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Michele Soap Writer

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Blog Entries posted by Michele Soap Writer

  1. Michele Soap Writer
    Professional flash photography hisses as the song Chapel of Love starts to play
    Going to the chapel and we're.......gonna get marrrrrried
    Flash to Charlie in a suit smiling as he puts cuff links on. Another flash of the camera goes off
    Going to the chapel and we're......gonna get marrrrrrrried
    Next we see Janet looking at herself in the mirror after she just finished putting her dress on with Marissa, Karen, and her mother Emma all standing around her. Another flash and pop of the camera
    Gee I really love you and we're gonna to get marrrrriiiieeeedddd, going to the chapel of love! (in between song lyrics jump from a variety of characters saying powerful and dramatic quotes)
    Shawn: Holding Kristen in his arms while laughing “I think we both know it wasn’t luck! Don’t pretend that you’re not a master strategist when it comes to getting the person you desire!” He laughs some more (Another pop and flash of the camera)
    Spring is here, thhhhhhhe sky is blue......whhhhhooooaaaaaa
    Miranda: “You say you’ve always been in love with me and I can see it in your eyes and feel it from you as I stand in front of you right now. So I have to ask: Have you broken up with Claudia, then? Hmmmmm?”
    Theo: He takes in a deep breath and tries to calm down all the many emotions coursing through his veins right now. He can’t lie. “No, I haven’t.” (Pop! Another camera flash)
    Birds will sing as if they knew!!!!!
    Sarah: “I hope so, because I’m MARRIED, Oscar. And my husband cannot know about what happened between us……..do you understand? I hope you haven’t told anyone.”(Pop!)
    Today's the day, we'll say I do, and we'll never be lonely anymore!!!!!!
    Eva: . “He expects me to wear THAT rag to his sister's wedding????!!!!!!!!” She screams at the top of her lungs. She then goes over to the bar and throws back a shot of whiskey. Then she starts throwing the bar glasses against the wall while screaming at the top of her lungs. “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Jeffery has NO IDEA who he married! And what is going on, lately??!!! NOTHING IS GOING MY WAY!!!!!!!!!” (Pop!)
    Going to the chapel and we're going to get marrrrrriiiiiieeeddddd!!!!!!
    Ana: Feeling anxious she looks out the car window as Neil drives. “I can't believe we're doing this. Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about it, Neil.”
    Neil: He briefly looks away from the road and over at her as he places his hand on her thigh. “I thought you wanted this. I thought you wanted to see Charlie get married.”
    Ana:“ I do but it just feels...........we weren't invited.” Her voice starts to crack as she gets upset yet again that her own son didn't invite her to his wedding. (Pop!)
    Going to the chapel and we're going to get marrrrrriiiiiieeeddddd!
    Trisha: . “Miguel.......we can't. We shouldn't........”
    Miguel: He inhales deeply and looks in her eyes with such intensity “If it's wrong, then why does it feel so right? I haven't been able to stop thinking about you since the last time........”
    Trisha: She gives out an intense exhale but still not pulling away “Don't say that.....”
    Miguel: “Why not? It's the truth. You're giving me severe butterflies right now, Trisha. You don't feel it too?” (Pop!)
    Gee, I really love you and we’re going to get marrrrrriiiiiiieeeeeddddddddd……….
    Jeffery: Noticing Marissa and Mike whispering to each other, he casually waltzes over to them with a satisfied grin on his face “Well look who it is! The happy kissy face couple! Mike, I'm SO happy that you take SUCH good care of my ex-wife for me! Though why you would want her when she's a worn-out race horse rode one too many times is beyond me. But have at it!” He chuckles. Before Mike can respond, Jeffery receives a blow from the side of his head. (Pop!)
    Goooooiinnnnggggg to the chapel of love!!!!!!
    Kristen: She is searching everywhere for that pocket knife not remembering where she last had it. Finally, she remembers. “Oh, that's right, the box in the closet.” She goes into the hall closet and pulls the box down. After a moment of moving things around, she finds it on the bottom. Throwing the box down, she stares at it as her bottom lip starts trembling. Her mind flashes back to when Shawn was looking for his knife in his office and he told her that it had a “Brown marble handle with my initial engraved on it.....” She repeated his words out loud as she stares at the brown marble handle with a W stamped on it. “It wasn't his first initial, but his last initial.” She says as the tears start to run down her cheeks. She gasps and covers her mouth. “No! No [!@#$%^&*] way! HE is my mother's lover???!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!” She screams as loud as she can as she tosses the knife across the room. It hits a framed picture on the wall, shattering the glass as the picture falls to the floor. Just then her door opens. Her chest heaving hard as streams of tears stain her cheeks. She looks at him with fury.
