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Ok thanks. I was just curious. I so want to PM you guys my guess but then I don't want to know if I am wrong. Not that you can tell me. But I will be really disappointed if it is not who I think it is
#04 Thursday, April 5
Tishy commented on Sweet_VeeVee24's blog entry in Destineysmine24 Fan Fic Flair
Great episode! Love the Kay and Jill interactions -
I have a question. Does James and Marlena know who the MCF is? I know he or she talks with a voice changer but do they know? Or has that not been revealed. Glad Belle got Clare back, Phil is a jerk. Love that Sami is supporting Carrie for a change. Great ep!
Great choices! Great choice for Serena, hope you bring Scott back
Another great one. Love Victor getting into Phillips face like that, he deserves it. I can feel Carrie's desperation, I actually feel bad for her. Which is difficult since I have never liked her. Great job!
Cannot wait to see what Augusta will do!
Oh if I am wrong on who the MCF is, I will be so mad. Plus I won't have a clue on who else. To me, it is just one logical choice.
Cameron races down the stairs of Jason's penthouse ahead of Elizabeth and Ava. “Hey buddy! How are you Cam?” “I’m good Jason. Hungry.” Cameron answered. “Well, we have a snack all ready for you. Go see the cook in the kitchen and she will give you a treat.” Jason told him as Cameron ran off in the direction of the kitchen. “Ava have a good nap? Can I feed Ava?” Elizabeth handed over Ava and her bottle to Jason. “I did, thanks. I appreciate you letting us stay here. I am starting to look for apartments that we can move into once Sam is found. I don’t want us to overstay our welcome.” Jason looked so happy holding his daughter and feeding her. “Elizabeth, I am so happy getting to know Ava. Don’t worry about it. We can work something out.” “Thanks.” Elizabeth said. Silence filled the room before she asked, “What are you doing this afternoon? I thought you would have left by now.” “Going down to the police station soon to see what I can do in finding Sam. I guess there are several leads, especially since Luke and Lucky spoke to her.” Jason looked up from Ava. “How are the divorce proceedings going?” Elizabeth sighed, “I don’t think that there will be a problem. Emily.” Elizabeth stressed her name, “told me yesterday that she slept with Lucky so I guess that means he and I are even.” Elizabeth said sarcastically. “I don’t think that there will be a problem with the divorce. I spoke to Ric and he doesn’t see any problems.” Jason remained unfazed at Elizabeth’s revelation. “What about your feelings for Nikolas?” “What are you talking about?” “Elizabeth, I know you have feelings for him. What is going on?” Elizabeth tickled Ava’s foot and smiled at her daughter, “We like each other. We are friends. He has stuck by me through everything that has happened in the past several months. That’s about it.” “If you say so Liz.” “I say so.” Elizabeth stood up. “It’s a nice afternoon, want to come with us? Cameron wants to go to the park and since I only have one week left before my maternity leave ends, I thought it would be a nice day for an afternoon at the park.” Jason also stood up. “I really need to go to the police station. Next time though, ok?” Elizabeth took Ava out of his arms, “Ok Jason. Good luck with the investigation.” AJ and Sarah walked into Metro Court for dinner, hands entwined. They were in love and all smiles. AJ felt that he would have a place in Michael’s life soon and Sarah felt she had solidified her place in the Quartermaine family. AJ held her chair out for her, “Thanks sweetie.” Sarah gushed. “You’re welcome.” AJ said as he sat down across from her. They ordered their drinks and he commented, “You look stunning as usual.” Sarah smiled through her lashes. “Thank you babe. I am just so happy that I was able to get the evening off so I could spend it with you. I do hope you will have Michael