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Posts posted by Y&RWorldTurner

  1. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/a138665/...n-kirkwood.html

    Producer's Perspective 2008: Bryan Kirkwood

    Thursday, December 18 2008, 06:00 GMT

    By Kris Green, Soaps Editor

    Producer's Perspective 2008: Bryan Kirkwood

    This year, Hollyoaks bid an emotional farewell to a number of its much-loved iconic characters including Max Cunningham (Matt Littler), Sam 'OB' O'Brien (Darren Jeffries) and, of course, John Paul McQueen (James Sutton). So, we paid a visit to producer Bryan Kirkwood to reflect on his final year as the producer of Hollyoaks and find out what's to come in 2009.

    What's been the storyline you've enjoyed the most?

    "It has to be the McQueen/Niall story, which ended up linking to the Newt/Osborne storyline. It dominated the year and culminated in the very successful church stunt in October, which was a really fantastic climax to a story. Barry Sloane was just amazing and proved that he is just as good as any other actor on TV. I honestly believe that. I hope he takes what he did on Hollyoaks as a launch pad for a long and successful career."

    What's been your most memorable scene?

    "Without question, it has to be Tom asking Steph if she'll be his mum just after Max died. It sums up what Hollyoaks is all about - lots of heart, relationships, friendships, love and loss. I thought that Carley Stenson was outstanding during that storyline and broke my heart during that scene. Ellis also took his performance to new levels."

    Which storyline has been the most emotional for you?

    "Max's death and the aftermath gets me every time. I'm shamelessly and sentimentally attached to it. It was a big risk killing off a character like Max. We knew Matt Littler was leaving and we staggered his exit to be six months apart from Darren Jeffries's to lessen the impact of such big characters leaving. I remember when the storyline conference when the writers pitched Max dying in OB's arms on his wedding day. The huge shocked reaction far outweighed anything I'd ever seen in my eight years of story conferences at both Coronation Street and Hollyoaks. It told me that we had to do it and then got the biggest reaction from the audience in over three years of storylines. It's some of the best material we've produced."

    What's been your proudest moment this year?

    "That has to be Emma Rigby winning the BEAT Special Award (from the easting disorder association), which was a brilliant recognition of a storyline that's in the dim and distant past now, but still matters in the eyes of the viewers. Emma was overawed by people at the awards ceremony that said she and the storyline had saved their lives. It's hearing stories like that that makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. It makes you realise that for a little tea time show, we can really punch above our weight sometimes. Also, the British Soap Awards this year saw Hollyoaks break through the glass ceiling - it was a sign that the show had finally grown up."

    Have there been any other storylines from any other soap that you've envied?

    "Yeah - in Coronation Street in the autumn, almost every moment on screen tied in to the same storyline. The main arc of the storyline was Liam, Maria, Carla and Tony. That fed into Rosie Webster disappearing, which fed into Janice and Leanne's lottery scam. That fed into Dan Mason, the bookie leaving the show. I thought it was really clever storytelling."

    Which character's been your favourite addition to the cast?

    "Jake Hendriks, who played Kieron, was a really important player this year and he played a brilliant and complex part. It took a long while for the audience to accept him because he came in off the back of the John Paul and Craig storyline. His achievements shouldn't be underestimated. Also Marc Silcock, who played Eli. It's a very tricky part to play the physical manifestation of someone's schizophrenia. Marc couldn't interact with anyone else on set because he didn't exist in the eyes of anyone other than Newt. You couldn't take your eyes off Marc when he was on screen. You completely believed in Newt's alter ego. Theresa McQueen's a little firecracker too. I can't wait to see what happens to her when I've gone. She's the one to watch."

    If you were to do the year all over again, is there anything you'd have done differently?

    "I definitely think we underplayed the romance element of 2008. You live and learn from your mistakes in this type of job. We overplayed our hand with crime and revenge storylines and underplayed the simple, straightforward love stories. That's something that'll write itself when we go into 2009."

    Were there any storylines that didn't quite make it to screen and you'd have loved to have played out?

    "No, not really. Occasionally some storylines don't quite work they way we want them to, but you have to trust your judgement."

    Are there any departures that you regret this year?

    "For as much as I loved their exit stories, Max and OB were big losses. You can't replace such original characters who have a special place in the audience's hearts. James Sutton was another big loss for all that he achieved during his two years here and I miss Roxanne [Mckee], too. It's easy to dismiss Roxy as just another Hollyoaks babe, but for someone who came in off the back off an open audition, she properly took control of her situation and turned herself into a fine actress and her departure left us wondering what to do next with Jamie Lomas. So we've taken Warren in a completely new direction by introducing his learning disabled foster brother Spencer, who viewers will see for the first time over Christmas."

