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Posts posted by Toups

  1. Jamie Sale and David Pelletier 2002 Olympic Free Program:

    I'm not a figure skating fan, I just watch it during the Olympics, especially if Canadians are in contention for the gold. I remember watching the Sale/Pelletier program over and over whenever it aired on TV - and living in Canada, of course it was replayed all the time. LOL It was such so beautiful to watch and the awesome background music playing. Stupid French judge who was in cahoots with the Russians ruined what should've been gold for S/P and Canada. (yeah yeah...I know they/we eventually got the gold, but wasn't the same).

  2. Max, I don't think any of those fears are based in fact. it's just propoganda that the right wing puts out, because they are scared to death that poor people will get health care, and THEY will have to pay for it with higher taxes. that's what it all boils down to. And besides, the public option is GONE... has been for a while, what's the problem now? I have several friends who are natural born canadians, and they say that waiting lists for urgent surgeries is complete BS. There are waiting lists in a FEW places for things like hip replacements or other things that aren't life threatening... but do you honestly think people are having to wait months to have a cancerous tumor removed? Canadians would be in the streets with torches if that stuff was going on.

    Exactly!! Glad to see someone who understands our system and who knows better than to believe those people who try and scare people.

  3. The reasons why the American public is so opposed to government-run health care are two-fold: First, ordinary citizens will no longer be able to choose their doctors under a government run health plan.

    What do you mean choose their doctors? LOL

    Second, in the event that you need urgent surgery, you will be placed on a waiting list (and may have to wait over a year, even if you have a life threatening illness).

    You don't seriously believe that do you? That's a scare tactic politians use to, well, scare you. If you need urgent surgery, or something life threatning needs to be treated, you go "ahead" of the line. It's only when you have something that's not life threatning, you have to wait. It's called common sense.

    Because of these tremendous weaknesses, those Canadians who can afford it choose to go to the USA for treatment (if they are gravely ill).

    Yeah, that's a small percentage. Of course if you have the money, you can go to Europe, USA, Mexico, wherever.

  4. It's easy for people to get confused about health care, especially with scare tactics from the big pharma companies. The Democrats, in 1993 and today, seemed to have no idea how to sell this to the public. The loudest voices will always get attention and Democrats forgot that.

    It's so obvious the American gov't is run by big companies, whether they are big oil companies or big pharmaceutical companies - they do whatever they can do get more money into these businesses. If they think they're going to lose money, they will spend more money on scare tactics. I really hate scare tactics....and some people actually buy into it.

    This Martha Coakley apparently sat on a lead for months. She did not campaign (I believe she told the media she didn't want to be outside and freeze), she ran few ads. She did not define herself to voters. Meanwhile, the Republican was putting out bio ads and concentrating on letting people see his good looks. He also ran heavily on opposing health care.

    That's brutal.

    So what's the big issue about the health care bill? Can't people just think, like I do (LOL): "Okay, so I'll pay a little more in taxes that will help others in need of health care. But when I get sick or injured, that money eventually comes back to help me out." When I go see a doctor I just show my health care card and I don't pay anything out of my pocket right away. How is it possible that other countries are able to survive with universal health care.....but America can't? Come on. Universal health care needs to start somewhere and it's not going to be perfect, but you can slowly fix that. Just get it done now. Whenever I hear horror stories from Americans, I just shake my head.

  5. I don't know much about politics but Massachusetts should be ashamed of themselves. Massachusetts is suppose to be a liberal state, WTF happened?

    And now this seat has gone from being held by a gay rights champion to someone who thinks same-sex parenting is "not natural."

    Way to go Massachusetts! <_<

    I also don't know much about the American Health Care, but as a Canadian, it boggles my mind how a lot of people don't want universal health care. And now with Brown willing Mass. there's a good chance the health care bill won't get passed? That's horrible. When it comes to health care, I'm so glad I'm in Canada. I never want to get seriously injured in the States. If I'm in the US and I get hurt and it's not life threatening, someone's going to drive me back to Canada! I'll rather be in pain for a couple of hours than have to pay thousands of dollars in medicals bills. I just can't believe people can't get medical help because they can't pay for it. What kind of a world is that?

  6. Finally caught up on all the episodos, and yeah, the show is pretty bad/boring. There's nothing exciting about the show at all. About the flashforward, it's a who killed Calvin story?? Calvin? I find it hard to believe half the town will start to hate him enough to kill him! The show needs to hire better looking girls/women, there's not enough of them.

    Lucy Allen sucks.

  7. i will be shocked if anything on this is better than 3. i srsly think 3 is one of the greatest pop songs ever.

    Really? I love "3" but it's not even in my top 10 Britney songs.

    Blackout was by far her best album start to finish.

    We're both Britney fans but we have different tastes when it comes to her. LOL

  8. *prays it's better than Circus*

    I thought Circus was one of her best albums. It was a vast improvement over Blackout.

