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Everything posted by PhoenixRising05
Previews and Peeks into Week of August 21, 2006
PhoenixRising05 posted a blog entry in "Salem Lives"
BE PREPARED FOR SOME MAJOR TWISTS AND TURNS AS "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE DURING DAYS' AMAZING AUGUST!!! The week ahead does not look good for Days' Chelsea. -Chelsea changes gears and makes an emotional plea that stuns Hope. -Abby wonders if she should pursue Max if Chelsea dumps him. -Roman and faux Roman seek out Laura's help. -Chelsea tries to put her life back together. -Bo loses his patience with Hope. -Shawn and Bo have it it out. -Mimi and Rex make a huge decision. -Julie sides with Caroline. -Maggie makes a decision regarding Victor. -Nicole seeks Greta and Sami's help. -Lexie gets a surprise. -Maggie loses it and is teetering on the edge of temptation. Red Letter Days Monday August 21: Chelsea's makes an emotional plea that stuns Hope. Friday August 25: Maggie is close to giving into her past demons as Lexie gets a HUGE surprise. Next Week: DON'T MISS SUMMER FINALE WEEK as Bo is headed down a downward spiral and learns a horrifying truth, Hope makes a huge decision, two Salemites leave town, Kayla gets stunning news, and a huge Friday cliffhanger that returns a former Days villain to all his glory. Plus, will Maggie give in to temptation? -
-Victor is comforting a hysterical Maggie, who is still blaming herself for what happened to Mickey. Victor tries to convince her that she is not to blame but Maggie just pounds on Victor's chest and is inconsolable. Meanwhile, outside, Caroline is walking by and can hear Maggie crying. She wonders if she should go inside to see if she is alright and sees that Victor is still there. Caroline remembers overhearing Doug and Julie at the Pub talking about Victor and Maggie. Caroline wonders if Maggie is becoming too dependent on Victor and maybe him being around is not good for her. Caroline rings the doorbell. Victor answers and is stunned to see her there. Caroline insists that they talk but Victor does not want to leave Maggie alone. Maggie says to go and that she needs to be alone for awhile. Victor and Caroline talk outside. Victor wants to know what Caroline is doing. She keeps reminding him to stay away from her and she keeps following him and showing up when he is trying to help a friend. Caroline expresses concern that Victor is getting too close to Maggie. Victor explains how Maggie and him were brought together by fate when they thought their loved ones were dead and they grew even closer during the rescue mission on the island as they saved each other's lives. Caroline understands that but thinks that it is wrong for Victor to be around Maggie so much with her so vulnerable. It may make things complicated later as she will always expect Victor to be there and she won't be able to function without him. It isn't healthy given her state. Victor says that Maggie needs him and if he thinks him being around is bad for her or if she thinks that, then he will stay away or they will cut down on the time they spend together. Victor doesn't see that happening as Maggie is a wreck. Victor asks Caroline the real reason why she is bring all this up-it is all a way of keeping him away from Maggie because she is jealous. Caroline denies it but Victor tells Caroline to just let him comfort and support her. He isn't asking for a relationship-they are friends and he knows she needs him. They need each other right now. Victor explains that Caroline is so worried about what her family will think and is so afraid to hurt them or anyone else, including him and her, that she is afraid to get close to him. Victor urges her to not be afraid and just go with her heart. Caroline denies everything Victor says and stands by her stance to stay away from Maggie. -Maggie looks at her wedding picture and lovingly touches Mickey's side of the picture. Tears streaming down her face, she again wonders how she will ever live without Mickey and the guilt she feels concerning his death. The pain is excruciating. She walks around the room and sees pictures of Mickey on the mantle as she crumples to the floor in tears. She then gets up saying she needs to find a way to deal with this as she can't live like she is. She is about to go get Victor and overhears Caroline and him talking outside. Maggie feels real bad for depending so much on Victor as he is hurting too and she isn't helping him nearly enough. She wonders if their closeness is bad for the both of them as they both may be growing dependent on each other and that may lead to complications. She realizes she may be taking advantage of him as she is always needing him with her and putting her head on his shoulder while she has only helped him a few times. She wonders if Caroline is right and they should just stay away from each other for their own goods. -Roman wishes to talk to faux Roman alone. Kayla and Celeste end up talking nearby. Celeste tells Kayla she feels that a big change is coming in Kayla's life. Kayla asks what the change is but Celeste has no answer other then she will be go on a journey that will deliver her what her heart desires most but that is also dangerous as well. Kayla wonders if what Celeste says has something to do with what Patrick wants to tell her. -Abe and Kate talk. Abe is curious as to why Kate seems so interested in faux Roman as she seems to have talked to him alot of late. Abe sees in Kate's eyes that she still cares for him. Kate admits she always will as he saw a side to her that man people don't see. He is a good man and she explains that everything that has happened of late has brought them closer again...but only as friends. Kate says they can never go there again but she feels they share a bond from their time together that will never go away no matter who he is. Kate explains how faux Roman comforted her when they learned Cassie and Rex were not their children. Abe sees that something in Kate has changed. Kate explains that after seeing what happened to Philip and how he reacted to the Claire paternity lie she helped cover up, she finally understood how her meddling always makes things worse for her children. She is going to try to change for the sake of her children and herself. Abe says that she is off to a good start by helping faux Roman and being there as a friend. Kate hopes that maybe helping him as a friend will be the start of her turning her life around and making her children's lives better. If anything, it will help her stay in line and not revert back to her previous ways...at least, she hopes that is the case. -Roman explains to faux Roman that he went through the same thing when "Roman" returned to Salem years ago and he found himself being "John Black" with no memories or identity. He had to build a life for himself essentially not even knowing who he was. He tells faux Roman he understands and thinks they can help each other. Faux Roman explains he wants no help and just wants to leave town as he feels very out of place and uncomfortable, especially talking to the real Roman Brady. Roman explains that they can go to therapy together so they can recover their memories. Roman wants to recover the missing peices to his life and faux Roman can hopefully find out who he is and remember his life. Faux Roman doesn't think it will help as he has never had any memory of anything that had something to do with Roman Brady. Everything he remembers, knows, etc is Roman Brady. He has nothing and really doesn't exist since he is a nobody. He just wants to leave. Kayla, Celeste, Abe, and Kate join in and try to convince him to stay. Roman reaches out his hand to faux Roman and says to just give it a try for awhile and, if he remembers nothing, he can leave without resistance. Roman says he knows how it feels and he didn't have anyone that understood when he was going through it so there was really no one who could help but, in his case, he has him there to help since he went through it himself. Faux Roman looks at Roman's hand and thinks about it and reaches out his. They shake as faux Roman says he will go along with Romna's idea and, if nothing happens after awhile, then that is it. He will leave Salem. He is only doing this because he wants to know who he really is and wants to have his own life and memories. This may give him a chance to obtain all that and he has to do anything he can to do so. Roman assures him he won't regret it as Kayla, Kate, Celeste, and Abe look on, happy that faux Roman is staying and is going to get help. -Bo and Hope have it out on the pier. Bo asks Hope why she is running away from him, especially after avoiding talking to him for so long. Chelsea and Billie just admitted that they had roles in keeping them apart and that should change everything and they need to discuss their future. Hope says that all it does is make things worse. She doesn't trust him. He lied about Zach and lied for Chelsea but now another issue is there for them-she doesn't beleive in him. If she really knew him, she would've never beleived that easily he would just jump in bed with Billie or that he would want a divorce much less say that in an email. She should know that Bo would never give up on her after everything they have been through on their lives but she doubted him. She doubted their whole relationship and that is a problem. After all these years, she actually beleived easily that he would be unfaithful to her and that he would just give up and want a divorce. On top of all that, she still can't make peave with herself to forgive him for lying about Zach's death. She was on her way to forgiving Chelsea before learning how she schemed to keep them apart. Now she is even more disgusted with her then before. Meanwhile, Chelsea is overhearing all of this. Billie shows up and tells Chelsea not to eavesdrop and to come with her. They have done enough. Chelsea fills Billie in and what they are saying and tells her that Bo and Hope may still be over. They both listen as Hope tells Bo they have alot of problems. There is just too many trust issues and doubts in their relationship and with the trial coming up it will only get worse. She is just not sure that even if she was to forgive Bo, she could live with him connected to Chelsea and Billie. She isn't even sure if she can forgive him for everything. Bo asks what she is saying. Hope says she thinks they are finished...this time for good. Billie is stunned this is happening and Chelsea feels guilty because she knows telling them all that Hope is her mom would change everything. She knows she needs to change and doing the right thing here would put her on the right track. There is already so much pain and Bo and Hope don't need even more. Chelsea says she just can't stand by and watch this...this is her chance to prove that she is changing. She needs to do something. Billie is stunned when Chelsea interupts Bo and Hope's conversation. Bo and Hope are stunned that she was eavesdropping and are even more stunned when Billie comes out too. Chelsea insists that she was the only one listening and that Billie tried to get her to stop. Bo tells them both to leave as Hope and him need to talk but Chelsea says she is staying. There is something they all need to know that will change everything. Billie, Hope, and Bo look on as the screen fades out on Chelsea and the credits roll.
-Sami, Austin, and Lucas return to her apartment. They both try to calm Sami down from what happened at the Pub but Sami says she is not talking about it anymore. Anyone in her family that accepts John is dead to her and it seems most have so her family died with her mother. Austin and Lucas beg to reconsider but she refuses and says she won't discuss it anymore. She will act as if none of it exists and that all those on John's side don't exist, including John. Austin and Lucas talk privately and agree that what Sami is doing is not healthy but realize there is nothing they can say. It will have to work itself out. Sami tells Austin he is all she has now other then Will, who is away. She has no one but him now and she needs him in her life more then ever. They embrace as Lucas looks on bothered by what he is seeing. They all then talk about Carrie. Sami says she plans to help find Carrie and throw all her time into the search for her and into ARC. Austin and Lucas think it is good for Sami to keep busy. She agrees as it will help keep her mind off everything else. Sami does admit that she thinks the chances of finding Carrie are slim but Austin and Lucas think there is hope. Sami notices Austin's desperation to find Carrie and the baby and wonders if her relationship with Austin is as stabile as she thought or if something changed in the last few months with the island and so on. -Alan makes Carrie supper. Carrie thanks Alan for everything. Alan says that he is happy Carrie has stopped fighting staying with him at the cabin. It is for her own good as she needs to think of herself and the baby and their lives are probably still in danger from those behind the island plot. Carrie agrees with Alan and says it is best if she lays low for awhile and waits to hear word about her family and friends. She asks Alan if he has a newspaper. He only has USA Today and says she is welcome to have it. She reads it and finds nothing of interest to her. She needs a local paper even though something as big as the island plot would make world news. Alan thinks that if something had happened they would've heard somehow or he would've noticed something. Carrie says that may be true but that Alan may be hiding something from her too. Alan is dismayed that she still doesn't trust him after everything but Carrie does say she is growing comfortable being around him as he has been a perfect gentleman waiting on her and has been very kind. She says it will take some time after everything he did in his past before she can totally trust him. Alan understands. Carrie asks for some juice. Alan gives it to her and Carrie notices some nasty marks that appear to be scars on his arm. She asks Alan about them but he shrugs it off as hurting himself while in prison and saying it was nothing. Carrie can see Alan was bothered by her mentioning it and recalls him talking about having it tough and going through alot in prison. She wonders what he is hiding and what happened while he was in jail. -Chelsea has the attention of everyone in the Pub. Alice, Doug, Julie, Maggie, Victor, Caroline, Greta, Jack, Laura, Abby, Max, Frankie, Roman, Kayla, Bo, Hope, and Billie are all present and waiting to hear what Chelsea has to say. Billie has a feeling it has something to do with Bo and Hope. Chelsea says that what she did was immature and she has learned her lession after everything that has happened. She needs to tell them all now as she can't keep it all to herself any longer and if she can help ease their pain even a little it will be the first step in a better life for herself. Chelsea tells Bo and Hope that she wanted to keep them apart because she was afraid Bo would not side with her at her upcoming trial for killing Zach so she came up with ways to tear them apart. She admits to using her mother but Billie jumps in and admits that she went along with it and is so sorry. Bo asks what she went along with. Billie says that while he was passed out drunk she got in bed with him after Chelsea told her Hope was on her way. She did it on purpose to ensure their daughter's future. Chelsea tells Bo not to blame Billie as she encouraged it and laid a huge guilt trip on her mother. Billie says that may be true but she still went with it and she apologizes to Bo and Hope. She does tell Hope Bo and her never slept together although they did come close when they nearly died searching for Philip at Green Mountain but she was out of it. Hope is stunned by this and blames both Billie and Chelsea. Hope is stunned when Bo forgives Billie saying he understands why she did it. Chelsea interupts and apologizes herself but says there is more. She then tells all about the emails she changed while Hope was on Morgan Island and how she secretly gave Hope the idea to go to the island through Abby. Abby apologizes to Hope but Hope doesn't blame Abby. Chelsea then recalls how she always sent pictures of her, Billie, and Bo together to make her feel bad and drive her away. Bo is stunned and lays into his daughter for betraying his trust. He is her father and she stabbed him right in the back. Hope lays into her and Billie. She tells Chelsea that she really thoughy they were getting somewhere after the island. She was even considering not being hard on Chelsea and helping to make sure she was given a lenient sentence at her trial but after hearing this she is disgusted by the looks of her. Hope tells Billie that she will never beleive her again. She will never be over Bo and will always be in their loves as long as Chelsea is her daughter with Bo and that isn't changing. Hope says she don't know if she can live with that over her head. Bo is still furious but thinks him and Hope should talk. Hope says not now and runs out. Bo runs after her. -Shawn tears into both Chelsea and Billie for doing this. He also blames his father too but will talk to him about that later. He tells them to stay away from his family and friends. He tells Chelsea she isn't a Brady and never will be. Chelsea feels horrible as Billie reminds Chelsea she told her this would happen. Chelsea apologizes but Billie says it is too late and now her life may be in a endless downward spiral. Abby and Max give her the same lecture about how they told her son. Chelsea says she can't talk to them, or anyone else, right now. She has enough going on to deal with and needs to make amends for what she has done. Abby and Max are stunned by hearing Chelsea wanting to make up for her past. They wonder if she is really changing. -Kayla, Caroline, Doug, and Julie rip into Billie for her role in Chelsea's schemes. Alice preaches forgiveness but it doesn't help. Billie says she understands why they are so upset and doesn't blame them. Laura chimes in and says that this is why she wants Billie nowhere near her son in law no matter what Jennifer asked of her. Billie says that Jack is her friend and she made a promise to Jen-she is not going to abandon them. Laura says she has her eye on her and to be prepared to deal with the consequences if Jack or anyone else in her daugher's family gets hurt. -Greta supports Billie and realizes why she did what she did. Chelsea comes over to Billie too and hugs her. She apologizes again. Billie says not to worry about it. While alone, Greta tells Chelsea that given everything that has happened, Chelsea needs to tell everyone that Hope is her mother. Chelsea says she can't yet as things are tense enough but Greta warns her if she is really trying to make amends then she better tell them or Bo and Hope may never find peace and happiness. Chelsea wonders if she is right. -Jack asks Laura what she was talking to Billie about. Laura says it was nothing but Jack says that Billie is his friend and he supports her. Laura is bothered when Jack, Frankie, Max, and Abby all support Billie and assure her they know she was only helping her daughter. Jack sees Laura's unnerved reaction and asks Laura what is going on. Laura insists she doesn't like Billie's presence in his life and even thinks Abby should stay away from Chelsea. Abby tells Laura that Chelsea is her friend and that isn't happening. Jack asks Laura why she really stayed behind in Salem. Laura says she just wanted to help them all though the difficult time they are in. Her family does need her. Laura says there is nothing more to it then that. She walks away as Jack confides in Frankie that he wonders if there is more to Laura staying behind in Salem then that. Abby thanks Max again for being there for her. They hug. He says he will always be there for her no matter what she needs. Abby asks him about Chelsea and if he will have time to always be there for her with Chelsea being around. Max says Chelsea is not his concern right now and he isn't sure where things are going between them as they seem in limbo right now. She doesn't even want to talk to him and he doesn't know why. Abby comforts him, which Chelsea sees. They leave with Jack, Laura, and Frankie. Greta embraces Jack and Abby on the way out and tells them to call if there is anything they need. Billie tells them to do the same, much to Laura's chagrin. Greta looks back at Victor as she leaves and is confident she made the right decision in not telling him that he is her father. -Victor is proud of Chelsea for admitting the truth. He asks if anyone but him knows about her rape. She says that Hope does but that is it and she would appreciate him keeping it a secret. Victor agrees but thinks she needs to tell someone else like a counselor or something but she doesn't agree. She is happy Victor is proud of her. -Victor and Roman have a word with Billie. They both understand her role in Chelsea's schemes and urge her to stay as far away from Bo and Hope as possible for her own good-for everyone's good. Billie says she will continue to do that just like she always has. It is hard since Chelsea is Bo's daughter but she does stay out of their lives. Victor and Roman tell her to do what she can and wish her luck. Billie asks Chelsea if she is ready to go and she says she is proud of her for fessing up and is glad she is turning over a new leaf. She only wishes she knew why the change in her is occurring but she is happy about it. They hug and Chelsea wonders if she needs to admit her other secret. -Bo catches up to Hope at their house and tells Hope they need to talk. Hope says that he is right but that he isn't going to be saying anything-she is. -Kayla and Caroline are still worried about faux Roman. Roman overhears and Caroline fills him in on how Abe, Celeste, and Kate went out looking for him but they have heard nothing. Roman decides to go out looking for him too. Kayla goes with him. Caroline hopes they find him. -Shawn, Alice, Doug, Julie, and Victor see Maggie has been sitting on a stool through everything that has happened with Chelsea and she has not said a word. Victor mentions she has not said anything since after Melissa and Sarah left. It appears she is in her own world again. Victor sees tears streaming down her eyes but her face is blank. They all worry about her mental health and wonder if Laura should take a look at her. Victor says he will take her home and maybe he can get through to her. The last time she talked was to him when it was only him. Maybe it is just being out and with people. Shawn asks if he needs help but Victor insists he is fine. They all say goodbye to Maggie but she says nothing as Victor helps her walk out of the pub. Doug thinks it is still a bad idea for Victor to be doing all this but Julie says that Maggie responds to him and he is a comfort to her. Alice thinks that Mickey brought Victor into Maggie's life right now to help her. Doug disagrees and Julie and Shawn agree. Caroline overhears and is unnerved. They all decide to go home as it is late. They tell Caroline to call if she needs anything and if she hears anything about faux Roman and Bo and Hope. She says she will. After they leave, Caroline looks at a picture of Shawn Sr and says she misses him already and is so sorry that he died with a broken heart. She will make it up to him by being the best mother she can be and by staying away from Victor like she should've. She then wonders about Victor and Maggie and if it could ever be something more given they are both vulnerable and becoming dependent on each other more and more. Meanwhile, Victor and Maggie arrive at her house. Victor helps her in and to the couch as she still isn't speaking. He asks her if she is ok. She looks at a picture of Mickey on the side of Mickey and she says she isn't ok. She will never be ok again. Her husband is dead and it is all her fault. Victor tries to convince her otherwise but Maggie won't listen. She breaks out in more tears as Victor holds her in his arms. -Faux Roman is walking the pier with a duffel bag. He is all packed up and ready to leave Salem. He is leaving via a fishing trawlor so no one will look for him. He knows he isn't a Brady and is nothing to anyone. He has nothing and may as well die. Kate overhears and begs to differ. Abe and Celeste join them as well. Faux Roman asks how they found him and Abe explains Celeste had a vision. Abe insists that he is still his friends and that all the friends he made our still his. Kate reminds him the Brady's are still his family and they consider him one of them. Nothing has changed. Faux Roman doesn't want to listen and says he needs to leave. He has only Roman Brady's memories, no career, no identity-he doesn't belong in Salem. He doesn't belong anywhere as he is a nobody. He is just another Dimera pawn. Roman and Kayla then show up. Roman says that he may be able to change that attitude and may be able to help faux Roman, who doesn't think there is anything to be done. Roman says there is and he asks faux Roman to listen to what he has to say as the screen fades to black and the credits roll. On the Next Days... Victor to Caroline: What the hell are you talking about? Caroline to Victor: You need to stay away from Maggie Horton. Celeste to Kayla: I see a big change in your future. Kayla to Celeste: Tell me-what in my life is going to change? Abe to Kate: Just why are you so interested in the man we all thought was Roman? Roman to faux Roman: I have an idea that may help both of us get our lives on track. Bo to Hope: What are you saying? Hope to Bo: Nothing has changed. I don't see us ever being together again (as Chelsea and Billie overhear) .