    What can we expect from the first part of 2009?

    "Next year gets off with a bang as we blow Sarah and Zoe's late-night liaison out of the water. There was always a danger with that story that we'd re-tread the same ground that we did with John Paul and Craig. So we decided to play it completely differently. We started with a sexual encounter, which surprised everyone including the characters, and then we'll work in a completely different direction.

    "This one's a story about Sarah. Long has both Loui and Sarah faced the criticism that she's there to react to everyone's situations, so 2009 will be the year where we see what she's capable of. She's an outstanding actress and it's about time that she had a storyline that puts her into focus. A girl who's always borne the brunt of other men's' decision-making and treatment of her is now a lost and slightly embittered girl who doesn't know her own mind. 2009 will see Sarah making her own decisions and taking control. I can't wait to see it.

    "As I said, romance plays a big part in 2009, too. The key romance will be Justin and Hannah. We'll see them dancing around each other for quite some time. It's going to be an important relationship which sees them both running to escape their pasts. I've seen the first couple of scenes with them and you can see that their eyes are alive as they embark on this storyline. It's about time that both of them returned to the centre of the show.

    "Also on the cards, Warren loses his grip and the walls begin to close in on in courtesy of Calvin; Theresa finds herself a pawn in Ste's game to win back Amy, while Amy faces a choice between good and evil - and evil's not necessarily who you'd expect it to be; Darren's released from prison and pledges to win the pub back (again!); there's a newbie in town who Steph falls head over heels for; and Ravi's secret is finally exposed."

  2. i dont get the shock people habe that she lips it.

    really? where has everyone been the past 10 years?

    I agree, but there is a certain irony about lipping on a singing contest show, while the actual contestants have to sing your songs live. The UK press really let her have it for that.

    my friend was all i wouldnt pay 200 to watch her lip her songs in concert. i dont pay 200 to go see her sing, i pay to go see her perform. and perform she does.

    I agree. She's not a vocalist, she's a performer.

  3. Britney's weekend apperance on the UK's X-Factor was one of the show's highest rated episodes. I LOVED how Britney lipped that entire performance, but the contestants had to sing her songs live. :lol:

  4. Who saw the docu-film that followed Britney's life for 60 days on MTV? It made me look at her in a whole different light, even if it was intentional. She's such a lonely and depressed person, and she tries really hard to be positive, but she obviously has her breaking points. I just wanted to hug after that special. She was very candid and honest, I must say.

  5. Tuesday's ep

    Ravi/Leila's family - are they new or are they those characters who disappear for months and then return? It was nice seeing that family interaction.

    They're a new family, but Leila and Ravi have been on the show since May.

    Wednesdays' ep

    Mandy and Tony kiss!!!! :o:) I like these two together (well, I've only seen the Baby Grace episodes and Mandy's last episode with Tony in 2006).

    I wonder where they're heading with that. Mandy and Tony have such a long and complicated history. Hell, before they ever got together, Mandy caught her own mother having an affair with Tony! And when they finally got together, they both ended up cheating on one another in the beginning. Then there's the Baby Grace stuff...

    But Mandy is just coming off as such a undecided whore. LOL! She's still likeable, but she's really flawed.

    Cindy blackmailing Warren - I love it that she knows about the affair! She's so fun to watch.

    LOL! I wish they'd have Cindy and Mercedes in scenes together, I think they'd have great bitch chemistry. Too bad Mercedes no longer works at The Dog.

  6. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/a135112/...yoaks-exit.html

    McKee 'exhausted' by 'Hollyoaks' exit

    Sunday, November 9 2008, 12:02 GMT

    By Daniel Kilkelly, Entertainment Reporter

    McKee 'exhausted' by 'Hollyoaks' exit

    Hollyoaks star Roxanne McKee has admitted that she feels "exhausted" after filming her final scenes for the soap.

    The actress's character Louise Summers will bow out after three years as part of a dramatic Christmas storyline next month.

    McKee has found the experience so overwhelming that she is delaying her leaving party while she recuperates.

    "I'm absolutely exhausted. The stuff we've been filming has been very emotional," McKee told the Daily Star Sunday. "I can't say too much as I don't want to spoil it for everyone.

