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Posts posted by Y&RWorldTurner

  1. Ryan Malloy/Neil McDermott is a hot piece of ass...

    I hate Billy, but I really like Whitney and I hope they intend to pair her with someone else or explore other story options with her.

    LOL! at Janine using Morgan to get rent money. I love Janine, despite the havoc she always causes for herself.

    Roxy whoring her salon was funny too.

    God, I love the obviously homosexual Ben.

    Phil (holding the Hairspray soundtrack CD): Are you sure you wanna keep this?

    Ben: Yeah! ::nodding::.

    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    Becca is weird as hell for waning to "raise" Stacey's baby with her.

    Oh no, don't tell me Kylie is gonna shoot poor Whitney! :(

  2. Ugh, Billie Jackson and that whole ghetto teen crew just ruin everything. I had to laugh at their little fake stick up at The Queen Vic. I hope most of these characters are written out soon, they're just horrible to watch.

    Devon Anderson is just a rotten actor. He was not very effective in those kitchen scenes with Max, Jack, and Carol in today's episode.

    Billy Mitchell asking Carol out on a date. :lol:

    You know, despite the horrible set of characters she's involved with, I actually kind of like Whitney and the actress that plays her. Something about her seems very sympathetic.

    Poor Shirley degrading herself just to win points with Phil and so that he can get Louise back from Social Services.

    Jean is seriously disturbing to me.

    Adam, Libby, and Darren's love triangle = Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

  3. Marquess did a good job of establishing new families at past soaps, so here's hoping it will be the same here.

    This one stands out though. Too often we just see interracial couples on soaps or interracial children/characters with parents that aren't together. It seems like this is a fully developed interracial family, with a black matriarch and a white patriarch and children. This is a good start, but of course, a good story has to be there.

  4. The same thing that made Little Mo unbearable to watch during her ladder years is the same thing making Stacey unbearable now. The constant victimization, and the constant succession of havoc being reeked on their lives. Only with Stacey, she seems a lot less sympathetic and a lot more stupid. Lacey really keeps the character grounded though, if the role were played by a lesser actress, I can only imagine how much more unwatchable the character would be.

    LOL at Charlie trying to beat up Alfie.


  5. Hard to imagine she went to fashion school dressed like THAT. LOL!

    So, I assume Kat and Alfie's return will be Kirkwood's first major storyline of his own. I hear we should be seeing them back by September.

    I really loved their exit during Christmas, when Alfie came back for Kat. So fitting for those characters and so heart warming.

    I really hope their return isn't a bust. Kat, when she's written for properly, has always been one of my favourite EastEnders characters.

    Remember when Stacey was supporting to all the other Slater women? Now she practically is the lead female character on the show. LOL!

  6. Maybe Kirkwood will invest more in them when he takes over. He is openly gay and has a thing for gay stories, of course.

    But if he thinks what's going now is successful enough, things won't improve for the character. Very little criticism seems to have formed against this story in the press.

  7. I wish they'd get rid of Christian. I've never seen anything interesting with him or with his relationship with Syed.

    Unless Kirkwood has upcoming plans for them and will develop them more properly, they should just cut their losses already. It's strange that they've seemed to develop quite a fanbase though.

  8. Ummm..was this on TV?? I missed it and what about the men's competition??

    It was on the Universal Sports Channel, I don't know if they carry that channel in your area. It seems pretty obscure for most people in the US.

    Daisuke Takahashi of Japan won on the men's side, he won Bronze at the Olympics. Patrick Chen of Canada was in second, and Brian Joubert of France was third.

  9. Mao Asada KICKED ASS!

    Her free skate was phenomenal, and she beat Yu-Na by almost 7 points. Though, I was surprised Yu-Na got an extra point over Mao in the free skate scores. Yu-Na didn't seem to come prepared after her Olympic victory.

    Mirai Nagasu, sadly, just had a total breakdown. She's still young though and this was her first Worlds.

    Anyway, Mao Asada definitely came prepared. She was both artistic and athletic. No one else came close in the free skate. Glad she won.

    Yu-Na's skating just seemed so lifeless after her Olympic win. I wouldn't be surprised if she retires soon, she already has an Olympic Gold, and most Gold Medal Olympic winners usually retire and don't defend their win at the next Olympics.


  10. Moving on to this weeks eps: I was a bit disappointed in Lucy having a termination. I just really wanted her to have the baby and give it to Jane. I am glad Ian didn't coerce Lucy into it, but I wonder if he had properly talked to her, easing her fears, would she have still gone through with it? And I get why Ian lied to Jane, but when the truth comes out, it'll break her in two.

    I felt sorry for Jane, but she was also becoming one of those baby-obsessed soap women with her constant pestering of Lucy and the damn baby book she was always going on about, I'm almost glad Lucy decided on an abortion. Maybe Jane will discover an unattended baby on her doorstep one day. LOL!

    Such a tragic story, and probably the only compelling one right now (IMO). Also loved the scene with Peter and Lucy - I think that was the first time they felt like proper twins. More of this would be good.

    Yeah, it's probably the only story with some type of human value to it at the moment.

    I loved that Peter and Lucy scene too, and I agree, they really felt like twins there. I like the Beale twins, probably two of the only teens on the show I can properly stomach right now.

    I hope Peter and Lauren get back together, as I liked them and liked Lauren too.

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