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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. from dish

    Carly will turn to Patrick - WHAT? Why? Grossssss.

    Ric is going to be murdered - Good! By who, you think?

    Sam takes on Helena - Young Diva Devil versus Old Diva Devil. Who might win?

    Claudia's mom was pure evil - Hmmmm. Anyone we might know?

    Rebecca's boyfriend comes to town - A newbie???? Maybe an oldie???

    Someone will be pregnant but it won't be Claudia - Who? Who? Who? Any insight?

    Tracy is in big trouble - Yeah! Tracy in trouble is always fun. "Big Trouble" is big fun.... unless this is some reference to Holly, in which case I'm not Happy!

  2. Is it wrong to PRAY ( I mean really pray ) for Tracy to be kidnapped by Helena? It seems like a blatant misuse of a request of God... and yet, not.

    Hooked, explain to me how JUICE is messing with GH! I need to understand this. I don't. Does SB own shares of the company? Is it HIS company? What's the deal, and what does he want from his colleagues? Does he want them to invest? Promote the stuff for free? Allow the stuff to be imbibed on screen? WHAT? I don't get it. And is the JUICE the reason t this HORRIBLE thing is happening to SCRUBS?!?!?! Why would they pair Patrick with Liz just before they reduce the hell out of Liz's profile?!?! I don't get it.

  3. Holly for a few weeks: I LIKE THAT A LOT.

    Holly for the length of a "contract.": It's good because she's a "vet," and I like the idea that GH is giving a nod to it's history. It's important... but it's BAD, VERY BAD because Tracy will be relegated to some jealous shrew, and we all know she is so much more than that!!!

    While I'm thinking about this.. a "contract" doesn't have to be for YEARS. It could be a 13 week contract or 3 months or 4 months, etc.. etc...

  4. remos, ms q and lisaq... nice jobs!!! Good stuff!!

    Hey Lainey

    I finally caught up on GH and you were so right--the dialogue did not match the way they played that scene last week on the Haunted Star.

    Thank you!! Glad somebody agreed with me. They were SOOO phoning it in that day... horribly sad.

  5. Cool. What did you get? Macbook?

    I got a Dell (purple) laptop with a matching purple mouse! :P

    It is all about the accessories! How are things with you? Still on track? long time no talk.

    Macbook Pro, Baby.... It's freaking awesome. Is it possible to be in love with a computer?!?!

    They make PURPLE Dells????!! Who knew?

    Things are very good. I'm *gasp* happy!

  6. Remos, I am HIGHLY skeptical of that list above. JMB is their next Laura... no way they would let her go recurring. KS may take JMB's role as 'presumed heiress to all things leading and wonderful on GH,' but no way they would bump her down that far. Same goes for Ingo. I can't believe they'd bump him down. As for nobody liking Clauson... I can't believe that's true. There is a heat there that is just nuclear. I suspect your poster simply doesn't like them. They are wonderful.. and are definitely destined to be the next LuNacy. Definitely.

  7. Okay.. I don't think you guys are going to like this, but here goes: Today I believe we witnessed something that we've NEVER BEFORE seen on General Hospital. There was actually GREAT SEXY LUNACY DIALOGUE and LACKLUSTER (Horrible? Checked out? Bored?) ACTING!!!!! It's usually the OTHER WAY AROUND. Usually they "BRING IT BIG," but the dialogue sucks. Today, he essentially tells her, 'your bitchiness makes me so hot I wanna F**k you in this chair.' And she responds by saying, 'woah fella you don't wanna over exert yourself because you're going to spend all eternity in hell.' GREAT STUFF... but where the f**k was the PASSION!?!?! I couldn't believe what she was saying about 'calming down,' because he wasn't acting 'wound up.' And the kisses were perfunctory at best. Blah! This should have been an ACE day. Go back and listen to the dialogue. All of us should be fanning ourselves from the heat, and babbling about cold showers and slo-mo rewinds. We're not. You know why? Because it was lackluster AT BEST!!! This is all VERY DISAPPOINTING. LuNacy is funny and snarky and smart and HOT. If they start losing the HOT... I'm outta here. UNBELIEVABLE!

