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Posts posted by LaineyBev714

  1. Man I love my kids...

    Rusty is in the bedroom playing with Playmobil. He just showed me his family: the little boy has two Dads, "no Moms just Dads".

    Two days ago he heard the Diva and I discussing sexuality and that not everyone is heterosexual. I love what kids pick up and work through in their play.

    Very cool.

    And that says a lot about you and your tolerance and the way you're raising your kids. Go girl!

    Now... about that oatmeal........................


    (with sugar on top)

  2. I'm going to check out your fanfic tomorrow since I have the day off. Heading out shortly to my grandson's big one year birthday party!!

    Old enough for a grandson, eh? That means you're not a teeny bopper. Lainey likey.

    Okay Poppets... a little light reading before bedtime.

    More from The Annals...

    Very nice...

    Now... would I be considered greedy if I told you, I'M HUNGRY!!!!!!! and I WANT MY OATMEAL!!!! ?

  3. The possibility of Luke and Laura on screen together is enough to make me vomit.

    The promos they've been running on daytime nearly cost me my lunch this afternoon. I may have to stop watching while at work.

    Yo, REMOS!

    Make me some oatmeal, please?

    Pretty please?

    With extra honey and stuff.


  4. Lulu/Laura: Mother/daughter story and we will see if it is real or not. Luke will be involved when he gets back. The Spencers will end up in a new place after all of this.

    This worry anyone else? :o

    Who define "The Spencers" these days? Luke and Tracy are never called "The Spencers."

    Do they mean Lulu, Lucky, Luke and Laura.... they could.

    "New place" could be literal -- new house, new facility for Laura (rehab, not place for catatonic one)... all sorts of things.

    Just putting it out there......

  5. Lainey, my luv, where ya be? Ah... I see you...

    Hi.. been busy.. traveling a lot.

    And, honestly, the show can't hold my interest. Who cares about Johnny/Lulu (aka Luke/Laura 1980 redux)? And - more importantly - I'm pissed off they're bringing Laura back. Actually, that's not true. In order to be pissed, I'd have to have an emotional investment in the show.... and I don't really anymore. Will be interesting to see if Luke's return -and Tracy's reemergence- does anything to ignite my interest.

  6. -Any Tracy since 7/30?

    Yes and here is the link http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6G1VLCSP

    Hey Lainey WB! Not sure you got a chance to watch today's GH or not. But if not, here are today's Diane & Alexis clips.


    Thanks, Nex! (Only once for Tracy since 7/30?)

    Thanks, Halee!

    Lainey where the heck have you been. Business? Pleasure?
    Ha! What do you think?

    but here is the promo for Laura returning...she is only on at the end for a second...



    Hey, where is our friend Remos? Computer meltdown?!?! What happened to her?

  7. Hi!

    I'm back.. miss me?

    I have been out of the country and COMPLETELY disconnected from anything and everything GH. Can someone please update me on the following:

    -Any Tracy since 7/30?

    -Is Lulu in the nuthouse? Is she seeing 'ghosts' yet?

    -Have they moved genie's dates so she is on with tony?

    -When is Tony's return date?

    -Any Dax since 7/30?? If no Dax, what's happening with Diane?

    Would appreciate a quick briefing.. just the highlights if someone doesn't mind.



  8. Ages of GH actor past/present

    Finola Hughes (Anna), 47

    So not true. No way. She may look 47, but she's older.

    If they break up Lacy I want Hugo Napier to comeback! TrAsh was awesome!!!!!!!!!
    Bite your tongue!

    They are not breaking up LuNacy... ever!

    Yo, Remos!

    Remember meeeeeeeeeeeeee?

    Hooked, you asked my opinion about what you scanned. Hmmm.. Didn't read it. Sorry. Which ones did you want me to look at? I think you know what opinion you want.. and whatever it says, you know what my take will be!

  9. Good vid, Ms. Q. Unnerving that it was Scott, but good nonetheless.

    And before I hit the pillow:

    The Annals:

    Our Hero...

    Our Heroine...

    **claps like a giddy teenager**

    **jumps up and down**

    THIS MEANS....

    Next chapter is reunion chapter...



    So it is guaranteed to have mind altering, life changing sex in it... righhhhhhtttt? rrrriiiiigggggghhhhhhttttttt?

  10. From the gossip thread at Soapdish--major grain of salt...

    If you're wondering why Laura is being brought back when Luke isn't there, the answer is simple.

    The chill between both stars has grown to glacier proportions.The only way they could have Laura return was during Luke's absence. Which suits both performers just fine.






    (Remos, I bet you can hear me laughing in Toronto).

    I have decided to believe this... just because it is



    I don't believe Laura finds out about Tracy. I think she must appear in dream sequence as Lulu goes mad. Or maybe Lulu goes to Shady Brooke, and only she can "hear" her mother. Something like that.

    August isn't a sweeps period. It's odd they'd bring her back now. Very odd.

    There must be some truth to the Tony/Genie frost because if there wasn't, they'd slide her appearance a bit to when he returns.



  11. Tonight I have to pick Ruah and Shiloh up from camp after their concert and don't know when I'll be back. Then I have to take Ruah to yet another camp on Sunday or Monday. July is super busy.

    Then August we start school again. Where does the time go?

    So why can't you send 'em to ONE six or eight week camp like the American parents do?

  12. Yeah!!

    How close are we to the end?

    And... will there be lunacy sex? There's gotta be SEXXXXXX.

    Oh FLOVE this exchange:

    "And no one else is around,” Brook realized. “Wait, what about Luke? I hear he’s been treating you like royalty.”

    “Yeah, he has,” her eyes glimmered, as chuckled to herself.

    “Okay, that look you just did. Never do it again,” she laughed. “You don’t want to know just what went through my mind.”

    HEHEHEHE. Very good! FLOVE it!!

    Since I haven't really been watching GH.. someone tell me: who KNOWS about Lulu stabbing Logan?

    Does Spinelli know? Does Jason know? Did Jason drive the getaway car?

    Does Nadine know? Does Nikolas know? Does Lucky Know?

    Muchas Gracias,


    Edit: Oh! Remos has been busy!

    **claps hands, goes to look!**

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