    Shawn: Just as he gets to Kristen's door he hears a loud crash. Instead of knocking he just rushes in. “Kristen, what happened?” He notices her face is covered in tears and her eyes are bulging out in anger as she breathes hard. He then looks over at the picture that is shattered all over the floor. But he notices something else by the picture.......his missing knife! He looks back over at her with confusion “What happened? What's going on? How do you have my knife?”
  2. Michele Soap Writer
    Hi everyone! Want a fresh new soap without all the censoring of daytime tv? Realistic dialog and intriguing characters and stories? Look no further than my original soap, Cape Heights, available on Kindle, Kindle Unlimited and in paperback! Volumes 1-5 are currently available and Volume 6 is almost finished! Volume 6 will include the very first Cape Heights wedding so get caught up on the first 5 volumes because the wedding will be a DOOZY! https://animoto.com/play/08cvEEBKxkpiJZNkiQ1Gjg?fbclid=IwAR2cd8r2lxgfBq86vKGAzlJbcOZ6vxBhgAMemDC6A3g4BWL2JuJTeSZtnCg
    Here is my facebook page for my book series where you can find pictures of the characters and other info: https://www.facebook.com/Cape-Heights-Book-Series-A-Soap-Opera-Drama-714251092304879
    Here is a sneak peek from Volume 6:
    Scene 2: Julian and Karen's House
    Coming up behind Karen as she stands in front of the full length mirror. He smiles as he wraps his arms around her from behind and kisses the top of her head. “My god, Karen. You're taking my breath away right now.”
    Smiling “Forever the charmer of women; that's what you are.”
    “What are you saying? Now that we're living together, I no longer ever have to sweet talk you or compliment you again? Alright, if that's how you want it. I can stop.”
    She giggles as she turns around to face him and wraps her arms around his neck “NO! Never stop giving me an ego!” She laughs some more. “I can't wait for the wedding! Seeing my best friend and my brother who I adore getting married........there isn't another couple that I could be happier for.” She runs her hand through the back of his hair
    Smiling “Yea, I can't wait to get drunk!” He chuckles then his face gets serious. “I meant to ask you......is your mother going to be there?”
    She crinkles up her face “Seriously? No way! Charlie definitely did NOT invite her!”
    “So I take it that you agree with him excluding her.........”
    She sighs “Yes, I do agree with it but then also.......no, I don't. Honestly, I don't know how I feel about it. I mean I totally get why he wouldn't invite her. But I also think it's a little cruel. Is it really that bad to at least invite her to the wedding? We don't have to become close with her, but we are her children. I feel like in a way maybe she should at least be given the privilege of seeing her children get married.”
    “But she abandoned all three of you as children. Shawn was even a baby when she left town.”
    “I know, that's all very true. Like I said, I'm conflicted. If I were getting married..........I would at least consider inviting her.”
    Her looks at her tenderly and gives her a kiss “That's one of the things I love about you. You're so considerate and you look at things from all angles. You're also very forgiving.”
    She gives him a large smile “YOU certainly know JUST how forgiving I can be!” She laughs and kisses him. “When it comes to my mother though, I'm not completely forgiving. I may be a little softer than Shawn and Charlie, but not by much where she is concerned.”
  3. Michele Soap Writer
    Cape Heights Volume 5 was released at the end of the June! This volume is more of a love letter as more focus is put on the couples and the romantic stories rather than the drug cartel and other stories. With 2 major cliffhangers at the very end, you don't want to miss it!
    The .99 sale on all volumes ended last weekend. Volumes 2 & 5 are now at the price of $1.99. The larger volumes of 1,3 & 4 are set at $2.99. Be on the lookout for more .99 sales in the future! I will probably do another .99 sale upon the release of Volume 6 which will be due out in October! The first Cape Heights wedding happens in Volume 6! You won't want to miss it! Get caught up in the meantime on Volumes 1-5!!!!
    More character pictures have been added recently on the Cape Heights facebook page, check it out!
  4. Michele Soap Writer
    All volumes of Cape Heights are at the low price of .99. This low price has been extended until June 30th in anticipation for the release of Volume 5! Here's what to expect from Volume 5 as well as a sneak peek scene posted below:
    Volume 5 is all about the couples, couples, couples!!!!! Oh and love triangles! Yes those too! And babies, babies, babies oh my! Find out why Tyson and Gabby's relationship goes from sweet to sour. Will Julian finally make the ultimate commitment to Karen? Who is Mike really in love with, Marissa or Lila? Will Debra choose Gavin or Terrence? Will Theo and Claudia finally admit that they are both in love with other people? Will Naomi make amends with Darius and Noelle? Will Rebecca and Esteban have their baby already? Are Adrian and Trisha already getting involved with other people? Who conceives a baby and who finds out that they are pregnant? These questions will be answered or maybe not answered in Volume 5 which will be available the last week in May!!!!!
    Episode 103


