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Posts posted by janea4old

  1. 31 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    I'm thinking it's a theme of parents and children? The 2006 date could be wrong. The day before and after deal with the birth of Fenmore. Otherwise I'm stumped.


    That makes more sense.



    But then .... what about this....

    On 6/16/2020 at 4:29 PM, rlj said:


    Transcript for 
    Mon Oct 16, 2006 US, or Friday Oct 13, 2006 Canadian.


    Devon to Carmen Mesta:
    This is about Drucilla. I'm sure you know that. Am I-- I'm sorry. I, uh, I talk too loud sometimes. I'm still getting used to this. All right, um... Carmen, the thing is... Drucilla can be pretty intense. And sometimes it's a good thing, sometimes it's not so good. Um, she just feels really strongly about certain things. And that's part of what makes her such a great parent. Now I don't know if you knew this about me, but a few years back I was in a group home, all right? I had no one. And at that time, I was, you know, mad at the world and everybody in it. But when Mr. and Mrs. Winters took me in as their foster son, they saved me. They gave me a future. And for the first time in my entire life, I knew what it meant to be a part of a real family. Now... bottom line? I don't wanna see Dru lose all the things that she's worked so hard to give me. And if she loses her job, you know, goes to jail, loses her freedom and gets ripped away from her family--


    -- if this is the right episode, then maybe the week's theme is about parents and children, who have had a difficult time?

    Theory #75845623 about the weekly theme....
    (I really don't know, I just keep guessing!)


    Victor was left in an orphanage, now reconciles with his birth mother.

    Grace and Tony see Cassie walking into Millie's.

    (Cassie was adopted by Alice who abandoned her  -- and Millie tried to care for her.) 



    Devon talks about how there was nobody to care for him, and he was in a group home, and had nobody until Dru and Neil took him in.



    Jill wants to find out if Dina was really sick for two years in a sanitarium, or if Dina is lying and had simply ignored the family for two years.

    [But this doesn't really fit, because Jack, Ashley, and Traci were already adults the last time Dina disappeared. I don't know]


    The judge rules Nick and Sharon have custody of Cassie.



  2. 6 minutes ago, kalbir said:

    Global update. Thursday Global/Friday CBS - 6673, original air date June 19, 1999.


    IMDB description


    Judge Brainard calls Cassie up to the bench. Cassie explains that if she has to go to Madison to live with Alice, she will do so and she will try real hard to be happy. But if she has any choice at all, she wants the judge to let her live with her mommy, Nick and Noah. The battle is finally over: Custody for Cassie is awarded to Nick and Sharon.


    Victor tells Neil his suspicion that Jack must have something up his sleeve. After a late breakfast in bed with Cole, Ashley reads the minutes of the last Newman Enterprises board meeting and realizes what Jack and Brad have done.


    Victor tries to make up with Diane.


    Jill continues to wallow in her self-pity and continues to drink.

  3. talLJve.png

    Sarah Aldrich as Victoria



    Sarah Aldrich as Victoria - in the back row with Cole




    ^ In the back row: Cole with Sarah Aldrich as Victoria.

    In the front, to the right of Shari Shattuck's Ashley,

    (on Ashley's left but on the right of the photo) ...is Pamella D'Pella as "Julia". Julia works for Olivia as Nate's nanny. She seems to be a wedding guest here instead of "the help", and there is a gentleman next to her that seems to be her plus one?










    Who is this couple that enters and greets Julia and Julia's plus one, and are later shown as seated with Jill and Keith?

  4. 12 hours ago, janea4old said:
    12 hours ago, kalbir said:

    If my calculations are right, the SOD recap from their July 31, 1984 issue would cover the weeks of July 2-6; 9-13, 1984. The SOD recap from their July 17, 1984 issue would cover the weeks of June 18-22; 25-29, 1984. I think the upcoming 1984 episode is where Victor is reunited with his mother.

    I was *guesstimating* that the July 31, 1984 issue of SOD recap would cover end of June 1984, because the Victor/Nikki wedding of April 13, 1984 was covered in in the recaps in the May 22, 1984 SOD issue.


    Maybe Kalbir is right, because the July 17, 1984 issue is the search for Cora.


    And the July 31, 1984 issue is what happens when Cora is in Genoa City.




    So I don't know if Monday's episode is the search for Cora, or if it's when Cora is already found.

    If it's the search, then maybe the week's theme is "investigations" ?


    Monday, Paul and Andy search for Victor's biological parents, at Nikki's request.