back soon.” “Seeing the look on Sonny’s face made my day.” AJ sipped his water. “He has always held it over my head that he beat me and I have always hated him for that. Plus the way he has hurt Brenda in the past is just inexcusable.” Sarah forced a smile to her face. “I just want you to be happy.” “Since you came into my life, my life turned around. Even Grandfather likes you, which is saying a lot.” AJ squeezed her hand. “Well, well. Look at the alcoholic and the slut.” Patrick stood over their table. “Having a nice dinner I presume?” AJ tensed. “Patrick, please leave us alone.” “Why, what are you going to do to me? Sic your wife on me? She has already done everything she could to ruin my life.” He looked scornfully at Sarah. “I couldn’t help but overhear that you want Michael back. Well, if it wasn’t for Robin, you wouldn’t even know he was your son.” “Patrick, leave AJ out of our past.” Sarah said forcefully. Patrick laughed angrily, “Why? You couldn’t leave Robin out of it? Or did you lie about the fact that you had an abortion.” Sarah’s face went white as AJ looked at her. “Wait a minute, you never told me you had an abortion. What is Patrick talking about?” “Patrick doesn’t know what he is talking about.” Sarah insisted. “Oh really? AJ, why don’t you call Robin right now. She’s told you the truth before, what makes you think she won’t again?” Patrick asked as he dialed Robin’s number and handed the phone to AJ. “No Stop!” Sarah yelled as she grabbed the phone. Sonny and Brenda are in the foyer, away from eyesight of everyone in the restaurant. He kisses her briefly and cradles her face. “I know we can do this Bren. Just think of how much fun it will be, ok?” Brenda nodded and kissed him back. Then she walked quickly into the restaurant where she pauses and looks around. She catches sight of Patrick arguing with Sarah and AJ and Brenda marches up to Patrick. “Where is Robin? I need to talk to her. Where is she staying?” Patrick looks confused as he looks down at the angry Brenda, “She hasn’t called you.” Impatiently, Brenda taps her foot, “No she hasn’t. Not since your party which this b!tch here ruined. Really AJ, I thought you had better taste but then again, you did sleep with Carly.” AJ stands up. “Whoa Brenda, what is going on?” “You know exactly what is going on AJ.” Brenda accused. Sonny walked over to them. “Brenda, let’s go. I don’t want to see him!” He pointed his finger at AJ. “We need to get out of here. You are causing a scene.” “Brenda I want my son back and I want you to be safe. What is wrong with that?” AJ demanded. “I never thought you would use me to do it. Does Carly know what Sarah did?” Brenda half shouted. “Or is she working with you to get to Sonny. We all know she doesn’t want Sonny to be happy.” Carly came flying across the room. “What is going on here?” She hissed. Brenda faced her, hands on her hips. “I am talking about your little conversation with Sarah the other day. Did you realize she taped it?” Carly looked from one face to another in confusion. “What?” “I never thought you would do this to me Carly. Use our sons to get even with me for getting back together with Brenda.” Sonny said angrily. “Long ago, you choose Jax, or have you forgotten that?” “That’s what I would like to know.” A familiar voice said.
Loved the ALice and Hope part. So sad. Seeing Maggie and Julie team up was awesome! Julie really knows how to pull a guilt trip. Carrie and Evan, so sad. When and if the truth is revealed, it will be heartwrenching for everyone involved. Great storytelling!
I never got the tie in with her hair and the banners. I just assumed you used red because of blood. You are so going to kill Alice aren't you?
Love it King! But I think that there is more to the story than just Maggie being the Fury. I think that there must be a twist!
Emily seduced Lucky one night when everyone was working on the Election. It was in the Spencer House and Lulu walked in on them.
