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Posts posted by Broderick

  1. 3 hours ago, will81 said:

    Yeah Brenda is sometimes good and sometimes cringey from 1985 onwards. 


    Yes, and sometimes it's difficult to tell when she's "good" and when she's "cringey".  Because it's all kind of the same.  

    The problem seems to be that she basically just stripped away all of the character's vulnerability and innocence.  

    She replaced those characteristics with the swiveling hips, the jutting breasts, the rolling eyes, the sighs, the pouts, the hats, and the overblown costumes. 

    Sometimes it works in one scene, and in the next scene, it just looks utterly absurd.  

  2. A lot of us on the old Mediadomain board were complaining during the George Kaplan mess about the rewrite of Brad's history.  There's a scene from about 1985 where he meets with his mother in a diner --- is that what's included in the clip referenced above? -- and he gives her an envelope of money that he'd saved working for the Abbotts.  She mentions that she has several other children, and she wants them all to earn an honest living.   Then, when Brad and Traci become engaged, Brad takes his mother's invitation out of the "to be mailed" stack and hides it in his desk drawer at Jabot.  Lauren Fenmore finds it, and becomes curious why he doesn't want his mother to attend the wedding.    It's a whole little minor storyline that was completely tossed out completely for all that reliquary mess.        

  3. In the weeks leading up to it, the duel storyline was presented as being a "very dramatic and serious stand-off", at least from the point of view of Victor and Douglas, who proposed the dueling pistols.  But on the day of the duel, it was played more as "dark comedy", which was fitting considering the circumstances.   lol   

  4. 1 minute ago, trainman said:


    I remember Douglas courting Kay, but nothing before that, so this is fun for me to read.  I recall the pistol duel between Douglas and Derek on the Chancellor Estate grounds (filmed outdoors, not on set).  I think Victor and Kay were there as witnesses.  I don't recall the outcome, but obviously both survived.


    Douglas shot him in the butt.  I believe the "witnesses" were Victor & Brock. 

    Victor was serving as Douglas Austin's "second", and Brock was reluctantly serving as Derek's "second".  

    Seems that Derek kept stepping in gopher holes as they walked out to the dueling ground.   Kay Chancellor was at home, waiting for the outcome.  She heard the shot, and then Derek came in with a butt wound.  

  5. 21 hours ago, ltm1997 said:


     i’m pretty sure he had to be rushed to the hospital and then Vanessa and Lorie blames each other. i sure hope someday we get to see it!




    I don't remember a trip to the hospital for Lance after the shooting.  I was thinking Lorie Brooks just called her brother-in-law, Snapper, who came out to the lake house and treated Lance at the scene.   Then Snapper told Lorie and Vanessa, "I'm not sure what happened here, but you'd better look into filing a police report", which they opted not to do.  That's the way I remember it.    

    54 minutes ago, Legacy said:

    Does anyone know when Douglas came on and left? Was he one of those long time characters that just took a call and to never be seen again.


    I remember when he came on.  It was in very late 1979 or very early 1980.  He was a professional thief.  Derek Thurston hired him to break into a safe, remove an audio tape, and substitute a new tape in its place.  


    (The story was that Brock had recorded a private conversation between Derek and Jill, during which they professed their love for each other and talked about what a gruesome old bat Derek's wife, Kay Chancellor, was.  Brock gave his mother the tape and said,  "If you want to know how your husband really feels about you, here's a tape of him and Jill discussing you."  Kay didn't want to hear it and put in her safe.  Later she decided to listen to it.  Derek hired Douglas Austin to swap out the tape with a better version where Derek was babbling about what a wonderful wife Kay Chancellor was.)  Shortly after the show expanded to an hour, Douglas's role increased.   He stole $50,000 of "ransom money" that Kay Chancellor delivered to Suzanne Lynch to free Derek from a hoax kidnapping.  Then Douglas started courting Kay.      