    EDIT LATER ....  It turns out that Andy and Paul had already located Victor's mother Cora by this time, and Nikki had brought Cora back to Genoa City.  So I'm not sure what goes here for
    June 27, 1984 - Monday June 22, 2020. 


    Tuesday, Grace and Tony search for the child that Sharon gave up for adoption.  Grace had decided to do this for Sharon (without telling Sharon), because Noah was born premature and might be dying.


    Wednesday, Brad tells Victoria that he had asked Paul and JT to search for the reliquary, and Victoria should leave it alone so that she stays safe. But meanwhile Colleen asks Korbel about the reliquary.  


    Thursday, Jill hires Paul and Nathan to investigate what Dina has been up to in the past few years.

    Friday TBD.

  5. 58 minutes ago, Dylan said:

    John and Dina are planing a party for Brad and Traci's return. Jill is disappointed that Nathan is going to Switzeland alone. She wanted Paul to go with him but Paul explains that a friend of his lost her son and he wants to be there for her. Jack confides in John about what happened between him and Nikki last night. Ashley visits Nikki who is surprised; she expected her the day before. Ashley explains she went yesterday but found Nikki asleep.


    I just watched this last week.


    This takes place a short while after Traci & Brad's second wedding - the wedding that was recently rebroadcast. Brad and Traci are on their honeymoon. A hot young woman tries to flirt with Brad but he introduces her to his pregnant wife.  Meanwhile in Genoa City, the Abbotts (and former Abbotts) are discussing having a party to welcome Traci and Brad back from their honeymoon. 


    Dina has previously told Katherine - and now tells John - that she has been completely out of contact with the family for a few years because she got tuberculosis and thought she was dying, and didn't want to burden the family.  She ended up in a some sort of healthcare sanitarium in Switzerland for two years, out of contact with the outside world, as they slowly nursed her back to health. After coming to Genoa City for Traci's wedding, Dina has begun seeing John.


    In a prior episode, Jill had overheard some of this.  So in this epi, Jill hires Paul Williams Investigations firm to go to Switzerland to investigate Dina's past because Jill does NOT believe Dina's story.  Paul doesn't want to go to Switzerland himself because Lauren's baby recently died (The baby who died is actually the baby that Sheila switched with Lauren's, but that doesn't come into this episode. Right now everyone but Sheila thinks it's Lauren's baby that died.). Paul doesn't mention Lauren's name but he tells Jill that he wants to be there as a friend/support for someone who recently lost her child. Paul says that Nathan Hastings is a qualified investigator perfectly qualified to investigate Dina, and Paul is sending Nathan to Switzerland to research Dina. Jill is insistent - and indignant -because she wants the head of the firm - Paul - to go himself. Jill is pressing this to happen immediately because she thinks John is about to propose to Dina, and Jill wants John for herself.

    A lot of the episode is about Nikki's drinking. Ashley had gone over to the ranch and found Nikki passed out drunk/drugged, but Ashley didn't realize it and thought Nikki was just very deeply asleep. Nikki gave the excuse that she had the flu.  Jack is upset and really loves Nikki but he doesn't know what to do, and he almost loses it (as the clip just posted above shows). 


    Edited to correct. It should say that Jill thinks John is about to propose to Dina. (I had the wrong name)

  6. 1 minute ago, kalbir said:

    If my calculations are right, the SOD recap from their July 31, 1984 issue would cover the weeks of July 2-6; 9-13, 1984. The SOD recap from their July 17, 1984 issue would cover the weeks of June 18-22; 25-29, 1984. I think the upcoming 1984 episode is where Victor is reunited with his mother.

    I was *guesstimating* that the July 31, 1984 issue of SOD recap would cover end of June 1984, because the Victor/Nikki wedding of April 13, 1984 was covered in in the recaps in the May 22, 1984 SOD issue.

  7. 37 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    I found this old recap from the last week of June 1984 I had saved (I'm sure it was originally posted here but I did not think to save the poster's name, so apologies for not giving credit):



     Dina taunted Lauren about how Paul will feel when he sees the steamy video music tape love scenes between Lauren and Danny. 


    After comparing that with the SOD synopsis, I conclude that was a typo.
    It should say *Gina* taunted Lauren (Not Dina).

  8. 10 minutes ago, BoldRestless said:

    I found this old recap from the last week of June 1984 I had saved (I'm sure it was originally posted here but I did not think to save the poster's name, so apologies for not giving credit):


    Danny eloped with Traci after saving her from an attempted suicide. Victor fumed to learn that Cora is staying with Kay. Cora lied to Victor that she's hanging around to get what money she can from him. Jill fumed that Jack said he might marry her if John throws her over. The Abbotts were floored to hear of Traci's marriage; while Tim is still puzzled that she's avoiding him. Patty waited for Danny, who forgot about their date plans. Dina taunted Lauren about how Paul will feel when he sees the steamy video music tape love scenes between Lauren and Danny. Jack admitted to Dina he had a one-night stand with Jill and that the incident is recorded on film.