I am going to cry this week, i can tell
Brenda is standing outside Sonny’s penthouse, arguing on her cell with Ned. He is warning her about her relationship with Sonny yet again. “Brenda, please for our son. Stay away from Sonny. I don’t want to have to do what I may have to do. Please.” “Ned, You are talking in riddles. What are you talking about?” Brenda tapped her foot impatiently. “What do you mean you don’t want to do something. Can’t you trust me?” Brenda heard him sigh, “I don’t want to be the bad guy here but I will for James. He is the world to me and I don’t want to see what happened to Michael happen to James.” “I would like to think that I am a far better mother than Carly is.” Brenda said coldly. “Look, this conversation is going nowhere. If you want to talk about James, contact Scott. We are done.” Brenda slapped the phone shut and knocked on Sonny’s door. When he opened it, she smiled and said hello. “Hey Bren.” Sonny looked around her and ushered her in. He looked at her in concern and said without preamble. “We have a problem.” Immediately troubled, Brenda followed his into the living room and asked, “What is it Sonny? What’s going on?” Sonny held up the tape. “AJ was here today. It seems that Carly and Sarah Quartermaine had a little taped conversation that they want to use against us to take James and Michael away from us.” Sonny said sarcastically. Brenda’s hand shot to her mouth, “What?” She said in anger. “Are you kidding me?” “Do I look like I am kidding?” Sonny walked behind the couch and put the tape in a tape player. He pressed play and let Brenda listen to a minute of it where Carly confided to Sarah how Sonny was involved in numerous shootings and that the first time they got married was so that she wouldn’t have to testify against him. Sonny hit stop and said, “It gets worse Brenda. Carly goes on and on about you and how you became in her words obsessed with me and tried to break her and I up. That I drove you crazy, etc, etc.” Knowing the implications that could come from this tape, Brenda demanded, “Sonny, what are we going to do? Besides ripping those two b!tches throats out I mean! I was just on the phone with Ned and he was hinting at something and it has to be this. I can’t give my son up and I won’t let anyone tell me how to live my life!” Sonny sat down next to Brenda and drew her in his arms, “I have an idea. You aren’t going to like it, but it may work.” He outlined his plan to her. “Think you can do it?” Brenda had never been so angry in her life. “Aarrgghh, I hate it but I know you are right Sonny. I’ll do it.” Not happy, she leaned over and kissed him. “I don’t care that she is your ex wife but one thing I am going to do is call Jax. He should know what she is doing.” Sonny stood up and extended his hand. “Later. We have something important to do.” “What’s that?” Brenda said distracted, she searched her purse for her cell phone. “Make love.” He pulled her to her feet and the two of them kissed their way to the bedroom. Luke strides into the PCPD and immediately catches up to Robert. “Hey where the hell have you been? Did you hear that Sam McCall went all La Femme Nikita on me and my son?” Robert turns around and faces him, files in his hand. “I heard about what happened. I went to the hospital today and talked to Laura. She said you were out searching for Sam and Helena. You ok mate?” “I am fine, wind knocked out of me and my ego is bruised that a 25 year old woman beat the crap out of me. But Scorpio you didn’t answer my question. Where the hell were you?” Robert smirked, “Ahhh, you wouldn’t believe me if I told you.” He started to walk towards the big board where they were tracking leads on the Cassadine case. “Taggert and some of the force are out following up on some leads. I have some detectives near the woods of your house, seeing what we can find.” Luke persists, “Don’t give me that bull Scorpio.” “Let’s just say you owe me $1000 bucks Spencer.” Luke chuckles, “Like hell I do. No way you and Tracy are doing the horizontal bop. You have to proof it to me before I fork over any money.” Robert smiled his trademark grin, “I know you better than your wife knows you Spencer.” He pulls out his cell and pushes some buttons. “Listen to the message my friend. That’s my proof mate.” Luke suspiciously takes the phone and listens to the message. His face turns from doubt to disbelief to the realization that Robert and Tracy were somewhat of an item. “You are meeting her tonight at Metro Court?” “Tomorrow. I have a meeting with Alexis late. So why don’t you pay up now and I can treat her to a nice dinner.” “I’ll have it later.” Both knew full well that Luke was never going to pay it. “I don’t carry that much cash on me now.” “We can head right over to the bank Spencer.” “Don’t you have a case to be working on, like who is trying to kill me?” Luke retorted. “You’ll get your money Scorpio when I am good and ready to give it to you.” Robert laughed, “Like hell you will. Get out of here and go see your wife.” Elizabeth steps out of the hospital elevator and heads down to Nikolas’ room. When she gets there, Laura is there alone. “Hi Laura. I brought Spencer here since I knew he is missing his father.” Elizabeth sat down. “Where’s Nikolas?” “He’s just in the bathroom. He’s being released soon.” Laura looked at Elizabeth uncomfortably, who was now holding Spencer. “Elizabeth I know it’s none of my business but Lucky told me you two are getting divorced.” Elizabeth hung her head. “I’m sorry Laura, it’s true. It’s just not going to work out with me and Lucky. I will always have a place in my heart for Lucky, he was my first love you know.” Laura cut her off, “So what is going on with you and Nikolas?” Nikolas opened the door, “Hey big guy! How is my handsome guy?” Nikolas leaned down and picked up Spencer. “I missed you.” Laura stood up, “I am just going to go get a cup of coffee. Can I take my grandson with me?” “Of course.” Nikolas handed Spencer over to Laura and watched as they went out of the room. “I missed you too Elizabeth.” “Are you ok Nikolas? I was so worried about you.” Elizabeth said. Nikolas reassured her, “I am fine. Just a few scrapes and some burns. Come here.” He opened up his arms and Elizabeth stepped into them. He brought his lips down to hers and kissed her thoroughly. “I have been wanting to do that since I woke up.” Elizabeth giggled, “Well I won’t object if you do it again.” They kissed again until they heard a throat being cleared. “Well, well, well. I was so right about you Elizabeth. I knew you would throw yourself at Nikolas. Did you find out I slept with Lucky yet?” Elizabeth and Nikolas stared in disbelief at an angry Emily. “No? Funny thing was, Nikolas you were there when we were having sex and you had no idea.” Emily turned and flounced away, leaving a stunned Elizabeth and Nikolas behind.
