doesn't want it at the expense of others. He tells Shane to not wait for him if everyone is on the boats and ready. He runs off to search for Marlena. Shane and the others note how unstable the island is getting and hear the volcano rumbling. They decide to find any stragglers and get a move on. -Mimi is still devestated over Bonnie's death. Rex is there for her. Cassie warns Rex not to get involved with Mimi again. She sees the look in Rex's eyes and thinks he is still in love with Mimi. They reach the rescue boats. Kate gets on board with a badly burned Philip, Belle and Sami do not want to leave as they have loved ones still in the island. Shawn urges them to get on board. Belle and Sami both refuse and then run off to find the others. Shawn, Austin, and Lucas go after them. Austin tells Rex, Cassie, and Mimi to go with Kate and Philip and leave the island as Philip needs medical attention. Mimi wants to wait for Shawn and Kate, Cassie, and Rex want to wait behind for the others. Austin tells them they need to go now as Philip will need people by his side and he needs treatment. They will all be behind them in the other boats. Austin tells Rex to take care of all on the boat. The boat takes off with Kate, Mimi, Philip, Rex, and Cassie on board. Austin and Lucas are still worried about Carrie and wonder where she is. They, along with Shawn, try to find Belle and Sami who have gone off to try to find the others. -Maggie, Mickey, Caroline, Victor, Jennifer, Jack, Abby, Max, Frankie, and Kayla are heading for the boats. Mickey tells Maggie he hopes they make it off the island. He wants to take her on a romantic getaway on someplace other then an island since they have a bad history with them. She tells Mickey she is so happy she hasn't lost him and he dittos that sentiment. He comments on how he knows how she felt being sent to an island and thought dead. The profess their undying love for each other and are happy that it looks like they will get another chance since they are escaping the island. -Victor tries to convince Caroline not to shut him out. Caroline tells him they will discuss it when they reach Salem. Kayla sees this and warns Victor to back off or either her brothers or her will be forced to make him. -Jennifer tells Jack and Frankie that she has made a choice and will tell both men when they get home. She says Kayla helped her see the obvious and that her heart knew the answer all along. Abby hopes her mom chooses her father. Max reminds her not to let her mother's decision affect their friendship and to not get involved as it isn't her life. -The island is becoming unstabile. The volcano is close to eruption, the ground is shaking and opening up at will, trees are falling, there are explosions all across the island, rock slides, etc. Shane's crew meets up with Kayla. He urges them all that they need to get to the boats now. They all begin a big rush to the shoreline when they hear a loud rumbling from underneath the ground. Victor hears it and feels a shaking right under him, Maggie, and Mickey. He tells Maggie and everyone else to move as there is going to be an explosion. Maggie trips and falls. Mickey tries to get her up along with Victor, who urges everyone to get out of the way. Caroline screams for Victor. Victor gets Maggie up but Mickey stumbles yet again as the ground is unstabile and it is hard to maintain balance. He tells Victor to get Maggie to safety. Maggie turns around and screams for Mickey but the shaking gets louder and then...BOOM!!!! The area explodes sending Victor and Maggie to the ground as Caroline and the others take cover. When the smoke clears, there is nothing but a crater. Maggie screams for Mickey but he is nowhere to be found. Shane, Bo, Hope, Billie (who is guarding a captive Patrick), Lexie, Celeste, Chelsea, Abby, Max, Jennifer, Jack, Frankie, Kayla, Roman, and Caroline all search. Shawn, Belle, Sami, Austin, and Lucas join in the search but there is nothing. Shane informs Maggie that Mickey is gone as there is no way he got out of the way and that explosion still would have taken him out even if he was running from it. Maggie breaks down in Victor arms and gets hysterical. Caroline sees Victor comforting Maggie and seems unnerved. Lexie tries to convince Maggie to calm down but she won't listen. Jennifer and Hope comfort her. Shawn, Austin, Lucas, Bo, Roman, Frankie, Jack, and Shane give Maggie their condolences as Mickey was a good man and valued alot in their lives. Celeste tells Maggie that Mickey is at peace. Celeste then turns away and feels that more pain is on the way. Maggie is inconsolable. Victor embraces her and then, out of the corner of her eye, she sees Mickey looking at her. She lets go of Victor and walks over as everyone watches her. Mickey winks at her and tells her he loves her and calls her "Red" one last time. He reaches out for her hand and she reaches for it but her hand goes right through his. He says goodbye to her and begins to fade away. Maggie then heard Tom Horton calling for his son. Mickey says he has to go as "Dad is calling for him." Maggie is in tears and waves goodbye to the love of her life. Mickey disappears and Maggie breaks down as Victor catches her and holds her in his arms telling her it will be ok and she will get through this. Caroline and the others watch as Victor comforts the distraught Maggie. Shane says they need to get off the island before the lose anyone else. Shawn tells Shane about Bonnie too. Patrick is stunned and can't beleive it. Shawn reminds Patrick of his role in all this and sarcastically asks Patrick if he is proud of himself. Shane says they all need to go now. Everyone prepares to leave but Maggie refuses. She says Mickey is gone because of her. She should have went to the rescue boats and then he would've too but she insisted on staying. _Plus, she stumbled and Mickey was trying to save her. She should've stayed with him and never let Victor pull her away from him. Caroline says that she and others did the same. No one had any idea this would happen and it was an accident. Maggie blames herself and says she wants to die right along with Mickey. She is staying behind and isn't going anywhere. Everyone is stunned as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.
I was going to keep Kyle, especially based on what we are seeing from him right now, but my long term plans called for a change so I guess I will stick with it.
BONNIE SAYS BUH-BYE TO SALEM!!! There will be no more horsing around for Days' Bonnie. Judi Evans will exit the role on Bonnie Lockhart on July 25. The exit is storyline dictated as the show felt the character had run her course. "One of the most toughest decisions ever," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. "Everyone loves Judi but we had no use for the character as the Lockharts are exiting Salem. She does get a great exit and we are happy we were able to redeem her and Mimi (Farah Fath) a bit before leaving." Sources report that Days would like to bring Judi back at some point in her former role of Adrienne Johnson Kiriakis. "We would love to and it could very well happen," admits Yadroc. "Not right now but it could." Fans also took note of a mysterious prisoner being held in the same compound as Philip (Kyle Brandt). The prisoner was taken out of the burning compound on July 25. "That is our big surprise return," says Yadroc. Fans need to keep an eye out because the identity will be revealed very soon...sooner then you think." In other news, July 25 also marked the final appearance for Kyle Brandt as Philip. The show will now use a body double as Philip was badly burned and will be in bandages upon his return to Salem. "We knew we only had Kyle for a bit and we knew he was limited while we had him. The role is being recast but not right away. Belle (Martha Madison) and Philip are important parts of Days but they will be spectators for a bit once Shawn (Jason Cook) and Mimi leave." admits Yadroc. Many beleive Jay K. Johnson will be returning but the show had no comment on that at this time.