    Here is the SOD recap from July 31, 1984 issue that covers the end of June episodes:

  9. 3 hours ago, soapfan770 said:

    Funny that David appeared so relaxed at the wedding since this was just after the story of where David had framed Danny for cocaine possession/intent to sell. 


    In the prior episodes, David figured out that his neighbor Vivian was connected to a previous wife he had murdered, and that she had moved to Genoa City to investigate, and that she knew it was David -- because she had figured out that Nina's brooch was the same brooch as the one David's late wife had.  So then you see him arriving inside her apartment and you know he's about to do something, and she's terrified. And then the next scene he is getting on the plane with the wedding party to go to Hawaii.  They never showed that he killed Vivian because he did it offscreen, but it was totally implied.  This made his cheeriness in Maui all the more sinister to me.

  10. 1 hour ago, Dylan said:

    KKL says filming begins Thursday. I truely wonder what changes we will see. Brad seems to have already made script chsnges. 


    The way I read KKL's instagram, I thought she was saying that *she* begins taping Thursday, so I thought she was simply saying she's not taping Mon. Tues. Wed. this week.  Don Diamont said they begin production today. (I don't know, that's simply how I read it).



  11. On 6/12/2020 at 7:36 PM, BoldRestless said:

    Thanks @LuckyBold  Do you know which episodes are no longer available?


    I'm uploading Portofino to the Vault right in 1040p HD. I managed to grab it before they deleted it. :D 


    So I completed the list from 10play after finding this site, which lists the episode numbers so now I got all the dates: https://tv.apple.com/au/show/the-bold-and-the-beautiful-fast-tracked/umc.cmc.3ulgph6vqen0z03pxtd4msgv9


    However, it only adds up to 45 and there were supposed to be 50... ???


    I bolded the episodes that I think are not uploaded anywhere, but hopefully I'm wrong and some has them.



    -2/2/05 is "Ridge vs. Thorne" fashion show, not on YT.


    -10/8/96 fashion show is in the vault but the quality is low, so while I'm very grateful, I count that as one that we still need


    -5/3/96 (which we have - thank you!) is listed as "Barbados Pt 2" on the apple/10play site, but I don't see any listing for Barbados Pt 1, although there are two episode #s missing for Location Shoots, so that could be one of them?


    -7/31/09 is listed as "Barbados Pt 3" but upon looking up the recap, this is the episode where Brooke interrupts Ridge & Taylor's wedding and it was filmed in Pt. Dume, not Barbados. This one is on a random YouTube channel but it's only half the episode cut with another episode. If this is a mistake, then maybe there are three Barbados episodes plus this Pt Dume episode which would account for the two missing episode #s in this category. Really confusing.



    WEDDINGS 1/8/1991   952
    WEDDINGS 9/30/1994   1,884
    WEDDINGS 10/3/1994   1,885
    WEDDINGS 6/24/1998   2,825
    WEDDINGS 3/18/2003   4,007
    WEDDINGS 11/13/2009   5,629
    WEDDINGS 6/26/2012   6,531
    WEDDINGS 4/23/2013   6,555
    WEDDINGS 2/15/2015   7,163
    WEDDINGS 2/18/2018   7,772
    FASHION SHOWS 12/11/1998   2,942
    FASHION SHOWS 8/13/2009   5,628
    FASHION SHOWS 8/14/2009   5,629
    FASHION SHOWS 10/29/1997   2,661
    FASHION SHOWS 2/2/2005   4,482
    FASHION SHOWS 8/19/2011   6,137
    FASHION SHOWS 7/20/2015   7,123
    FASHION SHOWS 11/11/2016   7,461
    FASHION SHOWS 10/8/1996   2,393
    FASHION SHOWS ???             ???
    SYDNEY SHOWS 3/23/2007   5,023
    SYDNEY SHOWS 3/26/2007   5,024
    SYDNEY SHOWS 3/27/2007   5,025
    SYDNEY SHOWS 3/28/2007   5,026
    SYDNEY SHOWS 3/29/2007   5,027
    SYDNEY SHOWS 3/21/2017   7,547
    SYDNEY SHOWS 3/22/2017   7,548
    SYDNEY SHOWS 3/23/2017   7,549
    SYDNEY SHOWS 3/24/2017   7,550
    SYDNEY SHOWS 3/27/2017   7,555
    LOCATION SHOOTS 5/3/1996   2,283
    LOCATION SHOOTS 7/31/2009   5,619
    LOCATION SHOOTS 5/2/2011   6,058
    LOCATION SHOOTS 10/10/2011   6,171
    LOCATION SHOOTS 8/12/2013   6,635
    LOCATION SHOOTS 8/8/2014   6,886
    LOCATION SHOOTS 7/3/2015   7,113
    LOCATION SHOOTS 7/31/2017   7,639
    LOCATION SHOOTS ????            ????
    LOCATION SHOOTS ?????            ????
    CATFIGHTS 9/25/1992   1,384
    CATFIGHTS 7/21/1999   3,094
    CATFIGHTS 8/3/1999   3,103
    CATFIGHTS 11/20/2014   6,958
    CATFIGHTS 2/8/2017   7,520
    CATFIGHTS 8/14/2017   7,649
    CATFIGHTS 8/28/2017   7,659
    CATFIGHTS 9/18/2017   7,674
    CATFIGHTS 8/5/2019   8,148
    CATFIGHTS 2/7/2020   8,267