    "I know it sounds lame but I needed some time off to get over it all. So I'm having a couple of weeks chilling out before I hold two parties - one in London and the other in Liverpool. I've been in Liverpool for three-and-a-half years so I want to get everyone I know together for a proper send-off. And a lot of my friends and former cast members are now based in London so I'll have another party once I move back."

    Asked about her future plans, she added: "I've always said I'd love to do a period drama and I'd also like to do theatre. But right now I'm really looking forward to both of my leaving parties."

  7. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/a134933/...-hollyoaks.html

    EXCLUSIVE: Emma Rigby quits 'Hollyoaks'

    Saturday, November 8 2008, 00:02 GMT

    By Kris Green, Soaps Editor

    Phil Howard

    Hollyoaks actress Emma Rigby has quit her role in the Channel 4 soap after nearly four years, Digital Spy can exclusively reveal.

    The 19-year-old, who won the 'Best Actress' accolade at this year's British Soap Awards, is to leave early next year in order to pursue other drama, film and theatre projects.

    Speaking exclusively to DS, she said: "I've been on Hollyoaks since I was 15 and I've grown up on the show. I'm so very fortunate to be given the opportunity to learn my craft in such a fantastic environment. I just feel that the time is right to move on and hopefully get into dramas and films as I love to play different roles."

    She added: "I am really grateful to Bryan Kirkwood and Tony Wood and all the other production staff for the opportunities given to me and i've seen the show go from strength to strength."

    On life beyond Hollyoaks, she told Mayfair Fashion magazine: "As of yet I've not got any other commitments, but I'm looking into a British film or maybe a stint in musical theatre.

    "I really want to build my experience up. I'm not looking towards another soap, although one-off drama pieces interest me a lot."

    Hollyoaks producer Bryan Kirkwood said: "It's a real shame that Emma has decided to leave Hollyoaks but viewers will see her on screen until June 2009 and we can guarantee another brilliant year in the show for her.

    "With Lucy Allan taking the helm, 2009 looks set to be another action-packed year for Hollyoaks that will consolidate the show’s award-winning success."

    Last year, Emma was involved in one of the most hard-hitting storylines in the show's history, which saw her character Hanna suffering from eating disorders anorexia and bulimia. The climax to the plot featured UK soap's first anorexic death when Hannah's best friend Melissa Hurst (Carla Chases) suffered a heart attack due to her fragile condition.

    Emma finishes filming with the Chester-based soap in March and will remain on screen until June.

    At the end of last month, it was announced that Roxanne McKee was to leave the soap in December. Producer Bryan Kirkwood will vacate his office at around the same time, making way for his successor, the show's deputy producer Lucy Allan.

  8. Dom's outburst at Tina's burial. :o

    I understand where he was coming from though, it was funny to see how the McQueen girls reacted though.

    So glad Mercedes kicked the bitch out!

    LOL! Mercedes was f-ucking hilarious in Thursday's episode. I loved how she told off her grandmother and kicked her out. Also, in the beginning of the episode where Dom brought Myra Tina's favourite book to be buried with her:

    Michaela: You're gonna bury her favourite book, Dom?

    Mercedes (with her bitchy tone and stare towards Michaela): Well none of us are gonna read it, are we!?


    And I've never seen Carmel be so cold as she was towards Myra when she found Myra crying over that picture of Niall.

  9. http://ukpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5jg...Tdr3cmfwaFPqWvw

    Hollyoaks baddie returns to Chester

    1 hour ago

    If you thought you'd seen the last of Hollyoaks villain Niall Rafferty, guess again.

    The psychotic hairdresser will be appearing in the late night version of the Channel 4 soap at the end of November.

    While little is known about the storyline surrounding his return to Chester, it can be confirmed that Barry Sloane finished filming the scenes on location in Wales last month.

    "I can't say much about the plot, but I do come back for one final hurrah, as every villain does," he said.

    Speaking about his time on Hollyoaks, Barry said: "It's been an absolute joy to play the part (of Niall), you couldn't really fail with the storylines and I've been really lucky with them. Everyone here has been really cool, so it's been such a great experience."

    The news of his temporary return crowns an impressive year for Sloane, who picked up a nomination for Best Villain at this year's British Soap Awards.

  10. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/blog/scoop/

    'Late Night Hollyoaks' to get C4 run

    Good news for Late Night Hollyoaks - Channel 4 is to give the show a re-run slot the week after it airs on E4.

    The five one-hour episodes will initially transmit at 10pm between Monday, November 24 and Friday, November 28.