    Scene 1: Debra’s House


    It’s now 1pm in the afternoon and there is a knock at her door. She opens it to find a large box on her porch. She looks at it curiously as she brings it into the house. “I guess this is the package that my mystery man told me to expect…..” She places it on her kitchen table and opens it up. Inside she pulls out a sand colored form fitted knee length leather coat. She puts it aside and next pulls out a knee length lavender tank dress. And finally she finds a shoe box. She opens that to find a pair of sand colored strappy 4 inch heels. “What in the world?” She laughs a little then finds a note on the bottom:

    Debra, please have on all 3 articles of clothing and wear your hair back in a ponytail when you come to meet me at the park. See you there at 2pm at the large willow tree near the pond. You’ll find me there waiting for you.

    “Okay Gavin or Terry. If you say so……..” As she places the clothing back in the box, her cell phone rings. She looks at the caller ID and sees her mother is calling. “Hey Ma…….you will never believe the strangest thing happened to me today….” Before she can continue, Helena cuts her off.


    “I’m sorry dear, but can you save it for later? I’m stressing out right now!” She says in a panicked tone.


    She’s the only one in the house. Ethan went to the library to study so she knows she can talk to her mother freely. “What happened? Something wrong with the baby?”


    “No, the baby is fine. It’s your sister……” She takes a deep breath “She came over for breakfast this morning and she told me that she’s coming with me to Sedona to help me get settled there! She plans on staying for an entire week and she said that she’s not taking no for an answer!” She says frantically.


    Leave it to Kristen to finally decide to show compassion and be a loving daughter to their mother now! “What did you tell her?!”


    “At first I told her no, but she wouldn’t let up. I couldn’t come up with any other excuse for her not to come so I said yes. What am I going to do, Debra? How can I hide my pregnancy from her if she comes with me and stays for a week?!”


    “I don’t know but calm down, Mom. We’ll think of something to stop her from coming with you or a way for you to still keep her in the dark if she does accompany you.”


    Pacing back and forth touching her collarbone “I don’t see how she’s NOT going to find out if she comes with me! We have to stop her, Debra!”

    Scene 2: Wesley Construction


    She stops by Shawn’s office to pick him up for their lunch date. She walks in all smiles only to find him looking under the desks for something. “Hey! You ready for our lunch date? I have the car all packed for our picnic on the beach!”


    He lost his Swiss army knife, the really nice one that his father gave him for his birthday several years ago with his last initial engraved on the handle. He’s been looking everywhere for it for the last two weeks and still can’t find it. He’s bending down looking under Charlie’s desk when he hears Kristen’s voice. He stands up still looking all around the place instead of looking at Kristen. “Hey…..yea. We can go……” He says while moving things around on his brother’s desk still looking for it.


    “You don’t look ready…..you seem distracted. What are you looking for?”


    “My lucky Swiss army knife. My dad gave it to me as a birthday gift several years ago. I lost it a couple of weeks ago and since then I keep looking everywhere for it and I still can’t find it!” He responds with frustration. “Maybe it’s in my truck somewhere. My truck, not the rental. I’ve looked here and in my apartment a million times as well as checking all of our job sites.”


    “I’m sure it will turn up. It sounds like it probably is in your truck. When do you get that back, anyway?”


    “That body shop is slow as [!@#$%^&*]! I’m going to call them on Monday and find out when they’ll be finished with my truck.” He sighs and moves closer to her. “Sorry, you have my attention now.” He smiles at her and gives her a peck. “Alright, let’s go! Thanks for driving, by the way. I have way too much stuff in the truck. There’s no room for you.”


    “Sure, not a problem! I’m looking forward to a nice romantic lunch with the beach breeze blowing in our hair!” She says sweetly with a little laugh and gives him a tender kiss.


    “Sounds good to me! I’ve been working way too many hours lately. The work of a contractor never ends!”


    “All work and no fun makes Shawn a dull boy!” She teases him


    “Ohhhhh….I wouldn’t go that far! I have a wild and sexy girlfriend who makes sure that my life is never dull!”


    “You’ve got that right!” She wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him in for a hot and steamy kiss. After a few second she pulls away and takes his hand. “Let’s go!”

  5. Michele Soap Writer
    Hi soap fans! All four volumes of Cape Heights are now available for the low price of .99 each. This deal will be available until June 1st. These 4 action packed volumes will keep you busy and entertained while you're stuck at home. At some point our favorite soaps may have to go off air for a period of time if this shut down goes on for months so why not get into a new original soap opera with no commercials and no censorship?
    Cape Heights Volume 1 contains episodes 1-22
    Cape Heights Volume 2 contains episodes 23-39
    Cape Heights Volume 3 contains episodes 40-63
    And Volume 4 contains episodes 64-87
    I'm currently writing Volume 5 and I'm about 50% finished writing it. I should have it published by mid to late May
  6. Michele Soap Writer
    There's only a couple of days left to get your copy of Cape Heights Volume 1 at the low price of .99! https://www.amazon.com/Cape-Heights-Time-Drama-Opera-ebook/dp/B07QHD462Z/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2B42YWR553S12&keywords=cape+heights+volume+1&qid=1563849399&s=gateway&sprefix=Cape+Heights+%2Caps%2C187&sr=8-1#customerReviews
    Cape Heights Volume 2 will be on promotion for FREE starting 2/22 and ending 2/26. While picking up your free copy of Volume 2, also pick up Volume 3 for just .99! Volume 3 also goes on sale on 2/22 but that sale ends 2/29!
    And here is a sneak peek at a scene from Volume 4 which was just released last week!
    Episode 87: Scene 3
    Scene 3


    He and Gabby move away from the bar and to another corner away from the crowd. “I wanted to talk to you for a moment about Ty. Have you noticed a change in his behavior or personality?”


    She looks away from her brother for a moment and sighs, then looks back at him. “Are you referring to his anger? I’m noticing he gets agitated easily now.”


    “Yes, that’s what I’m talking about. He was nearly uncontrollable at Sam’s rally. I really had to put my foot down with him to keep him from going after the people from Fight The Right. And even then, I could just feel his anger during the entire rally. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of them the entire time. He wouldn’t let up. I think me threatening to suspend him was the only thing that kept him from acting out on his emotions.”