-Abe, Lexie, and Celeste join John and Shane. John orders the women to get to the rescue boats. Lexie thinks she should stay behind to help since she is a doctor. Shane agrees. John talks to Lexie about Marlena and asks what she thinks. Based on what she knows and has witnessed, Lexie beleives that Marlena is in her own world. All the brainwashing by Wendell as Alex and then Tek's last method of mind control he used on her put her over the edge. She only remembers the negative, the bad things in her life and that is why she thinks people are controlling her and is lashing out and wants revenge. Lexie beleives that Marlena was never supposed to end up like this but that the mind control and brainwashing was too much for her on top of everything she has been through in her life. If Tek, Wendell, and the others knew that they may have backed off a bit. She mentions how even Stefano was horrified at what she had become. Her not remembering anything but the bad makes things worse. John asks if there is anyway to bring the "old" Marlena they know and love. She tells John to remember how Marlena blew up the plane and and caused the quake on the island and now has caused it to go into self-destruct mode. She is a danger to herself and moreso to everyone around her. She has no love for anyone-the voices in her head are mere affects of all the attempts at mind control and brainwashing. The voices remind her and convince her of all the bad in her life past and present-it's almost like Tek, Wendell, etc are in her head constantly reminding her of the tragedy and pain in her life and trying to make her heartless and cold towards everyone. Johns asks what he can do. Lexie says if he should find Marlena it may be best to contain her and capture her. She may need to be in lockup. If she fights back and is putting lives in danger, John may have to make a agonizing choice and take her out. John asks if Lexie is asking him to kill Marlena if she is a threat to someone's life. Lexie says that he may not have no choice. John remembers Belle telling him that Marlena attacked her and was trying to kill her. He wonder if there is no hope and that his beloved "Doc" is gone. Lexie says the choice will ultimately be his if he is in that position. -Jack and Abby talk about her relationship with Max. Abby says they are friends but Jack is thinking it is something more, as is Frankie. Max tells them both to leave them alone. Jack and Frankie like the idea of Max and Abby together but Jack says he hates seeing his daughter so grown up. He feels like he has missed so much in her life that Jennifer got to see always being there. Frankie says no matter what Jennifer decides that Jack will always be Abby's dad and he could never take that spot, nor would Abby let him. They both laugh. Jennifer tells Kayla she has no idea how she choose. Kayla again suggests maybe it is best if she doesn't. Jennifer says she needs to. Kayla reminds Jennifer that she has loved Jack for years and has a family and deep history with Jack. Frankie and her were high school sweethearts and loved each other for a bit but the connections and deep feelings she has with Jack aren't there with Frankie. However, she has alot of bad history with Jack and alot of baggage. Jennifer notes both sides of the situation and tells Kayla hearing everything so laid out makes it so simple and helps her to see that she already knows in her heart who to choose. Kayla asks her who. Jennifer says she doesn't want to tell anyone until or if they get home. Kayla tells her to whisper it in her ear if she wants no one to hear. She does and Kayla tells Jennifer she knew that would be the man she chose. Jennifer says hearing it all laid out made it clear and simple-she knows one of them will get hurt but there is no other way. -Caroline notices the bond between Maggie and Victor as they head for the Fancy Face III with Jennifer, Jack, Frankie, Max, Abby, and Mickey. Mickey tells Caroline they are just friends and that saving each other's lives really sparked a friendship. Victor asks Caroline if she is ok. Caroline says she is fine but that he should stay away from her because of what has happened. Victor tells Caroline he will not let her go through everything alone. Caroline says her family is in shambles and she needs to repair the damage. His presence may make things worse. Caroline tells Victor they will talk about everything when they return home. Maggie comforts Victor, who feels helpless and like Caroline is beginning to shut him out. -Bo, Hope, and Billie are still curious as to why Chelsea is so concerned over Hope. Chelsea again says it's nothing but her feeling like she owes Hope for saving her on the island. Patrick questions Chelsea in private. Chelsea tells him to back off. Patrick says that he knows that Hope is her mother. Chelsea asks how. Patrick reminds her that he works for the Dimera's. Chelsea begs Patrick not to say anything yet. She wants to know how to deal with everything first and have a test to confirm it true since Patrick and Stefano are not exactly the most reliable. Patrick says he will keep mum. He has no reason to say anything and he has always been fond of her, Billie, and Hope. He knows this affects all of them so he will stay quiet. Chelsea thanks him. Bo, Hope, Billie, Patrick, Chelsea, Abe, Celeste, Lexie, and John all hear a moaning nearbyas they continue to search for Philip and Marlena and to check around to make sure that everyone is leaving the island. John looks in the shrubbery and finds an unconscious Marlena. It appears she was on her way to escaping when she tripped and hit her head on a rock. John begs Marlena to wake up and he hears her keep murmuring that she will get revenge and that she will destroy them all as everyone looks on horrified. -Philip is still imprisoned in a dark room in a compound on the other side of the island. He begins to smell smoke and realizes the compound is on fire. -Some island guards are still left behind and see that a boulder crashed on top of a generator and the compound is on fire. They talk about going back and getting the "other" prisoner thinking the boss would want him for future plans. They go back in and open up a cell and drag a blindfolded man dressed in black out. He appears to be disheveled and disoriented, as well as very weak. They drag him out of the burning compound. -Kate, Austin, Lucas, Sami, Belle, Shawn, Rex, Cassie, Mimi, Bonnie, Eric, Nicole, and Greta are searching for Philip when they see the burning compound. They hear a man screaming and recognize the voice as Philip. Belle is horrified and immediately runs into the burning compound. Shawn runs in after her. Austin, Lucas, and Rex run in to help. Kate is worried for all of them. Mimi sees an opportunity to redeem herself for everything she did and runs into the compound too. Bonnie screams for Mimi to come back and then follows her in. Nicole, Greta, Sami, and Cassie watch the fire and worry for everyone inside. Belle manages to find Philip but then sees a huge pile of burning debris fall on