  6. 37 minutes ago, FrenchFan said:

    nope, Danny also arrived in 1981. We only have scarce mentions of Andy and Danny at the beginning so it’s not easy to say who arrived first. I would say Danny. 


    It would be difficult to tie-down exactly when Andy arrived.  At first he just flitted randomly in and out of stories.  One of the first times I remember noticing him, he was eating spaghetti at Nikki's house (maybe he was the bartender at the Bayou then?), and that crazy Edward, who was stalking Nikki, got jealous.   Eventually Andy, Paul, and Danny all ended up being waiters at Jonas's club, but that was after Andy and Danny had both been around for a while.  

  7. 1 hour ago, YRfan23 said:

    Omg!! I might just skip ahead to see that!!😁😁😁 how were they together??


    Victor is searching Ashley's room for clues to her whereabouts while she's missing.  Brenda Dickson is watching from the doorway.  Braeden is very business-like.  Miss Dickson primarily just swivels her hips, rolls her eyes, displays her bosom, bats her eyelashes, and pouts.   

  8. 53 minutes ago, OzFrog said:

    I wonder if that’s why they started to push Matt Miller into the Victor/Nikki/Ashley triangle, to make up for Jack’s absence.


    Probably so.  He wasn't much of a substitute though.  Robert Parucha wasn't a bad actor by any means, but just completely lacked the chemistry with Nikki and Ashley that Terry Lester had.  

  9. I'd forgotten how determined this truck driver (Vince) was about porking Ashley.  I don't blame him, she's pretty and all, but he's got a one-track mind.  


    The dialogue from the motel desk clerk, Vince the truck driver, and Lorraine the gum-smacking, fur coat-stealing floozie is just HOWLINGLY bad.   "This dame", "This broad", "Yeah, I dig it."  Lord.  

  10. 3 hours ago, SoapDope said:



    I think Peggy asked Nikki to stay at the Brooks home in 1981 when she and Greg split and she started at the Bayou.


    That's right.  Nikki and Peggy Brooks had become acquainted during the "cult" storyline.  Shortly after that storyline closed, Nikki went to the Brooks house to see her mother-in-law Liz about something or another, and Peggy was at home.  The two girls reconnected, and Peggy offered her a place to stay if she ever needed one.  


    Nikki had already known Chris Brooks for a good while, as they were married to the two Foster brothers.


    Nikki met Leslie Brooks when either Casey or Victor (can't remember which) arranged for Leslie to give Nikki some piano lessons, to determine whether or not Nikki had any real talent for the piano.    


    And then of course Nikki encountered Lorie Brooks during that period of time when Nikki was married to the earnest but scatter-brained Kevin, And Lorie was trying to take Prentiss Industries away from Victor.   

  11. 15 hours ago, YRfan23 said:

    For the longest time I always thought it was said that Jill hired that Nick Reed look-a-like  (One of Quinn Redeker's second or third roles after Nick Reed, but before Rex) to scare Nikki and Casey as payback for Nikki causing harm to Greg and getting Liz shot during the Rose DeVille stuff....Is that true or just an odd rumor they had going on? I don't remember if it says anything about that in the 1980-81 synopses??



    I don't recall there being any mention at all that Rex Sterling resembled Nick Reed.  We know that the two men were obviously dead ringers because they were played by the same actor, but I don't think it was ever brought to our attention in the dialogue.   Jill found Brian Romalotti/Rex Sterling asleep in a park and decided he was someone she could dress-up and transform into a suitable date for Kay.   No mention was ever made that he looked like Nikki's dead father.   

  12. 49 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    So Nikki spent all of 1980 in the Foster orbit..did she and Jill ever cross paths as sister in laws?


    Not very often.  Nikki and Greg were usually involved in storylines about Nikki modeling lingerie for Rose DeVille's prostitution ring.  And Jill was normally caught-up with Derek Thurston and Stuart Brooks.  

    Their paths rarely crossed.


    Then they both spent most of the 1980s orbiting Kay Chancellor --- Nikki as Kay's best friend, and Jill as Kay's worst enemy.  But again, no crossover in the two stories.  


