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Posts posted by janea4old

  1. On 7/2/2020 at 1:56 PM, Forever8 said:

    (Quoting Press Release)
    Tuesday, July 7:
    Whip (Rick Hearst) and Deacon (Sean Kanan) butt heads, explaining that there is no way that Brooke would ever betray her daughter, Bridget, and that Whip must forget and pretend Brooke's baby is really Deacon's. Meanwhile, Bridget, not realizing that her mother is pregnant with her husband Deacon's baby, throws her a baby shower. Taylor (Hunter Tylo), Kristen (Tracey Melchior), and Erica (Courtnee Draper) attend, as well as Megan (Maeve Quinlan) and Stephanie, both of whom know the truth about Brooke's secret. After the shower is over, Meagan assures Whip that Deacon won't do anything to jeopardize his relationship with Bridget, while Deacon heads over to Brooke's house to talk about their baby, where he professes his love for her. Original airdate: June 14, 2002.


    Someone on another board said that was worded wrong in the press release (I'm not familiar with the characters so I wouldn't know).

    They said the error was in this sentence:

     "Whip (Rick Hearst) and Deacon butt heads. explaining that there is no way that Brooke would ever betray her daughter, Bridget and that Whip must forget and pretend Brooke's baby is really Deacon's."


    They said that it wasn't that Whip had to pretend that Brooke's baby was Deacon's. It was that Deacon had to pretend that Brooke's (and Deacon's) baby was Whip's, to keep Bridget from finding out the truth.

    Did I understand that correctly?

  2. 1 hour ago, Faulkner said:

    Gawd, Keith Hamilton Cobb was hot. Tall and built like a brick sh!thouse.


    Built like a Brick Sh!thouse
    Originally "built like a brick outhouse" this term meant any project that was appealingly overdone or a level of quality that was better than was necessary.
    (from definition #3 at urbandictionary)


    I didn't care for his Y&R character.


    I liked KHC on the sci-fi series Andromeda. (The series was kind of bad but he did okay).

  3. 13 hours ago, Forever8 said:

    Monday, July 6: Eric (John McCook) and Ridge (Ronn Moss) compete against each other in a fashion showdown in Portofino, Italy. Massimo Marone (the late Joe Mascolo), Bridget (Jennifer Finnegan), Sally (the late Darlene Conley), and Darla (Schae Harrison) watch Ridge, designing for Spectra Fashions, and Eric, as lead designer for Forrester Creations, bring their best to the "Portofino Challenge." Stephanie (Susan Flannery) and Clarke (Dan McVicar) emcee the event and Brooke (Katherine Kelly Lang) set jaws dropping as she arrives in the showstopper via boat on the Ligurian Sea. Original airdate: Jan. 6, 2003


    10 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    Didn’t they just show 1/6/03 a few weeks ago?  This better not become a regular of the shows now repeating episodes they already showed.


    The B&B epi of Jan. 6, 2003 was supposed to have been rebroadcast on June 9, 2020, but it was officially preempted nationally in the USA for the George Floyd funeral.
    I don't know if it aired in Canada that day, but it was preempted in the USA.
    I don't know if they uploaded it to cbs.com or not, but if they did, they took it down.
    It officially "didn't happen".
    So B&B is having a "do-over" of the rebroadcast, this time on MONDAY July 6, 2020.


    Y&R is doing something similar regarding the George Floyd preemption.
    The Y&R epi of June 7, 2001 was supposed to have been rebroadcast on June 9, 2020, but it was officially preempted nationally in the USA for the George Floyd funeral.
    It aired in Canada on June 8, 2020, but it was preempted in the USA on June 9, 2020.
    They definitely uploaded it to cbs.com; but they have since taken it down.
    It officially "didn't happen".
    So Y&R is having a "do-over" of the rebroadcast, this time on July 9, 2020 


    Although B&B and Y&R were both preempted on June 9,

    the "do-over" rebroadcasts of the two shows happen on different dates.
    B&B's do-over is Monday July 6.
    Y&R's do-over is Thurs July 9 US (Wed July 8 CDN).

