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Posts posted by Spoon

  1. Best of 1986: Another World 

    In 1986 Another World was really firing on all cylinders with the peak of Cass and Kathleen, the introduction of Reginald Love,  Mary/Marissa and Micheal Hudson.  The return of Mitch, the tragic courtship between Felicia and Zane. 

    Worst of 1987: Another World

    Margaret DePriest had a great first year in 1986 but 1987 took a deep dive downward with Brittany, Catlin, Peter and Kathleen gone and Cass gone for about six months.  Cass lost his spark after Kathleen's "death."  The momentum of The McKinnon family was wasted.  They lured Denise Alexander to the show then quickly write out her family and recast her husband Vince.  Veteran AA character Quinn was brutally killed off for shock value after building her up with Zack.  Plus replacing the majestic theme from 1981.  The introduction of John Hudson and the SORASing of Amanda were bright spots. 

  2. On 3/24/2022 at 9:33 AM, DramatistDreamer said:

    Maybe this doesn't belong in this thread but reading this article, I couldn't help but think that the 18-45 female viewer that Netflix is courting with these Bridgerton-themed events are the demographics that daytime soaps would have courted once upon a time. Bizarre, some might say, but an attempt to do something out of the box.

    You can have soaps on streaming platforms but umless they commit to a 4-5 episode a week format then it's not a daytime soap just another online drama. 

    Frankly I don't think younger audiences could handle the quantity of daytime as they focus on quality and have shorter attention spans.  I feel the future should be to spin-off new weekly shows off of  General Hospital and other ABC Intellectual property that could attract new audiences with 10-20 episode seasons.

  3. 1 hour ago, Khan said:

    Well, at the very least, DAYS could run promos during commercial breaks: "Want to know MORE about Renee DiMera?  Go to NBC.com/DAYS and read all about her wild adventures in Salem!  You can even watch hand-selected clips and see what Renee [shot of PS], Tony [shot of TP], Anna [shot of LH] and everyone else [brief clips of other characters from that period] was up to back in the day!"

    Wait, did they kill off Lee?

    You can't explain it, because it doesn't compare.  Spoon's just pissed that hardly anyone else on this board thinks this Sarenee [!@#$%^&*] is gold just because it's showing off itself by dropping old character names.

    The story isn't  great but l will take history in any form.  Jamey had lots of great ideas in his podcast referencing history and all that. To me the main draw of soaps in the continuity.  I think Saranee is crap but I really do appreciate name dropping.

    3 hours ago, carolineg said:

    It's two completely different things lol.  PS/Renee aren't returning it's Sarah as Renee lol!  Explain to me how you compare it?

    It's referencing show history, that's how I see it.

    28 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    It's sad, especially since he isn't even that talented.

    He had great ideas on his podcast and it's great to see someone who loves the genre be able to contribute to the medium.

    I'm not defending the Renee story, I'm  defending Jamey and using a shows deep history.  I appreciate deep cuts, even if I wasn't  watching back then.

  4. 2 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    They probably don’t want to pay royalties for actors no longer on the show, hence no old flashbacks. Which begs the question - why bother at all then? 

    True, too cheap.  If you can't  do a story right don't even try.  I think a plethora of flashbacks would've made the story work as it has potential.

  5. 5 hours ago, carolineg said:

    This is why flashbacks would be helpful.  Even just to give us a hint of some context or interactions.  There have been none of Renee.  If the show can't afford flashbacks of PS or these actors then the story should have been scrapped.  Even the Possession story got a great deal of flashbacks to set it up and the devil possession is much more famous, more recent, and objectively much easier to understand. 

    The Renee story isn't very easy to understand and the show is using a few moments of exposition from a select group of characters to try to explain it.  And Jamey Giddens is filling in the gaps poorly on twitter.  I don't know the median age of Days viewers anymore, but I assume at least a good portion (like myself) weren't born when Renee was on the show.  I can't see them being able to understand it without having to look up the character on the internet.  I don't think a viewer should have to do homework to be able to enjoy a story.  Outside of it being awful, the name dropping (Don, Alex, David, etc) isn't very relevant and like you said a bunch of characters lost in time for the most part.

    So by your logic Roger and Holly should've never returned to GL in '89 because they were ancient history and the show was 95 percent different cast characters.

  6. 5 hours ago, ~bl~ said:

    Renee died on screen in 1983, expecting the audience to know a character that has not been mentioned for nearly 40 years is a big ask. I was alive then, but my shows of choice were on PBS for kids. If Peacock would have classic Days to watch from that era would be different.

    I agree but that's what flashbacks are for.

  7. On GL I would've made Sebastian Roger's half brother instead of son.  Sending those coins to everyone and moving around Michele's furniture like he was Susan Piper.


    Carrie Nye's second character, Carruthers killed her niece.   That was weak.  I would've  had Alan be revealed to be the kier and send him away.  Maybe bring him back as a better recast later.

    GL, Zachary the Angel is granted mortal status.  As being tied to the Bauers long ago he is reincarnated as a long lost son of Mike Bauer.

    Cassie would've been revealed to be Sarah's kid with Henry Chamberlain.  Jeffrey would be Ed's son, FINALLY giving us more Bauers with him, ava and colin.


  8. GL still had standout performers during the final years.  GT's Dinah, MR's Lizzie and DC's Bill were all home runs.  GL finally got the character of Shayne right but the show was practically over by then.  Zach Spaulding had potential during the final months as well.


    90s: Another World.  Nothing they tried worked.  AW was essentially a dead show walking since it moved out of the 3pm hour.  Nothing they threw at the wall stuck, legend has it NBC considered axing the show in '87.  Their prime time  lineup was on fire and naturally NBC wanted to take advantage of that.



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