-Everyone is now at the Brady Pub for the reception. They all toast to the lives of Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena. -Pete says goodbye to Melissa and everyone else as he leaves. -Greta, Max and Billie comfort Jack, Frankie, and Abby and ask if they are ok. They insist they are doing the best they can. Laura notices the closeness between Jack and Billie and ibs bothered by it. She tells Bill about it but tells Laura they are just friends and that Jennifer asked Billie to look out for Jack and the family. Laura says she knows that but Jennifer asked many of her friends and family to look out for her family and Billie seems to be taking it a little too seriously as she has not really left his side. Laura remembers what Billie put Bo and Hope through and she is Kate's daughter so she is concerned and doesn't want Jack getting hurt. Bill says Jack is a big boy and can take care of himself but Laura says she cares about Jack too and she makes the decision to stay behind in Salem for awhile. Bill thinks Laura should butt out and thinks she is letting her past with him cloud her judgement but she disagrees and thinks it would be better if she stays behind to help. Laura tells Jack and Abby and they are very happy. Frankie is happy too. Laura asks Billie if she can talk to her for a moment. Laura wanrs Billie not to take things too far with Jack. Billie says that Jack is her friend and always has been. Laura understands but says that it is looking like Billie is a little too into being there for Jack. Laura says she will be keeping an eye on her as she will be living in the house with Jack, Abby, JJ, and Frankie. Laura walks off as Billie stands offended. Meanwhile, Abby thanks Max for being there for her. They embrace as Chelsea looks on jealous. -Mike, Jeremy, and Bill all head for the airport after saying goodbye to Lucas, Abby, Alice and the rest of the Horton’s. They promise to visit more. Same goes for Marie, Sandy, and Tommy, who all leave as well. Bill warns Laura to not get too involved but Laura ignores his advice and says she will do whatever is necessary to protect her daughter's family. Mike wishes Austin and Lucas luck in finding Carrie and says he will say a prayer for her. -Don prepares to leave but is very concerned about Maggie. The same goes for Melissa and Sarah who both need to leave to catch planes home. A storm is threatening to delay tons of flights and they all want to get out before they get stuck as they have jobs and lives to get back too. Maggie stays quiet but does somehow muster up enough control to say goodbye to those leaving. She says goodbye to Don too, who says he will be back soon to visit. Same goes for Melissa and Sarah, both of whom consider staying but Maggie talks them out of it. They are happy to see Maggie reacting to them and talking finally after barely saying anything since they have been there. She tells Melissa and Sarah she will be fine. They say goodbyes to everyone and leave. Melissa and Sarah thank Victor for being there for their mother as they know from Julie he has been there for her. They ask him to let them know if something happens or if she needs them. Victor says that Maggie has become a good friend so he will be sure to help her in any way he can. Melissa and Sarah then wave goodbye to their family and friends and leave. Don also asks Victor to keep an eye on Maggie as he has to leave. He still cares for her and has never seen such pain and agony in her eyes. Victor says she has been a mess but since arriving at the church and seeing Mickey's coffin, she has been distraught and almost in her own little world. She goes into blank stares and just is un-responsive and, when she does come out of that state, she just cries and is hysterical. Victor says he will do whatever it takes to help her as she has been a good friend to him. Victor goes over to Maggie and asks if she is ok. Maggie says she is happy her daughters and those that flew in for the funeral are leaving. She can't face them knowing Mickey's death is on her hands. Victor tries to convince her otherwise, as does Doug and Julie. Alice gets involved too but Maggie won't listen to reason. She becomes un-responsive again and she stares blankly in front of her. Alice, Doug, Julie, and Victor are very concerned and begin to wonder if Maggie's mental health is now deterioating. -Jessica and Joshua Fallon give their condolences about Mickey to the Horton's again and leave. -Spencer and Steven Olsen prepare to leave too. Julie reminds Steven of what she asked him earlier. She wants to know who Spencer’s mother is. Steven says its not her concern. They say their goodbyes to everyone and leave. Julie is intrigued. -Caroline sees Victor's concern for Maggie while he talks to Don and seems bothered by it. Kayla asks Caroline where faux Roman went as he has been MIA since they left the cemetary. He said he was coming to the Pub. Caroline wonders if he still beleives he doesn't belong and thinks someone should go out and look for him. Kate overhears and says she will go as she has been talking with him alot lately. Caroline isn't happy to send Kate but whatever will get through to him they need to do so Kate goes to find him. Abe and Celeste agree to go with her to help search. -Doug and Julie disagree over Victor being there for Maggie. Julie thinks he is a good man despite his past sins but Doug reminds Julie of some of Victor's past crimes. Greta overhears and is stunned by Victor's history. Julie says she got to know Victor alot during their short time together and she saw a whole other side to him, a side they are seeing now with Maggie and him. It is the same side that is exposed by his love for Caroline. Greta then sees Victor and Caroline glancing at each other, clearly hurt and wanting to comfort each other. There is so much hurt there and they are keeping it inside because of Caroline's family and all that has happened. Greta sees Victor is going through alot and, after hearing his history, doesn't think it will be good to tell him he is her father or for the public to know. She is still a princess and it would be bad PR for her and her late mother. Plus, Victor has enough to deal with and this will only complicate things for her and for him. It could put them both in danger given his past and her being a princess. They both have their enemies. She insists that Victor can't learn the truth now as things are better off staying the way they are. -Kayla asks Kim if she saw anything else in regards to Steve and his death while spending time and living with Shane in London. Kim says she told Kayla everything she knows and asks what is going on. Kayla says it is just something she is thinking about. Kim warns Kayla not to get herself in any trouble. While alone, Kayla vows to get in to see Patrick to find out what he knows as it could be about Steve. -Bo tries to talk to Hope about their future but she again tries to put it off. Bo is frustrated and says they need to talk. Hope says it is not a good time as they are all in mourning and their family and friends need them. Bo says that she keeps making excuses and he just wants to know when they can talk. He wants to arrange a time to talk about their future. Hope says they may not have one and walks off. Bo's is losing patience. Kim says she overheard and tells Bo there is still hope for his marriage. He just needs to hang in there. She can see that Hope still loves Bo but is just confused as to what she wants to do. There is still some hurt feelings and she just needs more time and it is the wrong time to go into this. Bo agrees and says he was wrong but he just wants to know when they will talk. Kim says she just needs time and she will let Bo know when she is ready. -Chelsea sees Bo and Hope talking and overhears Bo talking to Kim and realizes all the hurt Bo and Hope are going through. She finally realizes how her schemes have caused so much pain. Hope is her mother and she has lost so much and Billie and Bo did so much for her. She still cares for them and Bo is technically her stepfather. She can't tell them that hope is her mother and that she doesn't know who her father is as that would hurt Bo and Billie and complicate things for them and Hope. They have all been through alot, mostly because of her, and she does care about them. Everything on the island made Hope and her closer and she doesn't want to hurt her anymore either. She finally wants to do the right thing and change her life. If she can't tell them the truth about their parentage, she should tell them about her schemes to keep Bo and Hope apart. Maybe then they can get back together and some of the pain will be gone. She knows Billie still loves Bo but that she also wants to move on so this will be better for everyone. It is the least she can do given she is keeping the secret of her parentage from them and has hurt them all so much. She decides to round her family up and tell them about her schemes to destroy Bo and Hope's marriage. -Don says goodbye to John/Roman and expresses his condolences again about Marlena. He only wishes he could've seen her one last time. They shake hands as Don leaves. Brady and Chloe are ready to leave too. Brady says goodbye to Victor as they embrace. They also say goodbye to Belle, Shawn, Mimi, Rex, and Cassie. John/Roman informs them that it is official-they are no longer the Black's but the Brady's. Belle asks Shawn what does means for them but he tells Belle now is not the time to talk. Kim, Kayla, Bo, and Caroline welcome them all into the family. Brady is now officially "Jonathan Brady" and John is "Roman Brady." Chloe says she will still call him "Brady" as a nickname and apologizes jokingly to Bo and Hope for stealing her nickname for him. Frank and Martha Evans come over to say goodbye to everyone too. They will pray that they all get through this difficult time ok as they know Marlena loved them so much and they loved her. They embrace Roman, Jonathan, and Belle. They wonder where Sami and Eric are. -Eric and Nicole find Sami outside the pub. She says she won't go in because it makes her sick seeing everyone welcome John into the family. Her family is now dead to her after seeing and hearing what she has. Nicole rolls her eyes but Sami tells her to shutuo. Austin and Lucas come outside and try to get Sami to be sensible but she won't listen. Austin thinks Sami should at least come inside and say goodbye to her relatives. Sami reluctantly agrees and Eric and her say goodbye to their grandma and grandpa Evans and to their Aunt Kim and cousins Andrew, Jeannie, and Stephanie. Stephanie tells her mom she will be back very soon but she needs to finish up some classes she is taking in LA. Kim and the kids say goodbye to Shane and ask him if he is staying in Salem. Shane says for the time being as Kim says that her and the kids will visit more. Shane says they can stay in his home in London as long as they wish. Sami is appalled about the name changes of John, Brady, and Belle. She is disgusted and is heartbroken that everyone is accepting this. Frank, Martha, and Kim all wish that Sami would get past this anger she feels as it is what Marlena would want. Sami won't hear anymore of this and wishes her grandparents and Kim a safe flight and says she is leaving. She is disgusted by what she is witnessing. Her family is dead to her now with her mother gone. She leaves. Austin and Lucas follow hoping to calm her down. Kim says goodbye to her family, as do Andrew and Jeannie, and they leave with Frank and Martha. Stephanie leaves as well. Eric and Nicole decide to leave and go back to their hotel room. Jonathan and Chloe also head for the airport after saying goodbye once more. -Rex, Mimi, and Cassie all leave the pub as Belle goes to see Philip. Shawn, Kayla, Shane, Roman, Caroline, Victor, Maggie, Doug, Julie, Alice, Jack, Abby, Max, Frankie, Billie, Greta, Laura, Hope, Bo and Chelsea are all left over. Chelsea decides it is the best time to tell her family the truth about her schemes and she just hopes it makes up for all the hurt she has caused and for the even bigger secret about her parentage she is keeping. Chelsea announces to everyone she has an announcement to make that will affect many lives. Bo, Hope, and Billie wonder what is going on. Chelsea tells them she has done some things they need to know about and it is well past time that she told them and dealt with the consequences. Everyone at the pub stands in wait to see what is going on as the screen fades to black and the credits roll. On the Next Days... Chelsea (in tears): I am so sorry!!! Bo to Chelsea: How could you do this to me...your own father?!!! Laura to Jack: Now that I am here, there is no reason for Billie to be around. Jack: Just why did you stay here, Laura? Sami: I am on my own now...no family or friends. I only have you Austin (as Lucas looks on) Carrie to Alan: What is this? Faux Roman: I may as well just die since I am just a nobody anyway. Roman to faux Roman: Maybe I can change that attitude.
