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Posts posted by Khan

  1. 1 minute ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    I am so so sorry. I just thought you were talking about GH. I myself have just posted ample criticism plus ridicule of RonC. Oh, crap. Well, at least now I know we are on the same page about DAYS. I have a new checklist I use when watching. Goes like this: Bored, bored, bored some more, wait here i something, ... no, it was nothing, bored, bored, angry, oh,, [!@#$%^&*]. And, boom, show's over! 

    Take a lesson from my recent past: THINK.  Before you POST.

  2. 5 minutes ago, DRW50 said:

    I don't feel like going through all the rest of that post but it was my mistake for being vague.

    You weren't being vague.  :) 

    And even if you had been talking about PM and/or EK, you are no less entitled to your opinion(s) about their work than anyone else here who has expressed their misgivings in recent weeks.  I'm a PM fan, and as much as I'm digging the show atm, I still believe there's room for improvement.  (And it starts with TRIMMING THE DAMN CAST.)

  3. 4 minutes ago, Contessa Donatella said:

    You really think this is substantiated? And, tell me once again, I'm pretty sure I remember the answer to this question. Your experience of the current show is seeing some clips & reading what others post. Right? So, if that is so, tell me why you think your opinion is an informed one? Make no mistake, I am not meaning any offense at all. I just think it's a valid question. 

    At any rate, I completely & totally disagree with your assessment of the new HW team. And, I watch every minute of every show & take notes while doing so & re-watch some shows. I have had conversations with Patrick Mulcahey & in none of anything he said about SFT, AW, TX, SB, GL was even one word the word of a hack or someone who does not love the genre dearly. I'm not saying he is perfect. Nor am I saying he's had a lot of experience as a HW. Because the facts are, he hasn't. But, a wrong attitude about the genre? No way, that dog won't hunt. That dog is not even gonna come out from under the porch. 

    He wasn't talking about Patrick Mulcahey (or Elizabeth Korte).

  4. 2 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    When Blaze used the word "queer" to describe herself, Natalia recoiled and literally said "Please don't use that word." And we're supposed to LIKE this character???

    I still don't understand the hesitancy on Natalia's part to embrace her daughter's sexuality.  If Natalia is opposed to Blaze being in a relationship with another female strictly on religious grounds, that's one thing.  But, IMO, she's also acting as if being queer will damage Blaze's career, which is pure lunacy in 2024.  Is Natalia hoping Blaze will cross over into the Gospel/Contemporary Christian market?


    3 hours ago, Vee said:

    Please start cutting, GH.

    This might be the only time in history that I have actively campaigned for LESS cast members on a show rather than MORE cast members or even NEW ones.  I love ya, GH, and everyone connected to you, but watching just one episode of you can be like watching "Too Many Cooks: Daytime Edition."

  5. 15 hours ago, Vee said:

    For all the dumb story and often bored or bad performances Tyler turned in off and on over the last 20 years though, he was Nikolas like no other and I wish he was here in the role. He was the real deal and could still deliver when he cared and was well.

    I agree.  No offense to Adam Huss, but for many, I think, TC always will be THE Nikolas Cassadine.

  6. 39 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    I don't know if it was the 1985 or 1990 departure, but Charlene Tilton once said that Lorimar wanted her to say that she left by her own choice but she wasn't down for that and said she was fired. I believe the 1990 departure was reported as lack of storyline but I say salary dump.

    I agree - and I would add "going after younger demographics," because it seems like, in just about every case, a veteran actress was getting replaced by another actress who was younger, less experienced and cheaper.

  7. For me, 1991 is the real head-scratcher. 

    I can justify Hubbard's loss in other years - some had more sensational storylines (rape, multiple personalities, etc.) or they had flashier reels; Helen Gallagher's might've been a pity win, since everyone knew RH was going down; and 1999 was basically a shitty year for lead actresses across the board - but how Finola Hughes won in a year when Hubbard, Barr, Cooper, and even Lucci had better material or gave more jaw-dropping performances...?  I mean, I'm sitting here, trying to think of something that FH did on GH that year that said "Emmy winning performance!," and I'm at a loss.  Mostly because GH itself was in such a sorry state, doing none of their actors any favors.

