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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. I don't know if anyone else here has said this, but I am convinced the storyline is going to be that BOTH Luke and Tracy knew Laura was in and out. Maybe she was more out, than in at one point... and during Luke's absences Tracy takes it upon herself to check in on Laura. Maybe she knew Laura was REALLY out the other day, because she knows the woman now and can really tell. I think Luke and Tracy would also conspire to keep Laura's kids in the dark -- it's a total LuNacy scheme.

    I like this scenario, because it means Luke trusts Tracy to care for Laura, not harm or manipulate her. And it's an extension to the HORRENDOUS LnL wedding storyline, where Guza et al played like Tracy didn't exist. This ending, sort of makes that story right. It's not that Luke duped Tracy, it's that he TRUSTED her to bring her in on the plot to HELP Laura.

    I'm babbling, but you get my point...

    We'll see.....

  2. From sd while I was at temple..

    Insider, any clue what Tracy's secret is?


    <getting info for TF>

    She knows something she shouldn't.

    Okay well DUH??? That is what makes it a secret! It is either about Rick Webber or about Laura being awake?

    Oh man.....

    Everyone knows she knows about Rick. So it CAN'T be that.

    I'm getting a bad feeling people. A very bad feeling.

  3. Lainey, I really think you are on to something - a couple of times over. In this past month a few things have made me raise my eyebrows and take note:

    1. Laura not being surprised by the Q's in Lulu's life.

    2. Laura telling Lulu she would want Luke to move on.

    3. Laura not wanting Luke to know about her awakening.

    4. Tracy standing at Laura's door for moments longer than you'd think she would.

    5. Tracy saying Laura can't see, hear or understand them right in front of Laura.

    6. Tracy admitting for the first time that she loves her step-daughter in front of Laura (which both says she loves Lulu and she loves Luke - her husband)

    One or two of these could be considered plot points or oversights, perhaps even inconsistencies. But all of them? Nope, this is a set-up for something.

    OH BABY!!!!... all of those points lead me to think TRACY might be playing with laura's drugs. Today's vision of Tracy looking in Laura's window was very reminiscent of the shadows we saw the other day. Ya think Guza would do that?

    He wouldn't do that.... would he? :o

  4. Just watched today's clips again.


    Wasn't there a rumor at one point that the woman who plays Helena Cassadine would be coming back in the fall.

    Then there was the spoiler (was it a commercial?) that hinted at a new turn of events for the Spencer/Cassadine clan.

    Add in the shadows on Laura's door the other day, and today's note in Lulu's food...

    and you get the possibility that Helena (or another Cassadine) may be behind Laura's re-emergence. What if HC has a drug that can bring Laura in and out of catatonia.. and HC hired the doctor who briefed Laura.

    It sorta fits... it does.


  5. You guys, we may have witnessed a major plot point today:

    Sc. 6: Tracy takes Johnny into the other room. "I'd like you to meet Laura Spencer, Lulu's mother. That's what she's facing, nothing more than being the living dead"

    Johnny - You shouldn't say that in front of her.

    Tracy - Why? She can't hear anything. She doesn't respond. She doesn't know we're here. She just sits there in a world of emptiness, and that's what's facing Lulu unless she gets the help she needs.

    J - You're trying to scare me.

    T - You're damn right. It's like the flaw in the perfect gemstone that you don't even know is there until it cracks in two.

    J - That's not going to happen to Lulu.

    T - Why? Because she's too young, too vital, too full of life? I love my stepdaughter, but even if I didn't I wouldn't wish that on anybody.

    Tracy identified herself as Lulu's stepmother IN FRONT OF LAURA.

    If Laura is at all awake, this could be the point where she learns the truth about Luke and Tracy.

    I'm just saying... don't be surprised if this is pointed to as the 'turning point' in the future (and Tracy is painted as the b*tch for talking about her marriage in front of Laura).