-Fr. Jansen begins the service with a special blessing. The congregation then says a prayer for the souls of Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena and has a moment of silence. Fr. Jansen then invites anyone who wants to say a few words about the deceased to the altar. Kayla and Kimberly go up first and decide to speak together. Kayla: Our father was a man that chose to focus on the good in life. Negativity was never allowed near him and was never something exuded from him. A gracious man, he was. Kind, understanding-a pillar of the community. Kimberly: He was also a selfless family man. He was a good father to all of us, even to a son that wasn't really his and was the offspring of a rival for his wife's affections. We were fortunate enough to have him as long as we did given his various health issues. We only wish he could have been with us longer to see his grandchildren grow up just like he watched us grow up. Bo and John/Roman get up and join Kim and Kayla. Bo: Shawn Brady Sr is the type of man that all of us men strive to be. Giving, honest, fair, courageous-he was the perfect role model and the best father any child could have. Roman: The man accepts you as his own whether you share his blood or not. Love means more to him then genetics. He will not be forgotten. Roman, Bo, Kim, and Kayla stand together and lay a wreath on Shawn Sr's coffin and then return to their seats. -Meanwhile, outside, faux Roman is watching what is going on. He is shocked when Kate comes out behind him and tells him he should go in. It is where he belongs but he disagrees as he is not a Brady. Kate tells him it makes no difference as blood and DNA means nothing to them-it is the person and their love for them that does. He is a part of the family in there eyes, It is just like Bo and John when he thought he wasn't Roman. Once you are in, you are always one of their own. Kate goes inside and tells him to join her as he contemplated what to do. -Back inside, Shane finishes up saying a few words about Shawn Sr and Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena. He sits down as Caroline gets up. Caroline: My husband had a good heart. He had to. Anyone who could forgive me for a lie as big as I told has to have one of the biggest hearts that exists. God help me...then I had to go and break his heart again and...no. This is not the place to discuss things of that nature. Shawn was man of faith and strong family values. He always had a way of making people smile with his kind, gentle nature. He was so welcoming, so friendly. I just hope he knows how loved he was...by his family, by his friends, by his customers, and...by me. I just hope he is looking down right now and can see the tears that are flowing in his honor today. That way he can see how loved he was. I also hope that he can so mercy and forgive me for the pain I caused him. I am so sorry Shawn. I did love you and always will love you. My darling husband. Caroline touches the coffin as tears flow from her eyes. Bo gets up and helps her to her seat. Shawn then gets up to say a few words about his grandfather and uncle Mickey. Rex says a few words about his mother Marlena and Shawn Sr, who Cassie and him still consider their grandpa. Abe follows and praises Shawn Sr for being the leader of such a great, respectful family. The crowd is then shocked when Victor stands up to say a few words. Victor: Shawn Brady Sr was a man that you couldn't help but respect. Very forgiving and understanding. A man of dignity...a man of fairness...what else can I say? My reason for coming up here is to apologize as well to him and his family for the pain and suffering my presence has caused you. Shawn did not deserve what happened and I just hope some day he will forgive me wherever he is and that his family will forgive me. I realize it may be too much to ask given the past but I just feel the need to apologize and express regret for my actions and to voice my condolences to all of Shawn's loved ones. You are losing a good man-we all our. Salem...the world won't be the same without Shawn Brady Sr in it. Victor looks at Caroline as he walks off and sits back with Maggie. Kate enters, followed by faux Roman, The congregation is shocked. Caroline asks him to go up and say a few words but he declines. He does go up to the coffin and thanks Shawn Sr for the memories. He may not be a Brady but he can't help but feel like one. He says he loves him and will miss him in his life. He will always be a dad to him. He fights back the tears as he sits with Kayla and Caroline. Caroline reminds him he will always be a part of the Brady family. Shawn wouldn't have it any other way. Faux Roman smiles. We then see a montage of flashbacks of Shawn Sr set to "Danny Boy," one of his favorite songs which is played in the church. -Hope then gets up to say a few words about all four of the deceased. Bo then makes a short speech about Marlena, Jennifer, and Mickey. Don Craig and Jessica Fallen say a few words about Mickey as well. Doug, Julie, Tommy, and Marie also give some remarks of the losses of Jennifer and Mickey. Jack is touched when Billie and Greta also speak of their friendships and fond memories of Jennifer. Greta talks of times with Harold and this prompts Jack to regret that Jo, Vern, and Harold were unable to make it. -Abby then gets up to say a few words about her mother. Abby: It was too early for my mom to go. My family has been through so much and, just when things look up. we got struck with another blow. I can't understand why my family needs to suffer so much pain but I can accept it and do what my mom would want me to do. That is to be the best big sister I can be and to take care of my family, especially my dad. I hope that one day I can be just like my mom. I want to be just as kind, caring, compassionate, fun, and brave as her. I will be sure to tell JJ everything about you, mom. I want him to know what the greated mother in the world was like. You all know I am shy and not big on speeches but I had to get up here and say something. My mom deserved that. I love you mom and I will never forget you. I promise I will never let JJ forget either. Laura gets up to speak about the losses of Mickey, Marlena, and her daughter and expresses her regrets about the past and all the mistakes she made. She hates that they spent so much time apart and wishes they had more time together. She cries out in anger that she just doesn't understand why God would take someone like her daughter. Bill gets up and comforts her and says a few words about Jennifer and Mickey as well. He also talks about Marlena. He regrets not being with his daughter enough either and is happy Jack and her brought Abby to Africa when they did so he could spend time with them. Lucas and Mike get up and speak about Mickey, Jennifer, Marlena, and Shawn Sr. The both wish they spent more time with Jennifer and Mickey. Doug and Julie help Alice up. They all three say a few words about the deceased and how much they cared for them all. Alice beleives they are all up with Tom and will always be looking down on them like he does. Frankie now steps up to speak and starts off by talking about Mickey, Marlena, and his pop Shawn Sr. He then speaks about Jennifer and how he loved her for most of his life. He comments on how she always wanted him to be honest about his feelings no matter how confusing they made things. There will never be a more selfless woman. She never wanted to hurt anyone and always wanted to please everyone. Tha tis why he loved her-for her goodness. He vows to honor her memory and to help out her family in anyway he can. He would always do anything for her and that doesn't stop now with her gone. His life, and the lives of many, will never be the same without her. He kisses the picture of her that is near her coffin and returns to his seat. Max then says a few words about his pop, Shawn Sr, and about Jennifer. Abby thanks him as he returns to his seat, making Chelsea jealous. It is now Jack's turn to speak. Jack: Wow...some of you may be surprised to know I am speechless. Jennifer is probably rolling over laughing right now. Anyways, I want to keep this short and sweet because I am not good with things like this. Writing I am, obviously but these sorts of things are hard. It is kind of like a negative news story. A tragedy, if you will. You don't want to write about it because it is just so horrible but you have to and that is the same here. I never felt worthy of Jennifer's love. Those of you who know me know I never gave up wanting to prove myself too her. My past was just so terrible and i just wanted to be the prefect husband...the perfect father. I made alot of mistakes and that is why, to this day, I am still not worthy of a woman like my Jennifer Rose. I will probably never be. I made a promise to her when she was...well, you know. I told her I would take care of our Abigail and that little guy over there. I told her I would be the best father I can be and by golly I will do my best. I will probably never be the parent she was but I sure will try and, hopefully, I can prove myself to her by honoring my vow to her. Jennifer always said that part of being a good man and husband was not being afraid to ask for help so I am going to do that now. I need the help of all of you here. I need you all to help me tell little Jack over there about his mommy. How beautiful she was, what she was like-the boy needs to know about his mother so any stories, memories, photos-please share them. Do it for Jennifer. Do it for us. I hope you know I will always love you Jennifer. Even through all our time apart that never changed and, even in death, it doesn't change. Sometime we will meet again and we will finally get that ending we wanted. Jack returns to his seat as we a Jennifer memory montage set to "Beautiful" by Amy Grant. -Kate then says a few words about Marlena and talks about her being one of the best friends anyone could've have. She stuck by her through so much, despite her hating her daughter Sami. She will never forget her first real friend in Salem and all she did for her. Don also says a few words about Marlena. Faux Roman stands up and speaks about his time with Marlena and how he will always think of her as a friend. He could really use her right now. -Eric, Brady and Belle then talk about their mother and their love for her. Brady mentions his regret on being so mean to her and wasting so much precious time. She was an inspiration on all of their lives and will be missed. They mention Carrie and how she would've felt the same way as she always felt Marlena was like a mother to her. Marlena's parents, Frank and Martha, also say a few words and know that their daughter is in heaven where she belongs. They hope she is with her sister, Samantha. -Sami then gets up to speak and begins by talking about her Grandpa Shawn and then moves on to her mother. Sami: I have lost my mother so many times throughout my life that this should all come second nature to me saying goodbye to her as much as I have. It still never gets easier and they way it happened this time-I just feel like this is really it. I just wish I would've had more time with her. I regret not having a better relationship with her and being a brat to her. I was unfair to her and for that I am sorry. I was just so hurt by our family being destroyed. If only she hadn't missed so much time with us, things may have been different. The thing that hurts the most though is my mother's death spells the end to my family. She has always held hits family together but now...her being gone and everything that has happened. There is no way we can ever be united again nor would I want to be. I am not going to go into detail because this is not the place so all I will say is with my mother gone, I now have no parents and my family is all but destroyed beyond repair. I love you mom and I hope to see you again someday. I am sorry for being so difficult. I promise to make a good life for myself and to be happy. I know you want that. I love you mom and I regret not telling you that enough. I hope you know just how much you meant to me and how much I loved you. John/Roman and the Brady's all watch Sami as she looks back at them obviously disgruntled by their acceptance of John as Roman. John/Roman then steps up to speak. Roman: What is there to say about my beloved Doc? Well, I know she would hate us all talking about her. She never wanted any praise or attention. She wasn't like that. Everything she did was for her loved ones and her patients. No one was more devoted to her patients, family, and friends then Marlena was. We could all use her now, I could use her now given everything was going on and she would be there...for all of us. That is who she was. Whether it was guidance or just to be listened to-she was always there. There will never be someone like her. She was truly the heart and soul of our family and someone we could always count on. The Marlena we all witnessed the last few months was the not the one we know and love. If she was here, she would apologize for her actions but I will do that for her. I just hope those actions don't take away from all the good she did and all her acheivements. I hope you are watching right now, Doc. I hope you can see all these people here to honor you and I hope you know how much we all love you. I promise you I will do my best to keep this family together and make us closer then ever. I will fight any resistance I encounter (looks at Sami) and will do my best not to fail you. I know you are counting on me and I know you want to see us all happy and together and I will do my best to make that happen, baby. I just hope you are watching us and that you help give us the strength to get through everything we are going through right now. You were always there for us here so I know you will be from up there. I hate this, doc. It was not supposed to end this soon but until we meet again...I love you Doc. Always have, always will. John is seated and we then see a Marlena memory montage set to "The Way You Look Tonight." -Sarah and Melissa then give eulogies for Mickey. The express regret not spending more time with him and not being around enough. Its time for Maggie, who has been silent and just coldly staring at Mickey's casket through the whole service, to give her eulogy. Victor and her daugthers assure her she is strong enough and can do this. She says she will do it for Mickey. Maggie mentions not writing a eulogy and then mentions she can't beleive he is gone and doesn't know how she will go on. She then goes on into a rant about his death being her fault since she refused to get on a rescue boat because she wanted to stay and help. He would've survived had she got on one since he would've joined her. Maggie then breaks down hysterically as she maintains its all her fault and that she should be punished for everything. She collapses on Mickey’s casket and pounds on it, which nearly tips it over since it is empty given there was no body. Victor and Bill pull her off the casket and take her to her seat as she cries out for Mickey to come back to her repeatedly. She can't live without him and she begs God to kill her now so she can be with him. Doug, Julie, and alice try to calm her. Hope and Victor try to help too but Maggie is a wreck and then becomes silent and stoic again like she was for most of the funeral. Maggie is sitting down with Melissa and Sarah, all three are in tears, and we then see a montage of Mickey (mostly John Clarke’s Mickey) set to the song “Amazing Grace," which is sung by Chloe. The montage ends with a procession to the cemetery where everyone says final goodbyes and places a red rose on each of the four coffins. Victor tries to reach out to comfort Caroline since Maggie has her family but she backs away and stares at him coldly prompting him to pull back. He then realizes Caroline has her family too. Julie motions to him to help with Maggie since he has been so good to her. Maggie blames herself once again and says to Mickey that she failed him. She gets hysterical again with Victor by her side trying to help calm her down. She begins to pound at the casket again like she did in the church but Bo and Roman pull her off as Hope and Julie stand near her and Caroline. Everyone watches as the 4 caskets begin to descend into the ground. Maggie says goodbye softly but then goes into hysterics again. Caroline quietly breaks down as her children comfort her as the Horton’s and Melissa and Sarah do for Maggie. Jack and Abby hold JJ and say goodbye to Jennifer with Billie, Greta, Frankie, and Max near them. John/Roman, Eric, Belle, Frank, Martha, and Sami (from a distance) watch Marlena's coffin decend too and say goodbye to her. Austin comforts Sami. We then get an overhead shot of all the mourners as the screen goes white then black as “Amazing Grace” continues to play and the show ends. On the Next Days... Bo to Hope: We need to talk about our future. Hope to Bo: I am not even sure if we have a future. Chelsea: I know what I have to do...I have to tell the truth. Greta: Victor can never know the truth...never. Sami to Roman: The hell with youand everyone else...I am outta here. Faux Roman: I don't belong here. It's time to get out of this place and leave these people for good.
The guests are beginning to arrive for the funerals. Victor and Maggie are first. She thanks Victor for meeting her there. Victor thinks it would've been better her going with her family but Maggie says she can't deal with that right now. She had trouble making it through the night. Victor says he knows she almost took a drink as he found the wine bottle out. Maggie says she didn't give in because she kept hearing Mickey telling her to fight it. Victor thinks Maggie should consider telling Lucas about this since he is her AA sponsor. Maggie says she will get through it somehow but today will be the hardest day of her life. She doesn't know if she can go on without Mickey and how she will deal with the guilt she feels for his death. She continues to blame herself since her getting on the rescue boat would've meant he would've gone with her but Victor says it was just meant to be. They embrace. Caroline walks in and sees it and then walks back out. Alice, Doug, Julie, Jack, Jack Jr, Frankie, Max, and Abby arrive. Abby thanks Max for being there for her. Billie and Greta arrive to and sit with Jack. Frankie and Max are comforted by Alice and Julie. They leave to check on their families. Alice and Julie reassure Jack and Abby they will get though all this as a family with JJ. Alice, Doug, and Julie try to get through to Maggie but she breaks down on Mickey's casket. Victor pulls her up and tries to comfort her but she gets upset and runs out. Everyone clears the church to make sure she is ok. -Maggie runs out of the church and bumps right into Sarah Horton (Alli Brown) . Melissa Anderson (Lisa Trusel), Pete Jannings (Michael Leon), Marie Horton (Marie Cheatham), Tommy Horton (Larry Bryggman), Bill Horton (Kale Browne), Laura Horton (Jaime Lyn Bauer), Mike Horton (Roark Critchlow), Jeremy Jacobs (David Tom), and Sandy Horton (Pamela Roylance) are all there too and have gathered together outside the church. They all met at the airport. They are reunited with Alice, Doug, and Julie. Pete says that he just had to come given how the Horton’s treated him and because of how much he cares about Melissa despite not being together anymore. Mike asks about Carrie and Austin and Lucas fill Laura and Mike in on Carrie's disapperance and what happened on the island. Mike, Laura, and Jeremy hope she is alright as they carry no ill feelings for her despite her breakup with Mike. Mike and Lucas embrace and catch up. Jack and Abby reunite with Laura, Bill, Mike, and Jeremy. They all four say they will be returning to Salem more frequently saying that life is too short to stay away. They are amazed by how much Abby has grown and express their condolences to Jack. They remind him if Jennifer's love for him. They are pleased to see Frankie and Max with them and comfrot them. Sarah mentions to Maggie how her father, Neil Curtis, wanted to make it to support her but was unable to get away from work and didn’t want to call her and bother her so he asked Sarah to let her know. Maggie doesn’t even react. Sarah and Melissa worry about Maggie as she embraces them and continues to blame herself for Mickey’s death. She can’t even look them in the eye. All she says is that Mickey is gone and it is all her fault-she took a wonderful man they all loved away from them. Victor, Sarah, Melissa, Alice, Doug, Julie, and Hope try to convince her otherwise but she won’t have it. -Bo tries to talk to Hope but she tells Bo it is very inappropriate to do that today of all days. Bo apologizes and says he will try again later. Hope says she will let Bo know when she is ready as she has alot on her mind and to handle. Bo is getting frustrated. Hope and Melissa share a nice reunion and catch up. -Steven Olsen (Stephen Schnetzer) and Spencer Olsen (Justin Hartley) then arrive and reunite with Julie and the Horton’s. Julie notices Spencer carrying a chip on his shoulder as Spencer says that he only behaves like that because he refuses to tell Spencer who his real mother is. Julie asks Spencer who it is but he clams up and tells Julie its not appropriate to discuss that at a funeral. Julie is intrigued. -Jessica Blake Fallon (Jean Bruce Scott) and Joshua Fallon (Scott Palmer) arrive and greet the Horton’s with their condolences. They express how much they cared about Mickey and know how good of a man he was. -Bill reunites with Lucas and asks how his mother is. Lucas says she should be here soon but Bill thinks it is best to avoid her given their history and the fact that Laura is there too. -Don Craig (Jed Allen) shows up and reunites with everyone. Roman shakes hands with him and Don expresses his condolences regarding Marlena as she was a lovely woman. Don then consoles Maggie who thanks him for being there and then once again gets quiet and stares at the caskets again. Don joins the Horton’s and everyone else in worrying about Maggie. Victor tries to get her to speak but she still won't and barely has since breaking down in the church near the casket. Victor says it is almost as if reality has finally hit her and now she knows Mickey is never coming back. It is final for her. Tears stream down Maggie's eyes as Victor, Don, and the Horton's escort her into the church to their seats. Victor seats her and walks away but Maggie grabs his arms and begs him to stay as he is the only one who knows the guilt she is feeling right now from what happened on the island. Victor agrees to stay as Caroline seems bothered by Victor being with Maggie. -Brady Black (Kyle Lowder) then shows up with Chloe Lane (Nadia Bjorlin) . They reunite with Roman, Mimi, Rex, Cassie, Shawn, and Belle who fill the couple in on the recent goings in with all of them. Brady is still stunned that his father is the real Roman and regrets not spending more time with Marlena. He hopes Marlena knew that he loved her and that he was sorry about all the trouble he caused. Roman tells Brady she knew and it is forgotten. roman tells Brady they will all have to undergo changes-such as him changing his name from John to Roman and changing the Black name over to Brady. Brady realizes that he should change his name too and has an idea-Jonathan "Jon" Brady. It would pay homage to his father being called "John' for years and it just seems to fit. Chloe and John both like it but Chloe decides to still call him Brady as a nickname, kind of like Hope calls Bo. Brady consoles Caroline over her loss and they remember the days when she and Grandpa Shawn used to watch Belle and himself. Brady then reunites with Victor and notices him watching Caroline. Brady asks his grandfather if he is ok as Victor says he will be once Caroline stops pushing him away. Brady and Nicole come face to face. They bury the hatchet, as does she and Chloe. -Kayla is then reunited with her daughter Stephanie Johnson (Shayna Rose) while Shane is reunited with Kimberly Brady (Patsy Pease) and his children Andrew and Jeannie Donovon (Tom Welling and Michelle Williams). Everyone can’t believe how much the kids have grown. They agree to visit more often. Stephanie tells her mother that she found a modeling job out in LA but wasn't pleased with it so she is hoping to move to Salem with her and find work. Kayla says she isn't sure she is staying permantly but Stephanie says she has a feeling they will be. Caroline, Bo, Hope, Roman, Abe, Frankie, Max, Stephanie, and Kayla share an emotional reunion with Kimberly. Kimberly is now in a wheelchair after she injured her back and the surgery on it went awry. Her husband has now left her and the kids because he just couldn't handle the pressure of being the sole provider and having to an overwhelming amount of responsibility at home. Kim hasn’t heard from him in nearly a year. She says she has been living with Shane in London but just as friends and so that he can help with the kids. The still strong bond between them is still evident though. Kayla and Caroline ask why Shane or Kim never told them. Shane says Kim asked him to keep it a secret since she didn't want anyone to know she was paralyzed. Kim says she has learned to do things on her own but living with Shane was a great help in making progress. She comforts her family on the loss of Shawn Sr and is stunned by Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena's deaths. Caroline hopes Kim will stay for a bit as Kim says she will think it over but the kids need to go home for school so they will see. Kim learns about Carrie and all the island happenings. She also learns about John being Roman and welcomes him back into the family. She asks about faux Roman. Caroline says she is worried about him since he was very upset and is nowhere to be found. He was invited and should be here since they will always be his family no matter what but they can't force him. They can only hope he shows up. -Sami arrives with Austin and says that she is going nowhere near John. Austin agrees that sami should try to keep a low profile and not to start trouble. Kim comes over to catch up with Sami. She tells Austin she hopes they find Carrie soon and tells Sami she hopes she will accept John as her father. Sami says she never will and will ignore and avoid anyone that does. She walks off as Austin apologizes for her and tells Sami to calm down. Sami says she will when everyone else stops accepting John as Roman because it isn't right. Austin doesn't want to argue and drops the subject. Eric and Nicole join them and enter the church with them. Nicole and Austin talk business while Eric tells Sami not to start anything and just accept what is happening. Sami says she never will and, if he is she no longer has a brother either. Eric is stunned by this as they all enter the church. -Frank and Martha Evans (Larry Hagman and Barbara Eden) arrive and embrace Roman. They know Marlena loved him and know she is looking down on him and their family. They can't beleive how their daughter snapped like that but since Samantha was mentally ill perhaps it ran in the family. Roman thinks it was just all the mind control and the Dimera's. Frank and Martha share a nice reunion with Belle, Eric, and Sami. They are horrified by Sami's hatred toward John/Roman and her vow to never accept him as her father and to phase anyone out of her life that considers John to be Roman Brady. Sami ignores their advice to just let the hate go and to unite as a family since it is what her mother would want. Sami says that mom wanted the family together but John being Roman destroys the family so if people want to honor Marlena's desire for family unity they need to forget about John being Roman. Sami walks away with Austin as Eric and Belle wonder with Frank and Martha when Sami is going to finally grow up and get past all this. -Bo, Kayla, and Kim ask Caroline where their aunt Molly Brady-Murphy is. Caroline says that Molly called and said she couldn’t make it and mentions how Molly has never cared too much for family gatherings. She only cares for herself and losing Colin made her worse. She is even more out of control. The only time her or Shawn Sr ever saw her is when they went to Ireland themselves to see her and even then she was MIA a lot of the time. Before she can go into more detail, Fr. Jansen enters and is ready to begin Shawn Sr’s, Mickey’s, Jennifer's, and Marlena's funeral. The guests take their seats. -The funeral then begins as Fr. Jansen says an opening blessing and the screen focuses on the large pictures of Mickey, Shawn Sr, Jennifer, and Marlena near their coffins as their loves ones look on lovingly in tears as the screen fades to black and the credits roll. On the Next Days... Kate to Faux Roman: Go in...you know you want to. It's where you belong. Fr. Jansen: It is time to say goodbye to four wonderful people (clips of the funeral guests putting roses on the caskets). Sami (in tears looking at John/Roman): My mother's death spelled the end of my family. Maggie (banging on the casket): I can't live without you. COME BACK MICKEY!!! COME BACK PLEASE!!!