Philip. Shawn finds Belle, who is trying to get the debris off of Philip but it is on fire. Shawn manages to grab Philip's foot and drag him out from under the fiery debris. Belle and Shawn get a look at him and see that he is badly burned. The place begins to collapse. Shawn tells Belle to go on ahead as he carries Philip with him. Belle gets to the door of the room but debris is falling everywhere. Austin, Lucas, and Rex join her and see debris cave in on around Shawn and Philip. Belle screams for them. They manage to get out of the room and they all try to get to the exit. Mimi and Bonnie are looking for the others. Bonnie sees a part of the compound roof about to collapse on Mimi and pushes her out of the way. The debris falls on her and crushes her. Mimi tries to get it off her mother but she can't. Shawn and the others find her and try to help but are unable. Rex sees the injuries and says it doesn't look good as the debris crushed Bonnie's chest. Mimi: Mom... Bonnie: Honey, it's ok. I know what's happening. I am going to that big rodeo in the sky. At least I hope. Mimi: Oh you are, mom. You redeemed yourself quite well. Too bad me trying to do the same did this to you. Bonnie: I guess that is why that out of body experience happened earlier. I was able to do the right thing and do right by you for once. I just hate that it took me so long to realize what was right but better late then never. Mimi: It's ok, mom. Maybe now you will get those angel wings you have been worried about. Bonnie: Maybe but I still failed you. I screwed your whole life up. I screwed your relationships with Rex and Shawn up and look what I did to Patrick. He is a Dimera henchman. Thank God for Connor since I haven't totally messed up his life yet. Mimi (crying): We know you loved us mom. You made mistakes but you tried, unlike dad. I didn't have to listen to you but I did. YOur only crime was that you cared too much. I need to tell you this since I never did enough. I love you mom and thank you so much for being my mother. You made me proud...you made all of us proud. Bonnie (crying and gasping for air): Oh...yeah...I made you all proud...all my schemes and pushing you to strive for wealth...yeah I was great. Mimi: Look what you did now mom. You pushed me to tell the truth about Claire and now you saved my life. You fixed it all in the end and that is what good mother's do. Bonnie: Too bad I couldn't fix Patrick's issues. Tell him I love him and Connor too. Oh, and Max, how could I forget my lovable pup Max. Tell him I love him too. I am going to be looking down on you along with all those people up there...that is if I go there. Mimi: Oh you will mom...you will. I love you too...so much. Bonnie: I hope I get to sit right next to all the good ones...the Tom Horton's and the Shawn Brady's. Shawn: I think you will Mrs. Lockhart. Rex: Yeah...me too. Bonnie: Thanks...hope....your....right. M..imi...I love you baby...and thank you. Mimi: For what? Bonnie: For...being you... (Bonnie's closes her eyes and her body becomes limp) Mimi: No, mom, thank you for being you (cries) -Rex picks Mimi up off the floor and comforts her as she thanks her mother for everything and says not to worry, she has the angel credentials. Austin and Lucas try to get the body out but Mimi says to leave it. Her mother always wanted to be cremated so let her have her wish. They all get out to Kate, Nicole, Sami, and Greta. Everyone is horrified to see how badly burned Philip is. Rex insists that they need to get Philip to the rescue boats right away so he can get some medical attention or he won't make it. Shawn lifts him and they all head for the boat as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.
Yeah it was hard to keep that a secret when you all thought it was Kim. I do want Kim back but not right now. I have enough comings and goings as it is .
Oh don't worry Keith. I won't-I look forward to whatever you do. I have plenty of good stuff coming up that you all won't beleive
I guess we think alike. Trust me-some stuff coming up will be out of this world and the new stories coming up are nothing like yours. I do think I have been original though. Ernesto, Victor/Maggie, Chelsea being Hope's, Roman/John, Rex/Cassie as Dimera's again. I guess we just both hate and like the same people .
KAYLA BRADY JOHNSON RETURNS TO DAYS!!! IS STEVE JOHNSON NEXT?!!! Days' Kayla rolls back into Salem July 24 was a huge day for Days fans as Mary Beth Evans' Kayla Brady Johnson returned to Days and was revealed as Shane Donovan's (Charles Shaughnessy) stalker. "All the fans thought it was Kimberly (Patasy Pease)," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. "We wanted them to think that since it was logical. We want Kim back at some point but we are trying to work something out with Patsy and her health issues. Kayla was always intended to be brought back in this way. She is with us for good and we have big story planned for her." The big question now is-is Steve (Stephen Nichols) next? Rumors are swirling that he is the popular actor returning in the weeks ahead. "The fans will just have to wait and see. There is good stuff planned," promises Yadroc. In other news, Charles Shaughnessy will remain on Days on a recurring basis. "Shane will go back to London but we plan to use him frequently so we put him on recurring. He was ok with it," says Yadroc. Days has yet to announce that popular actor who has been dropped to recurring. An announcement is expected soon.
Orange Ships Out Of Salem!!! Tek's DAYS are up!! Monday July 24 marked the final apperance for Rhasaan Orange as Thomas Edward Karmer, or the ISA agent/Salem PD detective better known as TEK. Orange has fluctuated between recurring and contract since May 2003 when he joined the show as the ISA protegee' of John Black (Drake Hogestyn). The exit is storyline dictated as the character's story was now finished. "The fans know about his past and we just felt there was nowhere to go with him. This gives Abe, Lexie, and Celeste lots of story and clears some pace on the canvas," notes executive producer Ned Yadroc. "We love Rhasaan and the actor and character were well-recieved but it was just his time to go." In other news, as fans learned on July 19, Shawn Brady Sr appears to be gone for real. Days has confirmed that Frank Parker is no longer with the show and last aired on July 19. "It was heartbreaking but Frank has had health problems and was never used a whole lot. His exit gives us huge story for the Brady's and sets up the Victor/Caroline story fans have wanted. We hate to lose Frank but this benefits us in the long run," says Yadroc. Keep an eye out this week for more departures as two more deaths are expected this week and sources say another may come early next week. This, along with the heavily promoted tearjerker shows for Friday and Monday, have fans worried about who may be off the show next as part of this real cast purging. It has also been confirmed that a popular actor at Days has been downgraded to recurring, effective September 1. Expect an announcement soon.