  6. This is a total outsiders' question, but don't you find the entire process goes on too long? It seem like you folks have election fatigue. The authorities seem to spend two years covering their ass and two years trying to get elected again. It can be argued that our election times are too short in comparison, but we have the better voter turn-out.

    As I said, this is an outsider's perspective.

    Welcome to America. Anything worth doing here is worth doing BIG!


    Consumerism (especially cars!)



    and yes.. politics. oy


    Anything you can drop for Tracy or Jax coming up?

    I don't have much. But look for Laura to be a huge factor in the Tracy and Luke relationship. Has she really come out of it or is it all in Lulu's head?

    You know I was really insulted the last time they brought Laura back, and Luke just dropped Tracy like a hot potato. Everything we're hearing indicates that WON'T happen this time. That - weather Laura is real or not - she'll bring up issues for Luke and Tracy that they'll actually have to DEAL with. Us LuNatics may not like the outcome (and personally, I think we will. ;) It's a gut thing) -- but at least we're getting the push-pull, love/angst we are all convinced our girl deserves.

    Sounds like Tracy is REALLY going to be a factor in Luke/Laura's love story this time around. And all I have to say about that is: THANK GOD. It's about TIME!!!

    ta ta,


  7. Morning everyone.

    Made a new video for the Max and Diane fans on the board:


    Off to get some caffiene in my system so I can function....

    Oh that was just so much fun!

    Thank you!

    And I never heard that song before.. it's a new favorite. Like it a lot.

    Ta ta,


    Oh -- the shadows on Laura's door yesterday -- was that Tracy?

    And Remos, I don't believe it was a smirk on Laura's face. I saw a smile -- a mother who was happy about what her child was saying... and that was as much emotion/reaction as she could muster.

  8. Not sure if this is some insider of just someone's spec or what...

    No one believes Lulu but Tracy finds out the truth. She conspires with Scott, who thinks he'll get a second chance with Laura.

    But will Luke find out before it's too late?

    That's disgusting!

    If that's true, I might FINALLY hang it up. Tracy and SCOTT?!?!?! Nope. No. It's not true to character.

    Hey, Hooked -- you still in Houston? You evacuate???

  9. *Klunk...ker plop*

    The sound of hooked fainting at the IL drop on the dish..

    Tracy spies Lulu with a very much awake Laura.

    However, Tracy believes its best that no one knows Laura is awake, even if it means Lulu second guesses herself.

    THIS is what I have been saying should happen all along. I know some of you won't agree with me, because you don't want Tracy to lie to Luke, but this would be SOOOO classic Tracy to do...so in character...to see that Laura is awake and let Lulu think it is in her head because she doesn't want to lose Luke, etc....I know it might suck for LuNacy....but really, this would be the most in character thing Tracy could do...like the Tracy of old...plus it will give Jane some screentime and you know she will rock it!

    I understand where you are coming from, Hooked.. but I'm definitely in the opposite camp on this one. I love the Lunacy dynamic oh so much. I'd be destroyed if Tracy lied to Luke NOW. It would seem out of character now (not before, but now). His love has changed her... it's changed both of them. They are tighter, more bonded.. bonded enough so that I believe Luke would choose Tracy over Laura. I believe it. She can't violate a love that strong. She just can't. (The fact that she knew Scott killed Rick - and kept it secret! - is going to come back to bite her in the butt. Guaranteed!!! But that was old Tracy. She's not 'old Tracy' anymore.)

  10. Hey LisaQ, thanks for the vids.. i saw one.. loved it. Will watch the other this evening (after the Open!).

    Remos, looking forward to that Annals installation,too.

    On a funny note, our very own Lainey is quote in this article (don't freak lainey, not by name) by CH (diane). It is a cute article, but they go on to ask her about half way through of who else Diane could be paired with...she mentions Ric or Luke but says the fans would scream or something like that...

    They said what do you mean, and she says "Luke is Tracy's--even on my own message board I have fans tell me "Love you Diane, but Luke is Tracy's...back off!"

    How funny is that...