Promo Week of August 14, 2006
PhoenixRising05 commented on PhoenixRising05's blog entry in "Salem Lives"
Yes I did. I made it a huge event and gave them both great sendoffs. I hope you keep reading- great stuff is to come and what has happened so far is just the tip of the iceberg . -
DAYS CASTING BUZZ ANOTHER LOCKHART HITS THE ROAD!!! Patrick's run in Salem finally ends. Sources confirm that Brody Hutzler's run as Patrick Lockhart is about to come to an end. No offcial statement was given. It is reported Hutzler will exit in early September but that he may be back in the future to spill further Dimera secrets. More on this will be reported next week in an interview with executive producer Ned Yadroc and head writer Tim Lowery. Other Casting News: -Eric Winter's short term run as Rex will end during Days's summer finale week (August 28-Sept 1). Rumor has it Farah Fath (Mimi) will also exit during that week as her character's goodbye will coincide with Winter's Rex. -Joseph Mascolo (Stefano) was spotted at the studio and has begun taping again. Expect to see him on air in the next few weeks. -Tanya Boyd (Celeste) has been downgraded once again to recurring status as the show has decided to put off it's story for her for awhile. -Billy Warlock (Frankie) has been downgraded to recurring status effective September 1. The actor has agreed to stay on in a limited role as the show has no front-burner plans for him in the near future. -Look for the big mystery return to be revealed in the coming weeks and, yes, it has something to do with the mysterious man who was dragged off the Melaswen island from his cell during the big escape.
Announcer: THIS WEEK IS A WEEK TO REMEMBER ON DAYS OF OUR LIVES!!! Clips of Victor and Maggie arriving at the church and looking at pictures of Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena. Announcer: BE THERE AS DAYS CHARACTERS PAST... Clips of Kimberly, Melissa, Laura, Bill, Bradym and Chloe. Announcer: ...AND PRESENT Clips of Caroline, Bo, Hope, Kayla, Sami, Alice, Doug, Julie, Jack, and Abby at the church. Announcer: ...GATHER TOGETHER TO SAY FAREWELL TO FOUR OF SALEM'S MOST BELOVED CITIZENS. Maggie: I can't believe you are really gone. Caroline: Our family won't be the same without you. Jack: Life just seems less exciting without you there with me. Roman: We will all miss you, Doc. Announcer: IT'S A WEEK TO CHERISH AS "THE WEEKS THAT CHANgE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE. IT'S A MUST SEE HISTORIC WEEK!!! AMAZING AUGUST-DAYS OF OUR LIVES!!!
Previews and Peeks into Week of August 14, 2006
PhoenixRising05 posted a blog entry in "Salem Lives"
"THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE AS AMAZING AUGUST TAKES A FANTASTIC TURN!!! DON'T MISS A HISTORIC DAYS EVENT!!! Previews and Sneak Peeks into Week of August 14, 2006 -Long lost family and friends return to Salem to bid farewell to Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena. -The Blacks make a big change. -One of the funeral guests decides to stay in Salem. -Kimberly tells Bo that he still has 'Hope." -Kayla asks Kimberly if she knows anymore about Shane's investigation of Steve's death. -The Brady's pull out all the stops to find the missing faux Roman. -Chelsea decides to tell the truth about one lie to make up for another one. -Hope stuns Bo. -Laura issues a warning to Billie. -Greta makes a decision concerning Victor. -The Horton's worry about Maggie as she continues to fall apart. Red Letter Days!!! Monday August 14-Wednesday August 16: DON'T MISS THE FUNERAL SERVICES OF SHAWN SR, MICKEY, JENNIFER, AND MARLENA AS LONG LOST FAMILY AND FRIENDS JOIN WITH CURRENT SALEMITES TO SAY THEIR FINAL GOODBYES!!! Thursday August 17: Chelsea confesses to Bo and Hope that she kept them apart!!! Next Week: Chelsea tries to put her life back together. Abby wonders if she should pursue Max if Chelsea dumps him. Bo loses his patience with Hope. Shawn and Bo have it it out. Mimi and Rex make a huge decision. Lexie gets a surprise. Roman tries to reach faux Roman. -
-Austin and Lucas return to Sami's apartment with her. They try to calm her down after the whole Roman thing and her confrontation with John but she is livid saying she is down with everyone in her family that accepts him as Roman. He will never be her father. Lucas asks Sami if she is only mad because John was right about everything. She tells Lucas to drop it or get out. Austin changes the subject to Carrie. Sami says that the chances of finding her are slim since the island was destroyed and if Stefano, or someone else, has her it will be very difficult as she can be anywhere in the world. Austin and Lucas both privately think about the baby and wonder if it could be there's. Sami sees the look on Austin's face and asks Austin ig he is really over Carrie. Austin says he can't talk about all that right now as it isn't right with everything going on. Lucas leaves as he wants to shower and get to bed early for the funerals tomarrow. He hopes there will some good news about Carrie. He leaves. Austin decides to turn in too and Sami says she will be right behind him. When Austin leaves, Sami looks at a picture of the man she thought was her father and then takes out a picture of John. She sets fire to John's picture and says that she will never accept him as Roman. She then takes the other picture of the faux Roman and puts it back where it was saying she would rather accept an imposter as her father then John. -Carrie is still with Alan at the cabin. She is still afraid and worried about what may happen. Carrie asks Alan if they have a newspaper. Alan says he doesn't but can go get one. Carrie tells Alan to forget the paper-he is taking her home now. Alan reminds her that the doctor told her to wait a few days but Carrie wants to go home. Her family and friends may need her and she needs to know what happened to them on the island. She also needs to properly tend to her baby. Alan says he isn't letting her go until he knows it's safe. She may not be up to it yet and whoever was behind the island may be looking for both of them. Carrie had forgotten that and Alan reminds her that her family and friends would not want her putting herself and the baby at risk or in danger. Carrie says if she were staying with anyone else there would be no problem but after what he did in the past to Sami and her it is hard to trust him. Alan tells Carrie he will prove his trust to her and that he has changed but not tonight. It is late and she needs to sleep. He covers her up in blankets and even gives her some walk milk. He asks if she needs anything else. Carrie says no and thanks him. She is still afraid but stares at him as he walks away. He turns around and asks if something is wrong. Carrie says nothing is wrong as he turns back around and goes into the kitchen. While alone, Carrie wonders if Alan really has changed like he said he has. -Victor walks Maggie home, unaware that Caroline followed them from the hospital. He is about to come in with Maggie when she stops him and tells him he has done enough and should go home and rest. Victor says she needs the rest to as the funerals are tomarrow. Maggie says she has no idea how she will deal with everything that is to come. Victor tells her one step at a time and says he will be there for anything she needs. He again thinks he should stay with Maggie but Maggie doesn't want another misunderstanding like they had in the morning with Doug, Julie, and Alice when they thought they were together. Caroline hears this and seems upset. Maggie thanks Victor for everything and he does the same. She kisses him on the cheek and calls him a true gentleman. She is glad she has gotten to know this side of him. He is glad they are friends too. She enters the house and asks if he is going to the funeral. He says he wasn't going to because of Caroline wanting him away from her. Maggie asks him to come for her. She hates to be some dependent but he has been her strength and he has been a great comfort to her. It is almost like he was brought into her life to help her get through this. Victor agrees to come for her but will just have to steer clear of Caroline. Maggie thanks him and closes the door. Victor is walking away but sees a shadow. He turns to find Caroline looking back at him. He asks what she is doing and she admits that she was following him. Victor is upset and asks what Caroline wants from him. She tells him to stay away from her and stay out of her life and here she is following him. He asks why she followed him. Caroline says that she doesn't think letting Maggie be so dependent on him is a good idea as it may complitcate things. Maggie needs her family right now and he would be wise to avoid her. Victor tells Caroline it seems she is jealous. Caroline denies it but Victor says that she told him to stay out of her life and he is so she should take her own advice and stay out of his. Maggie and him are friends and are helping each other through a dark time while all Caroline is doing is causing more misery for herself and him. He just wanted to be there for her and she shuts him out and now she wants him to not help a friend through a painful time. Victor says it is the first time he has seen Caroline be selfish since she lied about Bo's paternity. Caroline is upset Victor mentioned that and says the conversation is over. She tells Victor to just stay away from her and her family. Victor apologizes for bringing Bo into it but tells Caroline that they can't avoid each other forever. Caroline stays silent and says goodnight. Victor says goodnight and walks away, wondering how things could get any worse for everyone. Caroline is in tears wondering why everything she is doing only causes more pain. She wonders if Victor and Maggie having each other is a good thing as she could treat him better then she ever did. She decides to stop getting ahead of herself as Victor and Maggie aren't a couple-just friends. She leaves hoping they can all get through tomarrow smoothly. -Maggie looks on the mantle at old photos and begins to get upset. She has flashbacks of Mickey and wonders if she is just going to keep remembering the past and seeing Mickey die everytime she is alone or everytime she closes my eyes. She can't keep running to Victor or her friends and family to help her. She isn't sure if she can get through this on her own. She gets upset and begins to throw the pictures and lashes out at God. She asks why she had to lose her husband and why so many had to die. She isn't sure if she can live like this as she feels all alone in the world and empty inside. She just can't deal with this as it is eating at her. She thinks about the wine bottle that was also in the locked cabinet. She doesn't want to give in but she needs to get through this without someone always running to her rescue and, even then, the pain from losing Mickey is still there. She opens up the broken cabinet and sees the bottle there. She remembers Mickey telling her to control her urges and that she had the strength to battle tempatation. She also remembers how proud Mickey was of her being sober. She cries and then closes the cabinet asking how she will ever get through this and how will will ever live with this pain and emptiness. She blames herself for what happened and doesn't know how she will face everyone tomarrow and move on. She goes up to the bedroom and breaks down seeing the bed Mickey and her shared. She throws herself on the bed with a shattered picture of Mickey and her in her arms and cries hysterically. -Mimi is moving her stuff out of the apartment when Shawn arrives. He tells Mimi that he can move out if she doesn't have a place to go but Mimi says she will just stay at her mother's house since it is her's now anyway. Mimi hands him the signed divorce papers and Shawn says he will have them filed tomarrow so it becomes official and he thanks her for not fighting it. Shawn is sorry she lost her mother, brother, and for everything else that happened. Mimi accepts responsibility and says she brought alot on herself. Belle comes in and agrees. Mimi hopes that some day all will be forgiven but knows it will be hard. She kisses Shawn on the cheek and thanks him for the memories. She apologizes again for hurting Belle and him and leaves. After Mimi is gone, Belle asks Shawn if he has thought about their future given how her father being Roman and how Philip being Claire's father affects it. Shawn says he needs time and space to think so he tells Belle to go be with Philip at the hospital. She belongs there and no matter what he decides they can't be together until Philip comes out of this. Belle says that she loves him and will give him all the time and space he needs. She knows Philip will get better soon and they can be together when he does despite them being cousins and everything else-as long as they are in love they can overcome anything and nothing else matters. Shawn tells Belle there is alot they need to talk about and work through and that she needs to go. It will be a long day tomarrow and he tells Belle to give him a few days to think. She agrees and he tells her to be there for Philip and her father right now-they need her. She leaves and is still hopeful Shawn and her will work their way back to each other no matter what is in their way. -Rex remembers his past with Mimi and remembers how he was lost in Chicago without her. No matter how much she hurt him and even seeing her lie again with the Claire situation, he still loves her. He wonders if Mimi and him are meant to be. Cassie overhears him thinking out loud and reminds Rex that Mimi has lied and destroyed two of her relationships, this time her marriage. She also reminds Rex of her antics in high school, especially when Jan and her put nude pictures of Chloe on the net. Rex says that Mimi has always given into peer pressure and had self-esteem issues. Nevertheless, he loves and he can't live or be without her. He realizes that in Chicago that no matter what he will always love her. She loved him when he knew nothing of the world and she stuck by him through everything during the serial killer nightmare. The minute he say her again he knew that it was right for them to be together. He has made his decision-he wants her back and wants to spend his life with her. He takes off to find her as Cassie vows to put an end to this. -Mimi is in the park crying on a bench abut losing everything. She figures that even Rex won't come back to her as she just makes one mistake after the other. Someone touches her shoulder-it's Rex. She asks what he is going there. He tells her made a decision and asks if things are over with Shawn. Mimi says it is official and asks why. He tells her how miserable he was in Chicago and how no matter what she has done he still can't stop loving her. She loved him for his faults and through alot of bad times so it is only fair he does the same. He has never stopped loving her and being back here with her has only made the decision easier. He could never be just friends with her-he wants to be with her forever. Mimi is so happy and says she loved Shawn but she never stopped loving him. She thinks it was always meant to happen like this with them ending up together. Rex makes Mimi promise to stop with the lies. If they trust in each other and their love, they can survive anything that the world throws at them. She promises and says she has finally learned her lession-this time for real. They are both happy and pledge their love to each other and kiss. Cassie sees them and promises to to put an end to Rex and Mimi once and for all. -Abe meets Celeste outside the Dimera mansion and asks why she made him meet her there. He is looking all over for Lexie because he needs to talk about the divorce and custody of Theo with her. Celeste says that is why she called him. She has a vision of Alexandra in the Dimera mansion acting as if she was living there again. Stefano was also in the vision and Alexandra and him were laughing and she was saying how she was going to everything she wants no matter who she has to hurt and was pledging allegiance to her father and to the Dimera name. Abe wonders if it is possible Lexie has turned back to her family for help in keeping Theo and saving their marriage. Celeste says she didn't want to face this alone so she called him. Abe says she did the right thing and they both ring the door bell together. A servant answers and asks them to wait a moment. She comes back and says that mistress of the house will see you now. Abe and Celeste are worried and are then shocked to see Lexie sitting in her father's chair next to a chessboard sipping brandi. Celeste and Abe lash out at her for turning back to the Dimera's but Lexie says she has no choice. She is not going to lose her son and her marriage and if she loses Abe at least she can manage to keep her son. She is also worried about losing her job as the hospital may not like the bad PR brought by her affair so she needs to cover her bases. Celeste begs Lexie to leave but Lexie tells them both to leave if all they are going to do is attack her for her decision. Abe says the Dimera name won't mean nothing in court but Lexie assures him that he will lose. Her father will help her and the world bows to the Dimera's and so will the court. She tells Abe that their marriage may be over but since he was going to take Theo away from her she will not take Theo away from him. He striked the first blow and now she will strike the last. Abe looks at her and says it is the same look she had when she was losing Zach to Bo and Hope. He said it before but means it now-she truly is her father's daughter. Lexie warns him to prepare for a war. Abe walks out in a rage as Celeste begs Lexie to reconsider what she is doing. Lexie tells Celeste to stay out of it as she is going to do whatever it takes to hold on to Theo and her life. She may lose Abe but that is all she is willing to lose. Celeste says that only bad things will come from this and says that she never thought she would see the day when her daughter went back to the horrors of evil she displayed when she was trying to hold on to Bo and Hope's baby. The evil she saw in her daughter's eyes is back and she is frightened. Lexie tells Celeste to leave and to call next time as she needs her sleep and has alot to do. Celeste leaves and can't help worrying about her daughter and what may be in store for Salem as the Dimera's are now becoming a presence again in Salem, with her daughter being at the center of the resurgence. Meanwhile, inside the mansion, Lexie drinks her brandi and fiddles with her father's chessboard. She says she will do whatever it takes to get what she wants and says that it never paid to be nice and let fate and the world walk right over you. She says her father taught her that and to fight for what she wants and that is what she is going to do-no matter who gets in her way. She then moves a pawn and says "checkmate" with a devilish grin on her face as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.
FINAL FUNERAL GUEST ROLES CAST!!! Be there for the BIG DAYS event!!! The previously uncasted funeral guest roles have been decided. Through casting research and reader opinion, the show feels it succeeded and picking the right actor, or actress, for each role. Fans should keep in mind these are only guest appearances and if the character ever comes back it could be with a different actor or actress playing them, especially if a chosen actor or actress doesn't sit well with the fans. Here are the results of the casting call: Larry Hagman (Frank Evans) Barbara Eden (Martha Evans) Justin Hartley (Spencer Olsen) Michelle Williams (Jeannie Donovon) Tom Welling (Andrew Donovon) David Tom (Jeremy Horton) "We are very please to get actors and actress's of this caliber for these roles," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. "We will be gauging fan reaction as these characters are character that may play a part on Days in the near future and we are seeing what actors fit with the fans and their roles. If everything looks out, the character and actor will most likely return but, if not, then both may never return or the character might with a different actor. Being able to have big name stars like Larry Hagman, Barbara Eden, and Michelle Williams and rising stars like Justin Hartley, Tom Welling, and David Tom who did great on Y&R is great for us. It took alot of giving on our part as some of our guests have other projects or shows they are working on but they were very gracious and cooperative. It will be great for our fans," enthuses Yadroc. Again, the big event begins Monday August 14 and runs through Friday August 18. The guest stars will appear all throughout that week with some staying the whole week and others only a few days. Be sure not to miss this BIG, MUST SEE, HISTORIC EVENT IN DAYS HISTORY as we say goodbye to beloved characters and say hello to some returning faves and some new faces. IT'S ALL PART OF THE "WEEK THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" DURING AMAZING AUGUST-DAYS OF OUR LIVES!!!