    “You got here a minute late, he was getting into a heated debate with Charlie about police brutality.” At first she looks at her brother with worry, then she straightens up her face and starts to brush it off. “You know what, he’s fine. It’s understandable after what happened to him and Adrian. It’s temporary, Esteban. The town hall wasn’t even a month ago. It’ll pass.”


    “I don’t know, Gab. I think it’s getting worse, not better. I’m concerned for him as well as for your safety being his girlfriend. What if he takes his anger out on you……”


    Her head snaps up at her brother giving him a look of both disbelief and disgust. “I can’t believe you just said that! Tyson would NEVER lay a finger on me! I trust him completely! And as his best friend you know him better than anyone! You KNOW he would never abuse a woman!”


    “I know he wouldn’t……normally……but Gabby---“Before he can finish what he was going to say, she cuts him off.


    “But NOTHING, Esteban!!!!!” She screams at him. “I can’t believe you right now! Tyson is FINE! He is just going through a temporary snag! He is still the same Tyson! He hasn’t changed! He will mellow out again! I can’t look at you right now for suggesting such a thing! Please leave!” He tries to rebuttal but she doesn’t let him. “BYE ESTEBAN! GET OUT OF HERE!!!!!!!”


    He’s stunned by Gabby’s attack on him. He tries to talk with her more but she won’t have it. He puts his hands up in a surrender. “Okay, I’m going. But I’m watching over you and him from afar, whether you like it or not.” As he turns to leave, Tyson is on his way back. He gives a slight smile with a wave then keeps on walking towards the door.


    Looking confused when he sees Esteban leaving already. He smiles at him and is about to ask why he’s leaving but Esteban is too fast and already lost in the crowd heading towards the door. He turns back to Gabby. “What’s up? It looks like I missed something. Are you and Esteban alright?”


    With her arms tightly folded across her chest, she tries to melt away her anger towards her brother and smiles at her boyfriend. “Yea, we’re fine. Just a minor family disagreement having to do with our mother. We’ll be okay.” She gives a real smile this time and wraps her arms around his neck. “I love you, so much.” She gives him a kiss.


    “I love you too!” He replies before pulling her in for a more involved kiss.

  7. Michele Soap Writer
    Oh what a tangled love web we weave in soap world! I thought I would sit down today and figure out how many of my almost 60 characters I could link back to one character through sexual relationships only. The person to pick as the starting point was easy: Jordan Costa. Why? Cause no one gets laid nearly as much as he does! Here is what I came up with:
    6 love degrees of Jordan Costa

    There is certainly more than 1 resident of Cape Heights who is shall we say…….promiscuous? But none  quite like the one and only Jordan Costa! Can we end up linking almost every resident in Cape Heights to Jordan via his sexual escapades? Let’s find out!

    Jordan arrives to town in Volume 1 and he falls in love at first sight when he meets Pilar Alvarez. Pilar also feels an immediate attraction to him but she is already engaged and in love with Brad Rutledge. Pilar does succumb to her continuous attraction to Jordan when she kisses him on the beach in Volume 3.


    Brad was previously married to Sarah Rutledge (maiden name Hayes) whom he cheated on with Pilar. Sarah then cheated on Brad with his own father, Daniel, whom Sarah had a baby with and is now married to.


    Daniel was married to Beverly who died in a plane crash about 25 years ago. About 5 years ago he dated Helena Scott for a period of time before getting involved with his son’s wife.


    Helena was recently having a long and secret affair with Shawn Wesley. Shawn is the son of the woman, Anna Wesley, who had an affair with Helena’s ex-husband Neil Scott many years ago. Shawn is the same age as Helena’s daughter, Kristen. Shawn and Kristen dated in high school and recently have started dating again.


    Shawn also used to date Chelsea Rutledge several years ago. After Shawn, Chelsea was then in a relationship with Miguel Alvarez. But Miguel cheated on Chelsea with Kristen, who faked a pregnancy to try to break up Chelsea and Miguel. Chelsea and Kristen have always hated each other since high school. And recently Chelsea and Jordan were lovers, so she is also directly connected sexually to Jordan. Miguel is also currently dating Sarah’s sister, Julie Hayes


    Kristen recently was in a serious relationship with her boss, hotel owner Miranda Covington-Taggart. Miranda used to be engaged to Theo Jackson who moved to town and is now in a relationship with Claudia Emerson


    Theo is still pining over Miranda and he hooked up with Miranda again at the fundraiser for Elliot Mitchell which his girlfriend Claudia organized. Claudia became friends with Elliot and is starting to develop feelings for him while dating Theo. She also hooked up with Elliot at the fundraiser


    Elliot hasn’t been in a relationship with any other current resident of Cape Heights so this string ends here. So far we have 14 people connected via sexual relationships through Jordan. Let’s start again using Jordan as the lead!

    Jordan used to have sex with Eva Morales. They resumed their sexual relationship when Eva came to Cape Heights. Eva is the daughter of drug lord Gustavo Morales from Columbia and the sister of Chris Romero, whose real name is Enrique Morales.


    Jordan introduced Eva to Jeffery Chow so that he would no longer have to entertain her in the bedroom. Eva and Jeffery quickly jumped in to a serious relationship.


