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Posts posted by janea4old

  1. Friday June 5 - #11842

    December 27, 2019


    Abby, Kyle, and Lola host Christmas Eve dinner for the Abbotts at Society, and Jack invites the Baldwins (including Fen who arrived as as surprise) to join them. Afterwards, Jack, Ashley, and Traci, and Abby have a special evening with Dina at the Abbott home.

    CBS all access has this Dec 27 episode listed where it should be in regular date order for the current season 47, labeled as "Classic Episode: 12/27/2019, S47 E79". The fact that they've labeled it Classic must mean that's the one.


    I have a photo labeled "JPI Episode11838" that goes to the Dec 23 episode; so that verifies that 11842 is Dec 27.

  2. The Abbott party epi of Sept 10, 2001 where Jack proposes to Phyllis has many other characters doing other things.

    This recap has more detail than the soapcentral one:


    It seems like, for these classic epis, they have chosen quite a few episodes that are large gatherings. Weddings, parties, dinners, etc.  Part of the episode might tie into the theme of the week. But most of the episode simply shows lots of characters interacting.

  3. 1 hour ago, BoldRestless said:

    I don't think Jack's proposal to Phyllis is a seminal moment in Abbot history.... ? 


    I guess it's this episode:

    I don't see it as a seminal moment in Abott history either.

    I read through all the soapcentral recaps for several weeks leading up to this episode, and I just don't see why this episode is that significant. Jack and Phyllis have a heartfelt private conversation. She doesn't want to marry him because she was told she can't have children and she knows he wants children ... and he says it doesn't matter, because he loves her, etc etc etc and she accepts. That's a nice scene, and important to 2001 Phack but ... in the long run it's not that significant for the Abbotts or the show.

    I don't see how it ties into the other classic episodes they are airing.


    Traci's discussion with John. Steve had raised Colleen but now that Steve and Traci are separated, Traci wants Colleen to get to know Brad for the first time. I gather Ashley is really stressed because Traci and Colleen are currently staying in the Brad/Ashley home.  That whole dynamic seems to be more important to Abbott history but this scene sounds brief in the episode recap.


    The Paul/Isabella scenes are kind of creepy.  Are they going to air a set of intermittent Isabella episodes?


    The episode ends with Amanda Browning knocking on Katherine's door and Mac answering, so maybe they are going to do more Mac episodes?


    Edt to add, a more detailed recap is here:


    The Colleen scenes sound good.


    edit to add:

    The previous episode (Thurs Sept 6, 2001) seems  more interesting.http://tvmegasite.net/updates/yr/2001/yr090501.htm

  4. 2010 interview with Peter Bergman.

    Michael Logan TV Guide.



    This is an old interview, but it just happens to mention two episodes being rebroadcast in May 2020


    They talk about Jack figuring out that Emily is really Patty (May 3, 2010) and then PB mentions the epi being rebroadcast this week (May 4, 2010) - that Jack confronts Patty and she denies it, so he backs off and puts a plan in motion to expose her.  (and we know that's the cat).

    The interview discusses plastic surgery plots on Y&R, and PB talks about David Kimble falling into the trash compactor in 1991.



  5. 2 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    That's when Jack tells John he finally got Jabot back I think? 

    So it must be an Abbott week. 



    Tues June 2, episode #6715, from Sept. 17, 1999


    IMDB recap


    * IMDB says Victor walks in on Nikki and Brad, but that's a typo.
    It should say *Victoria* walks in on Nikki and Brad.


    In addition to what's in IMDB recap, soapcentral mentions these plotpoints: Nikki is annoyed that Victor won't reverse his vasectomy.  Also, meanwhile .... in a clinic or lab somewhere... the tech notes that some "samples" are about to expire, and the supervisor says to contact the owners and ask what they want to do with them.


    The soapcentral recap page for week of Sept 13, 1999, has a display glitch because the top of the page displays it as "week of Dec 31, 1969".  But it has the right recaps. 


    On 5/9/2020 at 11:37 AM, YRfan23 said:

    Found this Clip. Don't know if this is 1983 or early 1984?



    On 5/9/2020 at 1:18 PM, yrfan1983 said:

    Good find! Do you think that is a "greek restaurant"? The June 19, 1983 SOD recap says "After having spent a wonderful evening at a Greek restaurant, Nikki..."


    On 5/9/2020 at 3:09 PM, OzFrog said:

    Am I the only one who had to make sure they weren’t seeing Brenda Dickson doing belly dancing??


    Great clip.  Yeah her facial expressions were like Brenda's. LOL.

    I've studied that form of dance for many years and I can see she is a professional dancer. I'm impressed that Y&R hired a real belly dancer for that scene.


    There have been times when I've watched various TV shows and movies where the script calls for a scene with a belly dancer -- but it's obvious to me that a model was hired and told to wiggle around.  Or they hire someone who knows some dance forms but knows nothing about belly dance.


    So I'm impressed that Y&R hired a real belly dancer.  She was on Y&R in 1983?  Wow. She is still dancing .... here is the same dancer 35 years later -- in November 2018:



  7. Thurs. Nov 7, 1991
    Traci and Brad's second wedding.
    Details in recap from "rec.arts.tv.soaps" at this link:
    [These are informal newsgroup recaps, nothing official, things could be missing.]




    Fri. Nov. 8, 1991 from IMDB
    Neil and Drucilla argue over her career's choices. Sheila's mad at Lauren for preventing her and Scott from leaving Genoa City. She confronts Scott and then Lauren about it. Christine, Danny and Nina arrive in time at the airport to prevent Florence from leaving town. Lauren tells Paul that the baby is very ill. Nathan wants to talk about starting a family but Olivia isn't ready for that.




    Mon. Nov 11, 1991 from IMDB
    Dina tells John that health conditions kept her away from her family. Dylan's fever's going up. Paul, Lauren and Scott are at his bedside.


    Mon. Nov 11, 1991
    Details in recap from "rec.arts.tv.soaps" at this link:
    [These are informal newsgroup recaps, nothing official, things could be missing.]
    (They skim over Lauren/Dylan, but detail a Molly/Sheila scene.)



  8. 23 hours ago, Dylan said:

    first show of the new week after villains. November 7 1991 but I can't find a recap.

    According to Bill Bill's list -- 
    #4732 aired Fri. Nov. 8, 1991.

    See page 96 at this link:


    IMDB says 4732 aired Mon. Nov 11, 1991.

    EDITING later because I'm blind.

    IMDB agrees that 4732 is Nov. 7, 1991

  9. I loved the masquerade ball episode that they rebroadcast in April.


    Who was Mamie's date, and who was the actor who played him?


    I enjoyed seeing all the characters being introduced by the emcee, as the entered at the top of the stairs.

    I compared the version posted on CBS All Access with the original from YRfan23's playlist, to see what CBS cut. 

    I see that CBS cut the scene of Mamie and her date being introduced by the emcee.  Mamie was introduced as "Bessie Smith".  I couldn't quite hear how her date was introduced.







  10. hi, I've been reading here for some time, and joined last month, but had difficulty logging in. 

    Finally here to post. I love reading everyone's knowledge of history.


    Global says Thu 5/28 (Fri 5/29 in US) is episode #9390.


    First US airing May 4, 2005.




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