-Chelsea is stunned by Stefano saying Hope is her mother. Stefano tells her a DNA test will prover it. He tells her to get to safety as the island will soon self-destruct. He runs off and thanks her again for saving him. Chelsea asks again if he has any clue about her real father but Stefano yells he doesn't know and runs off. Chelsea runs off to find the others. Meanwhile, Stefano finds a speedboat in a hidden storage hanger and takes off in it saying that the Phoenix has risen and will now be back full force. He vows to shake up Salem. -Chelsea runs into Bo, Hope, Billie, and Patrick. They are all relieved to see each other. Bo thinks that Billie and Hope should get to the lifeboats and take a captive Patrick with them but Hope wants to stay and help. Bo orders Billie to take Chelsea but Chelsea does not want to leave Hope. This stuns Patrick, Bo, and Billie. Chelsea insists that she owes Hope alot for saving her life and by helping to save all of their loved ones, including Hope's, she hopes that will help pay Hope back for everything. Bo and Billie don't buy it and think something else is going on, as do Hope and Patrick. They have no time to argue and drop the subject. They take off to find the others. -Shane is stunned to see KAYLA BRADY staring at him. He thanks her for saving his life. He opens the secret door to let John, Eric, Nicole, Austin, Lucas, Kate, Roman, Bonnie, Shawn, Mimi, Rex, Cassie, and Belle all out. They are stunned to see Kayla. Kayla explains that she has been watching Shane since he arrived in Salem to help out. She explains this goes back years, to 1995, in fact. Kimberly had brought Andrew and Jeannie for a visit to Shane. They all stayed with him. While there, Kim overheard him on the phone talking about Steve and his death. This piqued Kim's interest. She came to visit Shane at ISA headquarters and found herself in his office alone at one point. She found a file on Steve and learned that Shane was investigating and surveiling Lawrence Alamain and Stefano Dimera. There was reason to beleive that there was more to Steve's death and that one or both of the evil masterminds were involved. Kim told Kayla since she felt she should know but both women soon learned that the investigation was dropped after finding nothing. Fast forward to years later with what happened with the first Melaswen plot and now what has happened now and Kayla now thinks Steve's death could've been faked too. She knew Shane thought that and as soon as Shane left for Salem, she left California. Kim called her and told her that Shane was going to Salem to deal with the Dimera's and all the "deaths" on Morgan Island and in Salem. Kim mentioned how some of the "deaths" were like how Steve died in the hospital. This got Kayla thinking that Steve and her had enemies in Lawrence and Stefano and maybe his death may have been a ruse too. She somehow ended up on the same flight as Shane since he needed to catch a connecting flight and chose to merely follow him and not tell anyone else she was around since she knew nobody would tell her anything, especially Shane. She wanted to stay in the shadows and hopefully learn things on her own and be close enough where if she needed help she could make her presence known to Shane, John, etc. When they all left for the island, she knew she had to find her own way so she took Bo and Hope's boat and here she is. She has been searching the island for clues that may pertain to Steve and anything else and has nothing. Bo, Hope, Billie, Patrick, and Chelsea show up. Bo and Hope reunite with Kayla and she tells them the story of why she is there. Kayla also tells everyone that she is a doctor now. Kayla learns that Roman may not be Roman and that John could be. She finds it hard to beleive and says they just need to wait for medical proof before driving themselves crazy. She is happy to know everyone is alive again and is shocked about Marlena, Ernesto, Stefano, Andre, and the Wendell situation. She asks where her mother and father are. Bo and Roman break the news about Shawn Sr to her. They all embrace and hug. Kayla hugs Sami. Eric and John as well. They decide they need to go find the others. Bo thinks that some people should get to his boat and get off the island. They all refuse saying they are all in this together. John says if things get worse he will order them all to get to the boats no matter who is left behind. -Jennifer is still confused over Jack and Frankie. Abby tells her mother she likes Frankie but will never accept him as her mother's husband. Max tells Abby to be fair. Abby reminds Max to stay out of it and he reminds her of the pact they made to both stay out of it and not let what is going on affect them. They hug and both agree. Jennifer tells Jack and Frankie she loves both of them. She knows she will have to decide once returning to Salem. Mickey and Victor try to get Caroline and Maggie to get to the rescue boats but they won't have it. They want to find the others. They manage to meet up with Shane and crew. Caroline reunites with Kayla and they cry over Shawn Sr. Max, Frankie, Jennifer, and Jack reunite with her too, as do Mickey and Maggie. Kayla asks her mother if it was the shock over John and Roman and Rex and Cassie that caused Shawn Sr to die. Caroline says that is true but something else drove him over the edge. Roman blurts out that it was an affair with Victor. Kayla is stunned. The ground begins to shake and John orders everyone to start to get to the rescue boats and the Fancy Face III. Caroline tells Kayla they will talk later. John tells everyone to split up and start going for the boats no matter who is still behind. Kayla, Jen, Jack, Frankie, Max, Abby, Victor, Maggie, Mickey and Caroline are sent to the Fancy Face III as Bo and Hope will stay behind to help with the rescue operation. Kate, Austin, Lucas, Sami, Belle, Shawn, Mimi, and Bonnie are sent to one of the lifeboats. Greta shows up and sees Victor. She tries to tell him that he may be her father but decides not to given what is going on and everything that happened already with his affair with Caroline and all. Greta is told to go with Eric and Nicole and John decides to sent them off with Kate, Austin, and co. They all break up. Billie tells Chelsea to head for the boats too but she wants to stay with them. Bo and Hope are worried about Abe, Lexie, and Celeste. -On the way to the boat, Kayla catches up with Jennifer. Jennifer talks about her being caught in the middle of Frankie and Jack. Kayla tells Jennifer that maybe the best thing is to choose neither since she really loves both of them and someone is going to be hurt. Jennifer says she needs to choose one-she can't cop out of this. Kayla tells her that she will lose either way as choosing Frankie will cause problems with Abby and hurt Jack and choosing Jack would break Frankie's heart and, no matter what she chooses, this thing could have a bad affect on the friendship between Abby and Max that looks real close. Jennifer notes that they are close and this thing could really hurt their relationship no matter what way it goes. She is really torn. -Belle does not want to leave the island without looking for Philip. Kate, Austin, and Lucas agree. Shawn tells them all to go to the boat and that he, Austin, Lucas, and Eric will try to find him but it is to no avail as the woman want in too. They defy John's orders and along with Sami, Eric, Nicole, Greta, Bonnie, Mimi, and Shawn go to find Philip. -Abr orders Tek tp let Lexie go. Tek professes her love for Lexie and says he knows Lexie loves him. Lexie tries to get him to back off. Abe warns Tek he is a dead man. Tek asks Aby why he cares since Lexie betrayed him with a Dimera henchman. Abe says she is still his wife and his son's mother. Tek says his life has been hell being blackmailed and forced to work for Stefano. He has no one-he lost his mother, who was the reason why he agreed to work for the Dimera's in the first place as he needed money and they helped him get into the ISA. He needs Lexie. Abe and Celeste vow to never let him have her. Abe then lunges for Tek as Lexie pulls him off of her. Abe and Tek fight. Tek manages to grab a hold of Lexie again as Abe tries to get up. The ground begins to shake and a crater begins to open up. Lexie tries to get Tek away from her but he pledges to never give up on her. She pushes him and he falls right into the crater, which fills up with boulders and rocks from above. Lexie, Abe, and Celeste watch as Tek is crushed to death. Lexie is relieved it's over but horrified that she killed someone. Celeste insists it was self-defense. Abe agrees. Lexie asks what this means for Abe and her. Abe says it means nothing but that Tek is dead. She still betrayed him too many times and he still can't help but look at her now and see Stefano's daughter. She is a Dimera through and through and always has been. He just refused to see it but sees it now and this time he won't make the mistake of giving her another chance. It's over for good this time. He tells Celeste and her to come with him so they can find the others and get off the island. Lexie asks her mother what will happen now. Celeste says her future is uncertain like the futures of many on the island given all the reveals and recent occurances. Lexie walks off to follow Abe as Celeste is overcome by a vision of shadowy people crying in pain over what look like bodies. Celeste predicts more misery and tragedy for those on the island and insists that the worst may be ahead. She then takes off to follow Lexie and Abe to find the others as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.