    The following week will then see Channel 4 broadcast a re-run for those who don't have the digital medium, in what is thought to be the same time slot. It could, however, appear at the slightly later time of 11pm.

    Check back next month for interviews with two cast members of Late Night Hollyoaks.

    While I remember, it's looking like 'Ma Fisher' will only be appearing in Late Night Hollyoaks, rather than the main show. However, I'm sure if DS forum members campaign adequately, we'll be seeing 'Ma Fisher' more regularly!

  11. The only time I ever felt anything for her was when Clare pressured her into aborting her baby and then when Clare went and told Calvin that Louise had gotten an abortion, just to piss him off and make him angry with Louise. :lol:

    Roxanne can't act to save her poor life, and she expects to make it big in Hollywood?

  12. NOOO!

    I love Roxanne McKee. She earned those awards for damn sure! With Louise gone, it lessens the chances even more of a Claire return :angry:

    She sucks and has sucked since she got there. Her acting hasn't improved one bit, I'm not sad to see her go.

    And Clare's problems are more with Warren than Louise...

    Now for Monday's episode. That Ravi twist came out of nowhere

    I think they want a bisexual character. Poor Nancy. :lol:

  13. http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/soaps/a133944/...ks-at-xmas.html

    McKee to leave 'Hollyoaks' at Xmas

    Tuesday, October 28 2008, 16:01 GMT

    By Kris Green, Soaps Editor

    Hollyoaks actress Roxanne McKee is to leave the Channel 4 soap after nearly three years as part of this year's dramatic Christmas storyline.

    December sees a web of secrets, lies and revenge being unraveled as McKee's character Louise Summers prepares for her wedding to fiancé Warren Fox (Jamie Lomas).

    However, beneath the tough, bitchy exterior lies a dark secret which is about to be outed. After discovering Warren's affair with best friend and bridesmaid Mandy (Sarah Jayne Dunn), Louise formulates a plan and acquires a gun. Will she target Mandy or Warren? Or will the plot resolve come to its head in an unsuspecting and twisted way?

    Speaking of her decision to quit, McKee said: "I have enjoyed my time at Hollyoaks immensely and I’m going to really miss everyone at Lime Pictures.

    "I have learned so much and will take away with me many happy memories - not just from everyone I have worked with but from Liverpool as a city too, which has become my second home. I know I will shed a few tears on the day I leave but I am so excited about what the future holds."

    Producer Bryan Kirkwood said: "As well as being the nation’s sexiest soap star for two years running, Roxanne has worked incredibly hard to prove herself as a talented actress. She has been at the centre of one of our biggest storylines for the past two years and her exit scenes will be a fitting climax."

    He added: "Roxanne is a real star in the making and I’m sure this won’t be the last that we hear of her.”

    The end of the year also sees the departure of producer Bryan Kirkwood after three years heading up the Lime Pictures production.

  14. http://www.whatsontv.co.uk/news/4280

    Roxanne McKee quits Hollyoaks

    Tuesday 28th October

    Hollyoaks Roxanne McKee has announced she will leave the soap in a gripping storyline at Christmas.

    A statement on the Hollyoaks website said: "The rumours have been rife for months now, but today we can confirm that Roxanne McKee will leave Hollyoaks in an explosive storyline that will climax this Christmas."

    Roxanne will play a key role in the plotline, which sees her character, Louise Summers, choosing whether to remain loyal to her love-interest, Warren, who murdered her estranged husband.

    Roxanne arrived on screens in February 2005 after she was discovered through 'Hollyoaks On The Pull' - a Channel 4 initiative to scout new talent.

    The 27-year-old actress, who was voted Sexiest Female at the last two consecutive British Soap Awards, has hinted that she hopes to try her luck in Hollywood.

    "I don't see why not. I think you should aim for the stars - and hopefully avoid ending up in the clouds," she told Look magazine in May 2008.

  15. I decided to watch another funeral (Mel and Sophie's) - boy, Brian Kirkwood sure loved killing off people. LOL

    That was a happy day for Clare and Mercedes. LOL! Clare and Mel hated one another, and of coruse Mel was going to expose Clare before she died. Mercedes hated Sophie and started that affair with Russ to hurt Sophie initially.

    I've found that Chris Fountain (Justin) is a great actor. It's too bad they haven't given him much since I started watching in late June. I'm guessing it's not his turn to be in front burner.

    He took some time off this year, I believe. He was front-burner all throughout 2006, 2007, and earlier this year.

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