    Jeffery used to be married to Marissa Chow. Marissa was having a secret affair with Jeffery’s brother, Eddie, while Jeffery was incarcerated.


    Eddie used to date Keisha Emerson and resumed his relationship with her once he realized it wasn’t possible for him to be with Marissa anymore when his brother found out about them and was about to be sprung from prison


    This string ends here because Keisha has not been with any other characters in Cape Heights. However, we can remove Eddie and take this string further along

    Marissa is currently in a relationship with Mike Covington.


    But Mike also has feelings for his DEA partner, Lila Barrett. Lila and Mike hate each other yet have a strong sexual attraction for each other. They had sex once on top of Mike’s desk shortly before Mike started sleeping with Marissa.


    This chain ends here, but yet we can break this off in yet another direction.

    Because Eva has recently had sex with Anita Torres. Anita is the ex-girlfriend of Chris Romero and the ex-best friend of his wife, Lori.


    And yet another chain we can make starting with Jordan. Jordan is currently sleeping with Devon Emerson


    Devon is the ex-wife of Terrence


    Terrence has recently been sleeping with his best friend, Debra Scott


    Debra used to be in a serious relationship with Terrence’s brother, Tyson


    Tyson is currently dating Gabriella Alvarez


    Gabby was once in a serious relationship with Aubrey Davis


    But Debra also slept with Gavin


    So through Jordan’s sexual escapades we can link 30 residents of Cape Heights together! That is about half of the cast of Cape Heights! Yikes! If we were also to link people not just sexually but also through who is blood related to who, we would have the entire town going back to Jordan!

  8. Michele Soap Writer
    Hi everyone!
    Cape Heights Volume 4 has just been released for kindle! Paperback should be available by tomorrow! This is episodes 64-87! Here is the link
    Find out what happens at Chris's congratulations party! Will there be a future for Trisha and Adrian? Will Jeffery be released on parole? Who is Mike more into: his girlfriend Marissa or his partner, Lila? Will Miranda ever get her love life straightened out? How will Aubrey returning to town affect Gabby and Tyson's relationship? Will Sam ever forgive Camille? Will Naomi find out who Spencer really is? Read Volume 4 to find out!
    Cape Heights Volume 1 goes on sale again for .99 starting 2/13 through 2/20. Get is for this great low price while you can!
  9. Michele Soap Writer
    Pick up Volume 1 now through Nov 8th for .99! https://www.amazon.com/Cape-Heights-Time-Drama-Opera-ebook/dp/B07QHD462Z/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2B42YWR553S12&keywords=cape+heights+volume+1&qid=1563849399&s=gateway&sprefix=Cape+Heights+%2Caps%2C187&sr=8-1#customerReviews
    At the same time, pick up Volume 3 for FREE now until Nov 5th!
    Volume 2 is still at the regular price of 2.99. Also pick that up at the same time and get all 3 books (63 episodes) for only 3.98. Or, after reading Vol 1 if you like it, get Vol 2 later but still take advantage of getting Vol 3 right now as well and get 2 books for only .99!!!!
  10. Michele Soap Writer
    Hi everyone!

    I wanted to let you know of the new promotion for my books that will be starting on November 1st. Cape Heights Volume 1 will be available November 1-8th for .99 for Kindle! Can't beat that price for a 600+ page book!

    From November 1-5th Cape Heights Volume 3 will be available for FREE for Kindle!

    Cape Heights Volume 2 is not eligible to go on promotion right now because it was on promotion last month so that will be at the regular price of $2.99.

    BUT, if you haven't tried my books yet or you have read Volume 1 but have not gotten Vol 2 and Vol 3 yet, now is the perfect time to pick up all of them together!

    All 3 books which totals around 1800 pages of soap opera goodness for just $3.99 in total! You can't beat that deal!
    Check out my facebook page to see photos of each character, sneak peek of scenes and character spotlights
  11. Michele Soap Writer
    Love the daytime tv soap style of storytelling? Then Cape Heights is for you! This soap follows the basic soap opera format but takes it an extra step further by avoiding most soap cliches and instead presenting more realistic but still juicy and controversial stories! Realistic, gritty dialog not inhibited by tv censorship.
    Here are some reviews for Cape Heights Volume 1:
    Plain Jane of the Midwest 5.0 out of 5 starsAll the Intrigue, Hook-Ups and Break-Ups Expected in a Day-Time TV Soap!! July 22, 2019
    Format: PaperbackVerified Purchase Michele Ceron’s book, Cape Heights.

