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Posts posted by adrnyc

  1. When the playlists I used to watch Santa Barbara were deleted, I just typed in "Santa Barbara Episode 66" which was where I was at the time and another channel came up with all the videos in English. Maybe they don't have as many as Kelly Eden Capwell had? But for now, I'm still able to get my daily fix.

  2. During Jean Passante's interview on The Locher Room, she said that the writers wanted to bring back every character from the past that they possibly could; however, the people who controlled the purse strings said no.


    I would've HATED an ambiguous ending. While the ending may have been far from perfect (what could ever be perfect?) I cried my eyes out at the finale. I found it to be incredibly touching and moving. The show was over and was never going to be brought back due to P&G. I loved that it put an "ending stamp" on the story.


    For those who are doing a re-watch of the series and want to piece together the missing episodes: https://classicsodatwt.tumblr.com/page/3

    I believe it goes back as far as 1976? And it only goes up to 1990 but it really helped me piece together '86-'90 when I watched it. (Started in 2016 and am up to 1997 right now where the show is definitely firing on all cylinders. I have to force myself to only watch one a day or I'd never get anything done!)

  3. The Goutman interview is absolutely a school class in what an EP has to handle to keep a show running and all the various suits happy - CBS and P&G, which I found very interesting he said they were often at odds. The ratings pressure. The disappearing budget issue - which seems to be at the heart of everything that people complain about the last 10 years - for instance, they simply couldn't afford to pay the veteran actors their salaries. But he and the writers clearly had a love and respect for the show's history and fought as hard as they could to keep it alive while CBS and P&G constantly said, "No." "No." "No."


    When I get there on my rewatch (am in 1997 right now) I'll have a new appreciate for what was going on behind the scenes and how hard they were trying to make everyone happy. It sounds like an impossible situation. 

  4. 21 minutes ago, victoria foxton said:

    Don't want to watch that inept aging prissy queen. Everyone is just going to say what a swell time they had. Go on about what amazing lives of white privilege their living.💤 I rather be water tortured.



    Boy, you are just a bitter old expletive, aren't you? Do you gain any pleasure from anything?

  5. 23 hours ago, Faulkner said:

    James Wlcek is and always has been gorgeous.

    Helen Gallagher is still with us at 94. I wonder how she’s doing these days.



    Helen is doing quite well and still teaching in NYC. From my talks with her, I don't know that she'd be up for a reunion like this. Ryan's Hope was a job that is well behind her and she's more focused on her teaching these days. She's still exactly what you'd expect of her. Professional, has no patience for BS or laziness, and expects hard work from those whom she coaches.

  6. At least it makes a change from hearing you and everyone else on this board rant about how much they despise a show that's been off the air for 10 years. You people are an absolute trip. Normally, I'm with Victoria Foxton - just scrolling through reading member's incessant complaining about how horrible As The World Turns was - except in the 60s and 70s where are there are no episodes to tear apart bit by bit. Sometimes, I just need to bitch slap the board. You all really are a bunch of pathetic wannabe soap opera writers/producers with no concept of what goes into creating it and would fail miserably at the job. But, you know, you're bored and have no lives so some of the most negative people on the planet have a spot to come to complain about how horrible soap operas are. And you wonder why TPTB don't give a [!@#$%^&*] about what y'all think and ignore you as much as possible????


    If it weren't for the wonderful work Brolden does to track the episodes of ATWT and me feeling responsible to help him out since I'm watching the show in order from YouTube as much as I can, I wouldn't come here. But he's doing some admirable work and I want to help him with added episodes I've found or to clear up some questions he has. I usually read without commenting but sometimes you people are so nasty, vindictive, and hateful that I decide to join in - only it's aimed at the board members instead of a 10 year old television show.

  7. Not trying to avenge any zoom host. Just calling out a nobody whining about they're not getting to hear the interviews they want. Wah Wah Wah - you poor little thing. Who are you to say what Locher's place is? Just who do you think you are? The be all end all most knowledgable person of all time who gets to dictate to other people live their lives, interview actors, and create YouTube series? Stop watching these reunions if you don't like them. And let go whatever this vendetta you have against someone you don't even know. Is your life that empty?

