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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. There's really only about 3-4 hardcore LnL fans left who do their bit to try to hold GF/Laura up as some goddess. It's like shooting ducks in a barrel.

    And Sidelinegirl - since you've already shown you eavesdrop here, be my guest to either come join the Tracy/LuNacy love for real or to report back. You know you're one of the 3-4. :D

    And yes.... I have my b*tch on. ;)

    There are people who don't like LuNacy who come here to "lurk" or "pick up info"!?!?!?!

    That's flipping ridiculous. This is not Russia v. USA during the cold war. Geez! It's a freakin' soap opera. No need to spy.

    I'm getting really tired of this pre LuNacy reunion bullshit... although, I must admit REALLY liking what Alexis said to Luke today. I feel like Luke 'heard' her, which is good.

    So his heart attack is fake? We know that for sure?

    (We all know Tracy's history of walking away from men with heart attacks...)

  2. Lainey can't sleep!! THIS sucks!

    Last two days of GH have been pretty good, actually. I guess it's because LuNacy are interacting, and I feel they are close to reconciliation (it may be more wish than fact, but it's what I feel).

    Also - I actually like the Maxi/Lulu apartment arrangement (I find myself strangely on the edge of my seat wondering how they're going to decorate that place on 'no budget.' You know it's going to be over the top gorgeous, and I'm going to think, 'yeah right, they were able to pull that together in a week on two assistant salaries.' HA! Maybe Tracy can empty out a bedroom or two for them. Something from the east wing. Monica will never notice).

    I'm also glad the mob boom-boom has died down. I like Claudia-Sonny interaction. I FLOVE the return of Diane, and JaSam are actually generating a little heat. Wasn't a fan the last go-round, but I was feelin' it today.

    From wubs:

    Will Tracy's heart un-freeze for the New Year?

    Why can't she give in already, an almost kiss... :(

    The thaw is near.. the thaw is near..

    Here's my version of the LuNacy role in the NYE montage (not because you asked, but because I'm tired and it's in my head and I want to share): He kisses her passionately up against a wall near a door (they led up to it with earlier scenes). She pulls away and stares, then turns to leave him thru the door. At first you think she's choosing to walk away from him again, but then she turns, smiles, reaches out and pulls him through with her. The door shuts behind them.

    Everyone say 'awwww.' awww.

  3. I see Remos already posted this, but here it is...not sure how legit or not but..

    Can you share who is in the NYE montage?


    Scrubs, Liz/Matt, Sonny walking in on Claudia with Morgan, Jason/Sam/Lucky, Luke/Tracy, Nikadine. Ends with Carly alone looking at the snow out her window.

    Liz/Matt? No Spixie? No JoLu?

    I love the Luke/Tracy drop, and I hope it's true.. but the fact that the beloved JoLu is missing, and that there is no Spixie makes me very suspect. Just a thought...


    From SOW

    SOW - Editor's Opinion

    As much as I enjoyed Laura's recent visit, I confess I'm glad Luke stayed in PC - and hitched to Tracy. While Laura may be the One True Passion of his life, Luke is a different person with his current wife - and I like this cynical, deal-from-a-stacked-deck guy with a chip on his shoulder. And her undisguised bitterness at the world is just hilarious. There's no more simply way to put it: These two world-weary warriors work.

    ^^^THAT, my friends, IS BRILLIANT!!

    I think I need a banner with that quote on it: "These two world-weary warriors work!" Maybe... maybe...

  5. I had a LuNacy dream last night.

    In it: They got back together and had a love scene.. and then I came on this board and posted a giant "YEAH! I TOLD YOU SO." I could see the YEAH in my dream. It was font six or seven and bright pink. Bold.

    For those of you wondering, my brain was not nearly detailed on the sex scene. :(

    I wonder what all of that says about me? :o

    How are the season preparations going for the rest of you? Hooked and TL, Chanukkah istarts the 21st, right? Is that also Solstice this year?
    What's a "season preparation?"
  6. Nope..

    Didn't like the Same Sh!t, Different Bar routine (It's actually the same set, but don't get me started).

    GH: Give me something different!!!

    Give me resolution, and then give me SEX!

    Geez. Enough already!!!!!

    Don't they know there are a multitude of television options out there for people like us? We don't HAVE to watch this crap. Nope. We don't. Not at all.

  7. Tracy and Luke try to work it out after he finds out her truth



    What is her truth ?!?!?

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MS. Q!!!!!!!

    (Ms. Q -- I want to make the "Happy Birthday" a size 5 or 6, but I'm having issues with sizes today. They won't work for me. Hmmm.)

  8. LB, I see you there. Why no talkie to me????? :(
    Don't take it personally. I've just found myself cutting back on the garbage that is GH. It doesn't fill my thoughts as much as it used to. (that's their fault, not yours OR mine)

    I'll write the fic when it's needed. I've already got some ideas.

    So what do I write to my academic mentors and aging great-aunts? "So... my erotica writing is coming along nicely..."

    The fic is needed NOW. Trust me.

    As for what you write to your mentors and aunts -- sure, go ahead, mention the erotica. I dare you.

    Some spoilers (looks like Tracy is probably not on the week of the 8th)

    *pops in*

    quick drop

    I can confirm these

    Tracy doesn't believe Luke's I love yous.