    I don't remember Nikki and Jill dealing with one another much until about 1999, when Nikki and Brad bought into Jabot, and Jill and Nikki had a little sparring match about which of them was the sluttiest.    


  13. 54 minutes ago, Vee said:

    It can be a dumb story and still be used well in future story. I can't fault Bergman for disliking the execution, but wailing on it about today is a bad look.


    Couldn't agree more.  I'm sure it was a dreadful experience for him (the awful dialogue), but with Laun being deceased, that syrupy aspect of it is over, and there's no reason why Keemo couldn't return without revisiting the "fruit of the loins" babbling.  lol.  

  14. On 8/17/2020 at 3:10 AM, will81 said:

    It was a stupid story that made no sense for the character. I have a hard time buying that Jack served in the Vietnam war, regardless of whether Terry or Peter was playing him. Bill Bell also made Laun sooooo boring. As if Jack would ever end up with such a stoic, upstanding and moral woman. He had a nack for choosing women that would consistently cause chaos. Laun was storyline death for Jack, he would never hurt her, cheat on her and she would never cause him trouble as she was impossibly good. 


    I know someone mentioned Bergman hated the story and made it sound like it was because of the interracial aspect. If that's the case, then yeah he's a c%$&


    I know everyone says Peter Bergman didn't like the "Asian-American aspect of the storyline", but honestly, he probably just hated all that ridiculous dialogue.  "Thank God that you're back in my life, Laun, and now  I've been reunited with this precious fruit of my loins Keemo.  I feel so complete in your arms!  And knowing that you carried my seed in your wonderful womb, and we produced that Precious Little Child together ... It's the most beautiful miracle -- we created LIFE, and Keemo cements our love for each other!"  


    I used to howl like a hyena during all that terrible dialogue.  It was wretched.  If I'd have been Peter Bergman, I wouldn't have cared what RACE anyone in that storyline was --- I'd have just wanted them gone for good so that I wouldn't have to say all that silly stuff anymore.  Peter Bergman always goes for the emotional and the maudlin, but that mess was just too much,  probably even for him.    

  15. 2 hours ago, Mitch said:

     I think they could have just said "I remember when Five Points and Selby Flats were towns on their own  that the Reverend would take care of along with this town, until Springfield annexed them." (despite Selby Flats being in California..right?)


    That does make pretty good sense, except that Peapack was too small to annex anything at all, except maybe a garden plot 😉

  16. 1 hour ago, OzFrog said:

     it seems they played up the mystery as to the identity of which Abbott child Brent Davis fathered (the flashbacks seen always referred to “the child” rather than by name directly), and not actually revealing who the child was until later into the storyline. 


    I wonder if any of the more knowledgeable historians could fill any blanks here.


    I'm not much of a historian lol, but they did tease us for while.  

    We had several "spirited discussions" about it at my house.  One of my siblings was sure it was TRACI ("She's already so insecure; she'll probably leave town if Mr. Abbott isn't her father.  She'll think that's why she's fat!")  Another sibling thought it was JACK ("He's always trying to win Mr. Abbott's approval.  What if Mr. Abbott isn't even his father?").  I always said it was Ashley, because she was the strong assertive one (like Lorie Brooks, who'd already lived through pretty much the same story).  

  17. Another Foster house sighting in January 1985, for those following its final waning appearances.  Brenda Dickson pops in wearing her fur coat, thrusts her breasts around everywhere, vamps and pouts, and begs Liz for $10,000.  

  18. 3 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:

    Now Brenda Epperson had chemistry with a lot of people...she had the sarcastic vibe of Eileen..but didn't have the dismissive vibe that Eileen had.



    "Dismissive vibe" is a very good description of it.  

    Eileen's Ashley often had this impatient "I don't have time for you" attitude.  I've always seen it as the defining trait of the Ashley character, but could never describe it except with the word "aloof'.  


