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Posts posted by Khan

  1. 14 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I seriously think when Jagger was cast with a blonde guy someone on the internet/twitter/facebook was all "Dex is blonde too!  Obviously his son!" and it gained some traction for whatever reason.

    I think I've even heard Dex might be Jason's secret son, but I have no idea how that would be possible.  Maybe when SB left the first time or something?

    I’d sooner believe he was Lucky’s fraternal twin and that Luke sold him for a bottle of scotch and a home perm.

  2. 2 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    So, let's even say Dex started showing some signs of neurodivergence when Jagger was cast.  He hasn't at all.  

    I'd sooner believe Spinelli was Jagger's son than Dex.  And I know BA is like way too old, but I believe Spinelli is possibly autistic. 

    ICAM!  With everything!

  3. 9 minutes ago, John said:

    Well Given that Stone is 21. Nope Dex is older than 21/ 

    You know what you are, @John?  You're like that writer in the writers' room who brings up all the grammatical and spelling errors in the script at 3am, when all the rest of the room's concerned with is wrapping things up and going home.  I've no idea what your response about Dex and Stone's ages has to do with my post which you have quoted, or with anything else.

  4. 7 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    Exactly, people pointed that out on here several times.  I don't even know why that was a rumor.   Jagger even mentioned his son was autistic his first day back so there wasn't any uncertainty that the Nightshift storyline was erased.

    Right, but according to John...

    9 minutes ago, John said:

    Its a spectrum

    Not everyone who has Autism acts the same. 

    Granted, highly functioning autistic individuals do exist in society, but I think suggesting that Dex is himself autistic, without any prior indication, is a bridge too far for me.

  5. Gina Tognoni's like Candyman: say her name five times on a message board, she's bound to appear again somewhere.

    1 hour ago, carolineg said:

    I can agree about Jax.  I think he's more B tier, but there was a pretty brief, strong push for him to be a lead when MB left and he was Brenda's main love interest.  I think the investment was there after VM's 2003 departure, but once Jax tanked with Sam it was all over and he was just the default anti-Sonny guy.

    If not for the fact that his daughter remains on the canvas, it's almost as if Jasper Jacks and his family never existed.  Which is fine by me, lol!

  6. 7 hours ago, vanguard said:

    That secondary middle class black family is what I'm hoping for. The one whom Demarco OR Demetrius is part of. Better yet, let's have them both, as brothers.

    They're twins.  Demarco is a doctor, and Demetrius is a bouncer.  And Deniece, their kid sister, is following in their dad, Desmond's, footsteps by going to law school.

  7. 3 hours ago, Vee said:

    What an image. Franco just yeeting that toddler into the street like Sting.


    Wait a minute!  That's the kid who played Jack's son on "Will & Grace," lol!

    3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Even summarizing stories from that era feel like a fever dream.

    What was even the point of Franco back then, except to give James Franco license to mock soaps as an "artistic experiment"?

  8. 40 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    She was not in PC at the time so was he just hoping Abby would walk by an open construction site so a random worker could lose control of the crane at exactly the right time?

    Now that's what I call diabolical, lol!

    I still can't believe they killed someone (off-screen) by dropping a crane on them.  That's Monty Python-level absurd.

  9. 15 hours ago, carolineg said:

    At the risk of sounding like a HUGE Sonny defender, can he just quit?  I know Brenda made it sound nice and pretty, but does he have a successor if he retires?  Jason is currently out, so is it Brick lol?   I am sure he has enough money and all that, but could Sonny actually say ☮️ and move on without consequence?

    Mobsters can and do "retire" from the organization.  (They never call it "the mob" or "the Mafia").  And in Sonny's case, you could make the argument that he SHOULD retire, due to his mental health posing a challenge to the stability of his organization.  And you also could make the argument that he needs to be...eliminated for the very same reason.  But, my point is, even when mobsters retire from running their outfits, they're never truly out of them.  Many crime families have pension plans and 401k's for their retirees, which means the retirees still profit from the extorting of others.

    15 hours ago, carolineg said:

    At the risk of sounding like a HUGE Sonny defender, can he just quit?  I know Brenda made it sound nice and pretty, but does he have a successor if he retires?  Jason is currently out, so is it Brick lol?   I am sure he has enough money and all that, but could Sonny actually say ☮️ and move on without consequence?  

    I also have no idea what the "mob life" actually entails so I am just asking basically. 