    Ha! Thanks for the info! Go check out CH's message board. I posted a question about this (well, it was sort of about this... ;) )

  11. Lainey/LisaQ, anyone else who likes DIane...this is a funny interview with CH--Lainey you will like it


    Ha! Thanks.

    (I no longer consider CH cool enough to play a lusty lesbian. NLG could do it, but we'd have to find her an appropriate acting partner... JE???? I'd pay for that)

    This is kind of hilarious from the serial drama girls...regarding the trial on GH


    Ha! Lawyers need to know before Voie Dire if it's going to be a death penalty case. Potential jurors MUST be asked if they believe in the death penalty -- otherwise you risk getting a jury full of people who won't vote guilty no matter how guilty they think your client may be. You can't just -poof- put ANYONE on a death penalty jury. It doesn't work that way. Geesh.

  12. But..Diane is having a storyline arc coming up that you will like--the whole Sopranos guy coming as max/milo's dad. Thinks Max and Milo are the mob bosses, so Sonny and Jason supposedly have to be the bodyguards. He is supposed to have a thing for Diane too.

    I'm losing my love for CH (sorry LisaQ).. but Guza should have told her to keep her Obama-hate to herself. She's wiped the shine off of herself. I really wish I never saw that silly video. Ugh.

    I'm tired of the mob. Big !@#$%^&*] doesn't have a place in daytime.

    I want my LuNacy... and get rid of Laura already... I have a weak stomach.

  13. I also come bearing a question...what Tracy/Luke scene would you consider a defining moment in their relationship (if not the defining moment) and why?

    Welcome, Eraser.

    Lots of people have answered this.. and mine will be similar... but I absolutely LOVE :wub: this question, so here goes my take on it:

    • Nov. 7, 2006 -- It's the day he told her he'd marry her if she didn't have a dime. She inhaled a giant bucket of realization and said, 'I'd be thrilled if you didn't just tell me you were going to marry Laura.' She had tears in her eyes when he told her 'I come home to you, Tracy. I come home to you.' Also amazing that day was Luke asking her 'could you tell her? Could you??' And she answered, with enormous emotion, 'if it meant keeping my husband. yes' AWESOME. LIFE CHANGING DAY.
    • A week later he told her he loved her... and TG actually forced that 'I love you, Tracy' into a script. I don't think JE was aware he was going to say it, and there was a glass clink.. something happened to indicate her surprise.. and she closed her eyes. It was great (except the cameras weren't set right for a true reaction shot.. and I don't believe JE was prepared to play it out).
    • When he came back in Feb 2007 and told her she pushes him to the 'edge of' his 'experience' and that they would remain married until she decided otherwise. Her look and her reaction -- one of realization and complete surprise, mixed in with a bit of bliss and restraint -- was priceless. It was the next episode where she told her father gleefully "I'm a Spencer," and at that point.. I believe she was. She had accepted it, and was thrilled about it. To me.. that day -- before the hostage stupidity -- sealed the events of November and February. They had survived the remarriage and Luke's departure and were back together -- TRUELY together for the first time.

    • Everything after that is the wonderful push and pull of LuNacy!! (Including the 'I love you, Luke!' in April of 07. We should have had our sex scene on April 20, 2007. We were denied!!)

    And so you were asking, what did Luke and Tracy do today. Well, here was how they spent the afternoon...

    The Annals

    Hmmmmmm.. very tasty!

    Boycott over. I'm back.

    Now, much like Oliver Twist: "May I have some more please, sir?" ;):P;):P;):P

  14. Thank you, and you are a consistent one, aren't you... just read and see...

    Might have to start boycotting until I get what I want.

    I believe the tactic worked before..... ;)

    I don't think I ever shared my pix of Tony from the Emmy Red Carpet this year. I drove down from SF to LA to meet friends, stalk the red carpet and go to Derk and Carolyn's event.

    So here's Tony!




    HA! What was it you said about this outfit, Halee? Max Hedroom in vinyl at a gay bar??? Or something like that? Hilarious?

