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Posts posted by Toups

  1. OMG! I just finished watching Hollyoaks Later (I'm so behind, I still haven't watch the October episodes of Hollyoaks yet). Sarah's death! :o That was stunning to watch, especially the scene where Lydia and Zoe start running to Sarah....the cinematography and directing was just amazing. I figured Lydia was going to set up Zoe but her committing suicide (or trying to if she's not dead) in the shower was also shocking.

    I just love watching deaths of British soaps, they usually go all out and the location shoots really help. Death on American soaps are so lackluster.

    We start off with Story 1...the AShworhs.What turns into a fun week at a music festival turns into something more sinister.Emma Rigby was amazing in this and the drug characters really showed their dark side particully Kev.Someone i really liked was Imogen. The actress was terrific and showed a very dark character in a dark world.Blue annoyed me a lot thinking he was big while stuffing his face with dirty junk food.

    Yeah, this story was really dark. Emma and Andrew Moss totally rocked this story. I hope we'll see these characters (except Blue) on the regular show. They could spice up the show.

    Story 2 - The McQueens.This was funny and wonderful to watch.What turned into a fun trip to London turned into a chase to the altar.All the Mcqueens were golden as usual.Its a shame however that Jacqui never got Tony,however it would have been a nice twist.

    I liked the humour on this story. The Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out For a Hero" dream sequence was hilarious! :lol:

    Story 3 - The Wedding.This was great too.Darren was funny to watch and Cindy in her first wedding dress was stunning.Tony was great as always and Holly was cute too.Nicola Stapleton was great too and hope she returns.

    This story was also funny. Emma is the Snow White costume and the 7 Dwarfs music.......naked Tony with the pigs.

    I hope the show doesn't wait until the next (if there's one) to amp things up, because the past few months of the show was pretty boring.

  2. Last week, they tried to make the claim that "we're all minorities"...but the fact remains that Puck-Quinn-Finn-Rachel are front-burner, and among the teachers, Shuster and Sylvester are front burner...and each one of 'em is white.

    Well, Rachel and Puck are Jewish, so they're not exactly "white". And Ken's on a lot too who's Native American.

    Episode 1.8: "Mash-Up"

    Puck: When I woke up I knew it was more than a dream. It was a message from God. Rachel was a hot Jew and the good Lord wanted me to get into her pants.

    Sue: I hear people say, “That’s not how I define marriage.” Well to them I say, “Love knows no bounds.” Why can’t people marry dogs. I’m certainly not advocating intimacy with your pets. I for one think intimacy has no place in a marriage – walk in on my parents once, it was like seeing two walruses wrestling. So “wolf” on Prop-15, Ohio. And that’s how Sue sees it.

    Rod: I need a gal with a back-bone and I think you might just be that gal.

    Sue: Don’t you have a wife, Rod.

    Rod: She drowned. So now I’ve got the condo all to myself.

    Will: Your commitment to football is about as long as your pants.

    Kurt: Someone get me to a day spa, STAT! (They bring him to the girls washroom)

    Sue: I’ll need to see that set list for the sectionals after all. And I want it on my desk, warm from the laminator at 5pm. And if it is one minute late, I will go to the animal shelter and you a kitty cat. I will let you fall in love with that kitty cat, and then on some dark cold night I will steal away into your home and punch you in the face.

  3. Vicky becoming a vamp was a shocker. Great little twist.

    Agreed! I hope they show more of her as a rookie Vampire. I was disappointed in True Blood at how little they used Jessica - I wanted to see more of the vampire training.

    jp, you don't think Ian Somerhalder can act? To be fair, all he needs to do is act with his eyes and cheekbones but I still think he's pretty decent. He's a better bad guy than I would have thought after Young Americans and Lost (not that I watched the latter).

    He's way better here than "Lost" - maybe because Boone was pretty boring. But yeah, Ian totally rocks as Damon.

    Isn't the show shot in Georgia? The end credits on the CWTV.com episodes have a big old peach in them with "Shot on location in Georgia" above it. And plus, wasn't like...half of the cast arrested for flashing their tits in Georgia a few months ago?

    I thought it was Georgia too, and not Wilmington.

  4. Loved "Keep Holding On", "No Air", and "Ride With me."

    I think this may be the breakout show of the year...not necessarily in ratings, but in buzz!

    It's going to be even bigger once it airs after American Idol.

    Jane Lynch has got to get an Emmy nomination! Sue Sylvester is so awesome.

    And Mark, I see you already beat me with some of the quotes. LOL Is there a site where you got the quotes because I type them and I rather not have to if there's already a site. :)

    Episode 1.7: "Throwdown"

    Sue: I am going to create an environment that is so toxic, no one will want to be a part of that club. Like the time I sold my house to a nice young couple and I salted the earth in the backyard so that nothing living could grow there for a hundred years. You know why I did that? Because they tried to get me to pay their closing cost.

