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Posts posted by TEdgeofNight

  1. 7 minutes ago, Noel said:

    Is it? God, the things I let fly over my head. Do you know the name of the tabloid that put up those pictures of Sonny and Leo in bed when Leo chocolate chip cookie drugged him? I'm thinking that sleaze tabloid and Leo's new whatever new gossip column is called should go to war, lol! I'm just kidding. I can't believe this show is being sort centered around his stupid gossip column. In all actuality, no one gives two squirts about it.

    I don't. I wouldn't even subscribe to it. 

    I see what you did there. The 2 squirts and if you saw today's show and the Leo scene when he had his sleep mask on.

  2. @janea4oldI remember them introducing Leonie Norton as Julie Siegel Tolland. I remember them doing a voiceover for that. I also remember the Marcy Wade storyline. Francesca James wore a leather jacket and hid the gun under it. And the Meredith hostage storyline which went on all summer until she was killed off. 

  3. 22 hours ago, Noel said:

    OMG. That's it. I've HAD it, lol! Who is writing this nonsense? I swear, it's like the breakdown writers are all together in a room before they decide to order food for their lunch break. One breakdown writer goes, "Make sure they give me a side of mayonaisse for my fries!" while the other writer is adament on having three packets of oyster crackers for their soup. And then they're all like, "Hey! Let's write that in the script!"

    And this is the show that has won an Emmy for Best Writing? How is this even possible? Hahaha! I do love it though because it's terrible and cheesy. Even today, the sour cream or butter scooper was pure gold. Aces across the board.

    Hey, at least Dr. Rolf didn't request asparagus in the clam chowder. Dr. Rolf is whacked and he makes me laugh. He's a strange character. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, AlexElizabeth said:

    I had to pop back in to say what the f-ck is this deprogramming stuff? Stefan has salad tongs on his head? Rolf has a waffle iron and a crock pot? This is so insanely bad. 

    This is exactly why Sony needs to fire ALL of Days breakdown writers as well as the headwriter and co-headwriter. I'm not putting this all on Giddens, but he has said that he pitches ideas and they get either  yes or no. My point is that breakdown writers do pitch stories. Fire them all. Start new.

    6 minutes ago, Noel said:

    OMG. This show just explained that in order for Rolf to do his mystery work, he needs a waffle iron. And clam chowder. Okay, you know what? Enough with the clam chowder. I wouldn't eat that sh*t even if it were served in a Panera Bread bowl, dawg. 🐶

    LOL! Days is SO bad! I thought that being on Peacock was going to be the savior of the show. 

  5. KUDOS to Josh Griffith!!! If only DAYS (we're looking at you Giddens) would do the same. Get rid of the useless dead weight. Why are there so many writers who turn out crap? Headwriter to dialogue.  We've all been bitching about the writing for years. Kudos to Josh Griffith for having the balls to shake things up. There were way too many writers in the writers room. Days (if it stays on the air) needs to follow suit and fire about 90% of its staff. You can hate Josh all you want. I admire him. 

  6. On 2/21/2023 at 6:09 PM, Paul Raven said:

    Jon Michael Reed Sept 24 1978

    Another development in serialdom is the axing of producer Jean Arley and associate producer Tom deVilliers from "Love of 'Life." The show has usually been a ratings alsoran in recent years. But Arley and deVilliers were responsible for the serial's visual spruceing up and improved production values.

    They turned an aging war horse into a modern, classy-looking soap opera. If they failed in any production department it was only in casting several inexperienced and awkward young performers. But "LOL" has a history of developing untrained actors into splendid performers, as witness the list of "LOL" veterans, among them Jessica Walter, Cicely Tyson, and practically every night- time TV performer currently in front of the cameras.

    Jean Arley later turned up at OLTL but what happened to deVilliers?

    Jean Arley was a disaster at OLTL, in my opinion. Ratings fell and they couldn't get Paul Rauch in there soon enough.

    Tom deVilliers worked on AMC for years afterward as an associate producer. He was at AMC a long time.

  7. 7 hours ago, ranger1rg said:

    I see no problem with Bill Hayes playing the devil. Jesus, just lighten up. My guess is that Hayes got a kick out of doing it. And no, it’s not beneath him.

    Bill Hayes is doing a great job playing the devil again. Kudos to Days for giving this material to a 97 year old actor. The whole storyline is ridiculous but the actors are giving it their all. 

  8. 4 hours ago, janea4old said:



    It's well-known that almost every newer actor on DAYS gets only a one-year contract.  I can't say that's an ironclad rule but it's generally been happening over the past several years.  They haven't signed anyone for a 3-year or 4-year contract in a long time.  (I don't know the deal with RSW but he could *maybe* have been an exception?).

    It's dumb because then the younger talent leaves for other opportunities.  But that's what Days does.

    I think Lindsay Arnold must be on good terms with DAYS. I don't think she has taped an episode in several months, but she attended the show's official cast&crew Christmas party on the set, on Dec. 15.  There were lots of pictures.

    So there ya go. Because you take pictures, all is well. 

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