    And I'm not saying all that to diss Finola, because I like her a lot!  I'm just mystified to this day how she won on a such bum year for her, for her character and for her show.

  8. 1 hour ago, kalbir said:

    He mentions Linda Gray was let go the same time he was, but I always thought Linda left Spring 1989 by her own choice. Linda wrote in her book that when her contract was up she chose not to renew and just walked away.

    She might've written that in order to save face.  "I walked away" sounds better in that context than "I was pushed out."

  9. 15 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    watch he turns out to be Robert and Holly's son or something.

    I think I'd go in a different direction with Dex.  He says he comes from a (dysfunctional) family with two older, abusive brothers, and that he enlisted to get away from them.  But - and I haven't been watching again for very long, so I'm not 100% sure whether this would work - I would reveal that he is, in fact, an only child, who grew up in wealth and privilege, but who rejected that lifestyle when he became "of age" and struck out on his own.  You could even tie him and his family in with the Q's, saying, for example, that Tracy knew Dex's grandmother in finishing school or something.

  10. 21 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    The show probably has no idea where to go with Dex so keeping the family stuff in the back pocket can make him tied to someone on the show if necessary.

    I feel like it's the same sort of trick they did with Dev until the show decided he was useless.

    Isn't it interesting how you have two mysterious young men with similar-sounding names, save for one letter, both becoming Sonny's ward, and both ending up falling in love with Joss?

    20 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    Cuz Nina isn't a foolish choice. 

    Trust me: compared to Heather "My Hip Made Me Do It!" Webber, Nina Corinthos looks perfectly rational.

  11. 15 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    I have liked Sonny/Natalia so far. But she might want to watch out for Ava. 

    Look at the bright side: if Ava drives a wedge between Sonny and Natalia, then Natalia can fall back on her other jobs: momaging her daughter's "trailblazing" music career, and tending to crime scenes in her push-up bra.*


  12. 3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    To circle back from the Classic GH talk maybe Dex is actually Sly and he just didn't age at the same rate as Lucky🤷‍♀️

    One thing's for sure: I don't buy the story that Dex told Sonny about his life once upon a time.  He might be telling the truth about his military service overseas and why he was dishonorably discharged, but the other stuff, especially about his family, seems like something he manufactured in order to get in good with Sonny.

  13. 6 minutes ago, Taoboi said:

    But seriously...lol...yeah. No lingering feelings. No Get back together. Just stormed out. And left...right into hate sexing Nina. Shocking, but can't hate Drew for that. I mean didn't the last time Jason come back, Sonny and Carly immediately drop him, too? I wasn't regularly viewing then.

    I wasn't watching then either, so I don't know.  But I do feel like Drew should display more anger or angst over having to live in the shadow of a "twin" brother who's really a common criminal.  Drew should feel very resentful toward Jason's return, how that affects his status in town and so forth; and in turn, that jealousy should be propelling Drew to make some very foolish and life-changing decisions.

  14. 1 minute ago, Taoboi said:

    I still hollered in my head at the fact that as soon as Drew found out Jason was alive, he broke up with Carly and left with the quickness. 

    I'm still amazed at how quickly Store Brand Jason bailed.  I mean, no lingering feelings between the two of them, no playing "Will they get back together?" games with the audience.  It was just, "Peace out, girly!  Oh, hi, Nina, have some of my shirt!," lol.

    4 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I know they have established it over and over, but the question is why?  Starting from the days of Jason marginalizing and disregarding his entire relationship with Robin for Carly/Michael.  It has never really made sense.  It was just a thing we had to accept as viewers because he loved Carly and the kid and was keeping them safe from EVIL AJ.

    Yeah, even if that has been Jason's motivation at least, someone needs to remind Stone Cold that Michael is a grown ass man with a wife and kid of his own now, and that neither he nor his mom need protecting anymore.

  15. 9 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    But I do think it’s a character flaw/f.uck up Jason in particular needs to reminded of and haunt him for the rest of his existence. He caused damaged to his own kids in the name name of Carly and her kids, when he had a choice not to.

    I agree.  Nobody told Jason to go shoot guns and kill people for a mobster.  And just because he's brain-damaged, that doesn't let him off the hook either.  Actions carry consequences, and it's long past time for Jason Morgan to face some of his own.

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