Announcer : "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" continue with a week of action... Clip of Abe punching Tek and of Shawn rescuing Philip from a fire. Announcer: A week of suspense... Clip of Belle screaming for Shawn and Shawn still in the fire with everything collpasing around him. Announcer: A week of unforgettable twists... Clip of Mimi screaming, Jennifer screaming for Jack and Frankie to watch out, and of John telling Marlena it's over while on a cliff. Announcer: ...that will end with the most heartbreaking goodbyes ever. AND WHATEVER YOU DO DON'T MISS FRIDAY AND NEXT MONDAY!!! Emotion, heartbreak, shocking twists-IT ALL CHANGES EVERYTHING!!! "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE THIS WEEK-RED HOT SUMMER-DAYS OF OUR LIVES!!!
Previews and Sneak Peeks for July 24-28, 2006 Can Days' John save his beloved "Doc?" -A standoff ends in death for one Salemite. -Celeste predicts more tragedy. -Greta opts to stay mum. -A mother gives her life for her daughter. -Jennifer is still caught between Jack and Frankie. -Chelsea's reluctance to leave Hope confuses Bo, Billie, and Hope. -Shane learns who his stalker is. -Philip is rescued. -Two Hortons give their lives to save their spouses. -John must make a agonizing choice after Lexie's words and Marlena's actions convince him that the Marlena he loves may not exist no longer. -Sami and Belle join John as he traps Marlena on a cliff. Can his resort, the love that he has for Marlena, be enough to save her? Red Letter Days Monday July 24, 2006: A standoff ends in death. Meanwhile, Shane learns the identity of his stalker. Tuesday July 25, 2006: A mother gives her life for her daughter while a husband risks all to save his wife. Wednesday July 26, 2006: A legendary Days character dies. Friday July 28, 2006 and Monday July 31: A two part tear jerker that will continue Monday July 31. Don't miss the two most heartbreaking Days ever as a beloved character says goodbye and a hero must make the ultimate choice. It is the emotional climax to the island event and nothing will ever be the same!!! Next Week: Marlena fires a shot at one of her daughters. John tries to get through to Marlena. Alan saves Carrie's life. Don't miss Monday July 31 as the island event comes to a heartbreaking conclusion with part two of the big Days tearjerker!!
BIG DAYS CASTING NEWS-MASCOLO RETURNS AS OTHERS TAKE OFF!!! The Phoenix has risen again on Days. Days fans had a wild week last week as the first week of the hyped "The Weeks That Change Everything" event brought major shockwaves to the canvas. Among those reveals, fans learned that Wayne Northrup's character was not Stefano and saw the shocking return of Joe Mascolo to the legendary role. "It was just supposed to be a few shows based on the trade we made with B&B a few years ago," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. "As soon as Joe informed us of his being cut to recurring and his choice to leave the show altogether we jumped on it and signed him to a contract." No word yet on the length of the contract but it is said to be open-ended as Stefano is a character who is in and out frequently. What does this mean for Wayne Northrup? Well, as fans know, the former Alex North/Stefano wannabe turned out to be a former henchman of Stefano's named Wendell. "Wayne's last airdate was on Friday July 21," says Yadroc. "He will be on recurring and he likes it that way. It allows him to be with his family and we can still use him. That is why we made him Wendell-it really sets things up well for him and for us." Apparently, the same goes for Charles Cioffi (Ernesto) too. "He will recur also and his last airdate was July 21 as well. We love him and do plan on using him but I have no idea when. He has other things lined up so I guess it will have to be when it is good for him and for us but we obviously opened up alot of stories with bringing him back these last few weeks," Yadroc explains. Thaoo's Days are done...for now. Fans also are wondering about Steve Blackwood (Bart) and Thaoo Penghlis (Andre/Tony) after both appeared to die on July 21. "Bart is dead. We felt the character was taking away from the aura of the Dimera's and preventing people from taking them seriously. I love Steve but this was one tough decision that had to be made. As for Thaoo, he will be back at some point. We left Andre's death wide open but I honestly doubt we will use him. We do plan to use Tony as we did hint at Tony being out there somewhere but we have room for that story right now. It will be done but not at this point. I do think Thaoo will be back in some capacity in the future," admits Yadroc. Both Penghlis and Blackwood last aired on July 21. Here are some other BIG casting tidbits and Days rumors: -Fans will learn the identity of Shane's stalker on Monday July 24. "It is a beloved face from the past and she will be sticking around for good. We have big story planned for her." Fans should also look for another secret return of a beloved actor in the weeks ahead and he, too, will be returning for good. "He will pop up in the weeks ahead and it will be a shock to fans," says Yadroc. -There will be several major deaths in Salem this week. "One happens on Monday and the others will be spread out through the week. The episodes with all the dying are all tear jerkers but Friday's show will be a major one along with next Monday's," previews Yadroc. "Fans will never forget the last few deaths on the island-they will change the show forever." -For fans wondering where Alan (Paul Kersey) and Carrie (Christie Clark) are, they will be back in the weeks ahead. "They return in August. The first week actually. We just had so many people to play we needed to move them off the canvas. It fits nicely and fans should be assured that they won't miss nothing in this story," says Yadroc. -Rumors continue to swirl about the status of Deidre Hall (Marlena) as her contract is up next month and August is fast approaching. The show had no comment. -Missy Reeves (Jennifer) and Kyle Brandt (Philip) are rumored to have finished taping. -Arianne Zuker (Nicole) and Jensen Ackles (Eric) are said to be now sticking around through the end of the year. -The show has a lockdown on any spoilers pertaining to the current Roman story but setsiders report that no matter what Josh Taylor is staying put...at least for now. -Rumors persist that Will will be recast this fall for a big story. -It appears a beloved actor will be going recurring in the weeks ahead. -Rumors are circulating that there is a new co writer at Days to go with recently appointed HW Tim Lowery. Setsiders report that the show will introduce this person in an interview scheduled for mid-August, a week prior to releasing Fall Previews. Keep an eye out for more info on this and all the other casting news and rumors.