    What does the "mob life" entail?  You name it: drugs, prostitution, bookmaking, racketeering and yes, even infiltrating unions.  Wherever mobsters see an angle they can exploit financially, they will; and they will say, in so many words, "You will use my men, my merchandise, my equipment, etc., to move what I tell you to move; and for every dollar you make, my organization gets x percentage.  And if you don't pay up...?  Well.  You've got a lovely business here.  I sure would hate to see something bad happen to it."  (Sound familiar?  It should, because not too long ago, we had someone in our WH make a very similar threat.)

    Remember Johnny Friendly in "On the Waterfront"?  He used the longshoremen's labor union to control the docks.  The men who handed out daily work assignments to the dockworkers had to use Friendly's men each day, "or else."  That practice placed Friendly in the crosshairs of the Waterfront Crime Commission, which meant that any of his men who chose to testify against him would face certain death.  It's witnessing one such death - and realizing the part he played in setting it up - that makes Terry Malloy (Brando) realize for the first time that the man he's been enforcing for is a "cheap, lousy, dirty, stinkin' mug!" (By the way, Friendly, by way of Terry's brother and his own right-hand man, also made Terry lose a pivotal boxing match years before, which is where the famous "I coulda been a contender" speech to Charley Malloy comes from).

    So, don't laugh too hard whenever you hear about Sonny, Jason and their "coffee importing/exporting business."  They could very well be importing and exporting coffee.  It's the methods they employ to import and export the stuff, while bullying and intimidating their competitors in order to have the advantage in their market, that makes them sociopaths and criminals.

    Two other, important points: 1) Theoretically, each "family" controls a neighborhood or section of a city or town, so "mob wars" are essentially turf wars, where one "family," sensing vulnerability in a rival organization, uses threats, intimidation and especially physical violence to seize control of the other family's territory; and 2) mob killings are Never. Personal.  Even GH can get that wrong sometimes.  When mobsters kill, or order someone to be killed, it's strictly business.  So, for example, if your spouse is beating the holy hell out of you, you're not gonna go to the local family and put out a hit on them, because that's not what they are in business for.  Even if your spouse works for the organization, the most they will do is talk to them and tell 'em to "knock it off," because if their spouse gets bold enough, they're gonna talk to the cops, and the cops are gonna start poking their noses where they don't belong. 

    As a matter of fact, there's a very famous story about a woman (whose name I'm blanking on atm) who helped bring down one such "family" after they refused to help her go after the hoods who attacked and raped her one evening in a store basement.


    14 hours ago, DRW50 said:


    There are probably more clips (I'm not sure) but I didn't want to clog the thread.

    Memories of first watching a decade ago is probably overhyping them, but I think Monty's era, at least in that period, was able to have a certain rawness in those moments to make the docks seem dangerous, whereas later on I just felt like they turned a fog machine on and put a few crates in the background.

    Wow!  Thanks, @DRW50, for finding it for me!  :)

    13 hours ago, Vee said:

    And I don't mind Natalia in theory, but in practice all she is doing is wandering around complaining, propping up her mediocre daughter (though Blaze was a bit better today) and now the classic dreaded chemistry test with Sonny. I'm open to the brother, open to better story, but I want to watch her make trouble and add drama and action, otherwise I don't need her here.

    Natalia could hire someone to "stalk" Blaze in order to increase her visibility (and drive a wedge between her daughter and Kristina).  In turn, that could be the catalyst for Kristina's losing the baby, as Blaze's stalker gets carried away and ends up putting Kristina in serious, mortal jeopardy.

  10. 7 minutes ago, ranger1rg said:

    It's a joke that these new writers can change everyone's job on the show, but can't change Sonny's.

    I thought the same thing this morning.  Not that it's a joke, per se, but that it's ironic how almost everyone on this show is changing professions except the two people who need to change their professions the most.

    If I didn't know any better, I'd swear that EK/PM were, in fact, making some kind of statement there, but that's being too cynical, lol.

  11. 24 minutes ago, Vee said:

    And his eyes are wild, possibly insane!

    Suddenly, I'm wondering whether Tobias actually exists, or whether Aiden's just stalking the poor lad, lol.

    11 minutes ago, Vee said:

    I'd love to get rid of Sonny. But I'm trying to think about the most realistic possibility, which is that MB is unlikely to leave this show unless it's off the air or he chooses to retire. So I'm working with what I consider a viable option. I would love to destroy the whole house of Corinthos and leave just a few of the kids behind.

    That said I think Sonny could run a legit business. He's had many opportunities. But as he told Brenda long ago, he does not want to.

    Oh, I absolutely agree with you.  The fact that MB remains popular, even as his character represents a lifestyle that is no longer seen as glamorous or envious to the average person, puts GH in the toughest of spots.  IOW, getting rid of him through whatever means is really the right thing to do but, for obvious reasons, they can't.