  4. In the episode that won little Camryn Grimes an Emmy, little Cassie testified in court, and the judge awarded official foster care custody of Cassie to Nick and Sharon, with the possibility to legally adopt her in 6 months if all goes well. From July 19, 1999.

    That was supposed to air July 26, 2020 in US (but many couldn't see it due to coronavirus press conference).


    A new classic is July 27, 1999 

    which airs on Mon July 6, 2020 US (Fri July 3 CDN).
    The Newmans have a party to celebrate that Nick and Sharon were awarded custody of Cassie. This party epi originally aired several episodes after the other one.


    So ...  I went into the archives of "rec.arts.tv.soaps.cbs" to see if there were any comments about the Newman celebration party episode.


    I found these comments ... So cool to read it now ...


    From one poster:
    Now that Cassie's two year front burner story is over, what will happen to Camryn Grimes? Scares me.


    Reply from another poster:

    Me too! Camryn Grimes is wonderful; IMHO the best thing about Y&R! You know the writers don't like anybody to be happy for TOO long, so maybe there will be a problem with the final adoption. I don't want to see Cassie unhappy, but it's better than not seeing her at all! Camryn Grimes should have won the Younger Actress Emmy!

  5. Global has episode #11720

    for CBS to air on from July 10, 2020


    IMDB has wrong date/episode number correlations for 2019 and 2020.

    The correct date/episode correlation for this one is:
    #11720 from July 3, 2019

    Devon and Elena go to the carnival as their first official date. (Devon says their attempted date at the grand opening of "Society" restaurant doesn't count because that was the night that Neil died).  Victor is ill and Victoria is running the business, but Nikki catches Victor looking at some paperwork, so she pulls him away to spend time having fun at the carnival.

    (The rest of the episode is Adam/Phyllis, Nick/Chelsea and Chelsea's husband Calvin. And a whiny drunk Summer.). Ugh.


    Edit to add: the carnival scenes are only a few minutes of the epi.

  6. 6 hours ago, janea4old said:

    Rumors/speculation .... that Episode 7150 might be repeated because it was preempted in USA June 9, 2020 but aired in Canada June 8, 2020.

    Was there an actual official preemption?

    Did anyone in the USA watch it live or catch on DVR?

    #7150 from June 7, 2001


    4 hours ago, BoldRestless said:

    It's kind of disappointing. It's a repeat after all and it was posted online. If they reair it again it's taking away an episode from us. It's not like that one is so great that it must air on TV.


    6 hours ago, janea4old said:

    UPDATE ...
    Confirmation that it was preempted for George Floyd's funeral.


    5 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Indeed it was. Wonder if they will also perhaps re-air Camryn Grimes’ Emmy win ep since that was entirely pre-empted as well. 


    Regarding episode 7150 (Shick fantasy tent date) from June 7, 2001:
    The USA national preemption on June 9th was for George Floyd's funeral which was more like a national event.  


    Normally, Y&R posts something on twitter (and sometimes facebook) when when there is a preemption, explaining the situation.  However all Y&R and B&B social media went completely silent on June 1st, except for retweeting/reposting the official CBS  Black Lives Matter support statement.  Other than prepared weekly promos, there was nothing from B&B and Y&R social media for two weeks. Just silence. I had no idea that the epi had been preempted in the USA because I watched it on Global.


    Episode 7150 did get uploaded to cbs.com, and some viewed it there, but .... apparently it has been taken down since then?


    Regarding episode Episode 6673 from July 19, 1999 (Camryn's Emmy win), which was planned to air on Fri. June 26, 2020 in USA:
    I know there were interruptions due to Pence's coronavirus update. but was the episode "officially" preempted?
    This time Y&R social media accounts were active. However there was nothing from Y&R social media about any preemption. But Y&R spent that entire day posting fifty gazillion things on their social media accounts about the 2020 Emmy awards show which was airing that night.
    I'm not a soap insider so I don't know how to determine what an official preemption is.


