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Posts posted by RavenWhitney

  1. I noticed in the Texas final episode credits the name of one of the script writers, Charles Edwards. I'm guessing it's Pam Long's then husband, Charles Jay Hammer who had played Max Dekker. Also wonder if Pam Long  and Jay Hammer wrote Texas during the 1981 writer's strike or maybe he wrote it as a non guild member during that time?

  2. On 6/8/2020 at 1:34 PM, kalbir said:

    I'm so used to seeing Jess Walton with big ass hair but she looks good here with the Diana hair. 


    Was this Prince Ali arc some type of 1980s Arabian Nights story? Really Capitol, you're trying to pass a White Australian with dark hair and a tan as Middle Eastern? Maybe in the 1980s daytime casting directors could get away with that nonsense.

    Going from Henry Slesar to James Lipton as head writer. Big mistake. Henry's version of Capitol was somewhat boring but he was finding his footing.  Lipton was all gimmick.  Conboy didn't know how to nurture and support a strong head writer.  He went through the Corringtons, Peggy O'Shea and Henry in a few short years.

  3. 7 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Something definitely happened behind the scenes at GL/P&G around 1994 that caused a lot of hurt feelings. Curlee never returned to writing again, and the ending of that experience left Mulcahey hurt. He continues to praise Curlee/Demorest as the best HW's he ever worked with alongside Doug Marland, so I don't think it had anything to do with his relationships with them, but the entire corporate culture of soaps (and P&G specifically) seemed to really tank around '94.

    While the whole story of Nancy's departure have never been revealed, it was said at the time it may have partially had to do with a pregnancy.  P&G did bring Stephen back to GL for several months. He then went on write for ATWT and AW in addition to OLTL and AMC.  Nancy later revealed that she worked for a year or more in 1995-96 as a story consultant for ABC soaps but left when she got pregnant again. She and I exchanged correspondence after GL was cancelled and she said she was offered a writing position at GH but declined because she wanted to raise the kids.  

  4. 1 hour ago, Soapsuds said:

    This is the episode that aired after today's classic YR episode.



    This was probably Marland's best year.  His 90s not so good.  Amazing to think back and realize that both Marland and Calhoun were gay although not officially out.  The beefcake was amazing during those years.

  5. 2 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    The episode is from the 1981 Writer's Strike. Wonder who ghost wrote it? 

    Maybe Millee Taggart who ended up after that period being named HW with Tom King (her partner at the time). Had Millee ever been listed in any writer credits before the 81 strike?  I always looked at new writer hires on the soaps after the strikes ended as they were likely the scab writers. i.e. in 1988 P&G hired nearly the entire crew of strike writers: Swajeski, Iacubuzio, Leahy, Nerissa Radel, Michael Zazlow and his wife Susan Hufford.


    Also wondered if they after drafted Don Hastings to write during the strike since he had been a soap writer in 50s and 60s.

  6. 23 hours ago, Khan said:

    If I've said this once, I've said it a million times: DAYS should have brought on Erika Slezak as Dr. Laura Horton.

    Agree. much closer to Flannery than Bauer. Never got the Bauer casting ...even tho I love the actress.  Erika needs a new role similar to Nikki not Vickie.

  7. Ron probably tried to get Erica to play Vivian. Glad she has more class and dignity and didn't take these BS roles. Poor Robin trashed herself to play Vivian for 30 episodes and wasn't invited back. Loved how Erica called out her fav head writers (Malone and O'Shea and Carlivati) and indirectly shaded Higley.  But she defended Frons.  I never realized that Gillian Spencer was fired as the first Vickie. I wonder why since she ended up playing Daisy and was a story consultant to AMC for a while. Erica also mentioned that she was originally up for a new role. I think the role was Mary Kennicott on AMC.

  8. I'd say that Carlivati should be fired but it wouldn't do any good. Corday is ultimately the issue (and NBC). And Sony would probably just put Ron in charge of Y&R


    But what a vote of no confidence that the show didn't increase at all during the nationwide lockdown

  9. I don't blame her for AW. She brought in Tom King/Craig Calson/Harding Lemay to write the show, updated the credits with the best opening daytime has ever had IMO (other than Edge when they updated during Lori Loughlin's years).  I loved John and Felicia.  NBC wanted to do vampires and kept insisting on changing the writers. They had a one or two novelists come in as consultants before NBC forced the return of DePriest. Her early years on GL were mostly great and it was due to the writing. But she lost her way when she brought in writing by committee then fired them for an inexperienced college professor, Doug Anderson. I could never get into Santa Barbara or her version of GH.  

  10. Boy, Doug Marland deliberately didn't call out thanks to Potter and the camera caught Michael Tylo's eyes popping out because of the omission.  I tend to think Marland probably had good reasons to think poorly of Potter. Probably more than just firing Jane Elliot.  Patrick Mulcahey was cute!

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