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Posts posted by Darn

  1. Willow has been on the brink of death for 6 straight months. It's really stupid that they ramped up her cancer that much and have had weekly "she might only have days!" chats. Your audience should not be shouting this ⬇️ to the cancer patient, the young mother of two children under 5.


    35 minutes ago, John said:

    Shannen Doherty looks damn good for somebody with Stage 4 Breast Cancer

    The problem is the only difference between on death's door Willow and Willow today is some eyeliner. She's looked like a Hollywood starlet dying of consumption in a movie from the 50s. Maybe that's what they were going for! Who knows!

  2. 58 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    I found it entertaining especially when Jax, Tracy, Sonny, Jason, Lois, Brenda, etc were roped in.  I loved those scenes with so much of the cast especially Tracy's re-entrance.  I just couldn't tell you exactly what they were fighting about or why lol.   I don't need an exact explanation of the numbers, but I don't know why things like Ned being a CEO and a rockstar was a problem or why Ned couldn't just work for ELQ.  It's not like he was poor and needed all that stress.  Jax/Tracy were the only ones that seem to have ill intentions, even Sonny seem to actively care about the business and making money.  I honestly am sure they explained everything clearly, but it's just a boring subject to me at least.

    It's all a McGuffin. Just like babies on soaps until they're pre-teens. It's different when they discuss actual products but I'm not even sure what ELQ does.

    I have a question, where are the Quartermaines from? I know Alan was first to arrive and as the show likes to remind us he bought the mansion for Monica so it's not their ancestral home. Where was their home base before moving to Port Charles? Reading about Mary Mae a few weeks back it read like they had to jump through a few hoops to explain why Edward would have a history with someone in town long before he arrived.

  3. 1 hour ago, Vee said:

    I remember @Darn having months of fun with this lol.

    This notification gave me a heartache, "Did I say something disparaging about sickly malcontent Eric Braeden?!"

    I mean, I have, when he was much younger and not ill. I hope he has a swift recovery.

  4. On 4/24/2023 at 10:59 PM, AMCHistory said:

    What can they do to make Drew less Ryan Lavery?

    Fire Cameron Mathison. He's just playing himself at this point.

    Drew and Curtis, the duo no one asked for. DT couldn't look less invested in this material and CM always sounds like he's talking to someone who is learning English as a second language.

    Friday's scenes between Spencer and Trina really ramped up their chemistry, the actors look more comfortable being affectionate with each other. The freedom both characters have to just be a couple is nice and they get to kiss a lot, my fears of modern day segregation have subsided.

    Laura in her parka on her way to Greenland to save her grandkids is exactly what I want to see. Laura as THE tentpole character is so affirming to me.


    1 hour ago, AMCHistory said:

    Top 5 characters I would cut to make room for other storylines:

    1. Drew: This version of Drew is so flat. He is played as a “good guy” and ??? I do not see the chemistry with Carly. We don’t need a town hero. We need a town scoundrel (Ethan, Lucky).

    2. Austin: Can we call this character another failure and move on? What blackmail does RH have on Valentini that he keeps coming back? With a less inspired character each time? Let him take a break and give us Todd back. Carly will be free for a pairing with Drew out of town.

    3. Sasha: I wouldn’t be able to pull her out of a lineup.

    4. Willow: Just die already!

    5. Maxie/ Spinelli: I love Maxie. I grew up with Maxie. I love Mac/ Felicia having a kid in town. But Maxie needs a break. Her character is unrecognisable. They turned Maxie into an Amy Vinning character, when she is supposed to be more of more of Lucy Coe. Let her set sail with Spinelli for a happy ending until the writers can come up with a better idea, and even a better recast. 

    Replace Maxie (I agree she needs an extended break but if we're only doing 5...) with Finn and I'm all for it.

  5. Of all the ABC soaps GH always had the least use/interest in telling stories for black characters. Once Rosalind Cash died, with Mary Mae being their biggest effort at making a black tentpole character, they gave up.

    Taggert was just a heavy for the mob, Gia was black in name only because Marisa Ramirez sure isn't, the times they've tried to bring on more Wards have been lukewarm efforts at best.

    And apparently Simone, across 3 recasts, was the longest standing black character until Epiphany (who I came to respect only for the actress's support of the show but there are a TON of issues with her characterization, let's start with the name...).

  6. 17 hours ago, Errol said:

    Don't get used to him. He'll be gone in a minute.

    Did they try to secure Nathan Parsons and it fell through? Maybe they started writing the story before they knew if they could get him.

    Someone tell GH to stop writing stories around characters who aren't on canvas. It's hard to be invested in Luke's friends trying to get revenge on Victor for killing him when we didn't get to see Luke "die" (or even know if Victor was involved in the accident as far as I can tell) and know the possibility of Geary returning is low.


    1 hour ago, AMCHistory said:

    I hope they can find a more refined hair style for Jane. She is supposed to be a modern, refined, upper-crust woman. The hair she has been sporting on her last few returns has looked more like a woman living in Venice, California. I know Jane is not keen on all the appearance stuff, but I think its important for her character. Yes, Tracy is a grifter. But she is supposed to be a refined grifter.

    I enjoyed her haircut from last year. It was a callback to her original hairstyle, intentional or not.



  7. 48 minutes ago, BetterForgotten said:

    In a weird way, AMC/McTavish having Natalie stuck in that damn well felt like a precursor to Reilly’s Buried Alive story. 

    Didn't Days try to copy Natalie in the well with one of Marlena's patients keeping her in a basement or something?


    Natalie in the well - 1991

    Stella Lombard traps Marlena in a warehouse - 1992

    Carly buried alive - 1993 

  8. 4 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I thought the Sonny/Nina scenes were almost worse than the Willow/Michael/Carly/Joss scenes.  Sonny has had this exact conversation with his woman of the moment approx 1000 times. 

