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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. Yup, and I don't think TG is throwing anyone under the bus - certainly not Jane. I think he's playing it as a man who's conflicted yet clear, and wanting to keep everyone in a good place.

    Uh.. he may be clear...

    but freakin' NOBODY else is.

    "They know," he says.

    Yeah, right.

    They know Sh!t.

    Lainey don't likey.



  2. Oh boy..

    Writing this is a little hard for me, Partly because I'm not feeling very well and partly because I don't want to tick anyone off...

    I feel like i watched a different show from some of you.

    I didn't see Luke making a clear decision and moving on.

    What I saw was GH's desperate attempt to HAVE IT BOTH WAYS.

    Here's what I mean:

    • Luke admits "strong feelings" for Tracy (NOT love)..
    • He tells Laura she was always his angel.
    • He tells Laura that there is a special place is his heart that only she gets to (or something like that)
    • They discuss their past love and refer to it as AMAZING more than once.
    • The KISS. THE KISS!!

    Maybe that kiss was a goodbye...

    Or maybe it was a hello, a reawakening...

    The lines were written to go either way.

    The kiss was staged to go either way.

    If you're a LnL fan, you're hoping they reignite.

    If you're a LuNacy fan, you're supposed to take solace in the fact that they realize the world didn't stand still while Laura did.

    The ending to this storyline is going to be the same. Luke will "choose" Tracy, yet he won't.

    There will always be the "pregnant" possibility that Luke takes off for Laura.

    I don't think I expected anymore from a soap...

    but I certainly wanted more... hoped for more.

    Sorry, that's how I feel.


  3. You guys are gonna love this...SOW

    Laura Decides Luke's Fate

    HATE the title, I'll tell you that.

    I'm still worried.

    It still sounds like Laura has control in this.. NOT HAPPY.

    bsg...which clips did you need again. I know I said I would post them for you and now I forgot

    Lainey--what days did you need?

    I'm good. Don't need any.

    Thank you!

  4. Today's Recaps (Monday, November 3rd)

    Sc. 3 ... Lulu notes that Tracy helping Luke isn't about her anymore, so why is Tracy helping Luke find her mom. Tracy looks at Lulu and honestly answers that she doesn't know.

    Um.. yeah. Why IS she there?

    All of us here think it's because Luke and Tracy are really in love and really connected... yet that's not what I have seen playing out these last few weeks. I see a bunch of guffaws and yuck yucks. We don't see two people deeply in love, like what existed at the b&w ball. Without that connection, I don't understand her presence.

    I want to understand it... but I don't.

    What is going to suck is we will think Luke is choosing Tracy, but in the end he wants to go with Laura but she tells him no. So then what--Tracy ends up looking like the booby prize? I wonder if she will know that Luke was about to hop on the plane with Laura...

    If Luke really chooses Laura, and LAURA tells him no..












    Luke MUST choose Tracy this go-round.... or I'm finished with this b.s.


  5. Hi.

    I'm home.

    Great trip.

    So I just watched 23 and 24 online.

    I take it I also missed

    Mon 27

    Thus 30

    Fri 31

    Any other Lunacy days since the 22?

    Monday is the crash landing? Any I Love yous? Any Kisses?

    Thursday they are in LA looking for locos?

    Friday more looking? She leaves? He finds?

    Do I have it right?

    Any I love you declarations? Any kissing? Anything worth watching?



  6. Surprising Goings:

    Kin Shriner & Genie Francis exit GH together the week of Nov. 10th. The GH fan faves leave the canvas in an unexpected and most dramatic way the week of November 10. Teases Guza, "Viewers will get some closure to Laura's plight, but as the best of stories, this 'ending' simply opens up another door the the future."

    BYE, BYE!!!

    Don't let the door hit you in the a$$.

    Or do.

    I don't care! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Oh and to Tracyfan, look for next week for Tracy to have a heartbreakingly vulnerable scene that will reaffirm your love for my friend Jane.

    Bye SD.




    Totally drooling with expectation.

    I can't WAIT to see this.

    CAN'T WAIT!!

    That said, I won't be around. :(

    Last epi I will be able to watch is Wednesday. PLEASE.. someone save the daily clips... especially the "vunerable scene." And oh.. please email me if there is something especially good. I MIGHT be able to check email once or twice. Thanks!!!

  7. Lainey..can you tell us how you really feel? LOL!! I agee on all points!

    God, I can't sleep. I'm going to be wrecked tomorrow.

    I'll add this:



    (There.. have my fantasy world and my real world all wrapped up in two lines)

  8. Today was better than Friday, but can GH please stop with the comedy routine? I'm not anti-comedy. Actually, at one point, I said LuNacy wasn't as fun as they used to be and wished for more comedic scenes. But some of what we are seeing now... Way over the top.