  7. 1 hour ago, janea4old said:

    #7150 from June 7, 2001


    Rumors/speculation .... that Episode 7150 might be repeated because it was preempted in USA June 9, 2020 but aired in Canada June 8, 2020.

    Was there an actual official preemption?
    Did anyone in the USA watch it live or catch on DVR?


    UPDATE ...
    Confirmation that it was preempted for George Floyd's funeral.

  8. 17 hours ago, janea4old said:

    For CBS Thurs July 9, 2020.

    Global says this is #7150 .

    but that was already rebroadcast on CBS June 9, 2020.


    Did someone get June 9 and July 9 mixed up?

    #7150 from June 7, 2001


    ^  Wondering if that is an error!



    Rumors/speculation .... that Episode 7150 might be repeated because it was preempted in USA June 9, 2020 but aired in Canada June 8, 2020.

    Broadcasts of soaps get cut off all the time lately with Covid, politics, racial injustice, and general global chaos.


    Was there an actual official preemption?
    Did anyone in the USA watch it live or catch on DVR?

    #7150 description: Nick and Sharon arrive via horseback to a lovely area far out on the ranch property where he has arranged for a romantic evening in a tent-like structure with exotic food and costumes. Newly-reconciled Billy and Mac happily privately discuss the future. Meanwhile Jill is annoyed to learn that they had reconciled. When Christine calls Paul from Hong Kong, Isabella answers Paul's phone. Michael calls Christine in Hong Kong and suggests she take a job offer in Australia. Malcolm and Olivia are divorcing and discussing custody of Nate. Malcolm is dating Alex and wants dating advice from Neil. 

  9. 1 hour ago, BetterForgotten said:

    To think there was probably a large number of people who cheered when Phyllis mowed them down, lol.


    I have been reading the "rec.arts.tv.soaps" newsgroup which included Y&R through December 1994. And then the "rec.arts.tv.soaps.cbs" newsgroup which is where Y&R went starting in December 1994.  There was a lot of loathing of Christine.


    The person who recapped the hit-and-run episode on the newsgroup in 1994 concludes their report with this "How exciting!!  My first day as an updater and I get to report the squashing of the bug."

  10. For CBS Thurs July 9, 2020.

    Global says this is #7150 .

    but that was already rebroadcast on CBS June 9, 2020.


    Did someone get June 9 and July 9 mixed up?

    #7150 from June 7, 2001.

    Nick and Sharon arrive via horseback at an area far out on the ranch property -- where Nick has arranged for a surprise romantic evening in a tent-like structure with exotic food and costumes. Jill is annoyed that Mac and Billy have reconciled. Mac and Billy are happy and discuss the future. Christine is in Hong Kong working; and when she phones Paul at their home in Genoa City, Isabella answers Paul's phone. Paul grabs the phone from Isabella, but Christine is miffed that Isabella is still staying there. Michael calls Christine in Hong Kong and suggests she take a job offer in Australia. Malcolm and Olivia are divorcing. Mamie secretly brings little Nate to see Malcolm, without Olivia's permission. Later, at the coffeehouse, Malcolm and Olivia meet informally to discuss the divorce and custody of Nate. Neil is interested in Newman Enterprises attorney Alex Perez, but tries not to show it. Victor notices but Neil says it's strictly professional. Malcolm has been dating Alex and wants to take her on a special date, so Malcolm asks Neil for dating advice. Alex and Olivia encounter one another and argue about Malcolm's rights regarding custody of Nate.

  11. omg this lingerie party episode was everything!

    Christine, Gina, Nina, Olivia, Drucilla, Luan, Lauren, Lynne.

    And yes they did show Luan equally with the other women.

    There was a comment from Gina that referenced the fact that she and Luan are both restaurant owners.
    Gina served the food and Luan poured the champagne.
    Nina guessed Dru was pregnant, Olivia tried to hide a smile. Then Dru admitted it and Nina hugged her. 
    Nina and Lynne making faces in the corner, after Mary Williams arrived, and then whispering that Mary Williams had probably brought Christine a chastity belt!

    Luan's radiant smile during the episode.
    Lauren in underwear dashing out of the room upon seeing that Mary Williams had arrived.