-The crowd is led by John and Shane through the hallways of the island control center. Everything around them is collapsing. People begin to get separated in the chaos. -Chelsea looses track of the others and ends up separated from everyone else. Bo, Billie, Hope, and a captive Patrick (he was cuffed by Shane earlier and Billie and Hope drag him along with them). -Maggie, Mickey, Victor, Caroline, Jennifer, Jack, Abby, and Frankie are separated from the group when the fall behind and part of the tunnel collapses. They try to find a way out another way. -A handcuffed Tek manages to get out of his cuffs and make a run for it. He drags Lexie with him and then picks her up and carries her off when she refuses to go with him. He tells her he loves her and is not leaving her. Lexie says she can't forgive him after everything he has done. He says she will come to love him in time. He carries her off through the tunnels. Abe and Celeste give chase and separate from the others. -John, Shane, Eric, Nicole, Austin, Lucas, Kate, Roman, Bonnie, Shawn, Mimi, Rex, Cassie, and Belle remain together. Austin, Lucas, and Roman are worried about Carrie and want to search the control center. Belle is worried about Philip as is Kate, Austin, and Lucas. They are also worried about the others they have lost in these tunnels. John says they need to get out of the control center first and get everyone that is together on boats off the island. Then they can find the others. They all refuse to go anywhere without their loved ones but John and Shane urge them on. This group reaches a door and tries to bust through it. There is a small vent and John wonders if someone can climb through it and reach the other side and open the door to the outside. Shane offers to go since there is no telling what is up there and you don't want to put anyone in danger. Shane climbs into the vent and manages to make his way outside. He finds himself right outside the control center, which is disguised within the landscape of the cave. He is about to open the secret door when a huge boulder breaks off the side of a cliff above and is about to drop on a unknowing Shane. -Greta asks Stefano again if Victor is her father. Stefano says he is and that everything in the file is true. He stresses that they need to get out of there now. He offers to help her escape. She goes with him and they reach the outside. He orders her to find the others as he needs to go off alone to escape. Greta thanks him and mentions that she will still seek confirmation that the info and what Stefano told her is true. Stefano says she just needs to get off the island now, as does everyone, as the whole thing is coming apart. Stefano tells her to get to safety and takes off. Greta races off saying she needs to find Victor to tell him everything in case this is it and they do die on this island. -Ernesto reaches a helicopter. He gets in it and takes off saying he will still get his revenge. He will just lay low and bide his time and strike when no one expects it. -Wendell reaches a rowboat and decides to just take it thinking there is no other way. He gets in it and begins to row away saying how close he was to becoming bigger the Stefano. He will make his dream come true and will destroy the Dimera's and their enemies. This way he will be bigger then them by destroying their foes and will eliminate them completely and he dominate the world. He vows revenge as he rows away. -Bart and Andre are running for cover. A huge part of the cliffside collapses. Andre turns away and sees the whole thing collapse on Bart. He tells Bart to rest in peace. Andre then sees Stefano. Stefano pulls out his gun and chases after Andre. Andre runs out of room and is trapped near the caves. Stefano orders Andre to tell him where Tony is and maybe he will let him live. Andre says he will die before he ever lets Stefano know where Tony is. Stefano chokes him and again orders him to speak up. Andre tells him by time he finds Tony, he will be dead. Rocks begin to fall around them and Stefano runs for cover. When he turns around, he sees Andre and watches as half of the rock structure caves in on Andre. Stefano wonders if Andre could've survived yet again but admits this time there looks to have been no way of escape. He also wonders how he will ever find Tony now. -Maggie, Mickey, Victor, Caroline, Jennifer, Jack, Abby, and Frankie manage to make their way outside via finding their way out a secret exit Jack found. They decide to make a beeline for the rescue boats, which should be there by now. The men tell the women to go to the boats while they try to find the others. Jennifer, Maggie, Caroline, and Abby won't leave and demand to stay. The men have no choice but to agree despite their reservations and worrying about the women's safety with all the explosions, rock slides, etc. Greta meets up with them and sees Victor and her eyes well up with tears. Victor asks if she is ok. She says she is fine but can't seem to muster enough courage to tell him what she wants to. -Tek gets Lexie outside and looks for one of the secret supply rooms on the island to find a boat to get them off the island. Abe and Celeste catch up and order Tek to stop. Tek tells Abe he loves Lexie and knows she loves him and he won't give up. Abe tells Tek that he either let's Lexie go or faces death. Celeste then has a horrible feeling and feels that death is upon them. -John, Eric, Nicole, Austin, Lucas, Kate, Roman, Bonnie, Shawn, Mimi, Rex, Cassie, and Belle wait for Shane to open the door. The falling boulder is about to hit Shane when he is pushed out of the way by a woman (it is the same woman who has been stalking Shane since he returned and took Bo and Hope's boat, "Fancy Face III," to get to the island. Shane turns around and thanks the person and then is shocked by who he sees looking him right in the face. -Bo, Hope, Billie, and Patrick look for Chelsea. Hope tells Bo and Billie about how Chelsea and her bonded and how Zach returned as an angel to help her save Chelsea's life. Billie thanks Hope for saving Chelsea and is pleased that they bonded. Hope and Billie both wonder if all the hate can be put in the past now. Bo thanks Hope for saving his daughter too. They desperately try to find Chelsea as conditions on the island worsen. -Chelsea manages to make her way outside by crawling through a vent and making her way outside. She dusts herself off and goes off to fidn the others. She comes around the corner and bumps right into Stefano. He says he is in a hurry. A tree gets uprooted and Chelsea sees it and pushes Stefano out of the way. He thanks her for saving his life. She says she hates everything his organization, family, etc. has done to her family she she has no idea why she saved him. Stefano says he has an idea why. He says that since Chelsea did him a favor he will do her one and tell her a little secret that only he, Wendell, Ernesto, and Andre know. Chelsea doesn't want to listen to lies but Stefano tells her that all the proof is on the disk Sami has and she can do a lab test to confirm it as well. Stefano: It was a setup. Chelsea: What was? Stefano: Bo and Billie...the search and all...there was never a need for it. Chelsea: What...? Stefano: Well, there is no need to search for someone that is dead...someone like Georgia Brady. Chelsea: But I am Georgia, Yeah, I mean I changed my name but still... Stefano: Darling, you are not Georgia. That poor child died in the bayou at birth. I had no reason to take that baby and do everything you, Bo, Billie, and everyone else thought I did with you. It was all made up by Andre and Wendell and planted on this island during the first island plot for Billie and Bo to manipulate their lives and try to one up me once again. It was not his plan but he knows the truth. Chelsea: So, you are saying Bo and Billie are not my parents and that Georgia Brady is dead? If you are telling the truth, who are my parents? I was adopted so it isn't the Benson's? You are lying-this is all a big game... Stefano: You just saved my life-I wouldn't lie. Besides, what reason would I have? You can go have a lab test done or look at the disk Sami has-both will prove me right. No use arguing-we need to get off this island before we all perish. Now go find the others... Chelsea: Wait, if not Bo and Billie, then who? Who are my parents? Stefano: I can't say, nor do I really know, who your father is but your mother's name is, or I mean was, Gina. Chelsea: Gina? Stefano: Yes, Gina. The Princess Gina von Amburg. Not the real one but... Chelsea: Oh my God...it can't be ... Stefano: Yes, it is true. Your mother is... Chelsea: Hope...HOPE BRADY!!!! The screen then fades to black on a shocked Chelsea's face as the credits roll.