  8. Ick... Yuck... Blech. I HATED today. Remos, I don't agree that Luke said what he said to Tracy "with love." He just said it. I'm tired of him using her as an emotional punching bag. Yeah, she's tough.. but she LOVES him. He needs to be more freakin' sensitive, especially when she's DEFENDING him. I hope Ethan is Holly and Luke's kid. I really do. There will be some nice sparks between Tracy and Holly.. and then Holly will be gone. As a bonus, Laura fans will be pissed! That's always nice.

  9. Lainey, how do I summarize my organizational gift for a CV? This is GOT to count for something.

    Hey, did you know there is such a thing as "professional organizers?" They are mostly moms, who work out of their homes for extra cash. They help other working moms with families get their homes in order, and clutter free... and they set up systems and "tips" to help them STAY organized. There ARE people who actually make a living off of this (I think I know two). Google it. You'll see.

  10. Lainey and my other hair buddies... What do ya think??? :D


    Nope.. Don't like. Sorry. I did LOVE her hair in the NYE episode. I don't think I'm glued to the old "bob." It's just that this new do is tooooo short. Too short. Makes her look butch. She needs a softer, more feminine style. Really...

  11. We have Stalkers?!?!? Idiots. For the record, I never fantasized about TG and JE being a couple in real life. Everyone here knows my opinions/speculation about Tony and Jane's private lives. Ha! On another topic: I am FLOVING Clauson. Seems like they ripped a page right out of the LuNacy handbook. It's GREAT. GREAT! I did like Kate more than Laura, but I'm willing to toss Ms. Kate overboard if it means I get some mini-LuNacy... uh... Clauson hotness. :wub:

  12. Bigger medianet photos...I think these will happen tomorrow I guess. Tracy has no oxygen so that means she must be getting better. Luke still has his ring on in all the medianet photos--I know there is no reason he wouldn't, but always a good thing.
    Originally I thought we were done--- the scene had been moved to Friday and that was IT! But you're right... there is no oxygen thingy in these. Also, I remember, Lulu told Tracy that Carly and Nicolas and Jason and Spinelli were all inside, and she knows that Carly and Nicolas are out now. So the scenes we saw last week COULDN'T have been the ones that were taped to play later this week (because they'd be dated). So these MUST be new ones. I'm surprised. I really didn't expect it. Gawd I miss LuNacy!! Big!!

  13. Lulu was in a blanket today, as if she had just come out of hospital.. but we know she's already been to mercy. I think the spoiled TraLu stuff was moved to last week. I don't think we're getting anymore. The blanket today tells me they moved some stuff out of order.

  14. On a personal note, the most disconcerting thing happened in church this morning. As most of you know, my marriage is pretty bad and rarely does it have it's good moments. Well that's the context. One of the men in our church I knew 20 years ago when we attended a student conference together. In fact we dated that week and were pretty inseperable. He sat beside me unravelling yarn while I knit a sweater - that's the kind of special man he was/is (I still have the sweater and think of him every time I wear it). Well today the sermon was about forgiveness, and after Eucharist he put his arm around me and apologized for not treating me very well all those years ago. I lost it. I completely disolved. My husband can't apologize for anything and calls me some pretty hideous names, and this man can apologize for not being nice to me at the end of one special week 20 years ago.... I just don't know what to do with that. 1:30 AM and I'm still mulling it.
    Not to sound trite (it's gonna sound trite -- I apologize)... but the grass is always greener on the other side. You don't know how this other man treats his wife or family members. What's more you don't know what prompted him to apologize (it did take him 20 years). Maybe he's making amends for a series of sins; Maybe he's had a horrible diagnosis and is trying to make all things right with God. What I'm saying is - don't hold this man's niceness against your husband. And don't use it to make any radical, meaningful or life changing decisions. He was nice. Good. It made you feel good. Good. But that's all it is... and anything else you tell yourself is just stories. We're both good at telling stories. Don't go there. Tata, LB

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