    I liked it, 'cause well, duh, it's LuNacy. But I didn't like it 'cause I know it can be better. It will be interesting to see how the jail scenes play out. Considering Tracy is about to hit Luke with a pan, I'm a little skeptical... But we shall see. :)

    LOVE THE MEDIA PICS! Hair is looking better, and that one of her standing is cracking me up. :lol:

    MS. Q, I agree with you on ALL points. Today was over the top silliness. I had trouble watching it. I kept wincing and turning away from the tube. Imagine, a LuNacy scene making me - Lainey- TURN AWAY. Never though it was possible.

    Anthony, Claudia, Trevor, Sam... all make me turn, but LuNacy.. never. Didn't think it was possible.

    Today.. IT HAPPENED.

    How sad. :( :(

    As for the hair in the media pics... it looks good!!! Hip, instead of old.. especially the one where she's eyeing him on the plane's couch.


    I was shocked!! :o

    Just a little FYI--the outrage from LnL fans is starting already on the comment lines that their history is being [!@#$%^&*] on and that how dare Luke say Tracy is the most fun he has ever had.

    Oh man, a big fat F-em. I'm tired of the sacredness of Luke and Laura :rolleyes: .

    Forget the fact that the relationship started with rape (I can't, but everyone else can.. so go ahead and forget it).

    It's over.

    It's old.

    It's DONE.

    People grow up. People move on. Diseases happen (not psycho motor disorder.. but diseases do happen). They were separated by time and experiences. He grew into someone who is perfectly matched with Tracy.. and she grew even more bland and vanilla than anyone thought possible.

    It happens.

    They don't match anymore. They're not coupled anymore. It's not even sad. It just is.

    I can't take the LnL bullshit.

    I can't take it.

    I have no tolerance for stupidity.


  9. A Luke & Tracy mention:

    -listen Daytime Confidential interview with Carolyn Hennesy (Diane). She says she wants to be in a triangle with Luke & Tracy but she's afraid of being skinned alive by the Luacy fans LOL, so she says she'd like to become Edward's trophy wife

    Anyone got a link?

    Get ready for a trip down memory lane with Scott and Laura as they visit the site of their honeymoon 30 years later.

    Seems they are going out of their way to re-establish Laura and Scotty. Being that it is Kin and he is not on contract, I doubt they would be really trying to appease him. Perhaps this is the way TPTB feel like they can finally free Luke of Laura by re-establishing Laura and Scotty. Works for me!

    So works for me..

    I'm telling you, I have become a HUGE SNL shipper. HUGE!

    They are my favorite couple after LuNacy.

    I hope they fall madly in love again.. and trot off into their no-contract sunset! Really! I do!

  10. Where's Lainey?

    Lainey--something to maybe bump up your CH love a bit since you are down on her

    She is in a video about prop. 8 in Calif with lots of other ABC stars


    So interesting..

    There appears to be a few of these.

    They are produced by a group that says they're the largest pro-choice student movement on campus. Cool. I'm down with that.

    CH is in this one, too:


    Somebody tell her please that McCain is not pro-choice. Oyyyyyyy

  11. Where's Lainey?

    Lainey--something to maybe bump up your CH love a bit since you are down on her

    She is in a video about prop. 8 in Calif with lots of other ABC stars


    It's pretty cool. I knew Ms. CH gave off a bit of a cool vibe. Glad to see her politics are correct on 'some' things.

    I didn't know the character "donna" on Judging Amy was gay in real life.. that is neat.

    I will try and have clips posted as soon as possible, I am going to see Wicked tonight and then going to Disneyland tomorrow after work so clips might be up late, but they will be up.

    Wicked!!!!!! DA BEST.

    Tell me, when you were watching, did you imagine Elphalba was Tracy. Glinda was Laura and Fiyero was Luke??? (To me Wicked is all about Tracy-Luke-Laura. I'm sick. I know. And remember who Fiyero ends up with!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehehehe! LOVE that show!)

  12. You know, this is something I have never understood about US politics. It's "God Bless America" and separation of God and state; courting the religious right but banning religious holiday expressions (like Christmas trees - which are pagan to begin with anyway). Canadians just don't seem to have the polarity you folks have. I always find it fascinating that two nations that from the outside appear like they developed simultaneously are so very different in nature and character and social history.

    You guys got lucky.

    Most of the religious wackos stayed south of the border (They were encouraged by our 'freedoms,' and honestly -- they're wusses. Didn't like the cold).

    The left wouldn't scream as loudly as they do if they're weren't so afraid the right was going to snuff them out while sleeping. The left are defensive for a reason!

  13. Okay gals, please vote for Obama and get McCain on the retirement line. Within 15 minuted of listening to it:

    We need to get rid of foreign oil. Middle East, Venezuela.... we'll keep Canada's, I have no problem with them..... Oh, so glad you like our raw crude...

    Free Trade: don't even get me going.

    Health Care: "If you want a one payment system move to Canada..."

    Now while we do have a one-pay system (the gov't) and our oil is mercenary-free, it's the tone and attitude. Ding dong, we are NOT the 51st state!

    BTW, why are you still discussing abortion?

    Love your perspective, Remos.