-Billie, Max, Bo, and Hope wait for Chelsea to tell them what she wants to say. Chelsea is hesistant and knows that she should tell them but can't for some reason. All she can think about is how much Billie loves her and is so happy she found her long-lost daughter. She has no idea that Georgia is dead and she will be crushed, as will Bo. Bo, Billie, and their families have been so good to her even though they have given her tough love at times. She just can't imagine hurting them and she loves all the benefits of being Kate Robert's granddaughter. Bo asks her what is going on but Chelsea clams up and says that she wants to tell them all that she has decided to change her life and improve her behavior. Everything that has happened has changed her and she wants to be a person everyone can be proud of. Max, Hope, and Bo are happy about this but Billie thinks something else is going on and brings up how Chelsea didn't want to leave Hope on the island. Chelsea says that she saw a different side of Hope and things have changed-she owed Hope for everything and wanted to help out. Hope appreciates that and is happy Chelsea and her have had a breakthrough. It is a good first step in the forgiving process. Chelsea is happy too and says she is going to make them all proud of her. Billie takes Bo and Hope aside and says that she thinks something else is up. Bo and Hope tell her to calm down and they will all just keep an eye on her to see what happens. Meanwhile, Chelsea remembers everything Hope did for her on the island and how they are starting to move on from the past and she feels guilty for keeping secrets from her and Bo and Billie. Max asks Chelsea why she seems so upset and guilty. Chelsea tells Max to back off. He asks what is going on with her as she has been avoiding him since they got back. They really need to talk about their relationship. Chelsea pushes him away and says she can't right now as she has alot to deal with. She leaves. Max is upset and leaves to. While alone, Chelsea feels bad for doing what she is to Max but says she can't deal with him right now after everything she is going through. She just hopes he will wait for her but she is worried about the relationship between Abby and him. She is also wondering if she is making the right choice keeping the truth from Bo, Hope, and Billie. -Caroline asks Kayla why she has been so distracted. Kayla is still thinking about what Patrick said. She tells her mother she has alot on her mind as she is thinking about whether to stay in Salem or not. Caroline hopes she does as the family needs her right now. Kayla says she is thinking about it but will see what happens when Stephanie arrives for the funeral. Caroline leaves to take care of some final funeral preparations. Kayla then looks on the police station reference board and finds a phone number. She calls it and ask for information on a prisoner...named Patrick Lockhart. She needs to know when he can receive visitors. She is told he isn't having any right now as the ISA is still interrogating him in hopes of uncovering Dimera secrets and is threatening him with no visitors and a more severe punishment in hopes of getting him to talk. Kayla says she will call back some other time to fsee if his status is still the same. She hangs up and wonders what he may know that no one else does that would interest her. -Nicole is worried about Eric and Austin and Lucas take notice and ask if she is ok. She says she is just worried about Eric. Austin asks when or if she will be going back to LA to run Highstyle. Nicole says she is not sure-it all depends on Eric and he has been very secretive lately. Austin says the choice is hers but he hopes she returns to run it since she is so successful but it is her choice. Nicole thanks him for understanding. Austin and Lucas are still worried about Carrie since the search has come up with nothing so far. They are also worried about Sami and how she will deal with Marlena and Shawn Sr being dead and the whole John is Roman thing. -Greta wants to know why Eric doesn't want her to call for help. Eric gets up slowly and says he is fine. Greta says he has been acting really strange lately and he always seems to have headaches. Eric says it is just the aftereffects of a concussion but Greta thinks its more and she says that Nicole does too. Eric tells Greta he hasn't really ate anything all day with everything going on so he just got lightheaded and passed out. There is nothing else to it. Nicole arrives and asks Eric where he has been. He says he just had to go the bathroom and he stopped to talk to Greta. He hints to Greta not to tell Nicole about what happened so Greta backs up Eric's story. Nicole gets a phone call and tells Eric she will meet him at the car. Eric thanks Greta for backing him up-he doesn't want Nicole to worry. Greta tells Eric if something is wrong he needs to be honest or it will only make things worse. Eric insists nothing is wrong and leaves. Greta wonders what is really going on. -John and Belle find Sami in the parking lot upset. John tells Sami he knows why she is so upset-it's because she has no reason to hate him anymore. She can't blame John for the affair or destroying her family because he is her father and she is in denial over him being Roman. Sami says she should've never told anyone about the file and just got rid of it. John says she revealed it for a reason and that was because she always wanted it to be true. She never hated him and still doesn't-she only hates herself for loving him like her father even when she beleived he wasn't. He brought Eric, Carrie, and her up and that created a bond and when Sami beleived that John/Roman was her father, she still loved him as her father and still does. He says Eric felt the same when he first returned to Salem but he started to get along with him again after awhile. They still aren't close like when he was a child but they will get there. John says that she hates herself for feeling that way all these years and she is now in denial because she hates being wrong and her and him have said some bad things to each other and been through alot. It isn't easy for her to just accept him after all this time and she is upset that it feels right for him to be her father. Sami says John is full of it and she will never accept him. She is very upset that everyone else is and thinks they and John can go to hell. He will never be her father. Her mother is dead and, as far as she is concerned, so is her father now. Austin and Lucas interupt and think it is best they take Sami home so Sami leaves but not before saying she is staying as far away from John as possible. She wants nothing to do with him or anyone that accepts him as Roman. John says to Sami that she is just afraid to accept him but she will in time. Sami walks off with Austin and Lucas as Belle comforts her father and tells him she will come around. John tells Belle he is sorry for what this will do to Brady and her but Belle says it's fine. John says this may be a problem for Shawn and her but Belle says they have enough problems so this is the least of their concerns. John thanks her for understanding and they leave together arm in arm. -Kate comforts "Roman," who is still reeling from finding out he isn't the real Roman. Kate says he is still the same man but he insists that he doesn't know who he is. He has another man's memories and hasn't even had a flash of anything to suggest who he really is. Kate suggests he get some help and reminds him he has the support of all his family and friends. "Roman" reminds Kate that those are Roman's family and friends and not his. No matter what they say he is nothing to them and he doesn't want pity. He tells Kate he just wants to be alone right now and thanks her for everything. He says it is to see this side of Kate so much lately. Kate embraces him and leaves. While alone on the pier, "Roman" lashes out and starts throwing crates around asking "who am I?" and "why me?" He breaks down in tears on the pier. -Victor and Maggie arrive at the hospital to see Philip. Victor is hesistant but Maggie says he has to do it and she is there for him like he was for her. They enter and Victor walks over to Philip and holds his hand. He says hello to him and says he is so sorry for having Ernesto involve him in their rivalry and for betraying him by not telling him about Claire. he breaks down in tears and urges his son to fight to come back to them. Maggie puts her arms around him and comforts him. Kate walks in and interupts. Kate tells Victor about Claire really being Philip's and the details surrounding it and he is elated. He reminds Philip that he has something to fight for now and that this may be the thing to unite his family now that Belle and him share a child for sure. Maggie and Kate talk and Kate says she has never seen Victor that emotional and for him to cry like that is shocking. Maggie tells Kate that Victor feels guilty just like she does about Mickey. Kate tells Maggie that his death wan't her fault. Victor thinks it is time to get Maggie home she he says goodbye to Phillip and kisses him on the forehead. He tells Philip he will be back soon and apologizes for not coming sooner as he hated seeing him like that knowing it was his fault. Kate tells Victor she is happy he came since he should be there for his son. He needs to be there and none of this is his fault. Many people got hurt and were lost on the island so they have all been affected. It is difficult for everyone. Victor thanks her for her words and tells Kate to call him if there are any updates. Kate goes back to Philip's side as Victor walks Maggie out. He thanks her for helping him through seeing Philip. Maggie says she was only returning the favor for all he has done for her, especially earlier by helping her get through talking to Melissa and Sarah. She doesn't know where she would be without him and Victor says he feels the same. They embrace. Caroline arrives with flowers for Philip and catches Maggie and Victor in an embrace as the screen fades to black and the credits roll. On the Next Days... Rex to Cassie: I made a decision and I don't care if you like it or not. Shawn to Belle: Mimi and I may be over but that doesn't mean we are going to be together. Mimi (crying): I've lost everything. (Turns around) Oh my God...you!!! Celeste (with Abe): Oh dear God...it's happening again!!! Maggie (looking at a bottle of wine): There is only one way to deal with this Victor to Caroline: What the hell do you want? You said you didn't want me near you so why can't you stop following me? Sami to Austin and Lucas: Wherever Carrie is, there is a chance we may never find her. Carrie to Alan: You are taking me home...NOW!!!
-Victor continues to comfort Maggie. Alice, Doug, and Julie worry about Maggie given what she is going through. Julie almost stumbles across the broken liquor bottle Maggie threw. Victor sees it and sees how scared Maggie is of anyone seeing it so he picks it up when no one is looking and disposes of it. Maggie whispers a silent "thank you" to him. Alice tells Maggie she does not blame her for Mickey's death and assures her that this was God's plan. Maggie thanks Alice, Doug, and Julie for their support. Alice, Doug, and Julie need to leave to take Alice to the hospital to prepare a statement for the Horton foundation concering Mickey but they are afraid to leave Maggie alone. Maggie says she will be fine and Victor says he will stay for awhile to make sure she is fine. After leaving the house, Julie tells Doug and Alice that she fears Maggie may turn back to the bottle again. Meanwhile, inside, Maggie thanks Victor for hiding the broken bottle. She explains to Victor how she broke it and Victor urges her to call Lucas since they are in AA together but Maggie says she is fine now. She had the tempation for a brief moment. Victor asks her what she will do if the temptation returns. Maggie doesn't think it will-she just needs to find strength to deal with everything. She tells Victor without him she may not have made it as far as she has. She tells Victor that he can go now since he probably wants to see Philip. Victor tells Maggie he can't see him like he is-not after what he did to his son. Maggie assures Victor it wasn't his fault. She reminds Victor to take the advice he gave her concerning Mickey and not blame himself. Victor says he just can't handle it right now and Maggie offers to come with him to return the favor for his being there for her through everything. Maggie says he hasn't left her side so when he needs her she isn't leaving his. Victor says no at first but Maggie pushes for it so Victor agrees and they leave to go see Philip at the hospital. -Greta is looking all over for Victor but can't seem to find him. She ends up at the police station and sees everyone gathered to hear who is the real Roman Brady. Greta decides to join everyone and be there to support some of her loved ones. She vows to find Victor and tell him he is her father as soon as possible. -Chelsea arrives too and sees that Bo, Billie, and Hope are at the station. She decides to wait to them all that Hope is her mother until the Roman mess is over. -Max, Frankie (who jusy showed up), Kayla, Caroline, Rex, Cassie. Eric, Sami, Austin, Lucas, Kate, Mimi, Shawn, Belle, Nicole, Hope, Bo, a just arrived Billie and Greta, and a lurking nearby Chelsea are all at the station awaiting Shane's announcement as to who the real Roman is. Abe is standing next Shane and both Roman and John are impatient and want to know the results of the test. Shane announces that...JOHN BLACK IS THE REAL ROMAN BRADY!!! Everyone is stunned. Roman is crushed and John is in shock. Sami runs out of the room. Shane explains that the file info appears to be true. Roman had plastic surgery after his supposed death after falling off the cliff. Stefano made Roman look like a soldier of his named John Black, who was a war vet so that explans the name on the wall at Maison Blanche. This was the same John Black that interacted with the real Princess Gina in the early 80's and with Greta. In a plot to screw with the Brady's lives, he made Roman look like John and that is why he turned up in Salem like he did. Stefano had screwed around with his mind and programmed him with John Black's memories too along with Roman's to cause further confusion. The Roman that showed up later on looking like Roman looked when he fell over the cliff actually was John Black, who had plastic surgery done to look like the real Roman Brady. It was Stefano's way of getting revenge on him for his affair with the real Princess Gina. He had Roman's memories and Stefano had his mind wiped of his own memories as John Black. That was around the same time he had the real Princess Gina locked up in that castle in Europe. After "Roman' divorced Marlena after her affair with "John" that produced Belle, everyone knows he left town and started doing ISA missions and was presumed dead at one point. Turns out John/Roman remembered who he was and turned on Stefano. Stefano sent a henchman to take care of him but both the henchman and John/Roman ended up dead. When Kristen asked for Stefano's help to stop John (really the real Roman's) wedding to Marlena, he found someone else to be another pawn and sent him to Salem and made it appear that Roman had plastic surgery due to injuries sustained from behing held captage and tortured. The truth was that Stefano had to act fast and didn't have time to make the man look like Roman used to prior to him looking like John so he sent him to Salem as is and used the plastic surgery excuse. Stefano has the whole story of Roman being presumed dead, captured, and tortured made up to cover up the Roman/John death. He even had the man injected with a disease to cause further trouble and to further convince everyone that he was indeed held captive and infected by a biological weapon. This also set in motion the jungle trip and search for Roman's cure, which led to Stefano getting his freedom when he exchanged the serum cure that was in his bloodstream for his freedom. Stefano faked tests to show the man was the real Roman so know one would still know that the man known as John Black was really Roman. It was Stefano's most evil and complext plot ever against the Brady's. -John is welcomed back into the Brady family by hugs from Kayla, Caroline, Max, Frankie, and Bo. Hope and Shawn embrace him too. "Roman" is comforted by the Brady's as well and told he will always be a part of the family. Roman says he doesn't feel that way and never will. He knows they are doing that becayse they feel bad for him. Abe and Shane try to talk to him but a depressed Roman turns to leave when John stops him. He doesn't want any hard feelings but "Roman" says he can't talk let alone look at him right now. Eric tells "Roman" he will always feel like a father to him and he will always care about him. Sami re-enters the room and says she feels the same way. Rex and Cassie do as well. "Roman" thanks them but says he can't face them all right now. He leaves. John asks Eric if he can accept him as his father. He says it will take some getting used to but he will try. John has always been in his life so it shouldn't be too hard. Belle asks John what is going to happen now. John says that changes will have to be made. Belle realizes this means Shawn and her are related. Shawn tells Belle it is not the time to be discussing their relationship. Mimi wonders if this may drive Belle and Shawn further apart but Shawn tells her that their marriage is over and there is no hope. Mimi decides she has no place staying there and leaves. Rex wants to go after her but Cassie stops him. Rex tells Cassie to back off and stay out of his life. He leaves as Cassie follows in pursuit. -"Roman" is walking outside the station. He takes a picture of him with the Brady family out and throws it into the water. He begins to throw crates around and then breaks down in tears on the pier and yells out, "Who am I? I have Roman Brady's memories. I have his feelings. I care for and love his family and now I am nothing to them and have no identity. Why?!!! Why is this happening?!!" Someone then touches him on the shoulder. It's Kate. They look into each other's eyes and she holds him in his arms as he just cries on her shoulder. -Nicole asks Eric how he is handling all this. He says he is fine. He clutches his head and is clearly getting another headache. He doesn't want anyone else to see so he tells Nicole he is going to the bathroom. He is on his way down a hallway when the pain worsens. Eric holds his head in pain but it turns agonizing and he collapses on the ground. -Caroline asks Kayla, Frankie, and Max how they are going to handle Shawn Sr's death and now this. Kayla says they will get through it together like they always do. They will welcome John back and will keep the man they thought was Roman in the family. He deserves it and was a victim of Stefano too. Kayls is still thinking about Patrick and is clearly distracted. She wonders what he knows. -Abe is looking for Lexie since his attorney can't find her to serve her with divorce and custody papers. He calls Celeste and she hasn't seen her either and is worried. Abe hangs up and Shane asks Abe what they can do to help both John and "Roman" deal with this. Abe says it is going to be hard to get used to but Abe says no matter who both men are he cares for them both and will do whatever he can to help. Shane feels the same. -Hope and Billie ask Bo how he is holding up. Bo says it will take some getting used to but both men are family to him regardless of the results. He knows how the poor guy is feeling-he isn't a blood Brady but has always been treated like one so he will extend the same generousity to this man they thought was Roman. Chelsea comes in and tells the three of them she has something she needs to tell them and it is important. Max comes over and asks what Chelsea is up to. Hope is anxious and asks Chelsea what is going on. Chelsea says that what she has to say will change all their lives forever. -Austin and Lucas worry about how Sami is reacting to the news. They also continue to worry about Carrie. She has been pretty much silent other then telling "Roman" he will always be like a father to her. They ask her if she is ok. Sami says she is fine. They ask her what she thinks about everything. Sami yells out she wishes she hadn't found that file and her father is dead as far as she is concerned. It may feel right that John is Roman and he may have raised her but she is not accepting him no matter what. She hates him and that will never change. John tells Sami that she needs to give it a chance but Sami says nothing he says can change it. Both her parents are dead and she will never call him her father so he may as well give it up. Belle tells Sami to give things a chance but Sami won't have it and tells Belle that her life is a mess and she doesn't have to listen to this. She runs out in tears. Austin and Lucas go after her as John and Belle look on wondering if they can ever unite together as a family. Belle says that mom is looking down on them and she will make sure of it but John isn't so sure it will happen. -Greta sees that everyone else is busy talking to others so she decides to leave and check up on everyone later. Meanwhile, Nicole is worried about Eric and wonder where he is. Greta decides to use the women's room first. She is walking when she comes across Eric's lifeless body on the ground. She tries to get him to wake up and is about to call for help when Eric grabs her hand and tells her not to say a word or tell anyone. Greta is confused and wants to know what is going on as the screen fades to black and the credits roll. On the Next Days... Victor to Philip (with Maggie by his side): I am so sorry son...so sorry. Billie to Chelsea: What is going on Chelsea? Whatever you are up to you better tell us right now!! Kayla: Yes, I need to make an arrangement to visit a prisoner of yours...his name is Patrick Lockhart. Nicole: I wonder where Eric is. Greta to Eric: What are you hiding? Roman to Kate: You need to stay away from me...I may be dangerous. John to Sami: Are you really angry with me or yourself? Come on Samantha, let's lay all the cards on the table right now.