    That's why I struggle to embrace the good things that EK/PM have done thus far, because I just can't get past the fact that two of this show's leading characters are sociopathic criminals who (IMO) belong behind bars or in the ground. 

    Like Minnie Driver says in "Grosse Pointe Blank," there are things that you do not do in a civilized society, but men like Sonny Corinthos and Jason Morgan do many of those things.  In fact, they profit from them; and this show is asking me to gaf about them!?  I don't think so!

  12. 46 minutes ago, Vee said:

    To me the best option for Jason has always been one he is currently doing something similar to: He takes a deal c/o Scorpio and works for the WSB in conjunction with the PCPD in town or he goes to supermax and stays there. I highly doubt his situation with Wagger will last, but I sure wouldn't mind if it did.

    Sonny - he needs to have it all taken away [...] and end up tooting along with a cart in the back alleys for a bit lol. Then he can work himself back up to some sort of largely legit white collar business and become Brenda's conniving kept man, transition to sort of a skeezy Victor Newman patriarch focused on meddling in his children and wife's storylines. 

    Sonny Corinthos is like every other, real-life mobster: he could never run a business that was "largely legit" or "white collar."  If he could, he wouldn't be where he is atm.

    If Sonny were removed from the organization - and provided, he doesn't encounter any sort of threat, either from his enemies, or from his "employees," who fear his running to the government for protection - he'd go back to being what he was when he assumed control of Frank Smith's empire: a low-level hood, running a seedy strip joint, keeping "his girls" strung out on pills so they will do his bidding.  Even then, under those circumstances, he'd struggle to keep up, partly b/c the sex worker industry has changed, and partly b/c time and age have taken their toll on him; leading Sonny to the inevitable moment when he takes his own life rather than become a "wizened old man."

    If it were up to me, this current storyline with Pikeman would be the true Fall of the House of Corinthos, ending either with Sonny being murdered, or (reluctantly) agreeing to enter the Federal Witness Relocation Program - along with others who are in his family - in order to protect everyone from Pikeman, whose global reach likely exceeds that of Sonny and his "coffee empire."  (Would people like Dante, Sam, Michael, Willow, Kristina, etc. be furious at Sonny that they all have been placed in a position where they must leave behind their entire lives in PC and start over somewhere else, with new identities, in order to protect themselves and especially their children?  You bet!).

    And Jason, as Sonny's one-time right-hand man, would be left behind with the unenviable task of legitimizing his former boss' businesses, but that would be a constant struggle, as well as living with the ever-constant threat he could be walking one day, "and a car will slow beside you, and a door will open, and someone you know, maybe even trust, will get out of the car. And he will smile, a becoming smile. But he will leave open the door of the car and offer to give you a lift."

  13. I've always said there are only two options for Sonny and Jason: either they die, or they get out of the mob forever.  And even if they were to "go straight," as it were, they still are bound to face recriminations from others from within the criminal underworld out of fears that they'll turn state's evidence.

    1 hour ago, DRW50 said:

    The scenes of Paddy Kelly being stabbed are disturbing and almost feel like something that could happen in real life, with the atmosphere and dread. 

    Is that available on YT?  I haven't actually watched those scenes, but I'd like to very much!

  14. 8 minutes ago, Vee said:

    These dumbass 'walking in the park, oh it's you!' remotes have been going on since the mid-2000s tbh. It started out at GL and ATWT, then AMC and to a lesser extent OLTL picked them up, and now GH has been doing it a lot over the last few years.

    Yeah, I don't care for them either, especially when I personally don't know anyone who goes walking in the park like it's still 1900, lol.  You could accomplish the same goal just by having characters run into each other at the town diner and it would make more sense.

  15. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    Since Ron got axed I think FV has largely been running his fiefdom. I don't think it's about the network much at all. I never got the sense the network gave much of a shít what was running at that slot in these last 8 years so long as it turned a decent profit and was cheap - I think the show's weak, nonconfrontational storytelling, generic young white leads, Black C-story, zillions of cute kids and OLTL favorites/soap star cameos are all just Frank from top to bottom, trying to do the least in order to keep the show inoffensive and alive while also inserting all his preferences.

    Again, if that's Frank's goal, then he isn't aware that he's actually doing the opposite, keeping GH so inoffensive that he's boring the audience (which, as I've said countless times, is the worst sin you could commit in entertainment).

    But I say that out of total respect for him and for the pressures he obviously faces everyday at the show.

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