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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. Here's a little LuNacy video.

    ~ Happy Valentine's Day Weekend LuNacy Fans! ~

    SendSpace: http://www.sendspace.com/file/y7muhz

    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fj1wsK_S8UA


    Oh MS. Q, THIS IS FANTASTIC!!! Best line in the thing: "I know that I have issues, but you're pretty messed up, too.." HAHAHAHAHA Perfect. Just perfect. And your video choices are grand. Question -- I don't recognize the last kiss, in the black jacket. What day did that happen? When is it from? Also, you cut together two different days for your opening scene right (She wasn't wearing that jacket when he said I'm the best you ever had. Right? Or am I wrong?))

  2. I am confused.

    Maybe one of you can help me out.

    Speculation welcome. Insight is fine. Knowledge would be best.

    When they put Tracy on the chopper, and left Lulu behind, I thought for sure they were setting up a scenario where Luke would have to rescue Lulu and then chew out Tracy for leaving her behind. That didn't happen. Instead what we got was genuine (tender, wonderful, totally delightful) TraLu bonding instead of Lulu propping (which is what I feared for several minutes the other day).

    The storyline for Lulu this crisis has essentially been: bonding with Tracy (The fact that Guza would use one of his major characters this way has me completely stunned. THRILLED, but stunned).

    The storyline for LUKE this crisis has DEFINITELY been: bonding with Ethan.


    I sense some sort of 4-way storyline coming up, but i can't figure out what it is. Or maybe it's just wishful thinking.

    What's going on?

    (And whatever happens, this TraLu bonding about men and mocha madness was much appreciated and totally fantastic!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:NOW: BRING BACK LUNACY!!)

  3. I HATED how Tracy got up and WALKED to the chopper and LEFT Lulu behind. SUCKED. Not good.

    Re: Ethan. Any chance in hell Ethan is connected to TRACY, and not Luke; that Ethan has been scamming Luke to get to TRACY? Wouldn't that be GRAND (yes, it would... which is why it's SO NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!)

  4. I didn't hear the "oh crap," until I read it here, and then went back and watched again.

    About a decade ago, my grandfather had a stroke in his sleep.. apparently it awaken him, and when he went to tell my grandma what was happening, a bunch of gibberish came out of his mouth. So he squeezed his eyes shut, and concentrated enough to slam his fist on the dresser and mutter, "oh crap."

    He was a blustery, argumentative person.. who else do we "know" like that? hmmmmmm.

    So I think the 'oh crap' was very much in character for our girl today.

    Was it the toxin or a heart attack? She grabbed her chest... looked like a heart attack to me. I hope so. She and Luke can do funny pain comparisons later. Hilarious.

    Gotta tell you -- I didn't like the lap kissing yesterday. VERY BAD. PISSED ME OFF.

    FLOVED the Q Banter today. VERY VERY FUN.

    WE NEED LUNACY!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow? Possible?

  5. Patrick and 2 extras get Tracy on a gurney (Note: I kid you not... I thought it was a MAN on the gurney... I am like, "Oh some random orderly passed out again... And then I realized it was Tracy. And she is looking rather stiff to me, still...).

    Am I the only one who thinks she passes out twice... once before visiting Monica (when she's in the bed in long sleeve navy blue tshirt) and once after visiting Monica (when she's wearing the light blue button down orderly outfit) ?!?!


    Maybe Ethan is Felica and Luke's love child (who has been super sorased. squeeeeee!!!! That would be SO wonderful. AND he'd be related to both Maxi AND Lulu! hehehe).

  6. 6. LB, where ya been? I've missed you.

    7. The Diva has weighted in, but I've got to say I'm enjoying the show right now. How are the rest of you feeling?

    Been busy.. been bored. Jolu, Carjax, Scrubs and mob mayhem don't do it for me. When's the last time Luke and Tracy have been on TOGETHER?!?! It's about a month already. RIDICULOUS! and ANNOYING!

    Today was well done.. but I've been a bit unimpressed.. haven't been watching much.

  7. Lainey--I hear htey are not using recurring characters as much to save money. Did you see Tony is staying! Woo hoo!

    Who is recurring?!?! JI is recurring, right? NOT JE? So if what you're saying is true then JE would have been around today and NOT JI. Why did you write this thing about recurring? I'm confused.

    Yeah, TG is staying. They better hurry up and put some LuNacy on the front burner or I may leave before he does.

    I think TG had some time off the last few weeks-- we didn't SEE him!

