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Posts posted by Darn

  1. 1 hour ago, John said:

    Olivia crap talking Edward. She knew him for 5 minutes. She wasnt even in the Q orbit then. She was with Johnny, Sonny and Steve

    Lois needs to return and kick her ass


    Also arrest Drew for that assault on Ned


    Oh wow it was improvised. What a genius move on her part, and the fact that he was able to catch her and just went with it? Ugh these kids have got it.

    BLQ and Olivia can go to hell. They were so ready to demonize Ned. This storyline is making me hate everyone except Ned and I find him USELESS.

    Tracy was the saving grace of the Quartermaine scenes today. Look, someone who has a personality and isn’t just spouting forced dialogue! Loved her not remembering Joss and insulting Sonny and Dex. Brook Lynn’s “Uncle Sonny is the best!” made me want to kms.

  2. 1 hour ago, Liberty City said:

    No. Never. ❤️


    1 hour ago, Noel said:

    This show I'm telling ya just blows my damn mind. OMG. Gurl. You know what I'm sayin'? I mean, I watch DAYS, B&B, and I'm kind of watching Y&R (It's all my mom's fault as she's an evil, vindictive human being, lol!). But, I come to Port Charles, and this soap just reeks of filth. Filth I tell ya! 😂

    You must elaborate for me.

    9 hours ago, AMCHistory said:

    Is the haunted star destroyed?

    Yesterday's show was oddly paced. It should have started with the immediate aftermath of the explosion. Valentin was suddenly fine. Anna disappeared. Laura was offscreen most of the episode. Victor was just dead. Not presumed, a body and everything (not that that matters).

    And then we had yet another episode in which Joss vented to Dex the entire hour. They are boring and add nothing to the narrative. Dex never contributes to the discussion, he just sits there and listens like an unqualified therapist.

  3. 3 hours ago, Khan said:

    I want to love Spencer & Trina.  I really do.  And maybe I would love them, too, if I had watched more moments with them.  (I only got back into GH when I'd Googled Jane Elliot recently and learned she was returning, so I sat myself down and watched what clips I could find online so I would have SOME sense of what was going on in Port Charles).  But, so far, for whatever reason, I'm just kinda "meh" about them. 

    They’ve been a slow burn couple, you have to have suffered through two years of “will this EVER happen?” to really get it.

    So if I have this right if not for the pre-emption two weeks ago then today’s episode would have been last Friday’s episode. I can’t believe a pre-emption forced them to have an appropriate Friday cliffhanger.

    Love Sprina’s reunion. The kids have chemistry I’m sorry and it’s only ramped up since they’ve been allowed to get physical.

    Speaking of chemistry, no matter how many scenes they give us of Dante and Sam making out and being lovey dovey I’m never gonna be invested. Their conversations with Nina and Carly today were monumentally boring and so are they. Bring back Lulu! #MarciMillerasLulu

  4. 58 minutes ago, Gray Bunny said:

    In this day and age of streaming TV and less and less eyeballs watching network television live, isn't the 55+ demographic finally being sought after more so than ever since statistically they are the demo most likely to watch network television live as it airs?  All the more reason why the remaining soaps have a chance to make it through this. 

    Fox has the youngest viewership on network television with a median age of...56. So you might be right.

  5. 2 hours ago, Khan said:

    Even worse, Josh decides to be REALLY bold and turn Y&R into the very first, semi-improvised soap opera on television.  He provides the actions for the actors through the breakdowns, but the actors themselves have to come up with the actual dialogue for their characters.

    That sounds like an improvement to me!

  6. 41 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    She certainly doesn't have any of Carly's scrappiness or vulnerability.   Joss has led a pretty great life, and I don't feel for any of her struggles like cheating on Cam because Dex was just too hot.   

    Yeah, Joss is just a self-centered, entitled little brat. Which is FINE but the writing doesn't view her that way at all. Everyone acts like the sun shines out of her åss, including the guy she cheated on. 

  7. No need to read the magazine anymore, I just listen to the occasional SOD podcast. Even if the hosts are terrible interviewers (they rarely ask follow up questions, very clearly just going down a list they're afraid to deviate from and both of them having weird voices!) I like hearing the actors talk about their auditions, history, process etc.

  8. 57 minutes ago, Aragorn said:

    I think Carly should go to jail. The show currently has two Carlys, and only needs one. Only the younger one needs to be around. Carly is 50 and feels like a spent character to me. Laura and Anna are older than Carly but feel like more vital characters to me. They should be the female leads and Carly should go away.