  8. 5 minutes ago, Vee said:


    I'm not talking about the actors, who clearly want to speak on it. I'm talking about Alan Locher trying to shut them down from doing so just because he used(?) to work for Procter & Gamble when they were still in the soap business, which they are no longer. Let these professionals make their own choices.

    I don't know. It's his show. He's the host. I think he's perfectly within his right to squelch any talk he seems inappropriate. Maybe you should contact these actors and interview them yourself? You might get more of what you're looking for?

  9. 8 hours ago, Vee said:

    Yeah, thanks, some of us work in industries like these (I have nothing to do with daytime television and never have, but I work in entertainment and know better than to shít where I eat). That's not the point. Work with who? Where? P&G soaps are gone. Does Locher even work for the parent company anymore? He has nothing to defend and no call to censor the actors.


    Work with anyone. A lot of users here are nobodies hiding behind a fake persona on a message board so it's easy to [!@#$%^&*] on the past. But, as you said, you don't [!@#$%^&*] where you eat and the entire entertainment industry talks. If an actor wants to go on camera and be caught on cam for all eternity talking smack about your fellow employers, they'd find it hard to work with anyone. No one wants to hire an actor for a project who might go trash-talking it several years down the line. Actors from soaps are going to be working in theater, on short films, maybe a guest spot on a TV series, who knows. If they're going to publicly speak about a past job, it's in their best interest to speak positively.


    Same goes in the "real world." If you're in a job interview and trash talk your employer/co-workers, you're likely not going to be the shortlist for who that company wants to hire. 


    People here live in a land of critique and negativity...cuz it's a message board. It's not real life. 

  10. Being in the industry, if you want to continue to work, you don't trash work you've done before. It's seen as "negative" in the industry and few want to work with "negative" people. Plus, unlike most of this board, some people prefer to carry with them the positive memories of their lives and let the not-so-positive go. It's much healthier that way. Y'all might try it. 

  11. 6 hours ago, DRW50 said:

    So who did play Tom?


    3 hours ago, vetsoapfan said:


    AND...who played LISA????


    I have no doubt that poor Eileen Fulton got the shaft again.



    Oh, please let me be the one to send the board into a tizzy....Lisa was played by Anne Sayre (the brilliant NY stage performer who portrayed Mitzi for years on ATWT. And she did a good Lisa impression - her odd cadences, delivery and missed words/flubbed lines included!) According to the credits, Gregg Marx was supposed to play Tom but there were technical issues so Trent read his part (and Casey's - again due to tech issues.) 


    It was an absolute joy to watch those actors together again being silly and having fun "being together" again. Seeing the original Roseanna and Tom Wiggins as Craig was fun. Agim was the best choice for Holden since Jon wouldn't do it. Alex Chando as Lily was the only off choice for me but, as she played Trent's sister AND Zack Roerig was supposed to be there, I see why they went with it.)


    'Twas an hour delightfully spent.

  12. What a truly lovely idea. And for a great cause. It's a benefit for Trent's theater company right here in the Hudson Valley. The final episode is the perfect episode for him to choose because it features all his friends and the people he knew and loved (and we all did - those of us who are actually fans of As The World Turns and didn't just hate-watch it after 1975.) I've made my donation and, along with many others, will be watching with glee and fond memories of the show, actors, and characters that I loved for so many years.

  13. 23 hours ago, AbcNbc247 said:

    Sounds good!


    I'll have to sign up


    Please do! It's all FREE this year during the pandemic. I had originally planned on a releasing the first few months for free and then charging but with so many people out of work AND needing entertainment, I just decided to give it away freely until things get better. So far, the residents of Harmony Haven had dealt with plenty of romance, blackmail, secrets, lies, and now murder! It's quite fun for me to write and just hope that it's as fun for people to read. :)

  14. On 8/23/2020 at 2:38 PM, AbcNbc247 said:

    Many times we, the SON Community have watched episodes of our favorite soaps, criticized the writing and often said to ourselves, "I (We) can write better than that."  So it led me to think, has anyone ever tried to write their own soap opera?