Loved that Michael stuff. It is getting so good. I can see him going all badass on his parents who really aren't the best parents around. Poor Mac. I love Mac
I had to laugh at the snow the SPD. My God, Carrie's baby could snow the SPD. It's just the way of soaps that cops always get the shaft. I do it in my blog. Francis Reid is such a class act. I am sad that Marie is passing in the blog as well.
That was excellent and I too loved the casting. What a way to start out, I can't wait to read more.
I can totally see it happening! Consider them disturbed! Love it. Sad about the funeral. Warren is fast becoming one of my favorites. He is the observant one. Awesome episode
I knew that once Carrie held Evan she would feel that motherly instinct. Excellent job!
The Next Day Sonny opens his penthouse door, expecting Brenda. He was surprised to see AJ standing there. “What do you want AJ?” Sonny asked bluntly. Confidently, AJ asked. “We have some things to discuss. Can I come in?” “What for? I can’t think of a damn thing you and I have to discuss.” “Oh you will want to hear what I have to say.” AJ states, “It concerns Michael.” Sonny shrugs and steps aside. He closes the door firmly and turns to face AJ. He rubs his chin and asks, “So uh, what do you need to see me for?’ “I want my son back Sonny.” Sonny shook his head automatically. “No way. Not going to happen. Quit wasting my time and get out!” AJ folded his arms and smirked, “Well Sonny, I think it will happen. See I have in my possession a recording of your ex wife spewing all the rotten things that you did when you two were married.” AJ pulled out of his jacket pocket the tape. “That Carly always had a mouth on her, but we both know that don’t we?” Sonny stood there and shot back, “I don’t believe you. You think that by showing me a tape I am going to give you my son?” AJ flipped him the tape. “You can have this. I have the original. In fact, I suggest you listen to it. Carly sure knew a lot about Brenda.” AJ taunted. “Oh, by the way Sonny. Remember that Brenda is going up against Ned. Ned can use this tape to take James. Do you want James taken away from her as well?." AJ paused and let that sink in before walking towards the door. "Think long and hard about what you will want to do in regards to my son. I want you to sign over your rights to me. I will be back and you better have an answer for me.” AJ opened the door and closed it behind him. Sonny picked up a glass and threw it at the fireplace. “Emily, have you seen the patient in 305s chart?” Patrick asked. Emily looked up from the Station. “Sarah has it. I saw her go in there a few minutes ago with his results. Why?” “Oh. Thanks Emily.” Patrick stormed into the patients room and said to Sarah, “Dr., may I have a word with you?” Sarah looked up and nodded. “Of course.” She turned to the patient and said. “Let me know if you need anything.” She followed Patrick out of the room and asked. “Yes Dr Drake? How can I help you?” “What were you doing with my patient?” Patrick asked, trying to contain his anger. “I was looking for his chart and you had it. I had to ask Emily Quartermaine where it was.” Sarah twirled a piece of her hair, “I apologize Dr Drake, I wasn’t aware you were looking for it. I was asked by my mother in law to check in on him” She said innocently. “It won’t happen again.” “See that you do that Sarah. You already ruined my personal life.” He pointed a finger at her. “Stay away from my professional life!” “No Patrick,” Sarah’s eyes narrowed, “You ruined my life. Payback is a !