    B!tch releases a new album every quarter.

    1.5 years isn't too bad.

    How about the title — Sticky But Sweet?! :blink::rolleyes: It's supposed to be a "clever" Madonna rip-off, I presume... :rolleyes:

    That's the title? Don't like it.

  9. Episode 1.13: "Sectionals"

    Sue: Bring it on, William. I’m reasonably confident that you will be adding revenge to the long list of things you’re no good at - right next to being married, running a high school glee club and finding a hair style that doesn’t make you look like a lesbian.

    Brittany waving from the audience. :lol:

    Rachel: Okay guys there’s no point in us arguing anymore. We have to go on in an hour –

    Tina: And we have no songs.

    Artie: Perhaps I can improvise some of my Deaf Poetry Jams.

    Finn: Cool if I take my spot back?

    Jacob: I was just here because I was hoping to get into Rachel’s pants.

    Candace Dystra: Okay, I’m just going to come out and say it, this is a singing competition…..I don’t know how those deaf kids got in….they weren’t singing, they were like honking and everyone was crying and I was like ‘Get off the stage, you’re terrible and you’re making me super uncomfortable.’

    Rod: Now hold on just a second, Candy. Those Hable-Hurst kids twice had me reaching for my handkerchief and those Jane Adams girls had it going on it all the right places.

    The news of Glee not returning until APRIL is horrible.. is this a good move for FOX, overall? April just seems so late in the year. How many episodes can they get in?

    Yeah, April is really late for a full season that consists of 22-24 episodes. If they go to 22 episodes, they will finish in June, which doesn't make any sense. If they finish in May, it'll be 19 or 20 episodes probably.

  10. - It will cover the gamut of many storylines and be 2 cds.,,, the first one will be emotional and sympathetic and the 2nd one will be movement, tension and horror.

    - He also told me it will be like nothing you have heard... the way it is put together.

    Way cool!

    I hope it's mostly from pre-1997. I'm not a big fan of Brent Nelson and Ken Corday's 1997-Present crap.

  11. Matthew Morrison was really good in the scene where Will finally found out that Terri wasn't pregnant. And when Will ripped out the pregnany padding - a bit scary!

    Episode 1.12: "Mattress"

    Ken: We are not rescheduling. D.W.F. Hall is booked until June. The only reason this Saturday is available is cause it’s the one year anniversary of that grizzly fish fry shootout. I got a monster discount. We just gotta be out of there before the candle light vigil.

    All the clubs Rachel joined: Speech Club, Mock United Nations Club, Renaissance Club, Muslim Students Club, Black Student Union :lol:

    Sue: Am I asking for too much, Ohio Board of Statewide Holiday Planning? All I want is just one day a year where I’m not visually assaulted by uglies and fatties. Seriously, Ohio, these retinas need a day off. So here’s the dream, Friday after Christmas which I have off, if you’re hideous stay at home. Spend the entire day watching home videos of a time when you weren’t too repulsive for me to ever want to look at….and that’s how Sue sees it.

    Rod: Slammin’ Sue. We’ll be right back.

    Sue: Andrea, that Sue’s Corner I just did…I was talking about you.

    Sue: Well of course you didn’t, Will. You wouldn’t know if the Glee Club was using your office to breed rabbits for pets or for food.

    Sue (to a pregnant Quinn in the cheerleader outfit): It’s like looking at a porno star in a nun’s habit.

    Sue: Is there any reason you have a soiled mattress in your office, Will? Have you and the red-head have become so sexually depraved that you have to commit your craven acts of adultery in between classes?

  12. Yay! Jenna Ushkowitz/Tina got a solo. I lover her voice and thought she did a great job on "True Colors".

    The "Imagine" rendition was very sweet!

    Episode 1.11: "Hairography"

    Book title: “How to Raise A Baby On Five Dollars A Day” :lol:

    Kendra: Just take your vitamins, stay out of the hot tub and avoid rum based drinks and you’ll be fine.

    Rachel: Kurt, why did you volunteer to give me a new look?

    Kurt: One, I’m a sucker for makeovers. And two, you need something to distract from your horrible personality.

    Kendra: You got the beauty but I got the brains and the beauty.

    Quinn: What are you doing on Friday?

    Puck: Just the usual. Just going to stand outside the 7-11 and look depressed until someone offers to buy me beer.

    Will: Britney, take it away.

    Britney: Take what away?

    Britney: It’s like cool epilepsy.

    Kendra: I think this is the first time they have all been asleep at the same time…..What’s that smell?

    Quinn: Soap.

    Terri: You got them to take a bath???

    (Quinn nods)

    Kendra: What are you, an exorcist?

    Grace: Um, who do you think I am?

    Sue: That’s actually a good question because I forgotten both of your names.