    WEDDINGS Bill/Katie in Katie's hometown.
    Your list says #5629 but it should be #5692.

    WEDDINGS Liam/Hope in Italy.
    Your list says #6531 but it should be #6351.


    B&B producer Casey Kasprzyk tweeted the episode numbers for the pandemic repeats -
    Fridays in April,

    and then daily April 27 - June 5.







  12. 7 hours ago, ChickenNuggetz92 said:

    Somehow we got two episodes featuring Daisy but none featuring Tricia Dennison. Or Matt Clark. Or Veronica Landers. 🙄🙄

    Tricia is in the episode with Olivia and Malcolm's wedding. She phones Ryan at the church and gets him to tell her he is thinking about her.  But she's not crazy yet.


     A few episodes before the wedding, Veronica is wandering in the road -her story is just beginning.

  13. so the Feb 19, 1996 Nick and Sharon wedding was rebroadcast in 2001? I didn't see it either time.  I'm curious about the *other* storylines in that episode. I've seen references to it on various messageboards, but the conversations were assuming you'd already seen it, so I don't know the context.  I gather that there is a Christine/Danny scene and a Dina scene, but I don't know what they are about.

    Is there a recap or video of the rest of the epi?

  14. I was curious about a couple of characters that appear in 1997 in various episodes.


    Phyllis' babysitter for Daniel and/or her housekeeper to whom Phyllis confided her frustrations.
    The character's name was named "Joani Darza".

    The actress playing Joani was Marita De Leon.




    Olivia employed a nurse/nanny for little Nate, and that character was named "Julia" (I don't know if the show gave her a last name?).

    The actress playing Julia was Pamella D'Pella. She has a Y&R acting reel here:




  15. On June 17, 2020 in USA, (Tues June 16 Canada), they are going to air Episode #6164, Olivia and Malcolm's wedding. (Original US airdate Fri. July 11, 1997).


    The soapcentral recap doesn't say much so I looked more into it. I found a few different recaps on "rec.arts.tv.soaps.cbs", an informal discussion newsgroup, later absorbed by googlegroups.

    The first recap I found , posted in 1997, is here:


    And that doesn't say much about the wedding either, and then I saw that this thread was exactly the same wording as the soapcentral recap for that date, so maybe it was the source.  


    More digging produced more info. More info is in a separate 1997 thread, where someone asked specific questions about the wedding and replies were made and discussed here:


    (that thread discusses the wedding episode, and also the reception which was in following episode).

    The wedding party has Dru as matron of honor, Neil as best man, Lily as flower girl, and little Nate in a tux.  Mamie wasn't there. There were no other family members present. They didn't mention the bride and groom's parents.


     I found several other threads about the wedding where it was mentioned that all the guests were white except for Julia who is Nate's nanny. Comments were made about the wedding seemed so small and the show seemed so cheap. And they wondered if the show was saving up for Victor and Diane's upcoming wedding. And racism was discussed.


    This 1997 thread is quite an interesting read:

  16. 6 minutes ago, Darn said:


    Ah thank you. That was like...his legal name? I hate it. I completely missed his and Debbi Morgan's time on the show. I love them but I don't regret it, I knew it would be a flop when they recast her as Devon's mother and named her Harmony. Nope. No thank you.



    It was later revealed that Sarge's real name was Augustus Wilder, and that he was the uncle of Lamon Archey's character Mason Wilder.

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