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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. The

    Kiss :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:



    (I've already watched it five or six times. Oh. My. God! OHMYGOD!)

    (psst... Remos, I challenge you to write LuNacy's scene 8. Come on, you smut queen, you. I know you have it in you! ;) )

  2. Edward said Lila kicked him out plenty of times so he knows personally that the best way to get back with the woman you love is to grovel, preferably with something big and diamond in your hand.

    Personally, I hope this is a huge set-up for tomorrow.

    It is a HUGE setup for tomorrow. I predict a diamond ring with a proposal. Something along the lines of: 'the old ring represented a joke, a gag, a scam. This is for real.'

    Thing is, Edward gave the LnL fans an "out" today. Because we will all think Luke is "for real" tomorrow, but the LnL fans will think he's just faking it, as Edward implied. I hate Guza. Love Lunacy. Hate Guza.


  3. I am considering downloading a trial version of Sony Vegas for the recent LuNacy video - Still not sure if I'll end up buying it though 'cause what happens if I do stop creating videos (whether it's because JE and or TG leave in the near future or I get wrapped up in work again or another reason)? Guess we'll see...

    There are two versions of it in v.9 on amazon. Seems like there is a sale. One is 65 something. Other is 85 something. I say --- take the plunge!

    ta ta, lb

  4. Hey, thanks so much for the feedback. Unfortunately, Windows Movie Maker just has audio on one channel. It’s a real b-tch. There is a way to place the dialogue within the music without abruptions, as you might have noticed at other portions of the video. But, it just lets me to do one of these "good" overlaps per music clip. What I might try is placing more “cuts” into the music, which would then provide more areas to insert dialogue. Once everything is inserted, I should be able to merge the music together – not sure though.

    That would work. Make all the cuts where the dialogue should go, insert the dialogue, then play with the "ends" of the music strings and the dialogue strings (bring the music slowly down and the dialogue slowly up. Can you "cross" - mix - the strings even on one channel? Sounds like you've done that in there a couple times).

    As for Sony Vega... don't know anything about it. I really think you should invest in a Powerbook and Final Cut Express. Really! (Guess what Lainey hopes to get with her tax rebate money?!?! A Powerbook with Final Cut, Aperature, which is a photo program, and PhotoShop!! Hopefully! Hopefully!)

    That said, you are WAY advanced beyond one channel. Your brain doesn't think that way anymore. I can tell. It is DEFINITELY time to move to a multi channel program. DEFINITELY. You will LOVE the freedom it gives you to putz with audio. What you tried to do now will still take time, but you will REALLY LOVE the results. Promise. Also, Vega probably has a lot more video effects

  5. Double post, but I didn't want this post to get mixed in with the last one...

    LuNacy fans, who are able to watch videos via SendSpace - I need your thoughts. In this recent video I made, I overlapped the music with dialogue (which is an incredibly irritating process in Windows Movie Maker - took longer to overlap audio than to actually create the video - oy). At certain parts, it's not the best it can be (I tried, I really tried). Could you tell me what you think of it though?

    And also, should I ditch the ending audio clip? It doesn't "go" IMO, but I didn't want the video to leave the impression that Tracy is only with Luke 'cause she can't live without him... So, I added the audio where she told him that he makes her life worth living and she doesn't know what she would do without him. But as I said, it just doesn't seem to "go," and plus, it repeats words from the first quote, which sort of sounds awkward. You, hopefully, will see what I mean when you watch.

    Here is the URL: http://www.sendspace.com/file/mbcoja

    Thanks! :)

    Okay.. I think your idea and your mood and your video choices are FANTASTIC.

    This is truly a piece of art.

    Here's the thing.. I know nothing about windows movie maker.. but I do know a little about final cut. Is your audio on two channels (the show on one channel, the music on the other)? If you have the audio on separate channels, you should be able to fade down one channel, while fading up the other one. It will seem less abrupt. Is that how you're doing it?

    Also -- look for 'lip flap.' That's when luke or tracy's lips are moving, but the voice over you have edited in is different from what they're saying. I saw it at least twice. It's a little jarring, but all you have to do to fix it is replace the "talking video" with video where they're not talking. There will be no "flap." You'll like it better.

    As for the end -- I would get rid of the last voice over bite. I don't think you need it. It's just my opinion.

    I hope this doesn't sound critical -- Im just giving you the feedback you wanted. Honestly, I think you have done an amazing job. Your creativity and vision astounds me. You have a feel for this stuff (You should consider working on final cut. There is final cut express and final cut pro. "Pro" is what the pros use, but express is similar and less than 200 dollars. Once you master it, you will have the skills to edit professionally. You certainly have the eye and the ear and the talent).



  6. Hope everyone has a good holiday.

    Lainey, tomorrow's show is a repeat of last year's Christmas Eve episode. (Some very good Tracy scenes including one with Dillon.) No show at all on Christmas Day. Friday is a new show.


    That means I can take off now, and not worry about getting back by three!

    Merry! Merry! to all who are celebrating!


  7. Tracy won't be watching Luke tomorrow since GH is running last year's Christmas show. No GH on Christmas. And Friday is the Scrubs wedding (no Tracy, apparently), so it seems to me that scene was cut. At first, it bothered me, but then again, Tracy watching Luke from afar is a bit pathetic and semi-stalkerish. So perhaps it's better that it didn't happen. Let's just hope nothing on NYE is cut.

    Wait.. I want to make sure I have this right.

    No new show on Wed and Thursday?!?! Are we 100% positive?

    New show is FRIDAY, not Wednesday? Makes sense since Scrubs have said their wedding is 26. For some reason, I thought new show was WEDNESDAY with repeats or pre-empts on Thursday, Friday.