-The crowd continues to react to all the reveals and to Shawn Sr's death. -Roman comforts Caroline as a helpless Victor looks on and blames himself. Maggie comforts him. Mickey asks Maggie how close Victor and her got while he was away. Maggie explains how Victor and her have saved each other's lives. Mickey understands and thanks Victor again for protecting his wife. Victor thanks Maggie for all she has done. He feels greatful they have become friends. He just wishes he could help Caroline but now her family is going to be put through the wringer. He just hopes he is blamed and not her-he doesn't want her to lose her family now that she lost her husband. -Roman tells Caroline that he will not allow Victor anywhere near her. He will make him pay for his father's death. John makes mention of the fact that Roman might not be Roman. Roman says it makes no difference-Shawn is still his pop no matter what. Bo tells Roman to calm down and let Victor console Caroline. Roman tells Bo to stay out of it and to not show any bias. Hope tells Bo it will be better if he stays out of it since Victor is his father. Victor thanks Bo for his support. -Hope comforts Bo. Bo wonders if this is the beginning of Hope coming back to him. Hope tells him not to push it. Billie consoles Bo and offers her condolences to Caroline and Roman. Kate does so as well. Cassie and Rex also issue their condolences as they will always think of Shawn as their grandfather after these past 3 years. Sami wonders where Carrie is since she should be here for this. Austin and Lucas are still worried and ask Stefano where she is. Stefano has no clue as does Wendell, Ernesto, and Andre. -John comforts the Brady's and even hugs Sami. Sami backs away and reminds John that they don't know anything yet so he should not act like her father. -Bonnie tries to calm Mimi down as she is unable to comfort neither Shawn or Rex because of Belle and Cassie. Bonnie just tells her to wait until things calm down. Shawn pushes Belle away and tells her they can't let themselves get caught up in mourning and make it an excuse to let their feelings for each other take over. Belle reluctantly agrees but is happy that Shawn still has feelings for her. -Alice, Lexie, Celeste, Doug, and Julie also offer condolences to the Brady's. Abe comforts Roman and Bo. Celeste predicts more upheaval and tragedy for everyone. Jennifer, Jack, Abby, and Chelsea console Frankie and Max. Chelsea is jealous when Max accepts Abby's comfort rather then her's. Jack sees how close Jennifer and Frankie are as she consoles him and wonders if he will be the odd man out. Caroline embraces all her children. Stefano orders Bart to get a body bag. Even his enemies must rest in peace respectfully. Shawn's body is zipped into the bag by Lexie. Stefano orders it to be put on a boat to be sent back to Salem. He also offers to send Alice and two other people back with the body since the boat can fit four. John wants to know why Stefano is being so pleasant. Stefano says that this island plan was not his and is nothing more then a travesty. Yes, he still hates most of them but he has no problem with Alice Horton and despite hating Shawn he does think even an enemy deserves respect in death. Shane suggest Mickey and Maggie go but Maggie wants to stay behind to help. Mickey says he wants to as well and thinks it would be better of Doug and Julie go since they are capable of fighting back if this is a double cross by Stefano. Stefano insists it isn't but Shane says they better not take chances and Julie is still quite young so Doug and Julie should go. Alice, Doug, and Julie leave with the body and wish everyone well. Stefano even offers Shane a radio to call for help for more boats. Stefano says this is not how he wants to get revenge-this plan was never supposed to happen like this. Ernesto, Andre, and Wendell are furious. Marlena is as well. Stefano says that all aspects of this plan are a farce and have done more harm then good. Shane takes the radio and calls for help. Marlena says she wants her revenge and orders Stefano to put an end to this. Stefano reminds Marlena that everything promised her was under Wendell, not him. It pains him to see Marlena so deranged and lost. Marlena insists she is not crazy and then claims the voices she hears is the voices of herself finally making her own choices and not under anyone's control. Lexie explains that all the brainwashing and trauma over the years must have finally taken it's stride. Tek explains that Wendell made him commit a special act of brainwashing on Marlena on Morgan Island when everyone was looking for Stefano/Wendell. It is very extreme and it's purpose was to only make Marlena remember the bad things that have happened such as her many deaths, all the bad things her family and herself has gone through, etc. It was all that combined with Wendell brainwashing her for months as Alex that led to this. She has no other memories but the bad ones and blames all those she loves for the bad things that have happened. Lexie thinks all that Tek explained means that everything that has happened to Marlena may have caused a split personality of sorts only the "bad" Marlena is in control as the "good" Marlena can't be because she can't recall the good times in her life because of not having her full memory. The voices are probably the result's of Wendell and Tek's brainwashing just reminding her of all the bad things she has been through and of everything Wendell wanted her to do while he was acting as Stefano. Marlena insists she is not brainwashed and that she only did what Wendell/Stefano wanted because she had her own plans for revenge and liked the idea of helping to 'kill" some of them and putting them on the island. This wat it would get all those that hurt her together so she could destroy them all. That is what the explosion she set off on the island was for. Everyone is stunned she did that and caused the earthquake. Marlena insists that she won't stop until they all suffer. Stefano is outraged at Wendell and Tek over what has happened to Marlena. John tries to get through to Marlena but to no avail. She is uneffected by anything, including Shawn Sr's death and the possibility of John being Roman. -Ernesto gets fed up and says he is going to get revenge and no one, including Stefano, will stop him. He tries to find the tape he made of Philip reacting to the Claire news. -John asks why she had to shoot Wendell along with Abe on Morgan Island. Marlena says it was part of the plan as everyone had to beleive Wendell/Stefano was dead so the plan could run smoothly. She only did his bidding because she wanted to take advantage of the setup on the island to get revenge. John tells Marlena that everyone loves her and there is no reason for revenge. Marlena tells John to back off. Stefano begs Marlena to come with him and he can help her. Marlena pulls out a gun and tells everyone to back away. She is sick and tired of all of them and admits she planned to double-cross Wendell/Stefano and Andre as soon as she was done using them to set everything up perfectly for her to get her revenge on the island. Even though their plans didn't work out, her's still can as she can still kill them all. She had hopes to torture them first but she will just have to settle for them all dying. She is mad that Alice, Doug, and Julie left so they can't be a part of it too but she says she will have revenge on them too as they will suffer knowing everyone else is dead. John tells Marlena that she loves them and everyone else and that she doesn't want to see anyone hurt. The Marlena he loves and that everyone loves is still there. Marlena clutches her head and tells John and everyone to back off. She escapes through a secret door, which locks behind her. John orders Stefano to let them out so he can get Marlena. Stefano says he has no idea how to get out as Wendell, Andre, and Ernesto know the controlls. -At that moment, Ernesto puts a tape in and announces he