  13. Episode 1.10: "Ballad"

    Will: Ballad. From middle English – ‘ballad’. Who knows what this word means?

    Britney: It’s a male duck.

    (Will and Rachel are singing “Endless Love” - awesome duet!)

    Kurt (in his head): I could totally sing this song to Finn. But screw him if he’s taking the Diana Ross part from me.

    Puck (in his head): I love the days when I don’t wear underwear…..full commando.

    Finn (in his head): I never noticed how nice Rachel’s butt is. Oh crap, I think Quinn knows I’m staring at it.

    As they sing, the looks Will kept giving Rachel and Will walking away when she tries to go near him. :lol:

    Quinn’s dad: Glenn Beck is almost on.

    Finn singing “I’ll Stand By You” to the sonogram on his computer. LMAO!!

    Finn: I have to go. They’ll think I’m pooping.

    Poor Quinn. (But the actress is not that good in dramatic scenes) The fallout of her parents finding out was pretty good.

    Finn’s mom and Kurt’s dad need to hook up!

    Terri making Rachel do housework. LOL!

    Pepper: Let me tell you a few things I learned from two years of intense psycho-therapy and an esophagus transplant, lesson number one: You and Schu – it won’t work.

    Rachel: What do you mean?

    Pepper: We’re not so different you and me. We’re both mildly attractive and extremely grating.

  14. Oh cool, Bryan Kirkwood is the new EP??! Sweet! I will definitely tune in to see what he does with EE. I guess I should start watching now in anticipation of BK's arrival. Santer is stepping down in February, and I'm assuming that's off screen.....so when will Santer's material end/BK's material start?

  15. Aw, I liked Lexi too. She added some fun-ness to Stefan.

    I liked the Stefan/Damon bonding in episode 1.9 - drinking together, playing darts and football. It was a really good Damon episode: the look in his eyes when Stefan told him he was the last person to see Katherine; and the look when medallion was destroyed; at the end of the episode, "Katherine never compelled(?) me. I knew everything every step of the way. It was real for me.....I'll leave now."

  16. Lots of emotional moments in this episode:

    - I really love Kurt's relationship with his father, how they stick up and look out for each other.

    - Tina confession to Arty

    - Sue reading to her sister (I totally thought she was using Becky too but even that would be kinda cruel for Sue, so I'm glad it was a fake out and that we learned more about Sue)

    - Puck wanting to do right by his "family"

    Episode 1.9: "Wheels"

    Principal Figgins: Shu, I saw all your kids in their wheelchairs and I was very impressed.

    Will: Well thank you, Principal Figgins, but actually it’s made me realize that there’s only one wheelchair entrance in the school and it’s all the way in the far end of campus. McKinley needs ramps.

    Sue: No way. Those are what I call lazy-makers. They discourage our able-bodies students from getting their proper exercise by using the stairs.

    Sue: Okay, let me break this down for you here. There comes a point when you got to stop seeing people for what they look like and ask them to show you what they can do. And as soon as a cheerleader rolls herself out onto the field in a wheelchair, she becomes decidedly less effective at cheering people up. It’s just a fact.

    Tina: How did it happen? You don’t talk about it.

    Arty: My mom and I got into a really bad car accident when I was 8. She was fine but I’ve been in the chair ever since. But I want to be very clear, I still have the use of my penis.

    Sandy: Is there a lot pain Noah?

    Puck: The doctor said the shark fractured my spinal cord.

    Sandy: This is why I don’t go to the aquarium.

    Sue: You think this is hard? Try auditioning for Baywatch and being told they’re going in another direction - that was hard.

  17. After this past Thursday's episode, I have to declare my love for Dr. Arizona Robbins!

    I started really liking her after episode 6.5 during the scene with Callie's father: "Most people think that I was named for the state but it's not true. I was named for a battleship -- the USS Arizona. My grandfather was serving on the Arizona when the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor and he saved 19 men before he drowned. Pretty much everthing my father did his whole life was about honoring that sacrifice. I was raised to be a good man in a storm. Raised to love my country, love my family and protect the things I love. When my father, Colonel Daniel Robbins of the United States Marine Corps, heard that I was lesbian, he said he only had one question. I was prepared for, "How fast can you get the hell out of my house?" but instead it was, "Are you still who I raised you to be?" My father believes in country the way you believe in God. And my father is not a man who bends, but he bent for me because I'm his daughter. I'm a good man in a storm. I love your daugther, and I protect the things I love. Not that I need to. She doesn't need it. She's strong and caring and honorable. And she's who you raised her to be."

    Now in episode 6.8 when she takes over the mother saying and doing the hand movements, "Bad dreams bad dreams go away good dreams good dreams here to stay," that's the moment where I fell in love with this character. And then she tops it off by saying, "I love you," to Callie at the end of the episode. What a fantastic Arizona episode!

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