    Jacob: The independent polling company in my dockers has determined you’re the hottest girl in this school.

    Sue: Alright everybody, listen up. When you hear your name called, cross over to my side of this black shiny thing.

    Will: It’s called a piano, Sue.

    Sue: Santana, Wheels, Gay kid…..come on, move it! Asian, other Asian, Aretha, and Shaft. See Will, I don’t want to participate in a group that ignores the needs of minority students.

    Sue: Sometimes people ask me, “Sue, how come you’re so sensitive to minorities?” Well, I’ll tell you why, because I know first hand how hard it is to struggle as a minority in America today – I’m 1/16 Kamanchee Indian. In fact, I like minorities so much, I’m thinking of moving to California to be one.

    Sue: Let me break this down for you, okay. I empower my ‘Cheerios’ to be champions. Do they go onto college? I don’t know. I don’t care. Should they learn Spanish? Sure, if they want to become dishwashers and gardeners, but if they want to become bankers and lawyers, and captains of industry, the most important lesson they could possibly learn is how to do a round-off.

    Sue: This was a particularly interesting find from today’s round of locker checks. Are these your droopy whitey granny panties, Jacob? Are you an Eve who was born a Steve? Because if you are, I think there’s a special school that would better address your needs and I think that school’s in Thailand.

  5. I thought the guys' mashup of "Confessions, Part 2"/"It's My Life" was better than the girls' "Halo"/"Walking On Sunshine".

    Episode 1.6: "Vitamin D"

    Sue: Oh, it’s the same old song, wife puts on a couple extra pounds.

    Terri: I’m pregnant.

    Sue: Oh, that’s no excuse. I’ve always thought the desire to pro-create showed deep personal weakness. Me, I never wanted kids. Don’t have the time, don’t have the uterus.

    Puck: Dude, what’s wrong with you? Go see the nurse. Every day I say I have a headache – I sleep for 3 hours. I haven’t attended a math in class in 2 years.

    Ken: Well, I’ve been thinking. Maybe, that if you and I started seeing each other on the side, it might kind of cancel their thing out.

    Ken: Look at the two of us. You pregnant and me with psoriasis in one testicle that won’t descend. I don’t know who to feel more sorry for.

    Kurt: Though I’ve been grouped with the boys, my allegiance still remains with you ladies. They declined my offer to do their hair and cornrows and all my artistic decisions have been derided as to costly because they involved several varieties of exotic bird feathers.

    Ken (on bended knee): Look Emma, I know our relationship hasn’t been perfect. You won’t ride in my car, I can’t touch you above the wrist, remember you cried for an hour that one time elbow accidently brushed by your breast, but I think about you all day long. I kiss that picture of us at the state fair every night before I go to sleep. (takes out the ring box)

    Emma: Oh my God, Oh my God, this isn’t happening. This is a dream.

    Ken: Emma Pillsbury, this is not an engagement ring

    Emma: Oh thank goodness.

    Ken: No, I mean it is, but it’s more than that. It’s a promise. Look Emma, I know you have this thing about being clean. Now I can’t promise I will pick up my underwear or squeegee the shower door but I can promise to keep your life clean of sadness and loneliness and any other dark clouds that might flow into it. (opens the ring box) It’s cubic seconia. I know how affected you were by Blood Diamond. Emma Pillsbury, M&M, will you marry me?

    Terri: Do yourself a favor, honey, marry Ken Tanaka. Oh sure he’s dumb like sand and his fondu pot of nationalities is gonna open your kids up to a host of genetic diseases, but he’s kind. And he’s generous. And he’s available.

  6. Such a great and very unexpected twist at the end.

    ITA! Great ending - didn't see it coming.

    And the best part? Making fun of how stupid Twilight is! Hilarious and 100% correct.

    I love Caroline's line to Damon: "Why don't you sparkle?"

    That was funny. :lol:

    Caroline really grew on me in this episode.

    I was so glad she wasn't killed off. When Damon bit her I thought she was a goner for good this time. I fell for it again. LOL

    Bonnie OTOH? They need to do something big with her, because if every episode is going to be "Bonnie learns to switch out the lights with the power of her mind," it is going to be a lonnnnng, hard slog towards realizing her powers. Out of the supporting cast, she is not the most interesting and they need to work on that.

    Well, it's gotta be a slow build up! I don't mind if they take it slow. I would hate it if she discovered/mastered her powers by like episode 10.

    Cool seeing Susan Walters.

    She's still a MILF!

  7. Episode 1.5: "The Rhodes Not Taken"

    Jacob: Show me your bra.

    Rachel: You mean the one I’m wearing?

    Jacob: Quid-pro-quo, Rachel. You want a good review, show me your over the shoulder boulder holder.

