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Posts posted by janea4old

  1. Tuesday March 5 and Wednesday March 6.
    Soccer will disrupt one or both CBS soaps in western timezones.
    Not a preemption, the shows will still air, so if you miss it, watch on another channel/time or online.



    12 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    March Madness break is March 21 and 22.

    Yes full preemptions in all timezones for basketball
    Thurs. and Friday March 21 and 22
    for B&B in both U.S. and Canada;  and for Y&R on CBS.

    (Wed.  March 20 and Thurs March 21 for Y&R  Global-Canada)

  2. As Errol mentioned here:

    Brian Gaskill tweeted about storyline starting March 1st U.S. (Feb. 29 Canada).


    Then Josh Griffith in SOD explains that Nikki figures out that Seth's friend Isabelle is actually Jordan, so now Nikki is onto Jordan's scheme.  Nikki wants to plot with Seth now.
    More here:

  3. On 2/28/2024 at 11:37 AM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    doesn't seem possible that the writers made a "Natalia" with a staunch "Roman Catholic" background could be a coincidence. Feels like an homage. This is the first couple to be worthy of the legacy of GL's Otalia which also had a Natalia with a problem with her Catholicism & being gay. I really think this must have been tweaked. 

    I doubt that's why they chose her character name as "Natalia", although it's possible.

    It's far more likely that they chose it because Natalia was the name of Eva LaRue's character on "CSI: Miami".
    Eva mentioned this in one of her recent interviews that she noticed that they used her CSI name.  She said that outside of the USA, she's known/recognized for CSI, and not as much for AMC.

    (I suppose it *could* be a secondary homage to Otalia)

    My personal speculation (without actually knowing anything) is that this is something Valentini might have chosen to do with people from other soaps..

    Michael E. Knight on AMC as Tad Martin.
    Michael E. Knight on GH as *Martin* Gray.

    Eva LaRue on CSI: Miami as Natalia Boa Vista.
    Eva LaRue on GH as Natalia Rogers-Ramirez.

  4. 43 minutes ago, carolineg said:

    It's really hard for me to say because the article is poorly worded.   Without seeing the actual interview they are taking from it's difficult to find the nuance of what ELR is trying to say. 

    This is the Eva LaRue article on soaphub

    Soaphub is quoting from this ABC Channel 7 Chicago
    interview here; which hopefully everyone can see at this youtube link unless it's geo-blocked:


  5. 2 hours ago, Troppo said:

    A few years back when CBS uploaded some of the classic episodes, they had provided a few clues. For instance, #2661 was labeled as S11 E38 which if counted backwards puts the start of S11 on Monday, 8 September 1997 (#2624). And with S15, they had labeled #3828 as S15 E197 which if counted backwards puts the start of S15 on Monday, 10 September 2001 (#3632). Some of the other seasons had fuzzy math, however lol


    1 hour ago, Troppo said:

    Wow, so CBS was wrong then lol. Or they are making things up as they go along. The mind boggles.

    CBS had number errors for both Y&R and B&B for a few of the summer 2020 classic episodes.  In a few cases Y&R classics were labeled with the wrong season number.

  6. Regarding the soccer disruption in western timezones 
    for CBS soaps on March 5 and March 6, 2024:

    Updated the 4th post of this thread,

    Updated that post with the information on which matches are airing on CBS broadcast TV on March 5 and 6.
    (Previously they said there'd be a match on CBS on those two March dates, but the teams were TBA.  Now the teams are announced.)

    The soccer disruption is the same.
    Just adding the matches details, in case anyone watches European football and wants to know who's playing on those dates.

  7. Was it verified that Ellie ended up with Griffin?  Were they ever shown together?   Or did she tell people this onscreen when she was visiting that she was with him? (I may have missed that.) 

    I thought it was simply that Ellie was visiting and Griffin's name appeared on her phone, which *implied* that she was in a relationship with him?

  8. 13 minutes ago, janea4old said:

    LOL, how about:


    7 minutes ago, Donna L. Bridges said:

    What I typically do:

    For some reason Katelynn just doesn't seem abbreviate-able to me.

    Katelyn MacCullen has only one "n" on the end of her name.
    She goes by "Katey", but I think that's too confusing due to Kate Mansi.

    And KaMa does't work ... because
    Kate Mansi  and Katelyn(Katey) MacMullen are both KaMa

    That's why I suggested KaMac for MacMullen.

  9. On 2/28/2024 at 7:20 AM, Donna L. Bridges said:

    This is not strictly AW, so sorry about that, up front. This is more meta. I have an idea for a new discussion thread. It would be named something like this: 
    ALL SOAPS ALL Channels Cross Talk & Meta
    I think we keep going OT in specific soap threads on discussions that cross over different shows & perhaps we need a thread where this would always be on topic

    There's already a thread for that:
    "ALL: The "Soapourri" Thread"

     **** Edit to clarify that that thread has a specific purpose outlined by the person who started it.
    It might not be what you want.

  10. Yeah I speculate the same.   Repeat of Phyllis from Y&R faking her death in order to frame Diane for her murder (and to split up Jack/Diane).  That went on for months and but ultimately went nowhere.

    Now it's (maybe? probably?)
    Sheila faking her death in order to frame Steffy for her murder (and to split up Finn/Steffy).  I'm not looking forward to this at all.

  11. 18 hours ago, janea4old said:

    @Errol posted about IG pics from two guest actors in Feb. 27 episode here:

    They seem to be dressed as paramedics.  So now I wonder,  will they be real paramedics -- or fake paramedics like Y&R's  Phyllis faked death of summer 2023?



    11 hours ago, Errol said:
    11 hours ago, Errol said:

    Part of this isn't necessarily accurate, but you'll have to tune in to find out what I mean, why and how.


    Update ... as far as I can see, the Feb. 27 episode has two cops and two paramedics.  I think? Ron Nery Jr. portrays cop #1 and Naiia Lajoie plays medic #1.


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