    I started writing my own soap when I was 10. Admittedly, it was crap but I like to think that it got better as I got older. Though I borrowed heavily from Days of our Lives and Passions, which were my two favorite soaps at the time, what actually inspired me to write my own soap was a movie called "Delirious" Starring John Candy, Mariel Hemingway and Emma Samms, in which John Candy plays a soap writer who has a dream that he is a character in his show.


    I called my soap "Family and Hatred" and it was centered around the wealthy Dozer family, and the middle class Lopez and Crowe families, who lived in the small upstate New York town of Lakeview. Eventually I expanded it to include the dysfunctional Miller and Andrews families. I wrote it for quite a while on a computer, but I eventually switched over to handwriting it on notebook paper. I stopped writing it years ago, but now I actually have some ideas for a reboot/continuation of it but I haven't written anything solid yet.


    Have any of you ever tried your hand at soap writing?


    I currently write an LGBTQ soap. It began Mon, January 6th of this year. I release a new 800 word chapter (5 min read) every Mon-Fri at 7am EST. If you're interested you can sign up to have it delivered to your inbox here: https://www.thehomosofharmonyhaven.com


    It's begun to get quite the following and, since June, I've begun getting "fan mail" from readers who are as obsessed over the characters as I am about my soaps. I know I'm tooting my own horn a bit but I've watched soaps for 40 years and have a masters degree in acting which taught me how to craft a story (as did Agnes Nixon, Douglas Marland, and others in the soap genre.) I've been thrilled to have readers enjoy the story as much as they have.


    I have a 6 page synopsis that can get a reader caught up to the present day. I can also send the entire series released so far as a PDF so the reader can enjoy the entire thing.

  15. It’s like y’all just watched a completely different show. I just can’t relate. I wish I could find a place where people loved As The World Turns. People here hate the Snyder family, they hate Martha Byrne’s Lily, Katie, Carly, Jack, the men under Marland’s tenure, NO head writer it seems, or any period of the show except the 60s and 70s (which are unavailable for viewing so they’re only memories so old that the memories of what the show was back then aren’t real) or it seems any storyline that didn’t involve Kim, Bob, John or Lucinda. So weird. Sometimes, I wonder: what do you people LIKE about the show??? Don’t bother answering. I’ve learned my lesson. Stay away from the toxic boards at Soap Opera Network. 

  16. I forgot how fantastic Bryant’s death storyline was. I cried for 5 days in a row. One of the best conceived and executed storylines from the writers to the actors. Perfection. And crazy Julia. Annie Parisse is a beloved NYC actor and it was so great watching her descent into madness. Looked forward to every time she’d come back. Until, like James S. she came back one too many times. Am loving this chat with the writers. 

    As I continue to watch this, it’s clear that Jean wanted to use the history characters more but it all came down to money. The producers wouldn’t let them write for certain characters because they cost too much money due to their longevity on the show. So much great information in this and making me see its final years in a completely different light. I loved the show under Sheffer - one of the great head writers of all time - but found it hit and miss from 2005-2010. I think they ultimately brought the show to an incredibly satisfying and emotional conclusion. I still cry when I watch that final episode. 

  17. So interesting to hear Jean say that, for the end, they wanted to bring back every actor from the show that was still alive but TPTB said no. So it wasn’t the writers who didn’t bring back fan favorite characters. As I’ve long suspected, Goutman is pretty solely to blame for all the problems with the show. The writers were doing everything they could to keep it going with what they were given.

  18. On 7/13/2020 at 11:28 AM, Brolden said:

    Let me clear up what happened in the above posts, in case you missed it.


    After a few months that have been very busy for me, in which I have had little time to devote to this pet project, I finally found myself with more time on my hands this week. In my absence, a number of new channels have sprung up that have started posting episodes that I had not encountered yet. It all happened so fast that I barely had time to keep up. 


    Over the past two days, I have systematically gone through the uploads of one such channel (which shall now remain nameless). I decided to focus on episodes that were completely new to YT, which I had listed in the posts above, that I just deleted. I was excited to find there were indeed several new uploads, which were of great use to me for my list (in addition to just being wonderful for the soap community in general, obviously). 