  8. Hey guys

    I made a new LuNacy vid


    hope you enjoy!!!



    I am grinning ear to ear!

    I Loved MAMMA MIA (My girl Meryl Rocks!)

    I FLOVE that you have Meryl Streep singing "Tracy's part." Tooooo funny, and very fitting in my world.

    And Pierce Bronson -- that voice is AWFUL, but sorta real as Luke's voice.

    It all works so nicely.

    I'm grinning.. just grinning! :D :D :D

    Thank you!

    As for today's epi. Before watching I was a bit confused because I hadn't really been paying attention since the last time LuNacy was on... but one epi was all it took to bring me up to speed (that's sad). Anyway, I think the way they have everything bubbling over at the same time was nicely done. I don't understand why Tracy didn't arrive with Edward. What was the purpose of keeping her off screen today?

    It is sorta nice the way Luke AND Johnny are outside the hospital... and Spin, Jason, Sam are being set up to be the Heroes that save the day (Patrick, too, sorta.. but apparently they're making him the tortured hero).

    Where is Alexis and Ric in this drama? Are they being left out?

    Dianne, too, is nowhere to be seen?

    How'd Maxie get injured? Why is Johnny helping her?

  9. LisaQ, love that video! And the song is fantastic!!

    MF, what is this.. THREE days in a row?!?! Fan me --- I might faint. GREAT to have you here. Keep comin' back, will ya?!? We're fun.. really. Probably THE funnest on the web. Definitely the most opinionated AND the smartest soap fans you'll find anywhere. Really!

  10. Nice..


    seemed a little forced. I wonder what's really going on? Is this a diversion? Hmmmm...

    Why do they have her saying the same damn lines??!! She has said the "Best Time I Ever Had" line before.

    Kiss should have been more passionate. I don't see them as the tender type. They're more about pushing, pulling, grabbing and taking.

  11. Hooked, I FLOVE your spoilers.

    And I FLOVE the Finola Hughes quote in your signature. How long has that been there? Brilliant!

    I can't sleep...

    I made the mistake of playing on SOC, and now I REALLY can't sleep.

    There are some big morons over there. It's SO NOT a relaxing, fun place. SO NOT.

  12. And didn't Tracy just say in those scenes that she doesn't believe in fate. And that she believes in making her own/controlling it. So I think she wuld have punched Luke in the arm if he had really let the ball freely go around on that roulette table without any manipulating from him. LuNacy are cynics they don't believe in fairy tales and the magic of the ball actually landing on the number.

    I agree with this.

    I sort of love that Luke rigged the game. It sort of jives with their philosophy in life which is, 'Win anyway you can, as long as family isn't hurt (too much).'

    Luke totally gave Mike a WTF look when he mentioned Laura today. LOL

    Hmmm. The way I saw it, a light bulb went off in Luke's head and he sort of understood a little more about where Tracy was coming from.

  13. HOOKED! I fracking love your avatar.

    Just wanted to pop in and let you guys know I FINALLY saw Tuesday's episode. Mama and Papa were SOOO nummy. I finally got my NYE episode. Dances around with joy! Anybody wanna email me with the url for clips (pwease)? I can't check this thread very often, and stoopid SON gave up sending email updates forever ago.

    Anyway, I just wanted to pop in, wish you all a happy new year, and squee some more about the LuNacy scenes from Tuesday!

    Debbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb, we miss you!

    You should visit your friends more often!

    Yes.. it was nummy!

    Bobbie and Luke decide to rebuild Kelly's in the exact same style.

    If they DARE to show us the EXACT, SAME SET I will barf. I promise you, I will barf. And then I will be mad! :angry: :angry:

  14. Star, that picture in your avi is just....... yummy and fantastic!!!

    I am LOVING all the new avis and banners... guess we all got some good material to work with. FINALLY!

    I have to go back to work tomorrow, after two weeks off.

    Not entirely sad.. but not entirely happy. Oy......

  15. Lainey and others who are interested, this is my last version of "Trouble is a Friend." Hope you enjoy. I did what I could with Windows Movie Maker. : /

    SendSpace: http://www.sendspace.com/file/e6w24m

    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN1c9LGCuNQ


    Soooo WONDERFUL!

    Thank you!

    I am serioulsy at my wits end right now--I need to go listen to some inspirational song or something...it is like everything coming crashing down to pieces all at once....now my middle son is haivng total massive issues...he is my easy one. I am seriously running away.


    I am sending you the most positive of vibes!!!!!!!!!


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