    If you enjoy soap operas and enjoyed the days of the afternoon cliffhangers, or the likes of the night soaps of Dynasty and Dallas, with a wide array of characters like Falon, and Bobby, Blake and Crystal, as well as the counterpoint characters such as Alexis and JR, and all the glamour that goes with it, you are going to love this book!! There is literally someone for everyone to love or hate. And Ms Ceron does not sidestep alternative relationships either as she is refreshingly inclusive but not obtrusively so. Modeled after soapie scripts, you’ll get an inside view of the way soap storylines are written, with all the complicated interwoven tangled relationships, and much of the fascination of the genre. Ms Ceron’s very believable characters and crisp dialog never have a dull moment as characters’ scenes breeze from one to the other erupting in collisions and showdowns, clashes and truces, loves and rejections, and a mysterious sinister plotline brewing in the background. Get a big bowl of popcorn and settle in to devour the entanglements. Nothing escaped Ms Ceron’s soap-romp through the complicated labyrinth of the relationships of the cleverly created characters that circulate in and out of various settings in her seaside town of Cape Heights.     Lisa 5.0 out of 5 starsEngaging & Entertaining! August 16, 2019 Format: Kindle EditionVerified Purchase This was just like a soap opera, I couldn't put it down-I had to find out what was going to happen next. And fortunately, unlike a TV soap, I didn't have to wait until the next day to find out what happened, I just kept reading! So glad there is a volume 2 as I need to know what happens with some of the characters I really came to like!  
    Avid Reader 5.0 out of 5 starsI'm Impressed! October 3, 2019 Format: Kindle Edition To start, I've never read a book like this before. Going in, I wasnt sure what to expect but soon found myself flipping the pages...wanting more! What intrigued me most is that i could envision each part as if I was watching an actual soap opera on television. The author did a great job of bringing daytime television into literature format. I've already started Pt.2 and loving it!   Casey Hutchison 5.0 out of 5 starsNot Your Average Soap! September 18, 2019 Format: Kindle Edition Gripping. Powerful. Heartfelt storytelling. Daytime dramas have been around for almost 90 years. However, for almost 15 of those years, the genre has gone downhill resorting to plots like doppelgängers, back-from-the-dead, and baby switches. When I opened up “Cape Heights” for the first time, I expected it to be a run-of-the-mill soap opera. HOWEVER, it is so much more! Michele put in work to create a world full of drama, strong family bonds (one of my favorite families is the Chinese Chow family), diversity in every sense of the word, and of course one filled with passion. If you liked the timely writing of Agnes Nixon, the daring writing of Bill Bell, or the family writing of Sally Sussman, YOU NEED TO READ THIS BOOK!  
    Here is a sneak peek scene from Volume 4, which should be released in December!
    Scene 2: La Mirage-Noelle’s Boutique


    He has been with the baby all morning so that Noelle can get caught up at the boutique while Naomi works in her office. Things have been strained between Naomi and them. Darius and Noelle have been walking on eggshells with her over the last week. Naomi has purposely been trying to avoid them as much as she can by immersing herself into her job. Though she has been spending time with the baby, it has been at a minimal. Walking into the boutique with Trina strapped to his chest, he smiles at Noelle who is behind the counter. “Hey there, my gorgeous wife…..” He leans over the counter and gives her a kiss. “Trina, say hi to your mama…..” He takes one of her little hands and waves it at Noelle.


    She smiles warmly at Darius when he comes in. “What a welcome surprise!” She says to him after he kisses her. “Hi my baby girl!” She says in a high pitched voice as she takes Trina’s hand around her finger. “You came at a good time. I just finished catching up on accounting and inventory.” She says with a slight sigh. She looks at Darius with a bit of sadness. “I am going to take it that you also came here to talk about Naomi? It is really starting to get frustrating, Darius! It has been a week and she still is acting distant…….I really am starting to think that she is contemplating leaving our marriage.”


    “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves, Noelle. Why do you always have to see the worst side? Stop being pessimistic. Naomi is not going anywhere.”


    “I am not being pessimistic, I am being realistic! That is the vibe I am getting. You just refuse to admit that is what you are sensing as well. You keep saying you know her better than me yet you keep living in denial. It isn’t going to just go away on its own, Darius. If that was the case, she would be back to her normal self by now! What is going on with the adoption, anyways? You haven’t mentioned that in a while.”


    Taking in a deep breath “I am not living in denial. You are right, I thought she would be back to her old self by now…..I am getting more concerned.” He pauses for a moment when she asks about the adoption. He looks at her gravely “I guess I should tell you. But keep this between us for now…..the adoption is null and void. It is unlawful.”


    “What? Why?”


    “The state does not recognize a marriage with more than 2 people which means it also doesn’t recognize more than 2 parents for a child. You and I are not giving up our parental rights…..therefore Naomi cannot be an adoptive parent to Trinity. At least for now…..Marcus encouraged me to contact our state rep to get the law changed.” He says as he rolls his eyes.


    Folding her arms across her chest and shaking her head “Our state re------“ She makes a tsk sound. “[!@#$%^&*], Darius.”


    “Yea, you see now why I have been keeping quiet about it? I don’t know when will be a good time to tell Naomi about it, but I know that right now would be a terrible time.”


    “Yea…..no [!@#$%^&*]…..” She looks like she is in deep thought. An idea comes to her mind. “Hey, maybe I can have my mom spend some one-on-one time with Naomi. She really likes and respects my mother. Maybe she will confide in her or listen to her advice. What do you think?”


    Looking encouraged “I think…..that sounds like a decent idea. Naomi doesn’t have any close friends that she can really talk to outside of us.”


    “Perfect! I will call my mother now to see if maybe she can invite Naomi out to lunch today….” She picks up her phone and starts to call her mother with a smile on her face.