    I refused to watch any of Maurice's scenes yesterday when he could barely spit out "Is that coffee for Anna?" to Tristan. I just find him embarrassing/uncomfortable to watch.

    1 minute ago, ranger1rg said:

    I know Gregory Harrison is a "big name actor" and that makes Frank thrilled to have him, but his character on GH is not working, and I feel pretty much nothing for him -- not approval, not hate, just apathy.

    Oh god only on a soap in 2023 is the co-lead of Trapper John, MD a get.

    I'd be into Robert and Alexis. Do I think Alexis could do with men who look less...elderly? Sure. But he's Robert Scorpio.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Vee said:

    We've talked about it before but there is a lot to play in the relationships with Spencer and Laura or Trina and Ava. They are unique, particularly IMO the Trina relationship with Ava where you have a purely heroic young character with a dark horse, like Robin with Jason or Sonny back in the day. There's also the art connection between the two, with Trina becoming a modern artist.

    LW is capable of better material. I think they showed some of it briefly, in the Bobbie montage at the Ball; I could swear they showed the scenes from early in her run where she apologized to Bobbie at Tony's grave.

    They did and she absolutely is, they've just lost the plot with Carly.

    And you know I love Ava and Trina, in fact I didn't list Trina only because I think they've yet to give her a rich inner life. Her voice isn't yet defined but I do think she's getting there. I loved the moment last week where Spencer was saying some version of a final goodbye and she stopped him to say "This is not the end for us.".

    1 minute ago, j swift said:

    Has Ava had a scene with Austin since the day after Nikolas died?

    They went to the Nurse's Ball together two weeks ago.

  10. 1 minute ago, Vee said:

    It also varies by the day. Some scripts or blocks of scenes, especially the veteran corps dealing with their past issues like Ryan and such, or scenes with Ava scheming away, often have real heart or depth. Many others are purely and simply functional and filling space. But Frank's shows have had that kind of filler forever. All soaps do now. It's not like '90s GH where scenes would go ramble along and tell a story between the characters in vignettes.

    I would say the vet scenes where they let them shine and rely on these 30+ year old friendships to drive the scene are some of the best. And I think the day to day writing for some characters is consistently good, like Spencer, Ava, Laura. Even when the scene is functional I get a good sense of who they are.

    I can't say the same for others, as good as Laura Wright is for example, Carly vacillates between Bull in a China Shop and Mother Earth depending on the day.

  11. 13 hours ago, carolineg said:

    Why was Chase's dad yapping with Alexis instead of supporting his son at his hearing?

    Because they hate us. The idea that Alexis would even speak to this man again after the way he treated her for showing simple concern is absurd. He yelled at her and called her awful things because his ego is bruised or whatever. I hate him. Looking like a Founding Father thinking he can get away with this shît.

    A terminally boring episode today minus Felicia and Holly.

    Blaze entering the hearing all "I've got something to say!" and everyone listening to her was comical.

    Brook Lynn's constant wistfulness when it comes to Chase is exhausting. If you want him, GO GET HIM. She's being a real pick-me right now and it's not a good look.

    I still can't get over some of the writing. Scenes built around suspense where there needn't be any drive me batty. Willow and Michael invited Carly and Josslyn over to tell them they moved up the wedding. WHY was that dragged out over multiple segments? It's insane. The first scene ended with Willow saying something like "I need you" to them. The next had Michael asking Carly "Do you approve us getting married?". The next probably had some variation of that but I wouldn't know because I skipped it. It's so stupid. It's a 2 minute scene dragged out over the entire hour.

    I get that soaps need filler but give it some life, some vitality, some humor, some personality. It all feels very "We need to complete this script with just enough info to get us through to next week". 

    1 hour ago, Liberty City said:

    His name is James Ryan.

    VWhOKbzV (1).jpg

    He looks very Australian.

    9 hours ago, AMCHistory said:

    I am not feeling this pairing AT ALL. Diane is not working for me. I think the actress is coming off too eager. 

    I've had the same thought during their scenes. The actress is coming across real thirsty. I know you're happy to have screentime and probably excited to work with Tristan but simmer down. And he seems like he could take it or leave it.

    5 minutes ago, Vee said:

    Kristina and Ethan was a missed opportunity.

    They should do it now that Lexi Ainsworth looks like an adult. Friends to lovers.

  12. On 4/16/2023 at 8:50 AM, Liberty City said:

    Plus, the face card she serves? Plus, Harper is only two-years younger than Anotine. This comes down to SORASing TJ with the casting of Tajh Bellows, who is arguably the best TJ, and the only one I've enjoyed in the role. But, we have seen closer age-castings in both daytime and primetime prior.

    All of the Jordans have looked too young to be the parent of an adult. 

    23 hours ago, carolineg said:

    I also think TH's look is too pretty and delicate for the role of Police Commissioner.   Obviously both previous Jordans were pretty as well, but I could possibly imagine them as cops.  I have a hard time imagining this Jordan in jeans and t-shirt let alone as a tough DEA agent.

    The show is obviously full of beautiful people but she's almost distractingly pretty. What is this model doing here talking about issuing warrants?

  13. I think she looks like she's in a constant state of surprise. But I'm mean.

    Watching Jordan and Curtis attempt to act in scenes together is actually painful. I'm always rooting for my people but they make it hard when they're this bad.

    A lot of the acting in general is very stiff, it must be a byproduct of how quickly they shoot. You have a group of actors trying to remember their lines and blocking without rehearsal (as far as I know all they do is blocking and then it's straight to shooting). 

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