  19. 6 hours ago, Soaplovers said:

    Seeing Ashley in clips pre Victor, I often don't get why Bill bell insisted on ruining and degrading Ashley's character with the Victor pairing?  


    Nikki being drawn to Victor made sense based on the 2.5 years of story pre dating her meeting Victor....but I just could never buy Ashley being drawn to him.


    As badly as it pains me to say this (because I ain't much of a fan of Eric Braeden), he was the only male actor on the show who could hold his own with Eileen Davidson in a believable fashion, aside from Terry Lester, who played her brother.  Ashley was given three different love interests between 1982 and 1984, and each of them was a dud.  There was the dude in the lab at Jabot (Brian Forbes), Eric Garrison and Marc Mergeron.   


    Eileen Davidson was always "doing something" in her scenes --- rolling her eyes, scratching her head, biting her lip, twirling her hair around, exhaling loudly, rubbing her eyes.  Her three love interests just stood there with bewildered looks on their faces like stooges and allowed her to "steal" every scene that she was in.  They couldn't keep up with her.  They wouldn't try drowning her out.  They wouldn't try developing some interesting mannerisms of their own.  They just didn't play off her "technique" very well.   Terry Lester did, though, because he was full of quirky and bizarre mannerisms, just like Eileen was.  And Eric Braeden worked well with her, because he was older and was a more experienced actor.  So sadly, Ashley was stuck with him, because he was about the only choice at the time.   The ideal love interest for her would honestly have been Terry Lester, but he played her brother.  lol.   

  20. 13 minutes ago, FrenchFan said:

    I love Bill Bell but I can’t understand why he often wrote out characters (specifically important ones such as Stuart or Liz) by dropping them like that. It always made me cringe. 


    One of the STRANGEST aspects of Stuart and Liz's "disappearances" was the uncertainty of what happened with their reconciliation, or lack thereof.  

    When Liz reappeared briefly in about 2003 to kick-off the "Jill was adopted" storyline, Julianna McCarthy was listed in the credits once or twice as "Liz Brooks" and once or twice as "Elizabeth Foster', indicating that not even the current head writers (Kay Alden and Jack Smith) remembered what had happened between Stuart and Liz, lol.  

  21. 8 minutes ago, FrenchFan said:

    thanks found it ! So Julianna McCarthy’s last contract airdate was between July and October 1984. She was still listed as recurring in a January 1985 episode. 


    Yes, it appears that she recurred sporadically (without a contract) from late summer/early autumn of 1984 to early 1985, and then she just vanished without a trace, without a mention, in a puff of smoke.  

    We found out in 1986 that she'd been living in London with Snapper and Chris during her "missing period".  

  22. 27 minutes ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    What were some of your ideas?


    Oh, my ideas were too juvenile to even discuss.   I was heavily influenced by MTV (lol), so I assumed that everyone wanted to see all these quick cutaway shots, stories that began with the conclusion and then worked BACKWARDS to the beginning (I guess I was VERY confident of my ability to maintain day-to-day interest, even after shooting my wad by revealing the conclusion in the first scene), more "stage business" than actual dialogue, and music thumping through every scene.  I had NO concept of budget restrictions, so naturally my cast was HUGE, so that my bisexual Harvey Weinstein character could prey on dozens of dumb asses who were too busy singing and dancing to say, "Keep your hands off me, you pervert."  It was, in hindsight, pretty innovative, but only in the most childish and amateur manner.  Let's just say the concept didn't age very well.  

  23. 14 minutes ago, Soaplovers said:


    It's a shame that was the last story for Mary where she was given material that made her more than an interfering mother or mother in law.  


    I never understood why they opted to write Mary Williams as such a "cartoon meddler" from 1999 onward.  Yes, it was sometimes funny in small doses, but Carolyn Conwell was MORE than capable of playing a fully developed, well-rounded character who tended to be overly zealous about nosing into her children's lives.  The Mary we see in the old clips from the early 1980s was certainly "overly involved" in her children's lives, but she was also a likeable and well developed character.    

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