  12. Michele Soap Writer
    Cape Heights Volume 3 is going to be released sometime next week. In anticipation of the new release, Cape Heights Volume 1 will be available FOR FREE (for Kindle only) Sunday Sept 8th-Sept 12th. Pick up your free copy to try out this addictive soap opera! https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07QHD462Z?pf_rd_p=183f5289-9dc0-416f-942e-e8f213ef368b&pf_rd_r=EG53QNXTWMR4WQZGHSG4
  13. Michele Soap Writer
    Meet Trisha Davis, the woman with the voice of an angel. An aspiring singer who wanted to become a famous recording artist, Trisha had an unplanned pregnancy 5 years ago with her boyfriend, Adrian Emerson. It was the worst time for her to have a baby so she was heavily contemplating an abortion, the problem was, Adrian is a staunch pro lifer and she knew he would NEVER agree to aborting their baby. She kept her pregnancy hidden from him........5 years later after tryin to make it big in LA Trisha has returned to Cape Heights with one goal in mind: to win back the love of her life
  14. Michele Soap Writer
    Character Spotlight: Meet Darius Hilton. Five years ago he was caught up in a sticky love triangle. He was in a new relationship with Noelle Emerson while at the same time trying to help get his ex girlfriend, Naomi Chang, out of an abusive relationship with the town psyhopath Wayne Chow. While being there for his ex/best friend Naomi, they started to fall for each other again. How did Darius end up solving this love triangle? Not in any conventional way, that is for sure!!!!
  15. Michele Soap Writer
    Marissa is in a bit of a pickle amongst several men. Her criminal abuser ex husband is about to be sprung very early from prison, and he knows about her secret relationship with his brother and nemisis, Eddie Chow. Eddie and Marissa had to end their love affair to keep Marissa protected. But now Marissa finds herself faux-dating DEA agent Mike Covington. Mike is working undercover as Marissa's boyfriend to help protect her from Jeffery and hopefully to collect evidence against him and his link to the Morales cartel. Will Marissa and Mike's relationship go from fake to real? Will Marissa and Eddie ever be able to be together again? Will and how will Jeffery exact his revenge? Follow the story in the Cape Heights book series!
  16. Michele Soap Writer
    Character Spotlight: Pilar Alvarez
    Pilar is on the verge of having it all: her dream guy Brad Rutledge and her are finally getting their life together truly started as they renovate the motel they made love in the first time 5 years ago into a bed and breakfast and they start to plan their wedding. But Pilar has an undeniable and unexplainable attraction for the enigmatic Jordy Costa and Jordy has a major jones for Pilar. So far she is doing well at fighting her urge to befriend Jordy, but how long will that last? Especially when she still feels insecure about Brad's ex-wife, Sarah? Find out by reading Cape Heights Volume 1, 2 and soon to be released Volume 3!!!!
  17. Michele Soap Writer
    Character Spotlight: Elliot Mitchell
    Elliot doesn't have much going for him at the start of Volume 1. A loner without any friends or anyone in his his life besides his daughter Lori and his granddaughter Isabel, he is mostly responsible for his current bad state of affairs. He stole money from the Emersons while he was VP of their company, he kept Lori in the dark her entire life about her identical twin sister Amber. He also tried to first have his son in law Chris deported and then tried to kill him which led to Elliot himself being in a wheelchair. His girlfriend Amanda and his long lost daughter Amber stole most of his money then skipped town, leaving Elliot penniless, unemployed, disabled and with no one in his life to love and care about him other than his daughter who still loves him and looks out for him despite the fact that he tried to kill her husband. Will Elliot ever become gainfully employed, independent, get out of his apartment, and possibly even find love again and actually become nice? Find out in Cape Heights Volume 1 and 2!
  18. Michele Soap Writer
    Jordan has quickly become one of my favorite characters and that is because there are so many layers to him and I keep coming up with new layers to add! lol. He is the most enigmatic character of Cape Heights, a man of many talents! He is a professional hacker, a professional killer as well as a sketch artist. He is also highly proficient in the art of sex 🤣🤣 a highly skilled lover, Jordan likes to stick to casual relationships only. However, Pilar has captured his attention and is making him feel things that no woman has for many years! Even so, it doesn't stop him from sleeping around! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 As memories of his parents murders keep recently haunting him, will that cause him to move to the good side, or will he stay a bad boy? Continue to read Cape Heights to find out!
  19. Michele Soap Writer
    Hi Everyone! My name is Michele and I am the writer of an original daytime styled soap opera, Cape Heights!!!
    Cape Heights was originally an online message board soap opera created by myself and a few other fellow writers back in 2003. We wrote the soap for about 2 1/2-3 years before it faded out. We had created over 40 characters and were in the middle of a bunch of great stories but we got too busy and didn't have time for it anymore. Late 2018 I started thinking about Cape Heights a lot and I started thinking about a bunch of new stories for the characters if some time had passed from where we left off. I got the urge to write it again, so I started writing and eventually I decided to publish it in a book series.
    Cape Heights is the name of the town which is a fictional town on the coast of Oregon. It is a racially diverse cast of characters with over 50 characters. I brought back almost all of the old characters plus created some new ones. The three big families are the Emerson Family, The Chow Family, and the Rutledge Family with many other smaller families such as the Alvarez's, The Wesley's, and the Davis's.
    The main locations of the town is the university, Coastal Cliffs University as well as two competing hotel/casinos La Mirage and The Bedrock Hotel.