wants everyone to watch it (thinking it's the tape of Philip), especially Victor. The tape pops on and shows Tek and Lexie having sex in her office. It them shows them talking about lying to Abe and then having sex in a car, in the park, and in a hospital exam romm. It even shows how Wendell/Stefano ordered Tek to brainwash Theo via his mini-stereo to mention to Abe that Alex was the one who had sex with Lexie and to make Abe think he was raping her, hence the reason why Abe was led into a trap on Morgan Island when he confronted Alex/Stefano/Wendell and was "killed" by Marlena and brought to the island. The mystery man that arranged to brainwash Theo and set that all up is revealed to be Tek. The tape also has Wendell at the end acting as Stefano saying, "Commander Carver, do you really want a wife like this that would rather spend her nights with a secret Dimera operative instead of you? Guess your wife really is a Dimera..." Abe is furious and lashes out at Lexie. Roman, John, Hope, and Bo stand up for Abe and can't beleive Lexie did this and can't beleive Tek did it either. Abe tells Lexie that she has betrayed him for the last time. Jonah, Brandon, and now this-he is going to make sure she loses everything. She is a true Dimera and he won't have his son raised by her and that family curse. Stefano tells Abe he has no say in that and that he will never let Abe have his grandson. Abe vows to go to war with Stefano to keep Theo away from him. Celeste reminds Lexie that she warned her about this. Lexie is devestated and can't stand the looks everyone is giving her and tells them to turn away. Tek tells Lexie he is sorry but Celeste and Lexie lay into him for using Theo in this whole plot and for working for her father to break up her family. Lexie slaps her father but Stefano insists that the last few years of Tek's activities were not of his doing. He has not ordered Tek to do anything for him since about 6 years ago since he has been ill and in captivity. This was all Wendell even though he wishes he did it himself and says he is happy tthis happened. Lexie ignores her father and tells him to stop badmouthing her marriage and family with Abe. She slaps Wendell and Tek. Tek pledges his love to her and says he wants to be with her. He really did fall in love with her. Lexie tells him she will never want him now. Stefano tells Tek he won't let him be with his daughter either and that he would be wise to listen to his instructions from now on. Tek and Patrick both say they are done working for Stefano and all of his companions. They try to escape but are held back by Roman and Shane. Stefano tells Shane to handle Patrick and Tek in his own way as they are no longer being protected by him anymore. Shane says he can just send Stefano to jail to but Stefano insists he has done nothing but that he will gladly answer to the charges brought on him in 2001 as he left Salem. -Stefano privately thanks Wendell for the plot he created with Tek to break up Lexie and Abe. Stefano insists that he is still going to kill Wendell but does thank him. Wendell tells Stefano that it must kill him to know he did something that Stefano never could-break up his daughter's marriage. Stefano is angry and tells Wendell that he will now make sure he dies a slow and painful death. He wants revenge for Wendell's crimes against him and the same goes for Andre. -Ernesto wonders where the tape he is looking for is. Stefano apologizes to Ernesto and says he switched the tapes and hands him the tape he wanted. Stefano knew what Wendell did to Lexie and Abe via Tek and wanted to make sure the tape got viewed so Lexie and Abe would be over once and for all. Now Lexie can be the best Dimera she can be and Theo can be raised as one as well. Ernesto understands and thanks Stefano. He insists that Stefano let him keep his enemies on the island so he can get revenge. Stefano tells him he can have Victor and that is it. Ernesto privately says that is not enough and that he won't let Stefano stop him from getting revenge as this island plot was mostly his idea from the get-go. -Ernesto announces that he found the tape he wanted. He plays it. Belle, Shawn, Mimi, Kate, Victor, Billie, Rex, Cassie, Austin, and Lucas along with everyone else are horrified to see Philip's reaction to learning the trith about Claire and Belle, especially him asking the guard to kill him. Victor demands to know what happened to Philip, as pdes Kate and Belle. Shawn tells Mimi to look at what she did. Bonnie tells Shawn to back off and reminds everyone that this is why Mimi, her, and Kate did what they did. No one buys it. Victor demands to know where his son is and if he still lives. -Meanwhile, on another part of the island, Alice, Doug, and Julie board the boat with Shawn Sr's body and hope for the best for their loved ones. At this same time, another boat arrives. It's Bo's "Fancy Face III" and Shane's stalker is driving it. The woman docks the boat and gets off and races off into the jungle. -Victor approaches Ernesto and demands to know his son's whereabouts. The whole island is then rocked by an explosion and shaking. Alarms begin to go off saying, "Warning! Warning! Demolition Sequence Activated!! Countdown to Demolition Has Begun!!!" John asks what is going on. Bart says that his mimi-camera shows that Marlena broke into the island control center and activated the demolition sequence. It causes explosions and causes the inactive volcano on the island to fester and erupt. The island will basically self-destruct as the explosions that will be set off will set off earthquakes, a volcano eruptiuon, rockslides, and the island to tear itself apart. Everyone then hears Marlena's voice as she uses the PA system in the control room saying, "I still got my revenge....MAY YOU ALL BURN IN HELL!!!" Bart tells them all to run for it. Bart and Andre escape through a secret door. Ernesto manages to find a secret exit as well. Stefano follows him out it. Greta, knowing that Stefano confirmed what was in the file Sami found, goes after him. The door closes behind her. Greta yells out to Stefano and he stops. She says she knows he isn't very reliable but he did sort of confirm what was in the file Sami found. She tells him she found a file too and needs him to tell her what he knows. She needs to know the truth. -John and Shane manage to bust through the door they were led through by the guards to get in the room and urge everyone to stick together as they leave. Everyone rushes out the door, led by Shane and John, but the ground under them is becoming unstable. The roof and walls begin to collapse as everything is in chaos as the Salemites try to stay together and shield themselves from the falling debris. -Stefano and Greta are trying to shield themselves too. Stefano: We need to get out of here. You can find out what you need on your own. Greta: I just need an answer. I know you once cared about my mother before you put her through hell and she betrayed you. I also know that you always had a soft spot for me and, up until today, I beleived you were my father because that is what my mother told me on her deathbed. That is why I never told anyone else but I don't think my mother really knew who my father was. You do and it is all in this file. I need you to tell me. Please!! I will still get a test done back in Salem to confirm it, that is if I get back there. I still need to hear it from you though so please!!! Stefano: Greta, this is not the best time. We need to get... Greta: Just tell me Stefano!! Is this file right?!!! Is VICTOR KIRIAKIS my father?!!! -Everything is collapsing around Greta and Stefano as Greta waits for an answer and the screen fades to black and the credits roll... ****Note: ATTENTION ALL LOYAL READERS!!! FRIDAY'S EPISODE WILL NOT BE POSTED UNTIL AT LEAST SATURDAY NIGHT AS I WILL BE OUT OF TOWN UNTIL THEN SO KEEP AN EYE OUT FOR THAT AND SOME BIG NEWS THAT WILL BE POSTED THIS WEEKEND REGARDING MY FAN FIC!! SEE YOU ALL WHEN I RETURN-PHOENIX