    Probably because Carly went through about 40 years of story in 15 years. Who is the other Carly on the show lol? Nina? Joss?

  9. 11 hours ago, John said:

    I am going by who is already Fi-core working on the four remaining shows. thats how i got my predictions.

    Hey John, the problem is that you didn’t say those were predictions. Answering their question with a list of writers gave the impression that those would be the writers during the strike. Just a head’s up.

  10. 4 hours ago, j swift said:

    It will be fun to see what they reference in the script as Marlena's 5,000th (given that they won't be self-referential to her number of episodes).  Certainly not her 5,000th client or 5,000th day of marriage.  Maybe they'll celebrate her 5,000th pant suit?

    Salem’s 5,000th return from the dead.

  11. 39 minutes ago, Liberty City said:

    Genie Francis is eating, and I love to see it.

    The fact that the show went so long without her presence feels unimaginable to me right now.

    She carried her expository heavy scenes so well today, it's like I could feel Laura mentally transporting herself back to 1981. And her reaction to the Haunted Star exploded was everything if you consider how many times Laura has had to react to something awful happening to a member of her family. It's like it's impossible for her to give a false note.

    If the show is in danger of cancellation any time soon they're at least putting in the work to rectify sidelining and disrespecting Genie the way they did on and off for 40 years. Laura's face should be the one you think of when thinking of GH, she deserves the same level of association to it (without the Luke&Laura albatross) as Viki to OLTL, Victor to Y&R, Stephanie to B&B, etc.

    Tabyana's reaction was excellent as well. All these Sprina moments have made the exceedingly long burn almost worth the wait. I'm hoping the show can keep up the momentum with them. And that it's a long time before they breakup for some dumb plot driven reason. I want them to continue facing adversity together for minute.

  12. 5 minutes ago, dio said:

    for daytime tv? Sure he is. Isn't he a regular on Lifetime/Hallmark movies and random primetime procedural dramas? I mean you can shade him all you want, but he's likely only joining DAYS because it's a tv show on a streaming service, now - not a daytime soap. lol 

    I'm not trying to shade him but I think you're inflating his draw power.

  13. 4 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    That was a great cliffhanger. I actually didn't expect it. 

    Makes me excited for Monday 

    I think this week on the whole was great! With today a highlight.

    Even the utter ridiculousness of James Patrick Stuart's acting made me laugh my åss off. I don't know what that man is doing but he's definitely doing something!

  14. 1 minute ago, carolineg said:

    I could see Frank saying, "well, I tried!" and looking for a recast, but it would fail.  Even if he got a big name or some prime time has-been I don't see a scenario where it would possibly work.  I also think any soap star would be reluctant to even take that on.   Since he does seem to have an issue with Vanessa I don't think it's out of the question for him to recast, said recast fails, and him then going, "See, we don't need Brenda on the canvas".  I would be surprised if he took such a risk though.

    Brenda is on the un-recastable list with Erica Kane, Victor Newman, Marlena Evans, Robin Scorpio, etc. You just don't even consider it. 

    And as many ties as Brenda has to the canvas she's never a glaring omission in most stories because her familial ties aren't strong. You don't have her kids suffering in Port Charles while she's "finding herself" in Europe. So leave her be until you have the story and commit to Vanessa for a good long while.

  15. 4 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    The propping was and still is ridiculous. That’s why I’m hoping Dex cheats with Kristina and dumps Joss for her. It even makes more sense story wise; for Dex to be with Sonny’s actual daughter rather than his ex-stepdaughter 

    It does, especially since despite MONTHS of buildup ("If Sonny finds out he'll kill you! Or worse!"), Sonny did not give two shîts about Joss and Dex dating.

    The biggest problem with it is this kid playing Dex has the charisma of a potato and Kristina is too old to be in a triangle with a girl barely out of high school.

    I say that while not entirely against the idea of Kristina and Joss becoming a thing. @Vee and I joked around about this yesterday but I'm into it. Both McCoy and Mansi give top energy, I can't imagine them fighting over that walking wet blanket so why not just pair them? You'd get a lot more story out of Carly and Alexis's daughters dating than you would an endless triangle with a sad underwear model as the prize.

  16. 6 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    I wish someone would. And I wouldn’t mind Kristina being the one to expose it all.

    From the very lopsided writing I don't think they have any intention to reveal that Joss cheated on Cam. I don't think they even view it as cheating.

    On top of wanting Trina to know the truth, I was so excited for Liz to find out Carly's daughter cheated on her son! They could have gotten some excellent moments out of that.

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