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Posts posted by ranger1rg

  1. 9 minutes ago, John said:

    At least Genie Francis was playing the scenes today as Laura with Curtis that she understood and felt the pain Curtis was talking about. I am sure it wasnt written that way but Genie showed Laura's humanity at the end. TY.

    To me, Laura showed humanity only to Heather. She listened to Curtis, but that was it.

    The scene ended with Curtis walking out, saying he and Portia would fight Laura. I don't think that made Laura look good.

  2. -- I agree with Contessa about Maura West. I don't think she's going anywhere.

    -- So everyone is out running in the park in the same hour? Cool.

    -- Maxie isn't ready to have sex with Spinelli yet? GMAB.

    -- I think Patrick Mulcahey quit. I don't believe he was promised "automony" of any kind. He was hired as CO-Head Writer, for one thing. For another, he's been around long enough to know the power structure at GH.

  3. 56 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    I’m sorry but Grahn and Davies just don’t have the same chemistry in these roles (nor did they the first time they worked together on GH). Mason and Julia were just a very specific period in time on a very specific soap. 

    Yeah, I'm not seeing it either. There is zero callback to their days on Sunset Beach. I don't know who thought this was a good idea.


  4. I love all you guys, but these lists of who you want to cut have my head spinning.

    When I look at these lists, I see GH being gutted, and I really don't know what you want to see on our screens. It feels like you're making cuts without regard to how those characters play with other characters on the show.

    I have complained constantly about the bloated cast on GH. If a character is mentioned as one who could be dropped -- like Finn or Drew -- I can agree. But these long lists? I cannot picture what the canvas would look like if those cuts happened.

    I feel qualified to complain, but fixing this is above my pay grade. I know that something should be done, but I don't know what.

  5. 13 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Tracy needs to order an immediate makeover of the Q mansion. That ugly wallpaper that either Olivia or Monica approved is an eyesore and needs to go immediately. 

    That wallpaper screams HOMEOWNER MISTAKE.

    It's as if someone said "It looks too bare and empty in here, so let's do some wallpaper!" Then they chose something pretty from a 4"x5" swatch. The trouble is, it looks hideous across the entire room.

    I don't remember that Quartermaine entrance EVER looking good. Every makeover was in need of another makeover.

  6. 13 hours ago, Antoyne said:

    I would love for Nate and Audra to actually give it a fair shot with each other.

    I don't know, nothing about the Nate/Audra pairing gives me lasting new couple vibes. Just feels like Josh Griffith decided to throw attractive people together for a little while.

    Worse is that the "business story" stuff continues to be awful.

    No one does any work. We never see any products or hear about what they do. All we get is board member infighting about changing the name of the company and about who's in charge. None of it works, none of it makes any sense.

  7. 2 hours ago, BetterForgotten said:

    Like most of the “illness of the year” stories GH has done over the past decade - who cares? Gregory’s relationships on the show weren’t that strong and were limited to a few people. A waste of a talented actor in a very poorly devised and unnecessary role.

    For me, the problem was giving Gregory an illness like ALS -- one that is debilitating and ugly, and like Alzheimer's, can be a long goodbye.

    No, daytime audiences do not want to see that devastation on twayheir screens, but it's a cheat to end it the way GH ended Gregory's life.

    I do agree with others who are pretty much unaffected by this death. I just don't care all that much.

  8. 14 minutes ago, detroitpiston said:

    I thought all the new pages would be episode discussion but its just a bunch of talk about actors refusing sex scenes 😂 speaks to how interesting the show is

    Yup. I feel bad for Easton because he seemed to be doing decent work but the directing and editing choices stifled his performance impact. The set up kind of reminded me a lot of “The Body” from Buffy but a very paint by numbers version that lacked the real devastation and heartache. Man where is JFP when you need her???

    Agree with you about Easton. After the early scene where Finn found his dead father -- which was very good -- the show lost all emotion and was flat.

    And I still say GH took the easy way out with Gregory's death. I know the audience doesn't want to see the complete devastation of ALS, but this was kind of ridiculous. He had trouble breathing...and then he died. OK then.

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