    The question is: For how long does the non-belief continue (1 segment? 2 segments? 1 episode? 2 episodes? 3 weeks? 10 weeks? etc.)

    Maxie and Lulu become roommates ... and Johnny makes three.
    Cute. Totally unexpected. I like this.

  9. Ah sweetie.... you are a constant in my universe. :P (BTW I miss our chats, PM me sometime)
    Does that mean you're gonna write one soon? (You could do the reunion up right. Because you know GH is gonna F it up. I envision a stormy Dominican night and a long hot kiss pressed up against a wall of dancing shadows. It's the moment where all of Tracy's resolve is shattered, and the LuNacy dance begins in earnest... once again!)

  10. ^^^ I couldn't have been the ONLY one who went there... :lol:Lainey, what about you? :D
    Nope, sorry.

    Didn't go there.

    I basically barely watch these days. It's like I'm daring them to draw me back in.

    They haven't done it yet.

    Right now however Sonny and Claudia are supposed to be like Luke/Tracy: two people who were never meant to be that are going to realize their marriage is probably the only relationship that will work for them
    I'm not opposed to this, actually...

    I sorta like it...

    Only problem is, Claudia turned his child into a vegetable.

    However this is a soap, and in soapland even that can change!


    Yo Remos, did I mention I loved your last "Confessions?"

    Might we get another (raunchier) chapter anytime soon? ;)

  11. On another note...this man needs to STFU...permanently!

    canadian tv guide


    “Our lesbians are cuter.”

    —ABC Chief Brian Frons during an interview with Broadcast & Cable magazine contrasting All My Children’s Rianca to Grey’s Anatomy’s now-defunct lesbian storyline.

    Hmmm... they're younger. I'm not sure they're cuter.

    Okay, maybe they're cuter, but that's only because they're younger.

    They're not more appealing. Definitely not.


  12. Anyone else distracted by the weird sexual vibe between TG & BB?



    I didn't notice.. but I can believe it. BB looks like the sort of hottie TG might be into. HA!!!

    I'm not up for this "Serious Devastation." Not up for it at all (20 bucks says she comes back from the Dominican with divorce papers. Nothing else would devastate him.) Ugh. :angry:

  13. Luke wants to remarry Tracy the ''right way''

    I'm opposed to any storyline that has them divorcing.

    Sure the plan may be to have them remarry, but you know what they say about best laid plans.

    There is always a chance that after the divorce is done Guza changes his mind about remarriage or Guza gets fired or LuNacy get lost in the shuffle, and don't get remarried for MONTHS or YEARS.


  14. I had a lot of time on my hands this weekend so I put it to some use. While watching the news all day Saturday I made a vid, it isn't really what I had in mind but none the less, here it is!


    That was fabulous!

    "you see all my light, but you love my dark" -- is that the line? It's a PERFECT line for LuNacy. THE perfect line!


  15. My opinion: We've been vindicated. Tracy is the winner and Luke made his decision long before today. Tracy may doubt it, but Laura knows the truth. No one decided anything for Luke - and Laura's choice was not to push it.

    You feel vindicated?

    I feel pissed on.

    More accurately: I feel like I've been robbed and now the robber is standing in front of me saying, 'what are you talking about? I didn't rob you!'

    It's noncommittal BULLSH!T. I'm a bit outraged.

    We still haven't seen the Luke/Tracy scene in the Q mansion that was posted on the abcmedia photos page. It's the one where they are standing sort of close, and look "connected." Also, there was a close up of Luke looking admirable in the Q mansion, and we haven't seen that either. Could we see them tomorrow? I am hoping for a scene where he goes to her and tells her his "choice." BARF!!!!!!!!!!

    It's going to be sad for me, really. What should be joyous will be sad, because this was NO CHOICE. This was apathetic BULLSH!T.

    I don't know... After watching today, I feel like both sides lost.

    Unpopular opinion, but I didn't like the 2-second cry scene. Maybe they cut it too soon, but it seemed fake to me. She does quiet sadness better IMO; like that scene with Lulu. You could hear it in Tracy's voice and see it in her eyes, and it seemed more real.

    I agree both sides lost. DEFINITELY AGREE.

    About the 2second cry -- I disagree. She never cries. NEVER let's out emotion that way. The fact that she did it, and then she sort of stiffled it was HUGE, and it tugged at my heartstrings BIG!

  16. Someone on SOC thinks that Luke is the one who had the "doctor" come by the house to tell Laura to come to France. Interesting. I never thought about that. hmmmmmm. Maybe it was Scott though.

    I would pay HUGE money for it to be Luke.

    THAT would be fabulous (and a clear indicator of what he wants because, god knows, we haven't gotten that yet).

  17. Point..... but I'm in the 'fat lady singeth' category. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet, and I want to keep you around ('cause you're so fun and warm and fuzzy and all :D ).

    Hark, what's that I hear in the distance?

    Must be the fat lady warming up.

    I love to dream, but I'm anchored in reality.


  18. Hang tough, Lain... they aren't done by a long shot. Just one more day of this nauseating ewcbo-propping and we can get on with things.

    To paraphrase my friend Tracy Quartermaine (because I can't remember the exact wording of the quote):

    'You just don't get it. This won't end well for us.'

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