-Mimi goes to visit Patrick in jail. Mimi tells Patrick that their mother's body was cremated today and she scattered the ashes in the wooded area outside of Alice's bar per her instructions. Patrick regrets what happened but Mimi tells him it wasn't his fault. Patrick says he has made alot of mistakes and is looking to rectify them but he needs to get out of jail first. Mimi asks if he is planning a breakout. Patrick just says that he may be out very soon so he can make up for his past. Mimi is worried but Patrick assures her. Patrick learns he is being transferred and wonders if he missed his chance to have Kayla help him. He also asks Mimi about who was at the memorial service. Mimi says just some stragglers from the Lockhart family. Their father never shows up and Connor is with their cousin Maddie. Mimi says Rex came with her. Patrick asks what is going in there. Mimi says he was just there for moral support and as a friend of Bonnie's and her's but she thinks he is leaning towards getting back together with her, which is good since she was just served with divorce papers. Patrick apologizes but Mimi says she thinks this may all be meant to be. Maybe rex and her belong together. She just hopes Cassie doesn't do something as she followed Rex to the memorial service and tried to get him to leave. Mimi is asked to leave by the guard as Patrick is being moved. Mimi and Patrick hug and they both hope to see each other soon. Mimi leaves as Patrick wonders if Kayla will make it there to talk to him before he leaves. -Julie, Doug, and Alice arrive at Maggie's. They want to be there for her and help her through everything. Julie asks if Alice is strong enough. Alice says she is at peace knowing her son died a hero and is now with his father and other family members looking down on them. She is sure Tom is looking out for him. They knock on their door and get no answer. They worry that something happened so they use the key Maggie gave to them and open the door to find Maggie and Victor on the couch in each other's arms sleeping. Julie quickly wakes them both up and thinks the worst. Maggie says Victor was comforting her and they must have fell asleep. They were talking about Mickey and it was really helping her relax. She says Victor did nothing wrong and that nothing happened. Julie, Doug, and Alice are relieved. Victor thinks he should go but Maggie tells him to stay. Julie insists he stays for breakfast as Doug and her have some coffee and pastries. Victor agrees. Julie pulls Victor aside and remembers their relationship years ago and how he treated her. Victor says she was a pain in the neck but so was he. Julie agrees and says they had alot of fun and she really enjoyed him. Victor feels the same. Julie thanks him for being there for her aunt. Victor says she has become a good friend and has been there for him. They have saved each other's lives and they share a strong bond. Julie says she can see Victor cares for Maggie and is glad she has him to get through this. She asks about Caroline but Victor says it is best they don't discuss her. Doug, Julie, Alice, and Maggie reminisce about Mickey. Alice tells Maggie that Sarah and Melissa need to called and told about the arrangements and about their father. She asks Maggie if she can do it because someone else would be happy too. Maggie isn't sure she is strong enough but Victor encoruages her since it should come from her. Maggie says that Mickey would want her to be the one to do it so she decides to do it. Victor, Alice, Doug, and Julie watch as Maggie calls Melissa. She cries as she tells her about Mickey. She then calls Sarah and barely makes it through the call before Julie picks it up and continues to conversation. Victor races over to Maggie and embraces her, He congradulates her on getting through the calls and being strong. Maggie says she doesn't know how she is going to go on. Julie, Doug, and Alice look on and are very worried about her. -Jack, Abby, Frankie, and Billie enjoy breakfast. Jack thanks Billie again for staying and for help. Jack and Abby thank Frankie too. They hear Jack Jr crying. Jack decides that he needs to tell JJ the truth. He needs to know his mommy won't be with them anymore. Abby agrees to be right there with him. They go upstairs as Billie and Frankie follow for moral support. Jack picks up JJ and he stops crying. Jack sits down in a chair with Abby by his side. Jack: Hey there little Jack. JJ smiles. Jack: Big Jack has something to tell you. You must be wondering what is going on right now since everyone is so sad. I know you are probably thinking to yourself where that gorgeous mommy of yours is too. Well, junior, your old man has something he needs to tell you. Your mom...your mother is not going to be with us anymore. She had to go be with the angels in heaven. She is going to be looking down on us though and making sure we take care of each other and do all those things moms make you do. You know what I mean...eat the veggies, going to bed on time, etc. The things they always nag you about but the very things that make them special. You had a good mother there and I am going to be sure that you know everything there was to know about her. From that beautiful smile to her angelic hair to her being the only woman to give a guy like me a chance. I am also going to make a promise to you and your sister here. I am going to be the best dam...I mean darn dad I can be. I made a promise to your mother and I intend to keep it. I will do my best and I will make it my goal not to fail. Abby: You won't dad. You already are the best dad in the world and I love you. JJ loves you too. I will tell you anything you need to know about our mom JJ. She was the best mom anyone can have and it is a shame you won't have the memories I have with you but we will all make some new memories together. Mom wouldn't want us to mourn her and be sad. She would want us to get through this and be happy. That is who mom was-the most unselfish woman you will ever know. Jack and Abby hug JJ and each other as Billie and Frankie watch with tears in their eyes. Billie: How will they ever get through this? Frankie: If anyone can do it, it's Jack and Abby. Besides, Jennifer had fate in him and obviously a higher power did. Jack always wanted to prove himself to Jennifer...to always prove himself worthy of her love so you know he is going to try to do that again here. He wants to show her he can live up to his promise to her. Billie: Your right but he will need all of us to help him. Frankie: And we will help them. All of us together. Jennifer would want that. Jack comes over and thanks Billie and Frankie again for everything. Billie says they will be there for them and that they can all move on and look too the future together-Jennifer would want that. Jack agrees. They all go downstairs to finish breakfast. -Greta and Chelsea both arrive at the hospital to get their DNA results. They end up meeting with each other. They nervously await the results. One nurse comes out with a envelope for Greta first. She opens it as Chelsea is just getting her results. Greta learns that it is true-Victor is her father. Chelsea learns that Hope is her mother for sure. Greta overhear and tells Chelsea she needs to tell Hope, Bo, and Billie. Chelsea says they have so much to deal with right now it is best not to right away. Chelsea asks Greta about her results but she prefers to keep them silent until she figures out what she is going to do. They make a pact to tell no one about the DNA tests and, in Chelsea's case, the results. Greta wonders if she should tell Victor as Chelsea decides that Greta is right. She remembers what Hope and her went through on the island and she decides that she needs to know. She heads for the police station to find Hope. -Kayla arrives and see Patrick being dragged away. He says he is being tranferred and it is too late for them to talk. He tells Kayla that there is information she can get from him that only he can tell her. Kayla is intrigued as Patrick gets dragged away. Caroline arrives and is worried about the whole Roman situation. Kayla says it will be fine. Caroline sees Kayla is distracted and asks what is going on. Kayla says it is nothing. Roman arrives and admits he is worried. Caroline, Bo, Kayla, Max, Abe, Kate, and Shane all tell him he will still be the same amn he always was-a man of dignity and respect. They will all still be there for him no matter what the result just like they have always been there for John even though he isn't a Brady. Of course, they will welcome John if he is Roman so they will both be ok. He thanks them all for being there. Rex and Cassie arrive too for support as they still care about him and Kate. Roman thanks them. Kate says he always saw the good in her and gave her a chance so the least she could so is be there for him. He thanks her and everyone else for their support. -Cassie lashes out at Rex for being with Mimi at Bonnie's service. Rex says he liked Bonnie and he still cares for Mimi so he had to go. Shawn and Belle arrive. Belle and Shawn agree to put off their situation right now given everything that is going on. Mimi arrives to support the Brady's. Cassie gets jealous when Rex can't stop staring at her. Belle and Shawn thank Mimi for coming and give condolences concerning her mother. She thanks them. -Hope arrives and Bo asks her when they are going to talk about their relationship. Hope says with everything going on it is not a good time. She walks away from Bo. -Eric and Nicole arrive with Sami, Austin, and Lucas. Austin and Lucas ask Roman about the search for Carrie. He says there are no updates. Roman tells Sami and Eric he will always care about them no matter what. They agree. Lucas and Austin ask Sami what she will do if John is her father as Nicole asks Eric the same. Sami says she will never accept that as Eric says they will have to. John overhears and reminds Sami about her saying it felt right that he was her father. Sami says it may feel right but, if it is true, she will never accept it. Austin and Lucas wonder what will happen if it's true. They worry about Sami's reaction. -Caroline tells John that no matter what he has always been a Brady so if he turns out to be one he will be welcomed. Caroline tells Roman that nothing will change for him as he will always be a Brady no matter what. Nothing will change on either end but the same. Everyone agrees except Sami. John and Roman are touched. -Belle reassures her father that everything will be ok as mom is watching over them. John agrees. -Shane and Abe announce they have the results of the DNA test. John mentions how they went through this before and it showed he wasn't Roman but Shawn says this time they ran the test several times so this time will be true and, if the results are different from years ago, they will know the first test from years back was tampered with by Stefano to mess with the Brady's. Shane opens the envelope and is about to reveal who the real Roman is as the screen fades to black and the credits roll. On the Next Days... John: Well, Shane... Roman: Tell us!!! Am I the real Roman Brady? Chelsea (to Bo, Hope, and Billie): There is something you all need to know. Greta: It's time Victor learned he has another daughter. Maggie (to Victor): I need you and you need me. I am not leaving your side just like you haven't left mine.
-Eric tells Nicole she is overreacting and that he is hiding nothing. Nicole wants him to see a doctor at the least. Eric reluctantly agrees. He tells Nicole he needs her and thanks her for everything she is doing for him. She goes to take a shower and tells him to join her. He says ina minute. While along, Eric calls someone and tells them he got their message. He says things are getting worse and it is getting harder to hide it from everyone. No one can find out what is really going on and he tells the person to send him something or direct him to something to take care of the matter. Eric is frustrated and seems not to like what is being said. He hangs up and is determined to hide the truth. he gets a headache as he prepares to join Nicole in the shower but it passes and he joins her anyway. They kiss and then make love. -Rex and Cassie are still getting over the fact that they are Tony and Marlena's children. Cassie is excited that she is a Dimera again but loved the Brady's. Rex says he doesn't plan to change his current lifestyle at all-he loves living the way he is. -Roman comforts Kate about the news Rex and Cassie aren't theirs. Kate says Roman is a good man and that if he really isn't Roman, nothing will change. He will always be a good man no matter what. Roman thanks her and reminds Kate they will always have a special bond with Cassie and Rex. John arrives and tells Roman he needs to talk to him. Kate says hello to him but John tells Kate he is no longer speaking with her. She betrayed their friendship when she messed with Belle and he can never forgive her for that. Kate explains she was only doing it for Philip and realizes it was wrong now. She has finally seen what her actions do to her children. John is happy about that and tells Kate maybe someday he can forgive her. He tells her not to worry as she still has her job and he hopes they can still work together peacefully. Kate agrees and see Victor and goes to talk to him. John tells Roman that no matter what happens he hopes that they can get along and that their family can unite during this difficult time. Roman takes offense to John calling it "their" family. John says that he hopes if he turns out not to be Roman that Roman will still let him have a relationship with Carrie, Eric, and Sami. Roman says he has always encouraged that. John tells Roman he will do the same for him if he turns out not to be the real Roman. Roman says he doesn't know what he will do if he isn't Roman. John says he felt the same way when he was revealed as an imposter. John says he will help Roman if that is the case and so will everyone else. -Victor is comforting Maggie. He tells her he isn't leaving her. Kate walks over and lets Victor have it for not seeing his son. Victor says he went there but could not bare to see Philip in that condition. He tells Kate he feels responsible for what happened. Kate says she feels responsible too but that doesn't stop her from seeing him. Victor says there is also the Ernesto connection as Ernesto is the one that kidnapped Philip and that is in addition to lying about Claire. Kate tells Victor that he needs to see Philip and she has never known Victor to be such coward. Maggie defends Victor and says he is a very strong man-he just needs to collect himself first before seeing Philip. Plus, he has been helping her. Maggie tells Victor to go see Philip but Victor says he will in his own time. Kate stares him down as John and Roman walk over. John says he is on his way to see Belle. Kate says she is going to the hospital too so they leave together. Roman wants to talk to Victor. He gives Victor another warning to stay away from his family and mother. He has done enough and his father's death is on his hands. Maggie defends Victor again and says he has enough to worry about. He is a good man and admitted he made a mistake. Maggie reminds Roman that Caroline is at fault too and it was Andre's plan that pushed the affair along. Roman is still angry and tells Maggie that she would be wise to stay away from Victor. He is poison. Maggie tells him to back off as Victor has been a kind, caring, good friend and a true comfort. She is a wreck right now and he has been there for her. Roman says it is her choice and reminds Victor of his warning as he leaves. Victor says that Roman is right but Maggie disagrees. Victor thanks Maggie for defending him. He walks her home. -Abby is in Jack Jr's room checking on him when Frankie walks in. He asks her why she is still up. She says that her mother always got up to check on JJ in the middle of the night so she will have to do it from now on. Frankie says that Abby is just like her mother. Abby begins to cry and says she misses her so much. Frankie says he does too and they hug. Frankie thanks Abby for being so accepting of him given his relationship with her mother. Abby realizes why her mother loved him and says he is a great guy and he can be around as long as he wants. They talk about Max and her. Frankie asks where it is going. Abby says they are friends and there is still Chelsea. Frankie tells Abby it would be ironic if Max and her got together given her mom and him. They laugh. Abby says she is going to try to be just like her mom and take care of things they way she would've. Frankie says that Jennifer is already proud. They turn off the lights and go to their rooms for bed. -Jack is downstairs looking through photo albums. Billie comes downstairs and says she isn't surprised to see him up. Jack is surprised Billie is there. Billie says she wanted to be there in case they needed her. She is sleeping in a chair in the kitchen. Jack says she didn't have to do that as she has done enough but Billie said she promised Jennifer she would watch over her family and Jack and her are friends. Jack thanks her again. Jack says he just sees her dying in front of him everytime he closes his eyes. Billie understands and they share memories of times with Jennifer. Billie has some flashbacks of spending time with Jennifer when they were closer friends. She regrets how their friendship soured but says she had loyalty to Hope as they are family and that played a big part in the decline of their friendship as Billie did some awful things to Bo and Hope. Jack says Jennifer always cared about her and always considered her a friend. Billie is happy about that and says that Jennifer always described Jack as the man that many women would shy away from but the man that when given a chance can be the best man and best husband in the world. Jack is touched. They look through some more photo albums and talk about Jennifer as Jack slowly drifts to sleep. Billie gets up and and picks the album up and tells Jack sweet dreams as she turns out the lights and leaves. -Victor brings Maggie home. She enters the house and is hit with more memories of Mickey. She breaks down again and Victor tells her she will get through this and he will help her. Maggie says she can't do it and being alone in the house just makes it harder as she sees Mickey everywhere and it so consumed with guilt. Victor knows the feeling. Maggie tells him to just leave as his son needs him. She has been a nuisance to him long enough. Victor says he isn't leaving. He tells Maggie he won't leave until she is asleep and tells her some rest will do her good. Maggie doesn't think she can sleep as she will just see Mickey in her dreams. Victor tells her to try so he puts on some music and Maggie hears a song that reminds her of Mickey. Victor and her talk about her life with Mickey. Maggie says he was one of a kind and she shares memories of her years with him. Victor says that is what he wanted with Caroline and now will never have. They talk about Mickey some more and, eventually, they both fall sleep in each other's arms as Victor is talking about Caroline in his sleep and Maggie about Mickey in her sleep. -Shawn and Belle are stunned that Claire is not his. Lexie confirms it and says that two nurses were researching Philip's medical history to treat him and saw that he shared a rare genetic marker with Claire. They ran a test to make sure and it checked out so Kate must have been wrong when she read that medical file. Philip is indeed Claire's father. Belle is upset and Shawn comforts her. Mimi thinks this means Shawn and her may still have a chance but she also thinks about Rex and how he was leaning towards wanting her back. Cassie and Rex overhear everything and Cassie sees that Rex looks a bit heartbroken since this could mean there is a chance for Mimi and Shawn. Cassie thinks it works well since they may keep Rex away from Mimi. She doesn't wish Mimi on anyone but at least she will be away from Rex. Kate and John arrive and learn the truth and are just as stunned. John comforts Belle. Belle says she feels bad to be leaning on him given everything going on but John says to just worry about what she is going through. John says everything works out for a reason and her mother is watching over her. Everything will work out. Belle says she wanted Shawn to be the father and now all her dreams are shattered. John says if Shawn really loves her and she loves him then they will be together no matter what. John just urges Belle to respect Philip and to be there for him through recovery and everything else. Belle says she will. -Rex and Cassie tell Lexie that they are really Tony and Marlena's children and it is confirmed, meaning they are related again. Lexie welcomes them back to the family. With Tony MIA and Stefano gone, Rex tells Lexie that the mansion is hers and given what happened with Abe and her it is available to her if she needs it. Rex says he won't be moving in and Cassie is not so sure. Lexie thanks them and says she will wait and see what happens. Lexie thinks about how being nice has gotten her nowhere and how embracing her Dimera heritage may be needed to help her fight for Theo and maybe even her marriage. She may need the Dimera name and power on her side. She doesn't want to lose everything like she did the last time she acted like a Dimera but figures she has nothing to lose. Anything that may save her marriage and help her keep her son is a necessary risk so Lexie decides to move into the Dimera mansion and thinks about finding Stefano and Tony in case she needs there help. -Kate goes in to see Philip and tells him he is Claire's father. She tells him he has something to fight for now and that he may be able to keep Belle now too. She tells him to fight and to not give up and that she is sorry for lying about Claire, and so is his father, not that it matters now. She begs him to fight to get better for his daughter and for his wife. -Mimi asks Shawn what this means for them. He says nothing as she still lied and his trust in her is broken. They can't go back and it wouldn't be right. Shawn says that she was right and that he does love Belle and should've never married her. He tells Mimi it is over and that he could see earlier that she still feels something for Rex. He thinks she should explore that as he is still filing for divorce. Mimi understands and begins to break down. Rex overhears and seems happy but Cassie is disgusted and vows to never let Mimi get Rex. Rex tries to comfort Mimi but he loses her as she runs out of the waiting area. He wonders if now that Mimi and Shawn are over he should give her another chance. -John leaves Belle to talk to Shawn, who wishes to speak with her. Belle asks Shawn what this all means for them. Shawn says he has alot of thinking to do and that he still plans to divorce Mimi as he still loves Belle. Belle thinks this is good news but then Shawn tells her that he isn't sure what he wants right now as so much has happened and so many have gotten hurt. He needs time to think and can't give an answer right now. Belle asks him if he is leaning in any which way in regards to them getting back together. Shawn says right now he isn't sure if him and Belle have a future at all. He leaves as Belle breaks down. John catches her and embraces her. He tells her everything will be ok as Belle cries that it won't be and that it never will be again as the screen fades to black and the credits roll. On the Next Days... Julie (walking into Maggie's house): Oh my God. Jack (looking at Jack Jr as Billie, Frankie, Max and Abby look on): Hey, little Jack. Big Jack has something to tell you...about your mommy. Chelsea: It's time to find out if Hope is my mother. Greta: If Victor is my father, he is in for one hell of a shock. Patrick to Kayla: There is something you need to know and you can only find out from me. Shane (looking at John, Roman, and all the Brady's who have gathered): We know have the proof we need to prove, without a shadow of a doubt, who the real Roman Brady is.