    Drucilla and Nina bonded more, later, with so much giggling over the risqué lingerie in their gifts, wondering what Mary Williams would have said had she seen them.


  12. On 6/28/2020 at 9:45 PM, soapfan770 said:

    For the record, these were the Crimson Lights Barista guys:

    Cody Dixon 1999-2004. This was Brody Hutzler’s character. 

    Cody is on next week!


    Wed July 8
    #6939 from August 3, 2000

    Good detailed recap:


    The soapcentral recap for this date is labeled as written by CBS.
    This IMDB summary was very similar.
    Each had one or two details the other one did not have.
    Here are those two summaries combined into one:


    Kay explains to Paul that Jill doesn't believe that Mac is her granddaughter. Paul assures Kay that Jill can cause no harm unless Mac is lying about her identity. Jill explains to Jack that she is worried about Billy's strange attraction to Mackenzie. Jack claims that he can help Billy if he lets him know what's going on with Jill and Mac. Billy tells Jack that it's too complicated. Mac sees Billy and Brittany kissing and she becomes jealous. Billy asks Mac why she's avoiding him and she admits that she doesn't know how to handle seeing Billy and Brittany together. Phyllis gets Billy and Mac's heart-to-heart talk on tape!


    Chris is miffed as she watches her new law partner Michael socializing with Phyllis at Gina's.  After Phyllis leaves, Michael assures Chris that Phyllis has a career and is no longer a troublemaker.


    Neil brings Olivia home from the hospital -- and Nate is surprised and overjoyed.

    Neil and Dru talk privately, and Neil is worried that Lily may have too many expectations; but they both agree to explain to her that their living together doesn't mean that there is any romance happening.


    Carter (who is actually Matt with plastic surgery) reveals to Larry that he blames Nick for getting shot 5 years ago. Nick asks Sharon if she is still traumatized by her rape by Matt Clark. Sharon tells Nick that time has helped to heal her wounds. After Nick leaves, Cody introduces Sharon to "Carter". When Sharon walks away from him, she begins to shiver.

  13. 12 hours ago, janea4old said:


    Izzy was an associate of David Kimble.  He helped David with some of his plots. But I don't know if Izzy knew the depth of what David was doing.

    According to this one post, Izzy also blackmailed David?


    Edit to add, I think Izzy was involved in helping David hide the truth about the brooch.


    From the actor's website: Pics of him as Izzy:


  14. 12 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    who the hell Izzy Adams was.


    Izzy was an associate of David Kimble.  He helped David with some of his plots. But I don't know if Izzy knew the depth of what David was doing.

    According to this one post, Izzy also blackmailed David?


    Edit to add, I think Izzy was involved in helping David hide the truth about the brooch.

  15. 1 hour ago, janea4old said:

    The Sept 14, 1994 episode airing Mon 6/29 has Sharon's birthday party at the Newman pool, as we had guessed it might.


    I don't know the character Cindy but I found a few recapped episodes showing she was good friends with Sharon and Amy.   And later on Amy and Cindy shared a dorm room?  And there was a recap where Christine and Cindy went to visit Amy at Fairview.


    Here is a closeup of Jay and Cindy





     ^ NOTE Cindy is wearing a strapless swimsuit at the pool party.


    The only Jay I could find in IMDB was actor Craig Gini.


    Not sure if that's the right Jay.


    I can't find the name of the actress playing Cindy.


    40 minutes ago, Dion said:

    I think Jay ran (but not sure if he owned) Crimson Lights from 1994 - 99, before Nick and Sharon bought it.


    Thanks for the info on Jay!

    I found this November 2019 interview with Craig Gini.

    He says he did around 100 episodes of Y&R but realized he wouldn't make it as a career actor, so he went back home and apprenticed in the family business, where he is now a multi-million-dollar exec.

    (the photo on the podcast page is of the interviewer, Not Craig.)


    Here is his website. He says on this page "Someone once thought I was John Travolta’s younger brother. That was in the late 80’s."




    Some more recent pics of Craig




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