    Hilarious. Totally dead on.

    Me? I'm all for putting McCain on the retirement line.

    Truth is, if he looses, he'll still be in the Senate. Better than in the white house.. but we're not getting rid of him entirely, even if Obama wins.

    (You know, Remos, McCain used to be one of the most logical, moderate Republicans in the Senate.. that was BEFORE he was a "serious" candidate for president, and had to start courting the religious right. Prior to that he was... sensible, even likable: a fiscal conservative, but fairly liberal on several social issues.

    Well I just watched and I thought she was fabulous... even if she did look like The Heat Miser.


    Heat Miser!!!!

    You are hilarious, Halee.

    Bring on the Heat!!

    Bring on the Heat!!

  14. Hey Lainey! It started out funny but then today it was just WTF?

    Oh did you hear CH's interview on ITZ radio show...she is so cool. she did spill about sebastian roche being let go--someone said she was chastised for it today on soapdish.

    She is so friendly and fun and down to earth!

    How goes it with you? Traveling a lot?

    I can't get into CH as much anymore. She killed it for me with the anti-obama sh!t. Somebody tell her that was a dumb move. I'm sorta pissed at her. Silly, but true. Haven't been on her website since she answered my question saying 'ahh we just wanna have fun here.' Well, excuse me, but then why did you put that bullsh!t into a video Nancy was going to post on HER website?!?!?! Hello! (sorry, LisaQ. I just have some anger issues with CH these days.) It's one of the things that has been killing GH for me -- no LuNacy and the Diane buzz just isn't as high as it used to be. I guess I expected someone who appears that down to earth to have the "correct" politics. Oy. Ugh.

    I was KILLER busy, but it's winding down before it winds up again. I'm taking two weeks off beginning next week. Going on a long trip -- for vacation, not business! Imagine that.

    I'll be out of the country with no laptop on the 23. I'll have to watch all the LuNacy stuff online all at once when I get back. It's kinda a cool way to watch, actually. I will know the end, and I can wade through all the bullsh!t!! Just in case my Tivo doesn't record everything --- I assume there will be someone here who can supply me with the relevant clips, should I need them?? yes?



  15. okay..

    so once this Laura-Luke-Tracy Seesaw FINALLY tips to the right side (all of here know which side that is).... what are the odds we'll get Sizzling on Screen LuNacy Sex to seal the deal?

    I'm betting yes.. because I'm forever optimistic.

    I like your last chapter, Remos. Cute.

    Anyone else here been disappointed by the Maximus storyline? I don't get it. It's over soon and nothing much happened. (Unless he's somehow connected with Karpov and the visit to his son is just some silly cover. dunno). Even the Diane stuff wasn't funny.

  16. 17-1.jpg

    Ha! Love this picture.

    Her hair actually looks halfway decent. ;)

    Derk told me he was off for a week since they are filming "the luke and laura stuff".

    Barf! :angry: :angry: :angry: (to the "Luke and Laura stuff," not to Derk!)

    Anyone have an "out" date for GF? Please, someone tell me we KNOW she's leaving. Please...

  17. 10/17

    Tracy gets more than she bargained for when she tries to bribe the wrong Federale.

    I can't believe I'm saying this (feminist that I am), but I am DYING for Luke to FINALLY rescue Tracy. Our girl needs some rescuing... will be good for her soul (and maybe other body parts, too. ;) )

  18. They're definitely in Mexico.

    There is a "de" above Tracy's head. It means 'of' in Spanish. The little p probably means pesos.

    If the exchange rate is anything like it was when I was last there... it's advertising a package of cigarettes for about the equivalent of $7.50 U.S. dollars (right, Ms. Q?)

    So..... Tracy gets out of Dodge (again!!)

    And we get to SEE it this time!!

    Does the Tracy lands in hot water spoiler mean a jacuzzi with Luke!!!! :P I can always wish!

    Yeah.. I was wondering if it was literal like that, too. One can only hope.

    I think she goes to get him in Mexico, and leaves without him... then he returns to PC after her. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it (it jives with some of the spoilers we've been hearing).

    Her hair looks AWFUL :( ....

    But they look like a couple who is talking. She is not hysterical or comical here. She's just giving it to him straight, which is cool.. that honesty is a huge part of their relationship.

    Overall, the picture makes me happy!!! :lol::lol::lol: (She's in Mexico and they're talking!! Really, in the world of Guza's LuNacy, this is as good as it gets. It's only in our world, where they're making out on the table, and can't keep their hands off each other ;) )

  19. This I thought was intersting...

    Also in SID - Next issue has a photoshoot with Genie and Kin.

    Very interesting.. if it's REALLY Luke/Laura/Tracy -- why no Luke/Laura shoot? Why Laura/Scott? Hmmmm.

    I have just decided I am a HUGE Laura Scott Shipper. Maybe the biggest on the planet. HUGE!! :lol:

    Do they have a shipper name? Lott? Latt? ScoLa? SNL? ;)

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