    So LisaQ -- what are carolyn and derk like? I get the feeling they're "real." That might be because she participates in her chat board.. and anyone who does that has GOT to be cool.

    I don't want to go to work.

    I don't want to go to work.

    I don't want to go to work.

    I have to go to work.


  15. Here are JE's scenes from One is a Lonely Number. She plays supportive best friend Madge to her friend Amy who is getting a divorce circa San Francisco 1972. Groovy Baby!

    PT. 1 http://www.sendspace.com/file/3i542c

    PT. 2 http://www.sendspace.com/file/c4hepn

    oh wow.


    That was a fun way to start my day.

    I'd never seen that.

    (Whenever I see her in these supportive roles I always find her SOOO much more interesting than the main character! Anyone know who the bleached blonde is? She's someone famous. She looks familiar to me!)


  16. Here is the interview if you want to hear it...the clip they show is going to air today I think...


    It could be a misleading clip and what is said before could be missing...but the way it stands it sure sounds like it!

    Guess we need to watch and see how it plays out...as long as it was not the reason why they had Tracy come back early from the on the run cause she found out or something that he was keeping that from her...which makes no sense cause she is still wearing her ring and all concerned for Lulu, etc.

    Oh I am vomiting.

    "Laura" on a Fox local station spouting Medifast crap. That is wrong on SOOOO many levels I can't even explain it.

    I will tell you this -- it is HIGHLY DOUBTFUL (99.9%) that the local fox show would edit the clip to be misleading. It's a daily news show. They have too much going on. They got the clip from ABC (or from the medifast pr person), and put it on TV -- no editing on their part.

    Now.. did ABC edit the clip before distributing it? Again.. HIGHLY unlikely. I can't see them taking the time to edit a promo clip that might air on a few dozen local stations.

    There is a camera change in the shot, so there is room for an edit -- but I think it's like that on the show.. i don't think the clip is edited.

    100 bucks -- that's the way it airs on the show. Anyone wanna bet?



  17. Hmmm...the plot thickens...GF interview on good day LA today...they show a clip of her talking to lulu (to air tomorrow I think) about her being awake and lulu asking why she didnt know and lulu says "But lucky, nik and dad why didn't they tell me" and Laura said "cause I asked them not to cause I didn't want to disappoint you if I relapsed again."

    I thought they said the doctors knew but she asked them not to tell anyone and asked lulu not to tell anyone. I wonder if it was changed. Or perhaps the clip is misleading and ti did meant the doctors.

    If Luke knew...it would have to be a rewrite cause hello??? Luke was declaring his love for tracy, asking her to wear his ring again, telling her there was nobody for him, anywhere and asked her to go on the run with him. People were speculating that maybe that is why she came back early cause she found out about laura or something....her reasons for being back were vague...

    guess we will have to see how it plays out but that would SUCK if luke knew and didn't tell her!

    If this f*@king show is rewritten so that Luke KNEW and lied to Tracy about his love and his commitment to her-- that's it for me.


    If they rewrite it to be that Luke KNEW and decided that Tracy was really right for him, and that he was done with LAURA... well, that rewrite is INFINITELY better. And I could live with it.

    The other rewrite ends it for me for all time. Kaput.

  18. From this same nsider again at the dish...not sure again if they are credible or not...but if we care at all---maybe this is some good advice...

    right now no storyboards of her and Luke and Laura.

    Oh F*@k!!

    Aren't you just DYING for Tracy to walk in on Lulu and Laura... and have Laura pretend to be catatonic. Tracy would then proceed to talk as Luke's wife and Lulu's stepmother, and Laura would HEAR EVERY WORD!!!

    I would Die for it, my friends.


    They gotta write it.

    They need to write it.

    It should be written.

    It should.

    (Remos, can you write it? You can write it. WILL you write it? You SHOULD write it -- immediately after you finish my oatmeal. I'm HUNGRY!)

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