    Up until a few hours ago, new episodes were posted on the channel I'm referring to. Then, out of nowhere, videos started disappearing from the channel, and now there are barely any left. I know this is not an uncommon practice and it has happened countless times before. And yet, I can't help but feel that my actions have had something to do with it. 


    I always meant my full episode list as a fan guide, to help myself and others find what's out there and piece together the history of the show. However, if someone has ill intentions, the list provides a handy guide to systematically take down all episodes on YT. I felt relatively safe, because P&G seems to have zero interest in soaps at this point. But with the timing of it all, I can't help but feel that someone associated with P&G is lurking on these boards. That is why I have decided to delete the above posts and remove all entries to the channel in question from my list.


    If the person responsible for the channel in question is on these boards, I am enormously thankful for their efforts and I sincerely hope my actions have not affected them. I want them to know that should they find a workaround that allows them to upload the episodes under a different name, I will no longer copy their channel name into my list. 


    Having said that, I am re-thinking the approach to my list in general. It is very possible that I will start taking out all references to channels. I know some people use this list for their own viewing habits, so please feel free to copy what's online now and save it somewhere.


    I am very sorry that this is what it might come to. I, like most of you, am a fan of seeing classic episodes pop up on YT, and I can't for the life of me understand why a company that refuses to monetize its show and never shows an ounce of interest in it, is so averse to seeing episodes pop up online.


    Thanks for the heads up. I took a screenshot with my phone for '92-'98. After that, it seems that every episode essentially exists through As The World Still Turns channel. 


    Your posting may have had nothing to do at all with the videos being taken down. If so, I'd think they'd all have disappeared. It's possible that person who uploaded them meant for them to be private, (Not everyone likes to share things) realized they're weren't and simply changed the settings. 


    The only reason P&G would go after their catalogue on YouTube would be if they finally decided to create their own channel. Now that The Doctors has done it, thanks to RetroTV, they might be beginning to understand that there's a way to make money off of their catalogue. Of course, the music rights in the 80s will be their most difficult thing to address.


    Thanks, as always, for all your hard work! It's been a great help as I've made my way through the series starting with '79.

  19. Yeah - being a new viewer to 80s and 90s ATWT, Martha Byrne is Lily. I can’t believe there’s any question about that. Heather Rattay is not a bad actress but she’s not Lily. She got SORAS’ed and became interested in business - something Lily would NEVER do after her feeling neglected by Lucinda’s business dealings and being so upset when Holden decided to get into corporate life. I’m in September ‘92 and I can’t WAIT to get to back to the real Lily. Heather didn’t have much charisma or spark with anyone on set whereas Martha had chemistry with everyone with whom she worked. It probably came from growing up acting opposite Liz - she learned from that how to really connect to a scene partner.

  20. Ok - I’ve got it figured out a bit time wise. With the videos on YouTube, “Lisa’s Forgotten Son” Parts 1, 2, and 3 take place chronologically. Then the video listed as “5 7 92” picks up immediately from there. “Lisa’s Forgotten Son Pt. 4” picks up from where “5 7 92” left off and the story continues through “Lisa’s Forgotten Son” parts 5 & 6. 


    So you should be able to mark down Tuesday 5/5/92 through Friday 5/8/92 as having aired. There are 4 opening credits that take place during the “Lisa’s Forgotten Son” videos. 


    I hope this helps you to continue your work on developing a full list!

  21. 1 hour ago, Xanthe said:


    I remember *hating* the Marley wig Anne Heche wore in this era. It looked so stiff and unnatural compared to her real hair as Vicky. I was never a big fan of Anne's Marley in general, and in the scene where she objects to Vicky's intention to keep her baby it feels more like she exists only as an antagonist for Vicky and not a character in her own right. In fact if she were not officially the "good" twin she comes across as at best inconsiderate.


    I had forgotten that Chris and John had some kind of thing going on, and I kept waiting for John cuddling with Chris to turn out to be her fantasy daydream. And oh, how sweet, John's insistence that she must do the office work because she is too pretty to do construction is apparently fine and not sexist or anything? I sort of liked Mary Layne as Chris but the character was a broad deranged mess.


    Based on the timing I'm not sure whether this is during the writers' strike or immediately after. There were no writing credits in the end crawl, so maybe during?




    Yes - definitely the writers strike

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