Announcer: "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE AS AMAZING AUGUST ROLLS ON!!! FIRST!!! Clip of Mimi, Belle, Shawn, and Lexie at the hospital. Mimi: Claire is not your daughter, Shawn. She is Philip's. Lexie: It's true. Announcer: A STUNNING REVELATION THAT CHANGES EVERYTHING!!! Belle: What does this mean for us and our future? Shawn: We may not have a future. Announcer: THEN!!! Clip of Greta and Chelsea at the hospital waiting. Announcer: TWO WOMEN GET THE ANSWERS THEY SEEK!!! Greta: Victor's my father. Chelsea: Oh my God!!! It is true!! Hope is my mother!!! Announcer: BUT THE QUESTION IS...WILL THEY SHARE THE NEWS? Clip of Greta looking at Victor. Greta: What do I do? Clip of Bo, Hope, and Billie waiting to hear from Chelsea. Bo: What is going on? Hope: What do you have to tell us Chelsea? Announcer: PLUS!!! Clip of Caroline, Eric, Nicole, Sami, Bo, Kayla, John, Roman, and Belle at the police station. Announcer: SALEM FINALLY LEARNS THE TRUTH ONCE AND FOR ALL!! Clip of John and Roman. Announcer: WILL THE REAL ROMAN BRADY PLEASE STAND UP!!!!?? AND NEXT WEEK!!! Clips of Kimberly Brady, Laura and Bill Horton, Mike Horton, and Chloe and Brady Black. Announcer: DON'T MISS A STAR-STUDDED WEEK FULL OF MEMORIES, REUNIONS, AND TEARS!!! SEE THE RETURN OF SOME OLD FRIENDS AND SAY GOODBYE TO 4 UNFORGETTABLE CHARACTERS!! A CAN'T MISS WEEK NEXT WEEK!!! "THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE DURING AN AMAZING AUGUST ON DAYS OF OUR LIVES!!! (NOTE: IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY READERS-PLEASE READ THE POST CONCERNING NEXT WEEK'S BIG FUNERAL EVENT THAT IS POSTED BELOW. YOU HAVE UNTIL WEDNESDAY AUGUST 9 TO POST YORU IDEAS FOR THE UNCASTED ROLES. MAKE SURE TO COMMENT!!!)
"THE WEEKS THAT CHANGE EVERYTHING" CONTINUE AS AMAZING AUGUST ROLLS ON!!! Week of August 7-11, 2006 Will it be a ROMAN holiday for Days' John? -Shawn tells Belle they may not have a future. -Kate hopes the truth about Claire will save Philip. -The Brady's gather to learn who is really Roman. -Mimi says goodbye to her mother and later gets another blow. -Rex makes a stunning decision. -Maggie faces reality...and her past. -Chelsea and Greta get the answers they need and make a pact. -Jack and Billie remember the past and look to the future. -Jack and Abby tell Jack Jr his mother is gone. -Patrick has Kayla's interests piqued. -Eric collapses. -Victor finally faces Philip. -Lexie makes a move that stuns Abe and Celeste. Red Letter Days!!! Tuesday August 8: Maggie finally calls Melissa and Sarah as Jack and Abby tell Jack Jr his mommy has gone to heaven. Wednesday August 9: Is John really Roman? Tune in for a MUST SEE EPISODE to find out!!! Friday August 11: Rex makes a huge decision. Meanwhile, Abe and Celeste are stunned by Lexie's big move. Next Week: Salem mourns Shawn Sr, Mickey, Jennifer, and Marlena. BE THERE FOR THE STAR STUDDED EVENT AS FACES FROM SALEM'S PAST RETURN FOR THIS HEARTBREAKING OCCASION!!! (NOTE: IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY READERS-PLEASE READ THE POST CONCERNING NEXT WEEK'S BIG FUNERAL EVENT THAT IS POSTED BELOW. YOU HAVE UNTIL WEDNESDAY AUGUST 9 TO POST YORU IDEAS FOR THE UNCASTED ROLES. MAKE SURE TO COMMENT!!!)
They are not separate funerals simply because I don't have two months to devote to them . Thay triple funeral was tacky but if you think about it these funerals should be done together unlike that one. Jennifer and Mickey are Horton's so the same people would come to both. Shawn Sr is a Brady and the Brady's and Horton's are close and Marlena was, and may still be a Brady since John may be Roman, and she is a close friend to the Horton's. The same people are going to be coming in and it would be impossible to keep a large canvas like that for the length it would take. I don't see this as tacky. I have actually heard of multiple funerals. Ok Drew so any casting ideas?
HUGE RETURNS FOR DAYS MULTIPLE FUNERAL!! Be there for the BIG Days Event From August 14 through August 18, many familiar faces will be stopping in to pay their respects to Shawn Brady Sr, Mickey Horton, Jennifer Horton Deveraux, and Marlena Evans Black. This event will be a great way to pay tribute to history and to get reaquainted with characters long gone by. Here is a list of the stars returning thus far: Jaime Lyn Bauer (Laura Horton) Roark Critchlow (Mike Horton) Marie Cheatham (Marie Horton) Lisa Trusel (Melissa Anderson) Pamela Roylance (Sandy Horton) Alli Brown (Sarah Horton) Jean Bruce Scott (Jessica Blake Fallon) Scott Palmer (Joshua Fallon) Stephen Schnetzer (Steven Olsen) Michael Leon (Pete Jannings) Jed Allen (Don Craig) Patsy Pease (Kimberly Brady) Kyle Lowder (Brady Black) Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe Black) The following roles have been recasted and will all first air during this special week: Shayna Rose (Stephanie Johnson) Kale Browne (Bill Horton) Larry Bryggman (Tommy Horton) The show is also asking for the fans to help in casting 6 more roles for this event. Those roles are: Jeremy Horton Spencer Olsen Andrew Donovon Jeannie Donovon Frank Evans Martha Evans Please note that the role if Molly Brady-Murphy, Shawn Brady Sr's previously mentioned sister and the mother of Colin Murphy, will not be cast at this time. However, she will be cast sometime in the future. "We have something in mind for her but we just aren't ready to introduce the character onto the canvas yet. We definitely see potential in bringing her on as some of the hints dropped by the previous regimes have proved intriguing so we plan to use all that. Fans will begin to learn more about Molly and what she is all about at the funeral," says executive producer Ned Yadroc. It should also be noted that the show plans to address the absence of Colin Murphy during the special week as well. Days is also proud to announce that the door is being left open for many of these characters to return at a later time. However, one of these characters will stay on after the funeral and will be a recurring player in story for the forseeable future. Stay tuned to see who. All these characters will attend the funeral services and reception, which will air from August 14-18, as previously mentioned. This week will also be pivotal to all the huge stories going on and will open doors to future stories. The returning characters will all be featured, although some more then others since there will be so many. "It was very hard to get people like Jed Allen and Patsy Pease. We will be writing Patsy's condition into story and she is fine with it. We are happy to have her. Lucky for us all these actors had some time available and were able to do this. These returns will be a real treat to long time and new fans alike," enthuses Yadroc. Once again to sum up the event, the funeral begins on the August 14 episode of Days and the event will play out until August 18. There will also be a reception too where fans will see these guests interact with current members of the cast. As previously mentioned, one character from the guest list will be remaining after this week for an unspecified period of time but the door will be kept open for the rest of the guests to return in the future. Days has taken steps to hint at a few possible stories during this event so that story possibilities are open for these characters. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS THIS STAR-STUDDED EVENT-IT'S ALL PART OF A AMAZING AUGUST ON DAYS OF OUR LIVES!!!! (Just post who you think would be best for the roles not cast in the comments section. I just am looking for reader interaction for fun. I am aware I did this same thing in my previous blog but this will be different and more large scale obviously with more deaths. You will have until Wednesday August 9 to voice your thoughts on these casting decisions. I look forward to your ideas!!!)
-Nicole and Eric are at their hotel room. Nicole asks Eric how long he plans to stay in Salem. Eric says indefinitely as his family is going through alot right now. Nicole asks how he feels about John being his father. Eric says it is a big deal but unlike his sister he has pretty much respected John and got along with him well for the last few years. It will be hard to get used to and he has never been John's biggest fan but he just wants to wait and see he really is Roman Brady first. Nicole asks Eric if there are other reason why he wants to stay in Salem. When he first returned and met her in Salem, he wanted to be with his family and with her. He said he needed that. Nicole wants to know what he meant. Eric says he was away for long and just wanted to return and start to settle down a bit. He had been doing alot of traveling with his photography and just wanted to be in one place for awhile. Nicole asks how long a while is as she has a career and left Highstyle in LA to be run by her staff. Eric understands and begs Nicole to stay with him. He needs her and this may be their last chance. Nicole tells Eric she will stay with him if she gets answers like the real story behind his returning to Salem and having her return with him and the real story behind the recurring headaches he keeps having and tries to cover up. Eric says she is overreacting but Nicole won't let it go and demands the truth right now or she is leaving and not coming back. If they are going to be together, they need to trust each other as that is what he always told her after all the mistakes she made. She wants the truth now as a nervous Eric struggles with what to say. -Greta wants to know what Chelsea is up to as she heard her say something about a DNA test and hiding it from everyone. Chelsea tries to cover but Greta won't let it go. She asks Chelsea what is going on. Chelsea is afraid to talk about it because she doesn't want it to come out. Greta says she knows Chelsea has had it tough and is rebellious and she would be willing to help her but she needs to know what it is. Greta explains she is going through a DNA test right now too and is keeping it private. Greta explains that now that she told Chelsea her secret plans Chelsea should tell her hers. Chelsea is reluctant but tells Greta what she learned on the island from Stefano. Hope may be her mother and her father is unknown. Chelsea says it was during her time as Gina. Greta says it makes sense and can see why Chelsea wants to prove it but thinks Chelsea needs to tell Bo, Hope, and Billie. Chelsea says she can't until she knows for sure and even then alot of people will get hurt. She needs to know for sure if it is true and then can decide as this will affect alot of lives and she needs to deal with it first. Greta says she will help her and she makes the arrangements for Chelsea to undergo a DNA test that will be kept private. Chelsea thanks her and offer to keep the fact that Greta is undergoing one too as long as she keeps her secret. Greta agrees but tells Chelsea she needs to tell Hope, Bo, and Billie if it turns out to be true. Chelsea agrees but when Greta leaves isn't so sure what she will do if it is true. -A distraught Kate meets Roman on the pier and they talk about all that has been happening. Roman expresses his frustration over not knowing if Carrie is dead or alive and over Marlena and Shawn Sr's death. His mother's affair really hit him hard and now the whole Roman thing has him confused. If he isn't Roman, who is he and what is he. Roman says he is nothing if he isn't Roman Brady. Kate comforts him and says no matter what she knows he is a good, kind, well-respected man. She knows this because he took a chance on loving her and saw something in her that she doesn't even see. Kate explains that Philip is in a coma and needs massive reconstructive surgery. She is also upset about Rex and Cassie not being theirs. Roman reminds Kate that hasn't been confirmed but Kate thinks it's true. Kate is upset and says she is losing three of her children-Rex, Cassie, and Philip. Roman tells her she will not lose Philip and Rex and Cassie will always hold a special place in their hearts. Kate tells Roman no matter what happens he will always hold a special place in her heart too. Roman is stunned and feels like he is seeing the Kate he fell in love with. Kate says what happened to Philip and seeing how hurt he was made her realize the consequences of her actions. Her interference has done nothing but hurt her children in the long run. Roman is happy she has said that and wonders if there is hope for her yet. Kate asks if Roman is talking about hope for the two of them. -Rex and Cassie argue over his getting close to Mimi again. Rex says that Mimi makes mistakes but so does everyone. Cassie reminds Rex that she just lied to Shawn just like she lied to him about the abortion. Rex says that Bonnie and Kate played a part too and that Mimi always makes mistakes while under pressure. As far as he is concerned, he can udnerstand what Mimi did as Belle still wanted Shawn and Mimi felt the need to keep the secret to protect Philip and all those involved from getting hurt. Cassie can't beleive he is defending Mimi. They are both told the DNA results are in-they are not Roman and Kate children. They are Tony and Marlena's. Rex and Cassie both call Roman and Kate and tell them the news. They all agree they will always be close and have a special bond with each other. Kate is upset and says she was proud to call them her children. Roman comforts her. -Victor comforts Maggie on the pier. Maggie sees that Victor is upset and asks what happened. He explains what is happening to Philip and how he feels responisble. Maggie says she feels the same way about what happened to Mickey. Victor says he feels bad too as he should went back right away for Mickey without hesistation. Maggie tells him not to blame himself as he is taking enough blame for Caroline and his affair. Victor says he would do anything for Caroline, even give her up all over again. Maggie admits that she feels like shutting herself off from the world but when she did that earlier she was overcome with guilt and memories of Mickey. She needs to call Sarah and Melissa and doesn't have the strength. Victor says she has it-he knows she does. Maggie thanks him for being there with everything going on in his life. Victor says he isn't going anywhere and he feels that Maggie and him became good friends during the island fiasco. He tells her what happened with Caroline. Maggie says she loves Caroline but she was stupid to turn away Victor's comfort. Seeing the way he is treating her right now, Maggie thinks Caroline is stupid to push Victor away in a time like this. Victor says he will always do what Caroline wishes no matter how much it hurts-he loves her more then anything. Maggie admires Victor and they embrace as Maggie thanks him again for being there. Victor says there is no place else he would want to be. -Belle leaves Philip's room and talks to Shawn. Shawn explains he is filing for a divorce from Mimi. Belle is excited as she thinks this means they will be together. Shawn reminds her that Philip is and should be her priority. Shawn tells Belle they won't be together until Philip is recovered and can handle divorce. Belle is happy that Shawn wants them to reunite but Shawn explains he never said that-he isn't sure what he is going to decide yet as alot has happened. Belle is dumbfounded. -Mimi is walking the halls of the hospital and hears two nurses talking to Lexie, who was not happy about coming in given the situation in her personal life but came in reluctantly since the nurses called her about Philip. They are talking about Philip and something in the records room. Lexie is shocked and explains that it can't be true. The nurses explain the records don't lie and that is why they ordered some tests since the figured it was only right to prove if there was some descrepancy or mistake. Lexie agrees it was a good idea and says this could change everything and give Philip something to hold onto. Mimi wonders what it is. -Belle explains to Shawn that they know Claire is theirs and once Philip is ok and they both get an annullent from Mimi and Philip they can be together. Shawn says he isn't sure yet as alot has happened and he has alot to think about. Belle explains that they have a daughter together and when Claire was beleived to be Philip's that was the one thing really keeping them apart. Now with Claire being her's with Shawn, they can be together no problem. Mimi then walks in after overhearing and says not necessarily. Belle and Shawn don't know what she means and just tell her to leave as they are done listening to her after all she has done. Mimi tells them both to shutup and says she has something important to tell them that may change everything and give Philip back his will to live. Belle and Shawn are confused. Mimi: Belle, Shawn. Not everything is what it seems. You see...I just heard some nurses and Lexie talking and they found something odd while researching Philip's medical record's and history. Claire's info was on the same page as they had yet to change it to reflect Shawn as the father so they were able to cross check both Philip and Claire's records since they were listed of the same family... Belle: What are you talking about? Mimi: I am talking about Claire, Belle. She is not Shawn's daugther. There was some sort of mistake. Claire is Philip's biological daughter!!! Belle: What?!!! NO!! That is impossible. Shawn: We just found out from you on the island that I was the father. Lexie enters with the nurses. Lexie: It's true. Mimi's right. Shawn is not Claire's father...Philip is. A stunned Belle and Shawn look on as Mimi wonders if maybe she still has a chance left with Shawn as the screen fades to black and the credits roll.