    Someone confirm for me, please.

    If Tracy watching Luke scene was cut (and I think it was. They had her leaving the house, but she never arrived anywhere), I say good! We didn't need that B.S. She's sad. We get it.

    As for today's show.. I'm going to walk the dog, and then come back and watch it again. Sorry you didn't like Dax, Ms. Q. I really liked 'em. I was glad to see Diane. Its been awhile. And Spixie was just... cute!

    And who knew Bernie was Jewish!?!?! Love it!

  8. I just have to say...I don't think I've smiled this much during this show in a looooooong time! Alan & Monica and Diane & Max are too cute!


    Dax and Spixie plus a dash of A&M... it was nice.

    I wonder if they cut Tracy looking in on the Spencers. Maybe. Or maybe we'll have that tomorrow?

    Whole show was pretty good. Wanna know a main reason?

    No Mob bang 'em up. No Sonny or Jason or Sam or Carly or Jax or Kate or Olivia or Ric or Claudia or any of the darn Zs and Russians.

    A nice little family show: Spencers, Qs, Scorpios... with Dax and Spixie sprinkled on top.

    And who knew Bernie was Jewish?!?! A nice little nod to the Jews among us. I don't remember them doing that previously.

    I will say I didn't like the Luke/Laura stuff (Really, dude. Don't you understand NOW why Tracy is so hurt?!?!).

    Now: Give me my reunion already!! I need the LuNacy!!!!

  9. That couple is called ClauSon or ClawSon, and I really like them too. Actually Laine, they are being patterned after LuNacy.... "the couple that shouldn't be together for all sorts of reason, but discovers they work better than with anyone else". At least that was what an insider said a month or so ago.

    As to the LuNacy ommission, yeah, I wasn't amused either. But I'm not sure if this was actually teasing something legit or sending the JaSam/Liason/LnL2/LuSam fans around the bend again. Remember that Fall of Romance spoiler that came out and nobody got nuthin.

    What about Sodia? I sort of like that.

    About the lack of LuNacy in the commercial -- it's indicative of what they think of LuNacy. LuNacy = "extra"... "pad"... "filler" for the older watchers. I'm sad. They aren't given the respect and attention they deserve, and for that reason I fear the LuNacy Lovers among us are about to be cheated.

  10. There was a GH commecial run during the show.. I hadn't seen it before.

    It teased the following love/romances: Scrubs, Spixie, Claudia/Sonny (what do we call this? I actually like it. Shades of LuNacy), CarJax, LnL2, JaSam, JoLu (maybe some more I'm forgetting)... It also shows NL's returns.

    So.. what's my point?!?!

    NO LuNacy!!!!!!!! They ignore our peeps, when they have SUCH LOYAL FOLLOWING.

    Not happy! Not happy at all!

  11. Best airport to be stuck in, in my humble opinion, is Minneapolis-St. Paul. Good shopping!

    Oh this is kinda fun! It's an old clip of JE from an episode of Police Woman from the 70's. JE and Angie Dickenson actually roll around on a bed together! JE shows up a couple minutes into the clip.

    *Oh and she is wearing a leisure suit! Groovy!


    THIS is too special. Angie Dickenson and Jane Elliot rolling around on a bed. My only complaint -- too short! HILARIOUS. THANK YOU!

    There are a slew of new characters coming on soon: Dante, the female computer nerd, NL's "Rebecca." I would LOVE for one of these newbees to have a link to our peeps! LOVE IT.

  12. Tracy breaks down and gives into her feelings for Luke. I love this wording btw.


    If she is 'giving in' then that probably means she doesn't get what she wants and deserves: Luke's declaration that she is number one.

    It explains why 'push-pull' might continue past New Years: She is not getting what she really deserves as a wife. Hmmm...

  13. So funny.. I thought yesterday was deadly boring. I guess it was nice to see Robert, but I really like him when he's saving the world with Luke or Anna. I wasn't especially moved by the mushy family stuff. I thought it was sort of 'slow.' Add in the slowly dying Sam (who we know won't die).... And the 'tortured Sonny' story yesterday was just ... torturous! HA.

  14. I hope we do get some lovin' too. And they need all the lovin' they can get. Is it too much to ask for a holding each other in bed scene? Please.... :P Excuse me while I pray to God for an answer. :)

    Okay, I want the bed scene too (Funny, I'm not holding my breath. I advise you follow my lead)....

    However, what I REALLY want.. is what Tracy wants.


    I want him to get down on bended knee and promise to her and god and everyone else, that he loves her best and most and will never leave her -- no matter WHAT happens with Laura.

    I want him to say Laura was wrong -- she couldn't beat Tracy in a fight for his heart.

    Without that -- I don't want them back together. Really. F it and F them and F the whole damn thing .

    If she goes back to him without getting what she is holding out for, then she is settling. And Tracy Quartermaine doesn't settle. Nope. No way. She doesn't.

    And she shouldn't.

  15. 12/30

    Episode: "New Year's Eve"

    Jax and Carly can't deny their attraction to one another; Luke closes the Haunted Star early to be alone with Tracy.

    Ooh I like this one better than the other one that said Luke wins Tracy over? So much of their good stuff takes place at teh Haunted Star!!

    Hmmm..I'm now pessimistic about the "Luke wins Tracy over" line. What if it has to do with gambling and not love/marriage?

  16. If they were going to bring

    NL back

    Then why'd the bother

    killing her character off?

    I thought they

    didn't like NL.

    And does

    this Rebecca come back as a Quartermaine?

    Probably not.

    My guess is

    Paige had twins, and this is the other one.. who was raised by dad.

    Or something like that.

    Oh... I WANT MY LUNACY!!!





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