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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. Um.... Nathan lived in Africa for awhile. There might be other considerations.

    hehehehe... you so don't want to hear the "other considerations" i've come up with. ;)

    You're the intuitive type, Remos. Channel me for a moment.....

    Yep, that's what I'm thinking!

    It's true. It is! I know it!

    (What's that I hear? Loud laughter coming from the direction of Houston? Hmmm)

  2. Interesting tracy-less day....

    I thought I liked both Joliva AND Clauson... but that Soliva action was.. well... uh... HOT!!!!

    I found the JaSam teasing strangely appealing. I never really liked them together before today (I used to have major HATES for Sam. Not so much anymore).

    And Dax... well they are just too cute!!! They need to be on more. They have a fun and fabulous chemistry.

    Only thing that felt "off" to me was Spixie. I usually FLOVE them. Today they were getting on my nerves. Just hurry up and become a REAL couple already, will ya?!!


  3. The dialogue was for sh!t, but the emotion was AMAZING.

    TG's choke up was fabu... and JE's reflective, meaningful look at end was just dead on.

    GOD!!! I FLOVE those two.

    There should have been a kiss.. a real seal of emotion.

    I'm ticked that it wasn't there.

    Clearly there was a connection there.. we (all) needed to SEE it (not just those of us who study TG and JE's closely).

  4. Blech.

    So Luke admits he 'absolutely' loves Tracy, but only AFTER Holly brings her up.



    I hope Helena beheads him. Really.

    The whole time today, I'm wishing Tracy would come in and overhear that conversation. At least she'd know Luke was true to her... but NONONONONO. Ick. Yuck. Oy. Ugh.

    The show sucks. Really it does. LuNacy goes underground all summer, and the teeny boppers come out just in time for summer vacation. Ick. Yuck. Oy. Ugh (Oh I said that already? It's okay... GH recycles crap, I can too!)

  5. F*$k GH.

    I hated Luke's dialogue. I hate that Tony read it.

    I hate Luke's exit story. I doubt he'll be married to Tracy when she gets back. Poor Tracy. This is gonna kill her. She's gonna be a mean b*$ch all summer (or at least until she figures out Luke didn't leave with Holly). Crud.

  6. Hi all.

    For those of you who like Johnny & Olivia, I did a vid for them:

    Click here!


    Oh lookeee, a little OJ video!!! Nice! Love the song you picked. I have to admit, I like them together. It's sorta sick given the age difference (and yes, I'd say the same thing if the man were 20 years older than the woman)... still, They're hot. They sizzle. It's an odd coupling, but it works! The producers are on to something.


  7. Jane really did a nice acting job with JMB at the end of show. Loved her delivery, tone, etc....

    Um.. Tracy said LuNacy might not survive this. When Luke left the mansion he asked Tracy to fess up and she didn't. He told her to remember this as turning point. Uh.. Remos.. it was pretty bad. Low key -- not screamy-- but ugly. Tracy is threatened so she is fighting dirty. Luke gets turned on when the dirty is aimed at OTHER people. When Tracy throws dirt at him.. well.. that's just not good.

    Wanna bet he leaves this summer on bad terms with her?


  8. Thinking about you and your family, Star. Sending prayers and good wishes!!!

    Lainey--Tracy was on May 5, 6, 7, 8th and May 11th, 12, 13, 14, 15th.

    9 days in a row.

    Wow. I should go away more often. Maybe my travel mojo is back.. when I leave, Tracy comes on. Ha! Dunno! Used to be that way.

  9. Hi all. I'm back!

    I have a pretty good idea of what I missed after reading it here. I'm not 100% sure I'll watch it all. Reading it almost seems better than watching it, which IS a commentary on the show.

    Can someone send me the LuNacy dates I've missed since May 3? Thanks!!

    Ummm.. just a comment. I know Tracy is insecure when it comes to Luke's love for her. I get it. But in her heart she knows Luke picked her over Laura. It doesn't seem right for her to be truly frightened by Holly (who was a much lesser love than Laura. Didn't he dump Holly when Laura came back from the dead? If so, I'd kill for a line: 'He chose Laura over you. He picked me over Laura. Wonder who will win THIS fight?"). I guess it's instinct for Tracy to buy off trouble.. but still... it all rings a little untrue.


  10. oh man.. where is cazigirl?!?! She hasn't uploaded GH yet. She has spoiled me!

    i'm traveling for work. DEAD tired.

    Back in hotel room...

    DYING to catch up on today (and that great jacket!)...

    But cazi isn't up yet.. and i can't find any epis from today on YouTube. Anywhere else I can look NOW!?!?!

    I don't think i get soap opera network where i am.. and i don't want to wait until 10 even if i do!

    I want to watch, nap and eat... wahhhhhh

  11. :) I remember watching Golden Girls with my grandmother once, and 'Dorothy' had this great line about her ex Stanly being so dumb he had to take off his pants to count to 21. My grandmother laughed so hard she shook the sofa, and that was the first time I realized my grandmother hadn't always been old and sex-less.

    It's sad that she's gone, but after 80 years the legacy she's left behind is priceless. She wasn't the oldest Golden Girl either. I wonder how Betty White is doing with this. They lost Estelle Getty some years ago and she had been the youngest and the sickest.

    I loved Bea as Maude. THAT was a ground-breaking role. She was the first sitcom character.. or any character actually.. to have an abortion on tv. That and her liberal, outspoken views, and her Kaftans! made her my goddess of the 70s. She was awesome!

    Rue is still alive. She lives -- or lived - on the eastside. Saw her in the bathroom of a movie theater a few years back.... After Getty, Rue was the youngest.

  12. Lainey--The date did say 1965, which would make the person 43 or 44. Either when they had the baby or it is the person's birth. Too olde for Ethan or Rebecca I guess.

    Holly's? (or ethan's with Holly's date of birth on there)


    Natasha's Baby's Daddy?!?!

    "certificate of live birth" is what it said.. or something like that. Didn't look American, fyi...

    Likely none of them.... hmmm....

  13. hehehe.. confirmation today that Luke screwed around on Laura. WE all knew it, but now the world knows. HA!

    Whose birth certificate did Hells Bells leave town with? Is that Ethan's we think? When Holly had a baby 20some years ago, Hells got a hold of the birth certificate... but was never 100% sure who daddy was. So, she saved certificate... and now she's going to torture Luke with possible fatherhood?


  14. Was this the first time we got Tracy in Lulu's apartment?

    I floved the tralu today -- better than the traspin, which was pretty hilarious.

    I like that Lulu called Tracy on her sh!t when Tracy insisted any man who cheats should be kicked to the curb. Loved Tracy's come back, "Johnny is no Luke." He's not, but the defense is weak.

    I especially like that Tracy has brought Lulu into her plan to trap Ethan... I like the co-conspirator aspect to it. We've got Luke/Ethan and now Tracy/Lulu. HATE Luthan, but I FLOVE Tralu.

    Still..... Tralu will NOT be enough to hold me. They need to offer up some hot LuNacy lovin' soon... or I'm hitting the door. The show is getting dull as dishwater.

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