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Posts posted by Y&RWorldTurner

  1. I think Lemay's complaint was that The City lacked a multi-generational aspect and there were too many characters in the same age group that had very little connection to one another on the surface, and I think he was right in that critique.

    His exact quote was:

    ABC asked me to watch THE CITY. I found it to be disastrous. It was all about the same kinds of people. Sixteen characters who are all alike. They didn't have a generational thing. Take "Hamlet." If you cut out the generational thing, you don't have a play. You have Hamlet and his buddies. The characters on THE CITY all lived in the same apartment house. Nobody lived alone with a mother, which would have made an interesting difference. It was all on a peer level. That is not how you write drama.

    I think the overall premise for The City would have worked better as a primetime soap than one in daytime, to be honest...

  2. http://www.heralddeparis.com/eastender-clements-leaves-soap/63109

    EastEnder Clements leaves soap

    By Wire News Sources on November 13, 2009

    EastEnders' Charlie Clements

    Charlie Clements - Bradley Branning in EastEnders - is to leave the soap next year, the BBC has confirmed.

    The 22-year-old, who made his first appearance on Albert Square in 2006, said it was "time to move on and take on some new roles".

    Best known for his short-lived marriage to Stacey Slater, property salesman Bradley has been promised "a big exit" by executive producer Diederick Santer.

    "Charlie has given us four years of fantastic performances," he said.

    "I know viewers will miss him hugely, just as all of us who have worked with him will miss him too."

    ‘Fantastic storylines’

    Clements, who appeared in The Bill prior to his EastEnders debut, said he would "always be grateful" to the BBC soap.

    "I have had the privilege of working with some wonderful people whilst being given some fantastic storylines," he continued.

    According to the Mirror, Branning will be briefly reunited with Stacey before his departure in February.

    Veteran actress Barbara Windsor - Peggy Mitchell in the long-running soap - will also be leaving EastEnders in 2010.

    Mr Santer is also set to step down next year as the show celebrates its 25th anniversary.

    This article is from the BBC News website. © British Broadcasting Corporation, The BBC is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.

  3. Yeah, maybe they'll be more comedic situations, but I think Kirkwood will still be doing mostly hard-hitting dramatic storylines. The comedy will probably be more apparent, yet very low key.

    I have faith he's smart enough to know that EastEnders isn't Hollyoaks or Corrie.

  4. Needs overhauling? Not according to the two people quoted by Sylph immediately above your post. Their comments jive with my feeling from reading the synopses that the show just needs some tweaking, not a big overhaul.

    I meant in the way stories are crafted, the types of stories being told, and in the the way they're executed, which seems to be a big problem with EE these days.

    Usually when a new producer comes in at one of the Brit soaps, there's always some overhauling though. I don't expect this transition to be any different, especially with Kirkwood.

  5. I wonder if Kirkwood will give EastEnders an immediate overhaul when he gets there, kind of like what he did at Hollyoaks. By the sounds of it, EastEnders could sure use some type of overhauling.

    I recall UK LAW's post regarding Kirkwood in the Hollyoaks thread:

    Bryan Kirkwood joined in January in 2006, but didn't jump straight in. He sat back and waited, though he did work with the previous Series Producer, David Hanson to steer the show to where he wanted it to be when he took over.

    Justin and Becca was the work of David Hanson and Previous EP Jo Hallows (who between them nearly destroyed the show in my view).

    The dates escape me, but the week that led up to the Twins Birthday/the reveal of Justin and Becca was Kirkwood's first set of episodes. I believe it was May or June 2006. The next few months that led to the explosion at the pub were what could be classed as a 'transition period' where characters came and left (Warren, The Valentines, McQueens, Kris, Zoe, Will, etc arrived. Olivia, Joe, the Twins, Sam Owen, Jez, etc left) and the stories shifted. The tone of the show also changed.

    According to Bryan Kirkwood, one of the first things he did was call a massive story conference, in which he and his storyliners (details might be sketchy, as I'm typing from memory, here) mapped out the show's stories for the next two years. (These included the explosion, Clare's terrorising of Max, Tom and O.B, Clare being pushed, JP and Craig, Hannah's anorexia, the continued McQueen sagas, Will and Zoe, etc).

    I'm sad to see Bryan Kirkwood leave, as he clearly has talent as a storyteller (Coronation had problems with their stories around the time he left, which wasn't helped by the fact Steve Frost was an inept producer, but that's another topic). If he is able to adapt his storytelling style, then he will go far. It's not likely going to happen, but imagine if he was given the pen to an American soap. He could be the 'new blood' some have been asking for.

    Imagine he and Bevan Lee (Home and Away) being allowed to write a soap in the U.S.