    Rachel: No way, you can’t do that. My performance will stand on its own, besides no one reads the school paper, anyway.

    Jacob: Oh but, I’ll write scathing review online. You’ll be finished on the high school stage. Now get those sweater puppies out of their cashmere cage.

    Emma: A few years ago, I started an online flirtation with my high school flame, Andy. Things got weird and I called it off. And two months later, Versace was dead….dead.

    Emma: I just got back from the emergency room, had them give me four decontamination showers.

    Rachel: Ms. Sylvester, we need to talk. If you’d like me to return to the musical, changes need to be made.

    Sue: Well Rachel, I couldn’t agree with you more. You know when Sandy wanted to write himself into a scene as Cleopatra, I was aroused, then furious.

    I really like Kristin Chenoweth/Matthew Morrison's "Alone" and the Glee club's "Somebody To Love" renditions.

  8. I love that this show is so soapy: fake pregnancy, the father of baby is the best's friends, baby switch.

    The 4th episode was really good!

    Episode 1.4: "Preggers"

    Terri: Kendra, I have to tell you something. Will you promise to not tell anybody, not even Phil.

    Kendra: Oh my God, is the baby black? (Nip/Tuck shout out!!)

    Kurt: Hi, I’m Kurt Hammel and I”ll be auditioning for the role of kicker

    Ken: Can you do that with the game on the line and ten gorillas bearing down on you on nothing more than a taste of your sweet virgin blood?

    Kurt: Sounds like fun.

    Quinn: Think of the mail! Think of the mail!

    Quinn: You got me drunk on wine coolers and I felt fat that day.

    The Mumbai Air commercial! :lol:

    Ken: I’m down with it. Heck, what do we got to lose. We gave up our pride when we lost to that school for the deaf.

    Terri (gives the vitamins to Quinn): Here, 3 times a day or your baby will be ugly.

    Kurt’s dad: I’ve known since you were 3. All you wanted was sensible heels.

  9. Ian Somerhalder is pretty delicious as the evil brother. Literally just [!@#$%^&*] with the town for kicks. Though it seems underneath it all he desperately wants his brother standing side by side him [!@#$%^&*] up the world LOL

    The Damon/Stefan dynamic is so fun to watch (ie. the scene on the roof).

    And then there's the psychic chick. She'll be fun to watch for sure.

    So she's a witch, right? And she just doesn't know it.

  10. This show has so many one liners! I gotta watch it on the computer next time (instead of watching in on TV) so I can type up the dialogue. LOL

    Like last week's show about being lucky about having no gag reflexes. :lol:

    Or this week:

    - "Smell your arm pit......that is the smell of failure."

    - "I didn't even have to show any of my bosoms."

    - "We started doing it.....like once a week."

    - "He wore a corset to second period."

    Loved Acafellas' rendition of "Poison" and Mercedes' (Amber Riley voice rocks!) "Bust Your Windows" - Jazmine Sullivan must be so happy to have her song on the show because this is the first time I heard the song....and now I love it.

    Glad that Lea/Rachel will be singing in next week's episode. I love her voice. Her rendition of "Take a Bow" was so awesome.

  11. Toups, did you not see the show point out that ghastly ring ;)

    Ah, so that's what that was for. I think I got distracted for a couple of seconds there. LOL

    The BTVS vampires could be awake in the daylight, but they never went out in the sun.


    I LOVE all this Nina Dobrev love. I loved her since the first time she appeared on Degrassi. She was one of the few good newer characters they implemented the originals started leaving.

    I think the next three Degrassi girls who have a shot at a CW show (or joining an American show) could be Charlotte Arnold (Holly J), Samantha Munro (Anya) and Paula Brancati (Jane).

  12. I liked it. Nina Dobrev is gorgeous. :wub: Ian Somerhalder rocks as Damon - he was so enjoyable to watch. Such a contrast of his Lost character - Boone was so boring.

    Happy for the big ratings, so hopefully the show can maintain the good ratings.

    Question: How was Stefan able to walk around in the daylight? Same question goes for the Twilight vampires, and were the BTVS vampires "awake" during the day too? I guess there's a different mythologies when it comes to the sun - I thought that was a standard rule?

  13. Photos from the making of this year's Hollyoaks Babes calendar.


    I wish Jennifer Metcalfe hadn't lost so much weight.

    Yikes! You could see JM's ribs.

    I think those are safe for work, aside from a brief bit where Carley Stenson shows her bare back (she covers her breasts with her hands) while she's changing into another top.


    Carly has a great body!

  14. Toups, I think they're bringing big-bosomed Cheryl, Malachy's ex, back soon to try to fill the hottie quota.

    I'll pass on her.

    I'm going to miss Zoe. She was a very underrated character. She was never in any big stories but she always gave able support and made all her tales better. She also had chemistry with all her love interests, young and old, male and female.

    I'm going to miss her too.

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