-Victor arrives at the hospital and sees the doctors trying to save Philip's life. Kate and Belle are begging him to live as Shawn, Rex, Mimi, and Cassie watch nearby. Victor can't bear to see his son like this and has recalls seeing the tape Ernesto made of Philip's reaction to all the lies involved with Claire's paternity. Victor blames all this on himself as it was Ernesto's hatred for him that resulted in Philip's kidnapping and he helped cover up Claire's paternity. Even if his son survives, he will hate him. The doctors manage to stabilize Philip but he has now clipped into a coma. He will need massive surgery to repair all the burn damage to his body and face. Victor leaves as he can't stand to see his son like that and feels that he shouldn't be there right now after his role in all of it. -Kate and Belle ask about Philip's chances and are told they are slim. They are devestated. Shawn leaves. Belle asks him to stay but Shawn says that her place is with her husband right now. They can focus on their relationship when Philip recovers. Kate thanks Shawn for his kindness. -Mimi comforts Rex, who still considers Philip a brother and a good friend. Cassie interupts and reminds Rex of what Mimi did to him. Rex lashes out at Cassie and tells her to mind her own business. That was the past and he has already forgiven Mimi for it. Mimi is stunned. Rex confesses that he never stopped loving or thinking about Mimi. He couldn't even stay angry with her. Mimi is touched. Rex asks Mimi if he can talk to his sister alone. Mimi leaves hopeful that she may have Rex back. Shawn overhears and comments on how quick she puts there marriage to bed. He tells her not to worry as he will be getting divorce papers in the morning. Mimi admits she never stopped loving Rex just like he never stopped loving Belle so maybe they weren't meant to last no matter what. Shawn leaves as Mimi begins to think about a second chance with Rex. -Greta sees Victor leaving the hospital while she waits for the results of her DNA test. She plans to tell Victor everything if it is confirmed he is her father. -Chelsea enters the records room and finds the computer already on. It appears someone was recently using it so Chelsea wonders if someone is soon coming back. On the page that is pulled up, it has medical information on Philip Kiriakis. Chelsea figures a nurse or doctor is probably looking for some info that may be of help in treating him. Chelsea is afraid to use the computer for fear of someone coming back and taking notice. At that moment, the knob begins to turn. Chelsea hides in the back of the room behind a file cabinet. A nurse enters with another nurse. She seems very upset and confused and admits that she can't understand what this means. The other nurse tells her to call Dr. Carver as she is Philip's primary doctor. They leave to call her but not before closing up the records page and putting it under password lock. Chelsea realizes she can't get in so she will need another way to find out about Hope being her mother and who her father may be. She sneaks out of the records room and returns the keys she stole to the nurses station. She turns around to find Max, who wants to know what she is up to. She asks why he isn't with Abby. He says Abby wanted to be with her family and he wanted to go look for her anyway. They haven't talked in a long time and he feels like they need to after the way they left things. He gently touches her arm and Chelsea has a flashback to her rape. She jumps away from Max as he asks her what is wrong. She hides her rape from him and tells him she has alot on her mind and alot to do. Max feels like she is pushing him away and he wants to know why. Chelsea says she just needs some time and space right now to deal with some stuff. Max is upset and agrees but warns he isn't waiting around forever for her. He leaves as Chelsea realizes she may pushing him even further into Abby's arms. She is also trying to think of a way to find out if Hope is her mother for sure and needs to think of a way to have a DNA test or check DNA without anyone knowing. Greta overhears and asks what Chelsea is up to. -John and Sami arrive at the penthouse. John can't beleive how different it feels without Marlena. Sami says that nothing is the same without her. John explains he asked Sami there because he wanted to talk to her before they get the DNA results as to if he is Roman. He knows that Eric will get used to him as Roman and Carrie too but he isn't so sure about Sami as she has hated him for most of her life. Sami says she doesn't want to discuss the matter as she doesn't beleive John is her father. John recalls her behavior on the island and how certain she felt about the info she found. John thinks Sami is only denying it now because it is close to being confirmed true and she is hoping it isn't. John also notes how Sami saved his life and now, after thinking about it, he beleives when she saved him she called him "daddy." Sami denies it but John can see it is true. John tells Sami that no matter what happens she has and will always be his daugther, just like he always felt Eric and Carrie were his. That will never change. Sami begins to tear up and says actions speak louder then words and John destroyed her family. John points out that if he is Roman that may as well negate everything as he was married to her mother. Sami is silent and then tells John she is leaving as she doesn't want to listen to this. They don't even know if it is true yet. As she leaves, John tells her that he isn't sure if he wants it to be true. On one hand, it may be like a gift from Marlena to help unite them as a family. On the other, that would mean so much of his life was a lie. Sami walks out. Outside the penthouse, Sami begins to cry and then vows that if John is her father she will never accept it no matter how right it feels to her. She doesn't care what anyone says. Meanwhile, John puts on a collection of Marlena's favorite songs and looks at a photo album of her. He stares at a picture of them at their second wedding and a single tear drops from his eye as he tells Marlena he will never find anyone else and will never forget her. -Maggie continues to lash out at the world and blame herself for Mickey's death. She is tempted by the liquor bottle in her hand. She looks at a picture of Mickey and asks for strength. She is nothing without him and is already losing control. Her hands begin to shake as she fights the urge to drink. She gets frustrated and tosses the bottle at the wall, shattering it. She realizes she needs to get out of the house before she goes insane but she also doesn't want to deal with the world and all their condolences and what not. She looks at all the pictures and then has a series of flashbacks of Mickey and her. She realizes she needs to get out of the house and leaves. -Victor sees the lights on in the Brady Pub. He knocks and Caroline answers. Caroline tells him that he shouldn't be there. Victor says no matter what she or here family says he is going to be there for her. She lost her husband and she needs someone to be there for her. Caroline says she has her family and they agreed to let this go if she stayed away from him. She can't be seen with him-all it will do is cause further pain and heartache. Their relationship already killed her husband so she can't afford to do anymore damage. Victor reminds Caroline that Shawn Sr was also upset about Rex and Cassie and the Roman situation so it is unfair to pin this all on their affair. Caroline says that their affair was what put it over the top and given his health it was bound to kill him. She blames herself and feels guilty that she is letting Victor take the majority of the blame. Victor says he will do anything for her. Caroline tells him if he ever loved her and if he means what he says then he needs to just stay away from her. They are through and they should never see each other. Victor doesn't understand but Caroline thinks it is for the best and begs Victor to obey his wish as he said he would do anything for her. Victor tells her that he loves her and always will and he wants to be there for her. Caroline tells him to leave and just stay out of her life. It is for the benefit of themselves and their their loved ones. A heartbroken Victor leaves but not before taking one last look at Caroline and telling her he loves her. He walks out and sees a distraught Maggie in tears walking by. Maggie and Victor both look at each other and can see the heartbreak in each other's eyes. They embrace each other as Victor tells her it's ok and that everything is going to be fine. Caroline watches from inside the Pub and tells Victor she loves him too and always will but it has to be this way. Maggie can use a friend too and Victor can be that friend-just as long as he stays away from her no matter how much it hurts. Caroline sees Maggie and Victor comforting each other and says goodbye to Victor while, outside, Victor quietly says goodbye to Caroline and that it just must've never been meant to be as the screen fades to black and the credits roll. On the Next Days... Victor to Maggie: I promise I'm not going anywhere. Greta to Chelsea: I may be able to help you but you need to tell me what is going on. Mimi (who is overhearing two nurses talking to Lexie) Oh my God. This changes everything!!! Belle to Shawn: We have a daughter together and that means we should be together. Mimi to Belle and Shawn: Not necessarily. Roman to Kate: If I'm not Roman Brady, I am nothing!!! Nicole to Eric: I want to know what is going on right now!!!
-Shawn tells Mimi they have no future after lies. He trusted her and she kept him away from his daughter. She played God with people's lives. Mimi apologizes and knows she did wrong. Shawn tells her she must have learned nothing from lying to Rex. He always thought of her as one of his best friends but now he is disgusted by the sight of her. He is filing for divorce. Mimi tells Shawn she understands but then lashes out at him for settling for her. She knows she was his second choice and that he would rather have Belle. Shawn admits it is true and he probably should have never married Mimi. It was wrong but he did love Mimi. He just never could get Belle out of his head or heart. They all made mistakes but Mimi made the biggest one. Belle overhears and steps in agreeing with Shawn. Belle says she wants nothing more to do with Mimi. Mimi is heartbroken that her friendship with Belle and marriage are over. Cassie walks in and takes pleasure in Mimi's pain. Mimi walks off. Belle wants to talk to Shawn about their future but Shawn wants to wait until everything with Philip plays out and until his divorce is final. Rex, who overheard everything, steps out and goes after Mimi. Cassie sees it and is disgusted that her brother is going after Mimi again. Rex goes on the hospital balcony to see Mimi. She is a emotional mess and says she only did it because she loved Shawn and was afraid of losing him. She already lost Rex and she should've learned from her mistakes but between her mother, Kate, and Belle pursuing Shawn she just couldn't resist. Rex understands and embraces her. Mimi asks why he is being so nice to her after what she did to him. Rex says he loves her and doesn't think he will ever stop. Mimi asks what this all means for them. Rex says he doesn't want to talk about it right now since he has so much to deal with. Cassie and him are undergoing tests to make sure they are really Tony and Marlena's children first and foremost. Mimi understands and agrees to be patient. -Belle and Shawn join Kate at Philip's bedside. Belle again vows to stick by Philip through his recovery at the very least. Philip then begins to go into convulsions. Mimi, Rex, and Cassie all rush in as Kate is told Philip has taken a turn for the worse. Shawn comforts Belle as Mimi comforts Rex, making Cassie angry. -Carrie wakes up in a cabin. A man is standing above her checking her out. He introduces himself as Dr. Hemmings. He says that her friend called him to the cabin to tend to her. He didn't want her to go to the hospital or clinic because he felt she was in danger. Carrie sees Alan come out and can't help but jump back. Dr. Hemmings asks what is going on but Alan says that Carrie and him only recently reconnected and they have alot of history. He tells Dr. Hemmings thanks and shows him out. Carrie is afraid to be alone with Alan but he explains that he doesn't plan to hurt her. He explains to Carrie that he managed to get her to shore after leaving the island. He knew whoever was behind the island plot was after her so he wanted to keep her safe. He managed to find this cabin and found a doctor to care for her. The baby and her are now fine as the bleeding has stopped. She just needs to stay in bed for a few days. Carrie cautiously thanks Alan but wonders why he is doing all this for her. He has saved her twice. Alan says he just wants to prove that he has changed. He is not a threat to her and he will prove that. He asks Carrie if he can get her anything. Carrie asks for some water. As she is drinking it, she asks Alan if he is going to take her back to Salem or to her friends and family. Alan says that as far as he knows her friends and family are still on that island. Carrie figured as much. Alan says it is best that they both lay low as they may be in danger from those behind the island mess. Carrie agrees but wishes to go back to Salem. Alan says he will take her back in a few days-once she is fully recovered. For the time being, he will take care of her and also prove that he has changed to her. Carrie, still afraid, wonders if Alan is really putting on an act. -Austin and Lucas arrive at the police station. Sami fills them in on the Roman situation. Austin and Lucas tell Roman, John, Abe, Bo, Shane, Eric, Nicole, Caroline, and Kayla that they feel Carrie may be still alive. Someone could've taken her off the island or may have her in their care. Shane and Abe agree to launch a massive search both nationally and internationally. Austin has a flashback to sleeping with Carrie when Lucas expresses his desire to find Carrie and his unborn baby. Sami asks what Austin is hiding but he covers it up. Everyone else can't wait for the Roman situation to be resolved. Roman and John are told that the results of the test won't be in for at least a day. They all decide to go home. Sami leaves with Austin and Lucas, who reluctantly agree to go home and let the police handle the search for Carrie. Sami has a fantasy about John being her father and still can't understand why she feels so right about it. John overhears and says that it may be because she always knew. Sami agrees. John asks Sami to come to the penthouse with him. He feels they need to talk. Sami reluctantly agrees. -Roman confides in Caroline his fears that he may not be the real Roman. Caroline assures him to wait until they get confirmation. No matter what she will always love him like a son. Kayla agrees. Caroline asks Bo, Kayla, Eric, and Roman if they forgive her for her affair. They all, but Bo, agree that as long as she stays away from Victor then everything will be fine. They understand she was manipulated by both Andre and Victor, who never got over her. Bo tries to defend Victor but stays out of it. Caroline is about to speak up and take some blame off Victor to but she backs off as well deciding maybe it is best for her family if Victor gets all the blame, even if it is unfair to him. Caroline goes back to the pub as Roman goes home and Bo goes to Jennifer's to see Hope. -Kayla is about to leave. She sees Patrick being fingerprinted and booked. She walks by him and says she feels bad for him. She heard many things about how he saved the lives of everyone on the island they first time and how he delivered Jennifer's baby and saved Hope. Kayla asks him how his life went so wrong. Patrick says it was the Dimera's plain and simple. He knew it was a mistake to get involved with them but he needed the money and they knew about something he did that destroyed many lives. Kayla says that he may still be able to make up for what he did as she sees that he feels bad about whatever it was. Patrick doesn't understand why Kayla is being so nice to him. Kayla says she knows he isn't all bad since he saved the lives of many of her family and friends. He made mistakes and will now pay for them but she thinks there is time for redemption. Patrick thanks her and says maybe he will start now by telling all he knows about the Dimera's and their secrets. Kayla thinks that is a start. Patrick says maybe he will also admit the truth about the thing he did that got him into this whole mess. Kayla thinks that is a good idea to. Patrick is being dragged away and says that he needs to talk to her again. Kayla asks why. Patrick tells her to come and see him tomarrow. They have something to discuss. Kayla is puzzled by this and wonders what is going on. -Eric gets another headache. Nicole tells him to take some aspirin or to at least go get checked out. Eric jumps down her throat and tells her to back off. Nicole wonders what is going on. -Greta goes to the hospital asking to speak with the DNA lab. She asks them if they can do a DNA test for her and keep it private. Chelsea arrives there too but doesn't want anyone to know what she is doing. She recalls how Sami broke into the hospital records room several times so she decides to do that. Chelsea also recalls what she did to Bo and Hope through email and says she should be able to access what she needs from the hospital computer too due to her skills. She manages to steal the master key set from the nurses' station and gets into the room. -Hope helps Doug, Julie, and Alice grieve the deaths of Mickey and Jennifer, as well as all the other island casualities. Billie comforts Jack and Frankie. Billie vows to be there for them as Jack and Frankie vow to be there for each other as it is what Jennifer would want. Abby takes jack Jr upstairs. Jack wants to try to tell Jack Jr about his mother but Abby and Billie both think he should wait since it may be too soon for him. Hope and Billi talk in a corner about how they need to be there for everyone. Hope sees that Billie cares a great deal about Jack and she tells Billie to do whatever she can. Billie says she will. Bo arrives and is stunned when Hope completely ignores him. Billie tells Bo to let Hope have her space. Hope asks Victor again why he is staying away from Philip. He should be at the hospital. Victor tells Hope he has his reasons and walks off. Bo tells Hope to lay off of Victor, which causes more tension when Bo says Hope told him to stay out of his parents' business when everyone got on Victor for the affair. Hope tells everyone she is going home. Alice, Doug, and Julie leave too and tell Jack, Frankie, and Abby to call if they need anything. Hope, Alice, Doug, and Julie tell Maggie the same. Alice tells Maggie to come home with her as she should not be alone but Maggie says she needs to be at home and close to Mickey. They all leave as Bo follows. he asks Hope when they are going to talk. Hope tells him she will call him when she is ready. Bo is getting impatient and wonders if he has lost Hope already. Abby tells Max he can leave. He doesn't want to but Abby insists that she needs to be with her dad right now. She thanks him for everything. She kisses him on the cheek and he leaves. -Billie tells Jack, Frankie, and Abby they need to get some sleep. They all can't sleep and recall how whenever someone couldn't sleep Jennifer would find a movie and make a snack for them and herself. Jack said it happened alot as they Jen and him would be so wired after drinking so much coffee to stay up and finish a story. Billie sneaks off and comes back with popcorn, some drinks, and tells them to pick out a movie. Jack thanks Billie for everything and for being there. Frankie and Abby thank her too. They all curl up on the couch and prepare to watch. Billie and Frankie are about to leave but Jack urges them both to stay. Jack and Abby both agree that Jennifer would not want to kick Frankie out so this is his home and Billie should stay too since she has been a wonderful friend. They both stay and all four sit on the couch and watch the movie. -Victor escorts Maggie home. Maggie tells him she needs to be alone and that he should go be with Philip. She wonders why he has not wanted to be with him anyway. Victor says he feels responsible because of Ernesto being involved and keeping the truth about Claire. He doesn't know if he can handle seeing Philip in bad shape and, if he wakes up, he may hate him for the rest of his life because of his lies concerning Claire. Maggie urges Victor to see his son just in case he doesn't make it. Otherwise, he may never forgive himself. Victor agrees to go see Philip. He tells Maggie to call if she needs anything. Maggie goes in her house and feels alone and empty inside. The house feels strange. Maggie looks at her mantle and of all the family pictures. She breaks down and crumples to the floor saying she doesn't think she can live anymore without Mickey. She just feels dead inside. He was her strength and he kept her from falling apart. Now she isn't sure how she will live or stay in control of her life. She feels responsible for his death as she wanted to stay on the island and, as a result, he stayed too. Plus, he saved her life and she should've never left him there when Victor dragged her away. She should've died with him so he wouldn't be alone. Maggie is angry with herself and throws a paper weight across the room. It hits a cabinet and manages to bust the cabinet door open. It is the cabinet that Mickey kept locked up because it had wine and some liquor in it for the guests they entertained. Only Mickey knew how to open it and Maggie was never tempted to find out how...until now. Maggie looks at the open cabinet and eyes the wine and liquor. Maggie says that her family is right-she can't die or leave them because they need her, especially Sarah and Melissa. She just can't deal with the pain and guilt and can't deal with it without Mickey unless something helps her. She picks up the liquor bottle and stares at it with great interest. She then looks at a picture of Mickey and recalls his words to always be strong and never give in to temptation. Maggie then looks at the bottle and contemplates a drink as the screen fades to black and the credits roll. On the Next Days... Victor (watching Kate and Belle urging Philip to survive): This is all my fault. Caroline to Victor: I don't want to see you. We are through. Maggie (as she throws a bottle across the room): I can't do this!!! I need you Mickey!!! I need you!! John to Sami (who has tears in her eyes): No matter what happens you are and always will be my daughter. Chelsea (in the records room as someone appears to be coming in): Oh my God...what am I going to do?
Thanks KR. I agree it isn't a bad choice. I have alot going on and I just thought it would be better with her gone. I love Dee and I do plan on using her but it may not be as Marlena. We shall see but I can promise everyone there will be no resurrections from the dead for awhile. Well, there will be one but you all kind of know about that already .
Yeah I know-I wanted it to be a heartbreaking stunner and I just hope it lived up to all the hype. Jen's death and Marlena's were the two episodes I hyped for weeks. They were hard decisions but I felt I needed to do this to move the show where I need it. Doesn't mean she is gone for good but she is gone for awhile.