@#$%^&*], isn’t it?” Monica settled herself down in a chair across from Alan’s hospital bed. She was making her lunch hour visit to her husband. Alan opened his eyes, “Hi Monica.” Monica grabbed his hand and stood up. She leaned over and kissed him on the lips. “How was your night honey? I am sorry I didn’t get a chance to get in here earlier but I had surgery early this morning.” “Ok.” “Your speech seems to be coming around. Emily tells me that you are walking around more. That’s great Alan. You are making excellent progress.” Monica chatted. It was still difficult for Alan to talk but all his visitors were aware of that. “Your father is so ecstatic that he won the baby bet.” Alan’s mouth opened and he slurred, “Figures. Fath, Father loves monmoney.” Monica squeezed his hand, “That he does Alan.” Monica closed her eyes. “Oh Alan I miss you so much. I miss you at night in our big bed. It’s so cold there.” Monica wiped tears from her eyes. “God I am so selfish. Here you are in a hospital and I am feeling sorry for myself.” “Don’t cry Mon. S’ok. Miss you too.” Alan replied. “Getting better. I feel better.” “I am just happy you are ok Alan. That you are still here. Something funny happened this morning.” Monica quickly changed subjects. “I was getting ready for work and I overheard Tracy on the phone. I think she is seeing someone.” “Tracy?” “She said, I will see you later at the same place. Then when she saw me, she grilled me on what I had heard. I told her nothing. But she has been out late a lot.” Monica confided. “It’s about time your sister met a man. Maybe she will move out of my house!” Monica laughed Alan laughed with Monica and his eyes started to close. Monica watched him as he fell asleep, happy that he was still alive and getting better. Laura and Lulu were in Nikolas’ hospital room. He was asleep from the morphine he was given for the pain. He had suffered some burns from the small explosive that went off on the Spencer’s porch. The doctor’s admitted him for observation and he would be released later that day. Lulu stood up and started walking around the room. “Mom, I wish there was something I could do to help. Why won’t Dad let me help?” “You are helping me Lulu, by staying out of the way. I know you want to be in the middle of things,” Laura softened her tone, “but with your father you never know what will happen.” Lulu sat down. “How do you do it Mom? Through all the adventures and the Triple L and the whole on the run stuff, how did you do it?” Laura smiled at the memories, “It was scary Lulu and it was hard. I love your father with every inch of my soul. I wouldn’t trade him for anything. But I get scared. I know your father will protect us always. I have faith in him and our love.” Emily walked in then and cleared her throat. “Mrs. Spencer, Lulu. I just need to take some vitals on Nikolas.” Lulu looked coldly at Emily and said to her mother, “I am going to the bathroom and getting a drink. Do you want anything Mom?” “I’m fine honey.” Emily efficiently took Nikolas’ blood pressure and took his pulse. She wrote them down on his chart and said to Laura, “I want to wake him up and see how he responds to some stimuli. It may be too soon because he was just given some morphine not too long ago so he may be too tired. If everything checks out, we will take the IV out and you can take him home soon.” Laura nodded as Emily said softly, “Nikolas. Nikolas, it’s Emily and you are at the hospital. You need to wake up. Then you will be able to go home soon.” Nikolas’ eyes fluttered and he licked his lips. He had a hard time focusing and he coughed a few times, trying to get out of his slumber. After a minute, he said, “Elizabeth! Where are you Liz? Come back to me Liz, I need you.” Nikolas then fell back into his drug induced sleep. Emily and Laura stared at each other in stunned silence.
Love that Austin and Nicole still have the relationship that they can reach out to each other. And that Greta and Eric can as well. I would love to see Greta and Eric fall in love and have a relationship. Another great one!
Loving that you made Sarah !@#$%^&*]y! ANd Steven like a snake almost. Great episode, I love the fighting between Scrubs!
I still maintain that this isn't it. There has to be more. This may be the face of the Fury, but is it really the killer? Maybe it's someone dressing like Maggie, similar to Sami/Stan. But I still think its two people
I said it was a woman and that it was two people. I think i even said maggie and Lucas, because of AA. OH I LOVE IT!!!!! You rock King!
I have nine minutes to get back from lunch. I hope you have it posted because I am DYING to know!