    In my book I do not shy away from any kind of relationship nor storyline. I have almost every conceivable sexual/romantic type of relationship you can think of including a polyamorous relationship. There will also sometimes be storylines dealing with controversial topics such as abortion. There is also casual drug use as well as colorful language sometimes used by my characters which include cursing and sometimes lewd comments or jokes. I try to make my soap as realistic as possible while still be captivating and interesting so I make the dialogue and stories as real as possible. So if you are a PC person or someone who is easily offended, my soap may not be for you.
    Volume 1 was published in April and it contains episodes 1-22
    Volume 2 was published in June and contains episodes 23-39
    I am currently working on Volume 3 which should be published in late August or early September.
    Each volume will most likely contain 1 major get together or event that will involve 15 or more characters, sometimes the entire town.
    My books are available in paperback, kindle and kindle unlimited.
    Check out my facebook page for photos of the characters, sneak peeks of scenes, and character spotlights!
    Thank you for taking the time to read this blog and for checking out my soap opera! I hope you enjoy it! Here is a sneak peek at a scene from Volume 1:
    Scene 4: Oregon State Minimum Security Prison
    Eddie got a phone call from the prison. Jeffery had requested that Eddie come see him. Eddie has no idea what Jeffery wants to see him for, but he feels nervous to find out. He really doesn’t want to see his older brother, but Jeffery has got him curious, for sure.
    He checks in and goes through all the security clearances. A corrections officer takes him to a small room with a table and two chairs. Eddie sits and waits for Jeffery to appear. He has his hands interlaced together and he is looking down at his hands, trying to remember that no matter what; keep his cool, keep a poker face. The door opens and Jeffery enters in hand cuffs; that was Eddie’s request that he be handcuffed due to Jeffery’s previous attempts on Eddie’s life.
    Entering the visitor’s room with an amused grin on his face, he sits down across from Eddie.
    “Hello, little brother, how are you today? It is good to see you.”
    Sucking his teeth and shaking his head a little, he gives a stone cold look to Jeffery. “Please, enough with your BS, Jeffery. What do you want? Why am I here?”
    “What’s the matter, little brother? You don’t want to know how I am doing? I am doing great, fantastic. Thanks for asking!” He says with a chuckle. “Why are you here? You are here because I wanted you to be the first to know my great news. I am coming up for a parole hearing in 6 weeks.”
    Stunned, a look of shock and horror came over his face. “What? No that is not possible! You have only served 2 and a half years of your 12 year sentence! You are not supposed to be considered for parole for at least 6 more years!”
    With a continuous smirk on his face, he smugly relaxes back into his chair. He loves watching Eddie get all fired up. “What can I say? Overcrowding problem and I have been on my BEST behavior, so my parole hearing has been pushed up about 5 years. What luck, eh?!”
    “No way! That is not possible, I don’t believe you!”
    Chuckling from his amusement over Eddie’s reaction “Don’t believe me? Go check it out yourself. Speak to administration, they will confirm it.”
    He stands up and leans over the table, yelling in Jeffery’s face. “This is BULLSHIT! I am going to speak with the parole board directly! You cannot be released, you are a danger to society! I will do whatever I have to in order to keep this from happening, I can promise you that!”
    “Tsk, tsk, baby brother. Why are you so hostile? Mother did not raise you to be like that! We are family! Family is the MOST important thing in this world, isn’t it, Eddie?”
    “You are not my family! We may share DNA, but nothing else!” He starts to walk over to the door to leave.
    “Oh I think we share WAY more than DNA, little brother!” He says with a laugh. “It seems we also share my wife, as well.” Eddie’s back is turned to Jeffery with his hand on the door knob, about to leave. Jeffery has a mischievous grin on his face, waiting to see Eddie’s reaction to what he just said.
    He was about to open the door when he was stopped dead in his tracks by what Jeffery said. He slowly turns around. “What did you say?”
    “Oh I think you heard me the first time, brother. Are you [!@#$%^&*] my wife, Eddie?”
    He walks back over to the table, putting both hands down on the table, hunching over with his head in Jeffery’s face. “You don’t have a wife, BROTHER.”
    “Ooohhhh but I do. See in the eyes of the law, we may not be married anymore. But in MY eyes, once a wife, always a wife. Did you really think I was not going to keep tabs on my wife while I am in here? Keep track of where she is going, what she is doing, WHO…. she is doing?” He says with an air of arrogance.
    In his mind, all he is thinking about is taking his hands and wrapping them around Jeffery’s neck until his eyes pop out of his sockets. But on the outside, he is trying to stay cool and keep a poker face. He regularly checks for bugs, video cameras or people surveilling around Marissa’s apartment, the club, and anywhere else he can think of and he has NEVER found anything. How does his brother know this? “I am not [!@#$%^&*] your EX wife, Jeffery. Do you think I would sleep with anyone who has been with you first? Hell no.”
    Jeffery goes into a laughing fit. “I must admit, you do have a pretty good poker face. If I hadn’t seen the proof with my own eyes, I might actually believe you.” He laughs even harder.
    “You are NOT getting out of here anytime soon. I will make it my life’s mission to make sure you stay in here for your entire sentence, if not more.” He slams his fist down on the table, turns around and exits the room. Jeffery continues to laugh uncontrollably after Eddie is gone.
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