    Producers here can vary in role. Usually, they work with all areas of production and writing. They set the tone of the show. They are an amalgimation of the Head Writer and EP. They may not map the specifics, but the direction and outcome generally come from them. Each has their own strengths. For example, Diederick Santer's strengths lie in production (compare it to Edward Scott), whereas Bryan Kirkwood is a storyteller, so he is hands-on in that department.

  6. Bryan Kirkwood is coming to EastEnders in 2010, so for those of you who enjoyed his Hollyoaks and his recent installment of Later might want to give EastEnders a try next year, if you haven't already...


    Former Hollyoaks producer Bryan Kirkwood is to take the helm at the BBC's flagship soap EastEnders after Diederick Santer steps down following the show's 25th anniversary.

    Since taking over in October 2006, Santer has pioneered EastEnders through some of its most powerful and controversial storylines of recent years, including the Tony/Whitney paedophile plot, Danielle's death and Stacey's bipolar.

    From February 20, Santer will relinquish his role to ex-Hollyoaks producer Bryan Kirkwood, who helmed the Channel 4 teen soap for three years before stepping aside to make way for successor Lucy Allan.

    Kirkwood said of his new position: "I'm a huge soap fan so for me to be the new executive producer of EastEnders is a dream come true. Diederick Santer has done an amazing job and I'll be taking over a show at the top of its game - quite a daunting task but one I can't wait to get started on."

    Kirkwood headed up production of E4's late-night Hollyoaks offering Later, which featured soapland's first parachute death and a cameo performance by Welsh songstress Bonnie Tyler.

  7. http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/showtracker/2009/09/ratings-quick-hit-the-vampire-diaries-sinks-teeth-into-the-cws-biggest-premiere-audience-ever.html

    Ratings quick hit: 'The Vampire Diaries' sinks teeth into the CW's biggest premiere audience ever

    "The Vampire Diaries," the CW's other priority launch this fall, was watched by more people than any other debut in the network's history.

    Thursday's 8 p.m. premiere delivered 4.84 million viewers and a 2.1 overnight rating among adults 18 to 49. That tops the series launch of "90210," which was the previous record-holder (4.67 million in September 2008.)

    [updated at 1:59 p.m. Final numbers are in. The premiere was watched by a total 4.91 million viewers, up a tick from overnight estimates.]

    Numbers are especially good for the CW, which gave big promotional pushes to "Vampire" and the reboot of "Melrose Place." The latter drew just 2.3 million to its Tuesday opener.

    Among the target female audience, "Vampire" scored a 3.0 rating/10 share in women 18 to 34 (second only to football in the time period) and a 2.8/8 in women 18 to 49.

    -- Denise Martin

  8. Oh wow, so I was listening to this music programme on the BBC. Anyway, they talked about this 16 year old from Brazil that committed suicide in 2006.

    He went by the name "Yonlu" online.

    He wrote a lot of songs and many of them were so mature and beyond his years. So much angst, despair, insecurity, and loneliness in these songs. Sometimes he would try to disguise them with upbeat productions, but they were so telling of the state he was in when he was living.

    Anyway, this kid posted on tons of boards on line. He even chronicled his suicide on a group on Usenet. Before he committed suicide, he created a thread on a music site where he posted a lot his songs, each song came with some depressing post about how he wanted to end his life, at the time, most took it as sarcasm or looked over it, but this kid was so damn talented in both his songs and photography.

    Here's one of his songs tiled "Humiliation."


    Apparently, he wrote it about a girl he was in loved with that didn't like him much. His songs were recorded on Cool Edit Pro, so of course they're a bit rough.

    I liked the melody and lyrics in the song, I was impresses, since it was made by a then suicidal 16 year old.

    Here's another song, "I Know What It's Like": http://home.no/yonnerz/ikwil.mp3

    Tragic stories like this always get to me, especially when they're about young people who were possessed so much talent, yet felt insecure and didn't live to see their potential realized.

  9. For anyone wondering what song was played during Justin and Russ's final scene, it's Got A Suitcase, Got Regrets by Tom McRae...

    " type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344">

  10. Thursday's episode, I liked Nancy, Hannah, and Sarah. I like the friendship they have, and how when one of them are at their lowest, the other two are always there in the end to help their friend.

    Friday's episode, I CANNOT BELIEVE they


    Clare! They brought her back to


    her? I love how she told Sasha and Calvin at the end, "I'll be back!" :lol:

    I can understand it though, Clare committed too many crimes and harmed too many people for her to ever be a functional character in society ever again. But I just wished they had just left that red shoe scene alone and never had her come back for Friday's episode.

    Oh, and I can't stand Jacqui, Dom told her exactly what she deserved to hear.

    And poor Anita, being conned by Lauren, Newt, and Theresa again.

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